luvieshifts · 2 months
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luvieshifts · 2 months
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luvieshifts · 2 months
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I have been yelling this for a while now. Zionists will say "oh well we dont show our dead bodies because we respect them unlike hamas". The dead bodies arent the only thing we are seeing from Gaza honey, we also see the destroyed buildings, how israhell has leveled down most of Gaza, yet we dont see the same from israel. Where are your destroyed buildings huh? You cannot possibly say that you dont show them cause you respect them also 💀
Then zionists will turn around and say "if you want I can show you all the dead israelis" like??? So do you respect the dead or not?
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luvieshifts · 2 months
We will NOT be stressing over people in 2024 when we could be studying and absorbing so much knowledge, learning the piano, taking up horseback riding, upgrading our skincare routines, reading so many more books, spending so much more time off our phones, giving the love rejected by some people to others who want it and return it in kind, learning music theory, taking up a language (French for me), saving up to travel, developing financial literacy, focusing on our goals, revamping our fashion sense, getting good at photography, carrying a camera everywhere w us, expanding our music knowledge, working out more consistently, and learning so many more recipes
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luvieshifts · 2 months
hating on polyamory is so lame. you sound catholic
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luvieshifts · 2 months
Rick Riordan constantly trashing the movies for not sticking to his books then releasing a show in which he rewrites everything and loses the spirit of the books entirely
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luvieshifts · 2 months
idk y’all i’m still a poseidon hater.
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luvieshifts · 2 months
Controversial Opinion but one thing that I learned in the last few months of 2023 was to not accommodate my social anxiety at any cost. If you're someone like me, whose social anxiety is caused by fear of messing up and just not being used to socializing, then this is for you. Do not indulge or adapt to your anxiety, instead just do it. I know it seems ridiculous, but really you have to just expose yourself to what you're anxious and scared of, which in this case is socializing or basically doing anything publicly.
Exposure=Knowledge=practice=confidence=less anxiety because once you're exposed to your fear, it'll get easier. Sure, it may takes weeks, months and maybe even years, but you will eventually gain confidence and get better at it. For instance, let's say you suck at doing pull ups. But you practice it for 30 days and eventually you will see improvements. It's the same thing with social behavior, you won't get better at it if you don't participate in socializing. You have to show up, even if it's just for 5 minutes, even if it's just walking to the grocery shop. You need little steps to achieve confidence and fuck social anxiety up. If your anxiety is telling you not to do it because you'll look dumb or ugly or whatever, it's lying to you. You need to do it anyways. Literally cannot explain this enough, do it anyways, even if you're bad at it, even if you don't know how to do it. Do it anyways.
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luvieshifts · 2 months
“average person kills 3 brothers a year” factoid actually just statistical error. average person kills 0 brothers a year. Fratricide Phil, who creates clones of his brother & kills over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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luvieshifts · 2 months
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luvieshifts · 2 months
Diversity win! Ancestral curse recognises non-biological parenthood!
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luvieshifts · 2 months
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luvieshifts · 2 months
when sally started shouting at percy... saying this is as ugly as you're going to make it... rattling the door handle... save me tumblr user ofswordsandpens you're my only hope
Look look I need to emphasize that I'm not critiquing show Sally because I think it was unrealistic for a highly stressed mother to succumb to her frustrations and her fears. I just simply don't think that's how book Sally would display said frustrations or fears, even if Percy was being contrary, difficult, or uncooperative.
And yes, we don't know a lot about book Sally. Yes, I would be more than happy to see her fleshed out some more in the show. Yes, I think it's important to see her have flaws.
But the way she has been written in the show simply does not read like her book counterpart. It's off. And a lot of the times its not even what show Sally is saying that seems wrong, its how she's saying it. Maybe I won't go so far to say that she yells, but show Sally does raise her voice in frustration and agitation. She moves around Percy in anger and agitation. And I just don't think book Sally would display her stress in that way to Percy, at least not to that degree. (And no, someone being more mild-tempered, even under stress, is not unrealistic lol.)
And if the show wanted to expand on her flaws, instead of making her more short-fused and more irritable w/ Percy, I would have focused on her self-identified flaw of selfishness. I talked about it in-depth (in a post I can't find now), but to summarize, Sally says in TLT that she was told explicitly that keeping Percy with her was a mistake. And there's heavy implications that she knew more about the godly world than Percy may have realized. And I think that as a flaw would have been more interesting to explore: Did she know more than she let on? Who all told her that keeping Percy close was a mistake? Were they right on some level?
But to summarize, do I think show Sally is a realistic and sympathetic portrayal of a highly stressed single mother trying to do her best? Sure. Do I think she's Sally Jackson from the book series? No. Not at all. And that's where my issues lie.
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luvieshifts · 2 months
i’m sorry but sally jackson would never hear her son innocently ask “why are you doing this? why are trying so hard to get rid of me?” (or let it get to that point in the first place) and decide to walk away and just leave him there for several minutes with no answer. i get that she needed to cry because it’s devastating to think the person you treasure most in the world thinks you don’t love them the way they love you…but she would always put his feelings before her own and reassure him until he could never be capable of doubting her love for him again. she’d never take the tone with him that she does in that car when he’s feeling as vulnerable as he is. she’s hurting and self-sacrificing and young and she’s far from perfect, but percy fully believing she doesn’t want him around and asking her about it only for her to completely dodge the question is soooo….not my percy and sally
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luvieshifts · 2 months
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rickald riordan stop writing fanfiction of your own books challenge
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luvieshifts · 2 months
Fill your life with activities that FILL you up. Not things that fill your friends up, your family up, this is about you and making this year, the most wholesome year of your life yet…
Your favourite author is doing a book tour, go check it out. The women’s conference an 8hr flight away in six months time. Book it. The hiking. The music event, the painting classes. Whatever it is, become a wholesome person. Become a person who lives a life of passion. For yourself first and foremost, and this involves making PLANS. Don’t let this be another year where life passes you by. Where you think about how nice it would be to see your favourite music artist live, but you never booked the tickets, where you think it would be amazing to write that book, but never made time for it. That you think it would be amazing to hike on the weekends, but you didn’t even go. This year is fuelled by loving action. Expansiveness. New experiences, people, connections, your whole world is about to grow.
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luvieshifts · 2 months
Hot take but if an author’s main motivation for a screen adaptation of their book(s) is to do what they wished they had written in the first place, then maybe a screen adaptation shouldn’t be made. People fell in love with what already existed and that’s what they want to see. Isn’t that enough? Anyways, if you like seeing what-if things went differently for stories, fanfiction is right there. There are so many fanfics that do exactly that
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