lucario1234586 · 2 years
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For Dana and the crew, and all that they’ve given us, we should all try to be as excited as possible for these specials
We all wish we got a longer season, but we know they’re still gonna give us everything they can and put their all into the final episodes.
I trust that the specials are still going to be absolutely amazing
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Fucking told y'all that Sasha wasn't gonna lose a eye nor was Anne gonna lose a arm,I knew that wouldn't happen.
Tbh,I always knew that Sasha wouldn't lose a eye nor would Anne lose a arm,dunno why everyone thought that.
It's like I said, not everything is foreshadowing.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Curious,The owl house fandom is always talking about and saying that Dana Hates Happy endings but where did Dana say that?and did Dana actually flat out say that she hates happy endings or are you all just misreading/misunderstanding her?
Or are you all just severely misreading her?
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
For everyone who doesn't feel like supporting Disney but still wants to watch the shows.
Amphibia -
The Owl House -
The Ghost and Molly McGee -
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
I seriously kept on telling y’all Anne isn’t going to lose a arm nor is Sasha gonna lose a eye.Seriously,it was never gonna happen,and hell,it likely won’t happen in the finale.And why would Matt braly kill off Anne or Sasha?Have there even been any death flags or foreshadowing for them?i just really don’t get why people are so obsessed with Anne losing a arm and Sasha losing a eye or shit like that.
and guess what,it didn’t happen.
I just really
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
People who wanted Sasha to lose a Eye and Anne to lose a Arm are feeling massively disappointed and stupid now.
I kept telling you all that that wasn't gonna happen,I kept telling you but no one listened.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Does anyone have a link to the new Amphibia episode(s)plus the new owl house episodes as well?pleasw.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Hey so does anybody have the link to watch the new episodes yet?
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
The Root of Evil/The Core and the King
(if that doesn’t work, try https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vLgSLbQrwC8qEoN7peZsufLi7PttVA9o/view?usp=sharing )
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Ah,wow,the amphibia fandom keeps on complaining and complaining on Twitter and Tumblr here and already constantly complaining and critizing S3A and already complaining S3B,and dear God,this fanbase will never be satisfied.
They just keep complaining and complaining and bitching that S3A/S3B isn't going their way and/or shit like that.it's getting annoying and come on,just shut up.you all are just so whiny and impatient,like, complaining and critizing it isn't gonna make what you want come faster.
And the fact that this fanbase is so obsessed with wanting Sasha to lose a eye and Anne losing a arm and Marcy dying,even though that's never gonna happen,not everything is foreshadowing,a lot of it is just coincidental and such,plus Disney wouldn't let That happen,seeing the shit that Marcy getting stabbed went through.
Y'all are really setting yourselves up for disappointment if you think that Sasha is gonna lose a eye,Anne is gonna lose a arm, and Marcy is gonna die.
Like,I know y'all want angst and such but this is still a Disney cartoon, there's still a line and limit to what matt can do.
Just Jesus Christ.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
I understand that people are mad about the lack of Marcy/Darcy screen time I am too,I miss Marcy so much. But like from a story writing perspective it makes sense. Because right now the focus is on Sasha , Anne and the rebellion.
As far as Sasha and Anne are aware they don’t know that Marcy has been possessed by the core or that the core even exists. They just know she’s alive and for now that’s enough. It’s not they don’t care about her, their end goal is to defeat Andrias, they think he’s the final boss and once they defeat him they can rescue Marcy. Sasha also stated in Sasha’s Angels that as leaders of a rebellion they have to make tough decisions,ergo not let personal emotions distract themselves from the end goal .
As viewers we have knowledge that the characters don’t, we are anxious to see Marcy because we know of her fate. Sasha and Anne are in the dark, which will also make the eventual reveal have a greater emotional gut punch this way. I just think that because Matt planned everything from the beginning, everything is going according to his vision for the show. He has also shown time and time again how the show seamlessly brings everything full circle as seen from the amount of characters and plot points from season 1 and 2 that are coming back in season 3.
Sorry for this rant….
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Commander Anne / Sprivy
(if that doesn’t work, try https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c81s9Sba0sR-eWF3R2R2jqk6XfLEsWR0/view?usp=sharing )
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Sasha isn't gonna lose a eye,nor is Anne gonna a arm.
You all constantly bring up Marcy getting stabbed but seem to forget that that Isn't a permanent injury,and Disney still went nuts,they literally made him go add a disclaimer,delayed the finale for 3-5 weeks(dunno how long but still),and also, literally made him add the S3 theme song as a post credits scene.
And not every single damn moment is foreshadowing.most of it is just coincidental and such.plus, gravity falls and owl house didn't have anything as violent or dark as that,so why would Disney give amphibia special treatment?
And doesn't Sasha already have a scar?why would you just give her another one?and what's even the point of Anne losing a physical arm?
I think Matt Braly and Us would want them to return to earth in 1 piece rather then missing limbs.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
To anyone who is upset about Anne’s lack of concern of True Colors when it comes to the first part of season 3 of Amphibia consider this: She is just reunited with her parents and slowly learning to trust others again. I mean it is not to say the event of True Colors are on her mind, but it just not that priority at the moment considering that she had to keep her family safe from Killer robots and try to explain things to her parents brief as it was. I mean keeping the Plantars safe is a bit of a high priority, right ?
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
Imma laugh if all the "foreshadowing" of loss of body parts is just a fluke to keep people on their toes like I hope it is. If there's gonna be dark moments then stick with Disney's usual format like the villain dying mercilessly like Andrias deserves.
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Me too 😂 the girls probably would too. I just don’t think it’ll happen (and it doesn’t need too anyways). Too dark and grim for a show targeted for a kids show ages 6-10. Yeah there’s Marcy getting stabbed that was probably for shock value as it was never mentioned or referenced until episode 10, even still Anne didn’t freak out.
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lucario1234586 · 2 years
I honestly don't get or understand why the fandom wants Sasha to lose a eye so bad or wants Anne to lose a arm so bad.
Like, let's say hypothetically Matt Braly did want that,Disney likely wouldn't let him do that,Hell,did we forget or ignore the huge calamity Marcy getting stabbed caused?it literally caused true colors to be delayed for weeks and Matt literally had to put in the S3 theme song as a post credits scene,when he didn't want to.
So still,I think you all seriously need to relax with your obsession with child dismemberment and such.marcy getting stabbed was the Exception and it was for shock value and such,plus Sasha losing a eye and Anne losing a arm would just be pointless angst and violence just for the hell of it.
Seriously, it's really starting to get annoying,like,could y'all relax?And just cause matt said "I can't retweet a lot of fanart cause it spoils what happens in S3, literally that doesn't confirm or mean Sasha Is losing a eye or does it mean Anne is losing a arm, there's a ton of Amphibia fanart.
Plus,you all bring up Eda's dad,from owl house,and Della duck, DuckTales,as proof as Disney doesn't mind dismemberment but those were adults and such,these are children.
Seriously, it's fine to theorize and such but pls take a chill pilll.
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