lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
        “ TORRHEN GIANTSBANE. ”        HE HAD BEEN on his way to the sept when he spotted the other lord. compared to torrhen, benjen felt overdressed in his fine attire, but nothing else would be acceptable for the funeral of the king and queen. all the people in attendance would likely be dressed in proper mourning attire and benjen was no different. he was there to represent house stark after all. even more so than to mourn the royal couple, both of whom he had never known.          “ i take it by your attire that you are not attending the funeral. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
        WITH EVERYTHING GOING ON IN king’s landing, benjen hadn’t had much time to spend with his fellow northerners. he represented house stark, which meant he was expected to socialize with the lords and ladies from other regions of the realm. it wasn’t horrible, but ben always felt more comfortable around people he knew better. relief washed over him when he spotted lilliyana in the crowd. excusing himself from the lord he had been listening to, benjen began to make his way over to her. he had heard about the talks of a possible betrothal between her and prince daemion and while he was pleased for lilli if this was what he wanted, he couldn’t help but worry. the south wasn’t the safest place to be and if the royal family was being targeted... ben simply didn’t want anything to happen to lilliyana.          “ lilliyana, how have you been? ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
brandon stark.
Brandon felt bad at the sight. Grace would have admonished him for that. You’re being too hard on Ben, my love, she would say. And to speak truthfully, he was. He was too hard on the boy when he shouldn’t have been. He glanced over at him and after a moment, he replied. “I…know you won’t. I’m sorry. You’re…a man grown. I’m too critical.”
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        GREEN EYES GLANCED BRIEFLY AT his father. had it not been for the walls ben had carefully established over the years his surprise would have shown. he was used to a stoic father, not one who spoke in this manner. there was a hint of guilt too, safely hidden away. his mother wouldn’t like them being so distant, but it feels like the lines have been drawn too long ago.          “ it’s fine. i have a duty to house stark and the north, i mustn’t forget it. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
brandon stark.
Brandon sat next to his son, straight backed and frowning at the funeral. He saw Rhaenys and frowned at her, his heart aching for the young woman. He turned back to his son and frowned at him. He’d been hard on his son recently. So hard on him. After Grace…there’d been even more of a disconnect between the two.
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“Sit up straight. You represent House Stark.”
        HE SAT UP STRAIGHTER IMMEDIATELY. At this point, an immediate reaction to his father’s criticism was near instinct at this point. Ben wouldn’t be surprised if the people surrounding them could see the divide that existed between father and son. Hopefully today they would associate it with the troubles brewing at King’s Landing.          “ Yes, Father. I know. I won’t disappoint you. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
rhaenys targaryen.
   She hated funerals. Gods, she hated funerals. She had been just a girl when she’d lost her mother, a woman grown when her father followed her to his grave. Vaegon was never supposed to meet such a grizzly fate. This was supposed to be a coronation, a delight, a celebration. Instead they stood to bury king and queen. 
   Rhaenys wasn’t ready. She lifted her hand, wiping at her eyes as they dared to defy her orders to remain dry. She stood as hidden away as possible, not yet ready to enter the doors of the Sept. She willed herself to breathe. She had to do everything perfectly right. Daemion needed her to. The Lady Gaunt be damned, the only other family she had would sit the throne sooner rather than later and she would not do anything to hinder his authority or the strength of her house. 
   The princess closed her eyes, exhaling once more. When she opened her eyes, she startled the tiniest bit, met with another’s. “You may enter, you needn’t wait for me.” She murmured. In just a few days, the little dragon had grown ten years. 
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        HOW QUICKLY EVENTS TURNED. WHEN everyone had arrived in King’s Landing they had come prepared for a coronation, what was supposed to be a joyous event, but now the king and queen were being buried. Any trace of the happy mood that had managed to survive the queen’s murder had now vanished completely. Truthfully, Ben wanted to leave King’s Landing immediately. It clearly wasn’t safe here and until the killer’s intention was truly known then no one was safe. However the likelihood that anyone would be allowed to leave the city was slim. Not until the murderer was found.
          He noticed the Targaryen princess lingering outside the Sept. Others passed by where she was standing and perhaps Benjen should follow in suit, but instead his steps guided him to her side.          “ Princess Rhaenys, I’m so sorry for your loss. ”          He hadn’t spoken with the king nor knew him well beyond what others said of him. However, he hadn’t had any reason to dislike Vaegon or wish him dead.          “ Many say it isn’t good to be alone during times of great sorrow. Would you like some company walking into the Sept? ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
eilonwy tyrell.
Eilonwy has never seen such a creature. The wolf is  H U G E  beyond belief, each padding step of its powerful paws sending muscles rippling beneath its fur. It frightens her, and intrigues her. People often frighten her; they are unpredictable and cruel. This wolf, she thinks, is honest. She is inexperienced with animals - even the horses are alien to her, as she would never ride out. And no doubt this wolf could rip her to shreds if it had a notion to, so she resists the urge compelling her to drop down and kiss its glossy nose, instead smiling broadly at it, scarcely noticing the nobleman that stands by it. “She’s magnificent. It is hard to believe such a creature can stand so civilly here - gods know this hall has seen worse than growls today. But surely she is not tame?” she asks, eyes bright with interest. She’s read stories of direwolves, but had not thought to ever encounter one.
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        FEAR WAS THE MOST COMMON reaction ben witnessed when people came face to face with either his or his sister’s direwolf. especially when they traveled south. the northerners were used to the wolves at this point, but direwolves never ventured south. so the young lady’s fascination was a surprise, but a welcome one. benjen tired of people looking at valdis as if she was an uncontrollable monster. he wouldn’t have allowed a violent creature around his family. direwolves may be large and intimidating, but they were intelligent creatures, capable of learning and adapting to different environments. they were far smarter than the targaryens’ dragons in his opinion.          “ she’s as tame as a direwolf can be. i found her when she was a pup and raised her myself. so she’s been around people all her life. however, she is still a wolf. the wildness cannot be completely erased nor would i wish it to be. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
elaera gaunt.
Did all these fucking Starks have direwolves? Elaera thought as she stared at the beast with an open mouth for a moment. She wouldn’t be surprised if they fucking rode the damn beasts here. Seven hells.
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The beast growled at her, and it looked at her. Chilling. Like it was intelligent or something… “I…” She was actually a bit shaken. “I believe..the events of today have us all on edge, Lord Stark, and though your words are meant to assuage my fears, I believe your direwolf is far too scary for me to be at ease around her.”
        SOUTHERNERS. THOSE IN KING’S LANDING spent their time in the company of dragons and yet they treated the direwolves like beasts who couldn’t be controlled. one would think that after seeing dragons no creature could be as intimidating.
          however, ben didn’t dare let any of his feelings spread across his face. he knew when to be polite. and he always preferred to keep his emotions hidden away, especially when surrounded by strangers.          “ i understand. i’m certain i wouldn’t be at ease if one of the dragons was roaming the halls. but i will say again you have nothing to fear. i’ve raised her since she was a pup. she is loyal to me. ” 
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
cassana mormont.
             Cassana had been looking for him, them, but she hadn’t expected to find him as soon as she turned the corner sharply. The direwolf didn’t intimate her, nor it surprised her, she had grown custom to the beasts being near when the Stark children were too. She admired the creatures and was glad she had opportunities to be around them. “Valdis, my old friend.” Cassana said extending her hand out, waiting for the direwolf to approach her, showing her kindness and respect. Then her eyes finally moved towards him, “My lord.” Cassana gave him a small courtesy and a warm smile. “How are you feeling?” She dared to wonder out loud. 
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        “ LADY CASSANA. ”        HE SMILED WHEN he realized who had approached. valdis’s demeanor changed immediately. her hackles lowered and she approached the lady, sniffing her hand before nudging it softly with her nose. benjen always felt more at ease around other people from the north, especially people he knew well. and cassana was certainly one of the people he considered himself close to. it was unsurprising that his direwolf felt the same; the starks were always said to have strong bonds with their wolf.          “ i am fine, though i find myself already missing home. and how are you? ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
derron sunglass.
Derron eyed the wolf carefully as he approached Benjen, he had seen many a creature, but this was the first time he had witnessed a direwolf. “Quite the beast you have there, Lord Stark.” 
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        A RARE SMILE SPREAD ACROSS benjen’s lips. some believed dragons were the most magnificent beasts known to westeros but he preferred the direwolves.          “ indeed, she is. am i correct in assuming this is the first time you’ve seen a direwolf? ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
rowan sand.
         “You’ll forgive me if I don’t trust the words that seep from your mouth when there’s a pony-sized wolf baring teeth at me.” Despite the words Rowan didn’t seem too perplexed — rather he kept toward his side of the hall and clutched his beverage closer as if that were what the wolf sneered at. “Mind calling your steed off?” It was obvious that he didn’t belong: either the quality of his leathers or the way he spoke — Rowan stuck out like a sore thumb. Though he gave a lazy smile, peering at the lord through hair in his eyes.
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        “ VALDIS, COME. ”        HE DIDN’T WANT to unnerve the other man. there was enough tension in the capital with a murderer on the loose. thankfully, valdis had been trained well and settled down the moment it was clear that there was no danger. ben observed the man, noticing how he kept his distance and held his drink close. the hint of a smile pulled at the corners of his lips.          “ your drink is safe now, ser. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
rhaenys targaryen.
   Rhaenys frowned as Meraxes began to squirm in her arms. The kitten had gone from purring to near hissing as she gently brushed her fur. She looked up, trying to figure out why her cat seemed so distressed. Her eyes settled on the direwolf. A second. The Starks were bold, even if she did not hold ill will toward them, she wasn’t completely comfortable with multiple direwolves wandering the hall, especially considering they were confined in such a small space. 
   “Shh, Meraxes.” She murmured, trying to comfort the kitten but Meraxes was having none of it. She sighed, moving her hand away to let the cat jump from her arms and wander off away from the direwolf. She turned her attention to Benjen finally, “I should hope not, my lord.” 
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        ONCE BEN BECAME AWARE OF rhaenys’s presence valdis settled down, returning to ben’s side and sitting down. he reached out to rest a hand on her hand. if there was anyone the wolf must be calm around it was the targaryens.          “ of course, princess rhaenys. valdis is all bark. my apologies that she frightened your cat. ”          the wolf was calm as long as ben or his family weren’t in danger, but it was best to tell others that his wolf was more docile than she was. most southerners reacted bad enough to a direwolf wandering the halls; they’d be even less pleased if they knew of her temperament.
          “ my sincerest condolences for your family’s loss. queen cerelle would have been an excellent queen. ”          in truth, ben had known little of the late queen but despite the old hatred between cerelle’s house and hosue stark, ben hadn’t wished her death. as long as the south didn’t interfere too greatly with the north they could do as they like.
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
oceara estermont.
          Oceara wasn’t as much restless as everyone in the room, she was simply bored, the reality of the situation didn’t entirely touched her cynic heart. In her mind one queen could be replace by another one, simply, and she also thought this was obviously the plan of someone who thought of being the next one. The young brunette turned on a corner of the room without intending to disturb the beast, she gave a small flinch at the sight of it, and a step backwards at the reaction of the such. “Shouldn’t she be elsewhere?” Oceara spoke bluntly, she had never been fan of animals, unless they were horses or pets. And the wolf didn’t strike her a inside pet.
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        BEN WHISTLED SOFTLY AND THE wolf returned to his side, though her eyes never left the stranger. he had received many strange looks when valdis had followed him around the keep. it hadn’t surprised him. in the north everyone was used to seeing the stark children with their direwolves but the south was foreign any type of wildness. so he took no offense to the question.          “ no. the direwolves aren’t meant to be far from their master’s side, no matter the circumstances. ”          a servant had tried to request that the wolf remained outside during the coronation, but benjen had made it clear that wouldn’t be acceptable. nothing ever good came when starks were forced to separate from their wolves. 
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
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make me choose → asked by anonymous ↳ francis or sebastian?
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
lyarra stark.
Lyarra smiled as she approached Ben, placing her hand on top of Valdis’ head, settling the wolf slightly. “Look at you standing in the corner brooding.” A small smile appeared on her lips. “I thought I told you and father to leave the broody faces at home?” A teasing look appeared on her face as she nudged im slightly. “This place smells of shit, when do you think father will let us return home?” 
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        VALDIS CALMED THE MOMENT SHE realized it was lyarra was approaching. the wolf’s tail even wagged. ben smiled at his sister, rolling his eyes at her comment.          “ i’m not brooding. ”          he doubted she would believe him; ben hardly believed the words as he spoke them. but what else was there to do in king’s landing?          “ unfortunately, i doubt we’ll be able to leave until the king permits us to, which likely won’t be until the queen’s murderer is caught. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
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        THERE WAS LITTLE IN THE south that benjen enjoyed. it was too warm and crowded, not to mention dangerous. one never knew what was lurking underneath the surface at king’s landing. especially now that there was a murderer on the loose. he would much rather be back home in winterfell, but with tensions running high he didn’t dare let his desires known. he had managed to find a relatively quiet area of the hall and stood waiting. the only sign of his agitation was valdis’ actions; the direwolf paced back and forth around her master, watching the other lords and ladies in the room. she was looking for danger. ben didn’t notice the other person approaching, but his wolf did. valdis’ lip curled upwards and she growled in warning, which caught ben’s attention.          “ she doesn’t mean you any harm. the events have simply set her on edge. ”
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lordbcnjen-blog · 6 years
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TORRANCE COOMBS; announcing BENJEN STARK ! HE is the 30 year old LORD of house STARK. we hear around court they are STUBBORN, LOYAL and GUARDED, but don’t put too much stock into rumor. 
hi everyone! i’m alex. i’m super excited to write with you all! here’s my stark boy, benjen. if you want to plot just hit me up or like this post and i’ll send you a message. ben’s a typical stark: very loyal and honorable but stubborn af and also a little moody and grumpy. but he’s got a big heart and if you’re family or someone he cares for he’ll go to the end of the earth for you.
benjen, also known as ben, is the eldest and only son of lord and lady stark. he was close to his mother growing up and looked up to his father, wanting to make him proud. he listened carefully to whatever his parents told him, knowing that their lessons would be valuable when time came for him to be the lord of winterfell
called the dark wolf due to how guarded and mysterious he can be. also because ben does have a temper but he’s excellent at hiding it until he reaches a point where he’s too angry to contain it. so no one ever really knows what he’s thinking/feeling since he normally keeps himself composed. also he always wears black clothes, like always.
his mother’s death hit him hard. however ben isn’t the best at showing emotions so there were no signs of typical grieving. he mainly acted very quiet and stoic following his mother’s death. to some it seemed he recovered quickly but he carried the loss with him for a long time. he still hates talking about his mother’s death to this day
in a sense, he had recover fast because his father became so reclusive following lady stark’s death. so ben felt that a lot of responsibility suddenly rested on his shoulder. he had to be there for his younger sister and for the people of the north, who still needed someone to lead them and show that the north was still strong. as the lord heir, ben firmly believed it was his duty. if his father wasn’t up for diplomacy anymore then it was his job now. 
he does resent his father a little for that because ben feels like his father almost abandoned lyarra and him after their mother’s death. yes, he was present but he wasn’t the same man he used to be. ben needed his father during that time and still needed his guidance even though he didn’t show it, but didn’t feel like his father was there. due to this, ben doesn’t confide in his father often. he’s developed the habit of simply solving his problems on his own
ben has a direwolf named valdis. ben found her alone in the woods while he was out riding one day and brought her home. the wolf is completely black with striking amber eyes. she rarely strays far from her master’s side and is known to have quite the temper. there have been occasions where she’s almost attacked someone she thought was going to harm ben. valdis has already grown to full size and is large for a direwolf. despite her temper and intimidating size, ben refuses to go anywhere without her; he insisted on bringing her to king’s landing. they are very closely bonded and he trusts her instinct before even his own.
very protective of his younger sister. ben loves her a lot and would do anything to keep her safe and happy. he helped take care of her when they were growing up, especially after their mother passed 
ben’s a very skilled sword fighter, archer, and horseback rider. he learned from the best growing up and spent most of his free time training. 
is actually pretty good a diplomacy but sometimes he’s a little too blunt. he believes in being straightforward and to the point, not trying to deceive people to achieve his ends. sometimes his temper gets the better of him and he can lash out. he doesn’t go looking for a fight but if one is presented to him then he’s not going to back down, especially if he believes he’s right
he was in love once when he was younger. she was the one person he ever fully opened up to and had things gone as he wanted them to he would have married her. however it didn’t work out. since then ben has been extremely reluctant to open up and fall in love with anyone. it’s the main reason he isn’t betrothed to anyone yet, though the northern lords do want him to wed soon. 
Childhood friend(s): someone ben grew up with and knows he can rely on no matter what His first love: the woman he wanted to marry. the reason their relationship didn’t work out could be anything from house rivalries, their parents not approving, her marrying someone else, etc.  Potential betrothal: while ben isn’t actively looking to marry he is expected to and since he is thirty i imagine the northern lords would want to see him wed soon.  Rivals: could be a friendly rivalry or a genuine “we hate each other” rivalry Enemies: people who hate the starks in general, people who don’t like benjen for whatever reason, etc. Lover: the first person since his first love who he wants to let into his heart. are they allowed to be together? or are they forced to hide their feelings for some reason? 
i’m honestly open to all kinds of plots/ideas so throw them at me!
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