lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
Childlike | hjs x reader
- established relationship, fluff
Description: Jisung’s childlike qualities can be hard to handle sometimes but you wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.
Word Count: 1,348
Date: 2021/08/22 Inspiration
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Han Jisung has a child-like quality. He’s fun, quirky, loves to make jokes and pull pranks, and needs to be taken care of 99.999% of the time. He’s built in the same way as how authors of comic books would write the protagonist of a children’s anime like Doraemon and such, minus the fact that he’s actually a grown-up adult. You got to give him some credits though as he is actually the sweetest, most thoughtful, and lovable person you have ever met. Plus, he’s mature side does come out occasionally. He’s a fluff ball who just wants to be showered with affection and love. Unfortunately and fortunately for you, you just happen to be in a long-term relationship with the boy. Fortunate because you love him dearly and he keeps you sane, contented, and happy with your life. He’s your emotional support boy and you wouldn’t change that. Unfortunate because that means you have to deal with his childish ass. Sure living with the guy is fun but sometimes, you actually feel like you’re a mother of a 4-year old curious boy who needs to be watched 25/8. It’s not like you find it a problem anyways. He is so clingy, he’s practically attached to your hips except for when the both of you are in work. But during the rare times you weren’t together, Jisung’s shenanigans had,  more than once, caused you troubles. One time, he filled mentos on your sink before pouring coke on it to unclog it. It did work the first few minutes until his little experiment turned disastrous and began splashing coke everywhere. Needless to say, the two of you had to clean up the whole night. Not to mention, how you have to constantly hide veggies on his food just because the boy refuses to eat leafy dishes willingly. He also almost set your home on fire one night. You just got home from a long, exhausting day at work. Jisung, being the sweetest boyfriend he is, had decided to relieve your stress by preparing scrumptious foods and a bubble bath exclusively just for you. And so, while you were enjoying a relaxing bubble bath while Jisung rubs and massages your back, you smell smoke. 
You asked, “Babe, what’s that smell?” in which the innocent boy replied with, “It’s a pomegranate, babe. Bought it at the mall earlier.” He smiled sweetly at you.
“No, babe. It smells like smoke.” You furrowed your eyebrow as you looked up at him. Oh, the shock on Jisung’s face is so comical as realization took over him. Hurriedly running at full speed towards your kitchen, you would have laughed if you weren’t worried. Hurriedly wearing your bathrobe, you followed him to the kitchen to see him pull out a burnt pizza out of the oven. The smoke was too thick, so the fire alarm got activated. As you looked at his face, all wet and confused, you couldn’t help but to laugh at what just happened. And so, the two of you had to pull out an all-nighter again filled with laughter just to clean your house.
Though, some of yours and Jisung’s friends would claim that you weren’t any better, that's why your dynamics work so well. No, you’re not enabling his childish personality (or maybe you are). You’re honestly not too sure of that yourself. Regardless of whether the two of you are a pair of childish couples, you honestly don't really care as the boy makes you so happy.
It was a Saturday afternoon when you and Jisung decided to go to the newly opened ikea shop in your city. Despite the store’s infamous maze-like interior layout, your window shopping had been so far so good. It was fun going to places like this with Jisung for, 1.) he’s actually a genuinely fun person to be with, 2.) His commentary about certain furniture is on point and funny, 3.) he’s a very curious person and so he tends to try or touch anything he sees, and 4.) you just like being with him. 
“We’re gonna look for that golden retriever stuffed toy. Come here.” You said as you enthusiastically grabbed Jisung’s hand and started walking along the rows of storage shelves. Minutes of endless walking, he suddenly removed his hands on yours. 
“I need to go to the restroom real quick.” He announced.
“Oh. Okay!” You said as your eyes followed him the moment he walked away from you. You were doing a great job waiting for Jisung, wandering your eyes around and looking for interesting things. That was until something caught your eyes - a cervical neck pillow with memory foam. Jisung did complain about having neck pains lately. Being the considerate partner you are, you went that aisle hoping you could find the perfect pillow for the boy. The store has all the different kinds of pillows in there and it’s easy to get lost as your mind flies around the different options you can get. It was only a few seconds ago when you found the perfect cervical pillow when something caught your eyes again - piles and piles of bed sheets. You must admit you got carried away walking around and browsing around the store. The thought of your boyfriend going to the restroom had long left your mind as you went to inspect yet another bedside table. Honestly, it’s not like you needed those things anyway. As you were on the way to the furniture for the kitchen area, you heard something on the intercom.
“Paging Y/N! Your child is at register 6. Please proceed to register 6.” Your ears perked up at the mention of your name. It couldn’t be you. Must be someone with the same name. I mean, you're childless. Why would it be you? As you continued to walk around, the intercom went on again. “Again, Y/N. Your child is at register 6. Please come immediately.” Now, your curiosity got the best of you as you walked your way to register 6. It wasn’t that far anyways, there’s no harm going there.
Upon your arrival though, realization drawn into you as you saw what’s waiting at you on the register 6. It was your boyfriend with a pout on his lips and sad eyes, sitting on a bench while he kicked the floor on what seemed like a mini tantrum. Upon noticing your arrival, he hissed at you like a cat. 
“Han Jisung, what the hell? Why are you here?” You asked, somewhat confused at his hostility.
“You left me.” He said, pouting with a sass on his voice. 
“Oh god, right.” You let out a breath as the situation started making sense. “I’m sorry. I got carried away looking around.” You rubbed his arms comfortingly. His eyes turned soft but the pout on his lips remained there.
“But hey, come on, look what I have for you.” You excitedly showed him the pillow you have gotten for him. Raising your tone on a higher pitch to relieve the tension. You know Jisung is not truly mad at you but still you feel the need to woo the boy at least. Jisung couldn’t help but to crack a smile at your enthusiasm. 
He grabbed something on his side and handed it to you with a smile on his face. He quietly said, “I found the golden retriever stuffed toy you were looking for.”
Your excited grin turned into a soft one, eyes changing into a more affectionate one as the boy once again reminded you why you love him so much. Despite being lost and probably feeling abandoned, he still thought of you. It’s the smallest thing that makes your heart flutter. You’ve never felt so loved in your whole life. 
“Come on, let’s get you some ice cream.” You held your hand out at him. He took it and intertwined his hand at yours as the both of you walked around together once again.
Jisung might act like a child sometimes but you wouldn’t change anything about him at all.
© lostgirlinthewoods
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lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
Sorry, I Love You | scb x reader
- angst, almost lover
Description: How Changbin’s unrequited love ruined the special bond the both of you shared
Word Count: 740
Date: 2021/08/22
A/N: Totally inspired by Changbin’s song. WHO HURT THIS MAN? I NEED TO KNOW!
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Unrequited Love. Changbin knows a thing or two about it. The painful longing, stolen glances, hidden butterflies in his stomach, and the idea of messing up things when feelings get too involved. He is familiar with all these feelings - so familiar that he couldn’t help but to look away when a lump on his throat started forming and the tightness on his chest got too painful to ignore the moment he saw you. This seems like a feeling he would always associate with you. Oh, if only you knew how it shattered him inside when you gave him a friendly yet awkward wave as you passed by him only to go directly on your boyfriend’s arms. Arms wrapped around your boyfriend, the smile you gave Minho is different from the one Changbin used to see you with. It didn’t go unnoticed by him. It is so different from the smile he always sees you in back when you used to hang out together. There’s a glint in your eyes, cheekbones raised so high that Changbin swore he could feel the muscles on your cheeks ache from too much smiling. Your expression is so relaxed that he could almost touch the satisfaction and happiness drawn on your face. The energy you radiate is so tangible to him. Oh, if only you knew how he regretted letting you go. If only he had the courage to confess to you sooner, things wouldn’t be where they are right now. You wouldn’t be so awkward nor will you avoid him. He could still remember it though. He quietly reflects on what happened between the two of you as he chugged down yet another bottle of beer. Was it his 3rd bottle, or 4th, maybe it’s his 5th? He could hardly remember. It’s unfair how he could still remember everything about you clearly. The numerous movie tickets locked away on his bedside table as he took the advantage of the time spent with you under the guise of being a movie buff. And also that two unused movie tickets he couldn’t throw away no matter how painful the memories he had attached on those pieces of papers. Heck, he could even still remember your fast food orders and your go-to flavour of ice cream whenever you’re stressed. He’s sure as hell he could still read your emotions as if you’re an open book and that he could still remember every worried line that appeared on your face and the slightly watery and dejected eyes you gave him that night - the night you rejected him. The night he regretted falling in love with you.
It happened so fast - too fast for his liking. One minute, you were talking excitedly about the movie the two of you were supposed to watch and then the next minute, Changbin was left alone at the empty hall as the people around him entered the cinema and you, long gone, away from him. You were waiting for him all these times. Believing you were in a one-sided love with him, you pushed away all those feelings. Move on and set aside your pain. All the time Changbin’s heart longs for you, all the time spent thinking you could never love him back were thrown at the wind as he realizes you were feeling the same as him the whole time. And that he should have taken the courage to confess before you even put all those feelings aside. Every night, he wonders what the two of you would have been if only he wasn’t too cowardly. 
As his gaze linger on you one more time, he couldn’t help but to let out a bitter laugh. You were laughing at something Minho had said. Oh, you were so beautiful - too beautiful just to be called a friend, too beautiful just to let go of. But as he stood up and walked away to get some air, he heard your laugh one more time. You sound so happy. He probably would never get over his envy of Minho for dating you but he could never take your happiness away from you. He would trade anything just to let a smile remain drawn on your face. All he could do right now, though, is to regret and apologize for not telling his feelings for you sooner, for not taking any chances while you were still waiting, for ruining your friendship, and for loving you. 
© lostgirlinthewoods
34 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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Rating how han jisung had makes you feel love through different love languages | han jisung fake social media posts
Click the pic to view the full pics | Part One
© lostgirlinthewoods
32 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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Rating the names/endearments my special one calls me: a fake socmed post | han jisung
Click the pics to view the full texts :)) | Part Two
© lostgirlinthewoods
27 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
GHOSTLORE | pjs x reader
- horror!au
Description:  There was no point in denying that Jisung is a curious boy. He entertains the idea of aliens, ghosts, monsters, and such; even going as far as visiting popular sightings. You know what they say, “curiosity kills the cat.”
Word Count: 4,142
Date: February 28, 2021
A/N: Finished this long ago but I totally forgot to upload it :((
- Part of my Bon Voyage special projects for NCT’s February celebrant.
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October 29 - Thursday
Jisung was mindlessly playing on his phone, bored and unmotivated, when Renjun came running to Jisung. His phone is in his hand, seemingly wanting to show something to the said boy. He was frantic and quite excited to show his phone screen to the said boy. "Look Jisung! It's just three blocks away here." Renjun clicked the article he saw on his twitter screen. 
WOODVILLE, 2020 - It was November 01, 1878 when a quiet town was left in terror as a massive and horrible massacre happened in the, now infamously called The Cursed Red House. A family of five was found left bloodied and murdered inside the house - four of them were lying lifelessly in a pool of blood in their living room while their father was found hanged up in a rope in the master’s bedroom. Investigators have long concluded that the head of the family killed his children and wife before succumbing to his own demise based on the evidence presented on the scene. The mystery of what happened that night still leaves people speculating. Countless theories have been formed since then, but the most prominent one involved had left people frightened to even look at the innocent-looking red house.
May of 1986 when the family moved into the town - a family of five consisting of the parent and their two little girls and a teenage daughter. The mother was a bodice maker. Not long after they moved in, her popularity for her attentiveness at details started booming. And soon enough, townspeople are lining up to have their bodice made by her. Meanwhile, the father was a clock smith in one of the town central’s famous shops. Unbeknownst to others, he was a macabre writer on the side. Some accounts would state seeing him often in the local library with books about death. Despite the macabre background, the father was a decent man. Neighbors would often say he loved his children so much. It wasn’t until the summer of the next year came when changes started occurring in the household. Maybe it was due to the amount of books that had led the father to do such a horrendous thing. 
The mother would often tell her frequenter, in one of her bodice fitting, how afraid she is to sleep at night, how sleep at one night, and how sometimes she would stay in her children’s room just watching them sleep and making sure nothing would happen. When asked why, she would often say, “I can’t tell you that. He’s going to be mad.” The father has quit his job as a clock smith and stopped going to the community library. Where he spent most of his time remains unknown to the townspeople. Rumors about the father joining a satanic cult started circulating in the town and soon enough, no one even bothered to come near their house. The children stopped coming out of the house, often only seeing them looking out of their window longingly. Sudden screams and shrieks would be heard inside the house here and there but the neighbors don’t bother checking them out due to fear of being cursed by a demonic figure. Whatever that is, something haunting happened in the family before the night of the murder. 
It wasn’t surprising to say that ghost sighting is often felt, heard, and seen in the Cursed Red House. Oftentimes, when one’s gaze lingers for more than a minute in the said house, something unfortunate would occur to them - be it in the form of a fatal accident of even death. Every living soul who attempted to enter the said house had vanished with no traces of clue in the vicinity. It wasn’t a stretch to say there is something uncanny and frightening in the house. If you ever came by in Woodsville, never ever attempt to come near the Cursed Red House.  
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October 30 - Friday
“Come on, just come with me. This will be the last time I’ll ask you to come to these places.” Jisung begged like a madman while following you in your school’s massive cafeteria. You shook your head, once again. “You know how much I love you right? But I don’t love you enough to come with you there.” You continued walking, trying to ignore your boyfriend’s persistent voice. You weren’t exactly a fan of horror stories and such but ever since you started dating Jisung, you were basically forced to ghost-hunt with the said guy.  You must admit, it had been generally fun ghost hunting with him considering you never really encountered any supernatural being. But you’re not about to take any chances on this one. Not when the Red House had proven her ferociousness on multiple accounts. Not when there’s a rumor circulating that nobody had ever stepped out of that house after stepping a foot in it. 
“If you won’t come with me, I’m going alone then.”
“No, you won’t. It’s too dangerous out there.” You’re starting to get worried.
“How will I know if it’s truly dangerous if I don’t experience it myself.” He reasoned out. It seems like nothing would stop him from going. 
As you continue to persuade the poor, adventurous boy, you were hoping he would drop his curiosity of this place.
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October 31 - Saturday
You know you’re going to regret this as you make your way on the dark streets, the only lights illuminating your way are coming from the moon itself and the few streetlights along the corners of the blocks. It was 9 in the evening. The time of the night when you can already see the starry skies in its full bloom. Your walking shadow is your only companion as you make your way to the place you know you shouldn’t visit. To say the least, your walk was spooky. But you didn’t have any time to second guess as you saw the petrifying outline of the house you dread to see. In front of it was a figure, a familiar silhouette.  JISUNG.
Jisung texted you about going to The Cursed Red House an hour ago. Whatever the food he ate that day must have given him ample amounts of courage because as much as he loves horror, he’s a cowardly little hamster who always hides behind his partner’s back - that being you. Deep inside, you know he’ll come back immediately though. There’s no way he would be able to go inside. Yet, the following messages coming from him worried you a lot. 
mochisung; 8:28 p.m.
I’m here
                    You really went there alone?
I’m alone, couldn’t convince renjun to come with me
                     GO HOME!
                    This is not worth your time
y/n, i’m already in the front door though
                    Don’t come inside! 
this is scarier than i expected
                    that’s why you must come home
okay i’ve opened the door
                    NO JISUNG WHY WOULD YOU
as expected, it’s dark inside
                    OF COURSE! NOW COME BACK HOME!!
mochisung; 8:35
                    Ji, where are you?
                    Did you really come in?
                    why aren’t you answering your phone
                    THIS IS NOT FUNNY
There was no message following that. He wouldn’t even answer his phone.
mochisung; 8:41
This is why you found yourself walking towards the house with Jisung standing in front. He seems to be unscratched which made you exhale a sigh of relief.
“There you are. I was so worried about you.” You exclaimed as soon as you arrived besides him. There wasn’t any response. You checked to see how Jisung was doing. He was standing there, simply looking at the house with a blank stare.
You slightly nudged his arms and said with a comforting voice, “Come on! Let me take you home. You must have been so tired.” Whatever he had seen inside, you know you must comfort him.
There wasn’t any response. He was still standing there like a statue. His eyes never left the infrastructure in front you - not even blinking. You even had to look at his chest area just to make sure he was breathing. He was acting so strange and it’s starting to give you chills. 
“Hey, did the house scare you so much you malfunctioned?” You laughed awkwardly, trying to hide the fear in your voice. That’s when something in him clicked. He walked towards the house - not sparing you a glance. He walked until he stopped in front of the door.
Your mind is spiraling down. You have no clue if you should follow him and grab him home or whether you should call his name instead. Too afraid to do the former, you called his name. Your own voice echoing inside your ears. JISUNG! Come on, Jisung! Let’s go home. No matter how much you called him, he doesn’t seem to hear anything as he twists the knob of the door and continues his way inside. He had left you no choice but to follow him inside. 
Shivers went up your spine the moment you opened the door. It was cold inside. Darkness enveloped your eyes. You barely see anything. You blinked and blinked, trying to adjust your vision to the darkness embracing the surrounding. Goosebumps started to appear in your skin. Whether because it was chilly inside or if the ambience of the house was causing it, you don’t know. The moment you got an inkling sight of vision inside the room, Jisung was out of sight.
“JISUNG, WHERE ARE YOU?” You shouted. Your voice echoing right back. There wasn’t any sight of life inside as you continue to walk down the creepy house, trying to find any source of light. 
Soon enough, you arrived at what seemed like the dining area. It was massive. You carefully tiptoed around the area. It seems intrusive for you to be walking around this house. You can’t shake off the feeling that someone is watching you. The goose bumps in your skin had never once left. “Jisung, where are you? Please stop playing around.” You whispered to yourself, knowing very well that Jisung isn’t here.
That’s when you heard it, a giggle coming from what you assumed is a voice of a girl. You were frozen at your spot - too scared to move, too scared to make noise. The giggled followed by loud footsteps. They seemed to be running around the area. There was another giggle. It’s a different voice this time. The footsteps suddenly started to get louder. You cannot point out in which direction it is coming from. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see a glimpse of the running girls around you. 
“Oh look, who’s standing there? Let’s play!” You heard a voice. The footsteps started coming closer to you. 
There’s a whisper, “You don’t want to play with us anymore?”
You felt a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N!” It was Jisung’s voice. Your eyes remained closed, not sure of what’s happening.
“Y/N!! Y/N!! It’s me. Why are you here?” Jisung slightly shook your shoulders. You opened your eyes only to come face-to-face with your boyfriend’s looks. You immediately hugged him, shaken from what just happened. Eyes are starting to get wet from the pool of tears threatening to fall down from it.
“It’s okay. You’re okay. Don’t cry, please!” His words of consolation calms you down for a moment but somehow you know it’s not okay. It’s never going to be okay. 
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“What? You’re being ridiculous. I never sent you any messages after I came inside that house. There’s no signal here, look at your phone! There’s nothing even spooky in there. It’s just a normal, innocent house.” Jisung explained. You are sitting at the corner of Jisung’s bed while he was on his gaming chair. How you got out there safely, you don’t understand. The moment Jisung escorted you outside that house, you could only let out a sigh of relief, glad to be able to get out of that hellhole.
“No! I’m not mistaken, I can’t be wrong. Stop playing jokes on me.” Your tone was sharp. You are starting to get angry at Jisung. Whatever game he is playing, it’s starting to get on your nerves. You brought out your phone to and scrolled through your messages just to show him his messages. But there wasn’t any. You looked at it with disbelief. This can’t be true. Your mind cannot be playing any games with you, can it? He noticed your silence. 
“What’s wrong?” He stood up and walked over you. He sat next to you with concerned eyes.
“Did you or did you not wait for me outside that house?” You asked, hoping for the answer you were looking for. Your lower lip trembles at the sudden realization and intensity of the event.
“No. I didn’t.” He answered, almost too casually. As if nothing is wrong.
So it wasn’t him. It wasn’t him all along.
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November 01 - Sunday
You hurriedly dressed up in comfortable clothes as you were already late and Jisung is probably already waiting for you. Every Sunday, Jisung and his friends hang outs at Renjun’s home to watch movies or play games. The boys invited you to come to their weekend get together which you gladly agreed to. Truth to be told, yesterday’s event bothered you a lot. You explained everything to Jisung. And he did try to comfort you last night although it is clearly evident how shaken he was also. So you decided, for the sake of Jisung and his sanity, you will stop thinking of the said effect and act like nothing is wrong. You figured the both of you will eventually forget it anyways. After putting on a decent and comfortable outfit, you went down on the stairs. Your steps are quick yet light as you skipped through the steps. You saw your mom’s figure in the living room. “Mom, I’m going out!” You said.
There was no response. You carefully observed her. She was talking to someone on her phone while pacing around. You figured she just didn’t hear you. You walked closer to her. Then you heard.
“No, no. She--- she did not come last night. I was waiting the whole night.”
Who didn’t come home last night?
“Her boyfriend. I believe she was with her boyfriend. Jisung. His name is Jisung. He also didn’t come home.”
Why is your mom mentioning Jisung to random people?
Jisung didn’t come home? Your mom is mistaken. 
“Please just find her.” She was choking up. 
You called her name.
Going thrice.
No response.
What’s going on? What’s wrong with your mom?”
“Please just find my Y/N.”
The sudden realization came to you. You and Jisung weren’t able to leave the cursed house safely.
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As soon as you left the front door, Jisung was already there waiting for you. Judging from the look on his face, he probably already realized the circumstances the both of you were under. You hurriedly ran to his arms and hugged him tightly. You couldn’t help but to weep as he quietly hugged and kept your shaking body in his arms.
As soon as he heard you sniffle, something in his eyes shifted, “We should come back. Maybe we can do anything.”
“No, Ji! I’m not going back there. I can’t go back.” You pulled away from his embrace and looked directly at his eyes.
“Listen Y/N!” He steadied your figure, knowing how weak your knees must be from crying. “We have nothing to lose now. We don’t know what’s going on.” You continued to shake your head. There’s no way you're stepping a foot in there again. He looked at you carefully, observing the way you were acting. He hasn't seen you like this before - so shaken, so broken, and full of fear. 
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” He said softly as he wiped a tear away from your cheeks. “If you don’t want to go back. At least, allow me to go there. Let me fix this for you.” He whispered as he hugged you again. You’re scared - too frightened to make sense of what is happening. But you’re not going to let Jisung go there alone. No, you wouldn’t.
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The one advantage of going in that house in the daylight is that the windows offered you enough lighting to roam around the house with clear visibility of what is there in front of you. Your arm was looped around Jisung’s as the both of you carefully walked around the house. There was no sign of life here. No noise. No everything. The house remains chilly though. You felt like someone was watching you every move you take. The both of you walked upstairs. As soon as you got up, you saw it with your own eyes. Along the halls of the house are various photo frames. There were different faces every frame. Jisung removed your arms on his as he carefully walked around.
“I didn’t see this last night.” He gulped.
“What do you mean?” He looked at you. His eyes widening, disbelief written all over it.
“This is not here last night. This is just a simple hallway, no photos.” He said while frantically looking around.
“You must be wrong.” You know he wasn't wrong. For an abandoned house, this is clearly a clean one. As if someone is living here and maintaining the cleanliness of the house. There are no cobwebs at sight. There are barely any dusts.
Jisung continued to walk, observing each photo. You were following him closely. You stopped at your track when you noticed something in the corner of your eye. There was a mirror in there. The mirror itself would be enough to scared you but what caught your attention was the reflection that stare right back at you
Jisung continued to walk towards the end of the hallway. He didn’t notice you weren’t next to him anymore. As he reached the end, he saw the largest portrait hanging in the room. It’s a family portrait - a painted one. It looks old judging by how the canvas of the painting looked a little yellowish. There are five people in the photo. A middle-aged man with a few white strands of hair, a middle-aged woman with a slight crow-feet in her eyes, two little girls who were smiling brightly, but what caught his attention was the last person. It was a teenage girl with long wavy locks. Her lips were slightly turned upwards in a shy, small smile. Her eyes were full of life, he can feel it even if he was only looking at the portrait. There was something eerily familiar with this girl. You ran on the hallway quickly. He heard your footsteps and turned towards you. You stopped running to catch your breath. “Why did you leave me, Ji?” You were panting as you talked. There was a decent distance between the both of you. You looked up and met his eyes. That’s when it all clicked. That’s why it was so familiar. Jisung realized. Your eyes answered it all for him.
You are the girl in the portrait. 
“Are you avoiding me?” You said, confused as you see Jisung stepped backward.
“You know what, I suddenly realized something. The reason why you were able to leave this house. It’s because you were with me.” You exclaimed with a joyful tone, smiling at him.
“I don’t understand.” His eyes were shaking as he walked backwards, avoiding you.
“Didn’t the picture explain it enough? You saw it right?” Jisung was trembling under your gaze. The sun is setting down as the light illuminating the room slowly turns into darkness. But Jisung can still clearly see his reflection in your dark eyes.
“I’m that teenage daughter you read about. This body died 8 years ago. Poor girl was riding her bicycle when she accidentally stumbled into this house. She didn’t have to die like that, but I needed a body. I wanted to explore.” You said casually; acting like you pity the poor girl but it only went shiver down Jisung’s spine as he recognized the monotony of your voice. You were acting like you pity the girl when you were actually playing a game all along. You are no longer the nice and sweet girlfriend he fell in love with. You must have recognized the look on his face.
“You’re not Y/N! You’re not! You’re not!” He continuously repeated to himself. 
“Don’t worry too much though. You were the perfect first boyfriend for me. I love you, Ji! Please don’t be scared.” You pouted. “I mean, I’m still Y/N! It’s not the exact body, but didn’t you love me too?” You said. Your tone changed into a sad one. He was confused whether it’s a genuine one or not. He was frightened and you noticed it.
“Come on!” You raised your voice. “What are you afraid of? I’m your girlfriend! You didn’t even get to meet the original owner of this body.” You stood firmly, obviously mad at his reactions. You couldn’t understand him. “You think I’m disgusting, don’t you? For killing her soul?” He looked down at the floor. His breathing uneven and his body still trembling. Whatever dark forces are following you is too overwhelming for him. He can no longer walk away as his back touched the wall behind him. “The body dies. The soul lives forever. I needed a house for my soul. I needed to experience the world. Is that hard to understand, Ji?” He flinched at the nickname you called him; the nickname that he used to love hearing. You were devious. Something evil is embracing you and he can feel every inch of it. The last thing he saw was your sweet smile and gentle eyes at him as his consciousness fades in the background.
“It took you long enough to realize what was going. Mom’s going to be mad but it’s the hundredth body you brought here.”
“Absolutely. Mom didn’t want me to be like you. But I like the feeling of it.” You looked at the unconscious Jisung lying lifelessly in the middle of a drawn red circle. Candles were surrounding his body. “You know what. I won’t get all the credits. He’s a curious boy. He loves ghost hunting so much. I didn’t need to lure him at all. Too bad, I did like him a lot though.”
“Maybe we can keep his soul around here if you liked him so much. We won’t consume his soul for you. But that’s only if he’ll be one of us.” The soul of the living is what makes all of you alive in this world. You don’t have to cross the afterlife as long as you have the soul of a living person in you. You hummed in response, “Well, I hope he accepts your offer then.”
“Even if he accepts my offer, you’ll kill him anyhow. Just the way you killed your mom and sisters before.”
“They were being annoying dad! You know that. We did nothing wrong. There’s nothing wrong with practicing black magic, I believe. Mom was being unreasonable and she deserved it.” Your eyes were sharp and your tone changed into a fierce one.
“Anyway, so tell me. Did I pass the test, dad?” You continued. Your voice is as sweeter as the smile you offered him.
“Absolutely, my love. ”
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November 05 - Friday
“Two high school students had been missing for five days after planning on visiting the infamous Cursed Red House. They had been identified as Park Jisung and Y/N. Whether they indeed go to the Cursed Red House or not, officials had yet to find out. Information about this matter had remained unknown. Whether they got lost due to supernatural reasons or whether there’s a kidnapper in the lost had remained a mystery. If you have any information about this case, please contact the Woodville Police.” The reporter stated and photos of you and Jisung appeared on the television’s monitor.
Inside the Cursed Red House, two newly added photo frames hanging in the hallway appeared. It was a picture of the body you used and Jisung. Both of which were smiling at the portrait. Along with the photos are hundreds of pictures of various people of different backgrounds posted on the wall. They were just two of the hundreds of people who attempted and failed to uncover the secret of the said house.
© lostgirlinthewoods
18 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
Like A Tangent Line | kdy x reader
- road trip!au, friendship!au
Description: Finally quitting his awful job and breaking up with his 5-year cheating fiancée, Doyoung embarked on a journey to rediscover himself with only a change of clothes, a few spare coins, and his rented car. Along the way, he meets an unapologetic backpacker who has nothing to lose.
Word Count: 5,281
Date: 2021/02/02
Content Warning: mentions of being an orphan/having no parents; fem pronouns, I tried to make this a 3rd POV story. I’ll try learning how to be gender-neutral next time.
Author’s note: This is originally titled as “Restart.” But I changed it while writing it since I kind of deviate from my original plot. 
- Part of my Bon Voyage special projects for NCT’s February celebrant.
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Doyoung carefully lined up notebooks, a desk calendar, succulent, the pen holder he had been using for 3 years, and a bunch of other things that once decorated his cubicle on a box. There wasn’t much to pack anyways as he had never felt comfortable enough to decorate his cubicle. He never felt at home in his job to begin with. He put a lot of effort into the job in goals of being promoted. Most of the time, taking up overtime shifts to finish some tasks. As far as his memories can go, not once did his boss show any appreciation to his work. Some of his colleagues would even teased him about being workaholic. A few weeks ago, the company had shared some news with him; that the promotion he had always dreamt of went to the guy who only started working there eight months ago. When he asked why, “he was naturally gifted, not like you” was the only explanation given to him. And he figured, the company wouldn’t even mind letting him go. His gaze wandered around the cubicle until a desktop photo frame caught his eyes. It was a photo of him and his ex-fiancée, Sooyoung on their 5th anniversary trip in Busan. The same day he asked Sooyoung the question in which the girl gladly accepted. The marriage preparations had never come to life though. He tried. He really tried. Hiring a wedding planner and an event coordinator, making reservations, and doing all the bookings all by himself. Somehow and somewhat, Sooyoung would always make petty excuses not to prepare for the wedding. Sometimes, she would tag alone, late in the meeting and making up some petty excuses about being busy with her work. It was only a month ago when Doyoung finally put the pieces together and realized what was happening. The girl was not making any efforts for the wedding preparations because she does not want to get married, at least not to him anyway. The realization that maybe Sooyoung had been lying to him all this time came into places when she went to her place and saw a man. He recognized the man, Sungjae, a co-worker she told him not to worry about. Doyoung spent a lot of time thinking whether the whole five years with her was built on lies and deceptions, whether she truly loved him or not. In the end, it didn’t matter. Sooyoung was probably happier he was letting her free. He grabbed the frame and opened it to remove the photo. He crumbled the photo in his hand and threw it in the bin and put the frame on his box. He didn’t get the girl but at least he has one more empty photo frame to use. He can only let out a snicker at how pathetic he is right now. Well, at least, he’s a free man now that he quit his job and not tied down by an engagement band. At least, he could try doing things for himself now.
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Doyoung is a planner, a meticulous one. He wasn’t the type to spontaneously travel without any plans or backups. But at that moment, while feeling lost and having to change his life in a 180 degree manner, he spontaneously packed up his clothes, grabbed his wallet, and hit the road. He doesn’t have any plans and just let his instincts drive him to places. He didn’t even count the money left on his pocket. Kim Doyoung had never been the type to do things this way months ago, but he wasn’t that same Kim Doyoung any longer. Maybe he’ll be able to reconnect to his past self this way. Maybe he would be able to look at his face in the mirror again without thinking just how pathetic he looks. He had changed knowingly. He had to change. He was driving his Mazda MX-5, a car he spent awfully a whole lot of savings hoping to impress Sooyoung. He kept on driving and driving and driving, not even thinking of where he’s going. Soon enough, the skies turned into shades of orange as the sun slowly shied away from the spotlight. He noticed the hands of his fuel gauge on the dashboard approaching the letter ‘E.’  He was running out of gas and just his luck, he saw a signage of a gas station illuminating the road ahead. So he made the executive decision to pull over and stop to fill his fuel tank. He didn’t exactly know where he was if he is to be honest. The old Doyoung would have probably panicked at the idea of being somewhere he doesn’t have any idea where. But he wasn’t that same Kim Doyoung. Albeit, he was tad familiar with the road, figuring out he was near Gyeongsang province.  As Doyoung waited for his tank to be filled, he looked around to observe his surroundings. Nothing of his interest has caught his attention. There wasn’t much to see anyways, granted he’s in the strange part of the road where you see cars drive off but doesn’t really see actual people around. It also didn’t help that the filling station he was on was a self-service one. Doyoung successfully filled his tank and as he was about to enter his car, he was approached by someone. 
“Excuse me.” A girl went near her. He looked at her up and down, quietly scrutinizing her. She has hoodies on, track pants, and a big backpack that looks like it’s twice the size than her whole physique. On her hand was a map. Doyoung waited for her to speak up again.
“I was just wondering if you know where we are right now? I’m kinda lost.” The girl sheepishly scratched the back of her head as she offered an awkward smile to the boy.
“I don’t know.” He looked at her one last time and entered his car, leaving the girl on the road all alone and lost.
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Doyoung arrived in an inn where he would stay the night a few hours earlier. It is a small inn with only three levels and his room happened to be on the top floor. It was cozy enough to feel at home though. Nevertheless, it was filled. His room, being the last available one. His long drive had led him to Busan. Kinda ironic how the last vacation he had was also in Busan with his ex-fiancee. He was doing nothing but to lay on his bed, looking at the space, head empty. He decided to get up from his bed to grab dinner. He didn’t eat the whole day. He quickly grabbed his wallet and exited the room. The moment he closed his room door, he came face to face with someone. He almost didn’t recognize her until he heard her voice.
“Oi! Mr. Grumpy from the filling station.” She pointed a finger at him, wide eye, and mouth slightly agape. “What a small world! I’m Y/N, by the way. You are??” She offered her a kind smile.
He ignored the girl and started walking towards the stairs. She followed him.
“Are you grabbing dinner? There’s a small ramen restaurant near here according to Google. I think it’s around a 5-min walk. I’m going there. Where are you going to eat?” She heard no response. “Or if you want to go to a meat restaurant, there’s also one here. But it’s quite far.” Still no response.
“Are you here for a vacation? What’s your itinerary for tomorrow? We might see each other.” She continued interrogating the poor boy. 
“Didn’t your mother teach you manners? Don’t bother me.” There was a moment of silence. He was almost relieved the girl kind of stayed quiet. As his feet touched the ground floor, he heard her.
“I never had a parent.” He stopped walking and turned to look at her.
“Don’t feel bad about it. You didn’t know. I’m going this way.” She pointed to her left and walked towards it. “See you later, Mr. Grumpy.” She waved her hand.
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“You don’t mind me sitting here with you?” She was surprised to see Mr. Grumpy from earlier stands next to her table as you were slurping down the soup of your noodles. So he did go to the Ramen house afterall. 
“Oh sure.” She put down her chopsticks as she hurriedly gathered her things to her side to give space on her table for Mr. Grumpy to use. “So you give in to your desire to eat ramen.”
“This is the nearest eatery. There’s no seat available and you’re the only one I’m familiar with.” Doyoung explained. It’s not like she needed any explanations but he figured she deserved one. Somehow, looking at her makes him feel so guilty. How could someone be so cheeky, Doyoung has no idea.
“I don’t buy it. Just say you’re sorry about earlier.” She was deadpanned serious this time that he almost gulped. “Nah… I’m kidding. You should have seen the look on your face. You’re hilarious, Mr. Grumpy.” She laughed so hard that he could almost hear her snort. How can someone be so happy-go-lucky, Doyoung has no idea. 
“If it makes you any better, I don’t really mind what happened earlier.” She smiled at him. How could someone smile so beautifully while talking to someone she’s unfamiliar with, Doyoung has no idea.
Just right in time, his food arrived. He has a reason not to reply to her constant conversation starter. He immediately devoured the noodles in front of him, not caring about the weird girl in front of him.
“You’re not much of a talker, I see. You could at least give me your name, sir.” He looked up from his food to see her looking at him, most likely observing him. By that time, her food was already finished. He doesn’t know if she’s waiting for him to finish or just wants to annoy her. 
“Doyoung.” He went back to eating. “That’s a pretty name. I don’t know if you heard me earlier. I’m --” “Y/N, I heard.” The genuine shock on her face immediately turned into a smile.
“You're quite attentive despite…. Being cold. I like you.” Doyoung ignored her as she continued speaking. “If you have nothing to do, come with me tomorrow. I’ll wait, 7 in the morning in the lobby. You looked like you needed a companion.” She stood up and bid him goodbye. He cannot read what her intention was. His food, half-eaten, waits for him to be eaten as he tries to wrap his head on what has just happened.. How could someone be so friendly, Doyoung has no idea. 
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Doyoung didn’t know why he went to the lobby at 7 in the morning. He doesn’t know if it’s her pure curiosity to the girl, or if it’s just his inner cravings for an escapade. All he knows is that there was no backing out the moment you looked at him and offered him her signature toothy smile and a bigass backpack. “You made the right choice to come with me, Mr. Grumpy. I hope you’re ready to commute though. It might be a long way.” She said, a map in her hand and a phone in the other, comparing the directions. “I brought my car with me. We could use that.” He doesn’t know why he’s offering to bring you to his car. “I don’t know how to drive though.” She said with embarrassment on her voice. “No worries. I’ll drive. Just give me the direction.” She, once again, gave him a smile. He wonders if your cheeks ever hurt from smiling so much. He guessed he wouldn’t know, he doesn’t remember the last time he smiled so big his cheeks hurt. “Great. You’re amazing. You’re my favorite person as of the moment, just so you know.”
So there he is, sitting on his Mazda MX-5 with a completely unknown woman typing the location on his GPS. Sooyoung had never even gotten the chance to ride the car with him. She could easily be a dangerous individual and Doyoung has nothing to blame but himself for letting you in his car. He drove off anyways. Minutes might have passed, or maybe even hours. She was telling him various stories from her never-ending travel. He could hardly pay attention to you as his eyes are focused on the road. You’re The One by The Vogues started playing in his car stereo. You paid midway from your story. “Oh, I love this song!” She exclaimed.
Every time we meet, everything is sweet
Oh, you're so tender, I must surrender
My love is your love, now and forever
You're the one that I long to kiss
Baby, you're the one that I really miss (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the one that I'm dreamin' of
Baby, you're the one that I love
She started singing funny, almost off-tune, but she was feeling every word from the song. He slightly turned to look at her. He was pretty sure she wasn't hitting any correct notes during the chorus of the song.
Keep me in your heart, never let us part
Ooh, never leave me, please don't deceive me
I want you only, you must believe me
You're the one that I long to kiss
Baby, you're the one that I really miss (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the one that I'm dreamin' of
Baby, you're the one that I love
It was a funny sight if he was to be honest to himself. He turned up the volume, seeing her so high on the song. “Yeah, that’s right! Turned up the volume.”
I adore you, and no one before you, could make me feel this way, yay
Since I met you, I just can't forget you, I love you more each day
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the one (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
If the loud volume amped up her mood, it went even twice higher than normal when Doyoung decided to open up his convertible’s roof. “OH MY GOD! YOU HAVE A COOL CAR!!” She screamed. Her hair was all over her face, as she continued to belt out off-tuned notes. At one point, he was pretty sure she coughed because her hair accidentally went inside her mouth. Doyoung was laughing at her, the first time he smiled sincerely as she continued to duet the adibs in the song.
There may be some tears through the comin' years
Ooh, all the while I know you'll be smilin'
Your love will guide me through every mile 'cause
“You have such a pretty smile. You should laugh more.” She complimented him, smiling at him as he turned to look at her, taken aback by the random remarks. She ignored him and continued to sing. 
You're the one that I long to kiss
Baby, you're the one that I really miss (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the one that I'm dreamin' of
Baby, you're the one that I love
Yeah, yeah yeah
You're the one that I long to kiss
Baby, you're the one that I really miss (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the one that I'm dreamin' of
Baby, you're the one that I love
Yeah, yeah yeah
For the first time since he met this girl, Doyoung thought that maybe going with her on this trip isn’t as bad as he thought it will be. He looked at her one more time before refocusing her gaze to the road. He may be, slightly, ready to let everything go on this trip.
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“You’re unpredictable you know.” He said as he looked at the sight laid in front of him. She led him to the lifeguard assisting her today and handed him the life jacket vest. A big, bold, uppercase word is written on a signage on his left. 
 “Come on! This is going to be fun, Doie!” She called him by the nickname she coined a few minutes ago. Her definition of fun is definitely different from him, he concluded at that point.
He was pretty sure he’s going to be hurt at one point in this activity as the path he walked on continued to be more rocky and stiff. He was a few steps away from her. She walks fast, probably because of all the excitement bubbling up her whole body.
“WE’RE HERE! THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL! HURRY UP, DOIE!!” She exclaimed excitedly, looking like a kid finding out how Santa had given her the toy she wanted on Christmas day. She looked like she had just won a lottery. She wasn't wrong though, Doyoung realized the moment he first landed a gaze on the horizon in front of him. The blue, vast, unending sea waves in a dancing rhythm. The smell of salt is everywhere. There’s a few greens from here and there. The landscape in front of him is full of life.
“I’m jumping first, Doie!” She unbotheredly said, fearless about jumping 10 feet or so deep into the water. That broke Doyoung into his daydream. Right, he was here to jump on a cliff. “I’m jumping. You have to follow Doie, okay! See you below.” She jumped in a split second. It was so fast he almost missed it if it wasn’t for her screeching scream. He dared not to look below. He dared not to look anywhere aside from the clouds in front of him. He definitely knows how to swim but that doesn’t make the nerves any better. He edges closer to the cliff. He could feel the harsh blow of the air. Then, he jumped, feeling the gravity pull him below. The wind touched his skin, as goosebumps started forming. He felt so lightweight, so free, so different. The wet splash of water hit his body as he dived into the sea. He returned to the surface, breathing rather rugged from the adrenaline that just kicked in.
“I did it. I did it.” He continuously chanted.
She was there smiling at him, “Yes, you did it. You did it Doie!” This time, he didn’t hide the smile that painted his face. 
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Doyoung would be lying if he says he didn’t enjoy being with you today. The things he had done today are the things the old Doyoung would never do. But he wasn’t that same Kim Doyoung. He let a stranger tug along with him on his trip, let her in his car, let her push him to try cliff diving, and now they’re lost and he doesn’t mind the presence of his companion. Why are they lost if you might ask? It’s because of this stupid idea to go to a nearby cave. Their life guard during the cliff diving had told them there was a nearby cave in the area. And she, being the adventurous little backpacker that she is, proposed to find it. “We don’t have to go inside if you’re scared.” She had her physical map on and her gps in her phone but they still got lost in the middle of nowhere. This is where they found themselves two hours later in a plain surrounded by woods. It was almost dark. The old Doyoung would be scared spending a night here. But he wasn’t that same Kim Doyoung. Furthermore, he also found out the reason why she has a bigass backpack with her all the time. There was a sleeping bag on it. “I knew there’s a reason why I brought two sleeping bags with me right now. Here.” She handed Doyoung her extra sleeping bag. It’s not like he was planning on sleeping anyways. The one thing he realized spending time with her is that she’s always prepared. He came into this conclusion as she handed him snacks coming from her bag. Eventually as the sun sets, the both of them laid side to side with their sleeping bag. Stargazing as the silence enveloped them.
“Do you mind me asking what you are doing here alone?” She asked, full of curiosity. “You seem….. I don’t know.”  There was a hint of hesitation on his voice. “Not the kind to go on a trip alone?” Doyoung continued for her. “Yes. That, and, you seem so aloof but you’re here with me right now.”
“I quit my crappy job and broke up with my 5-year fiancee who had been cheating on me the whole time.” He said with a chuckle. He has an idea how terrible his life is but to actually hear it coming from his life, made it sound more pathetic. “I’ve been working so hard on that company, wanting to be promoted. I never really had a vacation leave. I go to work even if I’m sick. Heck, I even missed countless dates with my ex so that I could work. I just want to have a stable future and hopefully give my fiancee the future she deserved.” He paused, reflecting on what he had just said. “But maybe, that’s the reason he found someone else. I’m not even sure myself.” She was quiet. He almost hoped he shouldn’t have told her anything. Doyoung looked at her laying figure at his side. She was still looking up at the skies. He couldn’t read her expression.
“So, you’re escaping from your life?” She said. There was no judgment in her voice. The casualness of her tone had been a melody he has been accustomed with. The old Doyoung wouldn’t just tell his life story to a person he just met. But he wasn’t that same Kim Doyoung. 
“Maybe.” He answered, trying to act nonchalant. “So what’s your reason? What are you escaping from?” This time, it was him that asked.
“I’m not escaping.” She answered. Her tone is almost as cheerful than ever.
“I have no parents. Stayed at an orphanage my whole life until I was old enough to . Never had the chance to be adopted. Doesn’t have a home to come to. Doesn’t have any regular jobs.” He was surprised to hear no remorse, no sadness, no negativities in her voice. It’s as if she’s only telling him one of his crazy escapades. It is as if she’s only telling him a typical episode of her daily life.
“Then how do you manage doing this? You seemed so experienced.”
“With this.” She stood up and reached for her bags. He watched her as she pulled a paper, albeit a folded one. It was an artwork. A landscape. A field of carefully drawn lavenders. A hint of green here and there. There was a tree standing at the end of the field, painted to make the perspective look like that. And the sky. The sky was filled with colours. If he was to draw a sky, he would simply grab every shade of the lightest blues available. But she did beyond that. The sky was filled with pastel shades. Pink, light yellow, peach, pale green, cyan, lilac. You named it. The colours explode in his eyes. It was bright, vivid, lively, and dynamic. It was full of life and positivity. Everything he’s not. Everything she is. 
“That’s so beautiful,” was the only word he could come up with. She showed him his signature cheeky, toothy grin as she hid her paint back on her back.
“I have always wanted to go to a field of lavender. Never really find a chance to do so.” She snickered. There was a silence once again.
“So, you paint?” He awkwardly started the conversation again. He almost cringed at how strange his wording was. 
“I do. It doesn’t really bring much money though. So I had to do part-times from here to there. Not fun, I swear. I did work at McDonald’s for a while if you’re wondering. Customers can be really rude, I tell you.” Her tone is still lively. He could hear the smile on her voice as she tells her story.
“How does it feel?” There was a pause. “To be alone?” He added carefully.
“I’m not alone though.” She said, sitting up, and turning her head to look at the lying figure next to her. “You’re here with me right now. I go to other places, I meet other people. I’m never truly alone.” She stated the obvious although there wasn’t any sarcasm in her voice.
“But you don’t have someone who truly cares for you.” He mumbled. But it is enough for her ears to pick up the words.
“That’s why I approached random strangers on the road. Meet them, share my story without judgment. It’s better that way. That way I wouldn’t be attached to other people. I wouldn’t be sad if they leave me because I know the friendship I made is temporary.” She elaborated. “Like right now. Talking to you, hanging out with you. At the end of the day, you’ll have to come back to your home and I hit the road once again. Then, we’ll never meet again. Just like a tangent line.” She snickered and lay down next to him again.
“Are you not scared of serial killers? Why do you befriend strangers?” This time, Doyoung’s tone was playful. There is now a certain comfortableness with her. His walls crumbled down in her presence.
“I only talked to them, not joined them on their tour.” She said. “But you joined me.” He rebutted.
“Why? Are you a serial killer on the loose?” She playfully bantered. 
“You never know.”
“My ghost will haunt you if you kill me.”
“You will never.”
“I will.”
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They had been together 24/7, spending time with each other, doing crazy things together. With a blink of an eye, a week had passed. Doyoung had finally felt again what it’s like to smile so much your cheeks hurt. It was as if he returned to his primary school years where he found everything amusing, everything funny, and everything delightful. He was almost afraid at how easy it is to fall in your charms, to turn into a totally different person with you. But every happiness must come to end, that’s what he learnt from his past experiences - his life at his old job, his life with Sooyoung. 
She and Doyoung were eating dinner at the ramen shop near their inn. They were embraced by a comfortable silence. He was almost done eating her noodles when she talked, “I’m going to Jeju tomorrow morning.”
He looked up from his food to her face. She was looking down, swirling the noodles on his fork but not intending to put it in her mouth “Why so suddenly?” He asked softly.
“It’s not a sudden decision. I’ve been meaning to only stay for 3 days here in Busan.” Her tone was sharp. It was the first time Doyoung heard her speak like this.
“Oh…” To say he was speechless was an understatement. 
“It’s not you, I swear.” She sighed. He waited for her explanation. “I’m starting to be very very comfortable in your presence. And that’s the least I need right now.”
“I don’t understand. That’s how you made me feel too. Why don’t you want to be comfortable with me, then?” He was asking for a reasonable explanation.
“That’s the thing. You were just meant to be a companion on this trip. I didn’t intend to befriend you.” There was a frustration in her voice. He could almost hear her pain, but he still doesn’t understand. “You…. you have a life waiting for you in the city.” Oh, so that was it. “You have a dream. You’re an accomplished man and you could be whatever you want in the city. I…. I don’t have that. I have no home, no regular jobs. I only find joy in going from town to town. I don’t think I could settle ever whereas you needed to. You want to have a settled life. I don’t think I would be able to maintain whatever this is, being friends or whatever this is.” He couldn’t reply, trying to make sense of what she’s saying. She’s right, the both of them are simply too different who just got caught up with travelling. 
“The only reason I asked you to come with me was because I thought you needed a friend. I… I would have never expected I’m longing to build a relationship with someone else unless I actually became friends with you.” She continued. 
“And the thing is that, I really like being with you. I would bring you to Jeju if I’m selfish but I know you wouldn’t be happy ---” “But what if I actually came with you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t mean it.” Doyoung isn’t so sure if he meant what he said. If he meant to come with her. “You know what you need to do. You have to spend time alone, reflecting on what you want. I figured that’s what you’re here for, and I apologized if I ever hindered you from doing so. And maybe, someday, we could meet on the road again. You never know.” He knew he needed to let go, finally understanding what she meant about temporary friendships.
“To make things better, here. Take this as my gift.” She pulled out something from her bag and handed it to him. It was her folded painting of lavenders. He smiled at her. It was a genuine smile. Some people really just came to your life to teach you something. She was a prime example of that. And maybe there’s a tiny little hope in him that wishes he’ll find a way to meet her again someday.
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Doyoung was in a happier place now. He got a stable job two years ago. He was good at it, never stressing about being a perfect employee. Soon enough, he got promoted. He moved out from his apartment into a much bigger space. He got a new car that is much more expensive than he’s old one. This time, he didn’t mind the price, finally having a stable source of finance. Most importantly, he realized something that he should have done long ago - prioritizing his happiness over other things. And as far as relationships are concerned, he never looked for one. The face of the girl he met two years ago, still embedded in his mind. He’s happy now, and he always wishes for her happiness every night. And so, Doyoung spontaneously decided to file a vacation leave one day to go on a trip, booking a flight and a hotel room. It was a familiar painting framed in his bedroom that caught his eyes which made him decide to leave. A landscape that he framed two years ago. A reminder that there’s more to life than the city. This time, he went on a trip with a goal - to come and see a field of lavenders.
Here, Doyoung stands in the middle of tall lavenders, taking pictures, enjoying the ticklish feeling of the flowers on his shin. He momentarily closed his eyes to enjoy the natural fragrance he wouldn’t be able to smell in the city again. He didn’t see the familiar figure approaching him until he heard it - a familiar voice he came to be accustomed with 2 years ago.
“Are you perhaps…. Mr. Grumpy from Busan?” It was as if nothing had changed. Her voice is still playful and taunting. He smiled at him.
Maybe this is yet again a new beginning for him. This time, he would make sure to keep her in his life. Be it, being friends with her or being more than that. 
Maybe, they’re not a tangent line after all.
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Post Script note: I know nothing about Busan’s tourism so there might be inaccuracies but I really wanted to have a cliff diving scene so I went with it anyways. Also, I was planning on releasing it yesterday during Doyoung’s birthday but I changed the plot along the way and it made the writing progress longer than expected. 
If you like this story, please like and reblog. I would appreciate it <3
© lostgirlinthewoods
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lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
Bon Voyage: A February Birthday Celebrant Special
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What’s better than a simple escape away from reality, car rides, roads not taken, loud music, and a companion on your side? Catch our February celebrant go on their own adventures and try to find a new meaning in life. And maybe, perhaps, love will come along their way.
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LIKE A TANGENT LINE | kdy x reader
Description: Finally quitting his awful job and breaking up with his 5-year cheating fiancée, Doyoung embarked on a journey to rediscover himself with only a change of clothes, a few spare coins, and his car. Along the way, he meets an unapologetic backpacker who has nothing to lose.
Released: 2021/02/02
Original title: Restart
GHOSTLORE | pjs x reader
Description:  There was no point in denying that Jisung is a curious boy. He entertains the idea of aliens, ghosts, monsters, and such; even going as far as visiting popular sightings. You know what they say, “curiosity kills the cat.”
Released: 2021/02/28
Coming home from the holidays is not really your thing, not when you have your whole family criticizing you. So when your best friend asked you to hit the road with him, you did not have a second guess. You didn’t even think of your ever-growing unrequited crush on the said boy and his girlfriend waiting back at home. 
Expected release date: February 09, 2021
RUNAWAY PRINCE | jjh x reader
Too fed up with being the perfect and flawless prince, Jaehyun ran away without knowing anything in the real world. The sheltered prince, now, had to navigate the world without the help of his royal butler whilst avoiding the public eye. Well, maybe a local college student will make everything better…… or worse.
Expected release date: February 14, 2021
NOT ALONE | kjw x reader
All Jungwoo wanted was to have a memorable summer. When his favorite band announced a tour on the next town, he just had to go. Your manager is giving you a hard time with managing your image. Being the band’s vocalist essentially meant you're the face of the group. Jungwoo went to the concert with a ticket in his hand and left the venue with you on his side
Expected release date: February 19, 2021
OUT OF TOWN | ten x reader
For as long as you can remember, Ten and you had never been in the same room without trying to get on each other’s neck. Until a road trip away from the town made you realize a shared similarity = your hatred for the said town and its judging eyes.
Expected release date: February 27, 2020
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Hi!! I’m here trying to escape my responsibilities in school by doing a February celebrant special celebration!!! All the expected release date is tentative since I still have life outside this blog after all (which sucks because school takes 3/4 of my day). If anyone’s interested enough to tune in to these stories, I’d be willing to make a taglist :)))
© lostgirlinthewoods
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lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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What’s better than a simple escape away from reality, car rides, roads not taken, loud music, and a companion on your side? Catch our February celebrant go on their own adventures and try to find a new meaning in life. And maybe, perhaps, love will come along their way.
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lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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0 notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
© lostgirlinthewoods
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NCT 127
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lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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0 notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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Promise Under the Moonlight
- bad boy!Lucas, perfect child!oc, secret relationship, semi-angst, semi-fluff
Description: A night of questioning the reason for your unconditional love and finding the worth of your it.
Word Count: 2,131
Date: 2021/06/23
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~ none yet
0 notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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- fluff, from strangers to friends to lovers au, a somehow 1990s!au (pretend mark wasn’t born on ‘99)
Word Count: 5,958
Description: The one person bored with his repetitive life, the other one who loves the stillness of doing things in constant rhythm, and a bus ride that brought them to each other.
Date: 2021/01/28
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- horror!au
Description:  There was no point in denying that Jisung is a curious boy. He entertains the idea of aliens, ghosts, monsters, and such; even going as far as visiting popular sightings. You know what they say, “curiosity kills the cat.”
Word Count: 4,142
Date: 2021/02/28
2 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
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© lostgirlinthewoods
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~ none yet 
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- road trip!au, friendship!au
Description: Finally quitting his awful job and breaking up with his 5-year cheating fiancée, Doyoung embarked on a journey to rediscover himself with only a change of clothes, a few spare coins, and his rented car. Along the way, he meets an unapologetic backpacker who has nothing to lose.
Word Count: 5,281
Date: 2021/02/02
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- angst, questionable fluff at the start (??). sad vibes only
Word Count: 1,261
Description: When you know you’re fighting against all odds with Jaehyun, but somehow, you still wanted to take the risk.
Date: 2021/01/25
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~ none yet
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- fluff, doctor!au, established relationship, just love in the air
Word Count: 1,856
Description: When Dr. Kim suddenly handed a wedding invitation, everyone got shocked. But what’s even more shocking is his future spouse’s name.
Date: 2021/01/26
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- fluff, from strangers to friends to lovers au, a somehow 1990s!au (pretend mark wasn’t born on ‘99)
Word Count: 5,958
Description: The one person bored with his repetitive life, the other one who loves the stillness of doing things in constant rhythm, and a bus ride that brought them to each other.
Date: 2021/01/28
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~ none yet
0 notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
Hi I stumbled onto your page and I’ve only read mark lee bus 1216 but it was so good.Your writings amazing,so excuse me while I go read the rest of your works!
Thank you for this 🥺
I'm fairly new and have only published 3 works so far. I hope you enjoy it 💕
0 notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
STRANGER FROM THE BUS #1216 | lmk x reader
- fluff, from strangers to friends to lovers au, a somehow 1990s! au (pretend mark wasn’t born on ‘99)
Word Count: 5,958
Description: The one person bored with his repetitive life, the other one who loves the stillness of doing things in constant rhythm, and a bus ride that brought them to each other.
Date: 2021/01/28
Author’s Note: I haven’t proofread this yet as I just started writing this yesterday and finished it today. #1216 came from December 16, which is the date Mark was announced as a new SMROOKIES member. 
This story wasn’t supposed to be this long but I’m absolutely in love with Mark Lee, it’s not even funny anymore.
(semi-spoiler) The original plot is just up to the part where the OC is having her exam week.
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A number of people have many things to say about routine. Some would argue it's boring to have a routine. There are barely adventures you'll experience and on top of that, you'll never be able to try new things. Routines hinder you from experiencing the world freely. Simply say, it makes your life repetitive. And yet, Mark is exactly the person who does things in a routine. He wakes up at 7:30 in the morning, get ready, go to class at 8:00, attend classes until lunch, eat lunch, attend classes again, stays for after school activities, and ride bus #1216 to home at 7 in the evening. It has been a daily routine for him to do all of these. And as much as he hates to admit it, he’s getting tired of doing the same old thing every day. If he was asked how he would describe his life in one word, it was idle. The only thing keeping him from turning insane is his music. Every beat, every word, and harmony are different from the rest. Music is a great way to escape reality. You, on the other hand, love the stillness of doing things in constant. You don’t seek adventure, satisfied walking at your own perfect pace. Besides, words can bring adventure to you anyways. Books can bring you to places you’ve never been. The constant routine in your life, however, is what brought you the most unexpected surprise you'll ever get in your life in a bus ride to home, your very own adventure, and the love of your life, Mark Lee.
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It was almost spring of ‘99 the first time Mark met you, or rather, noticed your presence. It was during the weird transition of the season where flowers are starting to bloom yet the cold breeze of winter remains dancing in the air. Mark was sitting at the very back row of the bus #1216. With his headphones permanently attached to his ears and his walkman in his hands, he blasted off music from his playlist, trying to find inspiration for his new mixtape. There were only four passengers in the bus. An old man dozing off on the front row. He had been sitting there even before Mark entered the bus. He was holding a pencil and a booklet in which Mark assumed a crossword puzzle. It was obvious that the old man was trying to keep himself awake which obviously wasn’t working. The other two passengers were a mother and her child who had been with him earlier while waiting for the bus to come. Mark assumes they were on their way home as well as he overheard the kid complaining about being sleepy. And him, the fourth passenger inside the bus. He is five stops away from the last stop, the stop near his home. Extremely bored, he tried to keep himself entertained looking outside the window. Nothing out of the ordinary happened so far. The bus stops again. Four more stops away from home. He is counting every second spent inside this monotonous bus stop. The bus driver would wait for a minute when there’s passengers who would enter. If there weren't any people waiting in the stop, the driver would simply stop for at least half a minute before driving off again. He memorized these things by now. A new passenger enters the bus though. Mark didn’t notice until he saw you walked near the back row. He took an interest in the newcomer. You were wearing an oversized navy sweatshirt over your uniform, a brown corduroy Jansport backpack with a Keroppi keychain, knee-high socks, and a black shoe. You quietly sat two rows away from his seat. You placed your bag in the window seat and brought out a book to read on your way home. Mark’s interest in the newcomer didn’t last long as you continued to read your book. Finding the view outside the window more interesting, he raised the volume of his music louder than usual.
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The second time Mark took note of your existence was during daytime on his way to school. You were quietly sitting in the waiting shed as you waited for bus #1216 to come. It actually took a few minutes before he realized why you look familiar. There’s a few students around. Mark recognized some of it as his schoolmate, some were wearing uniforms different from his and similar to yours, he observed. Without your sweatshirt, he was finally able to see clearly where you’re studying. Thus, he assumed you were attending the school a few blocks away from his. He was the last one to enter the bus. Walking down the aisle, he saw you sitting on the same spot as last time. Something about this encounter makes him think you’ll appear more often in his life now.
He wasn’t wrong. Mark always sees you sitting on the third row from the back. Sometimes you’re looking out the window, sometimes you're writing something in a notepad, and most often, you’re reading a book. At first, he was curious why he never saw you before. You always get in two stops after his and you get off at the same stop. During the morning though, you get on in the same bus stop. After a while, the bus ride remains the same for him. Nothing much of his interest occurring in the four rectangular corners of his ride home. 
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Spring has just started the first time you paid attention to Mark’s presence. it was during one of the nights wherein you just wanted to go home immediately. Exam week is coming and you‘re agitated by it. Few weeks ago, instead of preparing for the examinations, you decided to start binge reading Doyle’s novels. It was a foolish decision on your part but you just have to live with it now that it’s done. You’re a crammer, and it stressed you so much. Thus, on the way home, you brought notes out of your back so you can read it. You were deep into reading when you heard a boisterous laughter in the back row. You turned your head sideward to peek at the back row. There, two boys were sitting and laughing at each other. One of which was playing with a gameboy; while the other, the boy you were quite familiar with, was looking at the screen. You presumed the former is overnight at the latter’s house as he seems to bring an extra bag with him. 
You were annoyed at how noisy they were. The usual, quiet boy who always wears his headphones is gone. You really can’t wait to reach home.
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The second time Mark got you attention was different. It was intentional on his part. It was an exhausting long week for you as the examination rolled out. You were barely sleeping from cramming all the learning materials you needed for the test. Once again, you find yourself situated at the third row from the back of the bus #1216 on the way to class. Exhaustion is painted all over your face. The boy, as usual, was sitting at the very back row. You pay him no heed as you sit at your usual spot. The good thing about examination week is that the bus isn't as crowded as it was usually due to students choosing to go to school a little early to prepare for the forthcoming doom. Plus, it was the end of the week anyways which meant you'll be able to take a rest for the weekends. The day has just started but you can already feel the fatigue slowly creeping at your body into your eyelid as you close your eyes, resting it for a moment. What you didn't plan to do is for your mind to completely shut down on you as you drift into a deep slumber on the bus, a miscalculation on your part. Mark, on the other hand, was having an ordinary day. Looking around, trying to find a new rhythm in his normal life while listening to music in his walkman. All he can see are students cramming for exams. Sure, he's also having his exams but that doesn't faze him that much. The bus finally came to halt at your stop. Students started coming down. Sighs, complaints, encouragements from fellow classmates can be heard. That's when Mark noticed something different. His observance self practically memorized every scenery playing out in his eyes. He didn't see you get down. He wanders his gaze on your bus seat. He cannot seem to see you. That was weird, he thought. Mark couldn't help his curiosity. He paused his music, removed his headphones and laid it resting on his neck as he stood up to approach you seat, wanting to see if you're there. He carefully comes closer. The bus driver asked one last time if there are still passengers who would want to come down. As his gaze wandered on your seat, he saw you curled up at the side against the window seat, fast asleep. He didn't know where he got the courage to wake you up. Maybe it was his instinct. He tapped your shoulder once, uttering a small "hey." You didn't move. He tapped you shoulders twice as the bus driver gave a last warning. You flinch for a second. He shook your body which actually worked as you immediately opened your eyes. Confusion plastered in your face. "It's your stop," he whispered. Suddenly realizing the state where you are, muttering a curse word, you quickly gathered your things, stood up while asking the driver to wait for you. It happened so quick that you forgot to thank Mark. He watched in amusement as the scene played itself in front of his eyes. If anything Mark realizes today, it was the fact that you are very beautiful and cute and maybe he wouldn't mind your constant presence in his life. 
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All throughout the day, your mind had been preoccupied on how to thank the stranger on the bus #1216. You want to give him something as a token of appreciation however you barely know the boy. If you buy him a chocolate drink, will he like it? Does he like cookies? Maybe he’s lactose intolerant or allergic to wheat? So you settled for something you like instead. You entered the bus with a mission in your mind. To give the boy your token of appreciation, thank him, and go back to your seat. And so you did just like that, you approached the young man. Mark was looking at the window when he felt a shadow casted over him. There, he saw you, walking towards him. “Thank you!” You bowed at him and handed him your gift. As soon as he grabbed the gift in his hand, you quickly went back to your seat, not even sparing him a gaze. As you got back from your seat, you mentally scolded yourself for losing composure. The nerves totally got the best of you. Meanwhile, he opened the small box in front of him. It was a Keroppi keychain. Quite similar to yours but not exactly the same. A sticky note was attached on the base of the box. 
Thank you so much. 
I would have missed my exams if it wasn’t for you. 
Please accept this as my token of appreciation.
    ��                       - The stranger you helped in the bus
Mark wasn’t usually this brave but something about you makes him so curious. He approached your row. He sat at the seat opposite to your row, the aisle separating the both of you. You looked at him with a curious gaze. 
“I believe I deserve to know your name after helping you out, Stranger.” He was staring at you, you could feel it. 
“Y/N,” you softly whispered.
“Y/N.” Mark repeated. “Mark Lee,” he gave his hands to you, waiting for you to shake hands with him. You shyly did anyway. He couldn’t help but think of how cute you are. Mark tried to start a conversation which only earned him a one-word answer or a soft yes and no response. He took it as a sign that you do not want to talk to him.
“Be honest. Am I bothering you?” he casually asked. He saw the look of panic in your face as you quickly denied the accusations.
“It’s just. This is new to me. Having a casual conversation with a stranger.” You meekly explained. Now, he’s gonna think your lame. 
“I’m not a stranger though, I’m Mark. I introduced myself, didn’t I?” He laughed at you. He saw you frown. “Hey, I’m sorry. Did I upset you?” He’s screwing all the chance to get to know you, he thought. 
“No! Not really! I just hate myself. I’m screwing all my chances to make friends.” 
Mark laughed out loud, “I was thinking the exact same thing.” He was shocked when he heard you dueting his laugh with your shy giggles. He couldn’t help but stare at you.
The ride home was a ride filled with laughter as you get to know the stranger you always see inside bus #1216. Gaining a new company, maybe the bus wouldn’t be as boring as it is. Needless to say, Mark went home with a newfound crush on the girl who always sit two rows away from him.
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The spring had bestowed its power to the trees, flower petals are everywhere. The drops of the cherry blossom petals have become normal. It even painted the sidewalk pink. The smell of pollen accompanying you everywhere. The weekend passed by so quickly as a new Monday welcomed you. You saw Mark at your peripheral vision, too shy to approach your new friend. You didn’t have to anyway as he found a spot next to you. “Hey, do you put milk in the bowl first, or cereal first?” The sudden question got you taken aback. ”Milk. Who put cereal first?” You answered, scandalized by the idea of soggy cereal. 
“So you want your cereal crunchy then. Hmm….” 
“What’s with the question?”
“Just making sure you’re worthy to befriend with. You’re wrong, put cereal first. Here’s our bus.” He leads you up, assisting you on the bus steps. As if you have been friends for a long time, you naturally left the seat next to you empty, waiting for him to sit on it. Mark was shocked at first as he saw you pat the seat next to you. He sits next to you. The both of you enjoy each other’s company as you try to get to know each other.
On the bus ride home, you found yourself sitting in the back row instead as Mark pats the seat next to him, just like what you did earlier. You reluctantly sit next to him. There was a silence, the comfortable type of silence where you don’t necessarily have to start a conversation. It is as if you and Mark clicked. You turn your head sideward as you stare at him. His headphone was, once again, attached in his ears as he listened to his music. You never saw him without his headphones.
“Hey, why do you always have it on?” Your curiosity got the best out of you. “Your headphones, I mean.”
Mark tilted his head sideways as he looked at you, contemplating whether he should give you the real answer. But the way you looked at him with eyes that could top a puppy asking for treats, he gave in.
He sighed, “Promise you won’t judge.” He sticks out his pinky finger. “I won’t.” You said while hooking up your pinky on his. “I make my own mixtape. I want to be a musician.” It wasn’t the answer you expected coming from him. 
You saw him looking at the cassette player. Something in his eyes is enough to tell you how passionate he is with his music. “That’s really nice.” You figured he was listening to his mixtape.
You know you shouldn’t ask but you’re far too curious to not try, “Can I listen to your song?” Mark was obviously taken aback at your request which immediately made you regret asking, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have ask--” You were cut off by a headphone that was placed on your head, the music immediately blasting on your ears. You looked at him, wanting to see the expression on his face but the boy simply moved his head to the side, acting as if it doesn’t affect him. The beat of the music pound on your ears, the melody dancing with it. Sometimes you would hear Mark’s voice in the rap duetting the rapper on the track which you figured he recorded himself. As you listened to the music with your eyes close, swaying to the rhythm of it, Mark stared at you with adoration in his eyes.
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You spend your days going to school with Mark on your side at the bus, and going home with him besides you again. Days turned weeks, weeks turned months, and in the blink of an eye, you have spent months being with him. Spring had eventually turned into summer. Trees turning green, the air warming up. The sun is shining brighter than ever. Conversation with Mark is easy. You can talk anything under the sun with him and he never bores you out. Most of the time, the subjects were random, ranging from questions about birds to actually discussing Star Wars. Sometimes, the dialogues are non-existent as the both of you rest in the comfortable silence the other offers. It had become a routine to sit next to Mark at the bus. And after he let you listen to his song, he started bringing earphones instead of his headphones, allowing you to listen with him. It was almost natural for you to grab the other buds of the earphone on yourself as you sit next to him. Mark found himself in an ordinary day for the both of you, or well at least what he thought. He let you quietly sit on your spot while reading a book as he rested his eyes with music in his earphones. The momentary tranquil surrounding was interrupted when you started talking. He was so far gone in his thoughts that he almost didn’t realize you were speaking. “Sorry, can you repeat that again?” It was always like this with him. Sometimes you catch him staring at the space, lost in his own world. 
“I won’t be riding the bus home with you later. Just in case, you look for me.” He immediately looked at you. The look on his face, asking for an explanation. You didn’t let him speak as you explained. “My mom wants me to go home early,” the only explanation you offered. He wasn’t convinced with it. “So, you’re skipping your club activities then? So not like you. What must be the important event?” He teasingly said, further asking for an explanation.
“It’s my birthday.” You casually said, returning back to reading your book. He didn’t expect the answer. He looked at you with a slightly agape mouth. It was your birthday and he has no idea. He doesn’t even have anything prepared for you. The bus stops. It was a rush of adrenaline that urged Mark to grab your hand and snatch you away from your seat. You were two stops away from your campus when you felt him grab you. “We’re skipping class.”  Confusion was written all over your face. No, you can’t skip. You’ve never done that before. “No! I’m not skipping class.” He was dragging you with him outside the bus. And as soon as your feet touch the ground, preparing yourself to complain, Mark smiled at you. “It’s your birthday! Live it up!” He grabbed you once more, “We’re going to the arcade.” Left speechless on what just happened, you let him lead. Shaking your head, you could only let out a small chuckle. How could you get mad at him when he looked excited for once? It was your birthday anyway, you don’t mind spending it with him. 
An array of amazingly lined up coin-operated arcade machines varying on sizes and colours welcomes you. The heavy neon lights piercing your eyes as you blink a few times to adjust. You stand awkwardly at the front as you look around. You looked around to see dozens of students who you assumed also skipped class to have fun instead. This is new to you. Mark nudged you at the side as soon as he returned from getting tokens. You let him drag you wherever he wants. Rounds and rounds of Street Fighter that you always lost at but pulled a win the last round. Challenging Mark to score higher in the Arcade Hoops Basketball and winning it simply because the poor boy won’t stop laughing. Being beaten in an Air Hockey game by the self-proclaimed King of Hockey. You eventually settled with playing Pacman. You were deep into your game when you realized Mark wasn’t there with you anymore. Panic arises on your chest, looking everywhere with weary eyes while walking. He didn’t leave you, did you? No, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. You are now frantically looking everywhere for him until you see a familiar figure that makes you halt. You almost didn’t notice him. He was surrounded by Claw Cranes. You stopped for a minute, admiring him from afar. The glint in his big doe eyes shines brighter as he concentrates in trying to fish for a plushie. The smile on his lips turned into a frown as the claws released the prize at the last minute. Carefully observing the way he tilted his head and stretched his arms as he uttered encouraging words to himself before trying to win a prize again. At that moment, he met your eyes, smiling at you with his adorable prominent cheekbones. You mirrored his expression as you walked towards him
“I thought you left me.” You said, looking at the way he maneuvers the controller. 
“I was trying to win you a gift,” was his simple answer.
“You don’t have to.” He quickly replied. “I want to.”
He continued to focus on getting a plushie as you watched the claw crane with him. The claw moved in accordance to his control. He pushed the release button, praying he’ll get this one for real. The claw unclasp on the plush as it released it right into the slot. The both of you wildly and happily cheer, hugging each other with so much excitement. As you untangled yourself on each other's arms, your eyes met with his. The both of you, stood there for a while, only looking at each other. Mark couldn’t help himself as the words left his mouth, “You look so beautiful.” You averted your eyes and shyly hid your smile from him. “It’s not Keroppi but here!” He immediately grabbed the toy, trying to change the atmosphere. He handed you the frog plushie he just won. You smiled at him, uttering a small thanks. If it wasn't obvious by now, you’re starting to like the boy you met in the bus.
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Walking side by side towards the bus stop with a frozen yoghurt in your hand and an ice cream in his, the sun had painted the sky an orange hue as it began to settle so the moon could rise. Your shadows casted by the sun, followed the both of you.
“Thank you for today! I really enjoyed it.” Your sweet voice was like a melody swimming through his ears.  He offered you a small smile. 
“I hope I made you happy.”
“You know you did. Don’t fish for compliments.” He laughed. There’s something about you that makes him genuinely laugh in happiness. There’s something about you that makes him contemplate that mayhaps, his life isn’t as boring as he initially thought it was. He was drawn into your charms, and he fell too deep. 
Mark stopped walking as it clicks in once and for all. He looked at your walking figure longingly. The bus stop is already at sight. There was a group of female students laughing at each other, an old lady carrying a basket of fruits, and a man in business attire. But despite all of these, he can only see you. He watched you turn your head back at him as you noticed he wasn’t next to you anymore. He was a few steps away from you.
“Hey! What’s wrong?” You asked, looking at him worriedly.
Mark let out a breath before starting to speak, “I like you! I like you a lot, Y/N!” He couldn’t read the expression in your face. “It’s okay if you don’t like me back. I just want to tell you that.” You turned your head away from him, frozen at your spot, unable to speak. “I’m sorry for ruining your birthday.” Mark let out an awkward laugh. He walked towards you and grabbed your hands, leading you to the bus stop. “Ignore that. The bus has arrived.” There was a silence between the both of you, not the silence you were familiar with. It has a slight tension and a hint of awkwardness. It was never awkward with Mark. Mark watched you walk at the steps of the bus, choosing to remain there. You looked back at him, “You’re not coming?” He shook his head, “Nah! I remembered I have something to do.” It was a lie, you know it. He didn’t try to hide it. But you let it as is. “Take care! Hmm… Bye, I guess!” You said. He replied with a simple goodbye as well. He watched you walk in the bus towards your seat, thinking that maybe you were just meant to be the stranger from the bus. Nothing more, nothing less. The thought didn’t comfort him, not a single bit. You, on the other hand, had never experienced a duller ride bus home. Bus #1216 had many passengers that day. Loud chattering was everywhere. But somehow, you never felt more alone. You never felt an emptier bus than what you’re riding back home now. 
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It’s true that you don’t realize what’s the worth of something until it’s gone. It had been exactly 5 days since Mark saw you last. He was pretty sure you were avoiding him. You weren’t in the 8 a.m ride, nor at the after school ride. It’s like he’s life went back to the way it was before meeting you. It wasn’t a new feeling to him. Being bored at the bus, counting the second until he’s home. But, somehow, an empty hole somewhere in him is there. The 5 days turned into a full two weeks until he saw you again.
You’re running away, you knew it. Whether it is from Mark, or from yourself is something you don’t know though. There was no denying that you do feel something for the boy. You like the way his eyes lit up at the smallest thing, the way he would laugh at basically anything even though there’s really nothing funny, the way he gets drowned into the music playing on his portable cassette player, the way he would make the corniest joke and lame unnecessary puns, and most importantly, the way he makes you so comfortable with him. At the second week of avoiding the said boy, you finally realize that maybe you were losing him by running away from him. The thought scared you. You don’t know where your relationship with Mark stands, but you do know, you want to keep him in your life for as long you can. So here you are, walking towards the back row of the bus. Mark was there on his usual spot with his headphones attached to his ears. You plant yourself next to him. He was shocked to see you but didn’t comment. The both of you were acting like nothing’s wrong despite the thick tension in the air. 
“Long time no see, stranger!” He said ever-so-casually as if nothing happened the past few weeks. 
You hummed in response, not daring to look at him.
“So what brought you here?” He asked.
It was quiet. You offer him no response. He didn’t push you any further.
After a while, you’ve spoken. “I’m done running away, I guess.” He looks at you, carefully examining your body language. “I-- I was scared.” He hums as a response, urging you to continue. You were looking at the space. You couldn’t spare him a glance, not when you can feel his intense gaze at you.
“I’m not used to any of this. I wasn’t the adventurous type, you probably already figured by now. I’m used to doing things in a pattern. It was all new to me. Meeting you, befriending you, skipping classes with you, and…. Actually having feelings for you. The thing is… I like you too. So when you told me you like me too, I didn’t know what to do.” Your voice was unconfident, small, almost whispering to the air. But he could hear all of it. 
“You’re pretty good at it.” He randomly commented. 
“At what?” You inquired. 
“Breaking your pattern.” He elaborated. 
“Huh?” You crooked your neck to the side, confused. 
“Didn’t you change your bus schedule just to avoid me? You’re good at it.” He snickered. You laughed with him. It seems like nothing has changed. The thing with him is that, everything makes you at ease. You could easily fall into the rhythm, swaying with the boat in the middle of a storm wave. That’s what Mark makes you feel.
“So you like me back?” He taunted, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Don’t make me say it again.” Annoyance was apparent in your voice, but it was a playful one, shying away from his question.
There was a momentary silence when he started talking,
“You know what. Don’t be afraid of doing things, really. You’re amazing! You could be whatever you want to be. I know this is new to you.” He looked straight at your eyes, “If it makes things any better, this is new to me too.” It wasn’t obvious. You know he was someone who craved for adventure.
“I have a proposition.” You nodded at him, signaling him to continue. “Let’s try new things together while taking things slow. I know it could be overwhelming, but I really wanted to be in your life. Could you do that for me?” His eyes were pleading, anticipating your answer. “I could try that.” The relief was evident in his face.
“On one condition though.”
“What is it?”
“That you’ll be there with me.”
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Seasons do pass by so fast. The changes in the trees are fleeting by quickly as another autumn replaces the summer hue, while the cold takes over the heat. Pretty soon, winter is fast approaching. Despite the season changes, Mark has become a permanent figure in your life. He was no longer the stranger in the bus. He was more than that. He is your bus seatmate, best friend, confidante, partner-in-crime, and to some extent, the love of your life. No, you didn’t make anything official with him. The promise of taking things slow still at the back of the both of your mind. After school hangouts occurred more often. Random weekends trip to the cinema introducing its way to your weekly schedule. There are totally unexpected events with him. Like that one time you went to the arcade after school and it started raining. Both of you running to the bus stop without any umbrellas. But the familiarity with him remains. With you on your book and him wearing his headphones as the both of you seat side by side at bus #1216. Over time, you met his friends and he met yours. Finally getting to know his noisy friend who sucks as Super Mario.
The both of you were on the bus #1216 again, on the way home. It was one of the spontaneous weekends with him. Spontaneous weekends hangout are starting to become the norm for the both of you when the winter break approaches. Spending time with him as much as you can before he leaves for Canada. It wasn't a fairly new knowledge to you that Mark was, in fact,  a Canadian. So it didn’t come as a shock to you when he said he was going home for the winter break. And spending the holidays there. You’ll probably going to see each other again next year. It was a Sunday afternoon. His flight is scheduled the next day. This time, you visited the newly opened pizza house near his school. You sat in comfortable silence, wishing for the bus to take it slow as you don’t want to part ways with him just yet. 
“I have something for you.” Mark pulled out something from his bag. He handed you a rectangular box. 
“What is this for?” You strangely looked at him. “Just opened it.” He smiled at you 
You carefully unravel the ribbon on top of the box and open it. Laying on the box was a cassette tape. You picked it up and observed it quietly. The playlist was customized, you noticed. “I made that one for you.” There was a note written on it. The handwriting is kinda sloppy but was legible enough for you.
To the stranger from the bus #1216, Y/N:
To keep you entertained while I’m gone.
Thank you for completing the last year of my 90s great.
Can’t wait to spend my 2000s with you.
I hope you enjoy your winter break.
                                                  With Love,
                                                  Your Mark Lee
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It has been 3 days since you moved into your new home. There were just so many things to do and you weren’t even halfway done from organizing things. The stress of moving in is getting on you. As you remove the objects inside your newly unpacked box, you see a familiar rectangular object. Nostalgia hit you hard as the memories from bus #1216 came flooding and the boy with his headphones permanently attached to his ears. You have nothing but fondness towards your youth as the boy painted colours into your life. Young love is truly wonderful. 
Your husband walked right at that moment. “What are you smiling at?” He inquired. 
"Look at what I found." It was that mixtape. The same mixtape that Mark had given you at the end of the 90s decade.
"Who would have thought I would be married to the stranger from the bus #1216?" He teasingly smiled at you.
Chuckling towards the notes written on the cassette, you declared with a cheeky smile "I'll have to say, you really did spend the 2000s with me. Congrats on that!”
You used to love doing things in a constant pattern. Doing things repeatedly every day and being content at the way the world moves predictably. You used to love the stillness of doing something in routine until a stranger came into your life and showed you things you’ve never done. Your repeated sequence of action is what has given you an unexpected turn of events in your life. It is what introduced you to the person you would unconditionally love someday. Or maybe, you’re just simply fated with each other and that it’s destiny’s way of crossing your path. Either ways, you wouldn’t change anything because sometimes, things do come in your life when you least expected it. 
© lostgirlinthewoods
67 notes · View notes
lostgirlinthewoods · 3 years
OPPOSITE ATTRACTS | kjw x reader
- fluff, doctor!au,: established relationship, just love in the air
Word Count: 1,856
Description: When Dr. Kim suddenly handed a wedding invitation, everyone got shocked. But what's more shocking is his future spouse's name.
Date: 2021/01/26
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It is the most understatement of the year to say everyone was speechless at the sudden news that the most beloved pediatrician in SM Medical Centre is getting married. Yes, the young Dr. Kim Jungwoo is finally going to tie the knot. Dr. Kim is adored by many. He's young yet already has a promising career. The way his lips curved into a smile immediately assures kids that they'll be fine in the hands of this man. He has a voice of an angel - sweet, soft, and pleasant to the ears. Kids aren't scared of him as they felt at ease with his service. He plays with his patients really well. Although it is debatable whether the kids love the doctor more or if it's their mothers who want to keep coming back. On top of that, his work ethics are beyond impeccable. Senior doctors enjoy working with him. He's a quick learner. That's why working with him is a lot easier than anyone else.
But Dr. Kim is a private man. Aside from his profile and basic information, he remains mysterious; rarely telling stories from his private life. No one really knows what Dr. Kim is like after work hours; maybe except Dr. Wong as they were roommates during their Graduate Studies. Though he hangs out with his colleagues after work, he never tells anyone anything about himself unless he was asked. No one even knows who he's dating. Heck, they're not even sure if the said doctor is a young bachelor waiting for his love. Or if he's openly looking for someone.
Needless to say, Dr. Kim had received countless flirty compliments and suggestive remarks thrown at him. Being an ever-so-friendly human being, he takes all of these comments well - only smiling at their unnecessary compliments or sometimes responding with a witty rebut. Which only sparks rumours amongst nurses on their graveyard shifts that Dr. Kim Jungwoo is single and emotionally available. So it came as a shock to everyone when he started handing out wedding invitation cards to his colleagues. The young doctor is, in fact, not available in the market as it seems like he had been in an established relationship with someone for a long time now.
What's even more surprising is the name written next to Jungwoo's - the name of his soon-to-be spouse.  The fact that he's marrying you - the snob, quiet, somehow shy, aloof, strict gastroenterologist had shaken the whole establishment. A match no one would have predicted. Some would even say a spark doesn't exist simply because they have never seen you with Jungwoo together. Don't get me wrong, your colleagues respect you for being a wonderful professional. They know how capable you are in your field and you have proven to be a very productive individual. It's just the way your colleagues think you and Jungwoo are completely different individuals. Your introverted nature might have played a factor on how intimidating you might seem like on the outside. Though behind the intimidating aura, shy glances and knowing smile had been exchanged between the both of you in the hallways. Despite the cold-hearted image, your heart swells with pride every time you see Jungwoo eating in the hospital's cafeteria or pantry with a lunch you packed that morning. Sometimes, even feeling a deep appreciation whenever you see the doctor use an old watch you have gifted him during your internships. The both of you do not see the purpose of publicly announcing your status nor it even came in your mind to tell it to anyone. But somehow, in his small little ways, Jungwoo had shown you a trace of yourself with him wherever he goes. 
Being a gastroenterologist, you worked a lot side-by-side with the pediatrics department as it is common for children to have digestive issues. This is where you exactly found yourself; in the middle of a meeting room with senior pediatricians and gastroenterologists briefing about the forthcoming surgeries scheduled that month. There are a total of eight doctors in there, five from the pediatrics department. The remaining three being you and two of your senior colleagues. Jungwoo is situated near the front row of the conference table whereas you were seated across from him and a few seats away from the back - almost the opposite sides of each end. The head surgeon had briefed you all on what procedures you will be doing and which doctors are assigned in which cases.
"I covered all the present cases we need to work on. Thank you for listening! Anyone want to add something?" Dr. Moon Taeil, the head pediatric surgeon, looked around, seemingly urging his team to talk. Dr. Johnny Suh didn't miss the opportunity to raise his hands to catch the eyes of every individual in the room. "I would like to express something. Albeit this is unrelated to the topic." Dr. Suh said as Dr. Moon nodded at him in approval. He stood from his seat, all eyes on him as he expressed his thought. "I would like to take this time to express my congratulations to the lovely engaged couple in this room." Dr. Suh exclaimed dramatically which earned cheers from your colleague. You sighed as you tried to hide your face in your arms. But despite that, a smile is painted on your face. Jungwoo, on the other hand, was smiling brightly with his two front bunny teeth showing, not shying away from the attention he's getting. 
"We have some time to spare. Entertain us. How long have the two of you been together?" It was Dr. Park Sooyoung who curiously asked. You know her well enough to know that once she asked something, she'll never stop from adding follow-ups. You tried to send telepathic messages to Jungwoo to answer which might have worked. 
"6 years. We've been dating since our internships." Jungwoo looked at you directly. Your eyes met and you couldn't help but to feel so loved at the way he stares at you. Your moment was interrupted by Dr. Suh's loud voice. "6 YEARS AND WE DIDN'T KNOW?" He exclaimed.
"We really had no idea." Dr. Jeong Jaehyun added. "Why did you hide it from us?"
"We didn't hide it though. Right babe?" Jungwoo said, smirking at your reaction from the way he called you publicly by your petname. 
"Right." You soft-spokenly answered. The petname didn't go unnoticed by your colleagues as you see them looking at you with a knowing smile and a teasing eyes.
"We actually go to work and go home together." Jungwoo added.
"Say. What do you like about each other? Both of you are like the polar opposite. I would have never imagined getting married to someone so different from me. What can you say, Dr. Y/N?" Dr. Park curiously asked the question at the back of everyone's mind but they never dare to say out loud. You can feel that all eyes were at you right now. 
"I… uhmmm--" You were at a loss for words from the sudden question. You're internally panicking and Jungwoo understood it immediately
"Don't pressure her with these questions. Ask me instead." He said which earned him, once again, teasing remarks from them. You looked at him with thankful eyes which he immediately understood as he gave you a nod of acknowledgement. 
"What's your answer then, Kim?"
"We just… match." You were staring at him and he looked back at you. "It's the small things really." He continued. "It's the way Y/N doesn't really like coffee that much but loves doughnuts. So when we go to the cafe across the street, we can just order the combo. I get to keep the coffee, she gets to eat her doughnuts." You chuckled at his explanation.
The both of you stare at each other as Jungwoo continues. "Like how I used to eat take outs all the time because I can't cook and Y/N just happened to love cooking so now she prepares packed lunches for me everyday even though it means she's sacrificing her rest. It's also the way Y/N is too sensitive to the cold while I sweat easily, that's why the air conditioning in our house is always set to room temperature - just the right temperature for the both of us." From the way Jungwoo looks at you, you could have sworn you would have melted. It's like there's only the two of you in the room. You can't hear anything, see anything, aside from him. Your heart beats so fast as you absorb everything that comes out from his mouth.
"It's rhythm at this point. We're like the two opposite ends of the magnet. Different charges, different properties, but we're drawn towards each other. I just….. just love being with her." You would never forget the look in Jungwoo's eyes as he said those words. He wasn't saying it to answer their questions. He was saying it at you, telling you words of love and adoration. 
"Man, you're whipped." Dr. Suh said as Dr. Park squeals from Jungwoo's confession. The rest of your colleagues had smiles on their faces, now with full understanding just as how much you love each other.
"Everyone's in love but me." Dr. Jeong dramatically exclaimed.
"Enough of the teasing. Let's wrap this up. Congratulations Dr. Kim, Dr. Y/N. I hope to see your cute babies in the future." Dr. Moon wrapped up the meeting, never failing to add one last teasing remark. Despite that, you and Jungwoo thanked him.
Your colleagues packed up their things as they, one-by-one, left the room. Jungwoo remained in his place, waiting for you to finish. You were the last one to stand up from your seat. There, he approached you. There was a comfortable air in the room as you walked side-by-side.
"Thank you." You said wholeheartedly.
"For what? For saving you from all these questions or for publicly confessing my undying love for you?" His tone has a hint of playfulness in it as he offered you one of his cheeky smiles. 
"Both, I guess. I truly appreciate it." You smiled at him. 
"Well. You better appreciate me more. You're going to be stuck with me from the rest of your life." He ruffled your hair lovingly. 
"Sucks to be me." You rebutted while laughing at him.
You continued walking with him. "Wait babe!" Jungwoo stopped at his track, a few steps behind you. You stopped as you looked back at him. He went closer to you and in a matter of seconds, you felt a soft, warm lips on your forehead. It was brief but enough to take your breath away. 
"I can finally kiss you here. I've been wanting to do that." He said softly. 
You cheeks hurt from smiling too much. Even after all these years with Jungwoo, you can still feel the butterflies in your stomach. Every day, you're reminded just how much he loves you. You just can't wait to spend the rest of your life with your love. 
Please do send me a story request or ask my characters. Xoxo ♡
© lostgirlinthewoods
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