Reflection on Clarke Little
The Clark Little clips were really enjoyable to watch, and learning about how he became a famous photographer is really interesting. According to the video clips he started taking shoreline pictures, because his wife was prepared to pay money for someone else's photo of the shoreline for decoration. He wanted to save his wife the trouble so went out to the ocean and took pictures on the water. Turns out he had a real talent for it, and started to take more photos. His passion for the ocean also helped spark his interest in photography, and he just loved being in the ocean. He not only took photos of the waves and shore break, but he also took photos of sea turtles and other sea creatures. Another interesting thing about Clark Little, was that he is one of the few photographers who became a big hit on social media before their career. He started posting on Instagram and other social media sites, and the public just fell in love with his work. Later he decided to commit fully to photography. He is a very good photographer and still shoots today, and fun fact he is a very disorganized man. To conclude, these Clark Little clips taught me a lot about him and how he started his career in a unique fashion.
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Portfolio of Term 4
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Brainstorm on Shoot #7
-happiness* -anger -love -surprise -confidence* -stability* -jealousy* -Curiosity* -Contentment* -Humor* -loneliness* -friendship* -joy*
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Reflection on Shoot #7
This assignment was called Self Directed Shoot #7 Conceptual Photos, and I took photos of my friends also at Ellwood, in which I asked them to portray specific emotions that were listed on the assignments page. Taking pictures of the common, simpler emotions, such as happiness, joy, humor and the feeling of friendship is easier to take photos of. Not just because they are defined easily, but also because they are also easier to access than the rest of the emotions. For example, Gabi playing the ukulele joyfully, is easy to shoot, because she just smiles and continues to be the happy person she is and bam, a moment of joy is captured. On the other hand, taking photos of emotions such as loneliness and contentment are harder to portray because they can easily be confused with other emotions. Loneliness can seem like sadness, just as contentment can seem like happiness. So for loneliness, I sort of had to do more than just ask the model to look lonely, but I also had to isolate him. I thought having him look out at the ocean, might portray a sort of longing for exploration and diversity, but having him stand on the edge of a cliff, sort of manifested the feeling of being trapped. I learned that taking photos of emotions is harder than I originally thought, and also with creating some of the emotions, one must sort of envision and look outside the box to really capture that emotion and feeling. Next time, I want to shoot more Conceptual Photos and maybe try shooting more challenging emotions.
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Shoot #7
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Brainstorm on Shoot #7
-happiness* -anger -love -surprise -confidence* -stability* -jealousy* -Curiosity* -Contentment* -Humor* -loneliness* -friendship* -joy*
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Self Directed Shoot #7 Conceptual Photos
Objective: The objective of this shoot was to take photos in which a concept listed was portrayed. I chose to portray emotions and used my friends to be the models. This shoot was a good practice for learning how to capture specific moments or emotions on or of a person.
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Reflection on Shoot #6
This assignment was called Self Directed Shoot #6 Couples. In order to complete this assignment I had to invite tons of friends (both guys and girls) and take photos of them at Ellwood Butterfly Preserve. I took photos of them both in the forestry part of Ellwood, as well as the bluffs. Taking photos of the couples on the bluffs worked really well because the lighting was really nice since I shot around 5, creating a late afternoon light. Also, pairing up my friends that didn't know each other worked especially well, because they weren't as self conscious. Taking pictures of the couples in the forest didn't work out as well, because the light was hard to diffuse and their were a lot of shadows. Although, it was still a good experience. I learned that taking pictures of couples that are intimate and not self conscious work out really well. Also, that the bluffs are a really nice background for taking pictures of people whether it's portraits or couples. Next time, I think I might invite more people so that I could make more pairs and try to limit the awkwardness and self consciousness. This would make the emotion in the photos seem less staged and more real.
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Couples Shoot
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Professional couple photos
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Brainstorm on Shoot #6
-megan and erik* -Sean and megan* -Anna and Sean* -Amanda and Adam* -Jenica and Klein* -Amanda and Evan -Gabi and Rhami -Gabi and Wesley* -Parents
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Self Directed Shoot #6 Couples
Objective: The objective of this shoot was to take photos of Couples with the proper lighting and emotion. It was meant for me to practice taking pictures of people together. Taking photos of people is particularly hard because everyone has tiny faults and will have trouble taking serious realistic photos.
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Henri Cartier Bresson Reflection
Who? Henri Cartier Bresson What? A french photographer Where? France, as well as all over the world taking pictures of different cultures. When? 1908 to 2004 Why? Bresson is famous for being an amazing photographer. He has taken different kind of photos but some of his shots are of streets in France. He is known for creating the notion of the "decisive moment". This moment is when no planning has been done, no arrangements were made, and a shot is taken. The photo is take. Without any thought, because that moment represents something so emotional or great it's impossible to plan. How? He was never interested in documenting events with photography. Bresson worked with Capa for a while and they took beautiful photos for a while. Bresson became a famous amazing photographer because he was able to travel often and shoot different cultures, but also because of his amazing mindset of seeing making everything geometrically accurate which gave him great visual pleasure. Bresson was always a very energetic and impulsive person, and he believed that his impulsiveness has helped him become a great photographer. "You have to forget yourself when shooting, because your not trying to prove anything. You just take pictures when things jump at you, no thinking needs to be involved" - Bresson. Another quote from Bresson is "I think everything is interesting" which is significant because he always looked for the meaning behind a photo and created a piece of art that invoked an emotion in the viewers mind. Bresson was an artist, and as he said, "there is no rule to how many photos you take, you just have to be there in the moment and wait for interesting things to occur."
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Reflection on Shoot #5
This assignment was called Self Directed Shoot #5 Portraits of Pets. To complete this assignment I had to shoot pictures of pets with or without the owner. I chose to take pictures without the owner, because I felt like the owner was hard to get incorporated into the shot in a nice way, and the turtle's owner didn't want to be in the picture. Taking pictures of the animals when they were still worked really well. The shots ended up to be clear and not blurry. Also the lighting in some of my shots especially the horses ones are really nice. In the horse shots there is a shot light filtering through the wooden barn making the photo look kind of golden. The challenging part in taking pictures of pets was that they move a lot. The animals would move before I could get a clean shot in which made the photo blur and look really sloppy. I learned that taking photos of animals requires precision, and a lot of trials, because they keep on moving. Next time I'll expand my range of animals and I'll try out taking photos of the pets with their owners and see how that changes the overall affect of the photo. Maybe photos with the pets and their owners show more emotion, so I'll try that next time.
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Shoot #5
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Examples of professional pet photos
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