luvravenne · 3 months
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luvravenne · 5 months
this aged so bad, fuck the zionist who got casted as abby, yall hate to see woman being buff
my little analysis on Abby's corporality at the end of the game
something that's definitely important about Abby's character is the fact she's buff. she's a soldier, one of the best soldiers in the WLF, even. in her room, we get to see a glimpse of her routine, and before that, we can notice she´s on the gym´s board for how much weight she can handle. (i'm definitely not a gym person but i'm sure that's a lot of weight, dude)
part of her gameplay mechanics work around her brawn and strength, and damn right she's capable of defeating a fully armed woman by herself, along someone bigger than her.
there´s when the little hamster in my head starts running and something comes to my mind
we all know the decay that poor Abby goes through after getting captured by the rattlers, and just after the fight with Ellie takes place, we don´t get to know more of her or Lev.
i'm one of those people that believes that Abby only lost (besides of Ellie´s mercy) because she definitely was in her weakest moment. so now i´m thinking, how much could getting that weak, defenseless and just... so different of how she is, have affected Abby?
being buff is part of her identity because she´s a protector. her whole sense of self worth runs along the fact that she has the ability to protect the ones she loves, and we are shown this during all of her gameplay.
she faces her worst fear by jumping of the ferris wheel just for owen's sake. she takes two seraphites kids under her wing the moment they save her and squares off a terrifying number of infected for their security, for a chance that they could escape. she even confronts her own people, who gave her shelter, company, friendship, a family just so they don´t kill the children that saved her.
and naturally, that capacity is achieved through being strong.
so now, imagine the torture it must be finding herself practically unable of protecting the last living person she cares for, from someone that´s the exact reflection of who she was not so long ago. someone so full of rage and hungry for revenge that they are capable of threatening the life of a little boy in order to fight one. more. time.
still then, she fights back with all of her remaining vitality.
having that in mind, i´m genuinely intrigued to see if this may be an essential addition to Abby´s progress as a character in the next game (if she even shows up in the next game, ofc)
seeing her trying to regain her brawny figure again, or maybe having a little breakdown around the fact she got to that point of weakness, idk, i just love her and maybe just made all this out of thin air, but i´d like a storyline like that for her.
ᖭ༏ᖫ󠀠󠀠󠀠 󠀠first long post ! probably last ! i don´t even know if someone will see this but i wanted to ramble so bad about this so yeah, if you´re reading this, tysm !
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luvravenne · 6 months
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KJJ ESTO PARECE UNA INSIGNIA D ADICTO, 25 posts limpie de twitter !!
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luvravenne · 6 months
"descended into madness" um actually i climbed here? yeah it was a pretty steep journey. yeah the air's pretty thin up here. i think im getting altitude sickness. pretty dizzy actually
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luvravenne · 6 months
hm. i think every time i feel an impulse to people please, to be unproblematic and likable and charming and feel the safety that comes with universal adoration, i need to remind myself that i want to be loved like a person, not like a dog.
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luvravenne · 6 months
thoughts on neil druckman being a zionist
In TLOU 2 it’s explained that the WLF shot a bunch of Scar children for throwing rocks at WLF soldiers. completely unrelated tangent: tlou 2 is based off israel/palestine and israel regularly gets backlash when palestinian kids get shot for throwing rocks at idf soldiers. hmmm.
I have no idea how neil druckman writes this and then continues to be a hardcore israel supporter. he knows about the child murder and still posts the israeli flag on his insta.
tlou 2 is this strange, skewed, “both sides bad” almost commentary on israel/palestine. Its main goal is NOT politics, but you can see how politics inspired it.
the game has a vapid popular political view of israel’s occupation. one side is an organized, militaristic government. the other is a scary backwards cult. if you understand how the average westerner sees the conflict, its obvious the scars represent hamas/all palestinians. This framing is even more insidious when you realize that the only innocent scars are the literal children that haven’t been brainwashed yet. they even emphasize how the scars are anti lgbt — israel supporters use this smear to say westerners shouldn’t support palestinians.
Moreover, the story has this vague “cycle of violence” “both sides bad” thing that people often use when talking about israel/palestine. its just a huge copout that lets everyone say “violence bad” without having to do the work of understanding the causes. the conflict between the wlf and the scars is painted this way.
Is liking tlou 2 despite all this is wrong? No. The conflict in tlou 2 is literally nothing like real life. The WLF is not trying to take over scar territory. The scars are an independent nation, not occupied territory the WLF can terrorize with impunity. Your opinion about tlou 2 says nothing about your opinion of israel.
I also think tlou2’s minor zionism controversy reflects the danger of authors revealing their inspiration. Israel certainly inspired tlou 2, but can we be sure everything in tlou 2 is a direct allegory for israel/palestine? No. If Neil Druckmanm wrote an allegory about israel Abby would look at the camera and say “The WLF has a right to defend itself”.
I have to ignore Neil Druckman’s zionism just like I have to ignore that the story is begging you to sympathize with Abby and friends. I try to see it as a realistic, neutral portrayal of grief and violence. The first game works because the audience doesn’t have to approve of Joel’s choice at the end. I try to see tlou 2 the same way. if I start to think the game is basically demanding I feel bad for them the story just doesn’t work for me.
- manny literally says that those scar kids deserved to get shot and im supposed to feel bad when he dies? Djdhsbjzhddh bitches call him the “mom friend” and “saddest death” — he watches torture victims suffer to relax
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luvravenne · 6 months
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luvravenne · 6 months
ADHD culture is finishing school for the year and all of the things you're now allowed to do for hours (play games watch youtube etc) are all understimulating without the constant background hum of uncompleted tasks and looming deadlines
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luvravenne · 6 months
it's not IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) it's IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces)
it's not Israel-Hamas war it's Israel-Palestine war
it's not even war it's genocide
and actually it's not even Israel it's occupied Palestine
Hamas is not an extremist terror group it's an armed liberation group
they're not terrorists they're militants
israelis are not innocent civilians they're illegal settlers and occupiers
there is no two states solution, there's one Palestine from the river to the sea for everyone jews, christians and muslims and it will be free
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luvravenne · 6 months
tumblr's ceo is pro isreal. like openly so on his twitter. thats why a lot of the palestine tags and posts are being censored
Checked @photomatt likes on twitter:
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and whatever the fuck this retweet is supposed to mean:
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He also retweeted this weird essay, I'll only give an excerpt:
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so.....? is it plausible to make the case that tumblr is willingly censoring Palestine advocates? by somehow also saying Palestinians around the globe who have been organizing for the past 75+ are actually super secret terrorists who want to blow up the whole world and have no reason to be advocating for their Land Back? Nefarious underground league of people who secretly are controlling your content to ruin your precious democracy that you've built to benefit yourselves? How offensive can you possible get?
I almost think it's useless to post this because I'll probably get nuked, but I still want to call it out when I see it because I refuse to allow the delusion that this platform is anything more than for the ultrarich techbros to make money. Corporations do not have your best interests in mind, and that goes for the people running those corporations too.
You all cry for free speech but when the speech is running freely you say it's against your better interests and shoot it in the back midstride.
If I get nuked it'll probably be because of this post. Mutuals feel free to ask for my discord or something.
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luvravenne · 6 months
my little analysis on Abby's corporality at the end of the game
something that's definitely important about Abby's character is the fact she's buff. she's a soldier, one of the best soldiers in the WLF, even. in her room, we get to see a glimpse of her routine, and before that, we can notice she´s on the gym´s board for how much weight she can handle. (i'm definitely not a gym person but i'm sure that's a lot of weight, dude)
part of her gameplay mechanics work around her brawn and strength, and damn right she's capable of defeating a fully armed woman by herself, along someone bigger than her.
there´s when the little hamster in my head starts running and something comes to my mind
we all know the decay that poor Abby goes through after getting captured by the rattlers, and just after the fight with Ellie takes place, we don´t get to know more of her or Lev.
i'm one of those people that believes that Abby only lost (besides of Ellie´s mercy) because she definitely was in her weakest moment. so now i´m thinking, how much could getting that weak, defenseless and just... so different of how she is, have affected Abby?
being buff is part of her identity because she´s a protector. her whole sense of self worth runs along the fact that she has the ability to protect the ones she loves, and we are shown this during all of her gameplay.
she faces her worst fear by jumping of the ferris wheel just for owen's sake. she takes two seraphites kids under her wing the moment they save her and squares off a terrifying number of infected for their security, for a chance that they could escape. she even confronts her own people, who gave her shelter, company, friendship, a family just so they don´t kill the children that saved her.
and naturally, that capacity is achieved through being strong.
so now, imagine the torture it must be finding herself practically unable of protecting the last living person she cares for, from someone that´s the exact reflection of who she was not so long ago. someone so full of rage and hungry for revenge that they are capable of threatening the life of a little boy in order to fight one. more. time.
still then, she fights back with all of her remaining vitality.
having that in mind, i´m genuinely intrigued to see if this may be an essential addition to Abby´s progress as a character in the next game (if she even shows up in the next game, ofc)
seeing her trying to regain her brawny figure again, or maybe having a little breakdown around the fact she got to that point of weakness, idk, i just love her and maybe just made all this out of thin air, but i´d like a storyline like that for her.
ᖭ༏ᖫ󠀠󠀠󠀠 󠀠first long post ! probably last ! i don´t even know if someone will see this but i wanted to ramble so bad about this so yeah, if you´re reading this, tysm !
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luvravenne · 6 months
With the news of TLOU 2 remaster, this is a reminder not to buy it or ANY tlou content. Neil Druckmann is a zionist
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and it doesn't matter if he showed support to Palestine in the past by posting stories, in the end he still donated to the IDF and his beliefs are clearly shown in the game.
Additionally, Ellie actor Bella Ramsey has shown support to Noah Schnapp's Zionist statements.
Also, do not watch anything new from Stranger Things and even released stuff.
Stranger Things actor Brett Gelman was giving a hateful speech at the hate march.
Noah Schnapp, also from Stranger Things was seen handing out Hamas is Isis and Zionism is sexy stickers
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luvravenne · 11 months
looking out for his drummer
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luvravenne · 11 months
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luvravenne · 11 months
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Dank spidey memes
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luvravenne · 11 months
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luvravenne · 11 months
its weird beiing autistic because i think i have normal interests then i go up to someone my age and they have no idea what im talking about.
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