lonelymoonowl · 4 hours
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Snowy evening in snezhnaya
Снежный вечер в снежная
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lonelymoonowl · 10 hours
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Unexpected Feeling
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lonelymoonowl · 23 hours
you're allowed to love being trans if you:
just came out
havent transitioned and dont plan to
have known you are trans for years but kept it to yourself
don't want surgery or hormones
dont disclose your trans status or genders to other people
dont change your name
never have dysphoria
your transness is tied to your neurodivergence
your transness is tied to your nonhuman identity
dont feel like you have a gender or gendered experience
feel like gender isn't really that important
are intersex
are two-spirit, hijra, or have another cultural gender or expression identity, or "third gender"
are a person of color
are an afab demigirl
are an amab demiboy
have a complex identity
have a very simple identity
cant figure out your gender for the life of you
cross dress
do drag
present socially in ways that are "normal" for your agab
have crushing dysphoria
don't know how to pass
pass effortlessly
are a butch trans woman
are a femme trans man
are demigender
don't like to be reminded you're trans
have a very specific gender
have a gender that's specific to you and you alone
have hated being trans at one point
stopped transition and restarted it at some point
have had to change your gender, name, pronouns or presentation multiple times
change presentation a lot
have a gender that's hard or impossible to put into words
dont want to figure out what your gender is exactly
are plural/a system
are genderfluid, gnc, genderqueer, multigender, polygender, genderflux, neutrois, maverique or genderfuck
are xenogender
are a lesbian or gay
are transneutral
are transfemasc/transmascfem
..... are trans.
every trans person is allowed to love being trans. good day, love yourself today!
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lonelymoonowl · 23 hours
Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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lonelymoonowl · 1 day
trans people are older than christianity
the singular they is older than the singular you
that’s all
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
Transphobe: Pronouns are useless, blah blah blah.
Me: Of course they are! Mother fucker! I speak Persian!
We only have one pronoun, “او,” which you can pronounce like the “oo” in “moon.” That means I use “they/them” for your transphobic ass all the time!
Additionally, we can use “این,” pronounce like the "in" In Berlin. which means “it,” if you are nearby.
We can even omit the pronoun completely. For example, we can say “رفت,” which means someone left, and as you can see, it’s just one word.
We can write poems, and no one knows the gender of our lovers. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s pretty neat.
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
the “in a 1000 years people will look at your skeleton and know ur birth sex” argument is so stupid because
Why are they digging up a graveyard that’s illegal
They get it wrong like 20% of the time
theyre probably all trans too
queer people tend to like bones I’ve noticed this
why would I give a shit I’m dead
some people have made very good points so here
6. Archeologists are smart and know that biological sex does not always equal gender, and they can often tell based of clothing what you prefer
7. Many trans people are apparently becoming trees, which rocks
8. Many people are also being cremated, fuck yeah
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
Source: m.erry.cd
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lonelymoonowl · 2 days
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
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Barbie (2023) // The Good Place (2016-2020)
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
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I heard someone call barbie disappointingly heterosexual and I've never disagreed with anything more strongly in my life
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
a few reminders because i’m tired and angry
fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism
adult women aren’t inherently creepy for being in fandom and having hobbies apart from raising babies and doing taxes
the vast majority of people pushing back against the worrying trend of instigating harassment over fictional characters and relationships aren’t incest supporters or pedophiles, actually
liking a m/f ship doesn’t make someone a dirty heterosexual invading your space
preferring gay ships doesn’t make you ‘’woke’’ and good
no one owes you a disclaimer that they are a good person who recognizes that their favorite fictional villain’s actions are evil and that they don’t condone those actions irl
liking a fictional villain is in no way comparable to advocating abuse/murder/genocide/etc and you’re a fucking idiot if you believe that
just because a woman is attracted to a fictional villain doesn’t mean she’s promoting toxic relationships or going to end up in a toxic relationship. assuming women can’t tell fiction and reality apart stinks of internalized misogyny 
some rando’s a/b/o fanfics have none of the level of influence that popular tv shows and movies spreading propaganda have
no one owes you a detailed description of their traumas and mental health problems
abusive relationships are not the same as enemies to lovers ships
y’all need to chill the fuck out over people, relationships, actions and events that don’t actually exist and learn how to enjoy and discuss them like normal people
fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism
feel free to add more
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
Am I the only person who hates telling other people about my sexuality irl? I'm proud of being aroace and all, it just gets tiring to explain it every single fucking time.
I mean, I can just say I'm not straight or I'm queer, but then people immediately default to thinking I'm gay if I say that.
It usually goes like this:
Stranger: "Are you straight?"
Me: "Oh, no."
Stranger: "Oh, so you're gay."
Me: "...Nope. Try again."
Stranger: "Bisexual?"
Me: "Nope!"
Stranger: "Can you give me a hint?"
Me: *long sigh* "I can, but I don't think you'll like the answer"
Now cue the explaining it for ten minutes and gods forbid they're aphobic (which, unfortunately, a large percentage of the people I've told are) because that's just a whole other fucking rabbit hole
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
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lonelymoonowl · 3 days
“Why are you so happy that that person is queer?”
Because that person made something that brought me so much joy as a child, and it is indescribable the amount of happiness you feel when you realize that someone who brought you so much joy is just like you
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