lunalou87 · 4 months
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It's been a minute since I've done one of these, but here's a new set of legacy challenge rule cards. This time, it's the 4 Generation SEASONS LEGACY by @ginovasims
The cool thing about this challenge is the choice in options, so even though you're playing the same challenge as others, your Sims legacy could come out completely different!
Graphics by me! 🖤What challenge should I make graphics for next??
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lunalou87 · 5 months
Not So Berry Challenge 3
Couldn’t get enough of the original Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? Already played through Not So Berry Challenge 2? Wishing you could play a challenge with content from 2021 onward? If you’ve been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2023), look no further!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 3, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (…y’all know why).
Thank you to @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ for the inspiration (and the rules!).
Basic rules:
Each heir must represent the colour of the generation (like hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly-coloured skin isn’t necessary.
The colours of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Cheats can be used, but not excessively.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on Normal.
Generation One: Soil
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Well, you’re on your own now and you haven’t got much to your name except a plot of land and a couple of chickens. That’s alright though; animals tend to understand you better than Sims, anyway. Living off the land is difficult work but you’re determined to cultivate a respectable farm with livestock, fruit trees, and even some oversized produce!
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Socially Awkward, Music Lover
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: None
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
Start on an empty lot in Henford-on-Bagley with 500 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Max the cross-stitch and gardening skills.
Play using the Living Off the Land lot challenge.
Befriend Patchy the Straw Man.
Complete 5 requests for your neighbours.
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lunalou87 · 6 months
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If you like adding drama, creating stories with your sims and color coordinating them, then you’ve found the right legacy challenge for you! This is a ten generation legacy that revolves around berries and colors that you can base your sims on.
This legacy challenge, as of right now, uses multiple packs. 
I don’t want any control over your gameplay and/or story. I want you to make this all your own, so if you want to use cheats or anything like that go right ahead. If you want to start with 0 simoleons to make it even more challenging, do what your heart desires. Any traits, aspirations, careers, etc you think could be something else, use that instead. I truly just want everyone to have fun with this! Make this challenge your own, that’s what it’s here for!
If you decide to do this challenge tag me on instagram @strawberrysimyt or use #sweetestberrylegacy
You'll be able to find my gameplay here.
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lunalou87 · 6 months
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Sims Princess Legacy ~
Rules: - Have fun! - Change the goals and skills to suit you and your game! - Go in whatever order you'd like! - Updated for packs out in the year 2023
Snapshot of 8 more gens under the cut ~ *If you don't see your favorite princess, feel free to tweak one of these or make your own gen! *Check back as rules are constantly being updated as I play through the challenge myself
Take me to the -> RULES
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lunalou87 · 6 months
Groovy Legacy Challenge
This challenge was inspired by the other amazing 10 generation storytelling challenges out there including, Not So Berry, Sims in Bloom, Whimsy Legacy Challenge and many more! 
A massive shout out to my friend Sophie ‘Folklore Adventures’ for helping me with this challenge, coming up with ideas and helping write the backstory for each generation. 
General Rules: 
-Each Generation complete the given aspiration & career 
-Max out required skills for each generation 
-Money Cheats allowed for story telling purposes ie freerealestate
*Make the challenge harder by not using any cheats 
-Play on any lifespan you wish (although short is not recommended with all the goals that need to be achieved for each gen) 
-Please add extra story elements and ideas throughout the challenge and make it your own, have fun!
-If you do not own all required packs, either leave that part of the rule out or change the trait/skill to something that is similar 
-Some Generations are named after tv shows or movies and the storyline for these are not the same, they are just inspired by them.  
-You will notice each generation has two colours, an aesthetic and inspiration. These are not required for the challenge but are a fun add on to the Groovy theme of the legacy (though I know this style isn’t for everyone). You may like to just do the colours or the aesthetic or neither, it’s totally up to you! 
-If you decide to play this challenge I’d love you to @me playing_it_groovy on instagram or use the hashtag #Groovylegacy
Packs needed: 
Seasons,Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Snowy Escape, Strangerville, City Living, Cottage Living, Realm of Magic, Get to Work, Parenthood, Knifty Knitting, Jungle Adventure, Get Together, Highschool Years, Spa Day, Dine Out, Bowling Night, Discover University, Horse Ranch
Optional New first Gen (can continue with following generations after)
Generation 1 (alternative): Not your average Rancher:
Your parents gave you the perfect suburban upbringing, but the world is changing and you don’t want a mundane job and a house in the suburbs. So you run away and start a new life with only the clothes on your back. You are quirky, with a love for all things colourful and fun, you show this part of your personality through your home interior and how you dress. Your deep connection to nature, animals and gardening inspires you to start your own farm on an empty ranch. You find someone who shares your love for the outdoors and together you raise a family that grows along with colourful quirky farm.
Aspiration: Expert Nectar Maker
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Rancher, Horse Lover
Career: Nectar Making (make your money from your farm and nectar making)
Skills: Gardening, Nectar Making, Horse Training (get a horse to level 10 in 3 out of 4 skills)
-Start from nothing Rags to Riches style, you can either start with $400 or $0 if you would like to make it harder! -Build your home from the ground up - it grows as your family grows -Must end up owning all the ‘colourful’ mini sheep types -Own a colourful horse -Must also own at least one chicken, cow, goat & llama   -Have a minimum of 3 children
*Colours Pink & Green *Aesthetic Colourful Western *Inspiration: Western Barbie, Barbie Movie, Dont Worry Darling
Generation 1: Flower Child 
Your parents gave you the perfect suburban upbringing, but the world is changing and you don’t want a mundane job and a house in the suburbs. So you run away and start a new life with only the clothes on your back. You are strong, independent and are driven to make a true difference in the world. Your deep connection to nature, plants and flowers inspires you to find someone who shares your youthful hippie spirit and cares for the environment like you do. Together you raise a conscious family who appreciate the environment and the world around them. 
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Self-Assured 
Career: Conservationist - Environmental Manager
Skills: Flower Arranging, Herbalism  & Gardening   
-Start from nothing Rags to Riches style, on an empty lot with no money 
-Build your home from the ground up - it grows as your family grows.  
-Your home is always decorated with flowers from your garden 
-Collect and grow all flower types used for flower arranging and grow to Magnificent quality
-Make all types of flower arrangements
-Have a minimum of 3 children 
-Take family on camping holidays for each of their child to teen birthdays 
*Colours - Green & Brown 
*Aesthetic - 70’s Flower Child 
*Inspiration - 1960s Hippie Movement, Films - Hair, Dare to be Wild, Across the Universe
Generation 2: Space Oddity 
You were raised to love and care for Mother Earth but as the rest of the world begins to look towards the stars, you wonder what else might be out in the world. Ideas of space and the supernatural consume your thoughts and while people might find you strange, you don’t mind at all, because you know there’s something out there.  You’re a neat freak and long for the next genius idea you’ll have in the shower. You leave the family farm and move to an unusual new town hoping to meet like minded people but when things start getting strange, you go searching for answers.  You finally find a Sim who accepts you for you, quirks and all. 
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery 
Traits:Genius, Neat, Erratic  
Career: Astronaut
Skills: Rocket Science, Logic, Handiness  
-Live in Strangerville
-Build rocket ship 
-Have a fleeting romance with an alien from Sixam 
-Collect all Geodes 
-Collect all aliens 
-Collect and Grow all Alien Plants 
-Get married to to a sim with the geek trait and raise a family together 
*Colours - Turquoise and yellow 
*Aesthetic - Retro Futuristic/Fallout 
*Inspiration - Classic Sci Fi films, War of the Worlds, Area 51 
Generation 3: Brady Bunch 
You grew up in an unusual family and just long to fit in with everyone else. You dream of a simple family life, with routine, order and nothing out of the ordinary. You find your soulmate and raise a large family of six children. You love being a stay at home parent and focusing on your children. You strive to be the perfect parent, knitting for your family, cooking big family meals and helping your children with their studies. You don’t have many friends other than your family so you decide to have pen pals.  
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Family Oriented, Cheerful, Perfectionist 
Skills: Knitting, Parenting and Cooking
Career: NA
-Be a stay at home parent 
-Have a hobby of knitting and selling your craft
-Have 6 children (adopt or have naturally) 
-Help Children with all school projects 
-Cook a large family meal every night 
-Collect all postcards through having penpals 
*Colours  - Orange and Green 
*Aesthetic - 60’s/70’s California 
*Inspiration - The Brandy Bunch, Leave it to Beaver 
Gen 4: Grease 
Growing up in a large loving family, you were the perfect child that couldn’t do anything wrong. You are a straight A high school student and cheerleader, but you wonder if there’s more to life than having the perfect home and family.  Towards the end of your teen years, you meet the Sim of your dreams who is the total opposite to you. They are adventurous and rebellious but they change you for the better and bring out your wild side. You live a busy, fast paced and exciting life having adventures together and only have one child. You have a career in writing, sharing your travels with the world. While you teach your only child to follow their dreams, you don’t spend much time together because of your busy travel schedule.    
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast 
Career: Freelance Writer
Traits: Good, Bookworm, Adventurous (last trait given) 
Skills: Selvadoradian culture, Skiing, Rock Climbing 
-Get A’s in School
-Be a cheerleader in High School 
-Have a partner that also has the Adventurous trait
-Only have one child 
-Have at least 3 tattoos 
-Go on as many trips and adventures as you can afford 
-Collect all Omiscan treasures 
*Colours - Red and Pink
*Aesthetic - Grease 
*Inspiration - Films - Grease, Dirty Dancing
Generation 5: Arts Factory
If your globetrotting, absent parents taught you anything, it was to have fun and follow your dreams, so that’s exactly what you do. You move to the city as an aspiring artist/photographer, live with a group of fellow artists and creatives and throw lots of fabulous parties together.  You find yourself an incredible muse, have a whirlwind romance, move into your own apartment and have a baby. But long term relationships just aren’t your style and realising you’re losing your creativity and passion, you break up and raise your child alone. You’re forever destined to search for your next muse, while living out to your artistic and party animal dreams. 
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Creative, Party Animal, Noncommittal 
Career: Painter
Skills: Painting, Photography, Mixology  
-Complete childhood aspiration Artistic Prodigy 
-Move to city once young adult and stay for remainder of life
-As YA live with roommates (must be other creatives)
-Throw a party once a week with your roomates & make drinks for guests (whilst in shared apartment) 
-Collect all City Posters 
-Paint and keep 5 masterpieces for your apartment
*Colours - Black and White 
*Aesthetic - 1960s New York Art Scene 
*Inspiration - Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgewick, Yoko Ono, Films - Factory Girl, Music - Bob Dylan, David Bowie, The Velvet Underground
Generation 6: Bewitched 
You grew up in a dysfunctional apartment in the city surrounded by wild parties and celebrities and dream of a more quiet, traditional life for yourself. But there’s a catch, because you’re a witch! While you love being a witch and developing your powers, you long to fit in and want the world to think you’re just a regular Sim. You find a partner that you love and tell them your secret, but don’t disclose it to anyone else. To your neighbours and friends you’re just a regular suburban parent, who bakes for their kids, cross stitches and enjoys bowling. You go all out celebrating every holiday, while living a secret spellcaster life. 
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery 
Traits: Proper, Cat lover, Overachiever 
Career: Education 
Skills: Baking, Cross Stitching, Bowling 
-Become a Spellcaster as a teen 
-Collect all 26 magical artefacts 
-Decorate and go all out for every holiday 
-Always own a black cat 
-Get married before starting a family
-Have a hidden locked room for all spellcaster items 
-Only perform magic at home or Glimmerbrook
-Go Bowling as your hobby 
*Colours - Navy Blue and Purple
*Aesthetic - 60’s suburbia 
*Inspiration - Bewitched, Practical Magic, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Generation 7: Saturday Night Fever 
During the day you work a typical nine to five job just to please your pleasant suburban parents, but all you really want is to be going out dancing. You love music, disco and all things shiny. You love the nightlife, you love to boogie!  
You go out dancing multiple times a week. You find it hard to commit to one Sim but you love the chase and romancing them on the dance floor. One night you accidentally get pregnant 
(or get a sim pregnant) from a one night stand. This makes you change your ways and you become the most loving parent and devote most of your time to raising your child. You still go out dancing when you get the time.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic 
Skills: Dancing, Charisma, Dj Mixing Skill 
Career: Business 
Traits: Dance Machine, Romantic, Childish 
-As a young adult go out dancing/DJ at least twice a week 
-You do not need to reach level 10 in this career as you are not passionate about it 
-Never get married or have a long term partner 
-You love wearing all things that sparkle 
-Collect all Crystals 
- Throw a Gold Medal birthday party each time your child ages up
*Colours - Hot Pink and Silver 
*Aesthetic - Disco 
*Inspiration - Saturday Night Fever, Flashdance, Studio 54
Generation 8: Commune Farm 
You grew up surrounded by bright lights, sparkly things, music and dancing. You had the best parent, who worked a job they hated just to make sure you had a great upbringing.  But now you long for a simple life, away from all the hustle and bustle, connecting with like minded people. You move to the country to live off the land, reconnect the earth and participate in a harmonious community. You are all about wellness and living a clean lifestyle. But are you getting yourself into a commune or a cult? You have a child with one of your friends in the community and everyone helps raise your child.You make money from selling produce and items you craft by hand, while living your dream hippie commune life. 
Aspiration: Zen Guru 
Skills: Handiness, Wellness, Fishing
Career: NA 
Traits: Maker, Animal Enthusiast, Recycle disciple
-Have all types of farm animals 
-Live on a lot with simple living and off the grid traits
-Survive off the land and your farm only 
-Sell items you farm and make on woodworking table 
-Invite sims to be your roomates that you want to live with you on the farm 
-Collect all types of fish 
*Colours-Orange and Yellow
*Aesthetic - 1970s Age of Aquarius 
*Inspiration - 1970s counterculture, Hippie Commune, Woodstock
Generation 9: Almost Famous 
You grew up surrounded by music, playing instruments and listening to stories about  the wild music festivals and concerts from your commune family attended. And while commune life is nice and all, you dream of more. You want the rockstar lifestyle and when you’re old enough you take off to chase your dreams of being a famous musician. 
Your guitar skills start to pay off as you make your own music and busk on the streets for money. You hang out at all the celebrity hot spots in the hopes of meeting someone famous and you do! You fall in love and live your lives in the spotlight. Now that you are with a celebrity and you start to enjoy the finer things in life and focus on creating beautiful music on the piano. 
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Any part time job to make extra money 
Skills: Guitar Skill, Piano Skill, Gourmet Cooking
Traits: Music Lover, Foodie, Self Absorbed 
-Play instruments as a child 
-Start learning guitar skill as a teen 
-Move to Del Sol Valley as a young adult stay there for life 
-Busk to make your main income (allowed to have a part time job to earn more money) 
-Focus on Piano Skill later in life 
-In spare time hang out at celebrity hot spots until you fall in love with one
-Dine out for meals at least once a week
-Collect all experimental food prints 
*Colours - Black and Red
*Aesthetic - 70’s/80’s Rock
*Inspiration - Films - Almost Famous, The Doors, Dazed and Confused
Generation 10: Charlie’s Angels 
With two famous parents, you grew up in the spotlight but you long for a different life, one far away from fame. So far away in fact, that you decide to be a spy. You are always well put together, fit, fashionable and intelligent, the whole package. Growing up with the finer things in life, you like your home to feel special and enjoy splashing out on expensive household items. You meet the love of your life but they can never know what you do for work. To them you are the perfect partner, but they have no idea of the adventures you go on and enemies you make along the way. 
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Secret Agent Career (Diamond Agent) 
Skills: Fitness, Mischief, Programming Skill 
Traits: Materialistic, Active, Overachiever 
-Have a beautifully decorated home 
-Constantly update your home with expensive items 
-Hide your career from your partner and children 
-Have 3 enemies 
-Collect all fossils 
*Colours - Light Pink and Blue 
*Aesthetic - 1970s Charlie’s Angels 
*Inspiration -  70s Spy Gene, James Bond  
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lunalou87 · 7 months
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9 Generation Occult Legacy Challenge by Asphodel Moon! Graphics by me. I tweaked a few of the rules' text to make it fit, so check out the link for the full rules/details.
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lunalou87 · 7 months
Alphabet legacy challenge- part 2
Generation 11: the letter L
likes: lullabies, latin and latin pop music.
traits: lactose intolerant, loves the outdoors, lazy.
reach the top level of the lifeguard part-time career as a teenager
complete the leader of the pack aspiration.
reach level ten of the law career.
master the logic skill.
Generation 12: the letter M
likes: media production, mischief, mixology. Mid-century, mission, modern styles. metal music
any three of the following traits:
maker, music lover, materialistic, mean
reach the top level of the manual laborer part-time career as a teenager
must earn the mediator character value trait.
master the motor and mental skills as a child.
master the movement skills as a toddler.
complete either of these aspirations:
mansion baron, master maker, master vampire, master mixologist, master actor/actress, musical genius, master chef
master the mixology, media production, an mischief skills
move to mt komorebi or magnolia promenade
reach level 10 of the military career.
Generation 13: the letter N
traits: non-commital, neat
likes: NuDisco and new age music.
must move to newcrest at the beginning fo the generation
complete nerd brain aspiration
Generation 14: the letter O
likes: orange
traits: outgoing
complete outdoor enthusiast aspiration.
move to oasis springs at the beginning of the generation
Generation 15: the letter P
likes: painting, photography, piano, pipe organ, programming. Pink and purple. patio style. pop music.
traits: paranoid, proper, perfectionist.
master the potty training skill as a toddler
complete either of the following aspirations:
painter extraordinaire, party animal, public enemy
master the pet training, photography skill, piano skills, pipe organ, programming, parenting, painting
reach level ten of any of the following careers:
painter or politician
must have two children: the oldest's name will begin with Q. they will like the Queen Anne's decor style. The youngest will be the heir.
Generation 16: the letter R
likes: red. research & debate, robotics, rock climbing, and rocket science. Retro and romance music.
traits: romantic, recycle-disciple
complete the retail employee part time job as a teen
earn the responsible character value trait
master the rocket science skill
complete the Renaissance sim aspiration
master the rocket science, research and debate, robotics, and rock climbing skills
complete the rambunctious scamp child aspiration
Generation 17: the letter S
likes: Singer-songwriter, spooky, S-pop, stranger tunes, summer strut music. Storybook and suburban contemporary styles. Singing, skiing, snowboarding.
have the silly toddler trait.
any of these traits: self-assured, slob, snob, squeamish, self-absorbed
join the scouts as a child and reach the max level
master the child social skill
master the singing, skiing, snowboarding, and selvadoradian culture skills
complete the social butterfly child aspiration
Must complete the strangerville mystery aspiration while living in strangerville. After its completion, either move to San myshuno or sulani.
must visit selvadorada at least once
complete any of the following careers:
scientist, social media, style influencer, secret agent, salaryperson
Generation 18: the letter T
likes: tween pop
earn the 'top-notch' toddler trait
complete The Curator aspiration
reach top level of the tech Guru career
have two children. the oldest's name must start with the letter, u, and must have the unflirty trait and the uncontrolled character value. the youngest is the heir
Generation 19: the letter V
likes: videogaming and violin.
traits: vegetarian
complete the vampire family aspiration
master the veterinarian, videogaming, violin, and vampiric lore skills
buy a vet clinic and work there fulltime
generation 20: the letter W
must have the 'wild' trait as a toddler.
likes: wellness, writing. white. world and winter holiday.
goals: move to either windenburg or willow creek
reach top level of the writer career.
complete the whiz kid aspiration and the world famous celebrity aspiration
master the wellness and writing skills.
must have three children. The oldest name will begin with X. the middle child's name will begin with Y and their favourite colour will be yellow. the youngest's name will begin with Z
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lunalou87 · 7 months
Alphabet Legacy Challenge- part 1
The alphabet legacy challenge, but less similar to the one hundred baby challenge.
It will be divided in different parts as it's a looong challenge.
Cheats are allowed, you do you! Each heir must have their name beginning with the letter of their generation. They all must share the same last name, which is the last name of your founder. The heirs must have only one child (in the case of twins and triplets, the oldest one will become the heir, but they all must have names beginning with the letter of the generation), unless stated otherwise.
Generation 1: the letter A
This is the founder of the legacy!
must have three of the following traits:
active, art lover, ambitious, adventurous, animal enthusiast
acting, alternative and americana music.
Reach level 10 of the astronaut career, the actor career, or the athlete career.
complete any of these aspirations:
archeology scholar, academic, angling ace
master the acting and archeology skills.
Generation 2: the letter B
must have the bookworm and bro traits
backyard, baroque, and blues music. basics and bohos styles. black, brown, and blue colours
reach top of either the babysitter or barista part-time career during teenage years
may not earn higher or lower than a B in school
earn the 'bad manners' character value trait
choose any of the following aspirations:
beach life, bestselling author, bodybuilder, big happy family
must reach level 10 of the business career
master the bowling and baking skills.
must move to brindleton bay or to britechester when the generation begins
Generation 3: the letter C
may not earn higher or lower than a C in school
must have the charmer trait or the clingy trait as a toddler.
choose any three of the following traits:
cheerful, child of the islands, child of the oceans, cat lover, childish, clumsy
contemporary and cosmolux styles. classical music.
earn the compassionate character value trait.
master the communication skill as a toddler
master the charisma, comedy, and cooking skills.
complete any of these aspirations:
the computer whiz, city native, country caretaker, chief of mischief
reach level 10 of any of the following careers:
conservationist, civil designer, criminal, critic, culinary.
master the creativity skill as a child
Generation 4: the letter D
likes: DJ Booth, Dancing
reach the top level of the diver part time career as a teenager
master the DJ mixing and dancing skills
move to del sol valley as soon as the generation begins
reach level ten of any of the following careers:
doctor or detective.
Generation 5: the letter E
likes: easy listening and electronica music.
evil, erratic.
earn the emotional control character value trait
complete the eco-innovator aspiration
reach level ten of any of the following careers:
education, engineer, entertainer
move to evergreen harbour as soon as the generation starts.
Generation 6: the letter F
likes: farmhouse and french country styles. Focus music. Fishing and fitness
traits: foodie, freegan, family-oriented
must have the fussy trait as a toddler
reach the top level of either the fastfood employee or fisherman career as a teenager.
complete any of these aspirations: friend of the world, freelance botanist.
complete any of the freelance careers.
master the fishing, fitness, and flower arranging skills
move to the forgotten hollow as soon soon as the generation starts.
visit the forgotten grotto.
Generation 7: the letter G
likes: garden style. Gardening and guitar. Green and Grey.
any of the following traits:
good, green fiend, geek, goofball, gloomy.
complete either the good vampire aspiration or the grilled cheese aspiration.
master the guitar, gardening, and gourmet cooking skills.
go on holiday to granite falls.
move to Glimmerbrook as soon as the generation starts.
reach level ten of the gardening career.
Generation 8: the letter H
likes: handiness. hip-hop music.
traits: high maintenance, hot-headed, hates children.
gain the 'happy toddler' trait
master the herbalism and handiness skills.
move to henford-on-bagley as soon as the generation starts.
Generation 9: the letter I
likes: island radio. island style.
toddler traits: either independent or inquisitive.
must develop the irresponsible and insensitive character value traits.
master the imagination skill as a toddler
Generation 10: the letter J
likes: Japanese folk, jazz music.
must have the jealous trait
must complete the joke star aspiration.
Must have two children: the eldest name will begin with the letter K, who must like kids music. the youngest, who will become the heir, will begin with the letter L
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lunalou87 · 7 months
TS4 Style Legacy Challenge
A challenge based on the clothing styles in CAS.
Gen 1: Basic
Traits: Loner, Paranoid, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Freelance Writer
Skill: Parenting
You were raised in a conservative family with strict rules and guidelines, and so you always had a tough time breaking out from your shell. You try to be open-minded and try new things, but it’s not easy.
Marry and have at least three children. Middle child of your choice is heir.
Set curfews for your children and always discipline negative behavior.
Help children with homework and projects.
Work comes second, your children come first.
Keep reading
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lunalou87 · 7 months
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
By Sunny & Missy
Hello! This is the first challenge my friend and I created. I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you enjoy it as well. I created this in only a day so there may be things that need to be added or taken away once I go through the challenge myself. Happy Simming!
This is an 8 generation Legacy Challenge. The gender and style is completely up to you (except generation 2). Complete all goals before moving onto the next generation. Make sure you look ahead each generation because some may overlap with each other (start as a teen or teen goals). I will create a base game version in the future, but for right now just skip or make up a new rule if you don't have a pack. We will be adding colour's (yes we’re Canadian), no they don't make sense with the herbs and spices, but it's fun so that's what we're going to do!! I'm playing this for the first time so things may change, please let me know if there's any mistakes or if you think of anything to add to this challenge.
You can either start off with 0 money like the original legacy challenge or start out with starting funds, whichever is more fun for you!
You don't have to level up skills to level 10, unless the job states otherwise.
Complete job career, unless stated otherwise
Complete the aspiration each generation, unless stated otherwise
Cheats are fine if it makes the challenge more fun for you, otherwise try not to make yourself have an advantage over others, cc is fine
Must complete each goal for each gen, then you can go to the next generation, You can choose to do the optional goals
I suggest life span on normal or long, short if you want stress and a challenge!
This doesn't need to be a berry challenge, but if you want to you can make everything their fav colour!! 
if you play this challenge please use #herbsandspiceslegacy
Have Fun!!
The link for the full challenge can be found below!! The first Gen will be below the cut, just to see if you like it!
Here's a google doc
Generation 1 - Paprika
You always loved kids, your job as a teacher fulfilled your needs as wanting to be a Parent, you fell in love with a noncommittle person, you thought you could change them, but one day they were gone, you still had something to remind you of them. you were pregnant! Now you're going to be the best parent ever, who needs two parents anyways.
*Aspiration: Super Parent
*Traits: Family Oriented (choose others)
*Skills: Research and debate, logic, and Charisma 
*Job: Teacher (Any Branch)
*Fav Colour: Red
*Complete Aspiration
*date a non-committal significant other
*wake up with them gone (either kill them or just pretend they don't exist)
*complete the teacher career
*Must have a male Child (you can cheat this or have a trans sim)
*Have 1 child, be super involved in their life
*Have your kid have high confidence
*Achieve either the close or supportive family dynamic with your child
*Never date or marry
Optional goals
*Master all your skills
*Get the single and loving it lifestyle
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lunalou87 · 7 months
Flower Power Challenge
Hi Simmers, I came across Mishisims Flower Farmer Challenge a while ago and it gave me the idea to use flowers instead so I came up with the Flower Power Challenge.
The challenge requires all the packs but you can work around some stuff if you don’t have them all.
This is an 8 generation challenge. Your Sims are all obsessed with certain flowers and the colour that they represent, they spend all their lives growing only one type of beautiful flower.
Create a Young Adult Sim (Teen if you want to make it harder)
Lifespan must be on normal
Seasons must be default (7 days)
Aging must be on normal
Your Sim can only earn money through selling their specific flower (either from the plant itself or via the sale table (so no writing books, doing odd jobs or painting)
Feel free to use a greenhouse to shelter your flowers so that they grow all year round
Your Sim CANNOT have a job and your spouse must quit their careers
You will need to use freerealestate on to buy the lot each time you start the next gen
Generation 1: Blue
Traits: (Pick any 3) Loves Outdoors, Perfectionist, Child of the Ocean, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Flower: Bluebells
Buy an empty lot and start with 0 fund
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Fishing skills
Have 2 children
Generation 2: Yellow
Traits: (Pick any 3) Ambitious, Clumsy, Foodie, Loner, Socially Awkward,
Aspiration: Master Chef or Mixologist
Flower: (Pick 1) Chrysanthemum, Lily, Daisy, Bird of Paradise
Buy an empty lot
Start with $500 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Cooking or Mixology skills
Have 1 child
Build a house with a large kitchen (if you’re a chef) or have a room with bar (if you’re a mixologist)
Generation 3: Red
Traits: (Pick any 3) Childish, Erratic, Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, Romantic, Art Lover, Mean, Evil, Snob
Aspiration: Party Animal
Flower: (Pick 1) Snapdragon or Rose
Buy an empty lot
Start with $5000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Flower Arranging skills
Have 5 really close friends
Have 3 children with your BFF
Build a house with an area for entertaining your friends
Generation 4: White
Traits: (Pick any 3) Creative, Gloomy, Music Lover, Maker, Lactose Intolerant
Aspiration: Master Maker or Musical Genius
Flower: (Pick 1) Daisy, Orchid, Snowdrop or Christmas Rose
Buy an empty lot
Start with $0 in funds
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Fabrication or 2 instrument skills
Get Married and have 2 children
Build a house with a decent size music/fabrication room
Generation 5: Purple
Traits: (Pick any 3) Paranoid, Dance Machine, Freegan, Dog/Cat Lover, Overachiever, Proper, Party Animal, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Flower: (Pick 1) Crocus, Tulip, Fang Flower
Buy an empty lot
Start with $5000 in funds as a gift from your parents or $2500 and some items
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Logic, Pet Training/Equestrian and Dancing skills
Get engaged but never married
Have 1 child
Build a house with a science lair
Generation 6: Pink
Traits: (Pick any 3) Unflirty, Adventurous, Outgoing, Good, Bro
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Flower: (Pick 1) Begonia or Dahlia
Buy an empty lot
Start with $10,000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Skiing and Snowboarding skills
Have 4 children but never get married
Build a house with at least 4 bedrooms
Generation 7: Green
Traits: (Pick any 3) Squeamish, Recycle Disciple, Green Fiend, Materialistic
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Flower: Holly
Buy an empty lot
Start with $1000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Fabrication and Wellness skills
Have at least 1 child
Have an Off the Grid lot
Build a house with a fitness room
Generation 8: Black
Traits: (Pick any 3) Geek, Active, Kleptomaniac, Slob, Non-Committal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Flower: Death Flower
Buy an empty lot
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Mischief and Fitness skills
Get married but have no children
I hope you enjoy the challenge and make sure to check out the original challenge.
0 notes
lunalou87 · 7 months
Veggie Farmer Challenge 2.0
Hi Simmers, I came across Mishisims Veggie Farmer Challenge a while ago and I’ve now updated it for the Horse Ranch pack. I have linked the original challenge in the post.
The challenge requires all the packs but you can work around some stuff if you don’t have them all.
This is now an 8 generation challenge. Your Sims are all farmers who are obsessed with certain vegetables and the colour that they represent, they spend all their lives living off the land and growing only one type of vegetable.
Create a Young Adult Sim (Teen if you want to make it harder)
Lifespan must be on normal
Seasons must be default (7 days)
Aging must be on normal
Your Sim can only earn money through selling their specific vegetable (either from the plant itself or via the sale table (so no writing books, doing odd jobs or painting)
Your Sim CANNOT have a job and your spouse must quit their careers
Your Sim must keep a pet until the sims death
You will need to use freerealestate on to buy the lot each time you start the next gen
Generation 1: Green
Traits: (Pick any 3) Squeamish, Recycle Disciple, Green Fiend, Materialistic, Vegetarian, Jealous
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Veggie: (Pick 1) Bell Pepper, Green Bean, Spinach, Green Pea or Lettuce
Animal: Green Frog
Buy an empty lot and start with 0 fund
Complete aspiration
Master Wellness, Gardening and Fitness skills
Have 3 children
Marry someone and become BFFs
Build a house with a large garden (the garden can be sheltered eg us a greenhouse)
Generation 2: Orange
Traits: (Pick any 3) Glutton, Bro, Outgoing, Good
Aspiration: Soulmate
Veggie: (Pick 1) Carrot or Pumpkin
Animal: Orange Cat or a hamster
Buy an empty lot with some of your old items with you
Start with $1000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Cooking and Baking skills
Have 2 children
Build a house with a large kitchen
Generation 3: Black
Traits: (Pick any 3) Geek, Active, Kleptomaniac, Slob, Non-Committal
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Veggie: Black Bean
Animal: Black Cat, Dog or a Horse
Buy an empty lot with a laptop in your inventory
Start with $5000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Become an enemy with your sibling
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Video Gaming and Pet Training/Equestrian skills
Have several romantic relationships but none close
Have 1 child but don’t get married
Build a house with a large gaming room
Generation 4: Yellow
Traits: (Pick any 3) Ambitious, Clumsy, Foodie, Loner, Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Super Parent
Veggie: Potatoes
Animal: Bees
Buy an empty lot
Start with $0 in funds
Complete aspiration
When you have room move your dad in to help on the farm
Master Gardening, Parenting and Flower Arranging skills
Get Married and have 4 children
Become BFFs with your parent not living at home
Build a house with a decent size flower studio
Generation 5: White
Traits: (Pick any 3) Creative, Family Oriented, Gloomy, Music Lover, Maker, Lactose Intolerant
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Veggie: (Pick 1) Onion or Mushroom
Animal: White Cat, Horse, Dog, Chicken/Hen, Llama or a Rat
Buy an empty lot
Start with $10,000 in funds as a gift from your parents or $5000 and some items
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Logic and an instrument of your choice skills
Get engaged but never married
Have 2 children
Build a house with a music Studio
Generation 6: Red
Traits: (Pick any 3) Evil, Childish, Hot-Headed, Romantic, Art Lover, Erratic, Self-Assured, Mean, Snob
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Veggie: Tomato
Animal: Fox
Buy an empty lot
Start with $2000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Mischief and Knitting skills
Have 3 children
Marry a Family Oriented Sim
Have 2 enemies
Build a house with a decent knitting room and at least 4 bedrooms
Generation 7: Purple
Traits: (Pick any 3) Paranoid, Dance Machine, Dog Lover, Cat Lover, Freegan Overachiever, Proper, Party Animal, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Master Maker
Veggie: Aubergine
Animal: Tetra Fish
Buy an empty 20x15 lot and create a tiny home (100 tiles or less)
Start with $1000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Fishing and Painting skills
Have 1 child with a married Sim
Have an Off the Grid lot
Build a house with an art Studio
Generation 8: Brown
Traits: (Pick any 3) Lazy, Hates Children, Animal Enthusiast, Loyal, Glutton
Aspiration: Mansion Baron or Country Caretaker
Veggie: (Pick 1) Taro Root or Morel Mushroom
Animal: Brown Cat, Dog, Horse, Cow or a Hedgehog
Move into a 64x64 lot if you pick the Mansion Baron
Or move into a 50x40 lot if you pick the Country Caretaker aspiration
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Singing and Cross-Stitching skills
Get married but have no children
Befriend several rabbits and birds
Build a mansion if you picked the Mansion Baron aspiration
Build a large farm if you picked the Country Caretaker aspiration.
I hope you enjoy the challenge and make sure to check out the original challenge.
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lunalou87 · 11 months
Giving this challenge a try
Veggie Farmer Challenge !
Hi to all of you simmers!
Today I come with a new sims 4 challenge which I have created for my own amusement. I think you may all enjoy it as well, so I have decided to share it with you.
It is a 5 generation challenge. Your sims are all farmers who are obsessed with a specific vegetable and its colour and must spend their lives growing it and living off the land.
Create a young adult sim (male or female).
Lifespan must be normal
Seasons must be default (7 days)
Remember to turn on aging
Your sim and heirs must complete their aspiration before death.
Your sims CANNOT have a job.
You can ONLY earn money through their veggie crops.
Your first sim and heirs must master the following skills: wellness, gardening and another one (specified in the generations)
Generation 1: Green
You love green so much! You are a poor sim who has just had a very rough childhood. Orphaned by birth, you have spent your life living in an awful orphanage and having no friends or goals at all. Now, you have reached adulthood and you wish to finally put those bad memories away.
You dream of starting a new life and family but you have 0 money funds and no skills at all. But what is the only thing you really love? Veggies. Unlike other kids, you have always loved them, especially the green ones. So, with that in mind you have decided to begin your own farm and legacy.
TRAITS (choose 3): Materialistic, squeamish, vegetarian, jealous
ASPIRATION: Freelance Botanist
VEGGIE (choose only 1): Bell Pepper, Green bean, Spinach, Green peas
ANIMAL (your sim must have one or more and keep it until your sims’ death): Green Frog
Have a female/male young adult sim.
Buy an empty lot
Delete your money to 0 funds (you may cheat for that)
Complete your aspiration
Master wellness, gardening and fitness skills
Have three children (one of them will be the next gen heir) with similar traits and same aspiration of the parent
Marry someone (you cannot earn money by doing that) and become best friends
Earn money through veggie crops
Build a decent house with a big garden before you die (when you have earned enough money)
Gen 2: Orange
You love orange! You have had a happy childhood surrounded by your parents and siblings. You have known motherly love. But somehow you have always been different. You have never loved green veggies that much or even green colour. Once you have reached adulthood, you have moved out of town and decided to set your own veggie farm and enjoy what you really love: Orange veggies.
TRAITS (choose 3): Glutton, Bro, good, outgoing
ASPIRATION: Soulmate aspiration
VEGGIE : Carrots
ANIMAL (your sim must have one or more and keep it until your sims’ death): orange cat or hamster
Buy a new empty lot for your orange sim
Begin with some items in your inventory from your previous household (memories and her own childhood objects and furniture) and 1,000 simoleons (you may cheat for that) as if their parent lend it to her/him.
Complete your aspiration
Master wellness, gardening and cooking skills
Have two children (one of them will be the next gen heir) with similar traits and same aspiration of the parent
Marry someone (you cannot earn money by doing that)
Have two close friends (non family members)
Earn money through veggie crops
Build a decent house with a big kitchen before you die (when you have earned enough money)
Gen 3: Black
You love black! You are the black sheep of your family and you have always been regarded as the bad sibling. You felt kind of lonely in your house and you have decided to move and start a life of your own. Besides, you hate carrots! Since the farming business is in your genes and you love black, you have decided to continue the legacy but with a slighty difference: black beans!
TRAITS (choose 3): Geek, kleptomaniac, slob, evil
ASPIRATION: Chief of Mischief
VEGGIE : black beans
ANIMAL (your sim must have one or more and keep it until your sims’ death): black dog or cat
Buy a new empty lot for your black sim
Begin with no objects in your inventory but a game console or computer and 5,000 simoleons (you stole them from your parents)
Become enemies with your sibling
Since you hate family life, don’t you ever get married.
Have one child (an unfortunate accident) but never really care about him/her.
Have several romantic relations but none close.
Complete your aspiration
Master wellness, gardening and gaming skills
Earn money through veggie crops
Build a decent house with a big gamer room before you die (when you have earned enough money)
Gen 4: Yellow
Yellow is your life! You have never been close to your black parent and you feel hurt by it. Luckily your other parent has always been there for you.
Now that you have grown up, you have decided to move and start life anew, bringing your beloved daddy with you and continuing the legacy.
TRAITS (choose 3): clumsy, ambitious, loner.
ASPIRATION: Super Parent 
VEGGIE : potatoes
ANIMAL (your sim must have one or more and keep it until your sims’ death): bees
Buy a new empty lot for your yellow sim
Begin with NO items in your inventory from your previous household and 0 simoleons (your mother didn’t give you anything) 
Complete your aspiration
Live with your father (or other parent). He must be changed to yellow and he must quit work (if he has any) and help you with your farm.
Master wellness, gardening and flower arranging skills
Have four children (one of them will be the next gen heir) with similar traits and same aspiration of the parent
Marry the father of your kids (you cannot earn money by doing that) in old age (and do not ask him to move until then).
Become best friends with your other parent
Earn money through veggie crops
Build a decent house with a big flower studio before you die (when you have earned enough money)
Gen 5: White
You adore white! Your life has been filled with happy memories and a loving household full of children. Even if you love everyone very much, you don’t feel like you belong in there. Some part of you wishes to be freed from the yellowish side of life and seek tranquility and a nice, lonelier life of your own. 
However, you don’t want to disappoint your parents and you dutifully continue the farming business, which you expect your kids to follow.
TRAITS (choose 3): gloomy, music lover, erratic, family oriented
VEGGIE (choose one) : onion, garlic, mushroom
ANIMAL (your sim must have one or more and keep it until your sims’ death): rat, dog or cat
Buy a new empty lot for your last sim
Begin with several items in your inventory from your previous household and 10,000 simoleons (your family loves you so much)
Complete your aspiration
Master wellness, gardening and piano or violin skills
Have two children (one of them will be the next gen heir) with similar traits and same aspiration of the parent
Get engaged with the father of your kids (you cannot earn money by doing that) but never marry (you don’t think it is necessary). Live together.
Earn money through veggie crops
Build a decent house with a music studio before you die (when you have earned enough money)
And now… Let’s play and enjoy the challenge!
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lunalou87 · 8 years
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