lostheathseeker · 10 months
Not friendly witch tip: ALLERGIES CAN BE USED AGAINST YOUR ENEMY!!! Not sure if someone came up with that yet but when I want to hex a person that wronged me AND I happen to know their allergies I totally use that in my craft
Example: A girl I knew at my uni would constantly pollute the environment and wouldn't stop even when I asked her to. I knew she had a strawberry allergy, so I used it in the hex to teach her a lesson.
Does your enemy have allergies to peanuts or maybe dust??? Use it in a curse or hex against them to enhance the result!
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lostheathseeker · 1 year
~Taurus Season~
Below are some of Taurus's most famous traits. While sometimes looked at as a "dull" or "bland" sign, Taurus can have unexpected complexities. They are also known as a romantic, artistic sign that is typically peaceful or passive, but it is worth understanding some of these core characteristics that show both their willpower and listlessness.
Determined & Stubborn: These are likely Taurus's two most famous traits, if you don't know a lot about this sign, you likely know they are famous for their stubbornness and/or determination. Taurus is fixed earth, meaning the most willful, stable, and sustaining form of earth, an already solid and reliable element. Taurus is commonly a stubborn, maybe controlling sign. You may not always notice their stubbornness right away. Taurus may be stubborn but not necessarily opinionated, passionate, outspoken, or hardheaded which marks more difficult or unyielding behavior that is sometimes associated with stubbornness. Taurus is also the sign of endurance, productivity, stability, sustaining, and inertia. Their "stubbornness" and "determination" is extended from this steamrolling quality.
Dependable: Taurus is predictable, trustworthy, stable, and steady. From their deeply fixed quality is a person who will be least likely to let you down. While dependability is usually painted as a positive trait, this sign may also be the most predictable in their bad behavior or habits. Taurus is typically chill or down-to-earth, patient, and loyal. Taurus may be the rooted tree, they attract, wait, and take their time. However with this steadfastness can be the tendency to be unforgiving.
Sensual or Hedonistic: Despite being hardworking, Taurus knows how to relax. Taurus is associated with the senses, pleasure, comfort, luxury, and quality. This may manifest as being focused on self-care, becoming a shopaholic, or even through partying or excessive romantic encounters. Hedonism can be seen as a negative thing, being obsessed or pursuing pleasure or indulgence without regard to other people. It can be a selfish act. This may be an extreme side to Taurus that doesn't get a lot of attention. On the other end of the spectrum can just be a sensual individual, or someone who experiences the world in a very physical way. From their sensual side can come many quirks or a part of them that is famous for being good in the bedroom. They can also have a complex relationship with worth, value, security, and the tangible world vs. intangible world.
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lostheathseeker · 1 year
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Heartbreak Prayer
Sweet Mother Aphrodite,
Ruler of Hearts and Ally to those in love
My heart has broken, and despair comes in waves,
Please do not allow me to be pulled under by my grief.
As I wear this ring, protect my heart
And know that I continue to love fiercely in your honor.
I burn this incense in offering
And sing your praises forevermore.
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lostheathseeker · 1 year
Spell to manifest the snow
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You will need:
❄️a carpet
❄️candle (whatever you'd associate with winter/snow)
Have the carpet in front of you (I'd recommend a one that is not too big). I like to first call Elements to assist me (I always call the Earth which is my main element and water to symbolize ice and snow).
When I have called the elements I light the candle and place it in the middle of the carpet. Then take the sugar in your palm and start to sprinkle it all around carpet making sure to sprinkle it further away from candle (representing our planet positioning itself further away from Sun causing the Winter). While doing so, visualize snow falling. Each crystal of sugar, being the crystal snowflake.
When it's done. Take the carpet outside and beat it removing the sugar from it. I like to be calling Frau Holle because in Germanic myths that's what she'd do: the Goddess of Winter would beat their pillows outside and the feathers falling out would bring snow to the Earth.
And that's it. I usually do it in the beginning of the December and it is working for me
Have a cozy, snowy winter Witches✨️
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lostheathseeker · 1 year
A reminder to draw sigils to help you study more efficiently on the first page of your notebooks and activate them through coloring them with a color you associate with success or luck. (in my case it's yellow)
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lostheathseeker · 1 year
Me waiting for melted wax to form a letter in a bowl of water to see the initial of my future husband even though I know I don't want to get married, and I don't even like men
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
My own addition is also that putting dry onion skin under the pillow gives dreamless but well recovering nights. And eating pumpkin seeds while stating a wish helps to manifest said wish :)
Some little bits of Herbal Magick
Rosemary can be hung over the bed to remember one’s dreams better. A mixture of dill and salt can be sprinkled around the home to reverse hexes. Sugar can be used in spells to stop gossips of any sort Cloves can be used in rituals to stop gossip of any sort as well. Ginger can be used for protection from evil and to induce physical lust. A tea can be used also to empower the witch before magick as well as to centre the self into the body prior to spellwork. Cayenne Pepper can be used in any spellwork to do with breaking or burning obstacles, as well as in spells where a more offensive or fiery form of protection is required. Basil can be strewn in the house, or grown on the property, to invite good fortune and money. It can also be infused with water and used to wash the doorstep to welcome in good energy and spirits while keeping away ill ones. Incense made from blueberry leaves can be used to ward off ill influences from home and hearth. Rosemary and salt can be placed in a sachet as a protective charm. Chamomile can be made into a wash to attract luck in money, business and gambling. Lemon Balm can aid with indigestion and is a good herb to use in works of psychic ability, luck and healing. Musk perfume (tried and tested) have a good tendency to inspire lust in magick. A charm bag made with chamomile is excellent in money drawing. Chamomile can be sprinkled around the home to remove curses and other such spells. Basil can be used to inspire peace between two people, do love divination and to protect the home. Pennyroyal can be used to end family troubles and bring peace to a household. Black Pepper can be used to incite evil and discord or to remove it. Pine cones can be stuffed with various herbs, petitions, powders and other such items and kept in a place of business to attract money and prosperity. Vanilla can be used in spells to make one more charismatic, as well as to produce sensual lust and romantic confidence. Lemon peels can be used in a bath with salt to cleanse the self and remove ill. Lemon can be used in spells to remove general evil from the home. Pine branches can be kept around the home to bring in good spirits. A worm eaten acorn can be used in magick to cause destruction and poverty on an enemy. Oak leaves and bark can be used in a bath for cleansing. Rose water is a good offering for all sorts of spirits, you can mix it with spring water as well. Damiana can be made into a tisane or wine to produce lust (it is an aphrodisiac as well) One can give a sprig of mint to someone living on a journey to ensure their protection and return. Cloves can be burnt as a powder in order to ward off and break magickal attack. Orange oil and peels can be used in baths to promote lust and love, especially in love attraction baths. The flowers can be used to promote romantic and marital bliss. Cayenne pepper can also be used in spells to promote fidelity, remove negativity and to promote lust and passion in a relationship. It can also be used in magick of hexing and the reversal thereof. It can be mixed with salt to form a powerful protective and exorcizing powder. It can be mixed with black pepper to bring discord to one’s enemies and in spells where one wishes to make a particularly offensive ward. Damiana can be used in spells to promote sexual passion and drive. An infusion of blackberry leaves can be used as a base for love philtres but is generally weak, so it should be empowered with other good herbs such as damiana etc. A bath made with a strong infusion of basil aids in promoting self love, fortifying will and courage and lending clarity.
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
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Timing: first Friday of the waning moon (can be done at any time but this time will work the strongest)
Ingredients: well-dried rose, black candle
Create a circle to focus the energy or start the ritual the way you always do it. I usually make the circle and call my element to assist me which is the Earth. For some spells, I call all elements but sometimes I feel I only need the assistance of the element I relate the most to. Again you can start the ritual the way you always do :)
Take the rose and lift it.
''I did my best so they belong And now my creation I see as wrong Fire in them, it dies, there's no growth The love I gave I can also withdraw I stop the charm I stop that power At this blessed time At this divine hour I give them freedom, I give them free will For once let them see finally clear'' Light the black candle and then burn the rose above its flame. That is why make sure the rose is well dried. Be careful - don't burn the house! At the end say: Alea Iacta Est Extra Info: I think some people would use rather a white candle. My friend, for example, considers white more 'neutralizing' than black color but in my case black has more neutralizing symbolism. I think each Witch can have a different ''feeling'' for colors so decide on your own ^^ Of course the spell only works if you were the one who did the love spell. Everyone makes mistakes!
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
Deity Work Masterlist
Warning: LONG Post
Everything is in alphabetical order
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🌊 Ægir
God of: Personification of the Ocean, God of Brewing and the Sea
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Aegishjalmur, Laguz Rune
Plants: Oak, Polybody, Rose
Animals: Dolphins, Whales and other Sea Creatures
Colors: Blue, Green, Turquoise and other sea-like shades
Tarot: King of Cups
Offerings: Singing Sea Shanties, Seashells and Pearls, Cleaning up shores and the oceans, Bread, Sea Glass, A Bowl of Salt Water with food dropped into it, Anything related to the sea. Do not offer most Beers as he does not like the modern chemical-filled ales. Homebrew or Local Brew beer is better. 
💕 Aengus Og
God of: Youth, Love, Poetic Inspiration, Summer, Healing
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Venus, Copper, Golden Harp
Plants: Basil, Cinnamon, Rose, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Strawberries, Mistletoe, Violet, Birch, Cherries, Elder, Sycamore
Animals: Swans, Cats, Doves, Sparrows
Colors: Green, Pink and Red
Tarot: The Lovers, Justice, The World
Offerings: Red Roses, Strawberries, Cake, Chocolate, Honey, Wine, Cherries, Music and Art
🧚 Aine
Goddess of: Summer, Wealth, Sovereignty, Love, Fertility, Protection, Wealth, Agriculture, The Sun and the Moon and Queen of the Faeries
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Silver and White Items, Meadowsweet, The Moon, Midsummer
Plants: Angelica, Blackberry, Cowslip, Elder, Orchid, Fennel, Flax, Garlic, Mugwort, Nettle, Oak, Hawthorn, Mistletoe, Alfalfa, Ash, Agrimony, Ash, Birch, Broom, Holly, Lavender, Meadow-sweet, Gorse
Animals: Red Mare, Horse, Rabbit, Swan, Cattle, Bee
Colors: Red, Gold, Green, Blue, Tan
Tarot: The Sun, Suit of Wands, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Milk, Bread, Home-grown Produce, Cream, Fire and Candles, Sunflowers, Yellow Flowers, Honey, Summer Fruits, Oranges, Bee-related Items
⛅ Amaterasu
Goddess of: The Sun, The Universe
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: Mirror, Jewel, Sword, Bow and Arrow
Plants: Chrysanthemum, Cryptomeria, Carnation, Chamomile, Juniper, Marigold, Rosemary, Sunflower
Animals: Dragon-Fox, Horse, Rooster, Wolf
Colors: Yellow, Gold, Red, Orange
Tarot: The Sun, The World
Offerings: Rice crackers, Cooked rice, Origami figures, Rice candy, Brightly-colored Japanese food, Silk and other fabrics
💃 Ame-no-uzume
Goddess of: Dawn, Mirth, Meditation, Revelry, Dance, Fertility, The Arts
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: Antique Items, Fan
Plants: Moss, Sakaki 
Animals: Fox
Colors: Pink, Red, White, Yellow
Tarot: Three of Cups, Suit of Cups
Offerings: Dancing, Bells, Silk Ribbons, Rice Cakes, Sake
⚰️ Anubis
God of: The Dead, Mummification, Embalming, The Afterlife, Tombs
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Crook and Flail, Mummy Gauze
Plants: Star Anise, Benzoin, Cloves, Cardamom, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rosemary, Cypress, Cedarwood
Animals: Jackal
Colors: Black, Green, Red, Gold
Tarot: Death
Offerings: Cool Water, Strong Liquor like Rum, Spicy Foods, Dark and Bitter Chocolate, Strong Incense, Cypress Oil, Locks and Keys, Honor the dead and your ancestors, Leave flowers on graves, Support orphans and the homeless, Act as a guide for someone
💘 Aphrodite
Goddess of: Love, Beauty, Fertility
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Seashells, Scallop Shells, Venus, Golden Apples, 5, Mirrors
Plants: Apple, Linden Tree, Myrtle, Pomegranate, Poppies, Lettuce, Rose, Quince, Ash, Poplar, Artichokes
Animals: Swans, Dolphins, Doves, Sparrows, Bees, Goats
Colors: Red, Pink, Violet, Silver, Aqua, Seafoam, Light Blue
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers, The Star, The Suit of Cups
Offerings: Roses, Chocolate, Apples, Jewelry, Beauty Products, Seashells, Olive Oil, Honey, Wine, Cinnamon, Art and Music, Mirrors, Rose Quartz
☀️ Apollo
God of: The Sun, Prophecy, Oracles, Light, Music, The Arts, Song, Poetry, Healing, Medicine, Plague, Disease, Protection of the youth, Knowledge, Herds
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Lyre, Laurel Wreath, Silver Bow and Arrows, Tripod, The Sun, Sunday, 
Plants: Laurel, Larkspur, Cypress, Apple Trees, Palm Trees, Hyacinthus
Animals: Swan, Raven, Tortoise, Serpent, Wolf, Dolphin, Mouse
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Blue, White
Tarot: The Sun, The Chariot, Strength, Temperance
Offerings: Red Wine, Olive Oil, Sun Water, Citrus Fruits, Honey, Golden Objects, Feathers, Lamb or Goat Meat, Cheese, Bread, Sunflowers, Laurel Wreaths, Aloe Vera
🐕 Arawn 
God of: Ruler of Annwn the Celtic Otherworld, Leader of the Wild Hunt, Death, The Underworld and Justice
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: The Hounds of Arawn, Cauldron, Samhain
Plants: Reeds, Cedar, Cypress, Ivy, Honeysuckle, Sage
Animals: Hounds, Pigs
Colors: Red, Black, White, Brown, Green, Gold, Gray
Tarot: Suit of Pentacles, King of Pentacles
Offerings: Game Birds such as Duck or Turkey, Bread, Honey, Milk, Mead and Ale
😇 Archangel Michael
God of: One of the highest-ranking Angels, Rules over The Sun, Protection, Courage, Justice, Order, Leadership, Health, Compassion, Travel, Magic, Guidance, Triumph, Strength and Confidence
Culture: Christian
Symbols: Scales, Swords
Plants: Michaelmas Daisies, Basil, Sunflower
Animals: Dragon
Colors: Gold, Orange, Yellow
Tarot: The Emperor, The Hierophant
Offerings: Standing up for others and helping the environment, Wine, Water, Lamb meat, White Wool, Frankincense
⚔️ Ares
God of: War, Courage, Battle
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Sword, Shield, Spear, Helmet, Iron
Plants: Thorns, Peppers, Chili, Garlic
Animals: Serpents, Vultures, Woodpeckers, Horses, Dogs
Colors: Red, Purple, Black
Tarot: The Emperor, The Chariot, The Tower, Suit of Wands, King of Wands
Offerings: Dark Wine, Whiskey, Spicy Foods, Coffee, Water, Olive Oil, Red Meats, Frankincense, Weapons, Learn self defense
🌌 Arianrhod
Goddess of: Fertility, Fate, Reincarnation, Beauty, Difficulties
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Silver Wheel, Full Moon, Weaving Tools, The Zodiac, Corona Borealis
Plants: Ivy, Lavender, Rosemary, Cedar, Pine
Animals: Spiders, Owls, Wolves
Colors: Silver, White, Green, Blue, Purple
Tarot: The Star, The Moon, Wheel of Fortune
Offerings: Silver Coins, White Candles, Wheat, Fruits, Home-cooked meals, Salads, Wine, Water, Hot Teas, Smoothies, Study the Constellations and the Zodiac
🏹 Artemis
Goddess of: The Hunt, Wild Animals, Wilderness, Childbirth, Girls, Chastity, Archery, Disease and Plague
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Bow & Arrows, Quiver, Hunting Spears, Animal Pelts, Lyre, Torches, The Moon
Plants: Cypress, Walnut, Amaranth, Almond, Daisy, Willow, Wormwood, Fir, Pine, Thistle, Honeysuckle, Bay Laurel, Artemisia, Fig, Oak
Animals: Stag, Deer, Dog, Bear, Boar, Quail, Guineafowls, Bee, All Wild Animals
Colors: White, Silver, Gold, Yellow, Green, Blue
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, Temperance, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Page of Wands
Offerings: Red Wine, Olive Oil, Honey, Water, Almonds, Walnuts, Honeycakes, Fruit, Artemisia Plants, Arrows, Dance, Cypress, Pine Cones and Branches, Cider, Game Meat, Protect nature and wildlife, Always help animals and women in need, Go hiking, Research native plants and animals, Follow the moon phases and work with them
❤️‍🔥 Astarte
Goddess of: Love, Sexuality, War, Hunting, Power
Culture: Canaanite 
Symbols: Chariot, Venus
Plants: Lilies, Coriander
Animals: Lion, Horse, Dove, Sphinx
Colors: Red, White
Tarot: The Empress, The Chariot
Offerings: Lilies, Roses, Sweet Cakes, Honey, Henna Tattoos, Clothing stained with menstrual blood
⚖️ Athena
Goddess of: Wisdom, Handicraft, Strategic Warfare
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Aegis, Gorgon’s Head, Spear, Helmet, 
Plants: Olive Tree, Ivy, Cypress, Cornel Tree
Animals: Owl, Snake, Rooster, Crow, Spider
Colors: Blue, Gray, White, Yellow, Silver
Tarot: Justice, The High Priestess, The Emperor
Offerings: Olive Oil, Honey, Wine, Bread, Olives, Pears, Olive Tree Leaves or Branches, Your handicrafts, Owl Feathers, Snake skins, Weapons
🛖 Baba Yaga
Goddess of: Death and Rebirth, Fertility, Nature 
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Knife, Oven, Mortar and Pestle, Sun
Plants: Poppy, Black Sunflower, Medicinal Herbs, Rye
Animals: Horse, Hedgehog, Snake, Dragon, Cat
Colors: Red, Black, White
Tarot: The Devil
Offerings: Lavish home-cooked Meals with russian delicacies and a beautifully-set table, Caravan Tea, Vodka
💡 Baldr
God of: Light, Joy, Purity, Summer
Culture: Norse
Symbols: The Sun, Sunday
Plants: Mistletoe, Chamomile, Daisies, White Flowers, Ash, Marigold, St John’s Wort
Animals: Songbirds
Colors: Yellow, Gold, White
Tarot: The Sun, The Fool, Death, The World
Offerings: Kindness to others, Chamomile Tea, Apple Juice, Mead, Lit Candles
🌺 Bast
Goddess of: Home, Domesticity, Women’s Secrets, Cats, Fertility, Childbirth, Marriage, Music, Magic, Sex, Prosperity, Joy, Dance, Joy, Healing, Pleasure
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Basket, Ankh, The Sun and Moon, Perfume Jar
Plants: Catnip, Vervain, Cinnamon, Cannabis 
Animals: Cat, Lion
Colors: Green, Gold
Tarot: The Chariot, Strength, The Sun
Offerings: Perfume, Salves and Body Scrubs, Milk, Meat, Honey, Gold Items, Chocolate, Pastries, Onions and Garlic, Bread, Beer, Tea, Taking care of cats
🐉 Benzaiten / Benten
Goddess of: Water, Literature, Music, Wealth, Femininity, Fertility, Dance, Love
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: Biwa, Dragon, Pearl, Conch Shell, Iron, Gold
Plants: Lotus, Water Lilies, Yellow flowers
Animals: Snakes, Dragons. White Snakes are her messengers
Colors: Blue, Silver, White, Yellow
Tarot: The Empress, The Suit of Cups
Offerings: Money, Water, Rice, Sake, Gemstones, Music and other creative arts, Raw eggs, Yellow flowers, Blessed Water, Bath rituals, Seashells
🧶 Berchta
Goddess of: Psychopomp, Spinning and Weaving, Abundance, Protector of Women and Children
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: Keys, Distaff, Yule 
Plants: Mayflowers, Holly, Evergreens, Birch, Falx, Wild berries
Animals: Goose, Swan, Goat, Cricket, Owl, Fox
Colors: Blue, White, Red, Gold
Tarot: Death
Offerings: Herring, Dumplings, Alcoholic Beverages like Schnapps
📓 Bragi
God of: Poetry, Eloquence
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Harp, Book
Plants: Beech, Fern, Lily of the Valley
Animals: Chickadee
Colors: Orange, Gold
Tarot: The Magician, The Hermit
Offerings: Mead, Poetry, Beautiful Writing
🍀 Brigid
Goddess of: Spring, Fertility, Family, The Hearth, Childbirth, Fire, Blacksmiths, Scholars, Physicians, Prophets, Healing, Poetry, Occult knowledge, and Justice
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Brigid’s Cross, Candles, Triquetra, Faeries, Four leaf clovers, Cauldron, Chalice, Corn Dolly, Anvil, Hammer, Poetry, Forges, Hearths, Wells and Rock Formations
Plants: Cinnamon, Chamomile, Blackberry, Hawthorn, Basil, Mugwort, Apple, Heather, Dandelion, Snowdrop, Willow, Oak, Shamrock, Crocus, Trillium, Corn, Lavender and Sage
Animals: Snakes, Sheep, Cows, Bees, Owls and Hibernating animals
Colors: Green, Red, White, Gold and Blue
Tarot: The Hierophant, The Lovers, Strength, The Hermit, The Sun, Suit of Wands
Offerings: Blackberries, Milk, Bread, Herbal Teas, Heather, Brigid’s Cross, Beer, Apple Cider, Honey, Baked Goods, Corn Dollies, Sheeps Wool Products, Jewelry or Metal Items, Eggs, Cakes left on the windowsill at Imbolc
❄️ Cailleach
Goddess of: Winter, Wind, The Cold, Creation, Transformation
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Hammers, Hills, Mountains, Skulls, Snow, Wands, Waning Moons
Plants: Clove, Lavender, Apple, Hazelnut, Turnip, Mugwort, Pansy, Patchouli, Poppy, Rose, Rue, Tansy, St John's Wort, Witch Hazel, Woodruff, Yarrow, Elder Trees, Elm, Pine, Yew, Gorse, Holly, Snapdragon 
Animals: Bat, Cattle, Deer, Fish, Goat, Mouse, Owl, Raven, Reindeer, Sheep, Spider, Pig, Wolf
Colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Silver, White, Yellow
Tarot: Death, The Moon, The Hermit
Offerings: Pebbles, Hag Stones, Shells, Feathers, Boiled Sweets
🌲 Cernunnos
God of: Forests, Wild Animals, Finances, The Underworld, Death, Hunting, Balance, Grounding and Healing, Transitioning into the Afterlife, Fertility
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Horns, The Torc, Gold Coins, Serpents
Plants: Ash, Bayberry, Chamomile, Cedar, Cinnamon, Heliotrope, Holly, Ivy, Lavender, Juniper, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Patchouli, Pine, Sandalwood, Sunflower, Vine, Yarrow
Animals: Stags, Elk, Goats, Deer, Bulls, Horses, Ram Horned Snakes, Snakes, Boars, Owls, Hawks, Ravens
Colors: Yellow, Gold, Forest Greens, Silver, Black
Tarot: The Lovers, The World, King of Pentacles
Offerings: Dancing, Venison, Cooked Meats (ethically sourced), Roses, Sunflowers, Lavender, Wildflowers, Juniper Bark and Berries, Oak wood carvings, Green or Gold Candles, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pine scents, Pelts (ethically sourced), Feathers, Bones, Forest Moss, Antlers, Horns, Pine Cones, Gold Coins, Daggers, Poetry art, Celtic Music 
🌑 Cerridwen
Goddess of: The Moon, Luck, Poetry, Change, Rebirth, Transformation, The Underworld, Death, Fertility, Inspiration, Magic and Knowledge
Culture: Welsh
Symbols: Cauldron, Dark Moon, Lunar Cycles, Caves
Plants: Corn, Grain, Vervain, Acorns, Apple, Oak, Hazel
Animals: White Pig, Greyhound, Crow, Hen, Hare, Otter, Hawk
Colors: Silver, Purple, Black, Gray, Green
Tarot: The Moon, Death, The Magician, Suit of Cups
Offerings: Pork, Bread, Milk, Water, Wheat, White and Green Candles, Barley, Rice, Peanuts, Poppy or Sunflower Seeds, Vervain, Grain-based Products
✨ Circe
Goddess of: Sorcery 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Cup, Loon, Wand, Masks
Plants: Hallucinogenic Herbs and Fungi, Wheat, Moly, Magical Herbs 
Animals: Pig, Lion, Wolf, Hawk, Beasts in general
Colors: Gold, Purple, Silver, Red
Tarot: Queen of Cups, The Magician
Offerings: Barley, Wine, Honey, Meat, Bread, Weaving, Divination
🐟 Danu
Goddess of: Earth-Mother, Fertility, Wisdom, Wind, Water
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Crowns, Keys, Wells, Cauldron full of Water, Rivers, Celtic Tree of Life, Mother aspect of the triple goddess
Plants: Oak, Water Lily
Animals: Fish, Horses, Seagulls, Salmon, Snakes 
Colors: Blue, White, Silver, Green
Tarot: The Empress, Strength
Offerings: Wine, Mead, Ale, Freshwater, Watering plants
🔥 Dazbog 
God of: The Sun, Fortune, Wealth, Light, Fertility, Fire, Destiny, Justice
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Kolovrat
Plants: Sunflowers, Marigold, Calendula, Chamomile, Angelica, St John’s Wort 
Animals: Wolf, Horse, Goose, Duck, Swan
Colors: White, Gold, Red
Tarot: The Sun, Suit of Wands, King of Wands
Offerings: Bread, Salt, Eggs, Pancakes, Bonfire
🌾 Demeter
Goddess of: Agriculture, Harvest, Fertility, Motherhood
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Wheat, Torches, Cornucopia
Plants: Wheat, Barley, Mint, Poppy
Animals: Snake, Pig, Gecko, Dove, Crane, Screech Owl, Grasshopper 
Colors: Gold, Green, Brown
Tarot: The High Priestess, The World
Offerings: Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Milk, Grains, Bread, Freshly harvested goods, Water
🍇 Dionysus
God of: Wine, Drunkenness, Parties, Wilderness, Vegetation, Fertility, Ritual Madness, Religious Ecstasy, Theatre, LGBT+ Community 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Thyrsos, Ivy crown, Grapevine 
Plants: Grape, Ivy, Cinnamon, Silver Fir, Bindweed, Figs
Animals Leopard, Goat, Donkey, Lion, Snake, Bull, Panther
Colors: Red, Purple, Green, Burgundy, Gold
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The Hierophant, The Devil, The Fool, The Lovers
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Fruit, Water, Honey, Meats, Wheat, Barley, Pinecone, Ivy leaves, Goblets, Theater Masks, Alcoholic Beverages
⚕️ Eir
Goddess of: Healing and Medicine
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Copper, Mortar and Pestle, Sauna 
Plants: Medicinal Herbs
Colors: Red
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Offerings: Healing Spells, Learning first aid, Medicinal Herbs and First Aid Items
🎣 Enki
God of: Freshwater, Wisdom, Knowledge, Magic, Crafts, Healing, Fertility, Creation, The Arts
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: Goat-fish
Plants: Thyme, Chamomile, Reeds, Cattails
Animals Goat, Fish, Chimera, Robin, Cow
Colors: Gold, Blue, White, Silver
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The Hierophant, The Devil, The Fool, The Lovers
Offerings: Beer, Eggs, Fruit, Vegetarian Foods, Myrrh, Thyme, Chamomile, Wildflowers, Fish, Water, Wine, Silver or Copper Jewelry, Feathers
💐 Eostre 
Goddess of: Spring, Dawn
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: Painted Eggs
Plants: Crocus, Daffodil, Primrose, Violet, 
Animals: Rabbit, Serpent, Dragon
Colors: Green, Yellow, Purple
Tarot: Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Decorating Eggs, Flowers, Hot Cross Buns, Pastries, Mead
💀 Ereshkigal
Goddess of: Death, The Underworld
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: Wood, Rivers, Boats, Lapis Lazuli
Plants: Pomegranate, Grains, Reeds, Hemp, Cedar, Cypress, Lotus, Monkshood
Animals: Lion, Owl, Serpent, Scorpion, Owl, Sheep
Colors: Silver, Gold, Red, Purple
Tarot: Death, The High Priestess
Offerings: Fasting, Bread, Water, Pomegranate Juice, Blackberries, Blueberries, Lamb or Goat Meat, Lobster and Mussels, Nutmeg, Garlic, Poppy Seeds, Animal Bones, Gold or Silver Jewelry, Black crystals, Ornate scepters with wood and animal bones
🧵 Frau Holda
Goddess of: Fiber Arts, Winter, Protector of Children and Women, Leader of the Wild Hunt, Witchcraft
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: The Winter Solstice, Pools and Wells
Plants: Holly, Elder, Juniper, Mugwort, Flax, Sorcerer’s Violet 
Animals: Wolf, Rabbit
Colors: Blue, White
Tarot: The Empress, The High Priestess, Death
Offerings: Juniper Berries, Wine, Cider, Mead, Cakes, Music and Dancing, Knot Magic
🐈 Freya
Goddess of: Love, Beauty, Fertility, Sex, War, Battle, Gold, Sorcery
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Her Chariot pulled by Cats, Brisingamen Necklace, Cloak of Feathers
Plants: Daisy, Linden, Snowdrops, Lily of the Valley, Cowslip, Columbine, Pimpernel, Strawberries
Animals: Horse, Cat, Falcon, Hawk, Rabbit, Ladybug, Oxen, Swallow, Boar
Colors: Gold, Yellow, White, Green, Red, Pink, Light Blue
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, The Chariot, Death, Suit of Swords
Offerings: Ale, Apples, Barley, Honey, Mead, Pork, Lavish Jewelry and Perfume, Feeding stray cats, Chocolate, Amber, Roses, Cinnamon, Sweet Liquors
🐗 Freyr
God of: Peace, Fertility, Rain, Sunshine, Prosperity and Agriculture
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Boar, The Sun, Magical Swords, Phallus, Friday
Plants: Ash, Lavender, Catnip, Nuts & Cones, Yew, Holly, Ivy
Animals: Boar, Bee, Stag
Colors: Gold, Green, Red, Blue, Pink, Orange, Yellow
Tarot: The Lovers, The Sun, Suit of Pentacles, King of Pentacles
Offerings: Honey, Grains and Breads, Gold, Antlers
👰 Frigg
Goddess of: Motherhood, Marriage, Prophecy, Fertility
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Spinning Wheel, Silver, Clouds and Mist
Plants: Mistletoe, Birch, Fir, Hawthorn, Frigg’s Grass
Animals: Falcon, Sheep, Raven, Hawk
Colors: Blue, Silver, White
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers
Offerings: Milk, Mead, Pastries, Light Fruity Wine, Hand-spun Fibers, Feathers, Soups and Stews
🪦 Hades
God of: The Underworld, Wealth
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Keys, Chariot, Helmet, Cerberus
Plants: Mint, White Poplar, Cypress, Asphodel, Narcissus, Pomegranate
Animals: Snake, Dog, Sheep, Cattle, Screech Owl, Horse, Black Ram
Colors: Gold, Silver, Black
Tarot: The Hermit, Death, Judgment, Suit of Swords
Offerings: Dark Wine, Whiskey, Coffee, Black Tea, Peppermint Tea, Dark Chocolate, Meat, Sharp Cheeses, Bread, Pomegranates, Apples, Bones, Coins, Keys, Crowns
🪘 Hathor
Goddess of: The Sky, Women, Fertility, Love, The Sun, Music, Dance, Joy, Motherhood, Fate, Foreign Lands and Goods, The Afterlife
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Sun disk, Mirrors, Drums and Sistrums, The number 4
Plants: Sycamore, Myrrh tree, Dates, Papyrus, Henna
Animals: Cow, Lioness, Cobra, Goose, Gazelle, Cat
Colors: Red
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, Suit of Cups
Offerings: Figs, Dates, Bread, Cheese, Butter, Wine, Beer, Fresh Water, Perfumes, Makeup
👻 Hecate
Goddess of: Witchcraft, Necromancy, Ghosts, The Night, Boundaries, Crossroads
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Torch, Keys, Daggers, Strophalos
Plants: Asphodel, Garlic, Yew, Cypress, Poisonous Plants, 
Animals: Dog, Polecat, Snake
Colors: Black, Gray, Silver, Gold
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Milk, Eggs, Garlic, Almonds, Various Herbs, Bones, Wands, Keys, A Cauldron, Crow Feathers, Pomegranates, Dark Chocolate, Blood
📯 Heimdallr 
God of: Watchmen of the Gods
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Horn, Rainbow
Plants: Birch, Oak, Rose, Verbena, Avens
Animals: Rooster, Horse, Ram
Colors: White, Rainbow
Tarot: The Hermit
Offerings: Mead, Fine Beer, Freshwater, Lamb Meat, Pork, Coffee
💀 Hel
Goddess of: Death, The Afterlife
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Skulls, Bones
Plants: Beech, Alder, Elm, Ivy, Juniper, Willow, Yew
Animals: Wolf
Colors: Black, White
Tarot: Death, The Tower, Suit of Swords
Offerings: Tea, Wine, Apples, Meat, Bread, Soup, Dried Flowers, Blood
🌋 Hephaestus
God of: Metalsmithing, Fire, Volcanoes, Craftsmanship, Technology
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Hammer, Tongs, Anvil
Plants: Fennel
Animals: Donkey, Crane, Dog
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Gray, Red
Tarot: Judgment, Suit of Wands
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Bread, Meat, Spicy Things, Hot Beverages, Handmade Metal Items
👑 Hera
Goddess of: Marriage, Fertility, Childbirth, Kings and Empires, Women, Family, The Sky, The Stars
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Lotus-staff, Throne, Diadem
Plants: Pomegranate, Lotus, Willow, Apple
Animals: Hawk, Peacock, Lion, Cow, Cuckoo, Crane
Colors: Gold, Silver, White, Purple, Blue, Green
Tarot: The Empress, The World, Suit of Cups, Queen of Cups
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Milk, Grains and Bread, Chocolate, Pomegranates, Apples, White Flowers, Crowns, Animal Shells, Perfume, Silver or Gold Jewelry
💸 Hermes
God of: Messenger of the God, Heraldry, Omens, Animal Husbandry, Poetry and Fables, Trade, Travel, Boundaries, Thieves, Wit, Language, Education, Psychopomp 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Caduceus, Talaria, Petasos, Lyre
Plants: Crocus, Greek Strawberry, Palm Tree, Almond Tree, Strawberries
Animals: Tortoise, Ram, Hawk, Rooster, Serpent, Hare
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Gray, Green, Red
Tarot: Judgment, The Magician, The Fool. The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Star, Suit of Swords
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Strawberries, Foreign Foods and Items, Honey, Water, Fruit, Chocolate, Wheat, Lemons, Almonds, Cinnamon, Coins, Dice, Beer, Meat, Chamomile Tea, Pineapple, Bread, Milk mixed with honey
🏠 Hestia
Goddess of: The Home, The Hearth, Family, Domesticity, The Civic or Sacrificial Flame
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Hearth, Kettle, Head Veils
Plants: Poppy, Goldenrod, Hollyhock, Yarrow
Animals: Pig, Cow, Donkey, Crane
Colors: Gold, White, Orange, Red, Lavender
Tarot: Strength, The Hermit, Queen of Wands
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Milk, Pork, Bread, Cooking Herbs, Tea, Candles
🦅 Horus
God of: Kingship, The Sky, War, Protection, Healing
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Crown, Eye of Horus, Ankh, The Sun, The Moon
Plants: Acacia, Lettuce, Iris, Lotus, Olive
Animals: Falcon, Hawk, Bull, Peacock, Lion
Colors: Green
Tarot: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Sun, Judgment, King of Swords
Offerings: Raw meat left out for hawks and falcons, Bread, Weaponry, Water, Milk, Ale, Wine, Coffee, Fruits and Vegetables, Figs, Dates, Chocolate with nuts, 
😴 Hypnos
God of: Sleep, Dreams, Illusions
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Inverted Torch
Plants: Poppy, Cottonwood Tree
Animals: Nighthawk, Songbirds
Colors: Black, Silver, White, Blue, Red, Purple
Tarot: The Hierophant
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Honey, Milk, Fruit, Poppy Seeds (and foods including them), Herbal Teas, Sleep inducing and calming herbs, Feathers, Sleeping mask, Poppy flowers
🍎 Idunn
Goddess of: Spring, Rejuvenation, Immortality, Youth, Beauty
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Golden Apples, Ashwood Box
Plants: Apple Blossom, Birch, Fir, Hawthorn, Mugwort, Rose, Willow
Animals: Songbirds
Colors: Green, Silver, Red, Yellow
Tarot: Page of Wands, Queen of Cups, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Gardening, Apples, Homegrown Fruits and Vegetables (without pesticides), Apple Pie, Cider
💖 Inanna
Goddess of: Romantic Love, Harmony, Sex, Beauty, Passion, Desire, Fertility, Victory, War, Justice, Political Power
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: Eight-pointed Star, Hook-shaped Knot of Reeds, Venus
Plants: Lilies, Narcissus, Reeds, Myrtle, All sprouts
Animals: Lion, Dove
Colors: Green, Black, Red, Silver, White
Tarot: The Lovers, The Hierophant, Justice, The Hanged Man, The Star
Offerings: Wine, Champagne, Lemonade, Honey, Chocolate and Pastries, Cherries, Pomegranates, Strawberries, Elegant Jewelry, Peaches, Swords and Daggers, Artwork and Poetry
🦊 Inari 
God of: Rice, Foxes, Fertility, Tea, Sake, Crafts, Agriculture, Industry, Prosperity
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: Keys, Wish-granting Jewel, Rice
Plants: Cryptomeria, Cedar, Pine, Wheat, Rice
Animals: Fox
Colors: Red, White
Tarot: Suit of Pentacles
Offerings: Inarizushi, Rice, Rice cakes, Rice served with red beans, Sake, Incense, Acts on behalf of foxes, Handmade Crafts, Tea
☄️ Isis
Goddess of: Magic, Life, Compassion, Fertility, Motherhood, Childbirth, Rebirth, Devotion, Royalty, Knowledge, Protection, Abundance, Healing, The Elements
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Moon Disk, Cow Horns, Wings, Solar Disk, Ankh, Gold
Plants: Sycamore, Cedar, Corn, Flax, Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Lotus, Vervain, Myrrh Tree, Papyrus
Animals: Hawk, Crocodile, Scorpion, Crab, Cobra, Goose, Swallow, Dove, Vulture, Snakes in general
Colors: Yellow, Silver, Gold, Black, Red, Cobalt Blue, Green
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, The Star, The Moon, The World, Suit of Cups
Offerings: Milk, Flowers, Honey, Wine, Lemonade, Tropical Fruits (Juice or Whole), Herbal Tea, Seafood, Herbs like Anise and Nutmeg, Roses, Egyptian Jewelry, Incense, White Candles
🌿 Jarilo / Yarilo
God of: Vegetation, Fertility, Spring, Rebirth, Sexuality, Peace, War
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Vegetation
Plants: Wheat, Ferns, Spring Flowers
Animals: Horse, White Wolf
Colors: White, Yellow, Gold, Green
Tarot: The Sun, Strength, Suit of Pentacles
Offerings: Bread, Wheat, Spring Flowers, Edible Seeds
🕊️ Jesus
God of: Son of God
Culture: Christian
Symbols: Cross, Vine, Rising Sun
Plants: Passionflower, Fig, Almond, Acacia, Daisy, Lily, Lily of the Valley
Animals: Dove, Lamb, Fish
Colors: Gold, Red
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The World
Offerings: Prayers, Grain and Breads, Wine, Holy Water
🌍 Jörð
Goddess of: Personification of the Earth
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Mountains, Grandmothers, Girdle
Plants: Local Native Plants, Healing Herbs
Animals: Bee
Colors: Green
Tarot: The World, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Picking up litter and trash, Take care of the earth and nature
📿 Kuan Yin
Goddess of: Mercy, Compassion
Culture: Chinese/Buddhist
Symbols: Vase, Rosary, Willow Branch, Fish Basket, Pearls
Plants: Lotus, Willow, Bamboo
Animals: Horse, Peacock, Dragon, Birds
Colors: White
Tarot: Judgment
Offerings: Oranges, Pomegranates, Spices, Oolong Tea, Incense, Love and Compassion for both yourself and others
🌱 Lada
Goddess of: Spring, Beauty, Love, Fertility
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Lada Star, Bells, Spring Equinox
Plants: Linden, Dandelion, Peony, Birch
Animals: Lark, Deer, Ant, Eagle
Colors: Red, White
Tarot: Page of Cups, The Lovers
Offerings: Honey, Music, Mead, Apples, Sweets, Lemon Balm, Cherries, Chestnuts
🌉 Lilith
Goddess of: Love, Demonic, Beauty, Wisdom, Life, Rebirth, Fertility, Motherhood, Inner-strength, Illumination, Mysteries, Spiritual Initiation, The Night, The Evening Star
Culture: Demonic
Symbols: Crossroad, Dark Moon
Plants: Apple, Poisonous Plants like Belladonna and Hemlock, Mugwort, Sandalwood, Rose
Animals: Owl, Serpent, Cat, Goat
Colors: Black, Red
Tarot: The Devil
Offerings: Apples, Pomegranates, Wine, Chocolate, Rose, Champagne, Honey, Seductive Perfume, Fancy Jewelry, Swords and Daggers, Red or Black Silk, Mirrors
🤘 Loki
God of: Trickery
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Bjarken and Logr Runes, Fishing Nets, Masks, Earthquakes
Plants: Mistletoe, Birch, Common Haircap Moss, Bentgrass, Cinnamon, Dandelion, Beech, Blackthorn, Elder, Elm, Ivy, Juniper, Mullein, Thistle, Willow, Yew
Animals: Snake, Spider, Fox, Fly, Horse, Goat, Wolf, Salmon
Colors: Black, Green, Gold, Red, Orange
Tarot: The Fool
Offerings: Sweet Foods, Alcohol, Spicy Rum, Mulled Wine, Plastic Toys, Knives and Daggers, Cinnamon, Chocolate with nuts or funny names, Do something you’re scared of (safely), Coffee, Ginger, Spongecake
🌅 Lucifer
God of: Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts, The Morning Star
Culture: Demonic
Symbols: The Morning Star, Sigil of Lucifer
Plants: Lavender, Mint, Blackberries, Sage, Apples, Pomegranates, Lilac, Rose, Black Pepper, Hyssop, Gardenia, Geranium, Garlic, Yarrow, Cypress
Animals: Snake, Crow, Fly, Insects, Goat, Cat, Moth
Colors: Black, Red, Silver, Emerald Green
Tarot: The Devil
Offerings: Wine, Whiskey, Champagne, Absinth, Pomegranates, Black Tea, Chocolate, Cooked Goat Meat, Apples, Honey, High quality Cigars, Tobacco, Swords and Daggers, Silver Rings, Goat Horns, Black Feathers, Seductive Cologne, Fancy Playing Cards, Roses
🦁 Lugh
God of: The Sun, The Arts, Storms, The Harvest, Oaths, Kings, Justice, Craftsmanship, Smithcraft, Light, Warriors
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Spear, Harp, Slingshot
Plants: Apple, Oak, Hazel, Holly, Marigold, Goldenrod, Sunflower, Carnation, Rose, Gorse, Bay, Basil, Allspice, Rosemary, Cinnamon 
Animals: Lion, Horse, Raven, Stag, Crow, Hound, Lynx
Colors: Brown, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue
Tarot: The Emperor, Justice, Strength, The Sun, Suit of Wands
Offerings: Wine, Mead, Apple Cider, Corn, Bread, Apples, Berries, Potatoes, Beer, Harvested Fruits and Vegetables, Corn Dolls, Cloves, Gorse Flowers, Handmade Crafts
🪐 Ma'at
Goddess of: Truth, Justice, Cosmic Order, Harmony, Wisdom, Morality, Balance
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Scales, Ostrich Feathers, Ankh
Plants: Papyrus
Animals: Vulture, Ostrich
Colors: Purple, Black
Tarot: Justice, Temperance, Judgment
Offerings: No Drugs and Alcohol, Cold Water, Tea with milk, Dates, Plums, Fish, Chicken, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Hummus, Barley Biscuits, Reeds, Gold Jewelry, White Linen
🦭 Manannan Mac Lir
God of: The Sea, Weather, Navigation, Guardian of the Otherworld
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Cups, Cloak, A Silver Branch with three golden apples on it, Mermaids
Plants: Alder, Apple, Hazel, Blackberry, Bramble, Reed, Meadowgrass, Yellow Flowers , Seaweed
Animals: Horse, Pig, Cow, Seal, Crane, Swan, Boar, Dog, Dolphin, Sea Horse, Whale
Colors: Blue, Silver, Gold
Tarot: The Chariot
Offerings: Yellow Flowers, Sea Water, Bread, Ale, Mead
🌙 Máni
God of: Personification of the Moon, Protector of Children and the Mentally Ill
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Silver, The Moon, Astrology
Plants: Jasmine, Carnations, Night-blooming Flowers, Aromatic Flowers
Animals: Horse, Rabbit, Wolf
Colors: Blue, Silver, Black, Lavender, White
Tarot: The Moon
Offerings: Peppermint-flavored Sweets, Peppermint Tea, Angel Food Cake, Relaxing Tea, Salt
♟️ Marduk
God of: Justice, Compassion, War, Healing, Magic, Storms, Agriculture
Culture: Mesopotamian 
Symbols: Lightning, War Chariot, Weapons
Plants: Grain
Animals: Horse, Dog, Dragon, Eagle
Colors: Gold
Tarot: The Emperor
Offerings: Beer, Ale, Daggers, Golden Jewelry, Bread and Grains, Coffee, Artwork and Poetry, Feathers, Meat, Fruit
🕯️ Medea
Goddess of: Witch and Priestess of Hecate, Invoke for Justice, Vengeance and Protection
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Poisons, Cauldrons, Golden Fleece
Plants: Juniper, Olive, Wolf’s Bane
Animals: Dragon, Snake
Colors: Gold, White
Tarot: The Magician
Offerings: Wine, Frankincense, Milk, Honey, Poisons, Artifacts of Witchcraft, Flowers, Snake and Dragon Imagery
🤰 Mokosh
Goddess of: Spinning, Weaving, Fiber Arts, Moisture, Shearing, Protection, Childbirth, Spell Casting, Fate, Fertility, Life, Death and Rebirth
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Mokosh Stones, Rain, Solar and Earthly Symbols
Plants: Local Seasonal Plants
Animals: Sheep, Cat, Horse
Colors: Gold, White, Red
Tarot: The Empress
Offerings: Personal Needlework, Wool and Flax, Grains and Bread, Salt, Oilseeds, Dairy, Berries, Eggs (especially Pisanki), Porridge, Milk, Honey, Herbs, Fruits, Vegetables, A lock of your own hair, Locally sourced seasonal crops
☃️ Morana
Goddess of: Winter, Death, Rebirth
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: Poppets (Spell Dolls), Water
Plants: Evergreen, Berries, Grass, Rosemary, Cypress, Wormwood, Mandrake, Elderberry
Animals: Snake
Colors: White, Red, Black, Gray, White
Tarot: Death
Offerings: Tea, Water, Alcoholic Beverages, Bread, Oats, Seeds, Fruit, Homemade Foods and Baked Goods, Rocks, Bones
🪄 Morgan le Fay
Goddess of: Witchcraft
Culture: Welsh/Arthurian
Symbols: Artifacts of Witchcraft
Plants: Honeysuckle, Henbane, Reed, Aspen, Oak, Willow
Animals: Crow, Crane, Raven, Black Dog, Horse, Cow, Wolf
Colors: Red, Black, Lavender
Tarot: The Moon, The Magician
Offerings: Red Ribbons, Crow and Raven Feathers, Whiskey, Rum
✊ Nemesis 
Goddess of: Retribution, Fairness, Punisher of Hubris
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Sword, Lash, Dagger, Scales, Apple Branch
Plants: Apple Tree, Thistle
Animals: Griffin, Goose
Colors: Red, Black, Silver, Gold
Tarot: Justice
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Fruit, Honey, Milk, Feathers, Apple Seeds, Apple Blossoms, Bones, Scales, Chains, Daffodils and Narcissus Flowers
😷 Nergal
God of: War, Death, Plagues and Disease
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: Lion-headed Mace, Sword
Plants: Thistle, Grapefruit, Pomegranate
Animals: Lion, Bull, Bat
Colors: Red, Black, Silver, Gold
Tarot: The Tower, The Devil, Death
Offerings: Animal Bones, Thorn Branches,  Bitter Lemonade, Absinthe, Pomegranate Juice
🏋️ Nike
Goddess of: Victory
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Balm Branch, Wings, A Wreath, Sash, Lyre
Plants: Palm Tree, Laurel Tree
Animals: Horse
Colors: Silver, Gold, Blue
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Strength
Offerings: Feathers, Trophies, Medals, Palm branches or leaves, Athletic equipment
🪴 Ninhursag
Goddess of: The Earth, Motherhood, Childbirth, Fertility, Nourishment, Agriculture, Vegetation
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: Omega Symbol, Bow, Mace
Plants: All grown vegetation
Animals: Cow, Lion, Fish, Serpent
Colors: Green, Gold, White, Silver
Tarot: The World, The Empress, Suit of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Wine, Beer, Fresh Water, Cooked Fish, Eggs, Vegetarian Foods, Bread, Honey, Butter, Myrrh, All Flowers
🐚 Njord
God of: The Sea, The Wind, Abundance, Wealth
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Ships
Plants: Avens, Ferns, Oak, Oak Moss, Polybody, Verbena, Rosemary, Reeds, Bay
Animals: Fish, Aquatic Creatures
Colors: Blue
Tarot: King of Cups
Offerings: Fish, Seafood, Pork, Chocolate Coins, Sea Salt Chocolate, Dark Beer, Gin, Golden Items, Beads, Shells, Tobacco, Fishing Gear
🌃 Nut
Goddess of: Night 
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Ankh, Water Pot
Plants: Sycamore, Fig
Animals: Boar, Cow, Vulture, Hippo
Colors: Dark Blue
Tarot: The Star
Offerings: Milk, Cool Water, Star-shaped Foods, Blue Goldstone, Blue Flowers
🌌 Nyx
Goddess of: Night 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Crescent Moon, Mist, Darkness, Stars
Plants: Poppies, Night blooming Lilies, Moon Flowers, Gladiolus
Animals: Owl, Crow, Bat
Colors: Dark Blue, Black
Tarot: The Star
Offerings: Milk, Black Coffee or Tea, Dark Chocolate, Silver Jewelry, Dragon Fruit, Dew gathered before the run rises, Wine, Dark Beer or Liquors, Starry and Celestial Items
📖 Odin
God of: Wisdom, Healing, Death, Royalty, The Gallows, Frenzy, Knowledge, War, Battle, Victory, Sorcery, Poetry and The Runic Alphabet
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Valknut, Eight-legged Horse (Sleipnir), Wolves, Ravens, Spear (Gungnir), The Rune Othala
Plants: Mugwort, Plantain, Wormwood, Chamomile, Pine, Apple, Fennel, Juniper, Elfwort, Wotan’s Herb
Animals: Wolf, Raven, Snake, Bear, Horse
Colors: Gray, Deep Blue, Black
Tarot: The Hermit, The Magician, The Hanged Man
Offerings: Red Wine, Mead, Beer and Ale, Quality Alcohol, Whiskey, Smoked Salmon, Red Meat, Beef, Leeks, Asparagus, Garlic, Honey
💦 Ọṣun / Oshun
Goddess of: Water, Purity, Fertility, Love, Sensuality, Freshwater, Wealth, Diplomacy, The Osun River
Culture: Yoruba
Symbols: Seashells, Amber Beads
Plants: Cinnamon, Sunflowers, Oranges, Yellow Squash, Marigold, Pumpkin, Rosemary, Lantana
Animals: Peacock, Vulture, Catfish, River Fish in general, Cricket, Leopard, Crocodile
Colors: White, Gold, Amber, Yellow, Coral
Tarot: The Empress
Offerings: Honey (taste before you offer it) , A Bowl of water, Flowers, Seashells, Beauty Items, Chamomile Tea, Cooked Shrimp and Spinach, Yellow and Orange fruits and vegetables, Sliced Orange drizzled with tasted cinnamon honey
⚰️ Osiris
God of: The Underworld, Death and Resurrection, Fertility, Agriculture
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Crook and Flail, Atef crown, Ostrich Feathers, Mummy Gauze, Djed
Plants: Willow, Tamarisk Tree, Many types of houseplants
Animals: Bull, Ostrich, Dog
Colors: Black, Green
Tarot: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Hanged Man, Death, Judgment
Offerings: Green and Black crystals, Bread, Beer, Beef, Bird meat, Nice Clothing
🌫️ Ọya
Goddess of: Weather, Death and Rebirth, A Psychopomp, Patron of the Niger River (Odò-Ọya)
Culture: Yoruba
Symbols: Lightning, Sword or Machete, Fly-whisk
Plants: Akoko Tree (Newbouldia laevis), Camwood, Camphor, Cypress, Marigold, Mimosa
Animals: Water Buffalo, Antelope, Sheep, Locust
Colors: Purple, Burgundy, The Rainbow
Tarot: Strength, The High Priestess, The Empress
Offerings: Starfruit, Black-eyed Peas, Plums, Purple Grapes, Nine Eggplants is a traditional offering (or one Eggplant sliced into nine pieces), Red Wine
🐐 Pan
God of: The Wild, Shepherds and Flocks, Rustic Music, Fertility, Hunters, Mountains, Forests and Meadows
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Panpipes
Plants: Coriscan Pine, Water-reed, Pine Trees
Animals: Goat
Colors: Green, Brown, Purple
Tarot: The Fool, The Lovers, The Devil, King of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
Offerings: Pine cones, Pine Branches, Animal Bones, Musical Instruments (especially Woodwinds), Milk, Honey, Lamb or Goat Meat
🌋 Pele
Goddess of: Volcanoes, Fire, Lightning
Culture: Hawaiian 
Symbols: Volcano, Fire, Lava
Plants: Ohi’a Lehua, Lehua Flower, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Tobacco, Coconut, Pineapple
Animals: Hawaiian Honeycreeper, Sea Turtle, Fish, White Dogs
Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Black
Tarot: The Tower, Suit of Wands
Offerings: Fruits, Flowers, Forest Plants, Berries, Vegetables, Gin and Cigars
⚱️ Persephone
Goddess of: The Underworld, Spring
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Pomegranate, Grain, Torch, Flowers
Plants: Asphodel Wheat, Willow, Narcissus, Lily, Ivy, Lily of the Valley, Daisy, Lavender
Animals: Deer, Bat, Black Ram, Parrot, Monkey
Colors: Green, Black, Light Blue, Purple, Magenta, Indigo, Yellow
Tarot: The Hermit, The Hanged Man, Death, Judgment, Knight of Pentacles
Offerings: Pomegranates, Pomegranate Juice, Honey, Floral Tea, Breads and Sweets, Flower Crowns or Arrangements, Dark Chocolate, Flowers, Crushed Mint, Animal Bones, Jewelry, Your Artwork
🌊 Poseidon
God of: The Sea, Water, Horses, Earthquakes
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Trident
Plants: Pine Tree, Wild Celery
Animals: Fish, Dolphin, Horse, Bull
Colors: Blue, Teal, Green, Silver
Tarot: King of Cups, Suit of Cups
Offerings: Ocean Water, Honey, Olive Oil, Seaweed, White Wine poured into Water, Wild Celery, Homemade Seafood, Seashells, Sea Salt, Coral, Mint, Sand
☀️ Ra
God of: Creator God, The Sun
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Sun disk, Ankh, Scepter
Plants: Citrus Fruits, Marigold, Sunflower, Papyrus, Daisy, Lotus
Animals: Falcon, Lion, Eagle
Colors: Yellow, Gold, Orange, Red, White
Tarot: The Emperor, The Sun
Offerings: Fruit Juice, Citrus Fruits, Honey, Pineapple, Water, Beer, Wine, Bread and Barley, Figs, Dates, Chocolate, Chicken or Duck, Beef, Frankincense
🚢 Rán
Goddess of: The Sea
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Fishing Nets, Stormy Seas
Plants: Beech, Buckthorn, Elder, Elm, Ivy, Juniper, Willow, Yew
Animals: Aquatic Animals
Colors: Black, Sea-green
Tarot: Queen of Cups
Offerings: Clean up the ocean, Seashells, Fishing with a net, Seafood, Gold, Coins, Sea rocks, Flowers, Sand, Seawater, Bread and Cakes, Mead
🐎 Rhiannon
Goddess of: The Moon, Horses, Songbirds, Wind, Gates and Horseshoes
Culture: Welsh
Symbols: The Moon, Horseshoes, Waning Moon Phases, Gates, The Winds, The Number 7
Plants: Cedar, Pine, Narcissus, Daffodils, Pansies, Rosemary, Sage, Bay, Lavender, All White Flowers
Animals: Horse, Frog, Dog, Songbird, Dragon, Badger, Hummingbird
Colors:  Green, Silver, Black, White, Gray, Red, Maroon, Brown
Tarot: The Moon
Offerings: Soft-sounding Music, A white candle with the number 7 carved into it, White Flowers, Apples, Willow, Ivy, Evergreens, Caring for Horses, Caring for Dogs, Studying liminal spaces and astral work
💀 Santa Muerte
Goddess of: Healing, Protection, Financial Wellbeing, The Afterlife
Culture: Mexican
Symbols: Scythe, Globe, Scales of Justice, Oil Lamp
Plants: Fresh Flowers, Apples, Marigolds
Animals: Owl
Colors: Red, White, Black, Blue, Green
Tarot: Death
Offerings: Cash, Cigars, Apples, Tequila, Cannabis, Fresh Water, Candles, Candy, Fruit, Roses, Bread
🦁 Sekhmet 
Goddess of: War, Destruction, Healing, Divine Wrath, Fire, The Sun
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: The Sun, Scimitar, Ankh, The Desert, Pomegranates
Plants: Carnation, Rose, Cloves, Cinnamon, Juniper, Orange Blossoms
Animals: Lion, Cobra
Colors: Red, Gold, Yellow, White
Tarot: Strength, The Tower, The Sun
Offerings: Red Wine, Rum, Beer, Meats, Bones, Tobacco, Wild Cat Skulls, Weapons like Daggers and Swords, Pomegranates, Spicy Foods, Gold Jewelry, Red Flowers, Milk, Blackberries, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Bread
💣 Set
God of: The Sky, Storms, The Desert, Disorder, War, Foreigners, A Trickster God
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Was-scepter, Ankh
Plants: Lettuce
Animals: Hippopotamus, Crocodile, Scorpion, Snapping Turtle, Wild Pig, Donkey
Colors: Red
Tarot: The Chariot, Death, The Devil
Offerings: Beer, Whiskey, Red Wine, Spicy Foods, Red Meats, Lettuce, Shellfish, Maces and Daggers, Bird Eggs, Cherries, Dark Chocolate, Shiny Things
🪞 Sif
Goddess of: Grain, Fertility
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Golden Hair, Loom, Mirror
Plants: Birch, Chamomile, Fir, Hawthorn, Mugwort, Rose, Willow
Animals: Songbirds
Colors: Gold, Green
Tarot: Suit of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Beer, Honey, Mead, Grain and Bread
🎿 Skaði
Goddess of: Winter, Wilderness, Mountains, Bowhunting, Skiing
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Skis, Bow and Arrows, Snow, Mountains, Frost, Snowshoes
Plants: Beech, Blackthorn, Elder, Elm, Ivy, Juniper, Mullein, Willow
Animals: Wolf
Colors: White, Brown
Tarot: The Hermit, Temperance
Offerings: Vodka, Traditional Scandinavian Foods, Meat from hunted animals (rabbit, deer, etc.), Animal Pelts, Animal Bones, Snow Water
🌞 Sol / Sunna
Goddess of: The Sun
Culture: Norse
Symbols: The Sun, Gold
Plants: Chamomile, Cinnamon, Corn, Daisy, Marigold, Citrus Fruits, Rosemary, Sunflower, Wheat
Animals: Horse
Colors: Gold, Red, Yellow, Orange, White, Green
Tarot: The Sun
Offerings: Mead, Honey, Bread, Cider, Fruit Juice
🪦 Thanatos
God of: Personification of Death
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Sword, Inverted Torch, Theta, Wreath, Wings
Plants: Poppy, Cypress
Animals: Butterfly
Colors: Black, Silver, White, Purple
Tarot: Death
Offerings: (Traditional liquid offerings are poured into the ground and food is buried ) Red Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Honey, Poppy Seeds, Black Tea, Dark Chocolate, Feathers, Animal Bones, Snake Skin, Graveyard Dirt (collected respectfully)
🍃 The Dagda
God of: Fertility, Agriculture, Strength, Magic, Druidry, Wisdom, Father-figure, King and  Druid
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Club, Cauldron, Harp
Plants: Grains, Oats
Animals: Pig, Bull
Colors: Black, Silver, White, Purple
Tarot: Strength, Wheel of Fortune, The World, King of Pentacles, King of Wands
Offerings: Porridge, Mead, Milk, Honey, Pork, Beef, Mutton, Music, Laughter
🔮 The Morrigan
Goddess of: Magic, Battle, Life and Death, Sovereignty, Fresh water, Prophecy, Fate
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Cloak, Spear, Chariot, Sword, Shield
Plants: Willow, Aspen, Rowan, Snapdragon, Hawthorn, Yew, Belladonna, Mugwort, Nightshade (do not consume, handle with care!)
Animals: Crow, Raven, Horse, Eel, Serpent, Wolf
Colors: Red, Black, White, Blue, Green
Tarot: Suit of Swords, Queen of Swords, Justice, Death
Offerings: Red Meat, Red Wine poured into the ground, Apples, Mead, Milk, Whiskey, Mead, Storm Water, Crow Feathers, Knives and Daggers, Artwork
🌩️ Thor
God of: Thunder, Lightning, Strength, Protection, Fertility, Masculinity, Protector of Humanity
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Mjolnir
Plants: Oak, Garlic, Onion, Gorse, Thistle, Hawthorn, Leeks, Houseleek, Mountain Ash, Hazel, Pine, Acorns, Oak Moss
Animals: Goat, Bull
Colors: Red, White, Gold, Blue, White
Tarot: Strength, The Chariot
Offerings: Hearty Foods with lots of meat or onions, Mead, Beer, Flattery, Oak, Whiskey, Coffee, Honey
✒️ Thoth
God of: Knowledge, Wisdom, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Magic, Truth, Integrity, Time, The Moon
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: Scales, Papyrus Scroll, Stylus, Crescent Moon, Pen
Plants: Papyrus, Sweet Flag
Animals: Ibis, Baboon
Colors: White, Blue, Teal
Tarot: The Magician, The Hierophant, The Star, The Moon
Offerings: Black Tea, Water, Honey, Blackberries, Apricots, Salmon or Tuna, Oranges (and orange-flavored things), Walnuts or Cashews, Quills, Fountain Pens, Leather-bound Books and Journals, Books you think he’d enjoy, Silver, Poetry, Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, Gin, Mead, Mint Tea, Moon Water
🗡️ Tyr
God of: War, Lawgiver, Justice, Oaths
Culture: Norse
Symbols: Weapons like Arrows and Spears
Plants: Flowering Spurge, Holly, Wolfsbane, Monkshood
Animals: Wolf, Bear, Eagle
Colors: Red, Silver, Gray, Gold
Tarot: King of Swords
Offerings: Wine, Strong Beer, Salt, Honey, Bread and Grains, Beef, Pork, Potatoes
🐄 Veles
God of: The Underworld, Earth, Water, Music, Magic, Trickery, Cattle, Wealth
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: The Symbol of Veles
Plants: Willow
Animals: Cow, Bear, Snake, Wolf, Dragon, Owl
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Red
Tarot: The Magician, The Hierophant, The Star, The Moon
Offerings: Cooked Corn, Bread, Herbs (especially Basil), Wooden Flutes and String Instruments, Black Wool or Fur, Things carved from Wood, Coins, Chicken, Mistletoe, Music, 
☦️ Virgin Mary
Goddess of: Mother of Jesus
Culture: Christian
Symbols: Golden Apples, Ashwood Box
Plants: Anemone, Lily of the Valley, Primula, Rose, Snowdrop, Strawberry
Animals: Songbirds
Colors: Green, Silver, Red, Yellow
Tarot: Page of Wands, Queen of Cups, Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: Candles, Sweet-smelling Oils, Herbs and Flowers that are sacred to her
🌧️ Zeus
God of: King of the Gods, The Sky, Weather, Law, Order, Justice, Hospitality
Culture: Greek
Symbols: Lightning Bolt, Cloud, Scepter, Throne, Aegis
Plants: Oak, Olive, Wild Celery, Artichoke, White Poplar, Linden Tree
Animals: Eagle, Bull, Cuckoos, Swan
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Blue, White, Purple, Silver
Tarot: The Emperor, Justice, Wheel of Fortune, King of Swords, The Fool
Offerings: Wine, Olive Oil, Water, Honey, Milk, Red Meat, Bread and Cakes, Rainwater, Golden Objects, Crowns, Scales, Eagle Feathers, Oak Branches and Leaves, Beef or Mutton, Whiskey, Cinnamon
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
About use of colors in witchcraft I actually learned in my dream when some guy called Peter told me this. I remember he told me that yellow is the color of transformation if used as energy
i really wish more witches and practitioners talked about the different types of energy and how you can use them. yeah sure theres the basic elemental energies and everyone knows about using “light” and “imagine a ball of light” and whatnot. but did you know you can use shadows? did you know you could use atoms specifically? did you know you could use colors? the void? the universe? stars? you know that anything that has energy, can be used in energy work?? because when i was a novice, i didn’t. and it made me sad/disconnected because the whole “imagine a white light protecting you” didn’t resonate with me well. but what did was the abundant scale of color, and usage of shadows and darkness.
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
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Slavic demons of weather/wind/clouds, have you ever heard of them? Well you are missing out on something!
Latawiec (singular form)/Latawce (plural form) are powerful demons of weather. Now, since Slavic mythology is so scarce most of information is also gone and only in some parts of Slavic villages some stories have survived. Most people believe that latawce usually abuse humans, and are nothing pleasant to encounter. This is of course believable since back then bad weather, lack of rains or hail could destroy houses and fields and everything a person would own. Bad weather would mostly mean death. However, there are rumors latawce could also help and mostly Witches could create fruitful relationships with those spirits.  Latawce are said to mostly look human-alike. Some say they look like smaller humans, dressed black and having crow’s wings. Some say that Latawce have unproportionally big hands and are usually pale. Sometimes such demon would take a form of a bird, bat, crow, owl or even an animal like a dog or goat (with ability to fly). Some of people claim to see a Latawiec as a bird with a skull instead of head.  There are claims that during weather catastrophes people would observe Latawce in the sky. Sometimes Latawce would come to people and would test their kindness. If kindness was not shown, Latawce were sure to hurt the person. 
As a Witch that tries to work with my slavic roots, I of course honor Latawce. Latawce like Witches but even a Witch can disrespect them. I ask them to bring rain or to delay it, to bring storm or to spare me of it. 
“Latawce, take clouds far away to the mountains take thunder, and hail, and rain whatever nature needs, shall be received but for now I beg you just wait” This is the spell I usually say when I am somewhere outside, and it starts to show the signs of storm. I say it to delay the outcome, just so I have time to find a place to hide. In my experience rain gets delayed even by few hours. Of course, a non-believer could say I have been having lots of luck. A person like me would smile towards the sky. After every help I leave an offering for these beings.
Credits: I dont own the photo. Photo comes from website “gm word of the week”
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lostheathseeker · 2 years
North Node in signs:
If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG
Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.
Aries North Node: during this lifetime you're going to follow your impulses and your instinct. Inspired actions are going to guide you and help you to reach all of your goals. You need to be brave, strong and action oriented.
Taurus North Node: during this lifetime you're going to learn patience, persistence and comfort. You should always follow the easiest and most comfortable path, you tend to over-complicate things due to your Scorpio South Node, you need to learn that things can be easy and that there's no need to rush.
Gemini North Node: during this lifetime you must learn how to express yourself in a proper way, you're going to be curious, smart and a knowledge's lover due to your Sagittarius South Node. You're going to feel the urge to communicate and inspire others.
Cancer North Node: during this lifetime you're going to struggle when it comes to intimacy and expressing your emotions. Your upbringing might be difficult, maybe you carry old wounds from some past lives, during this lifetime you might struggle with vulnerability, you're afraid to open up and create intimate relationships. Your mission is to heal those wounds and your roots.
Leo North Node: during this lifetime your mission is to create a healthy ego and to live as the main character. During your past lives you lived at the edges of society, you dedicated your time to humanitarian causes and activism, now you need to reclaim your role as the main character of your life. Creativity is going to be a big ally for your mission.
Virgo North Node: during this lifetime you need to learn how to build healthy boundaries, you're also going to put order into your life. During your past lives you dedicated your time to spirituality,now you need to feel in touch with the objective reality, schemes and routines again.
Libra North Node: during this lifetime, like Virgo NN, you're going to establish harmony and order again, during your past lives you probably lost your sense of balance, now you need to be more rational and open to cooperate with others (your Aries South Node might lead you toward individualism, being stubborn and impulsive)
Scorpio North Node: during your lifetime you're going to feel attracted to spirituality, the occult, mysteries and you might tend to chose the hardest paths, easy things could appear boring to you, you're going to search challenges that will help you growing up and learning. You're going to learn that materialism is not going to help you and fulfill your deepest needs.
Sagittarius North Node: during your lifetime you're going to expand your horizons, learn new things and travel a lot, you're going to feel attracted and inspired by things and concepts that looks distant and innovative. You're going to learn how to approach life with an optimistic mindset.
Capricorn North Node: during your lifetime your going to build structure and ambitious plans, you're going to learn how to leave your comfort zone and how to be more ambitious. This one is not going to be an easy path, it's going to be hard for you to distance yourself from old schemes and repetitive patterns, you need to learn how to be become independent.
Aquarius North Node: during this lifetime you're going to learn how to dissolve your ego, learn compassion toward humanity and open your mind. You might be too self centered because of your Leo South Node, you're going to learn how to balance your ego, you're also going to learn how to become more rational and less impulsive and proud.
Pisces North Node: during this lifetime you're going to learn how to open your mind, break boundaries and explore your spiritual side. Due to your Virgo North Node you might be too rational, critical and close minded, you're going to learn what subjectivity means, you're going to explore your emotional world, heal your inner wounds (and those of others) and to expand your consciousness.
ko-fi ☕️: sacerdotessa
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lostheathseeker · 4 years
Dirty Waters Curse
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Use this curse if one of your friends betrays you or does something terrible to you, destroying the friendship. The curse brings sadness, thoughts of regret and makes them prone to wrong decisions. Do the curse during the new moon. You will need a bowl with water in it, candles (color and number does not matter), piece of paper and a pen, some ink, dirt (I would use distilled water but tap water is also ok). Now, always remember to protect yourself while doing a curse. Then light the candles or a candle and write on the paper her or his name, date of birth and add words: “You have angered me so watch our clean waters get dirty” and fold the paper, adding the address of the person/your ex-friend. Afterwards focus on the bowl with water and imagine your target. Then put some dirt into the water and say "Do you remember the soft waters we used to watch? Do you remember the boat I gave you to explore the clean waters? I take away that boat. So drown in deep waters without me" Then take the ink and add to the water so it looses its clean color Say "You are no friend. You are a traitor with a dirty dirty soul. So drown, loose mind, happiness in this black dirty water, in this black dirty hole" Wet the folded paper in the bowl. Blow the candles.
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lostheathseeker · 4 years
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A while ago I saw a hack on tumblr I believe, that you can use dried avocado peels as offering plates and I am so glad I tried it. As a green/forest witch it is just a perfect idea. The person that invented this is a genius
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lostheathseeker · 4 years
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"There are no boring places, only boring people" ~ John Corey Whaley
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lostheathseeker · 4 years
When doing spells...
I am not sure if someone has ever said it but I think using quotes is such a great idea, when making spells. I love reading and I love beautiful words and quotes I find in books or on internet, Tumblr including. I own a cute small notebook where I write all those precious words down and every single quote always makes me feel something.  We find quotes beautiful because they express the emotions and thoughts we knew we have but could never really describe.
Use this power. Use the emotions you feel while reading the quote. It is just a great boost! Making a love spell? Read them words/ paragraphs that describe the love the best to you. Job spell? Get you quotes telling about success that make you feel like a warrior!
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lostheathseeker · 4 years
Geralt: *just sitting in the corner and brooding*
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