luciazandrino · 2 years
...Always something new to learn. You never end. Never!
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I never even knew that had a name.
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luciazandrino · 2 years
This video made me really happy
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luciazandrino · 3 years
...’Wade’ stento sempre a ricordarlo... 
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Body Parts in German 👅 PS: Learn German with the best FREE online resources, just click here https://www.germanpod101.com/?src=tumblr_body-parts_image_072921
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luciazandrino · 3 years
As the fancy seized him... A truly suggestive expression...
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On July 13th  1249 Alexander III, King of Scots, was crowned at Scone.
Alexander is regarded as one of our country’s greatest rulers. His reign marked a period of peace and prosperity in Scotland.
Alaxandair mac Alaxandair; became king at the age of seven after the death of his father, Alexander II. The years of his minority, (that is when he was too young to rule himself), saw a bitter struggle for the control of affairs between two rival parties, the one led by Walter Comyn, Earl of Menteith, the other by Alan Durward, Justiciar of Scotia. The former dominated the early years of Alexander’s reign. In 1251 he married Margaret, the eldest daughter of Henry III of England. The wedding has been described as “the most spectacular wedding in  the British Isles  during this age.
On the one hand, he successfully maintained Scotland’s freedom resisting his more powerful neighbours’ territorial ambitions. On the other hand, his traders sold produce across Europe, so he did not isolate his small nation from the world beyond.
In 1262, Alexander laid claim to the Western Isles, at that time ruled by Norway, continuing a policy that Alexander’s father had pursued. King Haakon of Norway rejected the claim, but in 1263 he was defeated by the Scottish at the Battle of Largs. In 1266, by the Treaty of Perth, Norway gave Scotland control over the Isle of Man and the Western Isles. Alexander invested the title of Lord of the Isles in the head of the Macdonald family, Angus Macdonald, and over the next two centuries the Macdonald lords operated as if they were kings in their own right, frequently opposing the Scottish monarch.
Queen Margaret died in 1275, the monarchs had three children, their two sons died between 1281 and 1283, the daughter Margaret married King Eirik II of Norway. According to the Lanercost Chronicle, Alexander did not spend his decade as a widower aloneone chronicler wrote: “He used never to forbear on account of season nor storm, nor for perils of flood or rocky cliffs, but would visit none too creditably nuns or matrons, virgins or widows as the fancy seized him, sometimes in disguise.”
The death of his sons prompted Alexander to marry again in an attempt to produce an heir. Five months after his second marriage, on 19 March 1286, Alexander died after falling from his horse.
Alexander’s rule has been described as a period of little internal conflict. Scotland achieved a prosperity disproportionate to her size, due to excellent trade relations; “Her ambassadors and merchants contacted and carried on commerce with many nations” under his guidance.
 Unfortunately his death left the country without a proper heir Edward I of England started his interfering in Scotland’s affairs, leading to decades of turmoil during The First Wars of Independence.
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luciazandrino · 3 years
cool german words
It’s too hot, so please enjoy some refreshing words!
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die Eiswürfel - ice cubes
die Wassermelone - watermelon
das Eis - ice cream
der Eisbecher - sundae
eine Kugel Eis - one scoop of ice cream
das Waffeleis - ice cream cornet
das Wassereis - water ice
die Eisschokolade - cold chocolate milk with one or two scoops of vanilla ice cream
der Eiskaffee - coffee with milk and one or two scoops of vanilla ice cream
das Eiscafé - ice cream parlor
die Eistorte - iced cake
das Erfrischungsgetränk - a refreshing drink
das Kaltgetränk - a cold drink
der Kühlakku - cool pack
der Ventilator - electric fan
die Klimaanlage - air conditioner
der Fächer - fan
kühler Wind - cool wind
frische Brise - fresh breeze
kühle Luft - cool air
frische Luft - fresh air
kaltes Wasser - cold water
das Meer - the sea
die Abkühlung - cool-down
runter kühlen - to cool down
gekühlt - cooled/iced
kalt - cold
eisgekühlt - iced
eiskalt - ice cold
kühlend - cooling
erfrischend - refreshing
abkühlen - cool down
kühlen - to chill
einfrieren - to freeze
gefroren - frozen
der Kühlschrank - fridge/ refrigerator
der Gefrierschrank/Tiefkühlschrank - freezer
Ich brauche jetzt was eisgekühltes zum Trinken! - I need something ice-cold to drink now!
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luciazandrino · 3 years
Normalmente non rebloggo foto di moda, ma l’idea di vestirmi letteralmente come una Regina mi piace troppo...!
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Dior Spring 2021 Couture
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luciazandrino · 3 years
Che meraviglia! Il verde, è noto, per me è come la Kryptonite, ma questo è STUPENDO (io però temo aggiungerei comunque un paio di cuscini lampone...)
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THIS WHOLE GREEN VIBE 💚💚💚💚💚by lulumoonowlbooks @ ig
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luciazandrino · 3 years
aufsteigen : to ascend, to rise; to mount
Er rannte zu seinem Rad, stieg auf und fuhr los.
He ran to his bike, got on, and drove off.
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luciazandrino · 3 years
...Questo Wincent Weiss mi sembra molto gozzaniano...!
Ich will nur das es wird wie es mal war.
-Wincent Weiss
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luciazandrino · 3 years
...Per qualche strana ragione, a casa mia l’idea che una ventenne tedesca abbia seriamente potuto pensare, di questi tempi, di mettere su un allevamento di polli con sei uova comprate al discount ha generato un’ilarità davvero assoluta...!
A 24-year-old woman from Hamburg bought organic eggs from the discount supermarket and put them into an incubator. 21 days later, 6 chicken hatched. The original plan to bring them to a chicken farm was thwarted due to quarantine measures against the bird flu that is currently spreading in Germany. So the chicken found their home in the family garden. As they were raised without a mother hen, the chicken became best friends with the family dog, a french bulldog.
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luciazandrino · 3 years
...Non male. Non so chi sia, ma mi piace l’idea di farlo sentire in giro!
I wanna slay my demons, But I got lots of them, I got lots of them
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luciazandrino · 3 years
..Se mi avessero detto che esiste un uccellino viola e fucsia non ci avrei creduto mai. Incantevole!
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Australian Pink Robin in all its glory
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luciazandrino · 3 years
little fluff
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luciazandrino · 3 years
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Robert Lowell, Day by Day (1977)
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luciazandrino · 3 years
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Beautiful and outstanding polymer clay jewelry by Russian artist Valeria Myrusso. Website, DeviantArt, Facebook.
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luciazandrino · 3 years
Adorably adorable cat!
When you pet the cat, he pets you back
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luciazandrino · 3 years
Credo di aver avuto dodici anni, la prima volta che l’ho letta. Strana memoria d’infanzia!
Anche tu sei l'amore.
Sei di sangue e di terra
come gli altri. Cammini
come chi non si stacca
dalla porta di casa.
Guardi come chi attende
e non vede. Sei terra
che dolora e che tace.
Hai sussulti e stanchezze,
hai parole – cammini
in attesa. L'amore
è il tuo sangue – non altro.
Cesare Pavese
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