margretanderson · 4 years
How Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Help for Investors?
Do you currently have a commercial real estate investment plan in your portfolio? While the stock market continues to show significant volatility, and less risky asset classes such as treasuries offer little to no return on investment, commercial real estate continues to provide an excellent risk/reward profile to investors. Here are some of the benefits of investing in commercial real estate.
1. Secured Assets
One of the main advantages of Commercial Real Estate Investments is that assets are typically secured by leases that provide a daily income stream, far higher than average stock yields. Tap for a comparison of stock dividends and economic dividends (otherwise known as capitalization rates).
2. Accumulation Of Equity
Another significant advantage of commercial property investment is the opportunity to put leverage on the asset, which is many times the actual equity. This helps you to purchase more properties with less capital and dramatically raise your investment as loans are disbursed.
3. Excellent Appreciation
Historically, Commercial Real Estate Investments received unique value appreciation that equals and exceeds other investment forms. Properties will generally rise in value through internal factors such as constructive leadership–making cost-effective property changes that enhance asset usability and desirability, and external influences like supply and demand imbalances.
4. Cashflow
Anyone who questions “why is real estate relevant” would look at the value of stable, long-term cash flow. Although other properties only benefit when purchased and rented, real estate is an opportunity to produce rental income every month.
5. Potential Revenue
Commercial real estate’s competitiveness makes it quite an enticing investment vehicle. According to a recent report, commercial real estate will pay in returns above 10%. The same study showed that stocks pay just three percent annually. Here, you also need to know that Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Helps Investors to gauge out the profitable ways to invest in the same.
Commercial Vs. Residential Real Estate – Which One Is The Best?
The most noticeable distinction between commercial vs. residential real estate is the viability of each purchase. Commercial buildings tend to be much bigger assets, contain more occupants, and can produce higher income. It also suggests, though, that commercial real estate can need more capital and experience before beginning. The below points to summarize the basic features of commercial property investment.
Commercial Real Estate Investment In A Nutshell
It requires larger investments.
Potential to yield more substantial profits.
Requires more capital and expertise
An investor should have specialized knowledge of property history, estimated revenue, and so on.
Commercial real estate investment needs extensive research.
Beginner investors are not unusual to lean on residential property and make their way on a commercial investment. Residential approaches can also generate large profit margins that creditors can use to create their surplus resources for transformation to commercial land. That said, confident investors will automatically consider commercial property success.
How Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Helps Investors?
As you are already familiar, investing in commercial real estate is not as easy as pie. That is when the wrong decision can wreck it all. So, it’s always a better idea to understand and acquire knowledge about the various tools and techniques required to invest in commercial properties successfully, here, Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Helps Investors to invest in a lucrative way.
The post How Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Help for Investors? appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ How Commercial Real Estate Investing Courses Help for Investors? published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
What is Real Estate Investment Education?
For many, investment in property is an unknown terrain. Except for stocks and bonds sometimes called “traditional assets”— to date. Most of the time, people consider it an alternative asset. Typically costly, and difficult to access and afford.
Knowing that investing in real estate can be an unexpected investment option. It does not mean ignoring it. When properly approached;
Real estate can deliver a profitable and reliable way to produce significant
It can build a steady income stream
Provides unique benefits to your portfolio
Increase in growth opportunities, portfolio diversification, and tax benefits
These benefits can grow with the help of real estate investment education.
Real Estate Investment Training To Tackle The Challenges
Most real estate investors face many challenges. Particularly when they begin their career. Therefore, it is profitable to go for real estate investment training. So that you will be able to tackle the challenges. Let’s first see what are the challenges?
You will need a huge stock of information.
It consumes a lot of time.
Needs business intelligence and insights.
Difficult to find out the right measurement tool.
Although these aren’t all the obstacles you’d face at the beginning. When you kickstart your real estate investment career. They make up most of the reasons, most people leave before they even start.
Can Real Estate Investment Courses Help You?
Of course, yes. If you wish to learn the basics of investing in property and want to know how to analyze investment opportunities as professional investors do. You need to take our real estate investment course.
We can’t promise to help you get rich, own a ship, or two Bentleys. But we can show you some serious property investment research techniques. Once you complete the course; you would be able to understand and recognize the things below.
#1. Recognize the key principles of real-estate investment
#2.  Recognize professional real-estate investment approaches and techniques
#3. Test investment opportunities confidently
#4. Obtain skilled investment models
Summing Up
The best of all is that you will learn all these skills in no time. Our team of expert trainers will support you all around. While ensuring that you understand all the concepts quite easily.
The post What is Real Estate Investment Education? appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ What is Real Estate Investment Education? published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
Real estate investment training online
Ebprofessionals provide Real estate investment training online courses for Real estate investors. Enroll in online real estate courses to learn about careers in real estate. Visit site: www.ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
How is real estate investment training advantageous for investors?
In modern times, online education is becoming more important and more popular. And when we talk about real estate investment, online training is no far from the one who wants it. if you choose the right course, you are able there to reach your goal. Real estate investment training online is one of the best ways to get acquainted with what goes in the market. It tells you about the best ways to invest more constructively. So let start the discuss how all you get by going with this option.
Experienced instructors welcome you to the world of real estate and share their knowledge with you. And because they are experts in the stream, you are sure to get the needed information through them. The availability of these courses on the internet is very common and you can hence easily access the course online anytime. The courses provide you with a lot of capabilities and knowledge that you would not have otherwise possessed. From audio libraries to download, you meet real professional teachers to guide you. Moreover, you get habitual in the world of real estate investment.
For those who wish to make a considerable rise in their wealth, real estate investment is the right option. It is safer than stocks and you are most likely to benefit through it. The online course trains you better than what several other options can give you. If you really want to be a professional real estate investor, such a course is just for you. Real estate investment training online has several other advantages like options to choose from different packages. This lets you make a choice as per your requirements.
It can be seen from past results that people have successfully gone far beyond the basics. They sharpened their skills and deepened their financial know-how. They could learn to apply their knowledge to the real world out there. And all this has been made possible due to the resources made available by the course providers online. It’s been due to their advanced education systems. So plan, choose and join the best online course ever.
The post How is real estate investment training advantageous for investors? appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ How is real estate investment training advantageous for investors? published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
Real Estate Investment Education
Our real estate investment Education courses teach current, relevant and effective training. All our investment courses are easily accessible online. All of these courses are provided by practicing instructors who are well-established investors in real estate.
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Real Estate Investment Education published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
How to Invest in Real Estates – Few simple steps to get started
Everyone wishes for an increased income and ways to maximize their wealth so that they could live a secured, comfortable and dignified life; who doesn’t? And did you know that this can be done through various investment options. Real estate is the best one among many other investment options like gold, bonds, and mutual funds.
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Real estate can be a useful and tangible option for you to make profits whether you buy a house for reselling or rent it out. The best kind of real estate investment is when you invest in residential housing properties that produce income the whole year-round.
The most attractive advantage in investing in real estate is all the tax breaks you get, and for all this, all you need is to have some form of education in real estate through various classes, training, and courses.
Here are some elements of real estate investment that you ought to know about before you dive into it –
Appreciation –
The most common way you get your profits from a real estate investment is when its value rises over time, which is called an Appreciation. Appreciation depends on various conditions that can increase or decrease the appreciation of which you can only know about at the time of reselling.
Rentals –
If you can buy a housing property and can keep a year-round rent-paying party into it, you can make heaps of money out of your investments.
Location –
The location might be the most prime part of real estate investment. When you buy a house in an area where over the time schools, grocery stores, transportation routes, hospitals are added up, that increases the appreciation points of your bought up the property.
In fact, the location might be the biggest factor to up your appreciation points, the more good-looking the neighborhood, the higher the resale value of your property goes.
Undeveloped Land –
If done carefully the investments in an undeveloped land can yield great resale value inducing results. The best kind of investment in undeveloped land is right outside a city limit where it is a given the city will expand and will develop into a more valuable asset since developers are sure to buy it off of you.
Timing –
Timing is another important factor in real estate investments since selling your property on a regular day is very much different from selling your property on some special occasions and events. In the days of some festive celebration, you can sell a high number of properties you bought whereas on regular days you might have to work your feet off to sell just one.
So there it is, these were some points to remember about how to get into real estate investments and what to remember about it. When comparing to investments in golds, bonds, and mutual funds, real estate is much more secure, controllable and tangible in making profits for you with only a few simple points to remember.
The post How to Invest in Real Estates – Few simple steps to get started appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ How to Invest in Real Estates – Few simple steps to get started published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
What is “House Flipping” and how to make profits from it?
In real estate, it is generally seen that the value of a property rises with time. And for this reason, often real estate investors buy houses, usually through auction, and then at a later date sell that house off for a profit. Therefore, in the same line, you can make profits/huge profits, in the same way. But could you also lose everything while trying to do this on your own? Disturbingly, yes!
House flipping refers to buying a house and then reselling it for a profit after a time. However, the process is not easy. An often you have to spend an amount on the renovation of the house and in that the amount you had spent on buying the house effectively increases. There may be instances when you buy a house for, say, 120,000USD and then put in another 30,000USD extra for its renovation and then wait for a buyer to sell it; and have to wait for long? Often you might get very little profit for such hard work and investments.
The offer price for your property is important for the success of any rehab house. Securing a purchase price which is right can influence the profit investors significantly and one can make an amazing deal.
The investors who are hoping for securing a property will not be required to undermine the existing sellers. Choose the right purchase pricing for your after repair value and make a good offer on your house property.
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The main objective of house flipping in real estate is making a profit and making it quickly as possible. A good investor knows that the real estate market can only turn on the dime. The different factors can best assist in decreasing the value of property dramatically. This includes,
Increase in the interest rates
Change in seasons   
Increase in the inventory and lot more.
That is why you must understand the risks involved in the process of house flipping before you decide to jump into the business. And if you have learned the risks of this process then let’s see what the requirements you must have to have any chance in house flipping are.
A Great Credit Score –
If you have to buy a house you got to have some mighty great credit score so that banks can lend you the buying amount. If you don’t have a good credit score then you might not be able to secure the desired loan amount.
The right location –
Buying the house to be flipped in the right location is the next most important requirement. If the house that you have bought is not in the right location with all the necessary amenities nearby, then you’ll not be able to secure good profits. And again if you plan to buy a house in a very posh area, then you might not be able to manage enough resources to complete the transaction.
Right Renovations –
You must renovate a house that you have bought, to entice the buyer. Keep an amount to not spend too much on renovating. Remember, you need a house that only demands some quick updates and not the whole makeover process.
Cash –
In case, you need cash for securing the transaction then you must have enough cash to not only buy a house but also present it to potential buyers in a good shape.
Market Value –
Here is a simple thing to remember – try to buy the worst looking house in a good neighborhood instead of the best looking house in a bad neighborhood. The market value of your bought up house MUST stay below the local market value.
The post What is “House Flipping” and how to make profits from it? appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ What is “House Flipping” and how to make profits from it? published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
5 reasons NOW is a great time to invest in Real Estate
Everyone wants to make it big and quick, for a fast, lavish and luxurious life you need some hefty wad of money and real estate investment is the way to go there.
No wait – wait, we know when the recession hit us a few years back it made investing in real estate a very harrowing imagination. But now is a very different story from a few years back, thanks to the same recession anyone who has financial resources and means to buy into real estate is going to make a ton of profit.
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Why? Here are five reasons that prove why “now is a great time to invest in real estate”–
1. Mortgage interest rates are now low –
Yes indeed, these days the mortgage rates on your bought up property is going to be an all-time low, with such a low maintenance rates on what you buy, things are going to go smoother for a real estate investor and buyer.
2. Bigger amount of recent foreclosures –
Many of the former home owners are now displaced thanks to foreclosures which mean the market is high with people who want to rent into a property which makes it profitable of real estate investors to buy into rental properties!
3. Everyone prefers houses than apartments –
There is a stigma attached to finding apartments as a home, people prefer to stay in houses instead of apartments. They tend to see living in apartments going backwards in life and many are those who have lived in houses before so there is also an added perk by which people tend to take care of their rented housing properties the same way they used to tend their homes. That also makes it a factor to invest into real estate.
4. Tenants prefer private landlords –
There is another stigma related to having a landlord, which is easy to understand that people usually prefer having a person as a landlord instead of some real estate company. It makes them having the rented home feel more secure since only the landlord has the other set of keys but also it drives a strange sense of buying the rented house from the same landlord someday which makes sense since real estate investors also wants to sell his or her old property as soon as possible.
5. Real Estate Prices are low –
Go outside your house and you can confirm this on your own that real estate prices to buy properties are on a low end of the stream. This makes buying some nice property to renovate and flipping it over easier.
So there you are folks, these were the five reasons why NOW is a great time to buy off some real estate property and either put it up for a year-round rental cycle or sell it off using few amounts of cash in buying and renovating the property. We hope that this small article helped you in some way.
The post 5 reasons NOW is a great time to invest in Real Estate appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ 5 reasons NOW is a great time to invest in Real Estate published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 4 years
Different Types of Real Estate Investments
Investing in real estate is always a right decision, as it is a safe and profitable investment compared to other mode of investment like mutual funds, bond and stocks. It acts as a long-term investment and helps in generating income of passive nature in terms of value appreciation and income of active nature in terms of rental. If the value of your real estate property that you have purchased gets increased over the period, then it can be an amazing thing for you.
Investing in real estate property is a major step that adds on to your wealth. It can be a worthy investment for an innumerable number of reasons. One can enjoy excellent returns, the benefit of taxes and can leverage the real estate for building wealth.
Some of the reasons prove that real estate is worthy investments as,
1. Better returns
2. Secure investment
3. Offers more control
However, there are 4 different types of real estate investments available and you can make a worthy investment in any of them or all. This list includes,
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1. Residential real estate investment
These residential properties can include nuclear family houses, multi-family houses, condos, townhouses, and mobile homes. All of these properties can best help in generating investment returns in various ways.
To say, you can buy a multi-family house and can keep it until its value increases in the market. You can even rent it out and can wait for value for increasing. Similarly, many investors invest in a multi-unit property where they live in one unit and rent out all others for making good profit every month.
2. Industrial or commercial real estate investment
Such properties include the buildings which are used by companies for warehousing, manufacturing or for distribution of the final product. Many people also run their offices in such properties. Most of the investors of industrial real estate are highly skilled and holds high-end investment portfolios.
The buildings in which they all invest are expensive, huge and tenant’s requirements can change frequently. However, savvy investors are also aware of various types of returns that these commercial properties generate.
They yield good returns with longer leases only. Their turnover rates are very low. This means, that you don’t have to find new tenants now and then even when the business shuts down.
3. Real estate investment in land
Of course, the properties require need land for standing on. Buying land can turn out one of the best investment strategies which can produce great returns. However, buying a raw land doesn’t help you earn passive income unless you buy farmland.
Investing in land can be a bit risky investment. Apart from paying taxes on the property that is not generating income, you also sometimes need to deal with the zoning issues, environmental problems, utilities access and much more.
However, if you invest in the land that is placed in a popular location, then it can pay you off great profit in the coming future.
4. Investing in newly constructed property
Investing in newly constructed property can help you fetch great profits. It is because the rates of the property when it getting constructed are a bit low. You must make an investment at the right time, which means when it is getting constructed and not when it is completed.
You can invest even in a new launch condo that can offer you great returns on every investment. These properties are called the one which has a high value of assets It never gets decreased over time.
So make an ideal choice today and invest in the right real estate property that can help you yield good returns.
The post Different Types of Real Estate Investments appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Different Types of Real Estate Investments published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
Essential Real Estate Investing Tips To Be Successful Real Estate Investors
Essential Real Estate Investing Tips To Be Successful Real Estate Investors
Investment has always got a risk factor associated with it. But if one takes a well-informed decision, investment can be very profitable. The investor should have proper information about the area of investments and the tricks involved before making the investments to make profit. We have gathered few necessary real estate investing tips below to help you with your real estate investing journey. Whether you’re a beginner in real estate investing or already a pro, this article can offer you some great tips.
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Handle your Real Estate investments as a business
Real estate investment is like a business and similar to all other businesses it needs focused planning, execution, as well as proper management. Like a business, you have to keep constant supervision and track of the market environment, demand and supply situation and opportunity to grow profit & etc.
Set a budget and timeline, but be ready for worse
You should set aside 50% additional of your set budget as reserves, particularly if you are a new investor. Your budget most of the time goes higher than expected and when you’re rehabbing properties, one small problem can discover another one and so on. If you have set your timeline to be 60 days, get ready for the project to take up to 90 days. With additional operating cost, the timeline also extends.
Invest in Single Family rentals
If you are just starting out, then single family houses are your safest option to attract the ideal tenant. The single family houses traditionally have over the last hundred plus years constantly appreciated in value. Diversify your investments
Do not limit your profitability potential by only investing a small geographic area or a particular sector. It is always better to diversify your investments by considering investments in other states and cities or investing in different areas of real estates. Diversifying your investments protects your portfolio against the volatility of local markets.
Budget stabilization funds
If you are buying rental houses for cash flow, ensure you account for all of the operating expenses and have reserve funds set aside for future expenses. It is extremely important to keep a reserve in place to cover up unexpected expenditures, cause you never know when they will hit.
Invest with multiple exit strategy
You should never buy a real estate property without having different exit strategies. If you’re a new investor and starting out or don’t have extra capital for emergencies, you must tone down your risk factors by buying assets that have good enough numbers to be a rental property as well.
With these investment tips and real estate investment education through courses, classes and training, you can make your real estate investment profitable. Here, EB Professional offers real estate investment training, classes and courses to provide you required real estate investment education for profitable investment for existing investors. EB Professionals also offers trainings, courses and classes for real estate investment for beginners. Happy and profitable investment.
The post Essential Real Estate Investing Tips To Be Successful Real Estate Investors appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Essential Real Estate Investing Tips To Be Successful Real Estate Investors published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
How real estate investment can be a way to wealth and prosperity?
Everybody wants to increase their income and to maximize their wealth to lead a comfortable, secure and dignified life. This is possible through various profitable investment options. Let us discuss below how real estate investment can be more profitable & secured vis-à-vis gold, bond, and stocks.
Real estate Investment is one of the secured investments compared to other investment options like stocks, bonds, gold, and mutual funds. Real Estate can be a tangible and usable asset, whether you’re buying an apartment or home to rent it out or sell it later. The best kind of real estate investment is investing in residential properties that produce rental income year-round. The most attractive advantage of real estate investing is getting various tax breaks for your investment.
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Elements of Real Estate investment:
The most common way a real estate provides a profit is that it increases in value over time, this is called Appreciation. Appreciation occurs in different ways for different kinds of properties. This can only be realized at the time of selling the property. Besides, real estate can also earn some income through rentals. The appreciation of a real estate can be maximized if you follow the below-mentioned points.
Location is often the biggest factor in the appreciation of residential or commercial properties. When the neighborhood around a property evolves, adding transit routes, playgrounds, schools, shopping centers, and so on, then the significance of that property improves and ultimately the worth go up too. The appreciation value of a home or apartment can also be improved by putting in an extra bathroom, heating a garage, and remodeling a kitchen with modern appliances.
Undeveloped Land:
Undeveloped Land Investment can also yield huge profits if done carefully. The best type of Raw Land investments is investing in the Undeveloped Lands outside big cities. As these cities expand, land just outside the cities develops into more and more valuable assets because of the potential for it to be acquired by developers.
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Advantages of Real Estate Investment Compare to other investment methods:
Invest In Real Estate Vs. Stock Market:
Investing in the stock market can provide you with high returns, but only for those who know the companies in which you are investing. The stock market is one of the most volatile markets as it is completely out of your control. Real estate investment is much secured as it is backed by tangible assets like land and building. Besides, real estate investment gives recurring income through rentals.
Real Estate vs. Bonds:
Dissimilar to stocks, bonds are not a stake of a company. Therefore, the yield on a bond is permanent & never gets the opportunity to appreciate it. That’s the reason bonds are less volatile than stocks. The actual benefit of real estate over bonds is the time frame of the investments and the rate of return throughout that time. Bonds provide a fixed rate of interest throughout the investment time span and the actual value of that return drops with inflation over time. Investments on rental properties, on the other hand, can produce higher rents in periods of high price increases.
Real Estate Vs Gold:
Investment in Gold is considered a safe asset, but it still loses its attractiveness as compares to real estate. Below are few of the reasons many investors prefer real estate over gold:
Dissimilar to real estate, gold offers no tax advantages
As compared to real estate rental, there is no continuous income potential
Unlike real estate, Gold has no room to leverage for growth
If the value of gold goes up, the gain is nominal
Real Estate Vs Mutual Funds:
In Mutual Funds, the money is invested into a variety of asset types such as bonds, similar mutual funds, stocks, and commodities like fine art or gold. Therefore, there is less amount of risk associated with Mutual Funds, but like stocks, you have no power over the performance of your assets. On the other hand, Real Estate is less risky and the performance of your assets can be controlled by you.
You must have understood from the above discussion that real estate investment is the most secured investment with profits/ income through appreciation and rental income compare to any other investment, but you need to acquire some requisite knowledge about the timing, location and selective properties for investment. For this, you need to take real estate investment training. EB Professional is the right place that can provide you the knowledge through real estate investment classes.
The post How real estate investment can be a way to wealth and prosperity? appeared first on Elite Business Professionals.
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ How real estate investment can be a way to wealth and prosperity? published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
Why Startups and Small Businesses Need The Business Credit Builder Finance Suite
Uncover Your Next Business Advantage
For sure, you already know that credit refers to your ability to borrow a certain amount of money. Then, you may also have an ideal with the concept of personal credit or even startup business credit.
As a small business owner or startup, it is very important for you to keep your personal credit separated from business credit. However, you might find it challenging, especially if you are new to the business world.
Luckily, the Business Credit Builder Finance Suite can be your lifesaver! Let’s get more familiar with Business Credit Builder Finance Suite and discover what business advantages you can get.
Your Gateway to Startup Funding!
If you are a small business owner or if you have a startup, you might find it challenging to find start up loans. But this time, that would not be your problem.
The Business Credit Builder Finance Suite will help you build credit under your business name without affecting your personal credit. Not only that, the program will have advisers whom you can talk to and get valuable advice when it comes to your start-up business credit and loans.
Interestingly, you speak with advisers during business hours, weekdays from 9 AM to 7 PM Eastern time for ONE YEAR.
The Business Credit Builder Finance Suite Helps You:
Setup your business to meet lender and credit issuer credibility standards to get automated approvals
Setup and activate your credit profile with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax Commercial and get your free D-U-N-S number (which is essential to building great business credit)
Get initial trade credit to build your business credit reports with no personal credit check
Get business credit without a consumer credit check or personal guarantee
The Business Credit Builder Finance Suite will help you set up your desired business from scratch. Then, you will be prepared to be in a lendable position. So, there’s no need for you to feel less confident about your small business or startup.
Once you are setup with the business reporting agencies, we help you access multiple revolving credit with limits of $5,000 – $50,000!
Types of Credit We Help You Access:
Store business credit with Dell, Walmart, Amazon, Costco, Sam’s Club, BP, Chevron, Home Depot, Lowes, Staples, Office Depot, and with most other major retailers
Fleet credit for fuel and auto vehicle repairs for your primary vehicle, and a fleet of commercial vehicles
Cash credit including Visa and MasterCard accounts you can use in most locations worldwide
Auto vehicle financing to purchase or lease your primary vehicle or a fleet of vehicles, in your business name
Business Credit Builder Finance Suite – Discover a lot of business advantages!
You will have enough to create cash flow and build revenue for your business. You need this money to afford the initial expenses like inventory, rental, equipment, labor, payroll, and other necessary costs. If you need a large initial investment, the start-up business loan is a perfect option to get funded. That way, you can be sure that you will have all the confidence
Small Business Loans Simplified
We make it easy for you to secure a small business loan based on your business strengths. Less than 2% of business loans come from conventional banks. This is because in today’s economy most business loans are obtained through alternative financing, meaning it’s now easier than ever for you to be approved.
Access to over 2,000 lenders… to insure you get money at the best terms
Over 30 funding programs available… means you can get more money than you’ll ever one with just one source
Rates are as low as 2%… our collateral-based loan programs offer you the lowest interest rates available with business financing
Fast closings, get your money in as little as 72 hours… our fast funding program helps you get money in your bank account in 3 days or less
Bad credit, no problem… if your business has cash flow of $10,000 or more monthly OR collateral, you can get approved for business financing even with personal credit issues
No doc funding… even if you have no cash flow or collateral, if you have good personal credit you can still qualify for our no doc funding even if you are a startup and have no tax returns
Build your business credit… even if you can’t qualify now for a business loan, you can still get business credit for your company right away
Certified finance officers build your business blueprint… you have your own finance expert who works to get you the most funding at the best terms
Once you take advantage of the Business Credit Builder Finance Suite, you can create plenty of business opportunities.
If you do have good personal credit, you can also qualify for our Unsecured Business Financing program where you can enjoy:
Unsecured Cash Credit Lines up to $150,000
0% Interest Rates for 6-18 Months
No-Doc Approvals where You Can Get Approved Even as a Startup
Furthermore, you can build business credit with ease. A certain amount of money is necessary to keep your business growing. If you have the Business Credit Builder Finance Suite by your side, rest assured that your chance of getting startup business loans can be increased. Besides, you may also have a bigger business loan in the future and secure lower interest rates.
Some small business owners fear to build credit in their business name because they thought it can affect their personal credit. But, not with the Business Credit Builder Finance Suite. The business credit that you will get will protect your personal wealth. This means that you have nothing to worry about your own finances. All you need to do is to focus on growing your small business.
Are you ready to discover your new business opportunity? Then, simply visit www.ebprofessionals.com
Elite Business Professionals
1 (800) 224-7544
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Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Why Startups and Small Businesses Need The Business Credit Builder Finance Suite published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
7 Funding Programs For Business Owners With Less Than Perfect Credit
Trying to fund your business with less than perfect credit or collateral can seem impossible. In reality, there are financing options business owners can qualify for – even with severe credit challenges or collateral.
Traditional banks require excellent credit and substantial collateral to get approved for business funding. The problem is that conventional banking does not offer flexible financing options for business owners with less than perfect credit.
The Truth is…
Big banks do NOT provide funding for most business loans. In fact, their flagship product, SBA loans, only account of 1.1% of ALL business loans (Department of Revenue 2013). So where is all this business funding coming from?
Here are our top 7 sources for getting funding without a personal guarantee:
#7: Revenue Lending
One place you can turn to is business revenue lending and cash advances. These are not loans; instead, business revenue lending (also called cash flow financing) is an advance. Revenue lending is based upon the expected future sales and revenues of a business. You can get 72-hour funding.
Cash flow financing is one of the more popular types of business financing today because it’s fast and easy money! All you need for approval is a 6-month bank statement review. Typically get approval for 10 – 12% of your annual revenue. Therefore, $600,000 in annual revenue can get your company a $60,000 loan. And $400,000 in annual revenue can get your business a $40,000 loan.
There are no collateral requirements for Revenue Lending and often lend to business owner with FICO scores as low as 500. Some lenders don’t have credit requirements at all.
#6: Revenue Lending Line of Credit
While looking into revenue lending lines of credit, we found OnDeck and investigated their programs, rates, terms, and features. As with any financial product, rates can rise and fall; this is normal when it comes to financing. In addition to short term loans, OnDeck also offers $5,000 – $100,000 in revenue lending lines of credit, with a term of 6 months.
To get qualified for funding, you will need to have annual revenue of $100,000 or more, and a personal FICO Score of 600 or better. You must be in business for 9 months or more. Note: there is 13.99% to 36% APR. OnDeck requires a personal guarantee. We can help you find other revenue lending line of credit programs, both online and off.
#5: Merchant Cash Advances
A merchant cash advance can be described as purchases of future credit card sales receivables or even short term business loans. For all options, we can help you find the best merchant cash advance provider for your particular situation, either online or off.
Merchant cash advance programs offer differing benefits. Some charge administrative fees, whereas others have business size requirements (to assure that yours is what the lender feels is a small business), and still others are comfortable with high-risk borrowers. Our research turned up CAN Capital, Pearl Financing, and Yellowstone Capital.
As with all forms of financing, we can help you find the best merchant cash advance provider to serve your particular needs best.
#4: Term Loans
A term loan is a loan from a lending institution, for a specific amount, which has a fixed term when the money is due back in full with interest. There is a specified repayment schedule, although interest can be variable if that is what’s in the agreement.
Online term loan providers have varying requirements, including ownership percentage or time in business or annual revenue minimum requirements (sometimes minimum revenue requirements were calculated on a monthly basis). They will sometimes pull your personal credit or require a minimal FICO score.
Terms varied, from six months to five years. Loan amounts ran the gamut from $2,500 to $1,000,000. Some places gave quotes in minutes whereas others gave offers over the course of days. In addition, as should be expected, the rates varied. Providers sometimes had origination fees or prepayment penalties. Interest rates ran from 5.99% – 29.99%, with APRs running from 8% to as high as 40%.
#3: Lines of Credit
A line of credit is a lending arrangement between a financial institution like a bank and a business. A credit account is extended to the borrower. It has a maximum credit limit to borrow against. The money does not have to be used for a prespecified purchase, so it is a bit like a credit card without the plastic. Lines of credit can be secured or unsecured. The difference between Secured and Unsecured Lines of Credit is as follows. Secured Lines of Credit: The credit grantor has established a lien against an asset belonging to the borrower. This asset becomes collateral. It can be seized or liquidated by the lender in the event of default. Unsecured Lines of Credit: No asset acts as collateral, so the lender assumes a much larger risk. None of the borrower’s major assets can be seized if they default.
#2: Private Investor Financing
Two popular ways of getting private investor financing are angel investors and venture capitalists. First, we looked at angel investors. According to Investopedia: “Angel investors invest in small startups or entrepreneurs. Often, angel investors are among an entrepreneur’s family and friends. The capital angel investors provide may be a one-time investment to help the business propel or an ongoing injection of money to support and carry the company through its difficult early stages.” Anyone can be an Angel Investor. Angels are not covered by the Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC) standards for accredited investors, but a lot of them are accredited investors anyway.
#1: Business Credit
Building business credit is a great option for getting financing for businesses. Personal credit and collateral have no impact on getting approved for funding, but having a strong business credit profile is. Just like you have a personal credit report and score, your business can have a credit report and score. Elite Business Professionals can help you systematically build your business credit to start funding your business with your EIN.
Getting the Funding You Need
Whether you are in a pinch and need capital fast or are looking for funding options for the long haul, we are here to help. Request a FREE Consultation today to discuss your needs. Our funding specialists are here to help you create a plan to achieving your financing goals!
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ 7 Funding Programs For Business Owners With Less Than Perfect Credit published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
How to Repair Damaged Business Credit
How to Repair Damaged Business Credit
Business Credit is credit that is obtained in a Business Name. With business credit the Business builds its own credit profile and credit score. With an established credit profile and score, the business will then qualify for credit. This credit is in the business name and based on the business’s ability to pay, not the business owners. Since the business qualifies for the credit, in some cases there is no personal credit check required from the business owner. Once established, the business can use its credit to qualify for revolving store credit cards like Staples, Lowes, Sam’s Club, Costco, BP, Wal-Mart, even MasterCard, Visa, and AMEX. The business can also qualify for credit lines and loans.
There are a lot of benefits in building business credit. For one, a credit profile can be built for a business that is completely separate from the business owner’s personal credit profile. This gives business owners DOUBLE the borrowing power as they have both Personal and Business credit profiles built. Another business credit benefit is that business credit scores are based only on whether the business pays its bills on time. As a result a business owner can obtain credit much faster using their business credit profile versus their personal credit profile.
Approval limits are much higher on business accounts versus personal accounts. Per SBA, credit limits on business cards are usually 10-100 times higher than consumer credit. Another benefit of building business credit is that when done correctly Business Credit can be built without a personal credit check. Business credit can quickly be obtained regardless of personal credit quality. One reason most business owners love business credit is that most business credit can be obtained without the owner taking on personal liability, or a personal guarantee. This means in case of default, the business owner’s personal assets can’t be pursued.   
There are three major companies that collect business information and publish it. These are Dun & Bradstreet also known as D&B, Experian, and Business Equifax. D&B is by far the largest, but the other two are catching up quickly. Dun and Bradstreet is the biggest and major business credit reporting agency. Dun and Bradstreet is a publicly traded company with a headquarters in Short Hills New Jersey, and trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The main credit score used in the business world is known as a Paydex score, provided by Dun and Bradstreet. The Paydex score ranges from 0-100, with 100 being the best score a business can obtain.
Experian was formerly a division of TRW, an automotive electronics giant. TRW was originally founded in 1901 as the Cleveland Cap Screw Company. Experian’s most recent score system is known as Intelliscore Plus, which they boast of as the next level in credit scoring.
Equifax is called the “Small Business Financial Exchange” and is the most important for cash lenders such as banks. Equifax’s main business credit scoring model is the Credit Risk Score. Credit scores range from 1-100, with a lower score indicating a higher risk of serious delinquency.
Now that you know a little about business credit and the business credit reporting agencies, now let’s talk about: How you can actually Fix Damaged Business Credit.
Many business owners think they have items reporting on their business credit reports that really aren’t reporting. But over 90% of trade vendors don’t report to the business credit reporting agencies. So chances are good that the negative information you think is on your report might not even be there.
Remember most don’t report to the business credit reporting agencies, so one sign you will see when they do report is that they will send alerts notifying you in many cases that they are about to report the credit, especially any type of negative credit. The creditor will almost always notify you in writing before they report the data to the business credit reporting agencies. They will even notify you multiple times in some cases that they are about to report the item on your report. In many cases even the reporting agencies like Experian will notify you before they report negative credit. They might even send you 3 or more notices CLEARLY telling you that someone is about to report something negative on your report and advising you to call the creditor and resolve the dispute.
Obtain Business Credit Reports is to know what’s on your business credit; you should obtain business credit reports from the main business credit reporting agencies. Business Credit reports are offered by Experian, Dun & Bradstreet, and Equifax. You will first want to get a copy of your business credit reports to see what is being reported. You can enroll for the DNBi SelfMonitor from Dun and Bradstreet to monitor your credit during the building process with D&B. To get your reports from D&B visit www.mycredit.dnb.com. A subscription for D&B Self Monitoring will run you about $39-99 per month depending on the type of report you want.
To get your Experian reports visit www.experian.com/small-business. Experian typically charges you $36-175 for a full report.  You can purchase a copy of your Equifax Small Business Credit Report here www.equifax.com/small-business. Equifax will charge $99 for a full report.
You might have already heard of the FCRA. The Fair Credit Reporting Act outlines consumer’s rights to dispute inaccurate information on their credit reports. But it’s essential to know that this law does NOT apply to business credit repair. There are currently no laws which outline business owners’ rights regarding credit disputing. The FCRA also requires credit issuers to notify you of what bureaus they pulled your credit data from to determine your denial for financing. In the business credit world this is not the case, you rarely ever know the source that pulled your business credit or which reporting agencies they pulled it with.
If you see accounts or details you don’t recognize or you feel are inaccurate, request a debt validation for that account using a debt validation letter. A debt validation is where you solicit the creditor for verification of the account details they are reporting. They will typically send you back details of your account that they are reporting. The FCRA and the fair debt collections practices act apply to consumer debts, not business debts. So you can send a debt validation letter, but the creditor is not required by law to respond to your dispute.
When sending a debt validation request, your request must be sent to the creditor in writing. Also insure you dispute the debt with the credit reporting agencies if the creditor doesn’t respond to your request. If no response is received within 30 days of mailing the letter directly to the creditor, then you should then dispute the account with the business credit reporting agencies. To dispute a debt with the business credit reporting agencies, first contact customer service with any of the three reporting agencies for billing disputes, challenging payments and outdated public filings that appear on your report.
When you dispute an item the business reporting agencies will have vendors re-verify payments and remove charges if the vendor cannot verify the information. The business credit reporting agencies can also help to clear up issues that have been settled or dismissed, yet still appear in your report. You may be asked to send in documentation to verify a settlement or dismissal. The business credit reporting agency will then recheck  the status of the public filing if you do not have documentation.
iUpdate from Dun and Bradstreet provides US based Small Businesses and Non-publicly traded companies convenient access to D&B’s information on their business. Registered users can view, print, and submit updates to their D&B Business Information Report.  Many business owners don’t know that credit monitoring services for Dun and Bradstreet reports are actually provided by a private company known as D&B Credibility.
Credit monitoring is now provided from D&B themselves, instead it’s offered by D&B Credibility, a completely separate entity. Do NOT get upsold by D&B Credibility. You do NOT need their business credit building package as it really won’t help you in business credit building, so don’t let them charge you hundreds of thousands of dollars for their business credit builder package you don’t really need.
To get your Experian business credit reports visit www.experian.com/small-business. Or Google “Experian update business credit”. Equifax Business also has an online system for credit disputing that they provide through their online credit monitoring platform in their member center under “Disputes”.
Keep in mind, the business credit reporting agencies may not be allowed to release the name of the person making the negative reference on your report. REMEMBER, you don’t have the same rights as you do with consumer credit reporting as there is no Fair Credit Reporting Act. However, you can contact customer service to discuss the item on your report as well as your options. If your debt validation and investigation don’t net you the deletion of the derogatory item, next you need to contact the creditor. Find out from them what you must do to have the item removed from the business credit report. Usually, they will remove the account if you pay the outstanding debt.
The main reason for a derogatory item to be on the report is usually because the creditor feels there is an outstanding balance that you owe them. So they will typically remove the account if you pay the outstanding debt. If you reach an agreement for deletion, get the agreement in writing. And insure they provide you a time frame of when they will correct the damage on your report.
Business credit scoring is based on how you pay your bills. If you pay the majority of reported accounts on time or early, you will have a good score. Most business owners have little to no credit reporting. So even one negative account can have a BIG impact on their business credit score.
It is essential that you continuously build your business credit profile just as you do with your consumer credit. One of the best ways to battle negative information on your report is to offset it with LOTS of positive information. So continuously build your business credit profile just as you do with your consumer credit.
Contact us today to get business credit and funding for your business.
Elite Business Professionals 1 (800) 830-0344
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ How to Repair Damaged Business Credit published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
Business Loan Secrets
6 Types of Financing You Can Get Right Now… Even if You Have Credit Issues or No Collateral
Most entrepreneurs think that because they have bad credit or no collateral that there is no chance of them getting a loan. But in reality, there are actually many different financing options that business owners have in which they can qualify, even with severe credit challenges, or even if they don’t have collateral.
As you already know, banks REQUIRE good credit AND collateral to get approved for business financing. But still, most people only go to their bank when they need money, because it’s the only place they know to go to. But the most common business bank loan, SBA loans, only account for 1.1% of all business loans (Department of Revenue 2013).The reality is that the big banks are NOT the suppliers of most business loans. And even though they require good credit and collateral to qualify, many sources don’t.
The big banks are very conservative, as most know. Due to this they commonly won’t lend to businesses in which the business owner has challenged credit or businesses that don’t have collateral. But businesses can succeed even if the owner doesn’t have perfect credit or doesn’t have assets that can be pledged as collateral. And many business loans make really good sense and have risk low enough based on other factors, even if the owner doesn’t have good credit and lacks collateral.So what types of funding can and can’t you get with credit issues or if you lack collateral?
Before you know where to go to get money if you have credit problems, you first should know where NOT to go. These sources might be appealing based on their offers and promotions, but they will not typically lend money to you if you have challenged personal credit. SBA loans, conventional bank financing, private investor money and unsecured financing, all have stringent credit requirements.
Where NOT to Get Financing with Bad Credit or No Collateral…
  SBA and other bank conventional loans are tough to qualify for because the lender and SBA will evaluate ALL aspects of the business and the business owner for approval. To get approved all aspects of the business and business owner’s personal finances must be near PERFECT. There is no question that SBA loans are tough to qualify for. This is why according to the Small Business Lending Index, over 89% of business applications are denied by the big banks.
Many people think that when they have bad credit or lack collateral, a private investor is the best answer. But in reality investors typically want average or better credit of 650 scores or higher in most cases, and they almost always want you to pledge some type of collateral.They will also want solid financials for at least two years. This means they’ll want to see tax returns showing large net profits that are increasing over time.Think of private money as being for SBA and conventional bank loans that just miss the mark.
“Unsecured” means no collateral is required for approval. No collateral GREATLY increases a lender’s risk. No collateral requirements usually means it’s the quality of credit that determines qualification. Any type of financing that has no collateral requirements AND no cash flow requirements, WILL require good credit to qualify.
Where TO Go to Get Financing with Challenged Credit or No Collateral…
  Revenue based financing, asset based financing, equity financing, crowdfunding, business credit, and unsecured financing using a credit partner/personal guarantor, are all great funding options for any entrepreneur with personal credit issues or those who lack collateral.
The truth is, there is a LOT of capital out there that business owners can obtain, even with personal credit issues or no collateral. And most of it isn’t available through big banks.And the great news is that you can qualify for this massive amount of available financing based on your business strengths, as long as your business has even one strength. The big banks require your ENTIRE business and you to be near perfect to get money. But as you’re about to discover, there are a lot of other sources who will lend you money, even lots of money, based just on one strength. So as long as you have a strength to offset your weakness of having bad credit or lacking collateral, you can be approved. This is often called compensating factors.
Cash-flow Based Financing
Many businesses have already proven “concept” and have consistently increasing sales. Their strength is that they have shown stability and that they can effectively run a growing business. The risk to the lender is less as they are established businesses that are growing.How are your sales? Sales are the difference between an untested concept or idea, and a real operating business. Will your idea be well received? Do YOU know how to operate a business? Sales answer these questions.
If you have consistent sales, the next question is does the business have existing cash flow proven by bank statements? There are lending options available that only require a quick bank statement review for approval. They won’t even need to look at your tax returns, so even if your business shows a loss you’ll still be okay. The next question is does the business have over $60,000 annually received in credit card sales? Does the business have over $120,000 annually going through their bank account? If the answer is yes then revenue financing or merchant advances might be the perfect funding product.
For this type of “cash flow” based financing you must be in business six months.No startup businesses can qualify. You should have at least 10 monthly deposits or more going through your bank account, not just a few larger deposits. Most advertising you see for “bad credit business financing” are these products.These are short term “advances” of 6-18 months. Mostly short term at first, such as 3-6 month terms. Then when half is paid down lender will lend more money at a longer term, such as 12- 18 months. Loan amounts typically go up to $500,000. Your actual loan amount is based on your revenue, usually you can get lent 8-12% of annual revenue, based on your verifiable revenue per your bank statements. For example, a company that has $300,000 in sales might get a $30,000 advance initially.
With revenue and merchant financing 500 credit scores accepted and are COMMON with this type of lending. Bad credit is okay as long as you aren’t actively in trouble such as in a bankruptcy or have serious recent and unresolved tax liens or judgments. For this type of cash flow based financing rates of 10-45% are common depending on risk. Risk factors include: Industry, Time in business, Bank statement details- number of deposits, average daily balance, NSF charges, amount of deposits monthly, and credit quality. Usually rates are higher on first advance until you “prove” yourself to the lender. No tax returns are required, no other income docs are required, and no collateral is required.
And, you won’t need to pledge any collateral to get approved. Although you will typically be required to supply a personal guarantee, which is required for almost all business financing that isn’t accompanied by collateral.
Asset Based Financing
Asset based financing, also called collateral based lending, lends you money based on the strength of your collateral. Since your collateral offsets the lender’s risk, you can be approved with bad credit and still get REALLY good terms.Common BUSINESS collateral might include account receivables, inventory, and equipment.
With account receivable financing you can secure up to 80% of receivables within 24 hours of approval. You must be in business for at least one year and receivables must be from another business. Rates are commonly 1.25-5%.
You can also use your inventory as collateral for financing and secure inventory financing. The minimum inventory loan amount is $150,000 and the general loan to value (cost) is 50%; thus, inventory value would have to be $300,000 to qualify. Rates are normally 2% monthly on the outstanding loan balance. Example is a factory or retail store.
With equipment financing lenders will undervalue equipment by possibly up to 50% and work with major equipment only. Lender won’t combine a bunch of small equipment, andfirst and last month’s payments are required to close. Loan amounts are available typically up to $2 million dollars.
Common PERSONAL collateral that can qualify for collateral based lending might include a 401k and stocks. 401k or IRAs can be used to obtain up to 100% financing and rates are usually less than 3%.A retirement plan is created allowing for investment into the corporation. Funds are rolled over into the new plan. The new plan purchases stock in corporation and holds it. The corporation is debt free and cash rich. With securities based lines of credit you can obtain an advance for up to 70-90% of the value of your stocks and bonds.These work much the same as 401k financing with similar terms and qualifications.
Equity Financing and Crowdfunding
With equity financing you exchange a percentage of ownership in your business for financing, much like on the TV show Shark Tank. Personal credit is NOT an issue nor will you need to provide collateral, but equity investors are looking for a tested and proven concept and sales really help approval.You might find some investors to invest in a concept only, or invention. But most will want to see that you have an operating business that’s earning money and making profits.
And expect that they’re going to want a large piece of the equity. For it to be worth their time to invest, they might want 10-60% ownership of your business. That means they’ll be taking a large part of your future earnings, something you want to consider before recruiting an investor.
There are lots of websites in which you can obtain crowdfunding for your business. This type of funding gathers money from a “crowd”, or a lot of people instead of one big investor. If the crowd likes your idea, they may donate money to your project. Much of crowdfunding doesn’t need to be paid back and many investors are people you know.But if you really look into crowdfunding, you’ll find there are all types available.
Some types of crowdfunding sources do want a certain percentage of return; some want a percent of equity ownership. And there are different sources and platforms for different needs, and even unique niches or industries. So make sure you find the right crowdfunding platform for you before you post a project.
Business Credit and Unsecured Credit
Business credit is a great way to get money as approvals are not based on personal credit and no collateral is required for approval. Business credit reports usually get started with a few vendor accounts who will initially offer credit. Initial accounts create tradelines and a credit profile and score are established. The company’s new profile and score are used to get credit.Newly obtained credit is based on the company’s credit per the EIN, not the owner’s credit based on the SSN. Personal credit doesn’t matter as the credit linked to the EIN is used for approval.
When you use vendors to build your initial credit, you can then leave your SSN off of the application and can apply for business credit based solely on your EIN at most retail stores. Plus, you can get cash credit also, like high-limit cards with MasterCard and Visa. But building business credit all starts with vendor accounts. Without them, you won’t be able to start your credit profile initially, and that profile being established is the key to getting cash and store credit cards for your business.
Once you find the vendors you want to apply for, apply, and use your credit, it takes about 1-3 months for those accounts to report to the business bureaus. Once those accounts are reported a business credit profile and score are then established, and that can be used for you to get store credit cards next. Once you have about 10 payment experiences reporting, you can then start to get cash credit like Visa and MasterCard accounts. A payment experience is the reporting of an account to one business bureau. So if an account reports to two bureaus, it would actually count as two payment experiences.
You can get approved for vendor accounts right away that offer credit on Net 30 terms. Once you use those accounts they are reported, which takes about 30-90 days. At that point, in only 90 days or less, you can use your newly established credit to start to get high-limit store credit cards. Then in about 30-90 days longer you can be approved for $5,000-10,000 limit cash credit cards that you can use almost anywhere. Due to this fast building and approval time, business credit makes a lot of sense for credit challenged entrepreneurs.
Unsecured credit requires no collateral, but it DOES require good credit. But if you have credit issues you can still get approved if you have a good credit partner, or someone who will sign as a guarantor who does have good credit. The guarantor is then liable for the business debt in case that account defaults. Approval amounts range from $10,000 to $150,000.Card limits are equal to what the signer has on their credit now. These accounts do report to the business bureaus in most cases, so they also help build your business credit and they are NOT reported on the guarantor’s personal credit report. Your guarantor will need excellent personal credit to qualify.
Luckily for us entrepreneurs, there are actually A LOT of different viable financing options, even if you have challenged personal credit or lack collateral. The key is to know where NOT to look, and not waste your time… and to know where TO look, places that will approve you based on your strengths.
If you do have personal or business collateral as we discussed, you might qualify for financing right now. If you have cash flow of more than $10,000 monthly, you might qualify for cash-flow based financing right now. If you have a partner, or other party who will sign as a guarantor, you have yet another good funding option available with unsecured financing. And even if you have no collateral, no cash flow, no guarantor, and bad credit… business credit is still an easy and fast way to get your hands on money.
We hope this helps you get one step closer to getting money to build the company of your dreams. We offer all of these financing options and more.
Contact us today to get business credit for your business.
Elite Business Professionals 1 (800) 830-0344 [email protected]
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Business Loan Secrets published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
Unsecured Business Financing (UBF)… the Hidden Gem of Business Financing
Unsecured Business Financing (UBF)… the Hidden Gem of Business Financing
Typically, when you apply for a credit card you put an inquiry on your consumer report. When other lenders see these, they won’t approve you for more credit because they don’t know how much other new credit you have recently obtained.
So they’ll only approve you if you have less than two inquiries on your report within the last 6 months and more will get you declined.
With UBF, you work with a lender who specializes in securing business credit cards. This is a VERY rare, very little known about program that few lending sources offer.
They can usually get you 3-5 times the approvals that you can get on your own. This is because they know the sources to apply for, the order to apply, and that can time their applications so the card issuers won’t decline you for the other card inquiries.
The result of their services is that you usually get up to five cards that mimic the credit limits of your highest limit accounts now. Multiple cards create competition, and this means you can get your limits raised typically within 6 months or less of your initial approval.
With UBF they actually get you 3-5 business credit cards that report only to the business credit reporting agencies. This is HUGE, something most lenders don’t offer or advertise. Not only will you get money, but you build your business credit also. So within 3-4 months, you can then use your newly established business credit to get even more money.
The lender can also get you low intro rates, typically 0% for 6-18 months. You’ll then pay normal rates after that, typically 5-21% APR with 20-25% APR for cash advances. And they’ll also get you the best cards for points, meaning you get the best rewards.
Just like with anything, there are HUGE benefits in working with a source that specializes in this area… the results will be much better than if you try to go at it alone.
Approval limits will mimic that of your personal cards now. Approvals usually range from $2,000-50,000.
You’ll usually get 3-5 cards, so that means you can get up to 5 times that of your highest credit limit accounts now. Approvals can go up to $150,000 per entity such as a corporation.
You must have excellent personal credit now, preferably 700 + scores… the same as with all business credit cards. You shouldn’t have ANY derogatory credit reported to get approved.
You must also have open revolving credit on your consumer reports now. You’ll need to have two inquiries or less in the last 6 months reported.
All lenders in this space charge a 9-12% success based fee. You only pay the fee off of what you secure.
Remember, you get a ton of extra benefits and about 3-5 times more money with this program than you’d get on your own… which is why there’s a fee… the same as all other lending programs.
You can get approved using a guarantor. You can even use multiple guarantors to get even more money.
There are also other cards you can get using this same program. But these cards only report to the CONSUMER reporting agencies… not the business reporting agencies. They are consumer credit cards versus business credit cards.
They provide similar benefits including 0% intro APRs and five times the amount of approval of a single card but they’re much easier to qualify for.
You can get approved with a 680 score and five inquiries in the last 6 months. You can have a BK on your credit and other derogatory items. These are much easier to get approved for than UBF business cards.
Contact us today to get business credit for your business.
Elite Business Professionals 1 (800) 830-0344 [email protected]
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Unsecured Business Financing (UBF)… the Hidden Gem of Business Financing published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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margretanderson · 5 years
Build Strong Business Credit Scores Fast
6 Steps To Building Business Credit
Step 1 –The Foundation
Step 1 is all about establishing credibility for your company. Think about it from a lenders perspective. They are in business to lend to companies they consider to be a “Safe-Risk.” They will be doing a number of underwriting checks to see if you are “safe” enough for them to consider extending credit to you.
Part of establishing yourself as a safe risk starts by being in compliance, being in compliance helps you establish credibility for your company. This is foundational to your success!
Step 2 –Your Business Fundability
How Fundable is your business?
Fundability is not just about your business credit. It includes several components that determine how your overall business is seen by lenders, investors, insurers, suppliers, and more. Basically, we know that your business was worth the risk for you, but is it worth the risk for them?
Fund • a • bil • i • ty [adj. Fuhnd-uh-bil-i-tee] You won’t find “Fundability” on Dictionary. com, so don’t bother looking. Fundability is a phrase we’ve coined to describe how a business measures up in relation to the entire business lending and investing community.
The answer will increasingly be “yes” as your business fundability grows.
So by improving the fundability of your business, our Business Credit Building System is doing more than just helping you build strong business credit. We are improving the overall “health” of your business while greatly increasing your ability to succeed now and in the future.
The major components of your Business Fundability are:
● Business Bank Accounts ● Business Assets ● Business Revenue ● The Owners and their credit history
Step 3 – Credit Agencies
Dun & Bradstreet is used by most vendors to extend lines of credit. Landlords use them to approve office leases as well. Experian is used by many credit card companies and non-traditional business lenders. Equifax is called the “Small Business Financial Exchange” and is most important for cash lenders such as banks. To concentrate on one and not the others is to have lopsided credibility. You need to build all three.
The how-to instructions in this Step for getting set up “the right way” with each Business Credit Reporting Agency are very clearly spelled out and the methods have been tested and proven by thousands of our business members before you.
There are some confusing claims made by the business credit reporting agencies.
For instance, Dun & Bradstreet claims that you must pay them or your business file will never be opened. That is simply not true. Your file will activate with them, it just will take a few reporting cycles. Equifax claims that they don’t allow business owners to purchase a copy of their reports. That is true, but we will show how to obtain a copy of your Equifax business report without  purchasing it.
In Step 3 we wipe away all confusion about the Business Credit Reporting Agencies. Along with being able to access all three of your business credit reports, you will have a much clearer understanding of the business credit reporting process and you will know how your business credit scores are developed when we are finished.
Our business credit building system is data integrated with Experian Smart business credit reports. So when you first login you will be able to see exactly where your company currently stands in the business credit building process, and then be able to track your real-time progress as your business credit grows.
Step 4 –Vendor Credit
A vendor line of credit is when a company (vendor) extends a line of credit to your business on “Net 30, 60 or 90” day terms. This means you can purchase their products or services up to a maximum dollar amount and you have 30, 60 or 90 days to pay the bill in full. So if you purchase $300 worth of goods today, then that $300 is due within the next 30 days.
The facts about vendor credit lines:
● You can get products and services your business needs and defer the payment on those for 30 days, thereby easing cash flow. This is called “Net 30”. ● Many of our vendors will open a Net 30 terms account for your company with as little as an EIN number and a verified 411 listing. ● You will need to start with our “preferred vendor list.” They are known to grant credit to companies with no credit history. ● Always apply first without using your SSN, some vendors will request it and some will even tell you on the phone they have to have it. Submit first without it, with your EIN only. If they ask you to personal guarantee it after you have submitted it without, then this is up to you. ● Some vendors may ask you to place an initial prepaid order. If so, get that order out of the way fast and move on to having a Net 30 account opened for your second or third order. ● Remember that the goal here is to have at least five (5) Net 30 accounts opened and reporting, not necessarily to have vendors that serve 100% of your business needs right now. Later, once your scores are built, you can add better vendors as you may need them. ● You must be patient and allow time for the vendors’ reporting cycles to get into the system and begin impacting your business credit scores. It typically takes three (3) cycles of “Net” accounts reporting to build credit scores. In other words, it can take 60-90 days to get them to report and show up on your file. ● Remember we said from the very beginning that it takes 90 to 120 days to build business credit scores. The credit reporting cycles are the main reason for that and it cannot be done faster.
Step 5 – Revolving Credit Accounts
Having three (3) Revolving Business Credit Card accounts is key to building business credit.
For your business credit building success you need to obtain three (3) revolving business credit card accounts. These accounts report to the business credit agencies in different ways and carry more weight than the vendor credit that you select in Step 4.
A revolving credit account is simply one that allows you to pay a “minimum due”
per month and not the full outstanding balance. These accounts normally report to Experian and sometimes to D&B and Equifax. Because of how they report, these accounts will help build your business credit on a larger scale than just the Net 30 day vendors alone.
If you haven’t completed Steps 1 through 4 there is no point in starting Step 5.
Why? Because you will most likely get declined. These accounts will be checking to see that your business credit foundation is set and that your business credit files are open. They may also check your bank rating, look to see if you have some open vendor lines of credit and, in many cases, they will want to see that your D&B file is open.
In this step it does not matter which Revolving Credit Card Accounts you open and make purchases with. We have a great selection of companies offering products and services that are of value to any and all businesses.
Step 6 –Additional Funding
Getting “additional credit” makes your business more credible in the eyes of almost all other lenders.
In Step 6, we will walk through what must be done to obtain some of the funding that will start the reporting process for your business and place your business on all other lender’s radar.
As part of Bank Credit, in Step 6 we will be teaching you about the following:
Bank Ratings  -a strong business bank account rating indicates your business has the ability to repay loans, we will look at how banks rate your accounts.
Business Cash – We provide you with access to many unique funding programs that can bring quick cash to your business.
Personal Cash -Here we show you some creative programs for accessing personal cash that can then be used in your business.
One Bank Loan -We will detail why your business needs a bank loan that reports to the business credit agencies, exactly how to go about obtaining it.
Get the Help You Need to Get it Done Fast
Elite Business Professionals 1 (800) 830-0344 www.ebprofessionls.com
Source: https://ebprofessionals.com/ Build Strong Business Credit Scores Fast published first on https://ebprofessionals.com/
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