maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Teen Titans - Day 9 - Maribat March 2021
Just a headcanon list for today. This is an old idea i had based on the Teen Titans: The Judas Contract movie. Angst ahead.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Jinxed Bug
I had a craving for Jinx x Marinette…so I decided to write some for Maribat March Day 9: Teen Titans
Tag: @maribatmarch-2k21 @theatreandcomicfreak @daminette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh @startouchedqueen1318
Marinette has always believed she’s seen everything, after all, she had been fighting akumas since she was 13. She’s seen bizarre for the past 3 years, lived with it, Marinette believing she was prepared for anything thrown her way because of them… and yet, she wasn’t prepared to meet her. 
It had been another late night of patrol, Ladybug covering her sector of Paris, having just gotten off the comms with her team when she saw something move in the corner of her eye. 
She quickly changed her suit to stealth mode as she began to shadow the person running in the shadows. 
Ladybug kept her eyes on the figure who’s pink hair peaked from under her hood, platform boots barely making a squeak as the figure easily made their way towards the roof, using window ledges and pipes to get there.
Ladybug watched from her spot on the other building to see the figure’s next move, watching as gleaming pink eyes stared right at her. 
She knew.
She knew she was being followed.
Just as Ladybug was about to call for backup, pink light came from behind her, Ladybug letting out a scream when the chimney behind her started to collapse.
Rolling herself out of danger, Ladybug was about to run off when her foot stepped into a glowing pink square on the ground, Ladybug meeting the floor with a loud ‘oof.’
She felt as she was flipped over, her wrists placed on either side of her head, Ladybug feeling heat rise to her face when she saw how close her assailant’s face was to her’s. If Mari were to compare her eyes to anything in the world, it would be rubellites.
They were such a gorgeous and intense pink, Marinette wondered what secrets they held.
“I knew it.” The figure whispered, snapping Mari from her thoughts. Ladybug watched as they leaned back, letting go of her wrists. Taking off her hood, a single thing ran through Mari’s mind as she watched the girl in front of her fix her twin buns and long hair.
Oh god she’s pretty.
Ladybug slowly sat up, the girl in front of her placing a hand on her hip. “For being a hero, you sure are clumsy, Ladybug.”
“Maybe I just fell for you.” Marinette mentally slapped herself as she felt her cheeks burn again, also cursing Chat for rubbing off her. But it was worth it when Jinx let out a giggle and sigh.
“Jinx,” Jinx introduced herself, smiling at Ladybug. 
Police sirens were heard in the distance, the red and blue lights glowing within the sea of lights under them. “Seems like that’s our cue.” Jinx said, watching as an akuma appeared out of nowhere. 
“Our?” Ladybug barely registering Bee’s alert for backup.
“Oh! How did I forget?” Jinx whipped out a communicator, a ‘T’ on it. “Jinx, honorary Teen Titan and enchanting sorceress. And before you ask, yes, I’m part of the team that’s going to help you with the Hawkmoth issue.”
“That’s…that’s- wow. I didn’t think you guys would come this fast to Paris.” Ladybug admitted.
“We can talk about this later.” Jinx redirected their attention to the rampaging akuma. “Now come on!” Jinx grabbed Ladybug’s hand, guiding her as they jumped from building to building. “We have an akuma to fight.”
Marinette felt as her heart kept threatening to jump out of her chest, soaking in the moment.
She just met her and had already fallen in love with Jinx…guess there was a first for everything, wasn’t there?
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
in the corner of the eyes
Three times Marinette sees a boy who should be dead and the one time she finally meets him.
For Maribat March 2021 Day 12 - Second Chance
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Day 9: Teen titans
“The plan is to infiltrate the Teen titans tower and find top secret file Parallax”
“Do you think she’s ready?”
“I have faith she can do it. If not, she won’t be going home anytime soon.”
“LB! Suit up”
The Teen Titans tower was bigger than she imagined. The kitchen was bigger than her room in the H.I.V.E. hideout! But she had to stay on task. Find file Parallax and get back without dying. Simple enough.
Using Kalki’s portals was easy but searching for the document room without getting caught? That’s another problem.
“My tracker says...but this is just a wall?”
Her ladybug instincts gave her a heads up. If she removed the floorboard she could hack into the ‘wall’ or as one who knew what it really was called: a secret door.
They really need to work on their hiding skills.
Before she knew it a metal pole swung at her head
“Who are you?”
She only sighed in response while trying to get up, her lower lip started to bleed
“Answer Robin? Who are you?” The girl who looked like Starfire spoke and aimed her glowing hands toward her.
“I’m nobody.”
Starfire’s hand glowed more and shot the wall behind her, a warning huh?
“Nice you're so persistent. I’ll tell you. I’m operating Ladybug.’
She opened a portal to the file cordor and stepped through. Now that she was in, she just had to find Parallax. She hung from the ceiling and aimed to drop down every section.
“You’re not supposed to be in here”
Marinette landed on her back, with a slight concussion to her head probably.
“The frick... guess I should’ve expected that from you Raven.”
The main door opened and the rest of the Titans arrived
“Surrender now Ladybug”
“I don’t really prefer to be called that but-”
Beastboy turned into a bear and pinned her down.
“So whatcha doing here anyway Not-Ladybug” Beast boy questioned in his high pitched voice.
Keeping eye contact with him, she looped her yoyo around his front paw and yanked it. The boy landed on his back and transformed.
“Look, I just want to go home so let me get File Parallax and I’ll be gone.”
“And your home would be the H.I.V.E. academy I presume?”
She adjusted to a fighting position ready for the next to strike.
“More or less. I would prefer to get back to my real home. Playing with birds isn’t my thing”
Robin’s eyes narrowed “What? Do you mean-”
Ladybug spotted the file that she needed. It was right above the team, she could swing her yoyo up there, grab the file, and open a portal before they could catch her.
The Titans were a tricky bunch but she was still able to make it possible.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Fairest of the Fair
Read Fairest of the Fair on AO3
Written for Maribat March Day 9 - Teen Titans
“We’ve got five hours until the fair closes. That’s five hours of funnel cake, Ferris wheels, and rigged carnival games,” announced Dick as they stepped out of the car in the parking lot of the Jump City Fair. It was a tradition for the Teen Titan team to visit the fair every year. At first, it had been an effort to humanize them to the citizens of Jump City, to show that they were more than just superheroes. Now, the reason that the team went every year was simply that it was fun.
“I can’t wait to try everything.” Marinette had been looking forward to the Jump City Fair all summer. It was her very first American fair, and Gar had promised that he would show her around, giving her the full fair experience.
“C'mon, I smell funnel cake.” Gar grabbed Marinette’s hand as they ran through the crowds.
Marinette laughed. “I was coming with you, you don’t need to pull me along.”
Gar let go of her hand and pouted. “We need to get there faster. Just think of all the funnel cake we’re missing out on while we’re standing around talking.”
“We can still hurry. I just don’t want to run into anyone.” Marinette giggled as she followed Gar through the crowd. He wove in between the crowds of people like an expert, scampering right through the chaos of the fair crowds without disturbing a single person. Marinette found it a little more difficult - she was much less nimble than Gar, but every time she fell behind he waited for her to catch up.
“I followed the smell of funnel cake right to its source and here we are.” Gar stopped in front of a food stand proclaiming itself to be All-American Funnel Cake. “This is the best cuisine America has to offer.”
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
I’ll Be By Your Side
daminette reverse love square (kinda?) headcanon
maribat march day 2 - first time
when they first met on the streets of gotham, marinette decked him
haha whoops
damian developed a ‘crush’ (according to his brothers and jon) on her not long afterwards
not long after robin and marinette first met, ladybug started working with the bats
but they never reveled identities
ladybug enjoyed working with a larger team, especially now that she wasn’t the one in charge
the stress and weight that constantly hovered over her shoulders in paris was gone
on patrol she was almost always paired with robin
(she was a new person they didn’t quite trust and damian would be the least likely to let his guard down. also they were around the same age so maybe they could be friends???)
wishful thinking dick
it worked (kinda)
robin refuses to admit they were friends but became really protective of her
she reminded him of marinette
ladybug treated him differently than the other heroes did
she didn’t treat him like a lose canon, a killer
she never reminded him to hold back
for some reason he never had to hold back around her, just being in her presence calmed him down
the underlying urge to kill that had followed him around since early childhood started to slowly fade
at first only when he was around her but he eventually started to notice that even when he was without her he no longer felt the bloodlust
he felt more like himself
he always hated when she got hurt and would be grumpy and rude for weeks afterwards
he’s bad at feelings ok
but he definitely doesn’t think of her romantically
not on a conscious level
that’s reserved for marinette
at some point ladybug started having feelings for robin
blunt? protective? would always catch her if she fell?
check, check, and check
this was way worse than her crush on adrien because she actually interacted with him
she also refused to admit her feelings for damian
she wasn’t about to endanger a civilian
damian had the opposite state of mind
he wouldn’t allow himself to have feelings for another vigilante
he couldn’t let his feelings get in the way of his work
also he didn’t want to risk losing her but shhh
shenanigans ensue
it’s literally just reverse(?) lovesquare but daminette
they’re idiots okay
damian tries to ask her on a date one day but he’s Very Bad at that type of stuff and asks too bluntly and marinette thinks he means as friends
if marinette knew that she was becoming as oblivious as adrien during their middle school years she would absolutely l o s e i t
somehow adrien and jon end up coming with them
they go ice skating
✨ p a r a l l e l s ✨
when adrien and damian seperate from the others to go buy tickets adrien confronts him
“i know you like her. let me give you some advice”
“i don’t need advice”
he definitely does
“let me tell you something she told me when i had ... similar struggles. always catch her when she falls.”
the entire time they’re on the ice both marinette and damian are blushing like mad because marinette is clumsy, damnit and damian won’t let her fall
one time he slips and they both fall over but damian makes sure she lands on top of him
if he holds onto her a little longer than necessary no one says anything
besides adrien and jon at least
the entire time marinette is forcing herself not to Catch Feelings because she will not allow herself to put this man in anymore danger
she knows vaguely of his past and knows that he’s been through more than his fair share of Shit and she Will Not be adding on to it Thank You Very Much
at the end of the night adrien and jon exchange numbers
only to talk shit about how stupid marinette and damian are for not Just Getting Together. definitely not for any other reason. nope
damian doesn’t start recognizing his feelings for ladybug until a few weeks later
the joker, the riddler, and the league of assassins are working on something together (somehow they’re getting along)
of course the whole plan starts to fall apart at some point because joker doesn’t take orders from anyone damnit
“i have a reputation to uphold!”
not even this Very Scary assassin lady who offered him batman on a silver platter and a perfect escape
somehow in the chaos (where’s plagg when you need him), ladybug and robin get seperated from the rest of the group
a combination of assassins and jokers thugs surround them
they’re definitely outnumbered
“grab the girl. she’s the one we need”
the assassins move to grab her but jokers thugs have other plans
while the league of assassins goal is to retrieve the Grand GuardianTM , jokers thugs want to cause batman the most pain
at any cost
they move to shoot robin
ladybug dives to tackle both of them to the ground and out of the way of the bullets
but she’s a little to slow
the assassins and jokers thugs get into some kind of argument and start shooting at each other and robin and ladybug use it as a means of escape
“are you okay?”
robins frantic
he knows she got shot but she’s not making much noise and he doesn’t see any blood
“i’m fine. the suits bulletproof and any damage from the impact will be taken care of when i cast the cure”
“wtf is the cure”
“uhhhhhh, right. i didn’t tell you guys about that. i kinda got magical powers”
side note: marinette hasn’t used lucky charm/miraculous cure at all while in gotham because-
A — she knows that batman and metas/magic users don’t Get Along
B — it’s especially draining to use her powers in gotham because of the extreme amount of negative energy that resides there (which is the reason she came in the first place. Grand Gaurdian Business TM)
and C — she can’t bring anyone back to life unless their death was a result of miraculous magic (or anything stemming from that). which means that it wouldn’t work in gotham.
“you’re meta?”
“not quite”
she calls for her lucky charm
a pair of ice skates
“don’t question it”
she leans on him until they catch up to the rest of the group
they’re all stuck inside some abandoned building (courtesy of the riddler)
the riddlers joined this mess for Fun, for some reason
also he just likes causing problems
they figure out that there’s a key attacked to the top of the roof but no way to reach it
there’s no support beams on the roof to grapple/yo-yo up to and any attempt to climb the wall would set off some type of trap/alarm
ladybug detaches one of the blades from her spotted ice-skates and slides it into the split of her yo-yo
“how is that physically possible”
“don’t question it”
she slings her yo-yo up and cuts the tape holding the keys to the ceiling
ladybug calls for her miraculous cure and the everyone’s injuries are healed
but ladybug looks even more exalted than before
her earrings begin to beep
now that she’s 18 her (now 10 minute) countdown only begins once she’s cast the cure
there’s a crash from behind them as they begin to leave
it’s talia
of course it talia
“give me the girl and this won’t have to get ugly”
robin steps in front of her
“not a chance”
they all fight it out
Group Therapy!!! :)
at some point a group of assassins join them
one of them aims for robin and ladybug jumps to intervene and gets hit on the head
she’s knocked out
when she wakes up a few minutes later robins hovering over her
“are you okay? how many fingers am i holding up? can you see clearly? is the light too bright?”
she sits up
“i’m fine”
“you were hit over the head hard enough to pass out you are most definitely not ‘fine.’ you likely have a concusion. at least you are able to talk and sit up so that’s a good sign.”
the bats were able to handle the league while she was out
her earrings beep again
“i have to go. i’ll meet you at our normal spot when it’s time for patrol tomorrow”
“i’m fine. i promise”
“i’ll hold you too that”
she blushes
“of course you will”
nightwing looks baffled when he sees her swing away
“you’re just going to let her go? what if she’s more injured than we thought? we should have at least had agent a take a look at her”
“and he will. tomorrow. i think she needs a moment to herself before she sees us again. i’ll explain when we get home”
he zips off into the night
“can they stop doing that?!!”
damian definitely isn’t freaking out that night when ladybug doesn’t respond to any of the messages he sends her
he knows that what he feels for her goes beyond friendship but won’t admit that it’s in any way romantic
because he only has romantic feelings for marinette and if he likes marinette than he can’t like anyone else
because he’s loyal damnit
she shows up to patrol the next day and apologizes to everyone and tells them about paris and the reason she’s in gotham now
“around 100 years ago, through events that are unclear to me, the universe was set into imbalance, and though it’s rectified now, Earth is still dealing with the repercussions. gotham was one of the places that was hit the hardest.”
“what do you mean?”
“don’t you feel the imbalance in the air? the destructive nature of the city and the negative energy that attaches itself to anyone who passes through? i represent creation and good luck. if anyone can help this city it’s me.”
adrien had traveled to a small city in china that had the opposite problem. but it’s much easier to destroy and create negative energy than the opposite and he finished his travels long before marinette
this only made damian fall for her harder
not that he was ready to admit that
“that’s very noble of you”
“it’s my duty”
he definitely didn’t relate to that
more love square shenanigans ensue
ladybug starts creating things for the batfam (but especially for robin)
damian starts bringing marinette coffees and pastries before walking her to her first class of the evening (she refused to take morning classes. she was an adult now damnit she was going to be in charge of her own schedule)
ladybug keeps putting herself in danger in order to protect robin
“at the end of the day i have the highest chance of survival if i get hit. my suit is more durable than yours-”
“don’t think i haven’t noticed how this city is affecting you! everytime you use the cure it takes up more and more energy. while your suit used to be completely bulletproof it now only fully protects your chest! the cure doesn’t work completely anymore! i know you go home with bruises we can’t see! how long until it’s more than bruises that remain? how long until your suit doesn’t protect you anymore? how long are you going to keep throwing yourself in danger in order to protect me?”
“as long as it takes, robin. i’ve had to stand by and watch my team die far too many times and i refuse to let that happen to you. this time i can’t bring anyone back. i cant let you get hurt. you’re too important for that”
damian introduces marinette to his family
jason and marinette get on like a wildfire
he teaches her how to shoot a gun
“todd if she comes back injured there’s going to be hell to pay”
“relax kid, she’ll be fine. i’ll teach her the proper stances and we’ll use headphones”
“make sure you do”
“mAke sURe yOu dO”
“i heard that”
on her way home one evening robin saves marinette from being jumped by a rowdy group of drunk men
not that she couldn’t have saved herself but he didn’t know that
after he tied them up robin takes marinette in his arms and brings her to the safety of a nearby roof to wait for the police
marinettes brain goes blank
it’s robin it’s robin it’s robin it’s robinitsrobinitsr
“so... you come here often”
damnit marinette! how did you say the Worst Possible Thing
“you could say that”
cue the most awkward conversation of their lives
suddenly marinette clams up like she used to when talking to adrien
she’s talking to r o b i n and she’s not ladybug right now
there’s no mask to give her confidence (and an escape)
just plain, old, boring marinette
and robins panicking because he’s Never Seen Marinette Blush This Much Before and he Doesn’t Know What To Do
akdjfjslalkflaq they’re literally idiots
the police come and marinette gives a statement
robin takes her home
his brothers made fun of him for weeks
a week or so later ladybug finds damian walking home from one of his classes and stops him
“i heard you had a pretty rough day yesterday. i just wanted to check in on you. dealing with the joker can be rough. do you want to talk about it?”
the bats (except robin) had saved damian from a hostage situation the night before involving the joker and a ransom demand
“ive been through worse. and nobody got hurt. that’s all i could ask for”
a brief conversation turns into something more
the feelings that they refuse to admit to themselves trying harder and harder to make themselves known
they shove their feelings down even deeper
“ladybug? what was it like. in paris? while hawkmoth was active. my ... friend, marinette. she lived in paris before she moved here. she doesn’t really talk about it but i know that whatever happened still affects her. i want help her but i don’t know how”
he knows it’s a long shot, ladybug hasn’t said anything beyond what’s necessary to the rest of the team so it’s unlikely that she would open up to some random civilian
but she does
they’re not catching feelings they’re not catching feelings theyrenktcatchngfeelings
time moves on
the city starts healing and being cleansed of its negative energy
but there’s still something ... off about everything
some bad luck that refuses to leave the dirt and grime of the city it’s called home for the past 100 years
ladybug and robin are on patrol when he sets the final steps of true healing in motion
“i want you to know who i am”
ladybug nearly fall off the roof
“w- what??”
“we trust you. i trust you. you’ve done nothing but help gotham the entire time you’ve been here. you don’t have to reveal yourself to me but- i don’t want to keep this secret from you anymore. it’s not often that i trust people like i trust you and i don’t want to ruin our ... friendship”
for the first time in a long, long time damian truly trusts someone
“i want you to know who i am too. i trust you robin.”
“on three?”
“on three”
they turn their backs to each other and slowly count down, but when they hit one and take off their masks (or spots, in ladybugs case) they don’t move
marinette reaches blindly behind her to hold damians hand in hers
she squeezes it
they turn around in sync and stare at each other, frozen
they both flush furiously
“of course it’s you” they say together, “who else would it be?”
damian reaches forward and cups marinettes cheek in his hand
she leans forward and meets him in a passionate kiss
something in gotham shifts
the gloom that hovered over gotham for the past century began to dissipate
the corrupted energy that had found sanctuary in the crime ridden city was no longer welcome
their need for air forced them to end the kiss
“did you feel that?”
the stars new-found glow illuminated their faces
‘they’ve never looked so beautiful’
“the negative energy is gone. gotham is gotham again”
damian couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes
she seemed so happy, and he knew that a large part of that was because of him
“what does that mean for us. for the team. the joker, the crime, will it stop now?”
“no. balance may be restored but the healing has only just begun. gotham’s been hurting for a long time and we can’t undo that in a single day. or a year. or even a decade. we’ve still got a lot of work to do.”
“and i’ll be by your side the whole way”
“i don’t doubt it”
for the first time in over a century, gotham had a night of peace
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Safety Net 2
Part 2
Day 9: Teen Titans @maribatmarch-2k21
Part 1
This is based on Teen Titans Judas Contract
Marinette became a fully fledged Talon when she turned 18. Six years with the court before they turned her, as to not arouse suspicion with a child. She doesn't remember the events that led to her leaving but she did. She supposes it is the fact she is a Talon that repressed her memories but that doesn't matter the court and all the other Talons are dead. She kept a single vial of the only poison that could end her life. She left not looking back.
She actually didn't get far when she first saw him. His swords danced, connecting to his target, death etched on his blade edge. Then he vanished.
She would see him again and again as she moved from city to city, state to state, even from country to country. One night as she watched the London sky, from her perch in Big Ben, did he come to her.
"Who are you?" His mask deepened his voice, made it colder and more robotic. She turned to look at him, not saying a word, and then turned back to the city.
He apparently didn't appreciate her silence as he stalked closer to her. "Who are you?" he growled the question, the sword tip pressing into her neck, but she didn’t move.
"Talon." was choked out. The voice was gruff and scratchy from being unused. That single word seemed to answer a few of his questions.
"The Court?"
Now she simply shook her head. The sword was removed from her neck and was placed back in its sheath.
"How would you like to have your own agency again?" His voice was still gruff and cold. It held authority but it was human. She turned to see he had removed his mask. His hair was stark white, small scars littered his face, his eyes were cold and calculating, yet they didn't lie.
Her mouth opened slightly before she closed it. A deep buried resolve began to surface as she nodded in answer.
She followed Slade Wilson out of the bell tower.
She was then embedded into the League of Assassins. This was where they needed patience.
She didn't speak, they thought her mute, she played along. Yes she could withstand life threatening hits, but she didn't let them happen. She would strike faster, hit harder, she made herself stronger, so they called her ruthless. She didn't oppose.
Above all she was patient.
The day the coup was to happen she was guarding the Lazarus Pit.
Silently she killed the guard stationed with her and walked into the pit. The water was both cold and scalding. A fog began to enter her mind but she pushed against it. This was no time to be confused or dazed. She felt the chains and commands programed into her by the court, so she pushed against them too until they broke. She breached the surface of the pit. Shakily she stood, breathing heavily, she began to dress, quickly noticing her skin became more pink and her mind was clear. She had to leave this room as, the alarms rang signaling the coup, she ran out, fully dressed and hidden.
She took her position in the cockpit of a helicopter and soon only she and Slade were alone in the air. The others scattered in order to build up a base of operations. An hour later they landed in a small air field where a jet was waiting for them. They transferred their things and took to the skies again.
"How do you feel?" Slade asked her not long after putting the plane on auto pilot.
"Light," her voice was clearer, still raspy, but there was inflection and life traced through the word.
"Anger, fury, bloodlust?" He pressed.
"None." she shook her head.
"Interesting," he murmured.
"How bad?" she pointed to his wrapped head and covered eye.
"We'll find out once we talk with the Doc," a scowl appeared on his face. "so what's your name, because it isn't Talon"
"Um..." she thought hard and long. she had been called Talon for so long, but what did they call her before, "Grayson. They called me Grayson before they called me Talon."
Slade became her mentor of sorts, they would spar and train to learn their new bodies and limitations. In fact it was easy for them both. She became known as Phoenix. Her uniform was similar to her Talon one, but while Talon was gold Phoenix was a deep crimson. The helmet was replaced by a hood and a half mask that extended from her hair line to her nose. She took to being a mercenary rather fast, but all things considered it wasn't that far of a stretch.
The only thing that troubled her, were her nightmares, or were they dreams. But they didn't feel like something her subconscious had created. They felt like memories begging to be remembered. She would fly through the air as if on gilded wings. A pair of inviting and smiling-azure eyes of a little boy. A warm smile and reassuring embrace of the same boy would appear constantly. Then the fall, she never hit the ground, but she continued to fall. The cold and dark embraced her smothering her until she woke up.
She never stayed in one place long but sooner or later she would always pay Deathstroke a visit. It isn't that she is attached to the Mercenary. Sure she is grateful to him but it's like if she stays close she will find a missing piece of her puzzle. On one of these trips back she met her. A teen with blonde hair and blue eyes, Terra. She was met with a less than warm welcome but oh well.
"What's up old man!" she joked. Slade glared at her and nodded in greeting.
"We have a job."
"What is it?" she sat on the couch.
"Infiltrating the Teen Titans."
"That's what the kid's for," she hummed. "What can she do?"
"Meta. Geokinesis."
"Disassemble the little league before the big one." A calculated smile spread across her lips.
"I knew I kept you around for something." was his answer. To anyone else it would have seemed hostile, but she simply rolled her eyes at the remark.
"Any old memories come back?"
"Nah-uh." She lied, keeping the kind blue-eyed boy a secret, they both went to work.
It was idiotic how easily Terra integrated into the Titans. Slade helped her enhance her power, while Grayson was supposed to help her gain refined control but the younger girl wouldn't listen to her. Grayson couldn't do anything about that, she could support Terra and help her but that didn’t mean the teen accepted. She wasn't her mother or even her sister.
"... Not without my twin sister." A boy's voice echoed in her mind, she tried to shake the voice from her head, but it stayed.
Twin? Sister? I have a brother? I have a twin brother?
Unfortunately all these questions swam in her mind for months as Terra infiltrated the Titans.
Everything was going relatively well until Robin decided to stick his nose in. Unfortunately this was when she learned the truth to the infiltration. They were going to use the Titans and extract their powers and life force. It made her sick. Sure she didn't exactly see eye to eye with heroes, but she saw the good they did. Hell she may be called a mercenary, but the jobs she took aligned with her morals. Even if those said morals were just a 'fuck you opposite of the court,' but it stood, it was hers.
This was how she was found by Nightwing.
"Figured you wouldn't be easy to kill. Here." she pushed a robe into his hands. "Your team is held this way" she started to walk but he hadn't moved.
"What are you doing?"
"Look you can trust me or not, but those are just kids. I will not be the one to let them give their lives without consent or reason."
"Sounds like your speaking from experience."
"So what if I am."
Nightwing jumped down and the fight began. She went and unlocked the restraints on the Titans and jumped into the fight. She, Robin, and Nightwing were all fighting against Deathstroke when Terra regained consciousness. Both Robin and Nightwing stopped their onslaught but Phoenix knew how Terra fought, she knew how to work with the girl. Unfortunately she was thrown over towards Nightwing and Robin, a quadruple somersault led into a rollout allowed her to land safely from the throw.
"Terra!" she yelled.
"Stay out of it Grayson, Slade is mine." A desperate yell escaped the girl, as she unleashed her power. One of the Titans tried to help, but Terra moved him towards the others.
"I'm sorry." Grayson whispered, before she pulled the heroes to safety. They got out moments before the entire thing collapsed.
"Who are you?" A katana was pointed at her neck.
"More importantly the somersault and the name, Grayson, how would you know those?" Nightwing questioned.
"The name is a memory from before," she responded. "And the somersault is just in grained in muscle memory by now." She shrugged and turned to leave but was stopped. "Look I don't want to fight and I don't want to stay so..." None of the heroes said a word but circled around her. 'Sigh' "I'm not gonna get out without a fight huh?"
"That would be correct."
"Fine." Her hands went up in a placating motion, before reaching into a pocket.
"Stop that."
"Relax little birdie." she pulled out a small ring of keys, tossing them to Nightwing. "Don't know about you but I prefer to not walk over two hours to get to Jump city."
They all got to the car but as it only fit five and there were seven of them something had to give. Well she was sat in the middle back seat between Raven and Robin, Beast Boy turned into a cat and sat on her lap. Nightwing was behind the wheel, Blue Beetle on the passenger side, while Starfire flew above them all. Between the awkward silence and closed space she was lulled into a restless sleep.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
Taglist: @alysrose-starchild
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
MariBat March 2021 - Protect
Masterlist - Previous
Bruce was tired. He barely slept one or two hour because of the constant updating for and from his precious children. Tamara Fox and Tim send him the required documents for the investigation about the Césaires. The legal team worked both in Gotham and both in Paris to ease any occurrence with some law forms. He didn’t exactly want to sue if they could agree on something more reasonable with the Rossi family and the journalist's family. They were minors.
And of course there were a few texts from Damian about the slowness of this whole ordeal. Plus Dick’s encouraged greetings via phone calls so he would think positively while he was staying in Gotham, because nobody wants an akumatized Batman. Lastly Jason’s and Stephani’s competitions about the most insane name for the girl who he surely would adopt, because he couldn’t help himself. And they all were wondering why Cassandra was the favorite.
He sighed tiredly.
He hoped today would be a really good day, because he didn’t have the patience for any new journalist wannabes or self-nominated children. Bruce greeted Madam Rossi with a polite smile and nodded at her daughter absently. Anyhow she thought she was a special case for him, she would be disappointed.
“If it’s alright in front of that many lawyers from either side I would like to listen to why the Miss wanted to be my child for some time.” he spoke up after some discussion about birth certifications and blood tests. “If I can be that bold.” he nodded to the mother and the father on the video call.
The woman blinked in surprisement then glanced at her daughter. The girl was pale, clearly scared from the strangers or the situation itself. However Bruce had some gut feeling about her posture and so far silence. She was too calm for the size of this mess.
“I think it’s a good idea.” Madam Rossi agreed rigidly, as her husband nodded too. “Lila?”
The girl turned to her mother, a little unsure then steeled herself. It’s interesting. For a moment a satisfied grin appeared on her face then it was gone as soon as he blinked again.
“I… I thought it was interesting to tell a sto… a story.” she talked weakly. Her voice wavered sometimes and she occasionally looked at her mother. “One of my classmates thought it… it would be funny to create some fictional ta… tales. And I… I was the new stu… student.” She clearly pretended it, Bruce saw it right away. “Then Alya for… forced me to say… say it on camera.”
It was that point when she started whimpering and forcing herself to breath harder. Some of the younger lawyers were a little worried and of course Madam Rossi tried to help her daughter, however Bruce didn’t move. Didn't offer any sympathy.
“It’s fascinating how you are trying to blame others Miss Rossi to protect yourself.” he said then paused a little to be careful with his own words. "Then how you had no problem to indirectly create a pedophile picture about your own mother." Her parent's widening eyes said everything about this indication. They didn't think about that fact before. The girl's face paled even better than before.
“And you know I pay really well for my team and they are the best.” he pointed at his employees. The girl only blinked in confusion. “And they do their work really well too.” he nodded to one of the older ladies in the room.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Maribat March Day 4
Internet Friends
My first Maribat event post of this month yay. It’s a text post like some of my other ones from other months events. I know it’s late, but I thought of doing this today.
Premise: Mari and the Waynes have been friends online and posted YouTube videos with each other, either vlogs when they get together or online collabs when Mari is in Paris and their in Gotham. These are some quotes from those videos. (All of these quotes are from my friends and family)
Warning: cursing
Marinette *sleep deprived staring at a computer screen with a concerned and confused expression*: I know the text box can fly on and off the screen, but where does it go?
Steph: Waffles are the backbone of this nation
Jason *looking in the mirror*: I need a haircut, I look like a fucking Q-tip
*planning for a fundraising event for*
Dick: I wish we could do car washes again
Marinette: Why can’t we
Dick: Because someone saw is using the kids as rags and got mad
Duke: Why are we talking about drugs again
Bruce *being a proud Batdad talking about Marinette*: She fixed the shirt and the cut, pretty fancy
Steph: Does anyone here have any repressed anger!?
Marinette: RIGHT HERE!!!
*A photo of the family group chat*
Damian: Sinners
Damian: Dinner
Cass *signing*: O negative is the stealth blood
Bruce *talking to Jason about an upcoming gala*: You have to be nice
Jason: I’m keeping it real, real mean
*Marinette on stream, her texts popping up*
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Mari
Tim: Hey Mari
Marinette: WHAT
*Mari joins the call*
Marinette: WHAT THE FUCK
I’m back with another of the text/quotes posts. These are fun to do and post but I don’t want to do to many at once so I don’t run out of quotes to use. And, yes my friend texted my 18 times to get me to go onto a discord call.
The Master List of Obsessed’s Master Lists
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Day 8: Texting
Mari: Can’t wait to see u again
Jay: If your friends let me live.
Jay: They almost killed me last time, and that's saying something.
Mari: Lol guess we’ll just have to sneak out
Jay: Pfft yeah right
“Yeah Chlo?”
“What did I say about leaving your shoes on my side of the clo- who are you texting?”
She groaned, Marinette could have sworn that there was more time to avoid her friends.
“I am texting a FRIEND”
“Oh god u sound like Adrien when you had a crush on him”
“SHE BARELY TEXTED ME!!” Adrien called from the other side of house
“And you Marinette, seem to be on your phone quite a lot recently”
Chloe raised an eyebrow. Great, she was gonna be dead too.
“I’m just looking for new reci-”
Before Marinette could finish her sentence Chloe snached her phone away
Her best friend held an hand up and searched through Marinette’s phone
“hMh Jason.. Who is Jason? Marinette! No! We saw you two together and it was awful he’s only going to break your heart like the last 10 boys”
“Chlo it’s fine, Jason is nice.”
“You said that about Luka'' Adrien was stuffing food in his mouth from the Kitchen now. He gained too many habits from Plagg
“And he was, but we just had different opinions”
The two stared at her.
“Not a chance Bug”
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Texting - Day 8 - Maribat March 2021
Group chat shenanigans ahead. @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link Key Mari: maribug Dick: bigrichardenergy Jason: jaybird Tim: timmyturner Steph: spoilersport Cass: casshole Duke: thenormalone Barbara: babs
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Maribat March Day 8: Texting
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Maribat March Day 8 - Texting
Due to formatting reasons, this fic is on ao3 only.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Better Than Texting
Read Better Than Texting on AO3
The bi-weekly Girl’s Night had been rescheduled to Girl’s Afternoon. Marinette was going on a date, and there was no way her friends (Alya, Alix, Juleka, Rose, Mylène, and Chloé) were going to let her get ready by herself.
“What does he look like?” Mylène asked while she braided Marinette’s hair.
“I don’t know,” admitted Marinette. “We’ve never met up in person before, or even video chatted. We’ve only ever texted. He sent a picture once, but the sun was behind him so I couldn’t see his face. I could tell that he has dark hair, though.”
“Are we even sure that Damian is a real person and not a stranger catfishing you,” said Alya.
“Damian isn’t a stranger. We text all the time. We just never had the opportunity to meet in person until now.”
Alya narrowed her eyes. “I’m taking a picture of his license plate before you go.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out in defiance.
“All done,” announced Mylène.
Marinette looked in the mirror and gasped. Her hair, which she normally kept up in pigtails, was now in twin french braids, decorated with tiny flowers and bits of ribbons. “It’s so pretty, Mylène. Thank you.”
“No problem, Marinette. Anything for a friend.”
“Now it’s my turn,” said Chloé, opening up her makeup bag. “I know you don’t like to wear heavy makeup, so I just brought some lipgloss and eyeliner.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks, Chloé.”
Ten minutes later, Chloé declared that Marinette looked perfect, and Marinette moved onto clothes. Her outfit was one she was particularly proud of: a cream-colored sweater she bought from her favorite boutique, a plaid skirt with shades of black, white, and dark orange that Marinette designed herself, and tan boots with a three-inch heel.
“I didn’t know you wore shoes with heels that tall,” commented Juleka.
“Oh, Damian told me that he’s pretty tall, so I wanted to help him out a little.”
“How tall?” Rose asked, looking up from Marinette’s fingernails, which she was painting the same shade of burnt sienna as Marinette’s skirt.
“Six foot two,” said Marinette.
“Does he know that you’re almost a foot shorter than him,” Alya giggled.
Marinette shrugged. “He knows I’m short, but I don’t think he knows I’m five foot one. Well, five foot four in these shoes.
“Height difference club.” Alix gave Marinette a high five. “No one gets to make fun of me and Kim for our ten-inch height difference when Marinette and her mystery boy have a foot between them.”
“I think the height difference is cute,” said Mylène.
“I think your nails have finished drying,” said Rose.
“How do I look?” asked Marinette, getting up to twirl.
“You look perfect. Mystery boy is going to go crazy for you,” Alya approved.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “His name is Damian.”
Marinette’s phone suddenly buzzed. “Speak of the devil, Damian’s here!”
Alix threw Marinette her purse from across the room. “Do you have your phone?”
“Lipgloss?” asked Chloé.
“Pepperspray?” Alya chimed in.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Even though I won’t need it, yes I do have it.”
Alya nodded. “Then you’re good to go. Have fun, Marinette!”
The rest of her friends wished her good luck as Marinette made her way out of the room. Marinette hurried downstairs, through the bakery, and out the door. In her haste, the heel of her boot caught on the doorway and tripped her, sending her stumbling out the door. Strong arms caught her, propping her up against a sturdy chest. Marinette looked up at him, taken aback by his handsome face. His height and his dark hair gave Marinette the sneaking suspicion that she knew exactly who caught her. “Damian?”
“I very much enjoyed texting you, Marinette, but this is a nice change,” chuckled Damian as he helped her to her feet.
“Kiss her!” Alix cheered from the balcony up above.
Marinette blushed. “Sorry about my friends.”
“No need to apologize. I think they might have the right idea.” Damian tilted Marinette’s head up as he ducked down, bridging the gap between them. Damian pressed a caste kiss to her lips. Marinette thought there must be something wrong with her because instead of thinking about the photos her friends were surely going to take of the kiss, all she could think about was the feel of Damian’s lips. As Damian pulled away, Marinette felt herself get lost in his eyes.
“Wow,” Marinette gasped.
“That was much better than texting,” said Damian with a smile. “I look forward to doing that again.”
Marinette smiled again. “I suspect that you’ll get more opportunities later.”
Are you ready to go?“
Marinette nodded. "Yep. Just one last thing.”
Marinette turned, cupped her hands to her mouth, and shouted up to her friends, “I told you he was real.”
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
When Two Coffee Addicts Unite
Part 1
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 8: Texting
Okay so this can either be a continuation of Internet Friends or the beginning of something new. But if you want to read this as a continuation of Internet friends then you should know:
The police department is almost as bad as Damocles when dealing with powerful figures. They take the video and audio footage and simply put it in the file. Because at the time Lila still had most or in fact all of the class under her thumb, they all supported Lila’s claim that it was an accident. Lila claims that a sudden dizzy spell struck her, and she fell forwards towards Marinette. And as Mari was already on the edge of the balcony it was an accident. The fact that the file sat in the police department until well after any claim could be valid it wasn’t looked into more. Mari, her friends, and Tim did have backups of the footage, complete records for every interaction with the police, and recorded calls and interactions when dealing with the police. But as they didn’t want to involve the embassy as this would become an international affair they didn’t bother with the case.
That said the police don’t bother with the Miracle Court to avoid work. However, with the Mayor, Medical responders, and the Fire Department all aid the heroes, the police only do the bare minimum.
Marinette’s class has begun to watch Lila, but they didn’t look into her lies because except for this incident it’s just she said she said with occasional ‘injuries’ on Lila. Most of them are wary of Lila but they aren’t converted to Marinette’s side, but there is an increased tolerance between them.
Marinette had just sat back at her seat after eating lunch, while the classroom was still empty. There was still half an hour left. Alix, Kim, Nino, Sabrina, and Max walked in as she sat down.
“Marinette you got the time?” Alix called out. They were on somewhat okay terms since Lila’s claims were a total 180 from the Marinette that they have known for forever.
“30 minutes left.” she announced looking of her phone and in turn her missed messages.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
MariBat March 2021 - Last Time
Masterlist - Previous
Lila didn’t know what more she could do beside her text to Alya. Soon she would be a social pariah and everybody would hate her after that hard work she invested to build her status. However it was not that interesting to her mother.
Her mamman was angry, and she was kind of surprised she hadn't akumatized yet. Of course if Lila saw an akuma she would manipulate the events so she could blame the butterfly for this mess. Because it was a mess. Because how the fucking hell she had to know that the real Bruce Wayne would learn about her little lie. So far there was nobody from the famous people about whom she lied, who would have noticed her small tales. Even Gabriel Agreste ate out her palm.
But her mother didn’t care about those above. She only cared about her position within the embassy and about her education and well-being. Which, as her mother explained, were more important than her little power play with naive children.
“But mamman! What about my boyfriend?” Lila cried as her phone was seized from her hands.
“That Agreste boy?” the woman faced her back. “It’s good you reminded me. I will have a conversation with his father about you and his relationships tomorrow too.”
The brunette paled rapidly. “But… but he is busy…”
“Then he is going to take time out from his important work and will talk with me.” her mother responded.
It was final. Lila lost everything.
Her mother would meet ‘the Bruce Wayne’ the next morning. She had to find something to distract them about the real fact that she lied. She would find something to twist. She needed to… Oh...
Of course.
Why didn’t she think of that before?
Her tales would be reduced to like they were, just tales. And Alya was going to be the perfect candidate to play the evil. It would be the most glorious plan that she made up, ever. Like how she, the really fragile and new girl was able to say no to the really stubborn and little bit overbearing Alya Césaire. She was just forced to say everything in the Ladyblog, and it’s not her fault that everybody believed it.
Lila tried to conceal her grinning. It’s perfect. If she could soften the cold and scary Gabriel Agreste, then the big and family man Bruce Wayne would be an easy play.
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maribatmarch-2k21 · 3 years
Of Snake Scales and Tails
For Maribat March 2021 day 7 prompt Betrayal.
I decided to go a little different this prompt, with a Medusa AU. This is based on the classic story of how Poseidon r*ped Medusa with Athena giving Medusa her snakes as a defense mechanism.
I hope you enjoy.
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