locketquiet5 · 2 years
How Sports Massage Helps You
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A massage can have a positive impact on our overall health. Do you want to learn how to best massage your body? You can get the best massage in the event that it helps you the greatest. You might also consider having a sports massage when you're performing a lot of physical exercise. If so, then you definitely should consider the sports massage in addition to any other massage you receive. These massages will help you be aware of the tissues and muscles in your body and help them heal. Think of a sport massage as an extravagant version of a real deep tissue massage. Both of them focus on large muscle groups as well as the soft connective tissue deep within the body with firm pressure. In a sport massage, your therapist may incorporate stretching, as well as the massage itself can be tailored to a specific region of your body. This kind of massage will be a great way to relax your entire body with a firm pressure, and the massage will then help you relax afterward. You will feel almost as if you've been in a sauna, as your entire body is treated to the intense massage. Do you prefer more gentle pressure? Maybe you prefer a massage that is more focused on a particular area of your body. Maybe you like the idea of getting a massage during the process. Massage therapists may target particular areas of your back or neck. A gentle massage targeted at your hands or feet might be a good choice. Whatever it is that you like the most you can rest assured that there is someone that can customize an experience specifically for you. Another option is prenatal massage. Good therapists will use techniques of massage to ease back pain as well as abdomen. This type of massage can be extremely beneficial during your pregnancy as it can help also relax you. It is evident that prenatal massage techniques will not harm the baby or yourself as it soothes you and supplies the body with adequate circulation. The therapists of sports massage are available. There are those who think that sports massage could be very beneficial , as it increases the range of motion that is required during the game. It allows you to improve your movement range and be more flexible, which is a benefit to playing sports. Massage therapists for sports can offer relief from the pain and aches due to the techniques employed during therapy. Sports massage is suitable for everyone. You don't need to be an elite athlete to enjoy this kind of relaxation. You can do it at home, and anyone with basic health and wellness knowledge can take part. There is no need to worry about any negative side effects as well. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of injuries to your back or shoulders. You can also use it to relieve joint pain and stiffness, and also improve blood flow. Sports massage can be done to alleviate muscle pain like the pain that comes from injuries to muscles. It is also a method of increasing blood flow. This type of therapy can aid in relieving pressure on the joints by strengthening the ligaments. 출장 This therapy can help keep joints flexible and strengthen your muscles. The result of this is lower pain, greater mobility, and less swelling around the area affected. Regular massages during sports can to reduce the possibility of further injuries to your back and neck. They can detect problems with your posture and can help reduce tension in the muscles. They are professionals that can help you deal with the pain caused by injuries. They are trained to massage your body in a way to release the negative energy that could be the cause of additional problems associated with sports injuries.
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locketquiet5 · 2 years
Trigger Point Therapy: What is and how to use it
Trigger point massage is one form of massage therapy that targets specific areas of muscle tissue that have been squeezed and created tiny, fibrous, tender nodules that are referred to as trigger points. commonly referred to as acupoints. These points can cause inflammation of various kinds and are painful to be touched. Pressing repeatedly on these points can cause discomfort in different areas that are as far as the lower leg or thigh. Although the acupoints aren't hurtful, they can become affected or irritated when they are pressured. The pain can be felt in the zone being treated as well as near the site of contact. Trigger point therapy is based upon the theory that trigger points are linked by continuous nerve supply. The continuous supply of nerves flows from the point of origin at the skin's surface, all the way to the brain. The results can be very uncomfortable if this constant nerve supply is interrupted or damaged due to any reason. The Trigger Point Massage has been found in research studies to ease chronic muscle spasms as well as other symptoms such as inflammation of joints and the tendons, improved blood circulation, relief from headaches, asthma symptoms, and many other ailments. This is why Trigger point therapy is used by more than eighty percent of the world's population. There are two kinds of trigger point therapy that can be used: localized pressure or deeper pressure, and trigger point massaging. To influence a limited number of trigger points localized pressure is a slow, deliberate, circular movement. In superficial or trigger point massage on the other hand the therapist applies more pressure. (Spotting techniques may also be employed.) The therapist employs movement-based techniques like gentle squeezes to eliminate knots and nodules in both instances.
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Trigger point massage has positive benefits for a variety of ailments and conditions, but it can be detrimental to your health. Trigger point therapy can cause back pain which is the most frequent negative effect. Trigger points are found within the spine's muscles, and they can cause severe pain. Trigger points are usually the result of poor muscles, particularly when the body is set improperly. Back pain caused by trigger points is more common in people who lift, bend, or shift from one side to the next. Trigger point therapy has been proven to be effective in relieving many pains and discomfort conditions, however it may not always be enough to treat certain ailments. Trigger points may not be the cause of a problem. Sometimes they are an aggravating factor, which results in a post-conditioning condition that causes the condition to worsen. Trigger point massages can be extremely effective in relieving of such conditions as neck pain joint pain, shoulder pain and other musculoskeletal pains and discomforts. Trigger point massage may be used to control and ease discomfort from menstrual cramps, asthma, headaches, tension in muscles, and many other conditions. Trigger point therapy is an extremely effective complementary therapy approach to relieve different discomforts and pains. Massage therapists who use trigger points should be certified by a qualified chiropractic physician, medical doctor Osteopathic physician, or athletic trainer. Trigger point therapy should be administered only by a licensed therapist. This is due to the fact that trigger point therapy uses trigger points within the body for relaxation and healing. Trigger point therapy should not be used as a primary treatment for a particular pain condition. However chiropractors may be able to provide effective pain relief for those suffering from chronic low back pain. Trigger point therapy is designed to manipulate the muscles in order to relieve tension and pain. Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to specific regions of the body. This then reduces muscle tension. Trigger point therapy is safe when performed by a certified, highly skilled specialist who is specialized in trigger point massage. Trigger point massage therapists must be skilled in Phlebotomy which involves manipulating muscle tissue using needles. Trigger point therapists must also have outstanding skill in treating pinched nerves, muscular tension or muscular disorders and other related conditions. Trigger point therapy makes use of gentle pressure to relax muscles through applying pressure to specific regions of the body. This kind of therapy can help a variety of people, such as those suffering from chronic pain, migraines menstrual cramps and other painful conditions. Trigger point therapy works in a similar way to acupuncture, which uses small needles that go into specific body parts to release blocked energy pathways. Trigger point massage is also performed in a manner similar to the traditional Swedish massage, where the masseuse applies pressure on the affected muscles in order to alleviate discomfort.
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locketquiet5 · 2 years
Thai massage: How can you take advantage of its advantages?
Traditional Thai massages, which originate in Thailand It has been around for over 2,500 years. However, the real secret of its effectiveness isn't in the massage. It's not the Thais' willingness to let guests go while they massage. Although this is beneficial to some people who have comfort in being fully clothed, there are many other people who can't afford such lavishness.
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A recent study was conducted at the Thai hospital , where massage is the one most frequently performed and performed, scientists found that when patients received massages while completely clothed, relief from pain was reported by almost 70% of the subjects who were tested. It is obvious that this result was apparent. In one study, almost 50% of Thai massage patients experienced relief from pain when they were given cold towels. Researchers have clearly identified benefits to Thai massages for people. But why are they not so evident? One of the most significant elements that contribute to the obvious power of Thai massage may have to have to do with sports and athletes people. Since the beginning of time, scientists have studied the link between Thai massage and the performance of athletes. Since the beginning the athletes like track and field star javelin throwers as also football players have claimed that performing the massage in training helped improve their ability to perform. One of the main reasons Thai massage can be so efficient to improve physical performance to relate to the nature of the human body. Thai massage, in contrast to the traditional Chinese medicine, focuses more on the interaction between tissues and muscles. Massage improves blood flow, improving circulation, and productivity. One of the reasons Thai massage is beneficial in terms of athletic performance is the result of the pressure points (or pressure nodes) that are distributed all over the body. The nervous system is comprised of vital parts, including nerves and these pressure points have an enormous influence on our body. When scientists studied athletes who engaged in traditional Thai massage and yoga, they observed that the yoga has a significant effect on the function and structure of the muscles. In certain instances, muscles had improvements comparable to that seen when athletes performed traditional yoga exercises. But, not all are certain that Thai massage actually works. Skeptics argue that Thai massage techniques are distinct from western treatments for medical purposes. Thai massage techniques usually apply too much pressure on the body. Western techniques use gentle pressure. Massage sessions in Thailand can cost as high as $150 for a session. This is very expensive. For those suffering of back pain prefer to include traditional yoga as a supplement. A lot of people experience sore muscles after working out However, back pain is not a problem. Because Thai massage does not require high pressure, muscles won't get as injured. Injuries from overuse can cause ongoing painfulness. This is crucial for people who work out hard, yet still experience pain throughout the duration of their exercise. An ongoing Thai massage is a great way to help ease tendonitis (a condition that causes inflammation of the muscles). Another benefit of Thai massage is its ability for the method to soothe your mind. Western traditional massages typically require the client to be completely at ease to experience any effects. Thai massage allows one to not be as focused in their surroundings and becoming more relaxed in general. It allows the person to concentrate on the positive aspects that relax. The efficiency of stretching and exercise that strengthens can be enhanced when muscles are calm. This reduces the time it is required to attain those desired results.
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locketquiet5 · 3 years
A Beginners Guide to Kripalu Massage
If you are searching for a relaxing and calming way to get rid of all that stress out of your shoulders, neck, and spine, a massage may be just the thing. This is sometimes done on a full-body, as well as on a low-body or even foot-high scale. Massage therapy is known to promote healing in the body. This is particularly true of massage, which is also known as therapeutic massage. Massage therapy and water therapy are frequently used together. Aquatic bodywork is a specific type of massage that's accomplished in a swimming pool or spa. Aquatic bodywork is sometimes referred to as hydrotherapy or water therapy. Aquatic bodywork promotes relaxed comfort of the muscles and cells and often involves stretching. Aquatic bodywork is often employed for rehabilitation and weight-loss, or merely for relief of pain and stress.
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Someone getting aquatic bodywork is predicted to remain fully clothed throughout the session. There's typically no clothes, except for a towel, unless it's one-piece swimsuits are favored. The purpose of the session is to acquire a deeper comfort. For this to occur, the provider will put his or her hands on the recipient's own body, work their hands to the warm, slippery, stretchable cloth, pull, and stroke. It can also include gentle but vigorous rubbing of the arms, legs, face, or buttocks. A lot of people receive a massage while lying down, however there are times when it'd be appropriate for the professional to endure while running the special treatment. When performing profound comfort on someone who's prone to moves or is not able to remain still, the usage of a professional massage desk is beneficial. The dining table can provide a place for the individual to lie down while receiving the massage, or it can prop the individual up if they are uncomfortable lying down. The table may also hold a light burden to maintain the practitioner on goal as he or she starts the soft stretching. Another specialty that practitioners of shiatsu can perform is called"Harbin hot springs". Hot springs have been proven to promote healing for various ailments, including joint and muscle pain. 1 approach to attain the healing effects of springs is to immerse the receiver in a bowl of warm, steaming water. There are a number of differences between the two; while both use massage techniques, they vary in the way the massages are administered. The healing dancing is a particular technique that is utilized to assist the consumer to attain a deeper relaxation. The practitioner of the style of international healthcare holds a little doll in the palm of his or her hand. He or she places the doll on the receiver's lower back, over the shoulders and buttocks. With the ideal movements, the hands of the healer can connect right to the human body's energy points and benefit the customer's physical, mental and emotional well being. This type of bodywork can be performed in warm waters, like the ones located in a bath or even a swimming pool. It can also be done outdoors in the hot sunshine or even at a sauna. This kind of healing is done in a particular order; the first step is to loosen the receiver's muscles by applying mild stretching exercises. Next, the muscles are comfortable with gentle strokes with the palms and fingers. The third step is to connect the recipient's energy points to the meridians through gentle stretches and pressing motions. The last step involves using special therapeutic floating oils that are designed to release stress and restore balance to the body. The therapist then wraps the receiver in sheets which are like those used during the flotation procedure. A therapist then slowly floats the patient on top of a therapeutic massage while enjoying with music and mild aromas. Finally, the masseuse, the floating oil, the audio and the particular aromas are eliminated, the receiver has been placed back at the massage chair and the therapy begins.
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locketquiet5 · 3 years
Massage Therapy - How it Could Help You
One of the easiest, and also potentially most enjoyable, ways to relax is during massage. Indian head massage involves massage and acupuncture methods manipulating the delicate tissue onto the head, chest, shoulders and facearea. The end result is not only physical - it also works on a psychological stage, soothing the mind, alleviating stress and relaxing the body. In this piece, we'll look at just how exactly to provide an adequate head massage - and how to pick the ideal therapist for your needs. There are always a number of massage methods and types. Some popular options are Swedish massage (which is an all-encompassing word, covering each of the different techniques from massage parlours at one place), shiatsu, Thai and tantra massage. ) The very widely used form of therapy is Thai massage, usually described as Eastern or Oriental manner. It involves massage of the entire human anatomy, focusing mainly on the face, but additionally including the neck, chest, hands, feet and even certain organs. This type of therapy may be enjoyed by all ages and does not need gender-specific requirements. It is but one of the most common forms of treatments practised in Thailand.
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Shiatsu is frequently described as Swedish massage using an added bit of acupuncture. This type of massage uses the hands and fingers for treating the several areas of their human anatomy. This sort of massage can be very soothing, particularly for all those struggling with arthritis. The complete body massage which follows is usually very tender, specially once the masseur incorporates soothing herbal remedies to their regular routine. Oriental style or oriental massages are particularly well known in Europe and the United States. A tantric massage can have many positive aspects, based on who supplies the massage. The benefits are geared more towards individuals seeking mental or spiritual enlightenment. There might be a requirement to give attention to certain breathing techniques during this particular treatment, as well as the usage of lotions and oils. The advantages of a tantric massage usually are published in the type of a very intense and powerful orgasm. But, beginners can also obtain these benefits, frequently through the joint use of heat as well as other physiological practices. Thai massage differs from the western counterpart as the massage therapist uses the pressure directly into your skin. There's absolutely not any need to be worried about the muscles because they actually touch the top of individual's body. A skilled Thai massage therapist will know just what direction to go to obtain the wanted results, also you can relax and revel in the ability. If you would rather choose your massage to the following point, then in addition, there are several kinds of Thai massage available. Another option available for you are to have a complete body massage. Exactly like one other sorts of massage mentioned previously, the complete body massage uses massage techniques that reach all of the way into the inner organs of the body. Many people prefer the complete body massage, because it lets them receive the effects of the massage several times over. The best thing about a full body massage will be the fact that the massage therapist can use more pressure and skill when performing this type of massage, in addition to being able to provide an overall high quality of massage to get their client. Needless to say, when you're trying to find something a little costlier, then you could choose a hot rock massage. Hot stone massages are becoming quite popular, and lots of massage therapists have heard just how to execute those massages in a way similar to some Swedish massage. What goes on is that warm stones are placed on certain parts of the individual's body. Subsequently a massage therapist can apply pressure to the rocks utilizing their hands. This type of therapeutic massage is wonderful for people that want to benefit from the health benefits of Swedish massage, but who don't necessarily want to pay out the amount of money that Swedish massage spa charge. Whether you opt for a hot rock massage or some other type of massage , you can get to reap a number of different health benefits from getting a massage. Massage therapy is great for your mind and body. It can improve blood flow, enhance flexibility, relieve stress, as well as lower the results of inflammation and pain. A massage can do wonders for your physical and mental condition. If you are feeling stressed , subsequently committing a massage may be exactly what you want to take your mind off of it.
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locketquiet5 · 3 years
Health Advantages of Reflexology on the Feet
Reflexology is another health clinic involving the application of precise pressure to specific locations on the hands and feet. It uses both finger and thumb to massage techniques along with other hand-to-hand techniques such as holding hands, pushing hands, thumb walking, and tapping on hands. Lots of people nowadays are comprehending the healing powers of reflexology in conjunction with other alternative remedies like aromatherapy. However, a lot of men and women are still unaware as to the way reflexology can benefit them. Here is a look at a few of the great things about this ancient practice.
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Reflexology provides a great alternative for treating numerous health problems, including stress and pain relief, pain control, anxiety relief, fertility problems, and more. Reflexology may be used for relief of sciatica pain due to bronchial nerves, or it could possibly be employed to take care of several injuries, including those related to repetitive stress injuries or aging. Aroma therapy is used along with reflexology on a daily basis because of its increased benefits that it offers your customer. Some Aroma therapy essential oils include lavender, rose, lavender, geranium, eucalyptus, as well as lemon. These vital oils are frequently used together with foot reflexology methods for maximum effects. Reflexology may be done by utilizing the thumbs, fingers, forearms, elbows, and knees. Massage therapists usually put their palms directly on the particular things in your body they need to massage. They then put their thumbs, fingers, forearms, or knees to such specific areas for a specified period of time, or as guided by the reflexologist. The moves are intended to reestablish energy pathways in the body. Another benefit of massage is the fact that it improves blood circulation. Through the use of pressure to certain spots in the hands, the therapist's hands, wrists, elbows, and feet massage the particular areas on the bottoms of their feet known as the plantar fascia, and this is vital for healthy circulation of their blood. While this circulates well throughout the body, it improves the health of all organs. Many individuals realize that routine reflexology sessions lead to a overall feeling of mental and physical well being. The growth in circulation to the feet contributes to greater oxygen into the tissues of the foot, resulting in a overall boost in levels of energy throughout the body. Besides increasing the flow of oxygen, additionally, it increases bloodflow into the brain, still another essential element for optimal wellness. A good massage therapist will focus their attention not only on the feet and hands, but to any or all of the human body parts. Reflexology works on the nervous system by releasing tension and relaxing muscles, improving blood circulation, in addition to relieving stress and tension. The increased flow that massage promotes results in greater nutrients reaching the cells of their epidermis, leading to a firmer, healthy complexion. Besides the relief of anxiety and pain, yet another reason many men and women choose for massage is that it's a pure type of treatment. Many forms of alternative medicine have negative effects that are hard to live with on an everyday basis. Because reflexology uses pressure directly on the human anatomy without the use of some compounds or nonsurgical procedures, there are no side effects. In fact, the opposite holds true - as the reflexology strokes operate to the qi (pronounced chee), or energy, of the human anatomy, any stress caused by everyday activity is expunged, bringing an end to emotional strain and tension. Reflexology is not only good for the human body's overall health, but in addition has obvious benefits for its physical and mental condition of an individual. If the nerves are stimulated and blood flows into the spot, the mind and body can then work together for improved overall health. The stimulation of these nerves stimulates the generation of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers and pain reducers. The flow of the bloodstream additionally enhances the flow, which raises the energy and health of their lymphatic system, which consequently improves the nervous system. Consequently, the nervous system creates and produces natural chemicals that promote overall wellbeing. Before scheduling your first reflexology session, then be sure to consult with your doctor first. Reflexology may seem like an easy solution to whiten your toes, but if you have any type of medical condition, it is ideal to prevent this type of therapy until your physician determines the right plan of treatment for you. Reflexology is safe when performed by a certified professional, therefore if you have any questions, then feel free to ask your primary care physician, dentist, orthodontist or even Reflexologist. Should you choose to schedule a Reflexology session, then remember to do so under the strictest of illnesses - including perhaps not eating or drinking anything within a few hours of the session, as the massage strokes achieved in this time period can be very strong and may only be performed by someone who is mindful of their limits.
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locketquiet5 · 3 years
Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage
Massage therapy isn't just an enjoyable activity appreciated by adults; it is really a well-known complementary treatment that promotes a healthy lifestyle. From the East, Ayurvedic massage can be used to alleviate pain, promote relaxation and eliminate physical blockages. In the West, it's employed as a holistic form of healing. An Ayurvedic massage normally implements the principals of Ayurvedic medicine to massage, so you guessed it - a massage. Ayurvedic massage is a derivative of the ancient teachings of India regarding the appropriate flow of energy within the human body and its connection to illness and health. The primary fundamentals taught are that there is a connection between the nervous system and various physiological functions and wellness, both emotional and physical. There are five senses that we use regularly on a daily basis. These include our taste buds, sight, touch, smell and hearing. Our sense of smell is directly connected to our temperament - if we are bothered by a particular odor we might not want to go into a room. Many Ayurvedic practitioners believe that there is a delicate balance of energy from your house that needs to be maintained in order to effectively fight negative energy like anger, jealousy or fear.
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A massage has been shown to improve relaxation and reduce mental stress. It has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure and heart rate, increase blood flow and improve the immune system. Various types of massage therapy are recommended for individuals of all ages, even though there isn't any scientific proof that massage will help to cure any illness. But many people who regularly receive massage treatment feel better physically and emotionally. Some research has indicated that massage can reduce pain and inflammation and increase the length and quality of life for people who suffer from arthritis or other problems with their joints and muscles. There are 3 chief sorts of massage treatment: Prenatal/ Pediatric, Central or Deep and Sports massage. Prenatal/pediatric massage is often given after a vaginal birth, whereas Central or Deep Massage is awarded before sports events or other athletic events. Sports massage is usually performed while the athlete is warmed up before competition. Ayurveda recommends a massage at least once every week to maintain decent health and well being. The conventional massage treatment dose is set by the time of the individual, in addition to the taste of the individual. Many distinct oils, shampoos and lotions are utilized during any type of massage treatment, however, the most crucial ingredient of this massage is that the oil chosen. In traditional ayurvedic medicine, massage is also thought to improve blood flow by stimulating the glands and improving the smoothness of the skin. Massage also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and raises lymph drainage. Some of the materials most widely used in ayurvedic massage include: kaolin, sesame, lavender, Rosemary, myrrh, thistle, and pine needles. These vital oils are thought to have an anti-inflammatory impact, stimulate the lymphatic system, increase circulation, and improve immune system functioning. Massage therapy also enhances the body's ability to tolerate and protect itself in various ailments and infections. The custom of using hot and cold sessions of massage therapy has been proven to be very beneficial for several different types of health problems. Hot massage raises the body's temperature and reduces stress, fatigue, and inflammation. Cold massage is thought to increase immunity and decrease illness. In traditional ayurvedic medicine, the dose for each person is treated and determined based on the person's health requirements. When massage is provided at an appropriate dose, it is believed to promote a state of well-being and increase mental clarity, while calming the muscles and soothing the nerves. Some of the most frequent sorts of massage treatment in Ayurveda comprise: anesthetic massage (abhyanga), that uses pure, hot oil (synthetic or herbal), to help relieve pain and protect against harm; hot oil massage (konjac), that utilizes warm oil and fragrance to provide relief from allergies, allergies and diseases; and cool oil massage (palmwak), which cools and soothes the muscles to get therapeutic relief from muscular strains and aches. Most of these treatments must be given just after the doctor's approval. The best way to locate a qualified Ayurvedic physician is by asking your friends or relatives who practice holistic health to recommend one. Ayurvedic massage treatments might not be acceptable for certain people, for example pregnant women, those with respiratory or cardiovascular difficulties, those who have tumors, and those taking medications that can interact with herbs (such as aspirin or birth control pills). Should you suffer from any of these conditions, you may want to consult your physician prior to getting started on an Ayurvedic massage treatment. In the event you choose to treat yourself at the comfort of your own home, be sure to use only pure, natural essential oils and non-toxic goods. Always consult a qualified professional before attempting any new therapy, even ones believed safe and natural by holistic health practitioners. You might also want to consult your pharmacist or physician to find out if there are some unwanted side effects or contraindications you need to know about before taking any massage therapy or other medicine.
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