lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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“do i not tell you enough?” she asked, barely remembering that they weren’t that close in the first place. “that’ll change, trust me. listen,” trying to place her words in a way that made sense. “things suck right now, so it’s important for you to know how amazing you are. fuck, i love you,” looking up at the other with such an adoration, thankful that she answered paige’s phone. ugh, sofia needed to take off her shoes, her balance was basically nonexistent in her heels as she placed basically all of her wait onto the other girl. realizing that luna didn’t know about her house, she let out a laugh- already feeling numb from the housing situation, “i don’t have a house right now. i’m staying with hudson..- or nate,” she tried to correct before letting out another drunken laugh.
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“well, i love you too,” she said, a small huff of surprised laughter escaping her at sofia’s affectionate words. sure, the two of them were friends, but sofia was way too intimidating for luna’s insecure self to register the idea that she might actually enjoy her company. so getting such earnest appreciation was a very welcome surprise that had luna silently thanking alcohol for providing the human race with such moments of honesty. “i mean, i must love you if i came all the way down here in my pyjamas to pick your drunk ass up,” she joked without malice and slid her arm down to sofia’s waist to keep her from stumbling. thankfully the walk to the car was a short one, and luna was about to open the passenger side door when she registered sofia’s words. a pang of painful empathy washed over her, but she bit back the urge to try and provide some sort of comfort; what was there to say anyway? lingering on this subject would probably only bring sofia down, and she had a pretty good idea of what happened to her house anyway. instead, she focused on the last part of the statement, about hudson and nate, as she opened the door for sofia. “hudson?” she asked with a smirk, curiosity shining through her attempt at sounding casual.
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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everything lately in sofia’s life was a mess, so naturally she was going to go out for a night and just have fun to forget everything. of course that meant consuming all of the alcohol in sight along with whatever anyone else was carrying. when no one else wanted to come along, she left crawford for a town over and by the time it was one in the morning, she was crossfaded and alone. fuck, why did she do this to herself? sitting outside of a random bar, the girl was texting luna, though in all honesty she just picked a random name in her phone and began to ask someone to pick her up. she could only assume it was paige that was on their way, but to her surprise it was luna the had come to her rescue. maybe paige was in the backseat? “luna!” a smile growing on her face as the blonde approached her, “i’m so happy you’re here.” picking herself up, her arms immediately wrapped around her friend, “you’re amazing, you know that?”
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luna thought she’d caught a glimpse of surprise in sofia’s face at her appearance, but didn’t pay it much mind. instead she focused on assessing just how drunk her friend was, relieved to find that she was in a more manageable state than luna had expected. she laughed at the drunken display of affection and hugged sofia back. “i know now,” she said, blushing at the compliment, feeling a bit shy as she often did around sofia — though this time it might also have had something to do with being out in public in nothing but a teenage mutant ninja turtles t-shirt and boxer shorts. “c’mon, i’ll drop you home,” she said, keeping one arm around sofia’s shoulder and guiding her toward the car’s passenger side.
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
as soon as sofia had texted her location, luna was on the move. she stopped only to grab a bottle of water and her keys before getting out of the trailer and into her car. sofia and her might not be the closest of friends, but luna still cared for the girl a lot. and the fact that she’d texted luna of all people in a moment of need was surprising, displaying a level of trust luna hadn’t been aware of. she wasn’t about to ruin said trust by leaving the girl to fend for herself while drunk off her ass. so she’d hopped into her car in a flash and arrived at the location indicated barely ten minutes later. her eyes searched for the dark-haired girl, and it didn’t take long to spot the familiar face. she stepped out of the car, not even caring she was out in her pyjamas, and made her way over towards her friend. “sof? hey, it’s me. c’mon, let’s get you out of here.” / @scfiaa​
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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– “WELL, JAIL ONLY HAPPENS IF YOU GET CAUGHT,” PAIGE POINTS OUT. “ which…we probably wouldn’t, and i could talk us out of it, probably, ” she sighs, looking up at luna with pleading eyes but she can tell that her friend isn’t in the mood to relent. “ this one is so much NICER than your car, no offense, we deserve to cruise around in something nice for a change ! like, what’s the point of even owning something like this if you’re not gonna let two cute girls take it for a spin. ” paige taps her fingertips to her chin as if considering luna’s literary theory, “ oh. so, what’s the underworld, a pit stop on the way to hell ? ” she asks, “ probably. but hades has gotta have like…a HUGE dick. ” 
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“no offence p, but if you’re the one driving, we will get caught. and i’m sure as fuck not getting behind the wheel of a stolen car,” she says laughing out of both incredulity and genuine appreciation for paige’s natural talent for bad ideas, even if she won’t be an accomplice. “some taken,” she replies mildly to the comment about her car, although paige is clearly right. “well, i think i deserve a million dollars but you don’t see me going around robbing banks, do you? wait, don’t take that as a suggestion,” the last part is added hurriedly. “and i don’t remember the owner letting us do anything.” luna sighs, a bit disquieted by paige’s ability to make everything sound like a fun time, but determined not to give in. “seriously, c’mon. let’s— i don’t know— go to a bar or something. first round’s on me?” she tries bargaining.
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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– “WELL, THE OWNER’S NOT AROUND TO SAY ANYTHING, so perhaps we just have to assume that he’d love for his baby to have a little adventure and…if he never knows about it, all the better ! it’s a victimless crime, ” paige adds, therefore admitting that it IS, in fact, a crime. “ just a super quick jaunt, ” she reassures, fingertips resting on the handle of the door. “ oh, yeah. well, you said something about the devil, and she didn’t seem to mind going to hell. right ? ” her attention span in english class was minimal at best. 
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“paige.” luna groaned dramatically, a pleading tone to her voice. “you literally just admitted that it would be a crime. and i’m not really in the mood for jail right now,” she said with a cocked eyebrow. “if you want to go out for a drive so bad, we can go get my car.” it’s not the kind of thing she’d usually offer (nor was ‘car’ the word she’d use to describe the pile of rusted junk she drove), at least to paige, but it was better than her driving some stranger’s car and getting them in trouble. “dude, persephone didn’t go to hell, she went to the underworld, it’s different. and i don’t know, i always thought it was kinda fucked how she didn’t get to choose when she got to be on earth.”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
🌙🌿 Fairytale inspired questions 🧚🏼‍♂️✨
witch’s broom; Do you ever wish you could be a child again? Why?
stardust; How was your first kiss?
herbs; Do you believe in magic?
luna; What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
magical land; Name a person that inspires you.
hobbit; Looking back those last 4 years,is there something you regret doing?
pixie dust; Have you ever loved somebody? And if you have, do you still talk to each other?
secret garden; Do you believe in soulmates?
wonderland; What are you looking for in a friend?
forest nymph; Do you ever daydream?
snow white; What is your biggest dream?
enchanted; Do you have a crush right now?
elf; What’s your favorite time of the day? Why?
owl; How do you want to be remembered?
spells; In what time period would you rather be living in?
muse; How do you like to relax?
mythical; Dream destination?
rose petal; A few small things that make you happy?
twinkle; A quote to live by?
spark; Favorite film?
angel; What’s the last person you talked to?
roses; What fictional universe would you like to live in?
castle; Favorite fictional character?
swan lake; Do you like poems? If so, what’s one of your favorites?
doe; Have you ever written a letter?
once upon a time; Do you dream every night? And do you remember last night’s dream?
dandelion; What’s your favorite plant/flower?
shooting stars; Are you more of a cat or a dog person?
candlelight; Coffee or tea?
princess; Favorite tv show at the moment?
love potion; Have you ever had any magical/paranormal experiences?
pressed flowers; What’s the first beautiful thing you see around you?
sweet daisies; Do you believe in love at first sight?
jasmine tea; Forest or sea?
moonlight; Sun or Moon?
cherries; Do you keep a journal?
starlight; Share a secret.
velvet; Have you ever wished upon a star?
crystals; What’s your spirit animal?
glow; What do you value most in people?
sugarplum; Do you like children?
honey; Favorite song with meaning to you?
gardenia; Rain or Sunlight?
dwarf; Do you enjoy horror films?
magic mirror; Zodiac sign?
merpeople; Favorite scent?
mystical; Most beautiful name and word you can think of?
cloud kingdom; Have you ever been to a concert?
feather; What excites you about life?
glittery dream; Baths or showers?
unicorn; Favorite food?
elven palace; Self care tips?
rabbit hole; What color are your eyes?
mermaid lagoon; What color is your hair?
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
Send Me Your Assumptions About Me And I’ll Respond With “Correct,” “Nope” or “Kinda”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
Reign wasn’t wearing his contacts but as soon as he heard Luna’s voice he instantly recognised who she was. Reign had a slight crush on the pretty blonde. He had seen her hang out a few times with Chai, but also knew that she worked at stacks. He didn’t follow her in order to know that, he happened to go into the bookstore for some peace and she happened to work there, and then he might have popped into the store to relax, but also to get to know her a little bit more every time he stepped inside. He looked, more than talked. He didn’t think he was her type, and he was okay with that. A crush was harmless, and thankfully she knew nothing about it. “Yeah, it’s Reign.” He agreed, smiling a little that she actually remembered who it was. “Sorry. If I had my contacts in I would have instantly recognised you.” He admitted. The wannabe musician mentally face-palmed at his own words. He sounded corny and he hated it. “My days been hell, but I’m relaxing now.” He answered. “Just writing lyrics,” he admitted, holding up his notebook, before closing it over and putting his hand on top of it, so no-one could see any of the words in it. “Do you want to join me?” He asked, pointing to the spare chair opposite him.
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luna let out a quiet laugh at his comment about the contacts. she couldn’t help but think it sounded like an excuse, but wasn’t about to call him out on it, especially considering she wasn’t offended at him not recognising her in the first place. she’d always felt quite awkward talking to strangers, and while reign wasn’t technically a stranger, luna still found herself retreating unto her shell; no matter how sweet the guy seemed, she was certain he was only talking to her out of politeness and she didn’t want to make him feel obligated to keep it up. still, she raised her eyebrows at the mention of his day being hell in an attempt at polite sympathy. when he invited her to join him, however, the motion was genuine. maybe he wasn’t talking out of mere politeness, after all. after a moment’s consideration she gathered her pen and notebook and joined him, smiling softly. “so... write anything good, at least?” she asked in an attempt at breaking the ice, tugging a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “to make up for you hellish day, i mean.”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
reign had lost track of time because he was staring at customers walking in and out of the diner he had ate at. He was a creative person so tried to guess things about their life from their appearance alone, but didn’t consider that his staring could land him in trouble. The waiter but wannabe punk star had a resting bitch face, so while he was staring at people he didn’t even think about the look that was on his face. He caught eyes with someone he had been staring at and smiled. He was worst with remembering faces and names. It was something he was trying to work on. “Hey, I recognise you!” He admitted. “Hows your day been?”
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luna must’ve been sitting in one of the mostly-empty diner’s booths for an hour already, scribbling absentmindedly on her notebook. her coffee cup had been refilled at least four times already, and when the waitress approached to fill it once more, she finally got the sense to refuse, already jittery with the excess of caffeine. previous concentration broken, she became aware of her surroundings and accidentally locked eyes with a vaguely familiar face. after a second of confusion, she managed to place his face. “oh, hey! reign, right?” she said, smiling brightly as she remembered how nice he’d been the few times they’d met. “you probably don’t remember me. i’m luna. chai’s friend. i work at stacks,” she explained in an attempt to spare him the awkwardness of not remembering where he knew her from. “my day’s been fine. just relaxing a bit, writing... how about you?”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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– “C’MON, LU,” SHE LOOKS AT HER FRIEND WITH PLEADING EYES. “ it’s like asking us to take it, who knows, it’s a gift from the storm ! AND we can put it right back where we found it, so it’s not even stealing, it’s just…borrowing ! and borrowing is cute, it’s like sharing, ” she insists, trying to work some convoluted logic into it all. “ besides. that bitch with the pomegranates made out okay. ” 
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despite the worry and frustration often brought on by paige’s recklessness, luna really loves the way her friend’s mind works. so when she realises that yes, paige does indeed want to commit auto theft, she can’t help but smile fondly, even as alarm bells ring in her head. “i’m pretty sure ‘borrowing’ requires consent,” she argues. “not to mention we have no way of knowing when the owner will be back.” there’s a small part of herself that finds the idea fun, but she ignores it. “‘bitch with the—’ wait, are you talking about persephone? i... don’t think i follow.”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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There wasnt anything that he could do, nothing that she could do, and they had no money to throw at this problem. They would have to get creative, garbage bags on windows and sweeping out water with a broom. They would have to go through and throw away a lot of their things, he knew that. Milo was okay with getting rid of everything, while it sucked that they would lose all the things that they had accumulated, he was used to abandoning ship, but this time he had her, and she wasnt going anywhere. He squeezed her hand before dropping it and wrapping his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. He knew that she had been distance since they had kissed, not so much since the kiss, more since the awful apology he gave for something he wasnt sorry for. She was the one person this planet that he wouldnt allow his awkwardness to stand in the way of. “I think that is in awful idea.. I am not a definitive source on anything let alone good ideas..” he looked over the place once more and started to feel helpless, his forehead rested on her shoulder while he still held her tight. “lets make dinner and pretend that we arent living in a swamp.” 
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 “Well, whether the universe was trying to prove you right or not, I think this was a message,” she says, nuzzling her head lightly against his, feeling comforted by his arms around her. A week ago, they wouldn’t be in this position at all. She would’ve kept her distance, trying and failing to pretend that everything was normal. But now, standing in what was left of the tiny space they called home, she didn’t need to pretend anymore. It was as though things — or at least things between them — had gone back to normal. In the midst of this new chaos, the drunken kiss or the damned gossip blog didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were together.    Luna turned slightly to smile at Milo. Looking at his face, being this close wouldn’t stop being painful simply because she willed it so, but she’d dealt with it before, she’ll deal with it again. And now, at least, she wouldn’t have to keep guessing constantly. In a way, having the confirmation that her feelings were one-sided could be freeing. Painful or not, her question had been answered and now she could move on. “Maybe it’s telling us we need a fresh start,” she added, and hoped he could feel the weight of her unspoken words, could hear the hidden apology for her distance in the previous weeks.    She laughed a little at the mention of living in a swamp. “We should just own it. Shrek and Fiona were pretty happy living in a swamp, right? We can do that,” she said, moving towards the kitchen, careful to step on (or think about) the books and broken glass on the floor. “Come on, what shall we have tonight?”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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“of course not, lu. your hair color with a bit of lilac?” she raised her hands to add to the affect. “iconic,” a short giggle escaped her lips. luna for sure must of been used to ronnie’s constant suggestions. “either or. anything that’s a soft purple. i think a dress would be cute. you need to show off those long legs more often, darling. i swear. i can’t live my tall life fantasy so you have to do it for me, okay?”
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luna snorted out a laugh at ronnie’s dramatic delivery. “speaking of hair... i was sort of, maybe, perhaps thinking of dyeing it. maybe lilac would look good. what do you think?” she asks, throwing her blonde mane over one shoulder. she smiles and rolls her eyes at the compliment, unsure as always as to the correct response to flattery. “you don’t need to live a ‘tall life fantasy’ when you have legs like yours,” she says, gesturing towards ronnie’s form. “but okay, i’ll try showing off a little more skin. i really need to start wearing things that aren’t XL sweaters anyway.”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
* closed starter for ; @lunaolsson​ !
      knowing that luna would be awaiting chai just a few blocks away was enough to add a spring to her step. it didn’t matter that she had a budget of about 10 dollars in her pocket, or that her car was still broken down so she couldn’t drive them to their destination; at this moment, she couldn’t care less about such things, because if there was anyone chai could 100% be herself around, it was luna, and that was priceless. at ease, she knew everything would fall into place, it was sure to be a good time because they would be together, and not one of the photographs stuck on her wall of the many times they hung out ever recalled a sour memory.
approaching the supermarket, chai could feel the scorching july sun on her back, and if she took a closer look, heat waves exuded from the pavement. when both the girl’s gazes met from across the road, it’s safe to assume chai’s face beamed equal amounts of warmth. “ BABY ! ” she shouted as the cars sped by between them, her arms already extended all the way out as she picked up her pace to cross the street and wrap her arms around luna, muffling “ you look so cute, i missed you … ” into the other’s shoulder, before planting a kiss on the tip of her nose. for a second, chai attempted to hold a serious face, although a smile kept bursting through. “ i might have a surprise for you, and it might be really ugly, but you have to swear you won’t laugh … ”
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it was like luna could breathe again. just sight of chai’s face and  at once the storm and its trail of wreckage didn’t matter; the world made some sort of sense again. that was the effect chai had over her, but it never ceased to surprise luna just how easily her mood was improved by the girl’s mere presence.
as soon as they were in each other’s arms, luna swept the shorter girl off her feet, smiling at her muffled words and hugging her tighter. “i missed you too,” she said earnestly before setting her back down. at the kiss to her nose, she let out a chuckled that turned into a full laughter at chai’s attempt at a serious face. “what?” she asked, curiosity spiked. “okay, i won’t laugh! what is it?”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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        “you know what would really suit you? purple,” the girl squinted her eyes, biting her lip as her eyes danced over the other’s body. “in the least weirdest way possible, i’d love to see you in something purple. you know? not like a really out there, royal or electric purple but maybe a nice soft lavender or lilac, you know?” she had yet to realize she was totally rambling. “it would really bring out your eyes too,”
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“i love lilac, but i always thought i makes me look a little... washed out, i guess?” luna said with a smile, though unconsciously tensing under ronnie’s gaze, never quite comfortable with others looking closely at her body. “but then again i’m not as good dressing myself as i am being dressed by you. did you have anything specific in mind? a dress or maybe more like a jacket?”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
starter for @lunaolsson​
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– SINCE COMING BACK FROM THE CAMPING TRIP, the town has been in total disarray. chaos, some might say – but lucky for paige, chaos is where she THRIVES. “ this is a total shitshow, huh ? ” paige muses, whacking the side of the atm with her hand as if it will somehow dispense more than the $23.18 she has in her bank account. that’s when something catches her eye, over her shoulder – a car parked on the street with the keys left in the ignition. her eyes sparkle. “ luna, ” she gasps, reaching out to grab her friend’s arm, “ you know i’m not religious, but it’s a sign from GOD. ” 
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luna didn’t even had to see what had caught paige’s attention to know it was bad news. she was familiar with that tone of voice, and nothing good ever followed. still, she hadn’t expected this. it took her a long moment to even understand what paige meant, squinting her eyes at the car until she realised its keys were in the ignition. her jaw promptly dropped. “paige, no.” her words were engulfed in nervous laughter. “you know i’m not religious either, but that looks a lot more like temptation from satan if you ask me,” she half-joked, not entirely sure how serious her friend was about this.
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
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Milo took a deep breath in and bit his lip, looking over to Luna and giving a small breath out. He held his hand and took hers in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly and then bringing their intertwined fingers to his chest and held them with his other hand “its okay.. whatever it looks like in there… we will manage.. I promise” he couldnt keep his eyes off the blown out windows. He released her hand from his chest but didnt let it go. He pushed through their front door and surveyed the damage. Their books had been destroyed, his feet were now wet and the carpet squished with water. It looked hopeless, it looked destroyed. He didnt know what to do, he looked over to Luna, she looked just as shocked as he did, and he wanted to take the burden from her. “I told you we should have sold those books on the floor” he said with a small smile, trying to make the air in the room a little lighter. 
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It’s hard looking at the bright side when your home is completely wrecked and you lose half your belongings. That might seem like an obvious statement, but Luna hadn’t expected to be as shaken up by the sight of their ruined books and blown out windows as she was. She could barely register the soft kiss planted on the back of her hand, so completely entranced by the chaos to which her home had been reduced. It seemed unfixable; it was just so much, where would they even begin? Before she had a chance to freak out any further, Milo’s voice caught her attention. She turned to him, realising too late her eyes had filled with tears. “I thought I was supposed to be the optimist here?” she asked lightly, a faint smile in her lips as she wiped her eyes. Looking at him, she felt a little steadier. At least I’m not alone, she thought, as she often did. Milo had always been there when she’d needed him, just as she’d always been there for him. The only difference was that this bump was on their road, and they’d have to work through it together. She couldn’t tell if that should be comforting or horrifying. Slipping down her hand to entwine her fingers with his — the first time she’d done so since their disastrous drunken kiss —, she grounded herself. At least we’ve got each other. “The universe really went out of its way to prove you right this time. We should listen to you more from now on.”
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lunaolsson ¡ 4 years
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone:
sweet p
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone:
kesha - woman
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone:
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last text received:
do you think i could get away with stealing a bottle of wine under my skirt
last text sent:
i just woke up pls tell me you didnt do it
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