lxlipetals · 6 years
I’ve been trying to think up what to say all night.
Yesterday, I was angry. I was hurt beyond belief. I was so upset that my cheeks were red, my hands were shaking, and tears were in my eyes to watch what went down on the dash. My safe place felt so incredibly unsafe and for the first time in years, I didn’t have any qualms about leaving Scandalous. 
I was mad. And I vowed to say so many hurtful things in my goodbye post if I decided to leave and when I woke up this morning, I was just..sad. But I knew it was time to say goodbye. I’ve been in this group for four years and I’ve considered it my home. I’ve met my best friends here. I’ve fallen in love with characters and with ships. It has truly been my safe place to land and that’s why yesterday was so incredibly unsettling because I had never felt as triggered and disrespected.
But I don’t want to leave this RP with anger. Anger is easy to hold onto and I can hold a grudge like nobody’s business so it would be very easy for me. At the end of the day, I am leaving because it’s not a healthy environment for me. I am leaving because I’m ready to try something new. And I’m leaving with the comfort and peace of knowing the people I care about here will still keep in touch with me. That’s the blessing I’ve gained from this group - my friends.
I wish I could individually thank everybody but that’d be the whole RP and I don’t know if I could stomach writing emotional goodbyes to everyone. I can barely stomach writing this. So this will just be a farewell to Scandalous, and a hope that I still talk to you all in the future. Thank you for letting me be your Troian. Thank you for letting me be your Ian. Your Bob. Your Liam. Your Becca. Your Lili. Your Ross..so many great stories I’ve weaved and watched develop on the dash.
And thank you for letting me be your admin. Thank you to the admin team for taking me on. I hope I was a good one.
I ask that my characters histories be wiped, purely because I created them all, but I’ll understand if that’s not allowed - it’s your RP now and I’m comforted by knowing nobody can play my babies the way they’re meant to be played because I created them.
What I want to leave with is - roleplaying is a hobby. It’s a fun past time. It’s a way to develop your writing skills, to learn development and plotting, and it’s an escape. Mental health is never something to be joked about. You don’t know what word or “joke” will tip somebody over the edge. And if you make jokes about you triggering somebody, take a good, long hard look in the mirror. Your actions and your words affect people. Freedom of speech is one thing - being a person you can be proud of is another. Don’t be cruel. Don’t be petty. Use your words to make them count.
Also, if you are struggling with mental health issues, please speak to a professional. I cannot stress that enough. Help may seem hard to find but it’s out there. Your mom. Your dad. Your best friend. Your doctor who can recommend you medication and therapy to manage it. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. Depression and anxiety are not easy but they are survivable if you ask for help. 
You can reach me here. I think I’ll be logged in on Lili for the rest of the day but after today, that’ll be my main contact.
I love you. Thank you. 
xoxo, Becca
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lxlipetals · 6 years
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lxlipetals · 6 years
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Lili Reinhart is seen walking in midtown in New York (May 17) 
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lxlipetals · 6 years
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Riverdale cast attend the 2018 CW Network Upfront in New York City (May 17)
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lxlipetals · 6 years
@AM34: Nice reach @lilireinhart, it's the freedom of speech, the /freedom/ to say what we want. Some people may not like it, but we're /free/ to say what we want.
lilireinhart: @AM34 You're missing my point entirely. But thanks for responding.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
@AM34: #freespeech @lilireinhart
lilireinhart: @AM34 "Free speech" is such a bogus excuse. Words have such a powerful impact and with the freedom we've been given to speak them, we should be careful and think about what we say.
lilireinhart: Also, free speech just means the government can't arrest us for what we say. It doesn't mean you get to be cruel.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
What about guacamole? Now I’m being picky bitch now haha.
Yeah? That’s good to hear, your dress from last night was gorg by the way. Ready to smell the irish air. They are fussy without the pinkies right now but once we get really home they will settle.
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You are being a picky bitch but I’m still not sure how I feel about guacamole. I’ll keep you posted.
Thank you! Red seems to be my power color even though I never thought I could pull it off. You were on Live with Kelly today, right? Isn’t Kelly the cutest? I love her. Two cute gals on my TV screen. Uh oh. Load up on those binkies.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
lilireinhart: This just in - it's okay to like what you like and dislike what you dislike, just don't be an asshole about it.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
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Getting redy for Cw UPfront after party (May 17) 
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lxlipetals · 6 years
text → burger frond
Gigi: I know it's short notice but it'll just be a quick talk about what you want your dress to look like and get your measurements so they can start doing sketches.
Lili: No, no, I'm totally available! I'm just staying in NY to hang out with friends so I have no plans!
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lxlipetals · 6 years
Come on even you have to admit tomatoes and lettuce bring something special to tacos.
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How are you doing, btwubs?
I mean..fine. Those are the only healthy things I’m allowing near my taco!
I’m doing okay, how about you? How are the babies?
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lxlipetals · 6 years
I mean sure I love animals as much as the next person but I love my steak and hamburgers too. Have you heard of that Freelee chick? That said anyone who eats meat doesn’t deserve to live? It’s people like that that turn me away from veganism.
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Oh, that’s ridiculous. We never even would have evolved as humans if we didn’t eat meat. I can’t cite the exact article but I remember coming across one that said a lot of our eating habits were crucial to our survival in the beginning.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
text → burger frond
Gigi: AHHHH could you go tomorrow??
Lili: Yes! Omg, that'd be amazing!
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lxlipetals · 6 years
texting -- kaje.
KJ: That's probably really true. I should do that when I'm done filming.
KJ: Maia says she can't distract them because they need us both for the scene. Smh. You'd do it for me.
Lili: You deserve to relax a little on the hiatus.
Lili: Smh Maia. She's not a true ride or die like me.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
I’m from Texas, so it’s almost offensive to me knowing people can just give up barbecues like that. How? And more importantly why?
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I don’t know, I don’t get it either. I’m always going to love meat and nothing could make me say no to it. If I ever raise vegans, I’ll cry.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
texting -- kaje.
KJ: I looked pretty damn near casper white in those photos.
KJ: Are we taking the nap right now? Because if so I'm going to have Maia distract them for me so I can run away.
Lili: You just need some sun, babe.
Lili: If you want! I mean, I'm all snuggled up in bed anyways.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
text → burger frond
Gigi: When are you going to be in New York? I've got you an Elie Saab appointment.
Lili: I'm in New York right now!
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