scorpios aren’t known for indulging in their vulnerabilities. they hide their scars and cover their weak spots with profound defense mechanisms. scorpios drink from the nectar of sacred wisdom, emulsified from unconscious guidance and psychic activity. scorpios don’t scare. but they can scare themselves with their infinite depth and time in the shadows. the individual could withdraw from the world completely and never speak to a soul again. its in their nature. but something in the scorpio longs for astral connection, and for this life’s conquest includes finding a soul that vibrates to their frequency of their own so they can ascend into shared divine dance. to do this, they must learn to reveal their weak spots so soul light can be poured through the wound
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I want both
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New York City Print  /  Georgia Print  |  ZodiacCity Shop
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This series, called Adulthood, was made for my capstone workshop class and it’s basically a snarky look inside my mind and how I feel about being an “adult”
(PS: if you scan the QR code on the wine bottle it will take you to a personal favorite piece of High Art)
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Word. No disrespect to my trans sisters, but it is a pain that I'm jealous of y'all for not having. You guys get to be all fierce and shit 24/7....but when my time of the month comes I turn into a potato...a bitchy irritable potato
Actually, as a trans woman, I do wish I could get periods.
Because that would mean I had a functioning uterus and could give birth.
And it really bothers me that that’s not a possibility.
So every time I see one of those “PERIODS ARE A UNIQUELY FEMALE THING THAT YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND AND YOU SHOULD BE GLAD YOU DON’T GET THEM” posts, it not only triggers my dysphoria, but it reminds me of how so many cis women revoke our identities when it’s convenient for them.
I’m not trying to tell anyone not to talk about their bodies; just… be aware of how you’re framing this stuff, okay? Please?
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I'm in half
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I’m pretty much in all of them 😉
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“Scorpio motto”
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The "Kawaii in the streets, Senpai in the sheets" squad
Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius
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Ohhhhhhhh burn
What did God say when he made the first niggers? Oops! Burnt another one! -keeponrollinunderthestars(.)tumblr(.)com
What did God say when he made the first Caucasian?
Trick question. He didn’t make them because White (Caucasian) Race is derived from Dravidian Albinos so your entire race is actually just the result of a series of mutated genes that was never supposed to exist in the first place. 
Your race is the human equivalent of Cancer and you have the audacity to talk shit about POC, the people YOU came from?
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You’ve got to see the high quality horoscope and astrology info at iFate…
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Everyone needs John Cena in a tutu on their blog.
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Zodiac Leo Men. For more interesting facts on the zodiac signs, click here.
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Sun in Scorpio
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Buck Showalter, manager of the Baltimore Orioles, on race [x]
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there is no middle ground with a scorpio - they are deeply, passionately in love or they don’t want to know you. this can be maddening to their partners because one minute they are detached, mysterious and ego-centric, and then ever shift into commitment, nauseating romance, and generosity
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dont know who hacked my shit...but im back baby.....
Scorpio’s are full of passion and zest for life. They have tremendous drive that can involve you too. Tune in to their wavelength and you can enjoy the harmony and music of life with them. Scorpio’s are loyal and never forget a kind deed done by you. If you want to enjoy life with your Scorpio lover, share their passion and intensity and you will be fascinated by how beautiful life can be with them.
Scorpio’s are very passionate and intense but they are also fiercely possessive and would like to possess your mind, body and soul. Do not let seeds of jealousy grow in them because then you may have to suffer agonies of jealousy and discontentment in life. Scorpio’s have explosive tempers be careful how you handle them. They never let anyone know what is going on in their mind till they strike and you may be caught unaware. Do not flirt around in the presence of your Scorpio lover.  
[Source: http://www.dimension1111.com/astrology-humor.html#zodiacdosanddonts]
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Re:”blowjob-proof” makeup
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