lunadium Ā· 2 years
standing at the mansionā€™s entrance, kaeya has little time to do anything else but repeatedly blink his eye at the conversation thatā€™s happening in front of him, dumbfounded. distantly, heā€™s aware of how his utterly drenched attire is dripping onto the hardwood floors, the rattling of the windows against the unforgiving strength of the storm raging outside a reminder of how heā€”and diluc as well, for that matterā€”ended up in such a predicament in the first place.
itā€™s only when diluc speaks directly to him once again that kaeya is shaken out of his stupor, and even then, his mouth opens and closes several times before heā€™s able to produce any sound. for once, the usually cunning cavalry captain of the ordo favonius is at a loss for words.
ā youā€¦ still keep my room? āž Ā the realization is slow to settle in, but when it does itā€™s not with a lack of emotion. thereā€™s a certain uncharacteristic frailty in the way kaeya stutters out the question, voice so soft it can hardly be heard underneath the howling winds wrecking havoc across the vineyard. but again, kaeya is barely given enough time to fully process the unexpected invitation in the first place before adelinde is rushing him upstairs, only allowing him to slip off his boots first at the front door at least.
even as heā€™s pulled along down a hallway that kaeya still knows like the back of his own hand, his steps are hesitant and heavy, and the way he pushes open the door of the aforementioned bedroom even more so. kaeya doesnā€™t question the smile adelinde sends him before she leaves to abide to her masterā€™s orders, because he understands the moment he steps inside.
any signs of dread and anxiety he might have been feeling up to this point are immediately replaced by disbelief instead. everything looks the exact same as they did the last time heā€™s visited his childhood bedroom, a few months after his brother had parted from mondstadtā€”the large bed covered in silky, dark red sheets to match the embroidered curtains; the oak desk sitting by the opposite wall still covered by as many books as the shelf next to it. even the leather chest he kept by the wardrobe has not been moved, undoubtedly filled to the brim with every single toy and trinket that both crepus and diluc have ever gifted him with. all the things that kaeya couldnā€™t dare to take with him that fateful night so long ago, left behind with the name ragnvindr. one not unlike tonight, kaeya realizes with a bewildered chuckle.
ā€¦fate is a strange thing indeed, isnā€™t it?
by the time kaeya returns to the first floor, heā€™s dressed in a pair of black trousers and a patternless dress shit, both that he can tell are most likely dilucā€™s. his usual outfit has been taken by the maids for a proper washing, and he hadnā€™t been able to deny adelinde when she urged him to have dinner downstairs. the rainstorm outside still seems to be just as ruthless, but thereā€™s quite a skip on kaeyaā€™s steps as he descends the stairs, a lightness that his smile hasnā€™t been privy to in a long, long time.
ā i should have told adelinde to not give me your clothesā€”a little on the shorter end, arenā€™t we? āž Ā leaning against the dining table, kaeya lifts one of his legs to show off the hem of his pants, in a way that makes it look like the fabric canā€™t quite cover the entirety of his calf. itā€™s in jest, of courseā€”the height difference between them is rather unnoticeable, but considering diluc had stayed the taller one for the majority of their teenage years, kaeya never had the chance to properly tease his older brother about his own growth spurt during his absence.
somehow, this feels like the best opportunity to make up for that.
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis condimentum risus, a placerat velit bibendum eu. Etiam vitae ipsum auctor, consectetur nunc eget, imperdiet leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis mi sem, viverra tincidunt velit vitae, ultricies molestie justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. NULLAM QUIS SUSCIPIT LACUS, QUIS COMMODO ARCU. Cras vitae mi erat. Vivamus dapibus suscipit magna id convallis. Maecenas lobortis non lacus id ultrices. In eros risus, vulputate sit amet odio sed, pellentesque lobortis dui. Donec ullamcorper mauris id lacus consequat interdum.
Quisque sed ipsum nec nisl facilisis blandit. Cras blandit est id nisl iaculis semper. Suspendisse venenatis rutrum porta. Quisque ornare mollis nisl, sed aliquet nisi fermentum pharetra. Curabitur porttitor blandit eros at vestibulum. Sed blandit consectetur quam vel venenatis. sed diam lorem, porttitor ut quam a, finibus semper elit. Donec ullamcorper sit amet magna in pellentesque. Phasellus sollicitudin diam eleifend ultrices sodales. Phasellus consequat volutpat quam sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse eu neque sed augue rhoncus lobortis eu vel ipsum. Cras varius vitae tellus non facilisis.
Curabitur gravida sem nec urna volutpat facilisis sit amet vitae eros. Vestibulum ullamcorper luctus auctor. Nulla sed ligula sed quam fermentum interdum. Integer semper ante vel mauris facilisis, non posuere nulla suscipit. Suspendisse commodo dictum tempus. Fusce posuere bibendum elit. Duis pellentesque dignissim finibus.
CRAS PLACERAT PURUS NEC SEM LOBORTIS ALIQUET. Fusce nec molestie lorem. Integer in volutpat nunc, non sodales eros. Aenean fermentum pulvinar tortor a vehicula. Etiam laoreet odio metus, non porttitor sem placerat sit amet. Suspendisse bibendum maximus tempor. Suspendisse viverra vulputate urna at viverra. Quisque luctus erat tellus, eget congue lectus tempor id. Quisque lobortis vitae tortor sed scelerisque. Morbi et dui eu dui dignissim dictum. Quisque tincidunt sodales arcu, eget pulvinar turpis volutpat hendrerit.
0 notes
lunadium Ā· 2 years
pre function.
blockquote pre function.
0 notes
lunadium Ā· 2 years
cras placerat purus nec sem lobortis aliquet. fusce nec molestie lorem. integer in volutpat nunc, non sodales eros. aenean fermentum pulvinar tortor a vehicula. etiam laoreet odio metus, non porttitor sem placerat sit amet.
quisque luctus erat tellus, eget congue lectus tempor id. quisque lobortis vitae tortor sed scelerisque. morbi et dui eu dui dignissim dictum. quisque tincidunt sodales arcu, eget pulvinar turpis volutpat hendrerit.
0 notes
lunadium Ā· 2 years
curabitur gravida sem nec urna volutpat facilisis sit amet vitae eros. vestibulum ullamcorper luctus auctor. nulla sed ligula sed quam fermentum interdum. integer semper ante vel mauris facilisis, non posuere nulla suscipit.
curabitur gravida sem nec urna volutpat facilisis sit amet vitae eros. vestibulum ullamcorper luctus auctor. nulla sed ligula sed quam fermentum interdum. integer semper ante vel mauris facilisis, non posuere nulla suscipit. suspendisse commodo dictum tempus. fusce posuere bibendum elit. duis pellentesque dignissim finibus.
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
I donā€™t like pity. Pity makes you feel small and weak. Iā€™d rather have someone hate me than pity me.
Marco, Book #15: The Escape, pg. 98 (by K.A. Applegate)
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
įµ€Ź°įµ‰ įµ‚į¶¦āæįµˆ įµƒāæįµˆ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ė¢įµŹø Ė¢įµ˜Ź³įµ‰Ė”Źø Ź·į¶¦Ė”Ė” įµ‡Ė”įµ’Ź· įµƒŹ·įµƒŹø įµŹø įµ–įµƒį¶¦āæ
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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misty dawn by Giovanni MagliĀ 
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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van gogh / monet / klimt headers.
ā€¢ credit @fvlahee
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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van gogh/monet/renoir headers.
ā€¢ credit @fvlahee
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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Earthly compassion
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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; fairy (sweater + dress)
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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@ zeewiparkĀ 
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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sketchbook, fall 2016
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lunadium Ā· 2 years
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