What are the Essential Factors to Consider When Choosing a Lightning Protection Service?
Protecting your house from lightning damage would require one to install a Lightning Protection in Texas. Such systems are now widely available throughout the market. All you need is to call upon some of the companies providing such systems and choose one from the lot. However, the quality of those lightning protection services varies from one to another. So it could be confusing while selecting. Going through a few factors would help in getting the appropriate system. 
Properly licensed and certified-
 The availability of various such companies may create confusion while you are on a lookout to find out the perfect lightning protection system. To begin with, you can go through the licenses and other certificates that are essential for providing such services. For that, you should consider checking the websites or any other source where you will be able to understand the authenticity of the company. Failing to understand the authenticity, may cost you a lot. So make sure to take the help of a professional when purchasing a proper lightning protection system. 
Twenty four hour service-
 Even after installing, there could be many times you need to consult the authority regarding different issues. Apart from that, the lightning protection system could require repairing. Having a specific servicing time could cause problems. Emergency based servicing could get delayed. So a company that provides twenty-four-hour service is the right one to choose from. Besides minimizing further risk, it is required to avail of emergency based services. If a company offers such services for a specific time, only it wouldn't serve the purpose.
Effective customer support-
Many issues can be solved over the phone. The employers and experts do not need to come over your house every time you face any problems with the lightning rods. But for that, the customer care services should be capable of handling matters rightfully. They should have a proper understanding of the issues that can be solved over the phone. However, some issues would require expert intervention. And only knowledgeable customer support can make the difference in which problem can be resolved over the phone and which one cannot be solved. So having effective customer service is extremely necessary.
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What Are Different Roof Materials That Work Best With Lightning Protection System?
Protecting residential properties from lightning damage is of every homeowner’s concern. Lightning rods in Texas are designed to safeguard a house from the dangerous event of lightning. Since the best place to install lightning protection systems is the roof of any building, it is also important to understand the significance of the roof’s role in preventing lightning strikes to cause damage to the building. This is why selecting the right material for the roof is important.
Whether it is for building a roof in your new house or you want to invest in a re-roofing project, roofing materials have a great role to play in dealing with lightning strikes. This is why it is utterly important to make the right material choice.
Here are the different types of materials discussed to help you understand which material is the best for your house:
Metal roof
Lightning protection works best when conductive materials like metal are present. These do not attract lightning while giving the electricity a path when strikes occur. When the metal roof is hit by lightning strikes, it tends to travel through the panels, making its way down the structure. If you are able to pair this conductive path with lightning rods, meaning there is zero chance of the electricity causing harm to the building.
Fire-rated asphalt
For homeowners seeking protection against lightning would not like to give asphalt shingles a shot since these do not offer protection against fire damage caused due to the lightning. There is one benefit of choosing this material is the ease of lightning protection installation.
It is a good idea to seek fire resistance if conductivity cannot be achieved on the roof. A direct lightning strike has the potential of damaging your house's electrical items, however, a fire caused by the heat is way more dangerous. Concrete tiles provide natural fire resistance. With your lightning protection system, make sure you blend these tiles to expect zero occurrences of fire during an unlikely event of lightning.
If you want to know more about the options for preventing your home from the damage of lightning strikes make sure you get in touch with a professional.
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Important Facts About Lighting Everyone Should Know
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Lightning is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena which have enchanted us through centuries. The magic although happens in the sky is connected to the earth as well. So it affects the people living on this very planet along with living beings. And so one should avail protection the right way so that it won’t damage or hurt them. However, a lot of people have different types of superstitions regarding such a natural phenomenon and so many having the proper knowledge is essential. Here are a few of the important points everyone should know about lightning strikes.
Heat is Created Hotter Than the Sun
We all know that the sun is the hottest thing that we have ever known in our life. But there is a catch. A lightning bolt is expected to be fifty thousand degrees hotter in terms of Fahrenheit. This is estimated by most of the experts. And if the reading is correct, then a lightning bolt can be a lot hotter than the surface of the Sun. And so any water coming in between the path of lightning is automatically vaporized.
Technically Lightning has no Temperature
But there is also another thing to consider, the temperature of the lightning bolt is not its own.  It is the temperature of the air. So that fifty thousand temperature is the temperature of the air and nothing else. Each bolt itself has got electrical charges and so for this reason, an electrical charge has no such temperature of its own.
Lightning can Strike a Place More than One Time
A lot of people believe than lightning strikes can take place one in a particular place. Such a wrong idea has been there since time immemorial. But there is no such any prominent proof of such a claim. Rather it has been noticed lightning strikes taking place more than one time. And so such a claim can never be taken seriously. Moreover in many of the footage taken from c.c. TV cameras it is shown a particular place is hit by lightning more than once and that is also consecutively. Staying in houses is also not safe. People should opt for a proper protection system. Installing Home Lightning Protection system is thus one of the most secure ways to save the inmates of the house. As we all know it is better to take precautions than preventing the damage.
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