Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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This is beyond utterly horrifying.
Every single government in the world who didn't demand a permanent ceasefire nearly 10 months ago or with whom didn't state that Israhell must be sanctioned for their consecutive war crimes and crimes against humanity (and we know who you all are) -you have blood on your hands (and we also know you know this and most definitely don't care but the tide will not always be in your favour).
10 months... I repeat nearly 10 months have gone by and no one sitting in comfy chairs in offices with affluence and power have stopped this brutal mass acceleration of ethnic cleansing being done by a top ten military power in the world that is fully funded and backed by the United States government.
Palestinians have been and continue to be slaughtered EVERYWHERE in Gaza. In their homes, at schools, at places of worship, at any place of refuge -refugee camps... and so many still haven't even turned their way to see just how despicable it is because of the continuous dehumanization of Palestinian people.
And yet we are still supposed to believe this is about Hamas? This is about fighting terrorists? What exactly would it be called to bombard a civilian population who is trapped, is being starved and bombed to death, is being targeted with new war technology, and is being told ANY resistance to that is real terrorism...
You have zero humanity if you haven't seen what has been happening to Palestinians and haven't demanded Israel be sanctioned and brought to international courts for war crimes and genocide.
I will never forgive nor forget the world/any person turning their backs on Palestinian people.
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Forces have been deployed to RAFAH, there are no more safe zones, they have nowhere to go!!
Scream and shout as loud as you can, anywhere and everywhere - we are watching a genocide happen
Your voice matters!!
United States --
Contact the White House
Contact your senators
Get on Social Media
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(please add more contacts to this if you are in other countries 🙏)
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It’s Davey. Definitely Davey.
soo... is it Davey or is it NOT Davey? it's a yes or no question Jack, you dont have to be defensive
I. Don’t. Know. If I get one more question about this, I’m just not answering it.
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Oh, sorry! But I dunno if we can count Snyder as a person in the first place. Maybe a rat?
Do you ever give any newsies jobs? Costumes, cleaning etc...(i know jack does sets)
I do! Race is pretty good when it comes to talking with people, so sometimes I give him the job of the ticket booth or welcoming people to their seats!
I usually make one of the others join him in case.. well- Snyder or the Delancey’s decide to show.
After all, Oscar likes my shows, so that’s the only nerve wrecking part with Race being the ticket person..
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That’s surprising, didn’t think theys respect anyone at all ever. Maybe Wiesel but even that’s kinda a stretch. Then again I thinks it’s impassible to be mean to ya!
Do you ever give any newsies jobs? Costumes, cleaning etc...(i know jack does sets)
I do! Race is pretty good when it comes to talking with people, so sometimes I give him the job of the ticket booth or welcoming people to their seats!
I usually make one of the others join him in case.. well- Snyder or the Delancey’s decide to show.
After all, Oscar likes my shows, so that’s the only nerve wrecking part with Race being the ticket person..
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Oscar? There’s no way
Do you ever give any newsies jobs? Costumes, cleaning etc...(i know jack does sets)
I do! Race is pretty good when it comes to talking with people, so sometimes I give him the job of the ticket booth or welcoming people to their seats!
I usually make one of the others join him in case.. well- Snyder or the Delancey’s decide to show.
After all, Oscar likes my shows, so that’s the only nerve wrecking part with Race being the ticket person..
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Nono don’t cry! :(
Hi Medda! I noticed the boys wrote you a note for Mother’s Day, and we wanted to send something of our own! Hope you had a great day, you deserve it! :)
-Jack & Crutchie
*Behind the note is a nice sketch of Medda by Jack, with some little designs and doodles Crutchie drew on the sides*
(@manhattancowboy82 & @manhattan-rancher-84)
All you boys are gonna' make my cry, my god.. I love you all so much.. Thank you.. <3
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I very much love women I support their rights I also support their wrongs if a woman does something wrong I will not be sad I am a feminist
Are you a feminist?
Uhhh… I dunno. What does that entail?
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Can ya do that? Thanks a lot! Also teaching me how ta actually use the thing would be nice
Katherine! Do ya have a typewriter (I think that’s what it’s called) I can use?
- @manhattan-rancher-84 (Crutchie)
I do! In my office, I can get you it!
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Hello Jack. :)
- @pulitzersdaughter
What kinda’ username is that?
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You know any other disabled newsies?
I’d think Kid Blink counts!
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Not anymore!
@manhattancowboy82 I lost a tooth bye tha way
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@manhattancowboy82 I lost a tooth bye tha way
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Why is Santa Fe?
Why Santa Fe?
Why not Santa Fe?
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Thinkin’ ‘bout rain. I have swear words to say about it.
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Have u always been a newsie? Have u thought about getting a job where u don't have to walk around allday?
For ya first question, yes, very obviously I’s was a newsie from birth!
Secondly, I have thought! I’s just don’t wanna. That’s like leavin’ my family behind
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