mamiko-shiba · 20 days
So... Everything is still terrible, and the Fire Nation still continues the countdown until the start of Apocalypse, and the sheer amount of idiots around me is much bigger that I expected but at least I managed to pull myself together. Though last weeks were very... educational.
Before, I thought something along with lines "Art is outside of politics and, expressing our feeling through it, we can bonds with people around the world". Now, the harsh reality explains that " When politics strike, nobody cares about what you think and what exactly you want to say through your art, and everything instantly becomes meaningless". Thank for the lesson, world.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ok, time for the random angst is over, it's time for the fandom angst. I started this thing before... everything... and I want to see this through. Maybe I'll even post it at "Archive" one day.
So... Let's rock!
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Promises and requests
Or: AU, where Dante is a little better at catching his brother, Vergil (just a little bit) - at being a father and Mundus needs some additional time to come up with his Evil Scheme.
It's noon when Dante makes his way back from the job. The weather is nice, with all the wonderful things like a light breeze and bright summer sun in the sky and an overall idyllic atmosphere. Unfortunately, it's doing nothing to improve his mood.
The mission was, to put it mildly, difficult. And not as "finally-some-excitement" sort of difficult, but rather as "damn annoying". Tedious, boring - take your pick. The pay isn't that bad, but now Dante is tired, badly lacking sleep and pizza, and his gorgeous, extremely stylish (and also expensive) coat is torn in two equal halves by some ugly, scissor-like bastard. It hangs mournfully in his right hand, because while Dante likes to be a little extravagant sometimes, he's not going to wear two coat halves like some kind of living abstract installation.
Rebellion is on his back, inside an old guitar case. After all, he's a good peaceful citizen, and there's no need to scare people with his big cool sword. Besides, the police tend to be a little too spooky with weapons, and Dante is certainly not in the mood to deal with them. In any case, they won't believe him. This is not a Capulet city where people are more or less familiar with the otherworldly side of things after Temen-Ni-Gru, but just a small backwater town where almost no one knows about the existence of demons.
So, no cool-looking coat and no cool-looking sword. Without them, he feels almost naked, like some plain white collar returning to his ordinary home from his usual, boring job.
That's until a pair of stylish, very hard boots come into contact with his face and kick him in a narrow alley between two buildings.
"What the fuck, old man?!"
Now, although Dante is not entirely happy with the "old man" title, the first part of the sentence reflects his feelings on the matter perfectly. Lying among the garbage bags, he squints his eyes to get a good look at the attacker. But the sun is shining right into his eyes, and all he can see at the moment is a bright hair color, short stature, slim build and an elongated form in his hand. And a voice that, when the little shit starts yelling again, sounds quite high-pitched and young. And very, very angry.
"First you fuck off somewhere after damping a load of dramatic bullshit on me and now you are here? With a guitar case, of all things?! What are you, a pretty rock band singer now? Do you even have a slightest idea what I've been feeling all this time?! I... I thought you dead-"
Then he suddenly stops and and looks at Dante intently. Something changes in his eyes, and then his gaze switches to the remains of the red coat, which Dante continues to hold in his hand.
"Oh," he says.
And on another day, in another situation, Dante would laugh. Because isn't it a hilarious joke that he got a full face of drop-kick because an angry teenager mistook him for somebody else? Says something about his life and etc
But he's not laughing. Because now he can get a good look at the attacker, and for a moment his brain just halts working. All it can manage to do is list off all details and hope that eventually someone will make sense out them.
1. The kid - and it is a kid, about thirteen or fourteen years old - has silver-white hair and blue eyes. Which bore into Dante with an extremely familiar, piercing gaze while his brows are furrowed in an equally familiar expression.
2. His right arm is covered in blue and red scales. And glows. Like, really glows with bright blue light.
3. The elongated form that the kid holds in his hand is a sword. More precisely, a Japanese-looking sword with a blue scabbard and a white handle. And Dante knows this sword, knows just as well as he knows his own name.
There is complete silence between them, and Dante's head is Dante's head is just swimming from the assault of thousands of questions. And then the kid makes a short, muffled sound and tries to run off. But while Dante's brain decided to go on the little vacation, his instincts still hold the fort. So he catches the kid before he managed to make his way out the alley, and now they're both on the ground, staring at each other.
Dante decides to start first:
"So, wrong face, hah? Don't worry. Happens to everyone at some point. And, because I have a strong suspicion as to who this kick was addressed to, I'll even probably forgive you for it. So, water under the bridge, no hard feelings."
The kid doesn't reply and Dante can't quite discern the look in his eyes. After a minute of silence, he sighs:
"Look, kid, we both know that there are plenty of questions I would like to have answers to, so you better start talking. I already saw you and your nice fancy sword so it's not like you can keep a secret anymore. And hey, I don't going to eat you! Even if you have some acquaintance with my S.O.B. of brother."
"Acquaintance", hah. Like Dante didn't know already what type of bond - of bloodline - connects his brother and the kid. But the idea of this happening - the idea that Vergil would have a child - is so blasphemous that Dante needs to hear the truth with his own ears.
"Let's start simple. What's your name, kid? I'm Dante, by the way, if you don't know already. The owner of "Devil May Cry" business, and the most badass guy on the Earth."
He hardly hears his own words and rambles some nonsense for sake of the rambling only. Because there are just too many to take in and Dante totally wasn't prepared for everything of this when he has took the mission. But then kid's voice catches him. It sounds... little off. Too calm, like the fire in it has burned out completely, leaving nothing but ashes.
Kid looks Dante right in eyes. Then, obviously having made some decision, he reaches into backpack on his back and pulls out the crumpled envelope.
"I'm Nero, son of Vergil. Old man... my father... I think, he wanted me to give this to you"
"Nero" his father says.
Nero, who at this moment is trying to achieve an agreement between the frying pan and the campfire to get them some dinner, rises his head.
"What do you want, old man?"
Vergil doesn't respond immediately; he stands facing the dark forest. To another observer, he may seem completely calm and expressionless. But Nero, although he would vehemently deny it, knows his father quite well, and he can see the tightness of his grip on Yamato and the little hunch of his shoulders.
There is nothing calm about Vergil right now.
They are in the middle of nowhere, in the deep dark forest at night, so some alertness is appropriate. But there is more than that. Nero himself can't feel the danger but it's probably because of his too-human senses (and didn't the asshole pointed this out too many times already?). He has no reason to doubt Vergil's judgment. So... it's looks like tomorrow they will be at the run again.
Well, they couldn't stay here anyway. Nero is definitely not a fan of forest camping, especially with the barebones of sleeping bags and the little food they have (the frying pan is almost a miracle, a nice souvenir from their last stop in town). He wouldn't mind moving somewhere else. But still, damn it...
He is so tired of running.
The beefaroni he managed to scramble aren't exactly perfect but at least they’re edible, and Nero congrats himself at this already. Vergil is a much better cook than him, but he doesn't cook often these days. To be fair, he doesn't eat often either. Some bullshit about being a half-demon that doesn't need food to survive. Still, Nero is mostly human and he sure as hell doesn't want to starve.
Sometimes he misses the days long gone when Vergil cooked every day.
"Hey, old man. Get over here and eat already. You looks like you’re going to fall over at any moment"
The look of irritation that Vergil sends him at the "old man" title is priceless. Serves him right, damn asshole. Surprisingly though, he doesn't respond with a cold denial and docilely sits across the fire from Nero. He even eats a full plate of beefaroni. No "thanks" to the cook, of course, but it's nothing new. For all Vergil's mannerisms, he is a rude asshole more often than not, especially when there is something that irks him. And for one reason or another, this damn forest really drives him up the wall.
There is a pause while Vergil contemplates what to say. He looks almost... insecure. Nero rarely saw his father in such state, and it really vexes him for more than just one reason.
"I will leave tonight to take care of some... things. When you wake up, don't wait. There is a city to the north of here; go straight to it. Then head to Capulet city and find Dante"
As Vergil continues to talk, a new feeling settles in Nero's stomach. It's heavy and ugly and fierce and makes him to want to cry and laugh simultaneously.
"Yeah, I will certainly do just that! And where, pretty please say, are you going to fuck off to?.."
Vergil's eyes glow dangerously.
"It isn't a joke matter, Nero."
"Like hell it is! So what, are you going to go to buy some cigarettes?"
"I will return. If everything goes well, I'll find you even before the first city. The Dante's place... it's just a precaution."
"And what these important things are? Demons? You know that I can fight!"
"Don't 'Nero' me! Like hell I'm going to left you behind!"
Vergil looks him straight in the eyes. There are weariness on his face, and slight irritation, and some other feelings that Nero can't quite recognize.
"It's not up for discussion, Nero"
And then the world goes black.
Nero wakes up at the dawn, with two blankets wrapped around his frame, the neatly assembled backpack near his head and Yamato's handle in his right hand.
"He didn't return."
"No. He didn't."
A heavy sigh escapes Dante's lips when he closes his eyes. He knows that he should say something - preferably, something funny, reassuring. Only, there is no words in his head for the moment and no strength to voice them.
They're back in his shop, in Capulet city. Dante is at his usual place, with legs propped up at the desk. Nero sits at the couch, fidgeting with his hands. He looks... tired. Exhausted, even. His cheeks are too gaunt for the kid of his age, and there are huge shadows under his eyes. He hardly said two words while they were at the road as if he decided to close himself off in his own little world.
Dante would tried to cheer up him a little but to be honest, he isn't in his brightest mood either.
To be honest, he just doesn't know what to do.
When he, with some impressive acrobatics and a good chunk of dumb luck, managed to pull Vergil from the abyss the idiot decided to throw himself in, he didn't expect much. When his dear twin disappeared as soon as Dante took his glance off him at one moment, he firmly said to himself not to be disappointed. Vergil's life is Vergil's, after all. If he will decide to rise up another demonic tower, Dante will kick his ass again. Until then, there is no need to impersonate a lost puppy.
Still... Since then, he had tried from the time to time to imagine how their next meeting would go. It's always different. Sometimes they fight. Sometimes they walk past each other in silence as if they're complete strangers. Sometimes Dante allows himself to imagine them talking (well, maybe with a little-more-than-normal amount of teasing because it's just what they do) and then going to the nearest place that serves strawberry sundae or at least pizza. These dreams are rare and sting the most.
He never imagined that a family reunion can go like this. Without Vergil, but with his son. About whom Dante himself had no idea because of course Vergil did not consider it necessary to notify his brother of such an insignificant fact’s existence.
Not knowing what to do, he almost mechanically stretches out his hand for the envelope and, after a moment's hesitation, opens it. Inside there are several sheets of paper some of which fares better than others. Two are folded several times. One is even meticulously wrapped in thin paper, no doubt for extra protection.
Dante's attention is attracted by the first one that fell out of the envelope. Unlike the others, it’s pretty rumpled and even covered with some dirty spots. It’s as if the person who wrote on it grabbed the first sheet that came to hand, not caring about aesthetics. Completely un-Vergil like, but when Dante's gaze scratches the first line, all his doubts disappears without a trace.
I have no doubt that you are quite shocked reading this. Believe me, I do not feel the slightest pleasure in writing it either. But circumstances are, there is nobody else I can entrust Nero's safety at the moment so for better or worse I will proceed.
Let me clear things up from the beginning. Nero is my son. He rightfully is of the Sparda’s bloodline, and the inheritor of Yamato and will be treated as such. My and yours bonds are complicated as we undoubtedly can acknowledge both. However, I’ll say straight out: I shall not tolerate the slightest abjection of Nero because of them. All bad blood must and will remain between us exclusively; whatever animosity you feel for me, don't you dare take it out on him.
Mundus's lackeys have been after our blood for a long time. So far, Nero and I have been able to avoid them, but at the moment the situation is dire. They’re close. Engaging them with Nero at my side entails risks I'm not willing to accept. Therefore, I ordered him to go to the city of Capulet, assuming that you are able to provide him with sufficient accommodation until my return. For the sake of all of us, I hope this doesn't take long.
And, for now… In other papers you will find details of bank account. As Nero’s official guardian you will have access to a certain amount of funds monthly, which should be enough to cover your expenses. It goes without saying that it should only be used for Nero's welfare. Don't even think about wasting that money on another toy of yours.
Knowing your inability to keep your surrounding in at least half-livable shape, I listed several details you should be aware of while dealing with Nero. Hopefully, it will mitigate your messing up at least partially. You can find it in other letters. Fortunately for you, Nero is an exceptionally mature and level-headed child. I have no doubt that he is able to take care of himself better than you ever will (who knows, maybe you even may take some hints from him? That pile of trash that you call your «shop» could certainly use it). All I need you to do is to keep Mundus's lackeys away from him.
Protect him, Dante.
Dante wasn't sure how long he stares at the letter, taking in every detail: the neat but hasty handwriting, the ink is smeared a little; the dark smudge at the very end, under his own name, as if the person who wrote the letter tried to say something, but then, after changing his mind, crossed it out, and then repeated the process several times in a row; the remnants of demonic aura imprinted in the paper, pouring out akin to the cold, fresh scent. It is at once painfully familiar and different from what he did expect, having been transformed in the years since their last meeting.
Then he runs his fingers over the next letter and unfolds it. A few seconds of reading are enough for him to choke with laughter and turn to Nero.
" Are you allergic to peanuts?"
"...Yes? Wait, how did you know?"
"Say thank you to your pop," Dante waves the paper above his head. "He has scribbled here a whole service manual, with all maintenance needed and shit. Only thing missing is the warranty card and the place of manufacture stamp."
"He what?!" Nero swoops down on Dante like an eagle and all but rips the letter out of his hand. Dante lets him, because Nero has the right to see it more than he, and all this mess is so… so «Vergil»-like… that he does not know whether to cry or laugh.
Because on this huge list, which fits into an envelope only thanks to careful folding and thinness of paper, the freaking encyclopedia about Dante's nephew is written. All his intolerances, habits and preferences, all listed in small, neat handwriting the one glance on which sends his head spinning. It is clear that despite all his assurances of Nero's ability to take care of himself, Virgil took it upon himself to make sure that not a single detail that can affect the well-being of his kid will be overlooked. It’s so incredible and ridiculous and creepy, and Dante can’t help but laugh as Nero reads on, his face getting redder and redder with each new sentence.
Finally, he puts the letter aside and covers his eyes with his hand.
"Fucking old man…" he mutters, his voice almost breaking with barely restrained emotions.
"Looks like he mistook you for the kindergartener," Dante gleefully adds fuel to the fire. "What you’ll say? Maybe I should put this thing on the wall and refer to it every time I'm going to cook you peanut-free porridge?"
"Do this and I will strangle you myself," the kid says vehemently, squeezing his scaly blue-red hand. Then the meaning of words makes the way through his head, and he stares at Dante. "You mean?.."
“I’m going to keep you? Yep, you’re right!” Dante grins. “Until your pop gets his shit together, the spare room is all yours. Not much in terms of furniture, but I’ll look what can be done about it. And other things, like…” He picks up the magnificent list again and throws a quick glance at it. “…’customized bullets of two types’. You shoot?”
Nero nods and Dante’s grins widens. The kid is perfect. Definitely much better than his dumbass father. Makes one wonder how on the Earth Vergil managed to make something so incredible. And while the chances of that happening are low already, Dante is determined to make sure Nero doesn't grow into a boring bookworm. Every moment of Nero’s stay in ‘Devil May Cry’ will be dedicated to this glorious goal.
For the beginning, though…
“Hey, kid. Go take a shower” Dante waves his hand. “No offence but you looks like shit with these dirty clothes… Hm… Do you have spares?”
“Yes,” Nero picks up his backpack and Dante nods.
“Good. Then go. I’ll call for the pizza and then we’ll talk more”
(To be fair, he tries to glance through the list to make sure Nero isn't allergic to the pizza's ingredients, but almost immediately his eyes dazzle and he gives up. Hell with it. If anyone can be allergic to anything in pizza, it's olives or pineapples to blame, and Dante makes sure neither gets on his food.)
When Nero is takes his leave for the shower, Dante's gaze falls on the last part of letter - the one that is wrapped with extra paper. Slowly, trying not to cause even the slightest damage, he unfolds it.
This one is really different. This is not just a random piece of paper, but an official thing, with monograms and a stamp at the bottom. Dante's eyet catch the first line.
‘I, Vergil Sparda, declare this to be my last testament and final...’
He doesn't read further. Tosses the document into room’s corner like a hot coal (although even this could not burn more) and stares at the ceiling for a long time, blinking slowly and trying to drive away the sting in his eyes. He knows what this fancy, beautiful piece of paper is and hates with every inch of his soul.
Vergil’s will.
Vergil’s. Fucking. Will.
"Prepared for everything, yeah, Verge? Really, you're... You're a such dumbass..."
Dante closes his eyes and grabs the amulet at his neck. The metal is cold in his fingers and the edges dig painfully into the hand.
He is glad to have a nephew. Really glad. Happy, even.
It's just...
It would be so much better if the meeting with one family member didn't happen at the cost of life of another.
To be continued... Probably. If you read this please write the comment so I could understand if there is a reason to write it farther or it can be happily left in my head only.
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
On a side note, because I have seen it mentioned once or twice in the past year: I think that the way V talks to little Vergil in the last chapter is proof that Vergil can be compassionate and empathetic and had he been around to raise Nero, I am sure that he would have been a loving father.
He would have still been the anxious mess that he was in DMC3, I am sure, but I simply can’t see him treating his son with indifference or neglect, let alone physical abuse.
And yes, even though V is not the same as before because he learned a lot during the time he spent split apart from himself, I think that pre-Mundus Vergil was a lot more in touch with his feelings than post-Mundus Vergil.
V is and always has been a part of Vergil. And just like he learned to be more loving and hopeful in VoV, Vergil would have been able to learn how to treat his son with love and care and respect, if he had known about and stayed with Nero prior to DMC3.
Vergil is not incapable of love, simply scared of loving.
But he is also courageous and determined to fight for what he deems worth protecting.
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
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To this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength. But this time is different. I swear! I’m not letting you die!
requested by @yukichouji
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
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Devil May Cry 5 (2019) | Platform: PC
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
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Been a while. Currently obsessed with DMC. I really like @much-obliged-timothy DMC stories. This pic is for their recent prompt: “i’m so tired i can barely move.” Had to get this scene outta my head and onto paper.
Take care!
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
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I drew based on Ao3 fanfic Vergil and Nero(child) its called Father May Cry chapter 10. This is my first i actually enjoying non-shipping fanfic. Just a wholesome father n son moment. 
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
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Devil May Cry HD Collection (2018) / Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
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mamiko-shiba · 20 days
Dadgil is canon
So, I want to address the elephant of the room.. "Vergil doesn't care about Nero". Man... this is the same for me regards to "Vergil wants to kill Dante". Some people believe in this shit. 🙄
I want to point out that Dadgil is canon, and Vergil really cares for his son, Nero.
Let's start with the Cry of the Soul.. Have we heard of this? Yes, Yes we are.. Where exactly? My dear reader we will pinpoint this mission title screen in DMC3
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Dante: We are the sons of Sparda. Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly, his soul! And now, my soul is saying it wants to stop you!
Vergil: *laughs* Unfortunately, our souls are at odds brother.
It was reference also in Deadly Fortune novel
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Time to discuss Nero's dream
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I want to point out that Nero's dream is not the first time, but rather it happened twice already. As Nero said, he forgotten it and now he remembered.
The first time it happened was after the Mitis Forest Incident, a month before DMC4 or The Fortuna Incident happened. The whole story is pretty long tbh.
Kyrie and the orphanage children are in the forest for a field trip, 30+ Scarecrows shows up, 3 Holy Knights (Josh, Sagan, Tonio) were ordered, Nero run to the forest to save Kyrie and the kids as ordered by Sister Sesta, since she is worried, Nero saw Kyrie and the kids made it out of the forest and into the city still far away tho, saw the knights shielding them, help the knights to deal with it, Josh is wounded, Kyrie treat his wounds, Assault demon shows up via a portal, Josh was brutally injured, Nero saves Kyrie, can't control his sword to block the incoming attack use his arm to protect his head, Kyrie concerned, but Nero told her to run and protect the kids, Red Queen's charging system is broken due to overused, Nero, Tonio, and Sagan tried to lure but instead the demon run to where Josh is herding Kyrie and the children to safety, Nero and Sagan chased after it, Tonio ran to Josh's side, Kyrie jump in between the demon and the kids injuring in her shoulders via a graze to protect the kids by using her body as a shield, demon stabbed Josh, Tonio was paralyzed due to shock, Nero and Sagan took the opportunity to finish it, and Nero finished it by firing using his newly crafted Blue Rose
But the Order covered up the whole incident, in their Official reports
Several demons appeared from the depths of the Mitis Forest. Several houses in the city collapsed, and several residents were slightly injured. However, all the demons were exterminated by Holy Knight Nero who happened to be at the scene.
In this case, Nero's companion, a woman was injured. Nero also suffered a minor wound on his right arm, but it does not appear to be serious, Nero's sword, the Red Queen, was reportedly in need of maintenance by the Technical Bureau, and is currently being arranged. The reason for the appearance of the demon and its detailed location were investigated, but nothing was found. A re-investigation team will be dispatched on the next day. (DeepL Translation from the Japanese DMC4 Manual)
As Nero said, "They had sent knights to deal with the attack, but they didn’t get there in time to do anything, and no dead man named Josh had ever existed.”
The second time it was right after him meeting Agnus in his labs, and oh boy. Compared to what we see in game vs the novel. I still think that the novel is worse as Nero will explain via 1st person what is happening
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Compared in the novel:
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See the difference? It's fucked up..
Nero's PoV dream, even though Nero never saw his parents since he was an orphaned child. This is the second time he saw his father.
"Right at the edge between life and death, I remembered it. There was a man standing in front of me. I couldn’t recall his face, but that was fine, because I knew I’d never seen him before. His eyes were cold, but I felt that behind that, there was a gentleness too - and loneliness. He looked at me with those eyes, and I couldn’t think of anything to say to him, even though I desperately wanted to say something - but no words felt right. He spoke first.
Man: —can you hear it— can you hear it, your soul’s crying out—
Perhaps the man hadn’t really spoken, but I could still hear his words inside my head. What a peculiar voice… cold, dry… yet strangely soft.
Man: —your soul, what is it—
I interrupted his questions, to ask one of my own.
Nero: …and you? What is it that you’re crying out for?”
The man chuckled.
Man: —I need more power—
My reply was simple. “Well, that works for me.”
Then, I woke up. Why did I remember that dream, then? I had no idea; my most pressing issues were obviously unrelated. After all, I had already failed to protect myself. But for some reason, I think it was necessary for me to remember"
This is the hint that Nero is Vergil's son, even though both of them do not know this until DMC5
For the deep analysis... Visions of V and DMC5
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I'm not a poetry nerd or has a major in English in to begin with. So I will not analyze the poem itself. What I want to point out is V's or in this case Vergil's question of wishing for an eternity. We will come back to this.
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Then another... it doesn't make sense for now, but it will. Don't worry about it. Unless you figured it out already by this point.
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Nero was concerned regarding V's health situation in Chapter 33.2
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No worries, V is just having You vs Self interaction to himself.
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This, this right here after Nero saved V is why Vergil said "Thank You, Nero" after his resurrection/revival. He saw in Nero that he is like his father, Sparda who protect the weak and needed help. He is not angry or being cold. He is just thankful for Nero, and Nero is just confuse.
Onto Mission 20, I would like to point out that Nero vs Dante that was shown in Deadly Fortune, its pretty different to how Nero vs Vergil was shown in DMC5. Dante is shown aggressive that Nero had to go all out, but wants Nero to calm down. Since we also known that Nero is hot headed once he is angry.
Nero vs Vergil, the upload is from Koudai.T in Youtube
"This is nothing to do with you, Stand down" Vergil pinpoint that this fight is only between him and Dante. Him saying "Stand down" is him just saying "Stop, I don't want to fight you. Now I know you are my son. This fight is between me and Dante." In a fight, is just to stop whatever you do.
"Nothing to do with me?! It has everything to do with me!" As we know, Nero is an orphaned child. He was fostered by Kyrie and Credo's parents. In here, Nero wants to point out that he was abandoned by his parents
"Nero..." is sad to hear this from Vergil's voice. That this is the reality is so soft-spoken, a tug on his heart as a father to know that you have abandoned a child that you never knew to begin with.
The whole fight is just an emotional fight between father and son. Since Nero wanted to continue the fight. Vergil accepted the challenge that he doesn't want to do it. He is a parent that doesn't want to harm his child. He is not like Dante that is more aggressive. He is calm, calculated, precise. To make Nero calm, Vergil also lets Nero to release all of his anger by using his sword by hitting him. This fight became like a training/practical test/sparring fight to see how Nero can beat him. Using all the abilities that Nero know. So now, its both emotional and sparring fight. And Nero know this
Nero: You feeling accepting yet?
Vergil: Of your existence? Or your strength?
Nero: Both, you fuckin' asshole!
Vergil accepted Nero already as his son. The strength part well... still continues, Vergil is being a teacher here. He is testing Nero's strength. As a parent, he is thinking how he will teach his child. What are his mistakes? How Nero will improve? How he will learn from his mistakes? Stuff like that. And is a reason why it was pointed in Vergil's character profile in DMC5
"It ain't no secret that Vergil's quick with a blade and when you see him in action, he's one slick mofo. That's gotta count for something, right? Just think if Nero'd learned to fight from his old man, yeah, I'd like to see that!"
You can argue that Vergil is already teaching Nero.. "Stay back, child" Vergil wants Nero to maintain in a certain distance while fighting. That is the number one rule during a fight. Anyone who learned martial arts and boxing will say this to you. Him saying "You disappoint me, Nero" means Nero didn't follow his instruction already. It's basically his instruction to Nero and the player was to avoid getting hit and maintain the distance. If you let Vergil hit Nero, you will notice his emotion of regretting. It's subtle, but it's there
A future that is already hinted that Vergil will teach Nero, if Nero wanted to learn and Vergil giving the Yamato to Nero as an inheritance. Once Nero mastered it. Since in Deadly Fortune, Nero admits that he can't. He is still an amateur.
It's also in one of his taunts... "There's no time for doubt. I know what must be done". It's him saying to himself that he should not hesitate as he fully trust his son for inheriting the Yamato.
At the end of the fight, when Vergil said this "I can still fight" Really? He is now exhausted with his wounds at this point, and you want to continue fighting Nero. Thinking about it more.. He just wants to teach Nero at this point.
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If Vergil didn't care for Nero as some people said, he will follow Dante already to leave the Human World, but he didn't. He wants to let Nero know, and assure/promise him that he will come back to be with him. So, what does he do before he leave Nero? By giving and throwing the book. So what does the book mean?
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The book is a collection of William Blake's poems. That was given to him by an old man who Vergil frequently visits, just to escape from Dante when he was a kid before the First Red Grave Incident happened.
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Like father, like son.. There are parallels, and one of those is this. Vergil named himself as V as an alias to hide the truth who he is, but also to let Dante know that anything that has a letter V in it, belongs to Vergil. Since Vergil doesn't want to share it with him, while Nero was given as an alias named N by Jeffrey, a journalist from the Occult Times magazine in Before the Nightmare. It was also to show that Vergil prefers to give it to Nero as a personal inheritance from parent to child. Why I said that? There is this mentality of Vergil of not wanting to share with Dante
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Is also a symbolism for Vergil's heart to let Nero take care of him. It is expected since parents are hoping when they got older. Their children are the one who will help them for support, until they passed away. Another is Vergil already showing his love for his son, and wanting to know if Nero will also do it in return.
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Before Vergil left, this picture shout out to Dru (@drusoona). You need to see this using a camera mod. (Why does Capcom don't have legit camera for cutscenes, just to take pictures? Why are they hiding this? Same thing with Dante vs Vergil) Remember what Nero said in his dream, "His eyes were cold, but I felt that behind that, there was a gentleness too - and loneliness." It's right there.. just look at Vergil.
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What I want to point out is Vergil's hesitation to leave Nero. He realizes that he wanted to be with his son for all eternity. He now answers his question before as V, "Has there ever been a moment that would make worth wishing for an eternity?". This is his wish, but sadly he can't be in the Human World as he needs to close the portal, and Dante is waiting to cut the tree.
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This shots alone... He came back, since he promised to Nero after the events of DMC5 and cutting the roots of the Qliphoth in Hell.
Now, the van event... The father and son van event is awkward, but if you notice. Vergil is trying to start a conversation, but never continues it. Remember in Visions of V manga? He is doing what Griffon tells him when he was V... To try and get along, to have a connection with his son, to bond.
The man is smiling, you know what does mean? This is his wish that was granted to him, what he wanted all along. To be with his son, Nero who he cherish. That he wanted to protect, since he can't protect Eva before.
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mamiko-shiba · 4 months
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mamiko-shiba · 1 year
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MILGRAM • Triage
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mamiko-shiba · 1 year
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“Hey why isn’t the ride here yet??? What if Megumi catches a cold huh??? He has school tomorrow!!”
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
so i dont have much to do on my days off so i decided to try and translate the runes that were in Tot Musica. i was at this for about 4 hours? lol.  but anyway. I know theres lyrics of the song that has the runes translated with their corresponding letter. for example:  ᚷ would be the letter G (Gifu),  ᚨ would be the letter A (Ansuz) and  ᚺ would be the letter H(Hagalaz); so the lyrics for the first set of runes in the song show like: ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ gah zan tak, gah zan tat tat brak which is how its sung.. but each letter/rune is its own word like i had put in parenthesis above.  Gifu -> Gift Ansuz-> elder voice/voice of wisdom(something along these lines) Hagalaz -> hail.
the next section, the letter Z is Algiz -> protection, A is once again Ansuz (voice of elder), N is Nied, which coincidentally is “need”. so maybe a loose translation of that could be “were in danger and we dont know from what/need to be enlighted as to what.”   Tak- T is Tiwaz - victory/leadership. Ansuz again(voice), K is Kenaz (gradual learning/betterment) “show us the way so that we may learn” Tat- Tiwaz-Ansuz-Tiwaz. (victory, voice of wisdom, victory). “lead us so that we may go forth” Brak being the last word of the first line - B is Berkana (healing/relationships/family), R is Raido (ride/journey). Ansuz(voice), K is Kenaz(signifying steady betterment). ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖ is your next line in the middle of the song. mie neg on giek giek M is Mannaz(essentially “mankind”. can also stand for groups/tribes/kinships.) I is Isa(ice. usually denotes that something is unchanging). E is Ehwaz(taking a journey within oneself. denotes changes within ones being. personal exchange) Neg- N is Nied(need), E- Ehwaz(personal exchange), G- Gifu(gift). maybe a gift is being exchanged for some form of personal growth) On -> O is Othala (legacy. often in the sense of ones rightful place in and because of ones lineage/heritage and the benefits/detriments thereof) N-Nied(need) Giek- Gifu(gift), Isa(ice), Ehwaz(personal exchange), Kenaz(torch) maybe this denotes knowledge/skill/grown gained, but that which is gained gradually overtime. ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ is the last bit of rune. nah phas tezze lah N-Nied(need), Ansuz(voice of wisdom), Hagalaz (hail) something that happens/bad or out your control. P- Perth(Chalice/womb.usually means mystery/magic), H-hagalaz(hail), Ansuz(voice of elder) Sigil- (sun. can mean anything from productive to overbearing heat that burns). “give us your mystic wisdom”? Tezze- T is Tiwaz(victory/purpose/sacrifice/fight), Ehwaz(personal exchange).  Ehwaz-algiZ-algiZ-Ehwaz. Algiz is almost exclusively the rune of protection and safety. The way that they put safety on the inside but surrounded it with personal exchange, and lead all with victory says maybe theyre prioritizing personal change and valuing their own safety/comfort. they want something forced upon them.  lah- L is Laguz(lake/water. also like Perth, it could mean magic. Perth would be greater magic, Laguz would be lesser) Algiz- rune of protection Hagalaz- hail maybe someone is opening themselves up or bearing their chest. maybe someone has more knowledge/experience than i do with Runes/Elder Futhark. i literally just spent hours in google/wiki breaking down the letters/words. i dont know if piecing them into their sentences would make sense pertaining to the song/movie since i havent seen it; but maybe someone else can figure it out and make it work.
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
wish he kisses me rn
Qin Shi Huang, how he kisses?
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• Qin's kisses are intense and full of passion, sometimes he get carried away by emotion and you always end up allowing a silly hand here or there.
• He's the type of person who kisses until he's breathless, kissing you more and more, he doesn't mind showing affection in public, even though the attention will be all on you.
• He likes to hold the back of your neck, squeeze your hair and pull your waist, the closer you are to Qin, the more he surrenders to the sensation of all these stimuli.
• Qin has this kind of super sexy chivalry, he loves kissing your hand, gentle kisses on your phalanges when you arrive or when you're saying goodbye to leave.
• He loves being in control, taking his time to enjoy everything you can offer him, especially when both of you are alone, the kisses become hot, delighting in the magic of this ardent love.
"You're the only one I would do anything for."
With love,
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mamiko-shiba · 2 years
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— Things are not quite what they appear.
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