louieinyourheart ¡ 4 months
genuine question: if you're someone with a fearful avoidant attachment style, how do you overcome the fear of intimacy? help a helpless girl out
#psychology #attachmentstyles
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louieinyourheart ¡ 4 months
my "no thoughts head empty" moment is when i had to take philosophy class as an elective subject 🥹
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louieinyourheart ¡ 1 year
im the no-one's favorite typa girl.
ik my friends got another gc without just me in it. ik they're always going together having fun. i saw their ig stories. and i also know they didnt call me on anything because im an 'introvert' :) i know everything, i just keep quiet
why? cuz i dont them to be nice to me just because i caught them
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louieinyourheart ¡ 2 years
my current mental state?
i'm not sad, that's very rare these days. i'm not upset. not that tired. but also not that happy. i'm...living. i do what i gotta do. i wake up, i eat, go to classes, talk to people, come back to the college, do assignments, play with my phone, enjoy my music, sleep. i feel frustrated some few times, but that's it. i can go back to my previous mood in a blink of an eye.
like...really. i'm in the 'okay' state, and i lowkey wish this could go on for a few more times until i'm fully ready to push myself harder. to accomplish more cuz i know i can
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louieinyourheart ¡ 2 years
makes a personal instagram acc.
creates a private one just for close friends.
doesn't feel private enough.
creates another private one.
now 3 personal instagram accs and doesn't remember any passwords
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louieinyourheart ¡ 4 years
The thing is, sometimes you just cried while still being confused with the reason
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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James Corden Responds to Bill Maher’s Fat Shaming Take 
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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mi0stylist: Kwave magazine X5호 매거진
아티스트와 비주얼 디렉터의 콜라보 Stylist : @mi0stylist 스트레이키즈(straykids) @mxi_magazine
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
Stray Kids and Cuddling
A/N: because I’m literally the most affection deprived person ever in the last few days and all I can think about is cuddling someone i thought a lot about this…and had to start writing again in the end I guess…what has my life become again
also I haven’t written in a veryyyyy long time pls be nice to me 
this is not based on any facts i have heard about them i have no idea about their sleeping habit or anything i just made this up for the feels lmao
Gernre: fluff
Summary: obviously how cuddling each member would be
Requests are open again!!! (and yes I write smut as long as the member is legal)
clingy af so he loves cuddling
always putting his arm around your shoulders or hugging you in some way
just when you’re standing around somewhere checking your phone you can hear him coming up to you putting his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder
gets so unbelievably happy when you hug him from behind
bc you’re so much smaller and just cling to him like a koala and you’re so precious he just melts away
teases every member for being lovey dovey with their girlfriend but doesn’t give a flying fck if someone tries it with him
he just loves you and he loves cuddling you so he’s completely unbothered
just imagine one of his bear hugs they are lifesavers
loves cuddling backstage
sleeping on your shoulder or with his head in your lap
you always calm him down when he’s nervous before a performance
so !! many !! back rubs!!!
only one not getting teased bc he is the oldest and the others don’t dare to make fun of him
also he looks so genuinely happy no one wants to destroy that
loves sleeping in on their rare days off
just cuddling with you for hours talking about everything or nothing
your head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat as he draws undefined patterns on your back
little shit is always stealing kisses
just when you’re in the middle of telling a story he’ll bend down to steal a quick kiss
and you have no idea what you just said anymore
little shit
also sweaty minho after dance practise hugging you and you trying to push him away bc gross!!
but he’s stronger than you and you love him too much so whatever
he is so soft when it comes to you
likes to play cool and hard to get bc of his dark imagine
also doesn’t like PDA bc of that exact reason
but always fails when it comes to you bc you’re too cute
once he got caught by Chan whilst peppering kisses all over your face 
you were a giggling mess bc just SOFT CUTE CHANGBIN
Changbin didn’t talk to Chan for the rest of the day 
Chan makes fun of it at any given occasion Changbin likes to act tough and badass
loves to watch movies with you
you cuddled up against him with his arm around you pulling you as close as possible
you usually end up falling asleep with your head in his lap, him stroking your hair softly
purposely wants to watch things that scare you so you always hide your face in his chest and are stuck to him like glue
also he can be like really brave and manly and protect you
you always want to cuddle really close up to him when trying to sleep afterwards bc of potential nightmares
he just wraps his tall body around you and you feel like nothing could ever harm you
loves to combine cuddling and annoying you at the same time
so you get a back hug that ends in him half picking you up and swaying you from side to side just for shits and giggles
always wants to have you close to him in the most impractical situations
like playing video games
you have to be on his lap or sitting between his legs
“it’s for good luck babe you don’t understand!!!”
he can’t even see the screen properly and usually loses but he loves it
loves to show you off to the world 
always holds you close especially in public
gets teased a lot but doesn’t see why it would be embarrassing so it always misses the point
he just has too much love for you
loves to act confident af but on the inside he is dying
clings to you anyways bc he just loves cuddles
waking up in the morning with his arms wrapped tightly around your body, face nuzzled in your neck, legs tangled
saying good morning to you in his lowest and raspiest morning voice and thickest accent that sends you straight to the 8th realm of hell
he knows that your neck area is super sensitive so he always annoys the hell out of you when you’re cuddling
tickling you with his hair, pressing his nose in the crook of your neck, softly blowing onto your ear
if he’s in a daring mood he will press little kisses against your ear or neck because you’re not able to see him blush behind you
get’s teased a shit ton by the others but stopped caring after a short while bc cuddles over being manly all the way
never wants to make you feel uncomfortable by being too close or too affectionate
but all you want is cuddles honestly
doesn’t show much affection in public but when you two are alone !!
he’s such a prince
at first when you two go to sleep he’s hesitant to just crush you with his love
so you just take his arms and wrap them around you showing him that you in fact want to be crushed by his love
knowing you love it he always holds you really close from now on
always hugs you and kisses your forehead gently
sings for you with his beautiful voice like damn
treats you like the princess you deserve to be
loves to cuddle but can’t stand the teasing of the other boys
also shy !!!!
so he tries to do it sneaky most of the time with unnecessary gestures
like walking past you and letting his hand run very slowly across your back
or holding your hand when you all stand really close together
pushing your hair out of the way when it has fallen in your face
not without blushing hard tho so it’s always semi sneaky
but sometimes he just really doesn’t care bc he wants to cuddle you too badly
so he’ll just nap with you on the couch, you laying half next to him, half on top of him because the couch isn’t that big
you can’t see his face but boi is he smiling
happiest bean ever
there are a million secret snapshots taken by the other members tho
he won’t hear the end of it but it was so worth it
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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Hey guys! As a writer myself, it’s hard to have a lot of resources for writing in one place. That’s why I decided to create this masterpost, and maybe make more if I find future resources. I hope you like it, and expect to see more masterposts like this in the future!
Appearance Generator
Archetypes Generator
Character Generator
Character Traits Generator
Family Generator
Job/Occupation Generator, (II)
Love Interest Generator
Motive Generator
Name Generator
Personality Generator, (II)
Quick Character Generator
Super Powers Generator
Brand Name Generator
Medicine Title Generator
Name Generator
Quick Name Generator
Vehicle Generator
Town Name Generator
First Encounter Generator
First Line Generator, (II)
Plot Generator, (II), (III)
Plot Device Generator
Plot Twist Generator
Quick Plot Generator
City Generator
Fantasy Race Generator
Laws Generator
Pet Generator
Setting Generator
Species Generator
Terrain Generator
Subject Generator
”Take Three Nouns” Generator
Word Prompt Generator
Color Generator
Decision Generator
Dialogue Generator
Journey Generator
Title Generator, (II), (III)
Some Tips
Just a few I found from the writing tips tag!
Writing action / @berrybird
How to create a strong voice in your writing / @collegerefs
How to plot a complex novel in one day! / @lizard-is-writing
8 ways to get past writer’s block / @kiramartinauthor
psa for writers / @dasakuryo
”Write Using Your 5 Senses” / @ambientwriting
How People Watching Improves Your Writing / @wherethetransthingsare
Writing Science Fiction: Tips for Beginners / @fictionwritingtips
Creating Likeable Characters / @authors-haven
Descriptive words / @somekindofstudent
Words to replace “Said” / @msocasey
Obscure color words / @mintsteelpeachlilac
Words to spice up your stories / @busyibee
Words to describe someone’s voice
Words to Use Instead of Very / @gaybybirth
Touchy Feely Words / @gaybybirth
Some Advice
Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers
”But my plot isn’t UNIQUE or BIG enough!” / @youreallwrite
8 Things Every Creative Should Know / @adamjk
(How To) Get Over Comparing Yourself to Other Creatives / @adamjk
How to Get Over Common Creative Fears (Maybe) / @adamjk
14 Tips From Stephen King On Writing / @i-can-give-you-prompts
Electronic Thoughts / @eruditekid
“Mix About Writing” An Instrumental Mix / @shadowofemirates
Shut Up, I’m Writing! / @ninadropdead
Chill / @endlessreveries
Breathtaking Film Scores / @tweedskirts
Music to Write to Vol. 1: Starlight / @crestadeen
Music for Written Words / @ghoulpatch
Dead Men Tell No Tales / @scamandersnewt
Fatale / @dolcegf
All These Things that I’ve Done / @referenceforwriters
Feeling Soaking into Your Bones / @verylondon
I Can Feel Your Pulse in the Pages / @rphelper
Morally Ambiguous / @scamandersnewt
Wonderwall / @wheelerwrites
Pythia / @mazikeene
Ballet: To Dance / @tanaquil
Websites and Apps
For Writing
ZenPen: A minimalist writing website to keep you free of distractions and in the flow.
The Most Dangerous Writing App: A website where you have to keep typing or all of your writing will be lost. It helps you keep writing…kind of. You can choose between a time or word count limit!
Evernote: An online website where you can take notes and save the product to your laptop and/or smartphone!
Writer, the Internet Typewriter: It’s just you and your writing, and you can save your product on the website if you create an account.
Wordcounter: A website to help check your word and character count, and shows words you’re using frequently.
Monospace: An Android app for writing on the go when you feel the inspiration, but you don’t have your laptop on you!
For Productivity
Tide: An app that combines a pomodoro-esque timer with nature sounds and other noises! (Google Play / Apple Store)
ClearFocus: An Android app with a pomodoro-type time counter to let you concentrate easier and stay productive.
Forest: An app with a time counter to keep you focused and off your phone, and when you complete the time limit, a tree grows in your garden! (Google Play / Apple Store)
SelfControl: A Mac downloadable app that blocks you from distracting mail servers, websites, and other things!
Prompt Blogs
Writing Tips Blogs
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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Calling all STAYs! The 1 year anniversary to Stray Kids’ <My Pace> music video is fast approaching!
SKU and other SKZ fanbases worldwide are hosting a streaming party this July 25, 2019 at 9PM KST in order to reach 70 million views before August 6. Spread the word by using the hashtag #MYPACETO70M on social media.
You can find your time zones HERE.
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
✎… bang chan as a boyfriend
request » can you do, please, bang chan as a boyfriend? ily so much !! ♥♥♥
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「 headcanons 」
you are so!!! special!!!! to this boy
the absolute softest™ boyfriend ever
he looks at you with the biggest heart eyes whenever he thinks you’re not looking
everyone else is kinda jelly because here you are, doing the absolute bare minimum, and chan be like: that’s my baby (人^з^)-♡
it didn’t take him very long to confess and when he did it was just,,,, so genuine? and sweet? and heartfelt?
it was the first time you ever saw him get a lil shy and blushy and he messed up his words a few times, but he got it all out and then when you told him you liked him back he got so!!! happy!!!
he literally smiled so big and gave you the Biggest Hug™
now you two are inseparable
you hang out with him at the studio whenever you can (the other boys love you like a sister it’s so cute)
and even when you’re both busy you set aside one day of the week to spend together and it’s always very therapeutic and relaxing and just? the best part of your week?
you’re the first person he calls whenever he’s upset about something
because he knows you’ll know the right words to calm him down or to take his mind off of the problem
he can be really protective of you and always does his best to take care of you
he wants you to feel completely safe in your relationship and know that you can tell him anything
his guilty pleasure is spoiling you and he has a tendency to go overboard for holidays and your birthdays
but it’s only because he loves you! and he wants you to know it!
the other boys really look up to you and come to you with their problems whenever they can’t find chan
chan thinks it’s sweet, even when he has a hard time dragging them away from you (they crave your attention like it’s crack)
ahhh and arguments! you argue like an old married couple and it’s honestly more cute than sad
if you do actually have a problem with each other you just talk it out (ꈍᴗꈍ)
because he loves you with all his heart and does the absolute most to make sure you know that
「 soft moments 」
— borrowing a shirt
“morning, sunshine,” chan laughed, ruffling your already messy hair as you collapsed into his lap. he was sitting at his kitchen table, writing lyrics on the back of an envelope, but you were still barely awake.
“mm,” you mumbled, eyes drifting closed again as you let your head rest against his collarbones. “i don’t have any clothes with me.”
chan smiled at your sleepy voice, running a hand up and down your back. you hadn’t been planning to sleep over when you came over last night, but one thing lead to another until you were waking up this morning in his t-shirt from the night before.
“just keep wearing this, sweet pea,” he tugged the hem of your (his) shirt gently. “i don’t mind.”
“you just like it when i wear your clothes,” you grumbled accusingly, lifting your head from his chest with a happy smile that completely contradicted your grumpy voice.
“go back to sleep,” chan wrinkled his nose at you playfully. he poked your side, which made you pout before you pushed his hand away and fell right back to sleep with your head nestled into his neck.
— you can’t sleep
flicking through channels, you wrapped the blanket around your shoulders just a little bit tighter. this was the fourth night in a row you hadn’t been able to fall asleep. you weren’t sure what it was, but something wasn’t letting you fall asleep before four a.m. and it didn’t look like it was going away.
biting your bottom lip, you struggled, trying to decide if calling chan would be worth it. you knew he’d probably yell at you (he hated it when you didn’t take care of yourself), but if anyone could help you sleep it would be him.
having made your decision, you pressed call before you could talk yourself out of it and relaxed back against the sofa. you sucked in a breath, waiting anxiously for your boyfriend to pick up.
“y/n? what’s going on?” chan’s voice sounded groggy, making a fresh wave of guilt crash through your chest as you realized you probably woke him up.
“hey,” you let out a shaky breath, suddenly on the verge of tears for a reason you couldn’t figure out. “i’m sorry for waking you up.”
“hey, no, it’s okay,” chan sounded more awake now. you could picture the furrow between his brows as a note of concern bled into his voice. “what’s the matter, baby? why’d you call me?”
“i don’t know,” your voice broke and then the tears were running down your face. you were just so tired. tugging your knees to your chest, you tried to explain, “i just can’t sleep, channie.”
“oh, baby,” chan’s voice was like honey, slow and sweet. “it’s gonna be okay. i’m coming over.”
“no, no, you don’t have to!” you tried to protest, but he cut you off.
“i want to, y/n. we’re going to get you to sleep, sweetheart, i promise.”
「 your songs 」
brooklyn love by lolo zouaĂŻ
since we’re alone by niall horan
pancakes by lany
what a heavenly way to die by troye sivan
heaven by the neighbourhood
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
Here you go with another post with some words in Korean ! Hope I hadn’t already posted these in my three other posts !
Ships requests are still open as well as the imagines requests !
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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louieinyourheart ¡ 5 years
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