ludoeveryday · 4 years
Not SVTFOE fanfic. Again, not finished
The king rose from the ashes of his kingdom. He would get revenge for the misdeeds done to him and his people.
* * * *
The pyromaniac laughed darkly as his carriage trundled along the cobbled road. He had satisfied his urge for flame. For now…….
*  * * * * * * *
The pirate waited. If the king did not deliver the ransom soon, he would kill the girl. He was tiring rapidly of the princess's constant whining. He was done waiting.
“Ready the plank!” he shouted as he exited his cabin.
* * * * * * * *  
The princess was sick of everything. The smell. The brutish men. The fact that she hadn’t changed clothes or had a bath for six days. The fact of the matter was, she was also sick of fear. It had haunted her like some malevolent spirit for the whole time she had been here. And as the words she had dreaded finally filtered through the grate blocking her from the rest of the ship, her blood ran cold.
“Ready the plank!”
* * * * * * *
The monster was waiting patiently. It would be fed soon ……
* * * * ** *
The band                                                       The  pirates laughed as the princess fell from the boat into the sea, which was swarming with sharks. They were still laughing as she was ripped limb from limb by the creatures, her blood darkening the water. But Grimbeard was still not satisfied. He had a plan. The king didn’t know his daughter was dead.
                                                                  “Men,” he roared, “tonight we feast!”    
                                                                                   * * * * * * * * *    
                                                                  The pyromaniac, Jack, trundled along in the king's carriage. All of a sudden, the carriage was stopped. Just as Jack was about to stick his head out and ask the driver what was going on, he heard a bang. Jack thought all of the king's guards had died in the fire. Besides, he told himself, none of the king’s men use guns. It was probably just a gun going off somewhere else. I ca-but Jack was cut off as the door was flung open.
A man with a brown beard grabbed him by the collar of his tattered jacket and slammed him into the seat.
“I’m only gonna ask once. Where’s the ransom?”
Jack stuttered, trying to find words explaining that he had no money. Then he remembered what he was riding in.
The pirate smashed Jack against the wall of the carriage. “Answer me!” When Jack stuttered again, Grimbeard threw Jack into the street.
“I don’t have time for this!”
As if to prove his point, a man ran toward Grimbeard, trying to pull him off Jack. Before he had covered half the distance, Grimbeard pulled his gun from his belt and shot the man dead. It was as Jack stared at the man lying in the street covered in blood, when he said the words he regretted for what was left of his extremely short life.
“I-I’m not the king.”
“Oh,” said Grimbeard. Then he shot Jack in the head.
* * * * *
The monster watched as the sharks moved in for the kill. Then he followed suit. After the princess was just a few bloody bits of skin floating around, he swam up to one of the contented sharks, grabbed it in his long curved claws, and ripped it to shreds.
Now, unfortunately for these sharks, unlike most animals, they were not used to things eating them. This monster had slumbered for a taraannum, and not in the oceans of this world. After the sharks had been devoured, the monster lazily thought about capsizing the ship and killing the sailors. Instead, he sank quietly into the blackness of the ocean.
                             * * * * * * * *
The king walked down into the castle dungeon. When he reached the stairs he remembered why the only inmate was put here. He tried to stop the memory, but it cascaded through his brain, totally encasing him in a web of what used to be.
He was in a cave. There were symbols covering the walls, written in what looked like blood. In front of him was a man in red, pinning a man in green to the wall of the cave. They were both severely injured. Limbs broken, blood everywhere.The king moved forward quietly, as to not alert them to his presence. The cave dipped down, forming a pool at the end. The king got closer and saw that it was full of blood. The men started talking.
“If you ever so much as think about coming back here, I will kill you, and make sure it’s for the last time.”
The man in green started to smile.
“You think I won’t finish what I started? He’s coming back. There is nothing anyone can do to stop him.”
The man in green started to chant. The man in black started to punch him, screaming at him to stop. The king was about to intervene when the pool of blood started to boil.
A light, stained red by the blood, pierced through the darkness of the cave. Something began to arise from the blood, something with a long muzzle, sharp ears and long curving teeth.
The man in black finally cut off the other man’s chanting by wrapping his fingers around his throat. The thing stopped ascending from the pool.
“Promise that you won’t come back.’ The man in black said.
“Fine. I promise.” The man in green managed to get the words out.
The king saw his chance and took it. He leapt from the shadows, grabbing the man in black. The man in green turned and sprinted out of the cave.
The king fell as the man in black shoved him.
“You fool!” He screamed. “Do you know what you’ve done? I had him!”
The king stepped forward, extending his hands toward the man in black. A pale yellow light encased the man, silencing his screams of rage. When the lights dimmed, the man was gone. In his place stood a black spirit, bound in the yellow light.
The king took him back to the castle and bound him to the dungeon. The spirit could not leave without the king’s permission.
As the king reached the bottom of the stairs, a black mist twined itself around him, whispering in his ear.
“I have come to set you free.” Said the king.
“You know you will only be enhanced until you get revenge, right? After that, your body is mine for all eternity.”The thing whispered.
“I know. Whether demon or friendly ghost, be free. I unbind you from this place!” As the king uttered the words,  the mist seeped into the king’s skin. He sagged for a moment, then straightened up.
“Now,” the king whispered, “is the time for revenge.”
With these words, he flashed up the stairs, moving impossibly fast.
                          * * * * * * *
In his four poster bed,Grimbeard slowly drifted into sleep. He thought about what had happened that day. It was the third princess he had killed in a week. With the money he had, he could have run off to live on the pleasure islands. In fact, he was considering that. Of course, he’d have to kill the rest of his crew, but he could do that. It was decided. By next week, he woud be living like a king. Just as his eyes were closing, he saw a dark shape flash by. He started to sit up drowsily. His eyes bulged in surprise and lack of oxygen as the king grabbed him by the throat.
“Where is she?” The king asked, his voice layered, as if there were multiple people inside him.
“ I-I don’t know.” Stuttered Grimbeard. The king’s hand suddenly crumbled to ash. The king looked at his hand, then screamed in agony. In its place there was a copy of the hand. A perfect copy, except for the fact that it was transparent, black, and jittering. The hand moved to Grimbeard’s head, and plunged itself deep into his cranium. Grimbeard felt it picking through his memories, discarding what it didn’t need. He suddenly forgot his own birthday. He forgot about everything except the princess. The king saw his daughter fall to her death. He looked up at Grimbeard, rage in his eyes. Then, with a flick of the king’s wrist, Grimbeard’s brain exploded inside of his skull, leaving chunks of gray matter to drip through his ears.
The king grinned. “I haven’t killed anybody for a thousand years,” he said. Then his heart exploded. The king’s eyes turned black.
“Ahh,” said Nagct, “It’s good to be back.”
* * * *            
John woke up in bed. His head pounded inside of his skull. Where- where was he? He started to panic.
Come on John, get a hold of yourself. What’s the last thing you remember? You were in the street, that man was hitting that other man, and-and then he shot you.
John sat up, ignoring the pain in his head. His wife, Mellisa, hurried over to him. Just before she had managed to force some hot soup down his throat, The front door banged open. In the doorway stood a short but muscular man, robes billowing in the wind.
John gasped.
“Sire,” he said, “I thought you died in the fire?”
Nagct looked at him for a moment then said “Well, obviously I’m still alive.” Then he smiled. “Pardon me ma'am, but I’m going to need to speak privately with your husband.
Nagct pulled John into the next room. His face turned serious.
“John, you have to remember who you are.”
“What do you mean? I’m John. Just John.”
“What are you talking about? If you are just, “just John,” as you put it, how could you have survived that bullet?”
A look of puzzlement overtook John’s face. “I was lucky.”
“You call this lucky?” Nagct shouted as he stabbed a dagger deep into John’s shoulder.
John stared at the knife, which was embedded to the hilt in his shoulder.
“Why-why would you do that?” He asked.
“Because,” Nagct said, “I’m going to kill your wife in front of you and make you watch.”
John’s face went from confusion to fear to anger.
“You come into my house, attack me, then threaten my wife?” John said slowly, his voice trembling with anger.
He grabbed Nagct by the arm and swung him into the wall. Nagct threw a punch but John simply grabbed his fist and squeezed so hard the snapping of bones was audible.
“Yes,” Yelled Nagct, delight apparent on his face. “This is who you tr-”
He was cut off as John punched him in the chest, sending him flying back through the wall.
Nagct got shakily to his feet. “Alright John, I think I’ve proved my point. You can stop now.”
John pounced on him and started to punch him again, first breaking his nose, then his skull. As he was being beaten, Nagct whispered something inaudible. John grabbed him by the shoulders and started to hit him against the ground.
“What was that? I couldn't make it out.” John said through gritted teeth as blood continued to splatter against his face.
Suddenly Nagct’s hands grew claws. His teeth fell out of his head and sharp black ones took their place. His ears grew points. Finally, out of the sides of his head grew two sharp black horns.
He picked John up and smashed him through the other wall. Before John even had time to think Nagct had grabbed him again and was on top of him, punching again and again. John grabbed Nagct’s arms but he kept going, smashing his face into John’s. John watched as Nagct’s head started to crack, then bleed more than it already was, and finally split. Pieces of  gray matter and bloody bits of bone hit John in the face. Nagct grabbed John by the throat and lifted him into the air. What was left of his mouth managed to form words, contorting themselves horridly.
“I. Said. STOP!” Nagct screamed. Then he dropped John.
John jumped up, ready to keep fighting, but Nagct started to smile, his lips moving into somehow a worse position than they had been when he spoke.  
“Now do you believe you are who I say you are?” asked Nagct.
“How-how are you still alive?” stammered John.
Nagct looked himself over. His fingernails were long and black, along with his right hand. His head was a bloody deformed mess, not to mention the horns growing out the side of it or the long sharp teeth inside of his mouth. He had several broken ribs, the tips piercing his skin. His speech sounded like a large man was beating up an especially whiny cat. Overall, he was a bloody, terrifying mess.  
“Oh, I’ve had much worse. I bet you’ve guessed by now, but I’m not the king.”
“Then who-what are you?”
Nagct sighed.
“It’s a long story.” he said dismissively.
“Well, then what do you want with me?”
“To tell you that I’m going to have to tell you how I came to be. So you get to find out anyway. I love happy endings. But nevermind all that. A long, long time ago, when this kingdom was still in its infancy, there was a plague. A plague of-”
“Rats!” John interrupted. “I remember now! There were rats everywhere. I was made to be an exterminator! That is my mission!” John proclaimed, looking rather pleased with himself.
Nagct started to make a horrible sound. He convulsed. He bent over, still making the noise. John hurried over to him.
“Are you okay?” He asked, worried.
Nagct fell to the ground. It was then that John realized he was laughing.
Nagct stood up, tears in his eyes.
“You-you really think you were an exterminator? Why in the world would an exterminator need super powers?”
“Oh,” John said, his ears burning.
“Now, don’t interrupt me again. We don’t have much time if we want to save your friends.” John started to interrupt, a quizzical look on his face.
“Ba-up! Not now. Later. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. A plague of squirrels.”
“What did I say about interrupting? Yes, squirrels. But these were no ordinary squirrels.These were ground squirrels. Yeah, I agree. Someone could have given them a cooler name.  They are quite possibly one of the most dangerous and powerful beings in the universe.  So the king at that time, Selar, quested for months with his most faithful knight, searching for the wizard Garejd. They finally found him, and asked for an army of super-warriors to drive out the beasts. The wizard refused. They tried to force him, and the wizard became desperate, fighting for his life. He let out an energy blast that killed the knight. Selar eventually subdued the wizard, and commanded him to do as he said. The wizard replied that he had already done so, then disappeared in a puff of smoke. After five years, Selar tracked down the wizard again and killed him, taking his power.From that point on, all kings had a little magic. It differs. Some have  more than others. Selar then made his warriors. But they were not complete. The power they received would have driven them insane. So the king separated their souls from their bodies. What was left was a merciless killing machine. The souls became solid and spread to all corners of the earth. They gained the power to possess the willing. The reason people gave up their bodies was because the souls promised them they could get revenge on whoever the humans desired.The soldiers were relentless. They successfully drove out the squirrels, but suffered many casualties. After a few years, only a handful remained. Three were sent to the orc kingdom to kill the King and his counsel. Two were captured. The third escaped to disappear forever. I believe that the third warrior was you. And I want to go on a quest to recuse your comrades! Are you with me?”
“Uhh, yes. Duh. Come on!”
“Now I know you might be hesitant to leave your wif-wait, what? Oh. Okay then. Let’s go.”
With that, the pair headed out of what was left of the house, ready to take on a quest.
* * * *
The monster was bored. He hadn’t killed anything for hours.  He slowly drifted up to the harbor to watch the people.  
A rather small and weasley looking man drifted up behind a well dressed captain. In moments, the small man had picked the pockets of the captain and disappeared into the foot traffic in the nearby town square.
The monster was interested. He shrank into a shape that resembled a snake and slithered after the thief. The monster found him in a dark alleyway, surrounded by other mangy men, investigating the contents of the Captain’s wallet and pockets. A poor man stumbled out of the shadows, begging for change. One of the men walked over to him and kicked him in the face, drawing blood. The monster was filled with rage.
He leapt out of the shadows and changed shape mid-air, not his usual behemion size, but still frighting enough to make all of the men but one drop to the ground, twitching. The only man left was the man who pick-pocketed the captain.
The monster rushed to him, grabbing him by the neck and baring his teeth, growling. The man looked at him with distaste.
The monster spoke, his voice layered and deep. “Who are you to attack an innocent man?”
The man spoke, his voice surprisingly gravely. “Oh come on Kinoqer. You’re going to have to up your game if you want to scare me.”
Kinoqer stiffened in surprise. “Laux. I thought you were gone. No matter. You promised that you would not come back here.”
Laux nodded his head in acceptance. “True. But I did not make this promise to you.”
“Ah. So you would like me to turn you over to who you did promise this to?”
A look of pure horror overcame Laux’s face.
“You wouldn’t. Besides, Nagct was trapped when the king found the Cave of the Dead.”
Kinoqer smiled.
“You’re right. But who created and filled the Cave of the Dead? Who worked painstakingly to bring him back? And who ran away when he came close to entering this world? You trapped him here, as a mere memory of what he used to be. You really don’t think he won’t find and damn you?”
“No. I don’t. Because I have no intention of being here when he comes.”
As he said this, there was a cracking of bone, and out of Laux’s knuckles came shards of bone, sharp as obsidian.  He struck out at Kinoquer’s throat, raking the bone over his neck. Before he got there, Kinoquer grabbed his hand and smashed it back into the wall. Then he simply drew a claw across Laux’s throat, then dropped him. Laux got to his feet, hissed, and started to run away. As he was running, Kinoquer called out, “
And for your sake, don’t come back.”
Then both of the strange beings were gone, the beggar’s cup was full of gold, and his injuries healed.  
* * * * * * * * *
John was excited. They were close. At least, that was what Nagct said.
“So, when do we get to find my friends?” John asked.
“Shh. There are monsters here.” Hissed Nagct.
They were walking through a lush, green valley. Mountains rose up on either side, piercing the light clouds above them. Ahead of them was the entrance to a dark forest, a small path disappearing between the trees.
“So wait, are there really monsters here or are you just telling me that to make me shut up?” John asked.
“Are you willing to risk your life over it to find out?” Nagct retorted.
Nagct sighed. “Okay. The real reason I’m telling you to shut your mouth is because the Kimlo, a tribe of extremely aggressive Skinbenders, lives here.”
“Oh. Right. Skinbenders are monsters that murder people and steal thier skin. And if that isn’t terrifying enough, they wait to kill until their victims guess what they are. They have no real form, so they can contort their bodies into brain popping positions. They also love to murder people.”
Before John could say anything in response, they were pulled through a wall of ivy into a long cave. The cave went on so far it was impossible to see the end.
Nagct sprang to his feet. He pinned the man who had pulled them into the cave against the wall.
John got up and looked around, confused. He put a hand on Nagct’s shoulder, silently telling him to back down. Nagct dropped the man.
“Who are you?” John asked in a kind tone.
Nagct pushed John out of the way and stared the man in the eye.
“If you don’t answer now, your face will look exactly like mine.”
The man whimpered.
“We were trying to save you from the Skinbenders”
Nagct grabbed the man’s shirt and slammed him into the wall .
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ludoeveryday · 4 years
A SVTFOE fanfic (It’s not finished, but please give me your thoughts.)
is story takes place after the events of season 4. Except magic still exists.  
Chapter one:
Dear diary, something really weird happened on my date with Marco!  We were eating at Britta´s tacos, (Hah! Classic Marco!  He tries so hard and fails so badly! ) Anyway, we were eating at Britta´s tacos, and Janna came over and sat with us. This isn't out of the ordinary, but this time was different. She said we needed to talk, and I waited for her to start, but she said we needed to talk in private. I was confused, but still said okay. She hypnotized Marco, and jumped the fence that led to the river. I followed her. When we got there, she turned around and sat down. I  did the same. She looked me in the eyes, lightly touching my knee.¨Star,¨ she said, ¨I know we have known each other for a long time, and that's why I trust you with this. I..I think-I think I´m in l-”  just before she finished her sentence, a portal opened behind me. Hekapoo stepped out. ¨Oh, Star,¨ she said. ¨What a surprise to see you here. Uhh, heh heh…..¨  Janna stiffened. Hekapoo blushed. ¨Oh. And Janna too. How nice. Great...¨ I was getting a weird vibe, so I left. At least, that's what I told Marco. The real reason I left was because when Janna put her hand on my knee, I felt…….weird. My hands got all sweaty, and it was hard to breath. I usually tell Marco everything, but I think this'll be my little secret.
Chapter 2:
Dear diary, today I tried to tell Star I liked Jackie. The problem is I don't know if she likes me back. I have all the ingredients to make a love powder. All I need now is one hair from the monster king. I assume that means Globgor. I was going to ask Star if she could get me one, but Hekapoo screwed it up. Hekapoo has been acting weird around Star for a while now.  I wonder why……
Chapter 3:
Dear Diary, I saw Star again today. She makes me blush so hard! Queen Moon would freak if she knew. Actually, everyone would freak if they knew. I´m like, thousands of years older than her. Also, Marco. I´m working up the courage to ask her if she wants to go to the Neverzone with me. It´ll be like a date! Not really a date, but like a date. In fact, I´m going to do it tomorrow. Just the thought of it makes my stomach feel weird. I can´t wait!
Chapter 4:
I talked to Marco today. We had to break up. It's not that he did anything, and we´re still gonna be friends. It's just, I don't feel the same way about him that I used to. I also talked to Janna. She wanted me to steal a hair from Globgor. I wasn't going to, but there was something that made me do it. I snuck into the temple when Globgor and Eclipsa were asleep. I grabbed a hair and left. When I gave it to Janna, her smile made my legs turn to jelly. I fell into her arms, my hands against her chest. I looked up at her, waiting for her to make the first move. She grabbed my shoulders and helped me up. I slid my hands down her arms, meeting her hands. We looked into each other's eyes. I started to lean in, closing my eyes. ¨Uhh,¨ she said, ¨are you okay?¨ I looked at her, tears in my eyes. ¨Nevermind. I´m fine. Just-just do your thing.¨ I ran away crying.
Chapter 5:
Dear diary, Star was acting really weird yesterday. I don't get it. She almost fell, and then she looked like she was dizzy. It's weird. First Hekapoo, now Star. Something's going on. Anyway, I finished the powder! Tomorrow I´m going to give it to Jackie. I can´t wait!
Chapter 6:
Dear diary, today was the greatest day of my life! I opened a portal to Star´s room and stepped in. She was laying on her bed sobbing into her pillow. I walked up behind her and laid a hand on her back. I held my breath, hoping it was the right thing to do. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. I sat down on the bed, asking her what was wrong. She didn't say anything, just buried her head in my breasts and sobbed quietly. I gently rubbed her back. I lay my head on hers, kissing her head. She didn't pull away. We stayed like that for a hour. Finally, she looked up. ¨Thanks Hekapoo. Maybe sometime we can, you know, uhh, hang out.¨ ¨That would be great.¨ I said. I got off the bed and opened a portal. Right before I left, Star came up to me and gave me a huge hug. When she let go, I held on to her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. Then I kissed her. It was a long, hard kiss. When it was over, we looked at each other, blushing. Before she could say anything, I jumped through the portal.
Chapter 7:
I did it! Today I walked over to Jackie's house and knocked on the door. She answered, and when she smiled, I blushed. I stood there, not sure what to say. Jackie started to look confused, so I pretended to sneeze, throwing the powder on her. She shook her head, then looked at me and asked, ¨Would you like to come in?¨ I said yes, and she grabbed my hand and led me up to her room. When I asked her where her parents were she just giggled and said, ¨They aren't here right now. But that's not important. All I care about is you.¨ She pulled me closer and kissed me. One hand moved up and cradled my head. The other went down. My eyes widened in surprise. She tipped me onto the bed, her lips still on mine. She finally sat up on her knees, straddling my hips. ¨I hope you´re ready for fun!¨ She said as she started to take off her shirt. I wasn't ready for this. I pushed her off and scrambled for the door. Jackie called after me, ¨Where are you going? We haven't had fun yet!¨ I ignored her and bolted out of the house. I ran to my room and slammed the door behind me. After locking it, I tried to figure out what I did wrong. I opened my book of magical powders and facepalmed. It didn't say king of monsters, it said kin of monsters. That must mean either Meteora or Eclipsa. Ughh! How could I have been so stupid? And how do I get Jackie back to normal?
Chapter 8:
Dear diary, I don't get it! Yesterday I was just chillin when Janna came over and sneezed on me, and now whenever I think of her….I…….oohhhhhhh, Janna…..huh? Sorry, drooled a little. I mean, what is going on? I was…..Janna…..ahhh….Janna…….
Chapter 9:
Dear diary, I-I don't know what is going on anymore! I thought I liked Janna, but now I like Hekapoo, and she's like a bajillion years old and what? I´m so confused. I called Hekapoo. I need someone to be with. I don't know what's going on.  Maybe I shouldn't have called her.  I just don't know anymore….
Chapter 10:
Dear diary, Star called me today. She asked me to come over. When I got there, she conjured a tv at the foot of the bed, and asked me what I wanted to watch. I didn't care, so she chose Cars. It's an Earth film. We lay on her bed, her face pressed against my shoulder. I slid my hand under her back, gently clutching her waist.
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ludoeveryday · 4 years
Kids can be so mean. We can? Thanks, mom!
The Simpsons.
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ludoeveryday · 4 years
How do laser swords work on Mewni? Because the quirky guy was impaled, but had no real wounds. So do they just replace anything they touch with laser stuff? And do they have to cover the whole body? 
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