marionjabbs · 12 hours
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marionjabbs · 12 hours
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Space & Time
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marionjabbs · 2 days
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marionjabbs · 2 days
someone needs to give river/thirteen/yaz the anne hathaway twelfth night treatment STAT
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marionjabbs · 3 days
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Doctor Who | Rogue Pride & Prejudice | 2005
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marionjabbs · 4 days
The doctor: just try not to get engaged
The doctor: *gets engaged*
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marionjabbs · 4 days
fifteen x rogue is tbh honestly the first time i gave a shit about romance on doccywho since my prepubescent heart died screaming over ten x rose and it's all ncuti. it is aaaallll ncuti. that acting, man!!!!!!!! i thought i was immune to melting. i am typing this while pooled on the floor it turns out
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marionjabbs · 7 days
goddd the episode's premise does such a good job of setting up potential "justifications" for lindy's micro-agressions.
she immediately blocks the doctor? well, he wasn't on her friends list, of course she would! she's shocked that the doctor is in the same room as ruby? of course she would be, everyone here communicates through the bubble, not face-to-face!
her racism ISNT subtle, the episode just guides you (ESPECIALLY if youre white) to overlook it up until the reveal at the end! it SHOULDNT be a surprise, but for some people watching, it IS, because theyve been unknowingly making excuses for her the entire time!
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marionjabbs · 7 days
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The sitterrrr
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marionjabbs · 7 days
RIP William Russell
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Back in 2015 I had the opportunity to meet William Russell at a convention. When it was my turn I presented him with my copy of the novelisation of “The Sensorites.” As he held it he said “Now, what’s this? Ah! The Sensorites! Very good!” He then proceeded to ask me how to spell my name but he accidentally added a Y to the end. “Oh I’ve ruined it!” he exclaimed. I assured him that he had very much not ruined it. I have this cherished memory of a lovely man. We will miss you.
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marionjabbs · 7 days
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plany of time……
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marionjabbs · 7 days
RIP William Russell; saw the news earlier today but only had time to come on the internet now.
Ian is arguably one of the most important characters in all of the history of DW. The Doctor only is how we know they are today - extremely empathetic, doing everything they can to help people (very blatantly seen in last week's episode) and having a love for humanity because Ian and Barbara taught them that all those years ago. I've been watching the very first season of Classic Who recently and the difference between the Doctor we know today and how the Doctor was in the first few episodes is so glaring. 1 sees humanity as lower beings, and he doesn't really mind putting people in danger if it serves his own self-interest (...he also tried to kill a caveman with a rock, so there's that). He only begins to change and develop empathy for humanity because of Ian and Barbara. At the end, they're the ones who end up making helping people his life mission. The original TARDIS team also shaped and inspired companions for decades to come, and the show itself is the way it is because of them.
So yeah, this 60's teacher who worried about one of his most brilliant students enough to follow her and find out if everything was ok at home even when it wasn't required, who was one of the first humans to ever step into the TARDIS (and ended up getting kidnapped lmfao), who got into silly little arguments with the Doctor but truly grew fond of him in the end, who was always very brave and did his best to keep everyone safe, and who, in after all, was just an average person, ended up having some of the biggest impact in the entire Doctor Who lore, and in the show itself.
so yeah everyone thank him (and Barbara) and the actor who played him. rest in peace William Russell. you truly did a lot for this show.
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marionjabbs · 11 days
every red flag about lindy is so obvious in retrospect but in White Land tm it's the kind of thing that you would expect of a stupid helpless privileged girl, not foremost because she's racist but because of all the other things she is
the way this episode turns a blind spot into a beacon is stunning
when lindy blocks the doctor immediately we don't know there are no black people here yet. if a strange man contacted me out of the blue i probably would be more hesitant to trust him than, say, a girl my age doing the same
and it's that, but it's also the racism. you can't separate out the racism.
when lindy begs the police to come save her it's almost too on the nose but at the same time it's the kind of thing a scared child would do
and it's that, and it's also the racism.
it's the way this hyperfuturistic society has modelled itself on The Good Old Days, the way lindy does microaggressions boomer style, and that lends a veneer of ignorance, of innocence. i give my mother the benefit of the doubt when she says something with an awkward racial bias because i trust that she simply doesn't know better.
on a metatextual level the episode is saying "at this point, not knowing better is a choice". and i think it is saying that to the white audience, and it is saying that to the white-dominated media industry. i think RTD wrote this episode as well as he could have, from within that white bubble. to me, this is a 10/10 episode.
this is so insane because like... the little things that just felt off, but i didn't think about for long because it was just a moment in the story and the story keeps moving...
when lindy immediately blocked the doctor but spoke to ruby
the way the "pioneers" spoke about fighting and taming the "wild woods", just like their ancestors (and i'm sorry but in classic who this kind of statement would NOT complicate a protagonist figure at all)
these turned out to go right to the core. they didn't have to spell it out. it was so clear the moment i realised, the moment i saw the way lindy looked at the doctor in person - oh my god, theyre all white.
and the dot "learned to hate them" (big hmmm)
these aren't metatextual criticisms anymore. they ARE the text.
i want to say i am proud of this show for getting to this point. and i would argue the point was made effectively, even elegantly. but that's coming from me, a white person, talking about a script written by RTD, another white person. it felt like it spoke to ME. it felt like it spoke to ITSELF (the show, rug-pulling itself, setting itself apart from its own racist history and a certain large subset of science fiction)
there is a lot to unpack in the real world, even just within the production of this show, about diversity and whose voices get heard and the material reality of it all. i will be listening because i am sure people will have a lot to say.
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marionjabbs · 11 days
Absolutely adore how awful of a person Lindy is btw.
The way she started off so peppy and "teehee so lovely 🤭🥰". Only to, when it got down to the wire, kill the person who risked his life to save her. Despite the fact that by all accounts he "deserved" to live more.
Because if Ricky had survived he might have convinced the others to follow the Doctor. Or he would have at least been instrumental in keeping the others alive.
Its entirely possible they could have both survived even, if with difficulty and great risk. But Lindy was not brave or proactive or altruistic when it came down to it. She chose guaranteed survival.
The way she started awful and stayed awful. No redemption no lessons learned. Not to mention completely aware of how horrific what she did to survive was. hiding it to the end.
The Doctor can't choose who survives or what they do with their survival, truly
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marionjabbs · 11 days
what i think REALLY works about dot and bubble is it plays with the genre conventions of doctor who itself. We've seen doctor lite episodes like this, we know how they work. There's person who needs to be saved who gets indirect help from the doctor, maybe they're flawed and learn a lesson at the end, maybe they're part of some flawed society that is just kind of set dressing or ends up being torn down at the end without examination. About halfway through the episode I was ready to brush this off as a fun but predictable classic rtd ep that wasn't really anything special. Then from the the betrayal of ricky September on its like watching a house of cards that has been built the entire episode without us noticing collapse into a perfect stack
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marionjabbs · 11 days
The Doctor and Ruby being in the same room during all those calls was so funny actually.
Like they did not have to pretend to be in different rooms
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marionjabbs · 11 days
While the extent to which dot and bubble handled its racism themes well is something I cant comment on due to the fact my skin tone is approximately the same as a sickly raw chicken, I do think it was a ballsy ass move that I do really like to have the Episode Where We Confront The Doctor Is BlackTM be set in the future rather than the past.
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