lyyynx 4 years
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Brain Dominance Test Results馃馃
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lyyynx 4 years
A Day to De-stress
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Playing games and talking to my friends on Discord.
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Eating while watching my favorite shows and Youtubers
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lyyynx 4 years
My Life Guide to Become a Responsible and Capable Adolescent
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Being responsible and being able to make wise decisions are necessary, no matter what stage of development you are in. As an adolescent myself, it is not easy to mold yourself into something you want to become. In my journey on becoming a responsible adolescent, there are things I do or tips I use to make things easier for me.
The first is to reflect. Know what are the traits or behaviors you have that prevent you from becoming responsible. I tend to procrastinate a lot, so I try to change that by making a checklist of tasks I need to do because seeing that all tasks are complete gives me satisfaction. Finding a way on getting rid of those traits and behaviors can be very helpful.
I also keep track of my health and hygiene. Having a healthy body and mind is important especially when it comes to focusing on my studies. Since in the stage of adolescence most of your responsibilities will include your studies, you should not forget to take care of yourself.
Lastly, I give a lot of thought before doing something. I make sure to evaluate probable consequences before acting. I am a very observant person and I see that some people don't take responsibility for their actions. It could be because they care less or lack self-control and self-discipline. I learned from their mistakes and started taking responsibility for my actions. I also apply this to taking responsibility for my words.
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lyyynx 4 years
My Significant Other
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I've had the chance to meet several people in my life who have helped to mold me into the person I am today. But the most significant person in my life would be my family, of course, and my closest friends. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have been in the path I am in today.
My family is always there to support me in my times of need. For me, my sister is the most significant member. Even though she's a complete nuisance, she always has my back and still manages to make me laugh when I'm down. She's like my best friend, I can always trust and rely on her.
My friends had the most influence on me because I feel closer to them. They are the ones that made me come out of my comfort zone. 聽Because of them, I got to experience more things in my life. Before I met my friends, I never thought I would be going out so often and thought that I would often be staying at home. My social skills have started to improve because of them and I am grateful for that.
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lyyynx 4 years
My Most Embarrassing Moment
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Who would ever want to recall something so embarrassing? People would easily prefer to forget the most humiliating moments in life. It seems better to forget than to linger in so much shame, but whatever we do a hint of that moment will still remain in our memories. I myself have a few of those moments that I will never forget even if I tried. One time I went to the mall with my family, I was in seventh grade, and I was where all the skateboards were. Like the stupid kid, I was, I tried riding one of the skateboards on freaking tiles! Of course, I fell on the board because the tiles were too slippery to ride on, but what made it so embarrassing is the number of people that were there. The time we went to the mall was either early June or late May, and that's when school is about to start. So there's a lot of people there buying school supplies, and they got to witness me fall on my butt. There's also the time I cracked my voice in our speech choir performance in 8th grade and the time another girl scout member walked in on me naked in the shower. There's a lot of embarrassing moments in my life, but these are the ones that I remember so vividly that it makes me cringe every time I remember it.
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lyyynx 4 years
Who Am I?
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I'm a 17 yrs old introverted girls who has really high patience, likes to draw and play video games in her spare time. Who wants to become an architect and start a workshop for people in my local arts community.
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