lydentalcare · 1 year
Important Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits
Are you thinking of skipping your routine dental check-up because of anxiety issues, time, or money? Then you are probably inviting dental problems! Having to visit the dentist every six months may not be the appointment that everyone looks forward to, but it is one of the most important ones to keep. If you have found yourself wondering what the point of having regular dental checkups and cleanings really is, we’ve got something for you to think about. If you are considering skipping a dental checkup because of cost or another factor like time or dental anxiety, make sure to consider all the risks. What you might end up paying in the long run for not visiting your dentist will likely be much higher, both for your wallet and your peace of mind. Here are some of the most important reasons why you should see your dentist regularly.
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Do regular visits matter? Most people visit a dentist only when they encounter oral health issues or a dental emergency. One must take note that scheduling a dental appointment only when you have to address your dental problems is not recommended. Routine dental check-ups and professional teeth cleanings are just as important as taking care of the rest of your body. It is always said that prevention is always better than cure. Visiting dentist regularly, as well as professional teeth cleanings twice a year can make a drastic difference in the general well-being of the individual and ensure that oral problems are prevented. There are plenty of benefits of regular dental visits, so continue reading to learn why a regular dental check-up is important and the benefits offered by them.
Gum Disease: Plaque and tartar buildup not only cause tooth decay but can also erode the mouth’s gum tissues. This happens when tartar buildup causes an infection where the gum is connected to the tooth, making the gum pull away from the tooth. This infection is known as gingivitis and as it progresses the tissue that attaches gums to the teeth breaks down. Along with the breakdown of gum tissue, gum disease also causes a breakdown of the bone that holds teeth in place. At this point it is common to see teeth loosening or falling out altogether and drastic treatment methods will have to be taken by a dental specialist. Not only do specialists require more appointments and likely a blow to your wallet, but treatment of gum disease, depending on the severity, can include surgery, extremely deep cleaning, and medication. To avoid all of this, regular dental cleanings are essential in catching and addressing gingivitis before it gets out of hand.
Dental hygienists: Dental hygienists and therapists are often overlooked when it comes to our oral health, but they can be extremely valuable for both the services they can offer and the advice they can give. Dental hygienists are mainly concerned with ‘preventive’ dental health and treating gum disease – showing you correct home care and helping you to keep your teeth and gums healthy. This includes professionally cleaning your teeth (usually called a ‘scale and polish’) by removing plaque and tartar, both of which encourage tooth decay and gum disease.
Plaque, Tartar, and Cavities: Even with the most diligent daily brushers and flossers, there are still small areas in the mouth that are missed by a regular brushing and flossing. When plaque builds up it becomes more difficult to remove, solidifying and turning into tartar, which is extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help. Patient is having a dental treatmentRegular dental cleanings prevent tartar from eroding teeth or creating holes in them, which is how cavities are created. Cavities rarely give any warning signs as they form, only resulting in a small ache once the tooth is already decayed. Once the damage has been done, you will have to go back to the dentist to have cavities and other tooth problems filled and fixed. This can all be avoided with regular cleanings that take care of plaque and tartar before it becomes destructive.
Consultations about tooth whitening: Tooth whitening has grown in popularity over recent years but there are plenty of myths out there that can lead to confusion about what is safe, as well as issues of legality. Your dentist is in the best position to give you advice about your options when it comes to tooth whitening. They are in the best position because not only do they know a lot about teeth whitening but they are also the only place you can legally get your teeth professionally whitened.
Family Dental of Teravista
1821 Westinghouse Rd. Suite 1130 Georgetown, TX 78626
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