livv-baby · 1 year
"you think?" leaky looked over at olivia with a quizzical expression. "i mean i like having my room to myself, though jacqui is much cleaner about the bathroom than seb and dante and i combined so..." he shrugged. "it's only for two weeks, think you can survive olivia?"
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"I know so, with Greer no longer in my space things are like... peaceful." She gave him a look. Usually people were a bit alarmed when she spoke of Greer's absence so nonchalantly. "Funny knowing that about Seb though," Olivia added with a small laugh. "He claims to be so fucking perfect. And yes, I'll survive the 2 weeks but I am so ready to get to New York. Where are you going after this?"
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livv-baby · 1 year
Being out and about was a bit intimidating; while Olivia had many trips to places with snow, it wasn't her favorite season or her favorite thing to do. She only came to this because her parents forced her. She saw someone leaning with their board and maybe they were going for the same thing she was: cool and nonchalant at the face of the snow that covered everything.
"Hm?" she said too quickly but caught what they said. "Oh absolutely right. But it's Greer Morrison, everyone just has to know about Golden Girls' whereabouts. Don't you want to know?"
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who: open when: first day of the winter break trip where: on the ~ slopes ~
Nate had his board propped up, arms crossed on top of it as he leaned his weight into it, a seemingly out of place scowl settled onto his face. Though, for anyone who knew who he was rooming with - and his history with said student and parent who was apparently mostly paying for this trip - it made perfect sense. “This whole trip is bullshit,” he said when he caught other student caught his eye. “They’re just bribing us to shut the fuck up about some chick missing and someone else leaking personal videos. Bullshit,” he repeated.
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livv-baby · 1 year
 “ you having any trouble adjusting to a new roommate ? ” dax asks, “ i mean, sharing a whole room is new to me, too. i’m just used to sharing a bathroom and a kitchenette. who’s your roomie ? ”     
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"With Greer gone, it's been a while since I've had to share my living space with anyone," she said matter of factly. "I've got Alexander Rycroft and someone named Davika Shinwara but I've barely even seen them. What about you? Your roomies any fun? Feel free to take mine."
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livv-baby · 1 year
who: dax  when: nearing the end of winter break where: chalet c
"I had really gotten used to the "no roommate" life I had back at Ogden, not gonna lie. These chalets are simply too small for everyone in here..."
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livv-baby · 1 year
heni, in true henrietta fashion, was stressed. stressed about maintaining a perfect gpa, stressed about finals, about what lurks around the corner of the new semester. but most of all, she was stressed about these interviews. and though she took great care not to appear stressed, she was also beginning to stress about whether those measures accounted for anything. whether people could see right through her, like some ornate glass box filled only with existential dread.  “tell me i wasn’t the only one who messed up during my interview,” she all but whispers, leaning across the bench to make sure alethea is the only one who hears. not that anyone had any interest in their conversation - but at the moment, she felt it ill-advised to take any form of risk, even if it did mean indulging in some occasional paranoia. she’s about to elaborate, go on some tirade about her own less-than-stellar performance in the dimly lit room, when the voice of olivia breaks the silence. she offers a curt nod by way of a welcome. “ let me guess: you’re wanting to debrief?” and then, turning to alethea. “ i see no reason why not, right? unless you’ve got somewhere you need to be?”
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it felt like everything was hanging on by a thread, that everyone was hanging by a thread, and alethea was no exception to this. for some reason this had brought heni and her closer, leading to them sitting across from each other in the commons, leaned in close, like they were two girls sharing secrets at summer camp. 
“no, i...” fucking cried in theirs? “certainly didn’t have a good time either.” they nodded, rolling their lips together in a tight line. looking up at heni, she brought her legs onto the bench with her, resting her chin on her knees, waiting for more from heni and the permission to reveal her own inner thoughts. and then olivia was appearing, catching alethea off guard as they forced a smile, unfolding themselves a bit. “no, uh actually coffee sounds nice. it’s an addiction at this point.” they tried to laugh, moving up from the bench and flashing heni a look before turning her attention back to olivia. “uh, so what’s up liv? how’s things been?” they nodded for the group to migrate their way to the coffee shop and find a new booth for them to corral around. @livv-baby​
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Figuring people out and getting a good perception of their vibe wasn't difficult for Olivia, but given the stressful situation they were all in, it was complicated to understand their aura. The interactions Olivia had with Heni and Alethea were in proxy to Greer, and it was obvious to everyone that those who hung around Greer often acted very differently to who they really were. It's the "popular girl" effect. "Coffee it is," Olivia said repeated feeling successful they had agreed.
She started walking with the others and answered their questions, "Obviously debrief, seems like the smart thing to do." They stood at the line and Olivia didn't want to open up too much about it with random people around. "Things have been stressful and tense but good nonetheless. Some people might be worried about finals but I got that covered. I'm just trying to wiggle myself into my family's business affairs with the new hotel they want to open up around here and it's proving to be ... difficult." Olivia grimaced, more to herself than anything. She wouldn't share how the interrogation was lighting a fire under her ass. "How about you guys? Heni you look..."
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livv-baby · 1 year
"oh, that's nice you had a lawyer. i feel like that ogden should supply them to all students right? to save their own asses too?" ida sighed, taking her time to glance around the room. she wondered what it would have been like if greer was still there - ida certainly wouldn't be standing here but that was a whole nother thing. "look good is an understatement." she teased, crossing her arms over her chest and turning back to olivia.
"though sadly, they didn't seem too keen on flirting back. which is a shame. it's not like, as you said, they're actually doin' a good job." it was all so stupid in ida's mind anyway. "god, i hope not, well...not like that at least." she winked with a laugh before stepping closer to olivia. "anyway, i'm kinda bored tonight and was just wonderin' if you wanted to do somethin'? could just be chill or whatever i just...don't really wanna be alone ya know?"
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With all the media preparation Olivia had to undergo because of the family business and all the mishaps that had happened, she knew the severity of a badly coordinated interview. When the family reputation is everything, saying the right or wrong thing could make or break their whole legacy. "Wouldn't that be a liability? What if they end up offering a lawyer to someone who is guilty?" Saying that someone amongst them was guilty was grand, but at the same time Olivia didn't care. There was a possibility that Greer had just simply decided to leave everything behind and do whatever she wanted. All everyone wants in the world is freedom to do whatever they pleased, and the skeletons in Greer's closet (quite literally) spoke volumes. But that was something only Olivia knew.
Ida was teasing and she appeared to be flirting. Olivia hoped she wasn't imagining that. Figuring it out sober was practically impossible. "You? Bored? Seems like you need a new play thing," Olivia tried in return. It wasn't that she was bad at flirting but she was much more used to exercising that side of her in a very different setting. She scooted to the side of her bed, making space for Ida. "You in the mood for movies? Smoking? Game of truth or dare...?" The last option was a joke but maybe Olivia might get some information out of her.
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livv-baby · 1 year
For Olivia it sucked not being exactly out because she wasn't able to understand when someone was actually flirting with her or just being nice. Though neither happened often because of her standoffish nature, so it was usually herself who made the first move... At a party... Not exactly sober because it was the only moments where she felt brave enough to exercise a more dominant and extroverted side to her.
Looking up she saw Ida coming in, taking off her jacket in what she understood meant this would be more of a chill out situation. Casual, right? Ida is probably here just to make rounds about the whole Greer thing. "It's alright," Olivia said simply, even though her first instinct was to say she did mind. She put down her phone and stood up to reach for her robe. She was wearing a bit too little clothing to be around Ida. "I had my lawyer with me so they couldn't blind-side me or anything." Obviously Olivia wasn't going to admit that it did not feel safe for her, that something was wrong. Something was going on. "Nothing new, just that these cops don't know how to do their job but at least some of them look good while doing it. How about yours? I won't be seeing you in handcuffs next, right?"
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@livv-baby​ when: post-interrogations�� where: alcott 208b 
ida wondered how strange it was, to be in a room so haunted. not that there were actual ghosts (though id would believe it), but being the roommate of the missing girl. having to pass by the empty room on the daily. must be freaky at least? ida would be, she thought as she strolled her way through the dorm, letting herself in and beaming as she saw olivia there.
"don't mind me intruding." ida laughed, stepping in as she shrugged off her jacket. "but i wanted to see how you were doin', how did your interview and whatnot go?" ida had been less than pleased with hers, that was true. but still she knew a little kissing-up to olivia was always worth it. "learn anything new? hate cops any more?"
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livv-baby · 1 year
when: finals week where: the commons who: @snxwflxwers
The commons weren't as busy this time around, considering finals were happening and people needed to actually study. Olivia herself didn't have to -- Ollie left everything nice and neatly organized in order for her to ace every single test without having to study one bit. She paid well for her straight A's. With everything about Greer going on, she couldn't imagine using her brain for something other than decompressing about the stupid interrogations.
Meeting with Jiwon still felt odd to Olivia. The two of them shared a friendship with the now missing girl but time has shown Olivia that maybe Jiwon and Greer weren't as close as they seemed -- mostly because it was the exact situation between Greer and Olivia. "Ready for finals?" Olivia asked as she put her things on the table and sat down besides Jiwon. "I only brought my laptop to look study-cute around this place."
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livv-baby · 1 year
where: commons when: right after interrogations, finals week who: @cinnamonfm , @aletheapierce & olivia
While worry wasn't something Olivia experimented often, whenever it did happen, she never quite knew how to handle it. She expected to be coming back from pilates class calm, refreshed, cool and collected and she felt anything but. Olivia didn't know what else to do. Dinner and drinks with Alethea were nice and all but she needed some validation for herself, some reassurance from someone else that she was okay, whatever that truly meant. And needing something from someone was also truly new to her. A first. But also, an alliance would solve a lot of her issues.
Nearing the commons she peeped Alethea and Heni. It had been some time since she had "spent" time with them. With Greer gone they had no reason to go over to the dorm. But right now Olivia had a mission and while being in Greer's friend group was not something Liv ever officially needed, things were changing. "Hi there strangers," Olivia greeted them as she approached them. They were huddled together, kind of looked secretive but she didn't care. "Anyone in the mood for a coffee chat?"
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livv-baby · 1 year
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livv-baby · 1 year
stretched out in a center split, alethea had her french poetry book sprawled out in front of her. stretching and studying, two birds one stone. she was so caught up in analyzing the poems, that she didn't hear olivia enter until she was speaking, startling alethea. "huh?" she sat up, hands moving to close her book as she looked through her door into the small common room where the brunette stood. "you definitely look dressed up." she laughed, now crossing her legs to pull her to standing. "but uh...yea. dinner? where are you thinking? what should i wear?" she could definitely use a bit of distraction. and olivia was always kind to alethea.
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"That's the spirit," Olivia said triumphantly, moving past Alethea and over to the bathroom. "Some place nice and lux so we can get our minds off all the studying for a while." She eyed the book that was on the floor as she walked by it. "How about you show me a couple of options and we can decide together? I still need to put some finishing touches on my makeup."
Taking a small spot in the bathroom, she took out her makeup bag and opened it to take out her things. "Have you uh, had your interrogation yet?" She called from the bathroom, sounding as nonchalant as she could as she applied her makeup.
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livv-baby · 1 year
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livv-baby · 1 year
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livv-baby · 1 year
who: @livv-baby​​ when: first day of interrogations  where: anywhere on campus tbh
Mari knew immediately when people started getting pulled in for interviews, barely consideration given to their final schedules. It made it impossible to focus on her own tests and essays and assignments - how could she, when she knew that it was only a matter of time before she was pulled in? And after what had been told to them the last time they were doing extensive questioning... 
It had Mari entirely panicked, on a level above her normal finals week stress, to the point that she was barely cognizant of her surroundings. And it was with that lack of focus that Mari nearly crashed into Olivia, the very last person she wanted to see. 
Taking a step back as she caught her balance, Mari’s expression just barely perceptibly shifted, annoyance and anger flashing over her features as she registered who was standing in front of her. “Sorry,” she said stiffly, unsure if Olivia was aware of the interrogations going on - the immediate debate starting in her brain if a warning would potentially be enough to have Olivia not mention her name again. 
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There was a heavy feelings on campus, tensions were high and people were not at their best. Between finals and interrogations, Mari Zuko bumping into her did not set her off like it normally would. The last time this happened she got a nice headache courtesy of Sebastian Morrison.
It was still inconvenient. Olivia was sure Mari knew she had mentioned the other girls' name to the cops. Surely no one would appreciate that, especially when it involves a missing rich person -- Greer Morrison nonetheless. "It's all good," Olivia said when Mari apologized. Bringing a more soft energy rather than her usual standoffish vibes would benefit the both of them. Olivia didn't know if Mari was vindictive and might just mention Olivia's own name in the interrogation. "Are you okay? You look... Stressed."
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livv-baby · 1 year
interrogations continued
"Todo está bien, papá, lo prometo." Olivia was on the phone with her father. He had called her when he found out that Olivia was still getting asked back to the station for further questions about Greer's disappearance. "Nunca te he dado razones para dudar. ¿Qué cambió?" She couldn't understand the severity of what was going on; seeing the text message her family lawyer sent her was giving her an idea. Obviously her parents alarms were going off -- they couldn't afford any problems with the law or even dip their toes in bad publicity. Page Six and the New York Times would have a field day with them, like they've been waiting for all this time... "Está bien. Me reúno con él-- Y no cerca de la universidad, si, entiendo," she took a beat and right as she said goodbye, her father had already hung up on her. "Fuck."
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featuring: olivia walton joseph brown, walton family lawyer officer contreras agent choi
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Arriving where the interrogations were taking place never got easier but at least this time she wasn't alone. Not her company of choice, but her father had made it clear: no more interrogations alone, family lawyer present always. And so it was. Olivia stood waiting in high heels and a modest dress. She had been briefed a long time ago in PR moves that helped with perception -- especially around cops. Hair was down, make up simple; thank goodness her nails were done or she wouldn't have been able to fight the new and unknown urge to pick at her cuticles.
The first round of questioning was different -- no one had been expelled, nothing had been leaked. The pressure was rising and now everyone could feel it. Olivia was perfect at playing it cool but shit was going down now...
"Stop fidgeting," Mr. Brown, the family lawyer, ordered in a whisper.
Seconds later a door opened and a deep voice spoke, "You can come now Miss Walton."
Walking first into the room she was able to take everything in while the others adjusted to what was going to be unfolding. Should be procedure, right? Standard. She noticed the men in the room fixing their postures when Brown walked in after Olivia. Pissing contest much? But Brown wasn't there to answer or speak. He was a figure of intimidation but also to save Olivia from falling into any traps.
"Glad you could join us Miss Walton and...?" the first officer started, his appearance tall, serious, brown hair and a mustache-- officer Contreras. Olivia recognized him because he was certainly attractive.
"Joseph Brown, Walton family lawyer. Proceed as you normally would."
"Right," Contreras said, not very keen on the comment Brown made. "Let's begin shall we?"
"So we have no record of your own video, we're guessing you didn't make one... Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year though?” 
"We lived together but we weren't exactly super close. Never saw her recording anything in our dorm." “Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
It was almost impossible for Olivia to hide the wave of relief that washed over her. Maybe she should have been paying closer attention to all the people that spent time with Greer in their dorm. "No, I hadn't heard anything about that for them. So sad though, I'm sure they had a bright future ahead of them."
The cops didn't look convinced but continued, “Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
She wasn't about to mention all the time he spent in the dorm and how then it suddenly.... stopped. Olivia bit her lip but answered without a lot of hesitation, "She didn't bring it up at all. I was surprised to hear that from her. It looked like they were solid. There might be someone who knows though... Mari Zuko."
The other agent scribbled something down in their pad but Contreras was not buying it. "You both spent all this time together, lived together, hung out together and she never once mentioned to you breaking up with her boyfriend?" he doubled down, his mouth stern.
"No," she said simply.
Contreras scoffed, seemingly exasperated and now the other officer took over. His name she believed was Choi. “Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?” 
Perhaps this was the question she could finally use to get these interrogations to stop.
"Greer could have whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Leaving, coming back, starting over, picking up exactly where she left off -- its a privilege she had -- has. Why wouldn't she do it?"
Agent Choi asked another question and Olivia was a bit relieved. Contreras was steamy in a way she did not like anymore. "Some other students have brought up your relationship with Greer. Why do you think they thought it was relevant?"
That question did bother Olivia. What the hell did other people even know about Greer and her? She had purposely kept a low profile on everything about them. "Perhaps because we were literal roommates?"
"Why don't you elaborate on what that relationship was?" Choi pressed.
"We are 100% sure this is something Miss Walton has answered before," Brown interjected. "Check your records, do your work."
The officers did not like that and while Contreras was beginning to speak up, Choi put a hand up to ease the tension. "It is our job to make sure all the information aligns correctly to everything we've gathered. Miss Walton, please answer."
"We did some things together, had some friends in common, slept in the same room, went out to a couple of parties. We've known each other since back home -- New York isn't that big."
"Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?"
"If I didn't know about her break up, why would I know about her travel plans?"
Now the room fell silent. The atmosphere didn't feel right and for the first time since that time Olivia felt like she might throw up.
"Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing?"
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livv-baby · 1 year
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livv-baby · 1 year
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