manavjoshi-computer · 3 years
(I) Mydoom Virus
The Mydoom virus was a very damaging computer virus that affectedMicrosoft Windows based computers. It is also called as a worm and Win32.Mydoom.A. This worm was spread through mass emailing, disguised as badly sent mail. It is a type of malware. Mydoom caused many problems during its lifespan in 2004.
The virus was made to be sent in an email with an attachment that carried the virus. When the attachment was opened, the virus was download itself to the computer. The virus was found to be a threat on January 26, 2004. The virus quickly spread and proved a threat to SCO group.
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The Sobig Worm was a computer worm that infected millions of Internet- connected, Microsoft Windows computers in August 2003. Sobig.A was first found in the wild in January 2003. Sobig.B was released on May 18, 2003. It was first called Palyh, but was later renamed to Sobig.B after anti-virus experts discovered it was a new generation of Sobig. Sobig.C was released May 31 and fixed the timing bug in Sobig.B. Sobig.D came a couple of weeks later followed
by Sobig.E on June 25. On August 19, Sobig.F became known and set a record in sheer volume of e-mails. The worm was most widespread in its "Sobig.F" variant. The $30 billion figure is a worldwide total, including Canada, U.S., U.K., Europe and Asia. Several versions of the worm were released in quick succession
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Klez is a close third on the list of the worst computer viruses ever created. With nearly $20 billion in estimated damages, it infected about 7.2% of all computers in 2001, or 7 PCs. The klez worm sent fake emails, spoofed recognized senders and, among other things, attempted to deactivate other viruses. The e-mail through which the worm spreads always includes a text portion and one or more attachments. The text portion consists of either an HTML internal frame tag which causes buggy e-mail clients to automatically execute the worm, or a few lines of text that attempt to induce the recipient to execute the worm by opening the attachment. (sometimes by claiming that the attachment is a patch from Microsoft)
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The year 2000’s Iloveyou virus worked by sending a bogus “love letter” that looked like a harmless text file. Like Mydoom, this attacker sent copies of itself to every email address in the infected machine’s contact list. Shortly after its May 4 release, it had spread to more than 10 million PCs. The ILOVEYOU Script (the attachment) was written in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) which runs in Microsoft Outlook and was enabled by default. The script adds Windows Registry data for automatic start-up on system boot.
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The 2017 WannaCry computer virus is ransomware, a virus that takes over your computer (or cloud files) and holds them hostage. The WannaCry ransomware ripped through computers in 150 countries, causing massive productivity losses as businesses, hospitals, and government organizations that didn’t pay were forced to rebuild systems from scratch. The malware raged like wildfire through 200,000 computers worldwide. It stopped when a 22-year-old security researcher in the U.K. found a way to turn it off. Computers with out-of-date operating systems were hit especially hard. That’s why security experts always recommend updating your systems frequently.
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manavjoshi-computer · 3 years
We all are in the same game,
Just different level,
Dealing the same hell,
Just different devil's.
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manavjoshi-computer · 3 years
Failure are the most important thing in the life because the success doesn't teach so much
Believe in yourself that anything is possible in this world
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manavjoshi-computer · 3 years
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It is virus that attack to the computer
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