mariatheintern · 10 days
“Your husband has the weirdest taste buds,” Maria chuckled fondly, thinking of her boss. “What kind does Esteban like now? I’ll get him some too so I can be his favorite Tia still”
“Carlos, I’m bored. Entertain your sister please,” Maria announced, flopping onto Carlos’ desk dramatically.
Carlos hummed, considering. "Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
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mariatheintern · 10 days
“Of course, I’m always happy to provide the claw-bees with an offering,” Maria nodded as she moved away from his desk. “And we can bring some to keep at home for when Cecil gets off.”
“Carlos, I’m bored. Entertain your sister please,” Maria announced, flopping onto Carlos’ desk dramatically.
Carlos hummed, considering. "Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
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mariatheintern · 10 days
Maria considered for a moment before grinning, poking his arm playfully. “Dinner, ice cream, then we can come home and watch movies?”
“Carlos, I’m bored. Entertain your sister please,” Maria announced, flopping onto Carlos’ desk dramatically.
Carlos hummed, considering. "Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
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mariatheintern · 10 days
Maria groaned, she half expected this response in truth, “I have because we have watched Star Wars a million times Carlos. Come on let’s go do something. Please, for me?”
“Carlos, I’m bored. Entertain your sister please,” Maria announced, flopping onto Carlos’ desk dramatically.
Carlos hummed, considering. "Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
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mariatheintern · 14 days
Send “You belong to me” to see how my muse reacts.
Send “I belong to you” for the reverse.
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mariatheintern · 17 days
Reblog if you are a Multi-Shipper
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mariatheintern · 21 days
Following my AUs and Prompts List from a few months back, here is a compilation of my favorite sentence starters for all your writing needs.
Because most of them aren’t mine, credits are at the end.
“Marry me.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“You are not going without me.”
“I can’t believe you!”
“I swear it won’t happen again.”
“What did you say?”
“I’m not jealous.”
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
“We can’t keep doing this.”
“Are you sure this is legal?”
“Isn’t this amazing?”
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“Run away with me.”
“You did WHAT?”
“Quit whining.”
“Get outta my sight!”
“Why are you so annoying?”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“Never in a million years.”
“Don’t ask me that…”
“I might have had a few shots.”
“What’s with the box?”
“W- What are you doing?”
“Say it!”
“I could kiss you right now!”
“Are you done with that?”
“What’s going on here?”
“Stop pinning this on me! You started it!”
“It’s your fault we’re in this mess.”
“Did you do this on purpose?!”
“Kiss me.”
“Are you still awake..?”
“Excuse you?”
“This is all your fault!”
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
“Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you!”
“It’s not fair!”
“I could kill you right now!”
“Knock it off!”
“Screw you!”
“You’re a complete moron!”
“I love this song!”
“I can’t be in love with you!”
“Make me.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“I hate you.”
“You are infuriating!”
“Just shut up already.”
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Bite me.”
“Eat me.”
“Kiss my ass.”
“Just admit I’m right.”
“Just admit you’re wrong.”
“You are being ridiculous!”
“That’s irrational.”
“Listen to me!”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Don’t yell at me.”
“That’s it. End of discussion.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You shouldn’t have said that.”
“Fuck you!”
“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
“How dare you?”
“I dare you!” 
“It’s you, it’s always been you.” 
“Well this is awkward…”
“Just pretend to be my date”.  
“Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You know what I like most about people? Pets.”
“Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
“What about a compromise? I’ll kill them first, and if it turns out they were friendly, I’ll apologize.”
“I don’t hate you.. I just don’t like that you exist.”
“Love is the jelly to sunshine’s peanut butter. And if I tell you that I’m in sandwich with you, I’m not just saying it to get in your Ziploc bag.”
“Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system.”
“Did you really just insult Captain America in front of me?”
“Can I touch your boob?”
“It’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.”
“You shouldn’t be trusted with small children, should you?”
“Give me cake or give me death.”
“On a scale from, ’I can sometimes make important phone calls without crying’ to ’I have a stable job with a steady income, a spouse who loves me, a dog, and two kids who are screwed up minimally at worst’, how much of an adult are you?”
“You think I’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?”
“Despite the cliche, it’s not me, it’s you.”
“Obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can’t.”
“No, it was my fault for thinking that you might care.”
“When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
“If you’re not scared, then you’re not taking a chance. If you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are we doing anyway?”
“I think I’ve been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again.”
“What have I told you about the toilet seat?”
“I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside.”
“I vote today to be a pajama day.”
“You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
“I don’t leave messages. If I wanted to talk to a machine, I’d talk to my VCR.”
“I can be flexible. As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I’m totally flexible.”
“You know we’re suppose to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.”
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
“I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.”
“What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring loudly at me.”
“I am NOT crying, okay?! I’m allergic to jerks!”
“This would not happen if I had a penis!”
“That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.”
“All nighter, you and me. First one to fall sleep buys the other dinner.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
“I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
“To the night you’ll never remember!”
“Excuse me, did the 12:15 bus come by already?”
“Could I sit here? All the other tables are full.”
“Are you meeting someone here? Because.. I think I’m that person.”
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!”
“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his/her cake hole.”
“I’m not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren’t even hot.”
“You better take care of that car or I swear I’ll haunt your ass!”
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.“
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.”
“I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.”
“You cannot fathom the immensity of the fucks I don’t give.”
“You’re like, five feet tall. How you gonna reach me, shortie?”
“I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
“Do you need me to kill someone for you?”
“Look out where you’re going, asshole!”
“Fuck the sandwich guy!”
“I did not mean for stripping to come out of this.”
“The whole street is blocked off. The police won’t tell us anything, but I think there’s been some kind of attack… Maybe a bomb?”
“Oh my god, are you okay? I’m calling the police. I think I saw who did this to you.”
“I’m weird, you’re weird, we could have weird little babies and live weirdly ever after if it wasn’t for the fact I find you repulsive.”
“There is nothing wrong with planning a wedding with a video game character.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?”  
“There’s been some real friction in our friend group lately. I suggest an orgy to save our friendships.”
“It’s midnight, what do you want?”
“I think I know how to use a bed.”
“If I wake up in the morning and I’m dead… Wait.”
“You are completely unfit to handle a child.”
“We have to get out of this place. It is EVIL.”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“When in doubt curl into the fetal position and give up on life.”
“It’s not a double date, we’re just third and forth wheeling.”
“I have something to tell you…”
“I think I’m pregnant.”
“I’m pregnant!”
“When were you going to tell me that you’re pregnant?”
“You’re smart and successful with an adorable belly.”
“$50 bucks says it’s a girl/boy.”
“Pregnancy suits you…”
“Hello little one. We can’t wait to meet you…”
“I’ll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick!”
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet…”
“Shh… He/she’s sleeping..”
“I have a special surprise for you. Close your eyes and follow me.”
“No, no, no, no, no, we aren’t ready… We aren’t ready for kids yet!”
“Oh, gosh, I felt it! I felt a kick!”
“Your hair is so soft…”
“You’re so cute when you pout like that!”
“Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“What, does that feel good?”
“HA! I found a weak-spot on you, didn’t I?”
“Are you wearing my shirt?”
“You are ridiculously comfortable…”
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“We should get a puppy!”
“Aren’t they beautiful?”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Shooting star, make a wish.”
“It’s actually a comet, but I’ll still make one.”
“Imagine if it could always be this way, even in the city.”
“Never thought something so beautiful could exist in nature…”
“Wouldn’t it be cool to name a star after yourself?”
“Y'know, your roof may not be the safest place for us to stargaze.”
“This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?”
“Is that a– Wait, no, just an airplane.”
“I wouldn’t mind falling asleep out here.
“Did you just… finish?”
“They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly, this is getting dangerous.”
“I’m not actually feeling anything.”
“Are you getting any closer?”
“Why do they make this look so easy in all those porn movies?! This hurts like fuck!”
“Did something just happen? You’re not turned on anymore.”
“Shit sorry, am I going too fast?”
“Wow, you’re hot.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
“Hey, I’m open minded.”
“Keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
“I think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
“I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m really horny, and you’re really hot. Can we fuck? Like, now?”
“I see someone’s happy to see me.”
“I saw that. You just checked me out.”
“You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.”
“Take off your clothes.”
“Tell all those other guys/girls you don’t need them ‘cause you got me.”
“Don’t give me that face, it’s so cute I might not be able to hold back.”
“Boobs are really just squishy pillows.”
“If you don’t get turned on by having your neck kissed somethings wrong with you.”
“Blasphemy! Sex solves everything.”
“I platonically want to have sex with you. No big deal.”
[text]: What do you want now?
[text]: Do you want to bet on that?
[text]: Guess who just got back in town.
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
[text]: We can’t keep doing this anymore!
[text]: Come on, come to the party!
[text]: Can you pick me up from the bar? Too drunk to drive.
[text]: You have no clue how I feel so shut up.
[text]: I call bullshit.
[text]: You thought you could get away with that, didn’t you?
[text] I gave up great shower sex to be here so don’t say I never did anything for our friendship.
[text] Living alone for four weeks has given me unrealistic expectations of pantslessness.
[text] Also, my bed has glitter in it for reasons I do not recall.
[text] Who says no to sex and donuts?!
[text] I know what you did last summer…
Sources: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
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mariatheintern · 21 days
School-Related Sentence Starters
“Did we have homework?”
“Please be my lab partner.”
“Can I borrow a pencil?”
“I really don’t want to talk in front of the whole class…”
“Can I copy off of you real quick?”
“Do you think the teacher is hot?”
“It’s not cheating. It’s just teamwork.”
“Do you think the new kid is hot?”
“Pretty sure the teacher is out to get me…”
“You are…so dumb…”
“Was Shakespeare gay?”
“Please tell me you didn’t start the project either.”
“If I do it at the last minute, then I’ll have a minute.”
“Can I borrow your notes?”
“This class is so boring…”
“Am I in the right classroom?”
“Someone drew a dick in my textbook.”
“Do you know where the nurse’s office is?”
“Someone put a picture of Shrek in my locker.”
“I can’t wait to graduate…”
“Meet me in the bathroom/gym/locker room later. I need to tell you something.”
“I forgot about the midterm.”
“I’m gonna FAIL.”
“Shut up! You always say you’re going to fail, and then you get an A.”
“Please help me study.”
“If I don’t pass, my parents are going to KILL me.”
“Do you ever think about how studying is just ‘student’ and ‘dying’ put together?”
“I live at the library now.”
“Do you need help with the chapter?”
“I don’t even know what I don’t know.”
“I’m afraid that they’ll revoke my scholarship.”
“I HAVE to be at the top of the class.”
“Do you even know how to read?”
“I don’t even get the Sparknotes…”
“Maybe I’ll be okay if I pick A for every answer…I have to get an A, right?”
“I don’t need to go to college anyway.”
“Sleep is for the weak.”
“I just did 200 practice problems. I forgot my own name.”
“I remember that shrimp can see more colors than we can, but I don’t remember the vocabulary words for the test.”
“Your notes are just doodles.”
“What’s for lunch?”
“Please trade lunches with me.”
“I dare you to fling your peas at the principal.”
“There’s NO way I’m eating that.”
“All I have are skittles and an old Oreo.”
“I would kill for a taco right now.”
“Lunch is the only class I can do well in.”
“There’s pizza today.”
“Is that a bug in your sandwich?”
“Ugh, this is expired.”
“Is this seat taken?”
“I can’t eat that, I’m on a diet.��
“Did you make this?”
“If you give me a dollar, I’ll love you forever.”
“I made brownies.”
“Let’s eat outside today.”
“Do you think we could get pizza delivered to the school?”
“You’re in my seat.”
“These freshmen think that they can just take our table…”
“I can’t run for my life.”
“Don’t throw the ball at me!!”
“Why do you look so red?”
“I’m DYING.”
“It’s just sports! What could go wrong?”
“I can’t run anymore.”
“Your team is going DOWN.”
“Are you okay?!”
“You really suck at this, don’t you?”
“Think fast!”
“Is that the best you can do?”
“I dare you to race me.”
“I think the gym teacher is a supersoldier.”
Uniforms / Clothes
“I HATE these pants/skirts.”
“Do you think anyone would notice if I wore pajamas?”
“I haven’t washed my gym clothes in a week…”
“I should be allowed to wear whatever I want.”
“Can you believe they called my outfit ‘inappropriate’?!”
“I’m so sick of seeing (school color).”
“I wear this uniform in my dreams. I mean, in my nightmares.”
“Those are the most hideous shoes I’ve ever seen.”
“Do you think her/his girl/boyfriend got her that?”
“Did your boy/girlfriend really buy you that?”
“Class rings are overrated.”
“We should totally get matching hoodies.”
“What show/movie is your shirt from?”
“I can see your underwear.”
“Wanna skip?”
“I can’t believe I’m in here.”
“Welcome, prince(ss)! Is this your first time?”
“That teacher DESERVED to be cursed out, okay?”
“I didn’t even do anything wrong…”
“Fuck the police.”
“They put me in here just for being late…”
“Did you actually bash the principal’s car?”
“A little thing like you managed to beat the crap out of someone?”
“You look like you don’t belong in here.”
“This is prison.”
“I tried to stab a kid with a pencil.”
“They think I’ll learn my lesson in here? I’m going to do it again.”
“All I did was a little graffiti.”
“I’m taking a nap.”
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mariatheintern · 21 days
‘Something's Wrong’ Sentence Starters
Something’s Wrong With My Muse
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding a lot.”
“Stop squirming, I’m trying to help.”
“Hang on, I got you.”
“Just lean on me, I’ll help you walk.”
“We should get that looked at.”
“Don’t tilt your head back, you’ll make your nosebleed worse!”
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?”
“Eh, you’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Whatever you do, don’t go to sleep. Stay awake.”
“Oooooo. That looks painful.”
“Oh, thank God! Don’t scare me like that!”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?”
“You stopped breathing.”
“Oh look, it’s alive.”
“Take deep breaths, you’ll be fine.”
“Arms shouldn’t move like that…”
“What happened to your leg?!”
“Yep, that’s broken alright. How’d you manage that?”
“Here’s some ice for that.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Yeesh, you look like shit.”
“Wait, you were mugged?!”
“Is that a stab/gunshot wound?”
“Ok, ew. I’m not cleaning that up.”
“Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head.”
“You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn’t be moving around too much if I were you.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?”
“Can you walk on your own?”
“You’re getting blood on my clothes!”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Something’s Wrong With Your Muse
“Is that three fingers you’re holding up?”
“I’m so sorry for getting blood on your clothes!”
“I’m not sure I can walk on my own.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain’s at least an 8.”
“You thought I was dead?”
“Do you think I have a concussion?”
“I hit my head; now I don’t feel so good.”
“I’m so sorry. Do you mind cleaning up?”
“I think I’ve been stabbed/shot.”
“I just got mugged!”
“Do I look as bad as I feel?”
“Could I maybe get an ice pack for this?”
“Thank you, by the way.”
“I think my leg is broken.”
“I can’t feel my arm.”
“I’m going to need more than deep breathing to calm me down.”
“I’m not dead yet!”
“Oh, God, I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding a lot.”
“Are you really trying to help?”
“Please help me.”
“Can I lean on you? I don’t think I can walk.”
“I think I need to get this looked at.”
“I can’t get my nose to stop bleeding!”
“I can’t seem to catch my breath.”
“I’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Please help me stay awake.”
“This hurts just as much as it looks like it does.”
“Sorry - did I scare you?”
“I don’t know how I managed to do this to myself.”
“I don’t know if I can stay awake.”
“I stopped breathing?”
Note: Revamp of an older sentence starter post found here.
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mariatheintern · 21 days
Fight/Argument Sentence Starters
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mariatheintern · 21 days
kidnapped/imprisoned starter sentences
“Not eating the food I give you is not going to make me give you nicer food.” “You should be grateful I come down here and talk to you at all.” “Listen to me or I’ll treat you even worse.” “I picked you off the street because you were beautiful. You should feel flattered.” “You don’t need freedom if I give you everything you need.” “You can come out of the basement if you give me a very good reason to let you.” “What’s this? Are you trying to get away from me? You should know better.” “Get on your knees and pray I’ll forgive you.” “Oh, you’re hungry? Sing me a song and you can have my leftovers.” “Don’t cry, I’m keeping you safe down here, away from the world. You don’t need it. You only need me.” “Freedom is a burden. You should be glad I took it away from you.” “I bought you some new clothes. Please wear them tonight at dinner.” “You don’t get to decide anything, understood? I make the rules and you obey them if you want to remain unharmed.” “You’re nothing but a little doll I get to play with.” “I own you.” “Don’t worry, I’m not going to take away your virginity just like that. I’m saving it for something special.” “I’m not going to kill you. Not yet.” “If you’re good, you can shower with warm water today.” “Crying won’t make me stop hurting you. It just encourages me.” “You’re so young…” “I love it when you scream, but I will only stop when you can’t scream anymore.” “I’m sorry, I completely forgot you were still down here.” “There’s someone coming to join me tonight. I’m sure you’ll be quiet, or I’ll have to kill my guest again and it’ll be your fault.” “You’re going to have some company tonight. Try to think of him/her as your little brother/sister. I want you to do to him/her what I do to you, understood?” “I’m bringing some friends along to show them how well trained you are.” “How dare you talk to me like that. Wash your mouth, with soap. Now.” “It’s been a pleasure watching you grow up. Your mummy and daddy would have been so proud of you.” “I brought you some food. Now crawl over here and lick it out of the bowl like a good pet.” “I think you should remind me why you’re worth keeping alive down here.” “Tell me how much you love me and you can have your dinner.” — “Hello? Is anyone down here?!” “Oh my god, what is this place? How can you still be alive? I’ll get you help! Please hold on.” “You don’t have to hide from me. I’m trying to help you. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” “What happened to you? How long have you been kept here?” “Hello? Where am I?! Who are you?” “Have you ever tried to escape? Do you think it’s possible if we work together?” “It’s the police! Show yourself!” “Is that really you? Oh my god, I found you, I can’t believe I found you…”
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mariatheintern · 1 month
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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mariatheintern · 1 month
My yearly attempt to get back into writing Maria is here again so feel free to send things ✨
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mariatheintern · 1 year
Headcanons: Sex Life Edition masterpost
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mariatheintern · 1 year
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .    (  a  collection  of  100  nonverbal  action  prompts .   mature  and  potentially  triggering  themes  are  present .   add  “ + reverse ”  to  swap  assigned  roles .)
∗ o1﹕ sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face . ∗ o2﹕ sender  offers  receiver  a  bite  from  their  fork . ∗ o3﹕ sender  places  their  feet / legs  in  receiver's  lap . ∗ o4﹕ sender  offers  receiver  an  earbud  to  share  their  music . ∗ o5﹕ sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . ∗ o6﹕ sender  gives  receiver  company  in  the  hospital . ∗ o7﹕ sender  wraps  their  arms  around  a  hysterical  receiver  to  calm  them . ∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . ∗ o9﹕ sender  falls  asleep  leaning  against  receiver . ∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a  [ gun / knife ]  at  receiver . ∗ 11﹕ sender  runs  their  fingers  through  receiver’s  hair . ∗ 12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance . ∗ 13﹕ sender  takes  a  [ picture / video ]  of  receiver . ∗ 14﹕ sender  places  their  head  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . ∗ 16﹕ sender  pushes  receiver  against  a  wall  to  kiss  them . ∗ 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . ∗ 18﹕ sender  comes  to  receiver  after  being  injured . ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 2o﹕ sender  lifts  receiver's  chin ,  invoking  eye  contact . ∗ 21﹕ sender  overtakes  receiver  in  combat . ∗ 22﹕ sender  finds  receiver  [ injured / bloodied ] . ∗ 23﹕ sender  straightens  an  article  of  receiver’s  clothes . ∗ 24﹕ sender  crawls  into  bed  with  receiver . ∗ 25﹕ sender  rolls  their  eyes  at  receiver . ∗ 26﹕ sender  lights  receiver’s  [ cigarette / joint ] . ∗ 27﹕ sender  is  caught  wearing  receiver's  clothes . ∗ 28﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  with  a  pillow . ∗ 29﹕ sender  writes  a  note  on  receiver’s  skin :  [ note ] . ∗ 3o﹕ sender  wraps  a  blanket  around  receiver’s  shoulders . ∗ 31﹕ sender  runs  and  jumps  into  receiver’s  arms . ∗ 32﹕ sender  shoves  receiver  out  of  anger . ∗ 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task . ∗ 34﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  somewhere  they  shouldn’t  be . ∗ 35﹕ sender  curls  up  against  receiver  in  their  sleep . ∗ 36﹕ sender  is  found  drunk  by  receiver . ∗ 37﹕ sender  throws  an  item  of  sentiment  bitterly  at  receiver . ∗ 38﹕ sender  joins  receiver  in  the  shower . ∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . ∗ 4o﹕ sender  traces  one  of  receiver’s  [ scars / bruises ] . ∗ 41﹕ sender  twines  their  fingers  with  receiver’s . ∗ 42﹕ sender  barges  into  receiver’s  home  unannounced . ∗ 43﹕ sender  kicks  receiver’s  shin  beneath  a  table . ∗ 44﹕ sender  aggressively  shoves  past  receiver . ∗ 45﹕ sender  kisses  receiver’s  [ forehead / cheek ] . ∗ 46﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way . ∗ 47﹕ sender  is  found  sobbing  by  receiver . ∗ 48﹕ sender  locks  receiver  out  of  their  room . ∗ 49﹕ sender  brings  receiver  [ coffee / tea ]  in  the  morning . ∗ 5o﹕ sender  rests  their  forehead  against  receiver’s . ∗ 51﹕ sender  plays  a  song  for  receiver  that  reminds  them  of  them :  [ song ] . ∗ 52﹕ sender  takes  a  [ punch / stab / bullet ]  meant  for  receiver . ∗ 53﹕ sender  buys  receiver  a  drink  at  a  bar . ∗ 54﹕ sender  needs  receiver’s  help  getting  in  the  bath . ∗ 55﹕ sender  and  receiver  cross  paths  in  the  kitchen  late  at  night . ∗ 56﹕ sender  twists  receiver’s  arm  behind  their  back . ∗ 57﹕ sender  winks  at  receiver . ∗ 58﹕ sender  is  found  collapsed  by  receiver . ∗ 59﹕ sender  prevents  an  injured  receiver  from  getting  up . ∗ 6o﹕ sender  claps  a  hand  over  receiver’s  mouth  to  silence  them . ∗ 61﹕ sender  cages  receiver  against  a  [ wall / the floor ]  with  their  arms . ∗ 62﹕ sender  storms  away  from  receiver  during  an  argument . ∗ 63﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  sleeping  in  receiver’s  bed . ∗ 64﹕ sender  [ applies / touches up ]  receiver’s  makeup . ∗ 65﹕ sender  throws  receiver  into  a  wall  during  combat . ∗ 66﹕ sender  dances  sensually  with  receiver . ∗ 67﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  across  the  face . ∗ 68﹕ sender  places  their  hand  on  receiver’s  leg  while  driving . ∗ 69﹕ sender  pulls  a  chair  out  from  under  receiver . ∗ 7o﹕ sender  catches  receiver’s  wrist  when  they  turn  to  leave . ∗ 71﹕ sender  leaves  an  intimate  mark  on  receiver . ∗ 72﹕ sender  beats  receiver  in  a  video  game . ∗ 73﹕ sender  and  receiver  stand  in  stunned  silence  after  a  fight . ∗ 74﹕ sender  cares  for  receiver  while  they’re  sick . ∗ 75﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  on  a  hike . ∗ 76﹕ sender  is  caught  snooping  in  receiver’s  things . ∗ 77﹕ sender  and  receiver  cuddle  while  watching  television . ∗ 78﹕ sender  throws  something  aggressively  at  receiver . ∗ 79﹕ sender  creeps  up  behind  receiver  to  scare  them . ∗ 8o﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  shopping  together . ∗ 81﹕ sender  helps  receiver  [ dye / style ]  their  hair . ∗ 82﹕ sender  draws  receiver  into  a  kiss  by  the  back  of  their  neck . ∗ 83﹕ sender  is  discovered  having  a  panic  attack  by  receiver . ∗ 84﹕ sender  accidentally  injures  receiver  during  sparring . ∗ 85﹕ sender  grabs  receiver  roughly  by  the  hair . ∗ 86﹕ sender  brings  receiver  to  their  knees  during  combat . ∗ 87﹕ sender  shows  receiver  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ∗ 88﹕ sender  winks  [ seductively / mockingly ]  at  receiver . ∗ 89﹕ sender  yells  at  receiver  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air . ∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . ∗ 91﹕ sender  holds  receiver  as  they  cry . ∗ 92﹕ sender  silently  and  angrily  points  receiver  towards  the  door . ∗ 93﹕ sender  gestures  for  receiver  to  sit  down . ∗ 94﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  into  their  lap . ∗ 95﹕ sender  cradles  receiver’s  face . ∗ 96﹕ sender  tackles  receiver  out  of  the  way  of  danger . ∗ 97﹕ sender  has  hidden  an  injury  from  receiver ,  and  receiver  finds  out . ∗ 98﹕ sender  confronts  receiver  about  their  unhealthy  behavior . ∗ 99﹕ sender  proposes  to  receiver . ∗ 1oo﹕ sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out .
13K notes · View notes
mariatheintern · 1 year
Tumblr media
The Royal Roses 
328 notes · View notes
mariatheintern · 1 year
What percentage does your muse start charging their phone at? 
Do they drive? What kind of car do they have?
What difficulty mode does your muse play video games on?
What’s their go-to drunk / high snack?
How many pillows and blankets do they sleep with?
What the majority of their camera roll ( pets, selfies, screenshots, memes, food )?
What’s their texting style like?
If your muse is pretty chill, what’s something they’re weirdly high-strung about?
If your muse is pretty high-strung, what’s something they’re weirdly chill about?
Do they prefer to write with pen or pencil, or something else?
What’s their Sims play style?
What’s that one story their parents always tell about their childhood?
If there’s a tornado warning, do they get to safety or do they go stand on the porch?
How often do they do their laundry?
If they had to have a side hustle, what would it be?
Do they still have a baby blanket or childhood stuffed animal?
How does your muse think they’ll die?
Does your muse dream at night? What about and do they remember?
How often do they actually think about texting their ex?
Have they ever gotten in trouble at work? What was the reason?
Do they have a favorite vine or tiktok sound?
If they could pick a superpower, which one would they pick?
What’s scarier to them: the ocean or space?
What does your muse call pill bugs ( roly polies, potato bugs, doodle bugs, etc ).
Are they allergic to anything? If so, do they still eat it / keep it around?
What do they call their grandparents?
Do they like ice in their drinks? Crushed or cubed?
How often to they wash their hair?
What is their preferred streaming service?
Could they eat a person if they would starve to death otherwise?
They get three wishes –– what are they? All typical rules apply.
What’s a weird food combo your muse swears by?
What is something they wish they could do appearance-wise but don’t have the confidence or ability to ( piercings, haircut, clothing style, etc )?
If they have pets, which one is their favorite?
What’s their favorite form of media to consume?
Do they crack their knuckles?
Have they been diagnosed with any diseases / illnesses?
How old is your muse and how much younger and older are they willing to date?
How do they eat oreos?
What’s a show everyone’s seen but they haven’t yet?
485 notes · View notes