lunar0gue · 4 months
the one anime I think that bad 3d anime art style would work
Extremely generic, typical isekai anime where the main character is a high school boy who's so good at video games in his day-to-day life, but people don't respect gamers :( so he's a loser :( ...until he ends up isekai'd into a fantasy world that RUNS on video game logic.
Except this main character is a speed runner.
World record holding speed runner.
Elf-woman in the introductory episode shares the long, sad history of her realm at odds with the Demon Lord and his reign. She looks up just as she's about to describe the moment the Demon Lord killed her husband, and main character is... gone.
Several many fields away.
Naked as the day god made him because equipping the intro clothes takes 3 seconds between menu opening and character re-rendering.
The Wall of the Unfathomable, which has sealed these villagers within their own walls for generations unknown, sees its first breach in a millennium as Main Character scales it ass-backwards clipping and ragdolling up its scaffolding by abusing the collision detection logic and its impact on speed reversal.
NPCs launch into speeches which bewilder and confuse even them because they should NOT be saying anything about the deep sacred mana that can defeat the Dark Demon Lord but the fucker standing in front of him in tighty-whiteys with a level 99 helmet and the Hero Sceptor (which he should NOT have yet but) is compelling the NPC for reasons they cannot begin to comprehend.
The Demon Lord is alerted by holographic message from his most trusted underling that some disturbance has just rippled through from Elf Realm and that some portal may have just opened from the human world, which warrants some caution as the prophesied hero is said to--cut off by the MC catapulting past all 18 floors of Demon Tower security using the infinite speed jump glitch and one-shotting the Demon Lord with a single rag-doll spastic thrust through his heart which launches the Demon Lord along with MC into a 500mph spiral into the stratosphere... And somewhere, the end credits play.
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lunar0gue · 1 year
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lunar0gue · 2 years
Why dark mode borken
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lunar0gue · 2 years
Can’t wait till we get to the Omicron Persei 8 variant
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lunar0gue · 3 years
This video is a better representation of what the American south is like than any joke about rednecks ever made
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lunar0gue · 3 years
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Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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lunar0gue · 3 years
There are a lot of quotes flying around and small pieces of the story so here it is so in BRITNEYs own voice in her own words and she specifically asked for this to be made PUBLIC. She wants everyone to know the truth because she has not been allowed to have a voice.
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lunar0gue · 3 years
some random redemption arcs that aren’t just ‘zuko, but a little to the left’
I’m evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and I’ve decided that the best revenge is to ruin their evil plans. Yes, this means I’m a “good guy” or whatever. No, I don’t like it any more than you do.
I was evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and now I’m going to latch onto the first person who shows me kindness. If that happens to be the protagonist, I am totally fine with realigning my morality to match theirs.
I never wanted to do what I did, and now the biggest obstacle to me switching sides is convincing me that I’m not a living weapon.
Well as long as you’re imprisoning me in this magic amulet I might as well give you pointers on your technique. I mean come on if you all die I might be stuck here for millennia! It’s not because I like you and don’t want you to die. Nuh uh.
Look, I legit thought that being evil was going to be my best option to get this important thing done, but, uh, that didn’t pan out. Help?
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lunar0gue · 3 years
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lunar0gue · 3 years
Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake
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lunar0gue · 3 years
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lunar0gue · 3 years
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lunar0gue · 3 years
I think like, the death of Vine and Rabbit, Wikipedia constantly needing to beg for money, Discord depending so heavily on venture capital, Facebook turning towards spying on users to generate a return on all the venture capital that got them started, Adobe creative suite turning into a subscription rather than a single product you buy, the strangulation of streaming entertainment as every company pulls their content and makes it exclusive to their service, are all great examples of how like, it really doesn't matter if something is legitimately useful, efficient, or beloved, it is next to impossible for a service to exist if it doesn't make shareholders increasing amounts of money year after year. Which may seem like a "no duh" type of statement, but it's a very simple window into how the profit motive makes products and services worse, not better. And how that's not just a matter of certain companies or ceos being bad and greedy on an individual level, but is an inescapable factor of an economy where existence is dependent on generating capital.
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lunar0gue · 3 years
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lunar0gue · 3 years
taylor swift makes music for colonizers
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lunar0gue · 3 years
Thought that appeared rent-free in my brain last night while I was trying to sleep:
D&D conservation science. D&D invasive species biologists.
Big carved sign outside of a dungeon reading
Gelatinous cubes are an INVASIVE SPECIES in this area
Gelatinous cube spores can survive on metal surfaces for 50+ years!
Keep our dungeons safe!
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lunar0gue · 3 years
I hate this website because I heard “Thinking Out Loud” by Edward Sheeran and all I could think about was that one fucking video you know the one
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