m13-thomasamled · 9 years
‘DRIK VAND’ campaign video is launched!
Finally we are able to launched the campaign promotion video. It has been a long and exiting process.  THE VIDEO HAS ENGLISH SUBTITLES!
Show your contribution by sharing. Furthermore was the big event held yesterday and it was an amazing experience! Video from the event will be online within the next couple of weeks - So stay tuned!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
Proudly ready to announce the activity that we got funded though ‘culture habor 365′.  The event is now online at Facebook and we are looking forward to see you!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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The end
My internship has finished and I am back at the school, starting the Bachelor thesis.  I thank the Street Movement Head quarters for three fantastic months and also thanking my ‘partner in crime’ Peter Mollerup! All experiences are appreciated. Peace out
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
Interview with my internship host - Mikkel K. Thisen
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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‘DRIK VAND’ - logo is done!
Skull Monkey likes water and he gets real cra cra if you don't drink yours! Coming to a 'Drik Vand' / 'Powered by Water' tee near you! Big ups to our talented friend @enstregiluften for the dope illustration - go check out his amazing work! More info on the campaign at www.streetmovement.dk
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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Powered by Water - a short introduction in English
‘DRIK VAND’ (or 'Powered by Water' as is the English working title) is a campaign supported by the Danish National Platform for Street Sports. The campaign is a reaction to the outside commercial influences that try to take control of our culture and use it to push their highly questionable products for the sole purpose of personal financial gain. We want to move the focus back where it belongs, on the links between health, healthy lifestyle, movement and physical activity, and integrity and respect for oneself, the body and the environment. We want to create a critical alternative to the popular media image of street sport as "extreme", both for practitioners and those who observe. We believe that what we do is not extreme but as basic and fundamental as water - when looking at a glance it may look extreme because of the very high technical level of the movement, but we only get there through joy of we do and respect for our body and its limitations. By shifting the focus we aim to help to ensure a healthier and more long-lasting dissemination and growth of our discipline and culture. The body is powered by water - it needs it. Clean and healthy water is readily available in Denmark and many places straight from the tap. Not all people around the globe are this lucky - in fact 1 out of 9 people around the world lack access to safe water. There is absolutely no reason not to drink the water straight form the tap, so why do Danes buy more than 139.000.000 liters of bottled water every year? The production of bottled water is a huge burden on the environment and the waste has to be disposed of afterwards - a process that is definitely not very effective. The oceans today contain so much plastic waste that actual plastic island have formed in various places - together they are the size of Africa... The message is simple and there really is no excuse for most of us! 
- We hope as many of you as possible will join us in spreading the word.
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
Qualities and characteristics I’ve seen as an intern
Street Movement is a small company, but with a great potential. What I have seen as in intern from both the directors and the crew, is “top-notch” attitudes, good spirit and enthusiasm! Here are three qualities/characteristics that defines Street Movement’s work, as I have experienced it.  
Passion These three directors aura shines with the passion for sharing their ideology, knowledge and discipline. Any type of work that is received here, is being valued fully and processed with the accurate needs it has. It is hard to explain the way these guys approach their work and fantastic to witness – overall, are things here followed through to completion and aimed for perfection.  
Commitment Ups and downs – That is what can happen for a small company like Street Movement. Therefore, are all directors on it 24/7, never off working, always eager to broaden their brand. As a spectator I have seen how this company has brown and developed for the last decade. With their hard work and full commitment, they have created a brand with strong integrity, professionalism and trust.  
High quality What Street Movement also adds to a rather else seen street culture, is well-educated individuals and viewpoints on the discipline, something you wont find as much anywhere else in the Parkour community. Nothing is as such taken for granted, which also adds in strengthen the quality of their products.
My style I have learned that it takes a lot of effort, skill and knowledge to evaluate my own work and to create something, which is usable for the public. Our supervisors have, always checked everything that we have done and feedback was regularly given. I have come to learn that my skills are not yet fully developed in managing most of the tasks in a company like this, but they sure have gotten better.
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
As said, Street Movement and interns Peter & Thomas, visited the German parkour group ParkourOne last weekend in Berlin.
Here is a video that shows how that went down!  Edited by Thomas Amled!
 - Enjoy
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
My own academic & professional preparation
How does the internship inspire thoughts about your career? Imagine a future dream job.
My internship is coming to its end, and what a fantastic opportunity it has been!
The work that has been presented and created during my internship, has developed my competences in many aspects and I how gotten a great experience of how a professional setting looks like.
The directors have checked all the work that Peter and I have developed, create and executed, as we went along. The responsibility were though still on us, which has been a good thing to experience – we were demanded to do great work and was as well evaluated all the time.
I have gotten experiences and knowledge to construct work for myself in the future, especially in project settings that requires fund applications and management.
The dream job would be to create my own position in Street Movement, where the work would focus on fund project, focusing on health improvements – like the ‘DRIK VAND’ campaign. Combine the essence of this company, with the overall agenda in the health world, truly inspires me to construct work in the future that can help individuals to motivate themselves and their community for health improvement.
Experiencing how Parkour approach people to combine healthy lifestyles and activity, I believe that we can create a setting where most individuals can take part – just you wait and see!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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Do YOU know any danish school teachers or other relevant contacts? We now offer a course for danish 7th-9th graders about ‘DRIK VAND’ // ‘Powered By Water’ Spread the message in your network!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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ParkourOne & Street Movement 
This weekend has been fantastic! Directors, interns and a couple of crew members went to Berlin for some days to be with the german group ParkourOne. Their work seems very likely to ours and there ways are similar. Therefore, we had an exchange, where we could socialize and create new work across boarders. Super inspiring to experience another cultural setting around the same discipline.  This was only the beginning of a future collaboration between our groups and hopefully we will strengthen all of our work and passions, to create a more active and optimal physical future for everyone. Thanks to ParkourOne for having us
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
So the interns are at it again! This time we applied for funding from Kulturhavn365 (CultureHarbor365) and got a yes!
CultueHarbor365 is a project supported by NORDEA fond to sustain activity and creativity at the danish harbors. The activities may vary a lot and can be everything from art classes and cooking to physical activity, you name it!
The project we got funded will take place on the 3rd of october and are Parkour classes in different variation - YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IS INVITED!
Check out the link for more information (in danish though) - http://kulturhavn.kk.dk/artikel/havnekulturpuljen-0 Ill posts more info as they come!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
Shine - No excuse, just move!
Another beautiful video that really shows us how to move with a rail and wall - simple as that. 
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
The event is up running at Facebook!  I really hope to see as many as you as possible on the 1st of Nov. in Game Copenhagen.  - Go check out the event and spread the word!
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
Composing research questions - Risky play and Parkour
During module 11 & 12 I had a big interest in investigating why especially risky play was essential to children. This topic initiated a line of thinking where Parkour did have a great value. Parkour simply holds ‘the key’ to approach individuals, children and adults included, to access their playing and physical behaviour and broaden their understanding of how important risks during moving are.
Example: As you know am I currently working on the ‘Støtte på asfalten’ project. The kids here are all diagnosed with some sort of behavioural or mental disability. The other day while teaching, we were practicing our balance. We started out on the floor, using both feet, up on toes, on one foot, etc. They all did silly stuff, concentrating on everything else than the exercise – in summery; they were acting as we were told children like these would. Though as soon as we stepped it up and brought them on to the high rails they focus dialled in and nothing else than to stay on the rail mattered – I like to see this as the work of a risk and how it creates a sudden need for individuals to forget everything else than the act of what we do right now. This should not be a revolutionary line of thinking, but it is funny to see how kids in this group, who else are categorized to be feckless in managing tasks and keeping concentration. So my prevarious work and now these experiences has once again motivated me to investigate: “ How Parkour could be the essential ‘tool’ to facilitate and promote risky play” And I am not the only one who are interested in this topic. Newer articles keep popping up on the topic and tries to debate the importance of incorporating risks during play.
- http://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/telus-sparks-brainasium-adds-new-phase-offering-more-risky-play                                         (Thanks to Melissa for sharing this one with me)
- http://news.ubc.ca/2015/06/09/risky-outdoor-play-positively-impacts-childrens-health-ubc-study/
The Danish association Parkour.dk have many kids doing Parkour on a weekly basis. First step for a thesis could be to investigate what Parkour means to them and also interview the parents about what they see their children gain from practicing this discipline.
Well this is once again a starting point, in a line of thinking that might initiate another interesting project, paper or even thesis. I am looking a lot forward to dig deeper and see if the topic offers what I need in order to narrow my thesis approach down.
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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Jacob Søndergaard - Promotion video
Today we had the pleasure of having Jacob Søndergaard at the office. The purpose was to record and interview Jacob about the importance of drinking water. Jacobs’ voice will be used as voiceover in the ‘Drik Vand’ promotion video and hopefully we will also edit a small interview.  It was amazing to talk with him and listen to his professional knowledge on a lot of health related topics and especially on water. 
Jacob Søndergaard is currently one of the “big-shoots” in the Danish health environment. What an amazing opportunity to have him to speak with us and be a part of the campaign.  Check out Jacob here: - http://www.jacobsondergaard.dk/ 
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m13-thomasamled · 9 years
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DRIK VAND - Promotion video
We've been out three days this week to shoot the Parkour athletes used in the promotion video. It has been a true inspiration to see the guys move and to see them be so energetic about the campaign! Now we are working on composing the structure for monday's talk/interview/debate/discussion with Jacob Søndergaard, who will be the 'voice' in our campaign promotion video.
Check out Jacob here: - http://www.jacobsondergaard.dk
We are very eager in our work and looking a lot forward to see the product! 
Stay tuned and DRINK WATER!
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