lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Final edit Projection with sound
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Statement: My initial idea was to create an installation that was an experience that portrayed a story in a certain light. I researched installation and performance pieces to think about how I could present a particular story by creating a certain atmosphere/environment. I started by epxerimenting with projecting old new clips and footage onto different surfaces to see how it impacted the effect of the content. I felt like this was limited and began projecting photos from India taken by a family member and noticed it was much more interesting to engage with the photos when projected; they also made the colours look vivid and the images much more life like on a bigger scale.
I started filming lots of different clips of the projections using house plants to bridge the space between me, the projection and the images shown. I found they could be a canvas for the colours of the photos as well as blend in with the foliage in the photos, so I included them in almost every clip, playing around with their silhouettes as well. The piece then became about my perception/storytelling of someone else's experience and how I utilised the photos to appear as though it could almost be footage, or perhaps the illusion of someone in the process of taking a photo. It became interesting to connect myself with the photographer and connect the elements of the photos such as the colours/patterns with my own environment.
Whilst editing I enchanced some of the footage to make certain colours more pronounced, and structured the photos from day to night, as well as a sense of movement (from the beach to the town to the jungle/countryside). The audio used is from clips found on YouTube of certain parts of India which I thought would be important in presenting it as a projection, as the audio matches the different environments and creates a impression of a place being calm/hectic etc. I enjoyed the process as the simplicity allowed me have more time to experiment with how I wanted it appear and I took a lot time working on the pacing and placement of the footage to allow it to flow from place to place. I think the piece has potential to be expanded in some way but I felt I was much more focused on the quality rather than the quality, as I wanted people to be engaged when watching it and it also gives people the freedom to watch it as many times as they like in an open space.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Final Proposal/Reflection
I have filmed projections of photos from India onto various plants to see how they react as a canvas for the vibrant colours of the photos. I have also filmed the plants as part of the images projected, showing the plants themselves and their silhouettes. The aim of this idea is to explore colour and texture by combining the light of the projection, the plants and the images projected onto the blank background. This footage will then be projected onto a blank background accompanied by audio. I think the photos themselves tell a story of the the places visited but also the experience of the person who took them, and in my presentation of them I am also involved in the story. The plants used forge a connection with the plants/foliage in the photos as well as drawing comparisons between 2D and 3D.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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Colour grade test, enhancing the vibrancy of the plants alongside the projections
I think this adds to the illusion effect by altering what’s real; it creates a bigger contrast between the plants and the projections
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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9/3/18 I did a test projection with the footage I had so far to get an idea of how it would look on a bigger scale. I like the immersive effect so I have decided to present the footage in this format. I also tried filming the projection from different angles and up close but didn’t feel like it offered anything different. I have now filmed more and am working on the colour grade, pace and audio.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Projection test edit
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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Projection tests. Experimenting with illusion using projected photos of India and house plants. I want to further build on this idea as well as think about presentation of the installation.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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Kara Walker Paper silhouettes explore history of racism and old fashioned stereotypes. Portrays certain ideas of characters/stereotypes yet black silhouettes prevent a specific identity.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Bruce Nauman Violent Incident
I like this use of parody of a narrative and the sense of repetition experienced through watching each individual screen at once.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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Inspired by Franz Kafta's 'In the penal colony' story based on a torture machine invented for the use of justice against those guilty of crimes. The story has inspired plays and films including Zoetrope by Charlie Deaux. Another example of how stories can be interpreted and linked to current societal issues. The combination of everyday objects and objects with violent connotations provokes a variety of reactions/thoughts.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Ideas to work on
- picking stories from plays/novels and appyling the visuals of everyday life to them. Playing on the idea that we create stories/perosonas for strangers based on what we see on face value (dress sense, walk, how they speak/act). Perhaps using voiceovers of different people to get a sense of an anonymous storyteller.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
Excerpt from One Thousand Nights. Waked uses a set up commonly seen in videos of terrorist groups and contrasts this with the actor reading from the story, joining together real life issues of war, terrorism etc yet diluting the sense of violence with literature which has positive connotations.
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
"The recent narrative turn in contemporary art cannot be separated from the current age of social media with its reverberating cycles of communication, dissemination, and interpretation. Seemingly every aspect of life is now subject to commentary and circulation via digital text and images. These new narrative frames highlight the roles that each of us can play as both author and reader, foregrounding the fact that meaning is contingent in today’s interconnected and multivalent world."
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lsmithfiction2018 · 6 years
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