mad-artistmax · 2 years
//damn what is it with people lately?? I was waiting for a reply on a Pricefield RP server I made with someone...but I've also been working late...I saw the person I made the server with, seemed to have unfriended me on there, so I message them on here asking if I did something wrong...and they block me without telling me anything...wow okay...I don't think I did anything wrong but go off I guess...
This is why I don't really make RP friends or RP anymore 😒😑😭🥺
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
More pricefield as parents.
Max taking pictures of her kids all the time
Chloe carrying them around her job
The entire family dressing up as pirates for Halloween
Max chewing out teachers for her kids
Chloe getting to be there for her kids like she wished her dad would have been for her
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
Tumblr media
Blue-haired delinquent by Karuoke
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
Are you on reddit or discord . I know you are a massive Max x Jefferson hit me up or lemme know somehow.
//I have an rp d.iscord that I'm on sometimes :)
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
//heyooo!!! My deepest apologies for not being active much, work and real life have been crazy!!!
But I've recently had some devil lettuce and I actually have a bit of muse!!! If anyone wants to do some short drabble replies back and forth, hmu!!! We can also RP on dis.cord or tele.gram too if you have either of those!!!
I'm up for mostly fluff, dark, slight angst, drama, comfort and usfw (dirtayyyy) RPs right nowwwww
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
If villains bad. Why sexy?
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
//so I have major Max muse...but she seems to be in the mood for fluff or sexy times (or some dark room shit? 👀)
So if anyone wants to RP, hit me up!! Idk if me being high will reply decently on tumblr but if you have discord or telegram, hop into my IMs!!!
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
😈      JENNIFER’S     BODY      /      SENTENCE      PROMPTS   .
‘  hell is a teenage girl. ‘
‘  it smells like thai food in here. have you guys been fucking?  ‘
‘  you’re lime-green jello and you can’t even admit it to yourself.   ‘
‘  i’m a virgin. i’m a virgin. i’ve never even done sex. ‘
‘  do you buy all your murder weapons at home depot?   ‘
‘  god, you’re butch!  ‘
‘  i’m not even a backdoor-virgin anymore.   ‘
‘  i had to stay home and sit on a bag of frozen peas.  ‘
‘  you point them in the right direction, and shit gets real.   ‘
‘  my dick is bigger than his.   ‘
‘  oh! a puncture wound. god, that’s so emo…   ‘
‘  i recommend you shut the fuck up!  ‘
‘  you killed my fucking boyfriend!  ‘
‘  you goddamn monster, you dumb bitch!  ‘
‘  do you know how hard it is to make it as an indie band these days?   ‘
‘  satan is our only hope.  ‘
‘  and to do that, we’re going to have to butcher you. and bleed you.  ‘
‘  relax, i’m kidding about the face thing. ‘
‘  she’s just hovering… it’s not that impressive. ‘
‘  she can fly?  ‘
‘  god, do you have to undermine everything i do?   ‘
‘  you are such a player hater. ‘
‘  wow, nice come back, hannah montana.  ‘
‘  got anymore harsh digs?  ‘
‘  you know what? you were never a good friend.  ‘
‘  even when we were littler, you used to steal my toys.  ‘
‘  and now i’m eating your boyfriend.  ‘
‘  you can have anybody that you want, [name].  ‘
‘  how could i ever be insecure? i was the snowflake queen! ‘
‘  i thought you only murdered boys. ‘
‘  i go both ways.  ‘
‘  my tit.  ‘
‘  no, your heart.  ‘
‘  i am going… to eat your soul… and shit it out! ‘
‘  i mean, she’s actually evil. not high school evil.  ‘
‘  i will finish you if i have to. ‘
‘  you can barely even finish gym class.  ‘
‘  they took her in their spooky van with the windows all blacked out. ’
‘  i think i already died when you got here.  ‘
‘  but i woke up when i heard your voice.  ‘
‘  you’re killing people.  ‘
‘  no, i’m killing boys. ‘
‘  my skin is breaking out and my hair is dull and lifeess.  ‘
‘  i feel like one of the normal girls.  ‘
‘  i am a god.  ‘
‘  i had one of my night terrors again.  ‘
‘  what did you dream about?  ‘
‘  i can take care of myself. i’ve been using bowflex.  ‘
‘  i saved you because i’m a badass mom!  ‘
‘  why do you need him? huh?  ‘
‘  how are you going to get alcohol?  ‘
‘  i’ll just play hello titty with the bartender.  ‘
‘  they’re showing rocky horror at the bijou next friday night… ‘
‘  i don’t like boxing movies… ‘
‘  he thinks you’re a virgin. i heard them talking.  ‘
‘  it’s true. it’s on wikipedia.  ‘
‘  uh, okay… why don’t you narc me out?  ‘
‘  i’ve got the cops in my back pocket, [name]. ‘
‘  i’m a fucking cadet, remember?  ‘
‘  are you pms’ing or something? ‘
‘  i’m a different person now.  ‘
‘  you might get lucky for once in your miserable life! ‘
‘  i need you frightened. i need you hopeless.  ‘
‘  you need a mani bad.  ‘
‘  we come here tonight to sacrifice the body of…  ‘
‘  i’m scared of what’s happening to you.  ‘
‘  i just got aquamarine on dvd. it’s about a girl who’s, like, half sushi.  ‘
‘  ya know what this is for? huh? it’s for cutting boxes! ‘
‘  you give me such a wetty.  ‘
‘  i don’t tell whoppers, and i’m not crazy.  ‘
‘  you’re totally lesbi-gay.  ‘
‘  i think you might want to talk to the school shrink.  ‘
‘  dude, that is a hot murder weapon.  ‘
‘  those jeans are hella low. I can almost see your front butt.  ‘
‘  it’s a rock show. this is my rock look.  ‘
‘  i’ve been through the occult section of the library five times. ‘
‘  our library has an occult section?  ‘
‘  sit like a lady, no one wants to see your kiki.  ‘
‘  where… where are we going?  ‘
‘  you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.  ‘
‘  i never heard you drop the f - bomb before. ‘
‘  life is too short to be moping around.  ‘
‘  mmm, you can totally tell they’re from the city.  ‘ 
‘  what’s wrong with you? besides the obvious surface flaws.  ‘
‘  listen, it’s, uh, really dangerous out here.  ‘
‘  we can play boyfriend/girlfriend like we used to.  ‘
‘  i’m having the best day since, like, jesus invented the calendar.  ‘
‘  moveon.org.  ‘ 
‘  best friends don’t keep secrets.  ‘
‘  if you’re bitten by a demon and you live, you just might absorb some of the demon’s abilities.  ‘
‘  i think it’s important to reach out to our fans in the shitty areas, too.  ‘
‘  what’s your name again?  ‘ 
‘  pms isn’t real, [name].  ‘
‘  she must’ve had sex with a blowhole or something.  ‘ 
‘  a very bad, very damaged person…  ‘
‘  you need a mani bad. you should find a chinese chick to buff your situation. ‘
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 (𝐩𝐭. 𝟑)
idk what to tell ye, only that i started this list with one thing in mind, and it kinda got away from me, so instead of nice organized and categorized lists, you guys get chaos in the form of writing prompts. as always! only use these if you and your muse are eighteen or older! tag appropriately, and do NOT add more content, as i will be making more of them in the unspecified future.
“ hey… do you wanna take this to the bedroom? “
“ did you bring condoms? “
“ my place or yours? “
“ do you like that? “
“ let me show you all the ways that i love you… “
“ we don’t have to do this if you’re not ready… “
“ hey… if you’ve changed your mind, that’s totally okay, alright? we can go catch a late night movie, or go grab tacos or something…? “
“ i’ve wanted this for so long… “
“ i’ve… i’ve never done this before. not with a man/woman/anyone. i still wanna do this with you, but… i guess i’m a little worried i’ll mess it up. “
“ have you ever had sex with a man/woman before? “
“ listen… we’ll do this when you’re ready, and at a pace you’re comfortable with, okay? it’s not fun for either of us, otherwise. “
“ tell / show me what you like… “
“ tell me where you wanna be touched… “
“ god, if you don’t take your clothes off, i’m gonna have to tear them off, myself… “
“ i’ve never used toys before. “
“ have you ever used toys before? “
[ UNDRESS ]:     sender and receiver slowly take each others’ clothes off, taking their time as they do so.
[ REVEAL ]:     sender undresses the receiver, showering their bare skin with kisses and caresses as they continue.
[ STRIP ]:     sender removes their own clothes, either before or after the receiver removes theirs.
[ LEAD ]:      sender gently takes the receiver by the hand, and guides them into the bedroom.
[ NAPE ]:     during sex, the sender reaches up and hooks their hand against the back of the receiver’s nape in an effort to steady and ground them.
[ GAZE ]:     sender locks eyes and maintains eye contact with the receiver during sex.
[ TRAIL ]:     sender places a line of tender kisses along the receiver’s inner thigh as they begin to engage in oral sex.
[ DESCEND ]:     the sender gently lowers the receiver onto the bed as they prepare to have sex.
[ WALL ]:     the sender pushes the receiver up against the wall during sex.
[ PIN ]:     the sender allows the receiver to push them against the wall during sex.
[ TOP ]:     the sender prepares to be the top during sex.
[ BOTTOM ]:     the sender prepares to be the bottom during sex.
[ GRIP ]:     the sender grips the receiver’s hips or thighs firmly during sex.
[ SLOW ]:     the sender guides the receiver, either verbally or physically, to slow their pace during sex.
[ FASTER ]:     the sender picks up the speed during sex with the receiver.
[ LAP ]:     the sender sits in the receiver’s lap in public, deliberately shifting in their position to arouse the receiver.
[ STILL ]:      the sender physically holds the receiver to stop them from moving in their lap with the deliberate/unwitting intention of arousing the sender in a public setting.
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
When anons try to start something but you just ignore it
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
reblog if youre the kind of person that checks other ppl’s tags when they reblog ur stuff
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mad-artistmax · 2 years
//sigh...I'm kind of in the mood to write, but I don't want to bug anyone to write with me and idk if I'd be able to come up with a decent plot idea...feel free to IM me if you wanna plot or something :)
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mad-artistmax · 3 years
I miss writing gratuitous amounts of smut.
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mad-artistmax · 3 years
//so I have major Max muse...but she seems to be in the mood for fluff or sexy times (or some dark room shit? 👀)
So if anyone wants to RP, hit me up!! Idk if me being high will reply decently on tumblr but if you have discord or telegram, hop into my IMs!!!
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mad-artistmax · 3 years
//wow, is this really me? Having muse for Super Max on here?
What a surprising turn of events! 🤯😅
If anyone wants to plot or do a short drabble or anything, feel free to message me on here or hop into my ask with an ask meme or starter!!!! 🖤
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mad-artistmax · 3 years
lord huron: lonesome dreams
starter sentences based on lyrics from the album lonesome dreams by lord huron. some have been altered as needed for better sentence flow. feel free to change the pronouns and tenses as needed!
i. ends of the earth
❝ to the ends of the earth, would you follow me? ❞
❝ there’s a world that was meant for our eyes to see! ❞
❝ out there’s a world that calls for me. ❞
❝ i was ready to die for you baby, doesn’t mean i’m ready to stay. ❞
❝ don’t tell me i’m going alone? ❞
❝ i guess i’m going alone. ❞
❝ i must say my goodbyes. ❞
ii. time to run
❝ it’s time to run. ❞
❝ they’ll string me up for all i’ve done. ❞
❝ i did it all for you! ❞
❝ i have no regrets. ❞
❝ i will not ask for your forgiveness. ❞
❝ i wanted everyone to know you were the one for me! ❞
❝ i hope you live the life you want to. ❞
iii. lonesome dreams
❝ i feel like i know this place. ❞
❝ i feel like i should know this place. ❞
❝ i’m dreaming again. ❞
❝ i’m lost. ❞
❝ i’ve got no friends! ❞
❝ what am i destined to be? ❞
iv. the ghost on the shore
❝ i know that i’m damned. ❞
❝ all the dead seem to know where i am. ❞
❝ i’ll die if i must. ❞
❝ let my bones turn to dust. ❞
v. she lit a fire
❝ you’re in my every thought! ❞
❝ i’ve wandered far. ❞
❝ when i last saw you, you were dancing all alone. ❞
❝ perhaps my chance was then? i’ll never know. ❞
vi. i will be back one day
❝ the years keep on slipping away. ❞
❝ i remember that fateful day. ❞
❝ you told me i couldn’t return! ❞
❝ i’ve been running a long time, trying to flee that life! ❞
❝ i can’t seem to leave it behind. ❞
❝ i made a vow i’d see you again.  ❞
vii. the man who lives forever
❝ i love this world and i don’t wanna leave it. ❞
❝ forever’s a word that we can’t understand.  ❞
❝ my life’s better when we’re together. ❞
❝ i don’t wanna lose you. ❞
viii. lullaby
❝ where have you been? ❞
❝ what have you done? ❞
❝ you were out finding trouble again! ❞
❝ there’s a fire in your eyes, and blood on your hands. ❞
❝ there’s a price to be paid for the things we do. ❞
❝ i dream of laughter, old friends, and lovers. ❞
❝ this kind of trouble won’t just go away. ❞
ix. brother
❝ how long have i known you? ❞
❝ how many miles have we wandered? ❞
❝ some kind of trouble is coming. ❞
❝ i will stand by you. ❞
❝ i’ve shared my life with you.  ❞
❝ don’t turn away! ❞
❝ don’t tell me we’re not the same! ❞
❝ we’ll face the fire together. ❞
x. in the wind
❝ you are the purest soul i’ve known in my life. ❞
❝ take your time. ❞
❝ you know where you can find me. ❞
❝ years have gone, but the pain is the same. ❞
❝ you are my protector and my best friend. ❞
❝ they said you were gone, and that i should’ve moved on. ❞
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mad-artistmax · 3 years
tender (loving) care starters
starter sentences focused on softness, kindness, and caring for another (injured) person! feel free to change tenses, pronouns, etc. as you like!
❝ they really did a number on you, didn’t they? ❞
❝ you’re an idiot, you know? but you’re my idiot, so i’ll patch you up.❞
❝ i wish you wouldn’t push yourself so much. ❞
❝ it’s alright; i’m here now. ❞
❝ here, take my hand. ❞
❝ will you let me take a look? ❞
❝ where does it hurt? ❞
❝ please, allow me. ❞
❝ let me help you with that. ❞
❝ calm down, take a deep breath. ❞
❝ would you like a hug? ❞
❝ cry if you need to. i won’t tell anybody! ❞
❝ we’ll have you patched up in no time. ❞
❝ try to relax. ❞
❝  this’ll hurt a bit. ❞
❝ here it’ll help keep the swelling down. ❞
❝ there, all better! ❞
❝ that wasn’t so bad, now was it? ❞
❝ please try to be more careful next time. ❞
❝ try not to push yourself so hard next time. ❞
❝ i’ll show you how to wrap it up properly. ❞
❝ i could try to channel healing magic into a kiss if you’d like? ❞
❝ it’s not as bad as it looks, i’ll have you patched up quick! ❞
❝ they’re dinosaur band aids! they always cheer me up when i get a nasty scrape like this.❞
❝ i can help you change the bandages. ❞
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