lorekeeper-jake · 5 years
“My mom painted this and said no one would like it. It’s her 2nd painting.”
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“I painted somebody’s mom”
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“Took a while and not perfect, but i painted the guy who painted the other guy’s mom”
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“I painted the girl who painted the guy who painted the other guy’s mom who painted an egret”
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“I painted the guy who painted the girl who painted the guy who painted the mom who painted a bird”
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“When it sinks in that I stayed up most of the night to paint a meme for internet points…”
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lorekeeper-jake · 5 years
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
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OK I HAD A SPUR OF THE MOMENT THING HAPPEN. AS YOU ALL KNOW IM CRAZY. I’m out there tending to my rot cages and I look to the left and BOOM. MAMA TURKEY WITH A BABY. Literally EVERYTHING IN ME told me to snatch it. I jump after this baby,snatch and I RUN for my life. MAMA MADE A STRAIGHT UP B LINE FOR ME READY TO KILL ME. I got into the house and went out a little bit later to chick if I could nab another chick… nothing. Ive had chickens in the past and we have the stuff to raise chicks. Heat lamp, feeders and chicken wire. But this chick needs a friend. Ive literally got 83¢ and my family is excited about having more livestock but they wont buy me SHIT. mom said it’s all up to me I need to find a way to get money to get this turkey a pal and some feed. I am afraid im gonna have to put requests off until this little guy either 1: finds a home because I wasn’t commissioned or 2:has his little buddy and enough food and is all set. mom told me to just put up donations but I truly do NOT like taking money from people. but if you wish to donate and not have a drawing that is fine by me just message me and ill link you. I know a turkey isnt that much of a deal but hey, I love it and I wanna care for it.
–COMMISSION INFO– YOU MUST PROVIDE REFERENCE FOR THE CHARACTERS YOU WANT. (if it is a well known character ,for example, Mario or Samus I am able to look it up myself.)
a dumb doodle/sketch will be 5$ lined art is 10$ (flat colors 12$) shaded drawing with or without simple background 18$ if there is an extra character +2$ I will be using paypal, message me if you are interested and we will talk.
thank you very much and it will be greatly appreciated if you at least reblog this!
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Chapter 4
I had finally got out of my apartment, squinting my eyes by the blinding ball of death we call the sun. Though I wasn’t going to let it stop me from seeing Maki and Calem, it was about a five minute walk to the diner where I’d eat breakfast with my friends. I couldn’t wait to see Maki again, I’ve known her since kindergarten. Calem on the other hand, I honestly didn’t expect him to want to hang out with me again after what happen with me.
I caught myself staring at my left wrist when I snapped back to reality, lines of scar tissue covered most of it stopping near the palm of my hand. Before I knew it I was at the diner, I quickly covered my arm with my jacket sleeve then went inside. To my surprise Calem was already sitting at a small table set in the corner of diner. “Hey Cal-” I stopped, something was sitting next to Calem, it looked almost like a ghost made of gems. I just stared at the apirition for what felt like a few minutes when suddenly I was interrupted by something wrapping around me.
I turned around to see Maki had started hugging me, and someone standing pretty close to her  I could only assume him to be Jose who I talked to earlier. “Hey Maki, how have you been?” I asked returning the hug. She pushed back to look at me, “Not so bad , how about you?” She asked back. “Uh, good.” I said, suddenly I made eye contact with Jose and froze, before the situation could get awkward I nodded and walked towards Calem. But something was off, the ghost was gone and Calem was sitting alone sipping on his tea. I didn’t put too much thought into the situation since it had been a while since I went out. “Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me.” I said quietly to myself, I had completely forgot about it when I sat down across from Calem. When Calem noticed it was me his eyes lit up, like a kid waking up on christmas.
“Hey Dan, long time no see.” He yelled excitedly, I smiled trying to match his excitement but to no prevail. “It’s good to see you Calem, how was boarding school?” I asked while scooching into the seat for Jose to sit next  to me. “Being completely honest, the only thing good about it was meeting my girlfriend.” He finished, I looked over at Maki, then to Jose. “You too huh.” I sighed. “Yeah, here I have picture of her.” He said pulling his phone out of his pocket, he tapped a few icons to reveal a picture of a small, cute blond girl in a school uniform. “Her name is Monika.” Calem added, Maki took Calem’s phone to get a better look at the photo. “Ohhh what a looker.” Maki said smiling and looking at Calem, he smiled back. This is good, I- I’ll make through today. I thought. Little did I know, I’d eat those words.
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Chapter 3
Maki awoke to the smell of coffee, as soon as she opened her eyes, Maki was out of bed. “About time you woke up, I was about to wake you myself.” A boy sitting on the side of her bed told her. As Maki fully opened her eyes she realized it was her boyfriend, Jose. “I’m sorry, you know I’m a heavy sleeper.” She reminded him while sitting up to find the trace of the coffee smell. A grin formed on her face as Jose handed a red and white mug with a big “M” on the front. “Ahh, the breakfast of champions.” She commented after taking a big sip of the black substance.
After about 5 minutes of just sitting on Maki’s queen sized bed, the couple got up to get ready for breakfast with their friends. “Before anything else I need a shower.” Maki said heading straight to the bathroom. First she turned on the shower head so the water would be hot when she got in, then she gathered the essential cleaning products got undressed and hopped in. “I hope Daniel and Calem will be ok with Jose joining us.” She thought while letting the water run down her back eventually it got a little to hot snapping her out of her thoughts.
The door to Maki’s bathroom opened a little and a phone appeared through the crack. “Hey sweetie, your phone is ringing, want me to answer it?’’ Jose asked from the other side of the door. “Sure tell them I can’t talk right now.” She said, then the door closed. Maki exited the shower and wrapped a towel around her body to start drying up, she went to her room to get her clothes she left on her bed. Once she knew she was dry enough Maki unwrapped her towel and got dressed. First she put on a plain white T-shirt, then a long black button up shirt over it, and a cool necklace to finish her torso, to complete the outfit Maki put on ripped short shorts.
“So who was it?” Maki asked Jose, who was sitting on a couch in the middle of Maki’s apartment living room. “Oh it was your friend Daniel, he wanted to make sure the plans for breakfast weren’t cancelled. I told him I was joining you guys and that’s the only thing that changed.” He finished, Maki nodded in agreement. “Well I’m ready to leave when you are.” Maki gleefully shouted as she grabbed some keys off the coffee table sitting in front of the couch Jose was sitting on. “K, let’s go eat.”
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Chapter 2
Calem was already out the door at around 7:30 AM, he was excited to see his friends after 3 months away at some fancy boarding school. Maybe being in a rich environment rubbed off on him, because though he was back living in his small town with his father. First he decided to deal with the jungle on his head he called hair as he didn’t pay much attention to it when he first woke up, taking a small comb  he slide it from the front of his short hair to the back quickly fixing the mess. Now the blonde looked much more presentable. Calem decided to dress in an outfit similar to his school uniform. Black dress shirt, grey vest, blue dress pants, and black converse since he had lost his dress shoes.
Calem took one last look in the mirror to make sure everything was right. He nodded to himself with approval and started towards the front door.   “Oh wait before I go, I better say goodbye to Dad.” He reminded himself while turning around to head to his father’s room. “Hey Dad I’ll out for a little with some friends.” He said, right after Calem finished his sentence Mr. Post turned around and said goodbye, “Be safe and can you pick up some groceries while you’re out?”
Mr. Post finished. Calme paused for a second trying to remember where the closest grocery store was to the restaurant he would be dining at. “Yeah just text me the list and I’ll pick them up on my way back.” Calem said as he walked towards the front door. He hopped onto his bike which was parked next to his mailbox for easy exiting.
Calem peddled his way across town he started thinking about Daniel. “The last time I saw him I was leaving for school, I hope he’s alright.” A frown started forming on his face as he remembered Daniel’s condition. “No, maybe he got help… he’s probably so much better.” Calem thought, but before he could continue Calem made it to his destination, a small cafe where Daniel and Maki would meet him. “Looks like I’m the first one here, guess I’ll get the table.” He said walking over to a man who was holding some menus. “How many will be dining today sir?” The man asked, Calem, not really wanted talk to a stranger raised 3 fingers. “Right this way.” The man said leading Calem to his seat.
Calem sat in silence for a while sipping on a sweet tea he got from a waitress that passed by. Eventually he got bored and decided to try something he recently discovered. “Diamond Heart.” Calem said as if calling someone, or something, suddenly a figure appeared sitting next to Calem. A body seemingly made of shining gemstones. Eyes of diamonds, and its arms were made from ruby and sapphire. Its chest was made up of emerald, the legs composed of rose quartz while its feet had an amethyst look to them. Nobody could see Diamond Heart except for Calem, they had been together ever since Calem left for boarding school. “Let’s have some fun.”
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
I feel like I've seen this in a nightmare once.
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Chapter 1
Daniel woke up at exactly 7:45 AM to his alarm. Lord knows he hated that alarm, but it was the only thing that got him up early enough to get his morning procedures done. He reluctantly got out of bed and went straight to the closest bathroom, and when he got there he did what he did every morning: shower, brush his teeth, use the toilet if needed, and then he got dressed. Daniel’s attire consisted of a black T-shirt, a grey jacket he’s had for years, and dark blue jeans.    
      “Comfortable and not too flashy.” Daniel told himself while looking at a mirror. He walked out of his room and out the door of his apartment so he could meet up with some friends to grab breakfast. He didn’t do this often but he decided it was about time to get out of the place for a change. Before he left, Daniel grabbed his phone from his pocket and called one of the people he was meeting up with. The contact was labeled under “Maki,” a girl he’d known since he was a child.
  After a couple seconds of ringing a voice picked up the phone, but what Daniel heard wasn’t Maki’s voice, but that of a male. “Hey, whoever this is, Maki isn’t available, but you can leave a message with me.” The guy finished. Daniel had a confused look on his face and took a second to find a response. “I uhh, this is Daniel, who is this?” Daniel asked. “This is Maki’s boyfriend, Jose.” The male said. Daniel took a second to process what he had heard. “Oh, good for you. She’s great, but I called to see if our plans for breakfast were still on.”
  “Ahh, so you’re the guy Maki was talking about.” The man, now known as Jose commented. “Yeah, we’re still on for breakfast, Maki is getting dressed right now.” Jose finished. “Wait, we?” Daniel now more confused waited for a response. “Oh she didn’t tell you, Maki said she wanted me to meet you and Calem I think.” “Oh, ok, guess I’ll be seeing you later than.” Daniel said. Jose let out an agreeing grunt and hung up the phone. “Alright, let’s meet up with Calem.” Daniel told himself as he open the front door to his apartment.
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Whoa thank you for the input it'll definitely be in the back of my mind when it comes time to decide if I'm watching rwby or not. (I didn't realize I was under anon rip.)
On a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you recommend RWBY?
I’ll try my best to give a very non-spoilery, non-detailed “review” of sorts to help you gauge if you’d want to watch it or not, anon. Like anything it comes down to taste but there are multiple factors to consider. JUST REMEMBER: this is just what I think. There are, I’m pretty sure, MILLIONS of people who really enjoy RWBY, so I could just be a rare case.
More stuff after the cut here, if you’re on mobile this may not work depending on the version (I don’t know if tumblr’s fixed that yet >3>;;)
Keep reading
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
It has the yoshi on his tail, nose and let.
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first person to reblog this with all three scales that are shaped like yoshi circled wins a free doodle from me.
Ill pm ya and see what ya want once someone wins.
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
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Ame Reference Sheet
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
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Why Guzma isn’t in Team Rainbow Rocket, probably
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
Make it happen
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the DLC we want
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
I’m not even from the USA, and sure I consume content from there, the Net Neutrality death won’t affect me THAT MUCH. BUT, I’m empathetic enough to realise that it will ruin MILLIONS of lives! Not online relationships and friendships, BUT ACTUAL LIVES. How many people work through the internet? How many people apply to jobs/uni through the internet? How many people appoint for organ donations online? Destroying Net Neutrality will only cause more and more unemployment in your country and kill millions of people, STOP BEING GREEDY AND LET THE INTERNET LIVE
EDIT: DON’T JUST LIKE IT! REBLOG IT!! Who care if it doesn’t match your theme?? If Net Neutrality dies is possible that people won’t see it!! Tag it and delete it in the future but SOPREAD IT LIKE THE PLAGUE
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lorekeeper-jake · 6 years
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Thank you so much @moondoodles for letting me use this lovable boy in my story, I've been working hard on it and I'm happy he is a part of it.
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lorekeeper-jake · 7 years
These are literally the best pieces of SU fanart I’ve ever seen
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