lorcanbeithioch · 4 years
‘The Talk’
Sitting in the long rustic room of his family’s compound Lorcan felt sure whatever the night brought, he would be fine, he would stand, or sit as the case normally was. Valentine had braided his hair back and Lorcan felt sure he was as well dressed as his family cared for, most of his famiy cared for. Vilk-Mont was known for his outsider fashion that came from saiing.
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Lorcan had been sitting by the fire for thirty minutes as he heard talking outside. Elsewhere in the compound Valentine was probably surrounded by his aunts and cousins. Whatever they were talking about was a secret for him and the other men.
The door to the meeting space was flung open by Lothar. The spindly, hald insane man danced around as one other man entered with a basket that was steaming in the cool night. The man behind Lothar was the last outsider to marry into the family, Rodrego. He was a bear of a man but one who had taken to the families strange ways. Lorcan couldn’t think of him as an outsider, at least not anymore.
“This is a day I never thought would come!” Lothar spun around giggling and humming a song only he heard. “Little Lorcan finally getting a mate. Course you had to do it the hard way didn’t you? Fall in love with a Beast who dies and now we have her back.” A thin hand clapped down on Lorcan’s shoulder as the teasing continued. “At least we know you love her! Or she would have been released to the Shadowlands and you’d be our shoe in for confirmed batchelor!”
Rodrego sat the basket down and pulled out curred meats, cheeses, bread, freshly churned butter, and a few bottles of mead that he poured into some mugs. “Careful of the teasing Lothar, this boy can still knock you down with a propper hex.”
“Oh he’s going to kill me one day!” Lothar said the truth that the whole family knew. One day, Lothar’s insanity would be too much and Lorcan would be putting the old man out of his misery and would then take the lead of the clan for himself.
Now he got to do it while being with someone he would die for.
Taking the mug of mead Lorcan offered a small cheers. “So what do we do tonight?”
Anyone who wasn’t married never went through this rite of passage, but with Valentine having less than a month till she got a body he knew it was his duty to ask his family’s blessing to marry his soulmate. Even if all of this was a formality. 
“Your mate right now is with the wives of the family. There she is learning our ways, most of them of course she already knows since she’s been lingering around us. But in a real body, it changes everything.” Lothar tapped his chest. “We have to protect ourselves and make sure the person we choose will choose us over the outside world. Which, she does.”
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Rodrego smiled a bit, a world wary look that Lorcan had seen from him before. “My wife is probably telling her about how I figured out my place here.”
Lothar nodded and tapped the bigger man on the shoulder. “You think people will forget that story, but we wont! You will always be known as the one who came naked to Yule when we all dressed in robes. I think your wife loved it.”
“What about me?” Lorcan asked. “Do we just.. sit here all night?”
Both of the older men laughed. “Hardly!” Lothar boomed. “We need to make sure you don’t make a fool of yourself when Valentine is finally whole.”
He had no idea what his uncle meant and he looked to Rodrego for answers. “You mean not get tongue-tied around her? I don’t think that will be easy.”
“Not tongue-tied,” Lothar took a long drink from his mug. “Not unless your tongue is between her legs.”
Lorcan had been deep in his mug when his uncle’s lewd comment made him inhale mead. Coughing and trying to get the burning away from his eyes Lorcan looked between the men as if confused. “What did you just say?”
“You’re going to make the boy lose his mead Lothar.” Rodgrego said his voice a lower thrum. “When Valentine and you live together, with two living bodies. There is going to be an oppertunity where you two can have sex.”
“Rut like Beasts! Fuck! Make the Forest proud with your heathen mateing.” Lothar said in a sing song voice.
The fire grew from Lorcan’s stomach and raced up to his face and ears. “You’re... Right, you’re not joking.”
“Why would we?” Lothar said throwing his arms out. “Our family loves sex. What are we? Outsiders. No offence Rodrego.”
“None to be taken.” The larger man smirked and shrugged. “I had to learn the family’s ways. Outsiders can be... shocked at how open all of you are about sex. I remember my first year, I thought I had to hide it. But her father pulled me aside and threatened me if I was ever ashamed of loving my future wife, I would be banished. I learned fast to get over my Light fearing guilt.”
“Exactly!” Lothat boomed his grin on the tettering point of insanity. “We live too short of lives to live with shame and guilt. Why feel shame over making the woman you love glow with how much they’re loved? Proving your sexual prowis is what we men can do to make sure our lovers are happy and never want to leave. It’s our job to make them satisfied.”
A dark smile was on Rodrego’s lips. “He’s right. I mean, I was already having sex with your cousin before we started our year of living together. I knew what to do.
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“But, you’re a virgin.” Lothar said in a plain way, like how all Beithiohcs spoke with a blutness that came from living with out normal social norms.
“I...” Lorcan was going to say he wasn’t, but it would be a lie and he knew you didn’t lie to family like that. “Alright I am. I know what I’m doing though. I know what to do with myself.”
Both of the older men watched him in his seat. Lorcan hated he was prone comapired to them. Annoyance at how stupid he sounded only added to his anger. “Fine.” Lorcan took a long drink form his mug. “I’ve watched enough summer solstices. I know what happens.”
“No, you know what wild fucking looks like.” Rodrego reached over and put a warm hand on Lorcan’s shoulder. “We’re going to explain what you need to do, how you get to learn how to listen to Valentine, let her guide you. You’re a visitor to what she has already mastered. But we’ll give you tips we know about, and you’re going to have to learn how to last long enough to make sure she’s happy. That’s our job.”
This was not the night he had thought about. He thought Valentine would be the one having to learn the most, but he found himself looking between the two men and nodding. The Beithioch family’s reputation was at stake. Lorcan was just a sign post in the long road that had started the family.
If he put more thought about it, he had already done this once. In the lifetime Valentine and him were bonded in he had kept her, fallen in love with her and forsaken his original plan. He fell in love with a human woman and bound the Beithioch and drust bloodlines together. This time there was no war going on, at least none between humans and drust.
“Where do I start?”
The older men looked at each other grinning. Lothar went to speak but Rodrego spoke up faster. “Have you heard of a clitorus?”
(( Mentions: @vermilion-valentine​. A inside peek at what the men of the clan talk about as they get Lorcan to understand what it means to have a wife. More relationship stuff gets talked about too, But Lothar and the other men would be damned if Lorcan finally got do have sex and didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Yay for heathen families with strange social norms!))
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lorcanbeithioch · 4 years
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
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Ivar the Boneless | Vikings 5.12
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
“I think my Cousin manages just fine. To keep things that can eat you close, it means you stay aware at how low you are on the food chain.”
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👁- Olivia
“Woman needs to stop surrounding herself with things that could eat or kill her. Like OH MY GOD between demons and whatever the hell those other two ladies were, just waiting for it to go AWOL and end her life.”
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
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Battle for Azeroth aesthetics → 2/??
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
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And Night Followed
Asya Yordanova
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
The Beast and the Princess p2
“What more can you tell me, I would like to learn all I can if you have the time?”
This was the prime location anyone in Lorcan’s family would long to be. While his family had locked themselves away in Drustvar for nearly a hundred years, he knew his part in the world, he owned it like he owned his withered legs. To be the one to guide someone down a path, it was one of the biggest thing a Beithioch could do.
“I do have a bit of time.” He leaned back but then stopped looking over to the empty space and chuckled, raising a hand up to someone unseen he continued to explain. “But you want to, explore? See the world? Get in touch with who you are?”
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He pursed his lips and then smiled again. He had an animated face, one that easily showed how he was feeling, though those feelings were veiled in the truths he kept in his heart and mind. “I’ll say this about the, witches of Drustvar. You have the ones like the Heartbane who are angry women who forget that with all their power, they’re letting a man rule them. You always hear them say they have a Master.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I find the witches in Drustvar to be sexist against men. They forget that their witchcraft is just Drust magic.”
(( @eydenaitherton ))
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
Headcanons for 8. Bad memories/experiences.
There are quiet a few bad memories and experiences that Lorcan has lived.
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1. He was almost killed after being born: Lorcan’s family lived out in the wilds and when one of their own is born crippled much like he was the child is normally killed to spare them a life of being preyed upon. Lorcan survived this because the day he was supposed to be left in the woods to die the Crimson Forest had a huge storm and drove everyone inside. The adults were afraid but Lorcan just giggled and cooed the whole time. His Uncle Lothar deemed that Lorcan should be allowed to live since he obviously had the soul to persevere more than even the adults around him could.
2. He lost his parents when he was very young: When he was a preteen his parents and aunt were murdered by someone. It looked like a ritual killing and Lorcan is convinced they were murdered by witch hunters. That day drove Lorcan deep into the old Drust magic and sat him up for other horrible days.
3. Being almost killed by his mentor: Lorcan had thought he was the smartest person in Drustvar when he was a teen. Like all teenage hubris he tried to do something bigger than he was really able to manage. For him, it was summoning a Drust Soul from Thros to teach him how to do the original Drust magic away from Gorak Tol. His mentor did teach him but the ‘Eyeless Man’ had his own agenda and unbeknownst to Lorcan his mentor is still lingering in Drustvar, waiting to finish killing the boy who's soul doesn’t belong in Azeroth.
4. Feeling his soulmate die, and continue to die: When Lorcan met Valentine he thought their connection was just lucky, but when she was killed Lorcan felt part of his soul die with her. It’s part of an old ritual the two of them had done in a past life and it utterly startled Lorcan when it happened. The thing he doesn’t mention to many other than Valentine is when her soul rests in it’s charm, he feels that sense of loss all over again. He’s constantly in a battle from feeling part of himself die and know that Valentine is hurting when she doesn’t have a body.
((Thank you for the ask @safrona-shadowsun ))
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
Still watching her Lorcan knew it had been a shot in the dark. He didn’t know too many people who used the Light. His cousin Alle was the only one, and even then, it was seen as a curse not a blessing like the normal public felt it was. He also knew that the best way to be stubborn in the face of someone else who was stubborn was to not continue down that vein of conversation. He wasn’t going to be swayed and much of her advice was much his family was doing. They were sparing the innocents and only killing the family who hurt his family. 
“The light is just, something my family doesn’t have much knowledge of.” He paused for a moment his large shoulders rising and falling. “How do you feel about other paths? Do you know much about Drustvar?”
The Beast and the Princess
“Of course you don’t love her, and how could you knowing that you have this hanging over your head. You have found someone that you love deeply, and you will never be with them, I would say that is heartbreaking, and very unfair indeed. What if you defy your uncle, there must be another way around this? Or, do you wish to go through with what has been set in motion?”
Sipping his mead the young man’s bright blue eyes looked up and a grin appeared. It was so tempting to tell the truth, to just say it and let someone else know. Only in his travels Lorcan had come to know the outsiders, not just mainlanders, but anyone not Beithioch were sensitive people.
Putting his cup down he took in a small breath and looked at the woman. He could see her like he saw many outsider women, princesses. That did not mean that they were bad or spoiled, much like in every fairytale there was a Beast, but there was also a princess. Beasts pushed princesses down paths of growth. That in the end guided him to let slip the truth.
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Beside him he looked to that same empty space and smile fondly but the small joy died and he had to take a moment before speaking. “The woman I love, it’s complicated for her.” But he couldn’t tell the ‘Princess’ that yet, she seemed to innocent to understand the life he had. “But the point I think I need to make is, my family is going to be setting the trap. We’re calling it
” He shook his head since he knew it was too much to explain. “We’re going to have the wedding but no traditional ceremony. The Dunwiches need my family to agree because we’ve been hunting them in secret and their numbers are now, almost as small as when they culled us. At the wedding we plan on killing the rest of them, minus my fiancĂ©, she’s agreed the family feud is wrong and it will not continue with her.”
Lorcan then paused waiting to see how much of this would either blow the girls mind, or might ignite the start of someone’s story.
( @eydenaitherton )
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
Listening Lorcan’s expression stayed interested but was tucking away the bits of information he could gather. She had a point, if the situation was different, and if his family did not ever go back on their ‘deals’. Slowly the young man shook his head. “You are right,” But his voice didn’t have malice just a continued matter of fact tone. “It is not for an outsider to decide. The Dunwiches were blood, we hid from them and only attacked this last fall when they came after the last of the original bloodline. They still plan on killing her.”
He rose up his large shoulders and shook his head. “We can’t let the tree live. My fiancĂ© she lives, we have many of the children that they have been using as a shield, they all live and their mother is going to be leaving the family as well. She might even marry into our family. Depending...” He looked back at the ‘Princess’ and smiled. “You have wisdom, but this is a cleansing, the people who are alive, they are the same ones who murdered my grandfather’s family. So far, they have cursed several women to spy on my kin. They are dangerous, and we have given them all the options we could to turn around, they didn’t, and we have a debt to pay...”
Lorcan then paused and looked at the ‘Princess’. “Are you touched by the light?”
(( @eydenaitherton ))
The Beast and the Princess
“Of course you don’t love her, and how could you knowing that you have this hanging over your head. You have found someone that you love deeply, and you will never be with them, I would say that is heartbreaking, and very unfair indeed. What if you defy your uncle, there must be another way around this? Or, do you wish to go through with what has been set in motion?”
Sipping his mead the young man’s bright blue eyes looked up and a grin appeared. It was so tempting to tell the truth, to just say it and let someone else know. Only in his travels Lorcan had come to know the outsiders, not just mainlanders, but anyone not Beithioch were sensitive people.
Putting his cup down he took in a small breath and looked at the woman. He could see her like he saw many outsider women, princesses. That did not mean that they were bad or spoiled, much like in every fairytale there was a Beast, but there was also a princess. Beasts pushed princesses down paths of growth. That in the end guided him to let slip the truth.
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Beside him he looked to that same empty space and smile fondly but the small joy died and he had to take a moment before speaking. “The woman I love, it’s complicated for her.” But he couldn’t tell the ‘Princess’ that yet, she seemed to innocent to understand the life he had. “But the point I think I need to make is, my family is going to be setting the trap. We’re calling it
” He shook his head since he knew it was too much to explain. “We’re going to have the wedding but no traditional ceremony. The Dunwiches need my family to agree because we’ve been hunting them in secret and their numbers are now, almost as small as when they culled us. At the wedding we plan on killing the rest of them, minus my fiancĂ©, she’s agreed the family feud is wrong and it will not continue with her.”
Lorcan then paused waiting to see how much of this would either blow the girls mind, or might ignite the start of someone’s story.
( @eydenaitherton )
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
The Beast and the Princess
“Of course you don’t love her, and how could you knowing that you have this hanging over your head. You have found someone that you love deeply, and you will never be with them, I would say that is heartbreaking, and very unfair indeed. What if you defy your uncle, there must be another way around this? Or, do you wish to go through with what has been set in motion?”
Sipping his mead the young man’s bright blue eyes looked up and a grin appeared. It was so tempting to tell the truth, to just say it and let someone else know. Only in his travels Lorcan had come to know the outsiders, not just mainlanders, but anyone not Beithioch were sensitive people.
Putting his cup down he took in a small breath and looked at the woman. He could see her like he saw many outsider women, princesses. That did not mean that they were bad or spoiled, much like in every fairytale there was a Beast, but there was also a princess. Beasts pushed princesses down paths of growth. That in the end guided him to let slip the truth.
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Beside him he looked to that same empty space and smile fondly but the small joy died and he had to take a moment before speaking. “The woman I love, it’s complicated for her.” But he couldn’t tell the ‘Princess’ that yet, she seemed to innocent to understand the life he had. “But the point I think I need to make is, my family is going to be setting the trap. We’re calling it...” He shook his head since he knew it was too much to explain. “We’re going to have the wedding but no traditional ceremony. The Dunwiches need my family to agree because we’ve been hunting them in secret and their numbers are now, almost as small as when they culled us. At the wedding we plan on killing the rest of them, minus my fiancĂ©, she’s agreed the family feud is wrong and it will not continue with her.”
Lorcan then paused waiting to see how much of this would either blow the girls mind, or might ignite the start of someone’s story.
( @eydenaitherton )
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
“Oh I have met her.” Lorcan shook his head but didn’t really hold back. “Her family about a hundred years ago murdered most of my family. The men in the family ran off into the woods and found the other half of my family, the one who’s name I carry. We kept quiet grew our numbers.” But he was going to go off topic if he wasn’t careful, instead he returned to her question. “She’s a nice woman, a little bit younger than me, but, out of her family she’s one of the better ones at least.”
Lorcan was distant for a moment as he thought about it. “I don't love her, I never will. My Uncle threw the engagement at me and at first I thought I would be alright with it. Then I met..” He stopped and let out a breath, stopping himself from saying the harsh truth cause that normally disturbed people. “someone I love dearly. Not fair is it?”
☌ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy.
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The young man from Drustvar seemed to take a moment to really think about the question. Looking over to an empty space to his side he smiled like someone had said a joke or an amusing comment. His cornflower blue eyes sparkled for a moment before he contained his more devious answer for a more acceptable one for the moment.
“I have many cousins, my family suffered a horrible loss and since then we have stayed close, the distant relatives all living in one smaller location. I grew up with most of my Aunts and Uncles and all of them basically raised me. Being the eldest I had to take on the responsibilities of taking care of my younger cousins. The next oldest to me. Katrina, she’s one of my favorite people in my family.” Lorcan laughed a bit thinking of the small girl and reached into his pocket to pull out a picture he had recently gotten for her. The girl looked around the age of ten and had a stern face that said she acted older than her apparent age would give.
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“She’s a proud one, born with a heart that is true to my family. We always say if you are born with the soul of a Beast, it’s a good thing. She has that soul. Started hunting when she was five years old and she killed her first boar when she was eight.” Lorcan grinned fondly and closed the picture. “She’s going to be a good member of the family one day, and no one will ever stop her.”
“What about you? Do you have anyone that makes you happy?”
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
The young man leaned back in his seat, he had a strange way of lifting his whole body with his arms so his legs didn’t have to do as much work. “Arranged betrothed?” He asked as if curious.
Now he knew he had to choose his words carefully, only because his families safety was at hand. He did want to mention the ‘loss’ his family had suffered was over a hundred years old, but that would derail everything so he moved on. “I’m in an, arranged engagement at the moment as well...” He paused and looked to the side as if he heard something, but he smirked and shook his head. “It was thrown at me in the last year, the loss my family suffered, this should help us end it.”
But how it would end was something that brought a bit of joy to Lorcan’s heart. The dark smile grew but was pushed back as he looked back up waiting to find out if they were both in arranged betrothals or not.
☌ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy.
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The young man from Drustvar seemed to take a moment to really think about the question. Looking over to an empty space to his side he smiled like someone had said a joke or an amusing comment. His cornflower blue eyes sparkled for a moment before he contained his more devious answer for a more acceptable one for the moment.
“I have many cousins, my family suffered a horrible loss and since then we have stayed close, the distant relatives all living in one smaller location. I grew up with most of my Aunts and Uncles and all of them basically raised me. Being the eldest I had to take on the responsibilities of taking care of my younger cousins. The next oldest to me. Katrina, she’s one of my favorite people in my family.” Lorcan laughed a bit thinking of the small girl and reached into his pocket to pull out a picture he had recently gotten for her. The girl looked around the age of ten and had a stern face that said she acted older than her apparent age would give.
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“She’s a proud one, born with a heart that is true to my family. We always say if you are born with the soul of a Beast, it’s a good thing. She has that soul. Started hunting when she was five years old and she killed her first boar when she was eight.” Lorcan grinned fondly and closed the picture. “She’s going to be a good member of the family one day, and no one will ever stop her.”
“What about you? Do you have anyone that makes you happy?”
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
☌ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy.
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The young man from Drustvar seemed to take a moment to really think about the question. Looking over to an empty space to his side he smiled like someone had said a joke or an amusing comment. His cornflower blue eyes sparkled for a moment before he contained his more devious answer for a more acceptable one for the moment.
“I have many cousins, my family suffered a horrible loss and since then we have stayed close, the distant relatives all living in one smaller location. I grew up with most of my Aunts and Uncles and all of them basically raised me. Being the eldest I had to take on the responsibilities of taking care of my younger cousins. The next oldest to me. Katrina, she’s one of my favorite people in my family.” Lorcan laughed a bit thinking of the small girl and reached into his pocket to pull out a picture he had recently gotten for her. The girl looked around the age of ten and had a stern face that said she acted older than her apparent age would give.
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“She’s a proud one, born with a heart that is true to my family. We always say if you are born with the soul of a Beast, it’s a good thing. She has that soul. Started hunting when she was five years old and she killed her first boar when she was eight.” Lorcan grinned fondly and closed the picture. “She’s going to be a good member of the family one day, and no one will ever stop her.”
“What about you? Do you have anyone that makes you happy?”
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lorcanbeithioch · 5 years
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