maiusbonum · 2 years
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hi everyone. thank you for your patience with me this last week or so. i promise i’ve still got every intention of being active on the blog. i’m just going through a bit of a spot personally.
i’m gonna tuck some (mild) details under the cut for those who care, but otherwise, just know i intend to be back to answering asks as soon as i can. thank you <3
tl;dr, i’ve been in the process of getting diagnosed with a heart/ANS condition for a few months now. i finally had the big diagnostic test for it yesterday, one that gave results that hugely favor my having said condition. 
the test was extremely strenuous && it knocked me out for a whole day. pile that on top of a very demanding week at work, and easter and all that nonsense, and it’s just been a lot for me lately.
so. i’m taking the time to process all of the news, as well as trying to keep my head above water with work and other responsibilities. but i promise i’ll be back here when i can. 
thanks again, and i hope you all are well.
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maiusbonum · 2 years
“ they’re… not coming back, are they? ” from Wilford
hit 'em where it hurts prompts.
oswald's brows knit together in confusion — he isn't used to wilford appearing so TROUBLED. in all of his experiences with the man, he's never seen him anything less than DELIGHTED. (perhaps borderline hysterical, but that's besides the point.)
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there's a DARKNESS in wilford's eyes. the kind of thousand-yard stare that oswald has only read about. well, not entirely true — he wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's personally worn such a look, after all that he's been through. knowing wilford to be in a similar situation as his own, oswald isn't naive enough to think he's not seen his fair share of pain.
it's almost like the paint has cracked. revealing a bit of the sensitivity, the weakness, he's got hidden beneath the surface. but what does it all mean — ?
❝ who are you talking about, wil? ❞ his lips are set in a thin, thoughtful frown. ❝ it's ... it's just me and you here, buddy. ❞ a pause, as he gently reaches out, as if he'll place a hand on wilford's shoulder. ❝ did you lose someone? ❞
wilford doesn't really reply at first, though he CATCHES oswald's hand before it can touch him, instead clasping it in his own. the eye contact that ensues is lengthy, TENSE. oswald almost looks away, but he can't. he's all but hynotized.
then, suddenly, wilford speaks: ❝ WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER GONE BACK INTO THAT HOUSE. ❞ and his nails bite into oswald's hand, making him jerk away, startled.
but it isn't just the pain that shakes him. no — what might've been cryptic and unhelpful to others, hits oswald like a bus to the sternum.
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❝ wh, wh — what, what house, bud? WHAT HOUSE? ❞
the glassy film seems to, all at once, blink itself from wilford's eyes. oswald could scream with frustration as the older man regains his dopey smile and starts to sing: ❝ our house, in the mi-ddle of our street! our house — ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
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i split my attention tonight across my three blogs to try && make sure everyone got a little bit of content. i work the next four days, so i might be a bit absent, but i was happy to post while i could. thanks to everyone for supporting me on my blog/s, as it means the world to me. for reference, i currently have: @hisperfectvillain - 1 ask // 3 drafts @maiusbonum - 3 asks // 4 drafts @splittinghares - 4 asks // 3 drafts admittedly i am not prioritizing threads atm due to my busy schedule, however that does NOT mean that i don't love the ones people have sent to me! there's a reason they're drafted, i'm excited to respond to them when i can. some of you have written me some beautiful things && i am endlessly appreciative, it just might take me some time to get to them. anywhoo. thanks for reading && for being patient with me. ily all.
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maiusbonum · 2 years
[ stay ] && [ defend ], reversed
[ stay, reversed ] my muse telling yours to stay in the car & [ defend, reversed ] my muse defending yours’ reputation, dignity, or safety for them
It was pure chance, a random bout of rotten luck. Mark was usually the type to stay at home and focus on his work. Writing like someone running out of time. He didn’t find much worth venturing out for in the modern age. And what little he had need for could now be delivered even more easily than he could fetch it for himself. As much as he sometimes craved the attention of the public…
But Oswald encouraged him to explore the world, to get away from the Manor. And the longer he spent in Mark’s company, the easier he found it to drag him out of the house.
“ It’s not always about showing them off, Oz. Sometimes you just own nice cars to own them. ” They’re on their way back to their parking spot, frozen yogurt in hand, and Oswald seems to be acting normally. He’s an anxious kid, which isn’t unreasonable given his situation, so normal is relative, but he’s normal for Oz and that’s quite enough for Mark.
“ Maybe, but with you, I’m just surprised it’s not about showing them off— ”
A raised voice cuts him off, and Mark sees the color wash out of his cheeks. Hell, even his freckles seem paler. Mark instinctively shifts himself between Oswald and the source of the voice, turning somewhat to see a pair of young men approaching them at a fast clip. They look to be around Oz’s age, maybe slightly older. College kids, or freshly free from it.
Oswald looks like he’s just swallowed a few dozen metal bolts rather than a spoonful of frozen yogurt. They’re close enough to the car that Mark can usher him the last few steps to it, and open the door for him. Oswald attempts some stammered protests, but Mark simply manhandles him through any point of resistance.
Before he shuts the door, he says, simply, “ Stay here. ”
It’s a nice car. Tinted windows that are probably just within legal limits, well insulated against sound and weather. Which means Oswald can only watch but barely hear as Mark turns to face the pair of boys that have finally caught up to them.
There’s some jabbing fingers, some waved hands. Demands, accusations. Oswald doesn’t have to hear them to know what they’re saying. He clutches his cup of frozen yogurt and fights the urge to chuck back up what he’d already eaten of it.
He can’t stare out the window any longer. The suspense is killing him. So when Mark suddenly opens the driver’s side door, he jumps and the spoon falls from his cup and smears bright yellow froyo on the carpeted footwell.
He doesn’t even have room to feel guilt for that sin when he’s waiting for Mark to address the far larger one he’d no doubt just learned about.
“ M-Mark, I— ”
The man lifts a hand, and Oswald nearly bites his tongue to cut himself off fast enough. “ It’s all right, Oz. It’s being handled. ”
“ H-handled?? You can’t just— y-you’re— crap, I mean, of course you are, it’s you! Mark—! ”
Mark continues speaking, over Oswald, “ They understand that they aren’t to bother you again. That’s what’s important. ” He glances toward Oz briefly, as he backs out of the parking spot. “ We can talk about it more at home. The important thing is that you don’t have to worry about them anymore. ”
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maiusbonum · 2 years
❛ i wish i met you sooner. ❜ - Yancy
hit 'em where it hurts prompts.
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oswald's expression SOFTENS. he can't resist the urge to reach over and gently squeeze yancy's knee in a way that he hopes is soothing. ❝ me too, yance, ❞ he tells him, sincerely. ❝ somewhere other than here, yeah? where we could have some real fun. no bedtime, better food. music! maybe we could even dance together, huh? ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
❛ You’re the one good thing left in this world. ❜
hit 'em where it hurts prompts.
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❝ and which book did you tug THAT little line out of? ❞ oswald can't help the fond smile on his face, however, as his nose nudges into the side of mark's head, breathing in his cologne. ❝ maybe if we lived in a barren wasteland, huh? THEN you could argue i might be the only 'good thing'. but even that's a bit of a stretch, right? would you rather have me, or a TRUCK OF TWINKIES? checkmate, dude. ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
△ So where do you actually think things are going between you and the oh-so-great Actor?
send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character. they must (1) rate it based on how little they want to answer it, && (2) answer it honestly.
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❝ seven. ❞ the word seems to shudder out of him. ❝ i'm fucking terrified, dude. i honestly don't know what else i could be. there's — A LOT, to unpack here, y'know? i mean, first of all, i WANT to believe that this isn't just a fling, but i'm always gonna be nervous. i'm a nervous guy. but secondly, and more importantly? ❞
oswald fidgets, obviously quite RESTLESS. he doesn't want to continue speaking, and yet, he does.
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❝ every single day i spend in this fucking manor, i hate it more and more. not him, THE MANOR. i wanna be clear about that. i mean, YEAH, he has his problems. but this house literally makes my skin crawl. and being with HIM, y'know, would entail sharing this house, y'know, pretty much indefinitely. ❞
the young man shakes out his hands, as if there's something stuck to them.
❝ i don't know. I DON'T KNOW. that's the best answer i got right now. i'm taking this stuff as it comes. maybe he'll dump me before it's even a problem. i just hope i don't lose what little sanity i have left first. ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
△ what’s your biggest regret?
send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character. they must (1) rate it based on how little they want to answer it, && (2) answer it honestly.
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❝ three, ❞ oswald answers, and there's only a bit of strain evident in his voice. ❝ i regret it a lot, but i'm not afraid of talking about it. GOING TO THAT STUPID PARTY. if not for that, none of this shit would've happened. ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
&. 𝐡𝐢𝐭 ‘𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  more  angst  to  devastate  your  writing  partners.  metaphorically.  )
❛ you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep. ❜
❛ you can’t save everyone. ❜
❛ it should have been you. ❜
❛ did i do good? ❜
❛ i’m sorry that i can’t save you. ❜
❛ wait for me, will you? ❜
❛ i can’t lose you again! ❜
❛ you were dead, i saw you die. ❜
❛ we won’t forget each other, right? ❜
❛ i’m real. i’m here. ❜
❛ you already know how this will end. ❜
❛ it’s always my fault, isn’t it? ❜
❛ i don’t want to go. ❜
❛ can you remember how you died? ❜
❛ i love you, but you’re not mine. ❜
❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
❛ i didn’t ask to get made. ❜
❛ you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you. ❜
❛ i never meant to hurt you. ❜
❛ is it really you? ❜
❛ their blood is on your hands. ❜
❛ it would have been better to die. ❜
❛ i’m not ready to lose you yet. ❜
❛ i wish i met you sooner. ❜
❛ let’s just stay here. grow old. ❜
❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜
❛ i told you not to fall in love with me. ❜
❛ you always push people away. i just thought you’d never do it to me. ❜
❛ everyone i’ve cared about has either died of left me. except for you. ❜
❛ i know i have a heart because i can feel it breaking. ❜
❛ they’re not coming back. ❜
❛ i’m sorry, have we met? ❜
❛ in my dreams, we’re still together. ❜
❛ you’re the one good thing left in this world. ❜
❛ i hate the way that i don’t hate you. ❜
❛ it’s okay. you can let go. ❜
❛ you mean nothing to me. ❜
❛ we’re on our own now. ❜
❛ you can’t kill me, i’m not alive. ❜
❛ it wasn’t supposed to end like this. ❜
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜
❛ we’ll see each other again. ❜
❛ there’s nothing you could have done. ❜
❛ we did it. we won. ❜
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜
❛ thanks for playing with me. ❜
❛ why does it feel like this is goodbye? ❜
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maiusbonum · 2 years
[ groom ]
non-sexual acts of dominance prompts.
oswald is reminded of the sensation of static cling. the brushing fingers through his curls, tucking them further out of his face, run somehow burn and soothe at the same time. it's almost as if a tangled knot of tension releases within him, but the sharp tang of fear pollutes his relief.
the boy feels as if he should flinch away, but he doesn't, remaining still. staring up into the eyes of the man before him, whose hand lingers along the side of oswald's head, not making any move to pull away just yet.
oswald is homesick for a place he cannot remember and that he is afraid to visit. that is the POWER this being holds over him. it shakes him down to his core, and yet he craves it, like an addict scrambling for a fix. he doesn't know how to better describe it. he doesn't know what he's going to do with it. hell, he doesn't even know if he SHOULD do anything about it.
he leans into dark's hand, just so. for now, maybe this is alright.
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maiusbonum · 2 years
[lean] & [read]
non-sexual acts of dominance prompts.
oswald didn't mean to do it. truly, he'd been listening with rather rapt attention.
mark had been talking about this new book series for nearly a week, wanting desperately to share it with oswald. this evening, they both found themselves in the mood to cuddle up and read, so they'd taken to the den and gotten themselves comfortable upon a rather spacious couch. even the manor seemed willing to be quiet for just a bit, as if it wanted to keep up with the story, too.
normally, oswald would buck at the idea of being read to, but mark made it very enjoyable. he uses different voices for every character, and his inflection is always on-point. when he spread his arms and urged oswald to lean into his chest, oswald gladly did so, letting himself be held and his eyes close as mark began on the first chapter.
it isn't until he's being gently padded awake that he realizes he's fallen asleep. mark's unhappiness is only half-serious, as he demands to know if his performance had been so lackluster as to put oswald to sleep. the boy apologizes profusely, and explains that he'd simply slept poorly the night before, and mark was just so warm ...
grumpy, but feeling generous, mark simply has oswald promise he'll let him read to him over lunch the next day. without the snuggles.
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maiusbonum · 2 years
[teach] & [rest]
non-sexual acts of dominance prompts.
❝ YOU KNOW, if you actually want me to focus on what you're saying, this is NOT the way to do it. ❞
oswald feels mark's chuckle against his hair, breathed over his curls. ❝ most people say it's my good looks that send them into a tizzy, ❞ and oswald watches as mark guides his hand through the next stroke of the knife, cutting far more cleanly than the boy had been doing on his own. ❝ you're not even looking at me. surely it can't be THAT bad. ❞
the way mark's weight easily leans into his back makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that mark is, in fact, full of shit.
❝ you're such a fucking JERK, you know that? ❞ but they're making fast work of the cabbage now, oswald admiring how neat and uniform the pile of shredded vegetables is turning out with mark more involved.
mark uses the knife, wielded by both of them, to nudge their hard work aside, making more room on the cutting board for their next victim: carrots. before he grabs them, however, he bids oswald release the knife, pulling back just enough so that he can turn oswald with an arm around his shoulders.
his other hand takes oswald's chin, and he tips his head up to bestow a kiss on his lips.
❝ we'll make a proper sous chef out of you yet, sweetheart. ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
"Just be yerself :D" (Wilford, rosetintedgunman)
random dialogue starters.
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❝ easier said than done, yeah? ❞ oswald shrugs loosely, though it doesn't shake the metaphorical weight that sits squarely upon his shoulders. ❝ i mean, i'm not saying i'm not genuine. at least, i try to be, most of the time. but there's just ... THERE'S CERTAIN PARTS OF ME NO ONE NEEDS TO SEE. right? ❞
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maiusbonum · 2 years
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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maiusbonum · 2 years
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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maiusbonum · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts ,
“why do you have that look on your face?”
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
“what have you done to yourself?”
“did you do something different with your hair?”
“it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“when was the last time we had a real conversation.”
“are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“there’s something wrong with me.”
“no, i don’t hate you.”
“hey stupid.”
“we’re aren’t them.”
“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.”
“you know you’re wrong.”
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?”
“now, before i say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
“what makes me so special?”
“you have no idea what i’ve been through.”
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.”
“did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
“how about we don’t do that.”
“i have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
“you’re the worst.”
“i don’t need you right now.”
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
“i thought you were supposed to call me.”
“take my hand.”
“i need you.”
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.”
“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
“why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“you don’t know what this means to me.
“i know it doesn’t make sense.”
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
“i know you’re new, but we do things a little differently here.”
“your voice is putting me to sleep.”
“did you find what you were looking for?”
"you knew and you didn’t even warn me?”
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
“i thought it was part of the act.”
“you think u don’t know you’re only here because they sent you?”
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.”
“you can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“how could you do this to me?”
“put the gun down, dearest. i have news!”
“i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something.”
“if you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“people think i’m weird.”
“i think i’m losing myself again.”
“you can’t be here.”
“i wish you’d come to the funeral.”
“do you know what today is?”
“so, you broke my favourite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?”
“i need to get out.”
“it’s like i’m cursed or something.”
“you are remarkably well-behaved tonight, what have you been up to?”
“you gonna eat that?”
“sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
“i don’t want you to worry about that anymore.”
“we’ll never make it in time.”
“you’d be late for your own funeral.”
“you should have seen it coming.”
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.”
“why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?”
“is this how you flirt with everyone?”
“how much longer till we’re there?”
“what have you done?”
“it’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
“where did you get that? who gave it to you?”
“what kind of mother has thoughts like that?”
“i know I haven’t been what you needed, but i’m here, and i wanna help.”
“i never want to hear you say that again.”
“you’re all i have.”
“i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.”
“i was doing so well until you showed up.”
“don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest.”
“it’s not that i don’t like my life, it’s that i don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
“how can you stand this place?”
“don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
“you need to stop.”
“i don’t like that look, what happened?”
“is that seriously your password?”
“what’s your problem?”
“you had no right to use it without asking.”
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.”
“i’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. wait, no, i’m not.”
“why do you want to help me?”
“ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
“we have to hurry, they’re coming!”
“hey, look what came in the mail!”
“do you want to get a drink or something?”
“please tell me you didn’t eat that.”
“the worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.”
“wanna tell me what’s going on with your grades?”
“you need to leave.”
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
“i do blame you.”
“sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you can still play your cards right and win.”
“you’re no longer useful to me.”
“i’m not good with sarcasm: if you don’t like me, just say it.”
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maiusbonum · 2 years
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       independent && selective PROTAGONIST from                 A HEIST WITH MARKIPLIER! ( cr. )
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