littlemouse514 · 28 days
Renovi: Taking in-game advertising to a whole new level
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About Renovi
Renovi is a forward-thinking in-game advertising company that specializes in blending advertisements with the gaming experience in both Web2 and Web3 platforms. By focusing on the seamless integration of ads, Renovi ensures that these advertisements are perceived as a natural part of the game rather than a disruption. The company employs data-driven targeting to make ads relevant and engaging, thereby not only enhancing the user experience but also providing value to advertisers through meaningful connections with their audience. This innovative approach underlines Renovi’s commitment to improving game monetization while maintaining the integrity of the gameplay experience.
Renovi Core Values
At Renovi, our core values define who we are, how we operate, and what we strive for...
Innovation Driven We embrace innovation as our guiding principle, continually pushing boundaries and seeking novel solutions to advance the gaming advertising landscape.
Player Centric The player experience is paramount. We prioritize player satisfaction and engagement in all our endeavors, ensuring that our advertising seamlessly integrates into their games.
Continuous Learning We embrace a culture of continuous learning and development. We believe that every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.
Adaptive Agility In the ever-evolving world of gaming and advertising, we exhibit adaptive agility. We remain agile, flexible, and ready to pivot to meet new challenges and opportunities head-on.
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Connect with the World's Most In-Demand Audience
We empower advertising agencies and brands to engage with the gaming audience across the largest and most renowned video games, all while preserving the gaming experience.
Unparalleled Game Portfolio An exclusive partnership network with renowned game publishers, providing access to a diverse range of gaming titles that cater to various demographics. Collaborate with us to reach elusive audiences across premium games, ensuring your message is integrated into the gaming environment.
Immersive, Contextual Advertising We specialize in delivering immersive, contextual ads that feel like a natural part of the gaming universe. Enhance the realism of gameplay by placing your brand within the game world, creating memorable experiences that resonate with players without causing disruption.
Advanced Targeting with First-Party Data Our in-game advertising solutions are powered by first-party data, enabling precise audience targeting. Reach the right gamers at the right time, blending your brand into the gaming experience.
Trusted, Transparent Advertising We prioritize brand safety and transparency. We adhere to industry standards and collaborate with trusted partners to ensure your in-game ads are delivered in a brand-safe, fraud-free environment. Benefit from our real-time reporting and comprehensive analytics via the Renovi HUB, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
Why Choose Renovi as Your In-Game Advertising Partner?
Diversify Your Revenue Stream Secure an additional, incremental revenue stream that seamlessly complements your existing strategies. Renovi safeguards the gaming experience while maximizing your monetization potential.
Access Top-Tier Advertising Partners Strategic partnerships with the world's largest advertising agencies and premium brands. Tap into record-breaking brands in gaming advertising and open the door to this ever-growing spend.
Enhanced Player Satisfaction Our in-game ads are thoughtfully designed to seamlessly integrate into gameplay, enhancing realism and delivering an experience that resonates with gamers. We prioritize your game's design and player immersion, ensuring an authentic, and immersive environment.
Optimized Performance Our SDK is developer-friendly, ensuring easy integration with no compromise on game performance. Our technology is compatible across PC, mobile, and console platforms, accommodating engines like Unity and Unreal.
Maintain Control Monitor real-time performance data, tailor ad formats to your preferences, and manage brand approvals. Our rigorous brand-safety checks and verification ensure the right content is delivered in every in-game environment, safeguarding your intellectual property.
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WHAT Renovi Will DO
Seamless Integration Our platform seamlessly integrates advertising into the gaming environment, enhancing immersion and player engagement without disrupting gameplay.
Targeted Campaigns Reach your desired audience with precision through our advanced targeting capabilities. From demographics to in-game behavior, we ensure your message reaches the right players at the right time.
Monetize Your Game If you're a game developer looking to monetize your creation, Renovi provides a hassle-free way to generate revenue while preserving the integrity of your game.
Data-Driven Insights Leverage our comprehensive analytics tools to gain valuable insights into player behavior, campaign performance, and ROI. Make informed decisions to optimize your advertising campaign.
Team & Advisors
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Partners & Backers
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Renovi winning roadmap
The roadmap below outlines the key activities our team plans to execute in the coming months, up until the beginning of summer:
Q1 2024 (January – March):
Finish the First Version of the Platform
Build Unity SDK
On-board First of Many Games
Payment System Integrations
Minor Feature Improvements
Q2 2024 (April – June):
On-board Brands and Advertising Agencies
Continue On-Boarding More Games
Offer More Analytics and Improved Features on the Platform
Build the Team
Marketing and Brand Building
Our journey has just begun, and we are thrilled to have you with us. Thank you for your continued support, and together, we’ll shape the future of in-game advertising
For More Information about Renovi
Website: https://renovi.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenoviHub Telegram: https://t.me/RenoviHUB Medium: https://medium.com/@renovihub Discord: https://discord.gg/SPhuNQ7Zzr
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 1 month
GPT360: Unlocks new opportunities for growth, engagement, and incentivized participation
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About GPT360
GPT360 serves as a comprehensive marketing assistant, providing users with valuable tools and insights to enhance their online presence and drive success in the digital world. GPT360 is built upon cutting-edge AI technology and offers a suite of features designed to empower marketers, community owners, and individuals seeking to optimize their online activities. By harnessing AI capabilities, GPT360 aims to streamline marketing processes, deliver data-driven insights, and create engaging and thriving communities within popular messaging platforms such as Telegram and Discord. GPT360 is designed to serve as a superApp, offering an extensive suite of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of Web3 project owners and enthusiasts alike. Our mission is to facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies by providing innovative solutions for marketing, community engagement, and networking.
Core Features of GPT360
Chaterium Network
The Chaterium Network is a cornerstone of GPT360, providing community owners with powerful tools to enhance visibility and engagement. Through a dedicated webpage, communities are listed and ranked on a leaderboard based on activity levels, offering insights into engagement trends and member interests. This visibility, coupled with detailed analytics, empowers community owners to tailor their strategies and foster vibrant, active communities. The Chaterium Network not only serves as a platform for growth but also encourages cross-community exploration and participation, furthering the reach of each member community.
AI Tools
GPT360 introduces cutting-edge AI tools designed to streamline and enhance the community experience:
AI Crypto News: This tool curates and delivers tailored cryptocurrency news, keeping communities informed and engaged with the latest industry developments.
AI Chatbot Moderator: An advanced chatbot that monitors community interactions, encouraging positive behavior through a karma system, and maintaining a respectful, engaging environment for all members.
Affiliate Networking Hub
Recognizing the challenges faced by startups in establishing meaningful connections, GPT360 offers an Affiliate Networking Hub. This platform simplifies the networking process, enabling startups to find and collaborate with projects and intermediaries efficiently. By centralizing connection-building and transaction facilitation, GPT360 removes traditional barriers, offering a transparent, secure, and efficient networking solution.
Marketing and Advertisement Services
In addition to these features, GPT360 provides a comprehensive suite of marketing and advertisement services. Through its website and various resources, GPT360 assists project owners in reaching wider audiences, engaging potential users, and promoting their projects effectively.
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GPT360 Solution
GPT360 is engineered to bridge the existing divide between the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem and the broader digital community, particularly targeting Web2 users. Through a combination of innovative features and a user-centric approach, GPT360 addresses the core challenges identified in the digital and cryptocurrency sectors.
Chaterium Network: Gateway for Web2 User Acquisition and Education
Central to our strategy for uniting digital communities and facilitating the transition of Web2 users to Web3 technologies is the Chaterium Network. This feature is not merely a platform for enhancing community visibility and engagement; it is a pioneering ecosystem designed to attract Web2 users by rewarding them for active participation in online conversations. By integrating our protocol into their communities, owners can offer distributed rewards for meaningful engagement, making the concept of earning cryptocurrency through simple chat interactions a reality.
This innovative approach serves two critical functions:
Attracting Web2 Users: The prospect of earning rewards for participation acts as a powerful incentive for Web2 users to explore and engage with cryptocurrency communities. This not only introduces them to the world of Web3 but also provides a practical, enjoyable entry point.
Educational Platform: As users become more active within these communities, they naturally learn about key concepts such as connecting wallets, registering accounts, understanding gas fees, and more. The Chaterium Network thus functions as an effective educational tool, demystifying the complexities of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology through practical, hands-on experience.
Comprehensive Ecosystem for Enhanced Engagement, Adoption, and Collaboration
In addition to the Chaterium Network, GPT360 offers a suite of solutions tailored to address the broader challenges facing the cryptocurrency and digital community landscapes:
AI Tools: Our AI Crypto News and AI Chatbot Moderator provide curated content and maintain a positive community environment, further supporting user education and engagement.
Affiliate Networking Hub: This platform streamlines the process of networking and collaboration, enabling efficient connections between startups, projects, and intermediaries.
Targeted Marketing and Advertisement Services: GPT360 assists project owners in crafting and executing effective marketing strategies, ensuring their projects reach and resonate with their intended audience.
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What Makes GPT360 Special?
Chaterium Network – Your Digital Community Playground
You join a community where chatting not only connects you with like-minded people but also earns you rewards. It's like hanging out with friends and getting bonuses just for being active.
AI Tools – Your Personal Crypto Assistant
Their AI-powered tools (AI Tools) keep you in the loop with the latest cryptocurrency news and ensure that conversations stay friendly and engaging. Think of it as having a helpful sidekick who keeps things running smoothly.
Affiliate Networking Hub – Your Gateway to Connections
Finding the right partners and collaborators shouldn't be a hassle. Their networking hub simplifies the process, making it easy for startups and projects to find each other and grow together. It's like attending a digital networking event with all the right connections at your fingertips.
Marketing and Advertisement Services – Your Path to Visibility
Getting your project noticed shouldn't be a headache. They help you create effective marketing strategies that reach your target audience and get them excited about what you have to offer. It's like having a marketing team that knows exactly how to get your message across.
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Team & Advisors
Nikita K: CEO & Founder
Viktor L: CTO & Co-founder
Artjom L: UX/UI Lead & Co-founder
Anton S: CMO
Yuri S: Lead Back-End Developer
Yulia P: Lead Front-End Developer
Albina G: Art Director
Vladimir: Co-founder, CEO at Blockchain Cuties Universe
Paul Farhi: Founder & CEO at Solidus AI Tech
Blacktokenomics: Tokenomics Audit
Michael Gord: Co-Founder & CEO @ GDA Capital
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Token info
Ticker: G360
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token price in USD: 1 G360 = 0.008 USD
Token distribution
Seed Round: 6.00%
Private Round: 4.50%
KOLs: 2.67%
Team: 10.00%
Development: 9.00%
Advisors: 4.00%
Marketing: 10.00%
Airdrop: 0.50%
Rewards: 12.00%
Ecosystem Activities: 20.00%
Liquidity : 10.00%
Public Sale: 11.33%
Token Use cases
The GPT360 token offers a range of valuable use cases for both users and investors within the ecosystem:
NFT Upgrading, Leveling, and Repairing: Users can utilize the GPT360 token to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs. This functionality is crucial for the Chaterium feature, ensuring the optimal performance and functionality of NFTs within decentralized communities.
Subscription for Chat Moderation AI Bot: Users can subscribe to the chat moderation AI bot using GPT360 tokens. This feature enhances the community management aspect of Chaterium by providing automated and efficient moderation services within messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram.
Battle Pass users and community owners will require GPT360 tokens to access and utilize the Battle Pass features. Community owners must also utilize GPT360 tokens to create tasks within the Battle Pass and contribute to the prize pool for these tasks' rewards. Users are required to make a one-time payment in GPT360 tokens to gain access to the season's Battle Pass.
Creating a Sprint event within the community will necessitate community owners to pay the creation fee in GPT360 tokens. This fee ensures the quality of Sprint events and helps cover platform costs
User Subscriptions for Chaterium Chat&Earn Feature: Users can subscribe to the Chaterium Chat&Earn feature using GPT360 tokens. This subscription provides an opportunity for users to earn rewards within decentralized communities even without owning an NFT. However, the gain rates may be lower compared to NFT holders, and certain specific features unlocked by NFT ownership may not be accessible.
Staking: Investors can stake their GPT360 tokens to earn passive income. Staking provides a mechanism for token holders to support the network's security and stability while earning rewards based on the amount of tokens staked.
DAO Voting: Token holders have the opportunity to participate in decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance by using their GPT360 tokens for voting on important decisions, such as platform upgrades, feature enhancements, and community initiatives.
In Affiliate Hub, the use of GPT360 tokens presents a dynamic opportunity for project owners to enhance their visibility and attract new partners. By leveraging GPT360 tokens, project owners can increase their chances of securing partnerships and stand out in the competitive affiliate landscape.
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GPT360 Roadmap
Q1 2022
Development of Chaterium Protocol begins.
Q2 2022
Initial tests and implementation of Chaterium Protocol in Telegram.
Q3 2022
Development of Discord integration starts.
Q4 2022
Completion of Discord integration.
Overall ecosystem improvements.
Q1 2023
Launching Testnet for Chaterium feature.
Increasing awareness and introducing the leaderboard.
Q2 2023
Onboarding online communities.
Establishing media partnerships.
More than 1000 participants on the testnet.
Forming strategic partnerships.
Q3 2023
Development of a new roadmap.
GPT360 branding initiatives.
Forming strategic partnerships.
Leaderboard release
Q4 2023
Blog Release
Project/community owner Admin panel release
Ambassador program initiation
Custom Events product release
Protocol integrations and promotion sales launch
Q1 2024
Launching GPT360 bot public Ads
In-bot advertisements and statistics
Launching GPT360 on-site banner promotions
Establishing Revenue Streams
Q2 2024
Extended Community Dashboard Analytics
Custom Events upgrade to multi-chain
Q3 2024
Affiliate Networking Hub BETA Release
Battlepass Release
Q4 2024
Implementation of DAO governance
X Raids feature release
Q1 2025
Custom Sprints Feature release
Deployment of the AI Moderation Chatbot
Q2 2025:
Affiliate Networking Hub Full Version Update
User Subscriptions functionality
Launch of the AI Crypto News feature
Q3 2025
Development of a new roadmap to outline future milestones and goals
For More Information about GPT360
Website: https://gpt360.io/ Whitepaper: https://docs.gpt360.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GPT360_Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087901384890 Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/gpt360 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Dz9bdQ95p5 Telegram Community: https://t.me/GPT360_Official
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 2 months
Koi finance: One of the largest zkRollup DeFi Platforms built on zkSync Era
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About Koi finance
Koi is one of the largest zkRollup DeFi Platforms built on zkSync Era. Invest & trade, earn yields, and participate in Bonds all on one decentralized, community driven platform. Leverage the security of Ethereum without high gas fees. Koi is designed to have a dynamic setup for Liquidity Pools so that both Stable and AMM curves can be utilized. There can be a Normal and Stable pool for the same assets. Koi will find the best priced trade regardless of pool type. Koi comes prefabbed with a built in LP governance & delegation system. This allows for complex protocols to be built on-top of the Koi protocol, but also allows for dynamic fees within any LP pool.
Koi Bonds
Bonding is the process of trading KOI-ETH LP share to the Koi DAO for KOI. The protocol quotes an amount of KOI and a vesting period for the trade. It is important to know: when you purchase a bond, you are selling your LP share/tokens. The Koi DAO compensates you with more Koi than you’d get on the market, but your exposure becomes entirely to Koi and no longer to KOI-ETH LP.
The purpose of Koi bonds is to increase the amount of Protocol Owned Liquidity via the Koi DAO which increases the revenue towards the treasury and long term liquidity for the protocol. The benefit to bonding allows a user to purchase Koi at a lower cost basis.
Bonds are sold at a first come first serve basis. A bond ROI starts at 0% and increases slowly until it is purchased. Once purchased, the cycle is reset with a new bond and Koi is paid out over 7 days via a veKOI lock.
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Koi finance FEATURES
Swap: Koi's swapping mechanism finalizes within 1s and keeps gas costs extremely low. You don't even need ETH in your wallet.
$0.10 - $0.20 gas fees
Pay gas with any token, no ETH needed
Access to deep liquidity
Pools: Koi is designed to have a dynamic setup for Liquidity Pools so that both Stable and Normal AMM curves can be utilized.
Stable and normal curve range
Fee accumulation outside of LP position
Participate in select farming pools
Farming: Koi farming pools use a fixed APY calculation that allows users to pre-determine the rewards they will earn over a 30 day period.
Fixed APY model
Gauranteed reward payouts
No lockup
ve DAO: Koi's DAO governnace works by locking up tokens into a vote-escrow NFT. The longer the lock, the more vote shares you earn.
Participate in voting
Access to higher farming APYs
Revenue sharing (soon)
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Koi Farming Pools
Koi farming pools is a liquidity reward protocol that allows LPs to gain additional revenue APY & take part in the Koi ecosystem. Amplifier rewards are fueled by platform revenue and fees, which come directly from the buy back and make system the Koite DAO has in place.
Do note, there are not amplifier pairs for every liquidity pair on the Switch. Rather, amplified pairs are decided up by the team and Koi DAO. There will be amplified pairs for important base liquidity pairs such as ETH/USDC, WBTC/USDC etc. These will be linked and updated on this page as those become available.
The Koi Farming pool protocol has introduced a novel system that sets it apart from traditional dynamic farming models by implementing a static APY model. This innovative approach enables the protocol, as well as its partners & users, to generate calculated revenue based on the rewards distributed to farmers.
The base APY in an amplifier is static. Additionally, if the pool has an extra amplifier APY set, the max apy is determined by a ratio of the users Ve vote share value to the lp value being deposited.
Rewards are allocated immediately upon deposit and disbursed gradually over the month based on user redemptions. If the user chooses to withdraw their funds prematurely, they forfeit the remaining unmatured rewards.
To own the max Amplified APY, you must have a vote share value of equal or greater to the value of lp being deposited.
Your veKOI votes/holdings carry over to all amplifiers. If you are providing your LP to two amplifiers, your veKOI vote share balance is not split among them. Taking the previous example, if you provided LP on two pairs using those same exact numbers as above, your APY on both would be 12.5%. This is to encourage participation in all pools.
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KOI Tokenomics
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000 KOI
Circulating Supply: 500,000,000 KOI
Token Allocation: As tokens are allocated, vested, and unlocked, these numbers will be updated.
Circulating (prev. Mute token swap): 50%
Ecosystem Incentives: 30%
Future Investors (reserved): 7%
DAO: 6%
Future Advisors (reserved): 4%
Investors & Advisors (12-18 month vests): 3%
Big picture roadmap - subject to change
Mainnet Release May, 2023.
Farming Program: A liquidity reward protocol rolled out to incentivize high-value projects to provide liquidity on Koi. A fixed APY farming model that allows for efficient reward distributions.
Bond Infra: A Bond marketplace rolled out to give projects tooling to increase their PoL.
Paymaster: Pay fees in any tokens traded on Koi
veDAO: Vote-escrow model for Koi tokens. Get access to the KOI DAO, boosted farming APYs, and revenue sharing (Q1 2024)
Q1/Q2 2024
Mute -> Koi rebrand & token swap
Rebranded ecosystem with overhauled tokenomics
veKoi revenue sharing: Integrate revenue sharing mechanisms from protocol generated fees for veKoi lockers.
Concentrated liquidity pools, limit orders, trading strategies: Deploy and integrated concentrated liquidity pools with limit orders, range orders, recurring orders, and overlapping liquidity segmentation.
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For More Information about Koi finance
Website: https://koi.finance/ Whitepaper: https://wiki.mute.io/mute/info/tokenomics-1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/koi_finance Discord: https://discord.com/invite/muteio Telegram Community: https://t.me/mute_iol
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 2 months
RIDOTTO: The first cross-chain gaming & lottery protocol that offers the possibility to play & build games
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About Ridotto (RDT)
Ridotto is a cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol based on complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Our approach is to provide an open protocol driven by the community, where users can play, build, and even bankroll casino games, thus earning generous liquidity. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling. Beyond our vibrant flagship casino, we will unleash retail ingenuity by giving users the decentralized infrastructure to experiment and evolve the gambling ecosystem. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector.
Ridotto: More Than Just a Casino
At first glance, many make the mistake of lumping Ridotto in with all the other crypto gaming platforms. Yes, Ridotto will offer casino games — and yes, it will most certainly innovate gaming, and offer the sleekest, most robust gaming on the blockchain; but through Ridotto build, bankroll, and governance, it will do so much more as the first truly decentralized casino.
Ridotto Build: Beyond Ridotto’s flagship casino and its many game selections, Ridotto will offer its community and B2B partners alike a seamless and retail-friendly casino-building protocol through which they can develop their very own, hand-tailored casino games and applications. Ridotto will provide software development kits so that the community is free to experiment with their collective genius. This is the great merit of decentralization: Like opening floodgates, Ridotto will unleash community creativity in an industry that has been protected behind tall walls and iron clad regulation. For the first time ever, freed from technical limitations, gamblers, builders, and bankrollers will combine forces to participate in the game creation process.
Ridotto Bankroll: But Ridotto doesn’t stop there; true decentralization means that play and building are not just open source, but profits are too! Ridotto’s intricate system of liquidity providing will empower investors and gaming enthusiasts alike to bankroll its ecosystem of games. Even cooler, Ridotto’s system of decentralized casino funding allows the community to provide liquidity in a manner that accounts for risk preference. A percent of profits, reserves and staking opportunities will contribute to what the co-founders have outlined to be a “self-sustaining ecosystem” model, that integrates partnerships and alliances with other blockchains to optimize their core product offering.
Ridotto Govern: Mohammed and Fayrouz created Ridotto to solve gaming’s most notorious downside: the temptation for insider exploitation, a disadvantage so famous that it has its own universally understood phrase, “The House Always wins.” Ridotto throws out this resignation by turning it on its head, and elevating the user to the position of being “the House.” As a DAO, Ridotto has inbuilt integrity that guarantees user safety. It can be said to be trustless, only because users have no need to trust Ridotto; its integrity is readily verifiable because it is open-source and distributed on the blockchain. In other words, the Ridotto protocol runs automatically according to a predetermined set of rules, initially created by the team, but increasingly entrusted to the community.
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Steps to Buy Ridotto (RDT)
Step 1 - Look for Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) where Ridotto (RDT) is Listed:
New coins such as Ridotto (RDT) would be going for initial DEX offering (IDO) listings and such info can be found via popular crypto aggregators. All you have to do is key in Ridotto (RDT) in the search box of your crypto aggregator, and you will be able to identify the DEXs where Ridotto (RDT) is being listed.
Step 2 - Create & Setup your DeFi Wallet:
This popular DeFi wallet is used to store, exchange and buy various tokens including Ridotto (RDT). Learn how this can be done in just a few clicks.
Step 3 - Fund your DeFi Wallet:
You can buy the native token of a selected blockchain, for instance ETH for the Ethereum Main Network via credit cards. Note that native tokens differ from one blockchain to another, and would be used to pay the necessary gas fees, so be sure to have the right tokens in the right blockchain. Alternatively, you can proceed by withdrawing ETH from your Gate io wallet - All you will need is your DeFi wallet address.
Step 4 - Connect your DeFi Wallet to the DEX to Buy Ridotto (RDT):
Once you have identified the DEX(s) where Ridotto (RDT) is listed on, visit the official pages of the DEX(s) and follow the steps as guided in connecting your DeFi wallet. Then you can proceed to purchase Ridotto (RDT) on the relevant DEX(s).
Ridotto can solve the issues
Ridotto aims to solve these challenges using their novel cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol to create a fast, secure, and truly transparent Blockchain-based gambling platform. We are providing an autonomous system based on smart contracts to facilitate central authority-free and bank-free gambling. Ridotto’s cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol eliminates the need for the execution of third parties and meddling. So, players rely on luck to win. It gives players the highest level of autonomy and control. They can transact internally using a native cryptocurrency. This approach simplifies deposit and withdrawal processes and reduces the risk of fraud. It can increase operators’ profit by eliminating external fees on transactions.
Ridotto exploits Blockchain innovatively to ensure every user has a clear view of what happens behind the scenes. The protocol’s unique approach facilitates the highest level of transparency. Extensive visibility is crucial because players believe the odds are manipulated behind the scenes in favor of the casino. To this end, Ridotto’s cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol gives players access to winning rates, probabilities, and all other variables that are usually kept hidden by casino operators. The system makes it easier for players to access and share these variables quickly. It addresses the lack of trust among users and prevents not only other players from cheating but even casino operators. Furthermore, Ridotto uses Blockchain-enabled smart contracts, which record and secure all transactions to boost users’ trust. Unlike conventional platforms, Ridotto uses decentralized blockchain instead of centralized servers. It relies only on generated wallet addresses for identification to protect users’ privacy and anonymity. This approach eliminates the need for personal information to vet new users.
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Ridotto’s platform is an all-in-one app that combines games and pools to provide a vibrant and entertaining gaming experience. This comprehensive online gaming app provides four categories of games based on smart contracts, ranging from card-table games to lottery, bets, and slots. The platform has an intuitive design that strikes the perfect balance between usability and aesthetics. Its user-friendly interface with simple UI/UX design gives users easy access to their favorite games and functions. Access to several types of games in a single, intuitive platform guarantees the best gaming experience. It can also entice players to the platform more often and improve the retention rate.
Ridotto deviates from the traditional “the house always wins” approach by bringing users into the fold. Users can earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity to the Ridotto protocol. This approach provides users with the possibility of them becoming “the house”. They can share the spoils with the casino. Instead of “the house always wins,” Ridotto creates the ideal alternative where casino and player both win. This win-win model challenges the idea that players are there to be milked for their money. Win-Win gives operators an edge over the competition to help them thrive in today’s competitive gambling sector.
Online gambling platforms are not truly decentralized as long as operators dictate players’ options. Ridotto adheres to this forward-looking ideology. The platform allows users to develop unique games on its platform using tools in Ridotto Lab. The lab offers robust tools, SDK, and libraries that help developers easily build and deploy cross-chain games on top of the Ridotto protocol. This industry-first cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol also simplifies and shortens the process of creating accounts, registration, and vetting. So, new players complete the process and place their bets as quickly as possible. It improves players’ experience right from the start.
At Ridotto, we understand the importance of your input as the user. Our approach to gambling is uniquely disruptive because it goes beyond systems and technologies. Ridotto is community-driven. As a Ridotto holder, you will play a critical role in each evolution, proposal, decision, and everything in between. We will work together and share ideas to get to the best endgame. At Ridotto, we believe in luck, only luck, and nothing but luck!
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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For More Information about Ridotto
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 4 months
NAKAPAD: Providing comprehensive launchpad services that empower innovative projects
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About Nakapad
Nakapad is a comprehensive launchpad platform that provides a curated selection of services to ensure the healthy launch and growth of blockchain projects. Unlike other launchpads that might focus solely on token emission, Nakapad takes a holistic approach by offering a suite of services, including funding support, technical aid, legal counsel, and marketing strategies. Nakapad is not just another launchpad; it is a comprehensive platform dedicated to empowering blockchain projects to thrive and innovate. With a focus on security, compliance, community engagement, and versatility, Nakapad is poised to redefine the future of blockchain and crypto projects.
Why Choose Nakapad
Nakapad walks alongside projects from their inception, guiding them through every phase until their visions are realized in full. It offers more than just a technical foundation for token launch; it provides a comprehensive solution for project creators, developers, and participants in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By supporting and promoting a broader range of opportunities, Nakapad is committed to fostering quality, innovation, and growth in the blockchain and crypto space.
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Tactical Insights for Nakapad’s Journey:
Customized Marketing Approach: Cultivate in-house expertise aligned with Nakapad’s mission for tailored marketing.
Strategic Hiring through Personal Networks: Leverage networks for hiring advocates of Nakapad’s vision.
Community-Centric Engagement: Prioritize the community for valuable feedback; it’s the heartbeat of Nakapad.
Token as Ecosystem Integral: View the token as more than a financial tool; it reflects a commitment to sustainability and value creation.
Key Takeaways:
User Retention Over Acquisition: Prioritize a loyal user base; focus on continuous improvement for a committed community.
Lean and Agile for Product-Market Fit: Stay lean, target innovation, and resonate with user needs before scaling.
Active Engagement and Learning: Immerse in the crypto landscape, and address real-world needs through direct user engagement.
Strategic Planning for Longevity: Navigate market cycles with planning, conservative resource management, and regulatory awareness.
In embracing these principles and practices, Nakapad isn’t just aiming to survive; we’re striving to set a new standard for success in the crypto startup scene. Join us as we share our continuous progress and learnings, and be a part of a journey redefining the blockchain landscape.
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Key Features of Nakapad
Comprehensive Project Support: Nakapad collaborates with projects to shape their token models and protocol revenues, ensuring they don’t falter into legal pitfalls, especially securities-related issues. The token models are meticulously crafted to promise growth and maturity over time.
Rigorous Legal Due Diligence: Projects onboarded undergo rigorous legal due diligence to ensure they are compliant with all regulations and fortified against vulnerabilities.
Community & Marketing Exposure: Nakapad places immense value on its vibrant community, especially those invested in $NAKA, giving them a front-row seat in our bustling ecosystem. However, our dedication isn’t solely anchored in technology. Our extensive marketing initiatives pivot around forging bonds with notable influencers and pioneering ventures in the crypto world.
Security and Compliance: Collaborations with industry experts and leading auditors ensure that the platform and its projects are fortified against vulnerabilities. Committed to full regulatory compliance, Nakapad offers an assurance of safety and legitimacy.
Embracing the Spectrum with Nakapad: At Nakapad, our vision has always been expansive and boundary-pushing. We don’t confine ourselves to specific sectors or industries. Instead, we champion a vast array of blockchain initiatives, from fledgling startups to innovative crypto ventures. This openness stems from our belief in the transformative power of diverse ideas within the crypto space.
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Nakapad places a paramount emphasis on security and trust. Rigorous security measures, including comprehensive audits and industry best practices, are implemented to safeguard both projects and investors. The platform adheres to a meticulous due diligence legal process, involving interviews with project teams and founders. Additionally, Nakapad plays a pivotal role in managing project liquidity.
For More Information about Nakapad
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/nakapad_io Twitter: https://twitter.com/nakapad_io Discord: https://discord.gg/nakapad Telegram Community: https://t.me/nakapad_io Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/nakapad_announcements Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nakapad.io.official
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 7 months
Work X: Build better job & talent profiles to bring people together
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About Work X
Work X is building a highly efficient platform economy to connect service providers with customers. By eliminating commercial fees, Work X is able to minimize the costs of labor and optimize salaries. Work X provides a solution using Self-Sovereign Identity to let people regain control over their personal data. In this way, people will be able to own and control their own data by linking it to their digital identity. When an employee or candidate completes an assessment, development course or other education, they can easily link the achievement or diploma to their digital identity. This has many advantages for all participants in the ecosystem. The employer does not need to worry about storing the sensitive information because the employees control it. Employees will be able to store credentials for the rest of their career (even if they switch jobs) and they have the assurance that commercial third parties are not able to monetize their personal data. To pilot this new technology, WorkPi is supported and funded by the Economic Commission within the eSSIF-lab. Because A.I. algorithms are currently not able to learn from private data stored in SSI wallets, we are introducing a new method called ‘Compute-to-SSI’ that leverages existing technology of Ocean Protocol.
Work X: The Future of Organizational Development
Offering comprehensive tools, Work X empowers organizations to measure skills using an assessment marketplace. As the integration of individual assessments is a very time- and resource consuming challenge, Work X eliminates the switching costs by offering a marketplace where employers can utilize various assessments on-demand. With the Work X application, exclusively available at www.workx.io, companies such as APG can instantly generate anonymized succesful job profiles that can be used for development & hiring purposes. The platform offers:
Employee Data Profile: An interactive profile on www.workx.io where employees control and manage their skill measurements and get personalized development suggestions.
Assessment Platform: A diverse assessment marketplace to measure various skills in > 14 industries, only on Work X!
Development Lounge: a platform dedicated to cultivating decisive skills, blending online and offline training modules.
AI Job Assistant: Instantly get personalized AI suggestions for relevant skills, jobs & development courses to bridge the skills gap
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Cost Efficiency with Work X
Work X doesn’t just bring innovation; it’s also cost-effective. When companies create a job posting, they only have to pay a small fee to cover the costs for running & maintaining the Work X platform. In this way, heavy recruitment fees up to 40% of a yearly salary are saved. Learn more on www.workx.io and the whitepaper.
The Future is Bright with Work X
APG is pioneering the way by adopting Work X’s strategies, positioning itself as a data-driven innovator. As the digital realm grows, Work X’s commitment to leveraging AI, machine learning, and data analysis sets it apart. Dive deeper into these offerings at www.workx.io.
In the larger picture, Work X isn’t just about a single organization. The vision extends to transforming the entire employment ecosystem. With platforms like www.workx.io, the potential for change is limitless.
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The $WORK token is intended to provide digital access to the platform by means of a blockchain-based infrastructure. In this paragraph we will shortly summarize the different use-cases to answer the question how the token has utility. In the near future we will present additional token use-cases so stay tuned!
Token Utility 1: Get Access to Platform Services To access services on the Work X Platform such as posting jobs, skill assessments, development courses, the AI-Assistant, and many other services on the platform, users need to possess the $WORK token. Other examples of costs we need to add to our transaction fee requirements are for example AI tokens, running servers, development grants, etc.
Token Utility 2: Collateral for Job Listings To make sure that all job listings comply with the code of conduct of the platform, tokens have to be deposited.
Token Utility 3: $WORK Platform Support Rewards Users of the platform who hold $WORK tokens and add to the liquidity will be rewarded with $WORK tokens within an NFT for their support of the platform and community. As they are contributing more to the maintenance and continuation of the platform, they are important for the future of the platform and deserve to be rewarded.
Token Utility 4: Platform NFT’s When users get achievements on the Work X platform they will be rewarded with an NFT that holds an amount of $WORK tokens. By holding and adding to the liquidity of the $WORK token, they will be rewarded with an appealing APR on top of their tokens.
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Token Distribution and Fund Allocation
At the the Token Generation Event (TGE), the generated tokens and funds will be allocated proportionally to different use-cases and operations. In the ”Vesting” column of Table 1 you can see the vesting period of each of these token allocations in months. Not only tokens bought by early buyers will have a vesting period, in fact the buyers have some of the lowest vesting periods while most of the Work X allocations vest over longer time frames. For example the intended DAO will gradually unlock it’s funds over 5 years without any tokens being unlocked at TGE.
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For More Information about Work X
Official Website: https://landing.workx.io/ Official Whitepaper: https://content.workx.io/whitepaper/Work+X+Whitepaper+V6.pdf Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorkX_official Official Telegram: https://t.me/WorkX_Telegram Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/workx Official Medium: https://medium.com/@WorkX Official Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/work-x-internet-of-jobs/
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 7 months
BoTiFi: First Ever AI Powered, Non-Custodial & Emotionless Fully Automatic Risk-Free Profitable Smart Trading.
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BOTiFi Smart DEX is the first-ever fully automated, emotion-free AI powered decentralized trading platform that automates the entire crypto trading process for you. BOTiFi smart bots works 24/7 under all market conditions for maximum profits. BOTiFi Smart DEX aim to offer a fully automated, highly efficient, and emotionless decentralized trading that works under all market conditions 24/7 to generate profits by employing a range of advanced algorithms and strategies. Botifi Smart Dex trading has several advantages over traditional DEXs. These advantages stem from the capabilities and the features that advanced AI-driven bots can offer, providing traders with a competitive edge and improved efficiency, automated 24/7 trading, human emotion-free, lightening fast analysis and order execution and works under all market conditions. BOTiFi offers zero knowledge Smart Bots, and doesn't demand any technical expertise. Users can configured and get started within minutes, making it accessible to everyone while catering to all your sophisticated trading requirements.
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Key Features and Benefits
Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy: BOT-R follows the DCA strategy, investing fixed amounts at set intervals. This reduces the risk of trying to time the market and allows users to benefit from market fluctuations over time.
Mitigating Volatility Risk: BOT-R's gradual approach mitigates the risk of investing a lump sum at once in a highly volatile market. It spreads investments over time, reducing the impact of short-term price swings.
Average Price Improvement: With DCA, BOT-R achieves a better average price for investments. It buys more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, optimizing the overall entry price.
Automated Investing: BOT-R automatically executes fixed investments at regular intervals, eliminating the need for constant monitoring. Users set their preferred intervals and investment amounts, leaving the rest to the bot.
Long-Term Focus: BOT-R's strategy aligns with long-term investing principles. It aims for potential long-term gains by taking advantage of market fluctuations over time.
Fixed Capital Allocation: Users have control over the amount they invest at each interval. BOT-R consistently allocates the fixed capital as specified, ensuring a systematic investment approach.
Algorithm-Driven Analysis: BOT-A relies on sophisticated algorithms to analyze market data, historical trends, and technical indicators. This data-driven approach enhances the bot's ability to identify potentially profitable trading opportunities.
Signal-Based Execution: Unlike fully automated bots, BOT-A requires a designated signal before executing a trade. This feature empowers users to assess each opportunity individually and decide when to act based on their analysis.
Proactive Trading: With signal-based execution, BOT-A enables traders to be proactive in their approach. They can swiftly respond to favorable market conditions and capitalize on potential opportunities.
Risk Management: By executing trades only when a signal is received, BOT-A helps users avoid impulsive decisions driven by emotions or short-term market fluctuations. This promotes better risk management and disciplined trading practices.
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Why investing in BOTIFI is a no-brainer decision
Potential for 100x-150x
Exclusive Access
High Staking Returns
Heavy Discounts on Fees
Receive Platform’s Earnings Share & Referral Earnings.
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BOTiFi Strategy And Project Roadmap
Project Conceptualizations and Planning.
Refine the Concept.
Market Research.
Technical Feasibility.
Form the Core Team.
Define Project Scope & Objectives.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance.
Project's architecture & Technical Aspects.
Smart Contract Development.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
Website & Official Whitepaper Development.
Team Expansion & Beta Testings.
Community Building.
Events With Further Community Growth.
Presale Launch & Partnerships.
Aggressive Marketing Campaigns.
Partnerships and Integrations.
Q4-Q1 2023-2024
Platform Enhancements & Further Features Launch..
App Development & Upgrade.
Events and Community Growth.
Global Expansion & Launch of B2B Services.
Token Listing on Leading Exchanges.
DApp Ecosystem & Further B2B Strategic Collaborations.
Exchange Listing.
Smart Dex Mainnet Launch (Beta).
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How To Buy
Buy BOTIFI With ETH/USDT on ERC20 Chain
Step 1: Connect Metamask/TrustWallet with presale.botifi.ai Step 2: Enter the amount you wish to purchase & Click on Buy Now Final Step: Approve the transaction in your wallet for spending (use default in custom spending cap) click approve, and wait for confirmation Now click "Approve" again. Please ensure you have ETH to cover your gas fees.
Buy BOTIFI With BNB/USDT or BUSD on BEP20 Chain
Step 1: Connect Metamask/TrustWallet with presale.botifi.ai Step 2: Enter the amount you wish to purchase & Click on Buy Now Final Step: Approve the transaction in your wallet for spending (use default in custom spending cap) click approve, and wait for confirmation Now click "Approve" again. Please ensure you have BNB to cover your gas fees.
BOTiFi Social media link:
Official Website: https://www.botifi.ai/ Official Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/2kf4zukhs5fb59bh Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoTiFi_Ai Official Telegram: https://t.me/BOTiFi_Ai Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Botifi_Ai Official Instagram: https://instagram.com/BoTiFi_Ai Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BOTiFi_Ai
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 9 months
Fleamint: Online platform for buying & selling NFTs
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About Fleamint
Fleamint is a global NFT marketplace headquartered in Singapore. The platform is designed for buying and selling NFT’s that represent digital and real-world assets. The market place hosts many different communities that benefit from wide ranging platform utility. The Fleamint platform is creating a complete ecosystem for Real World Assets across all industries. offering users, a decentralized, open, and secure environment in which to engage in a variety of activities, such as trading goods and services. All Fleamints client companies are onboarding to the platform to enter Web 3.0 through the NFT marketplace for E-commerce and Venture arm, the grown up Launchpad for established Web 2.0 business for capital raising ideas, that expand the search for liquidity to all markets. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values. The ecosystem of Fleamint is varied and supports numerous verticals, which is advantageous for both customers and consumers as well as businesses, charities, and innovators.
Fleamint’s mission
Fleamint’s mission is to revolutionize the fundraising landscape for Web2 businesses, providing a secure and efficient ecosystem to embrace the potential of Web3. By seamlessly bridging the gap between traditional and decentralized finance, Fleamint equips businesses with essential tools to thrive in the dynamic financial landscape. Fleamint, a rising star in the web3 ecosystem, has gained widespread attention for its mission to empower creators and artists through blockchain technology. By leveraging the power of decentralized networks, Fleamint aims to disrupt traditional paradigms of ownership, enabling creators to directly monetize their digital assets and engage with a global audience. With a focus on NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications, Fleamint is poised to reshape the digital economy.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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For More Information about Fleamint
Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 9 months
Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD): Operating under the umbrella of Matrix Groups Holding Co
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About Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD)
Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD) is an innovative digital asset that represents ownership in Matrix Global Exchange, an emerging cryptocurrency exchange under the esteemed Matrix Groups Holding Co in Turkey. This article delves into the token's essential features, distribution model, and the unwavering commitment of Matrix Groups Holding Co to ensure its sustained value. The Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD) presents a unique opportunity for investors to become shareholders of Matrix Global Exchange and participate in its success. Backed by the credibility and commitment of Matrix Groups Holding Co, MUSD offers a secure and potentially lucrative investment option within the blockchain and cryptocurrency domain.
The Matrix Group is a company that collaborates with doctors across various medical specialties. We also facilitate relationships between doctors and hospitals to offer exceptional services to patients seeking treatment in Turkey. Our primary goal is to ensure patient satisfaction, meeting their requests while upholding their rights. However, patients from Arab countries face challenges in accessing funds for treatment abroad due to restrictions on money movement. Consequently, they resort to paying exorbitant commissions on the black market. In response, our team has developed the 1- Matrix Global Exchange 2- Matrix USD (MUSD) 3- Matrix Token (MTIX)
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Token Specifications
The total supply of Matrix Exchange Tokens (MUSD) is fixed at 200,000 ntokens. This limited supply ensures scarcity and potential value appreciation for token holders.
The Name : Matrix USD(MUSD)
The Symbol : MUSD
Total supply : 200,000
Circulating supply : 100000
Smart chain: BEP20
Contract address : 0x3e21309896182d5830dd0c124c5e2988907e794e
Token Distribution and Presale
50% of the total MUSD supply (100,000 tokens) will be offered during the presale. The presale will be divided into four price stages, with each stage having a specific allocation and token price:
Stage 1: 25,000 tokens for 10 dollars per token
Stage 2: 25,000 tokens for 15 dollars per token
Stage 3: 25,000 tokens for 20 dollars per token
Stage 4: 25,000 tokens for 25 dollars per token
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Use of Presale Funds
Funds raised during the MUSD presale will be allocated primarily to the development and expansion of Matrix Global Exchange, ensuring a robust and feature-rich platform for token holders
Phase 1: Preparation and Development
Phase 2: Token Creation and Allocation
Phase 3: Initial Subscription Offering
Phase 4: Launch and Listing
Phase 5: Marketing and Adoption
Phase 6: Continued Development and Improvement
Phase 7: Future Expansions and Partnerships
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For More Information about NGO Adobe House
Website: https://matrix-exchange.global/ Whitepaper: https://ico.matrix-exchange.global/assets/whitepaper-78fb009b.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/matrixtoken1 Telegram: https://t.me/Matrixexchangeglobal Discord: https://discord.gg/DwqWQaCGZA
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 9 months
NGO Adobe House: Dedicated to empowering young minds by providing them with access to a highly developed educational platform
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About Adobe House
AdobeHouse is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), dedicated to empowering young minds by providing them with access to a highly developed educational platform. We believe that every individual, including children, deserves access to high-quality education. AdobeHouse aims to bridge the gap by offering a comprehensive and inclusive learning environment. AdobeHouse has designed its token smart contract with the ability to be upgraded. This capability ensures that we can incorporate new features, enhance security measures, and improve the overall efficiency of the token ecosystem. As our educational platform and community evolve, we may identify areas for refinement or additions to the contract that better support our mission. By integrating animated tasks, fostering collaborative projects, and offering personalized learning pathways, we are poised to redefine educational paradigms. The token's utility extends beyond mere transactions. It's an integral part of the platform, facilitating unique features and benefits tailored for children, individual learners, educators, and institutions.
What is the purpose of the AdobeHouse ICO
The purpose of the AdobeHouse ICO is to raise funds to further our mission of providing accessible education. Through the ICO, we aim to gather support from the community and individuals who share our vision. The funds raised will be used to develop and enhance the educational platform, ensuring that it reaches and benefits as many individuals as possible, especially those who do not have access to a high-quality education system. AdobeHouse token holders gain several benefits. These include access to exclusive features and content on the platform, participation in incentivized tasks, and opportunities for staking the tokens to earn rewards. Additionally, as the project grows, the value of the tokens may appreciate, potentially offering financial benefits to the token holders.
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NGO Adobe House are building a platform to innovative teaching and get rewarded
Empowering Children's Education By seamlessly integrating interactive games and engaging activities, we make learning a fun and immersive experience for children. They can explore diverse subjects, enhance critical thinking skills, and unleash their creativity. Additionally, children can earn tokens by completing tasks, which they can use to acquire educational materials and other necessary resources for their educational journey.
Enhancing Teacher-Student Interaction From assigning tasks and projects to facilitating discussions and assessments, our platform enables seamless communication and active participation. With access to a rich resource library and innovative teaching materials, teachers can enhance their lessons and inspire students to explore and excel.
Helping NGO's and Schools Education Schools and NOG's approach education by providing a comprehensive solution for teacher-student interaction and student progress tracking. Schools and ngo's can empower their teachers with a powerful set of tools and resources to effectively engage with students, deliver engaging lessons, and provide timely feedback.
Empowering Individuals By completing tasks, participating in courses, and actively contributing to the community, individuals can earn rewards through our unique staking mechanism. Whether you're seeking to expand your knowledge, acquire new skills, or simply indulge your curiosity, our platform offers a dynamic and rewarding environment to fuel your personal and professional growth.
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Tokenomics and Distribution
The NGO Adobe House token's economic design is meticulously crafted to support the platform's growth, reward early adopters and contributors, and ensure a balanced and sustainable ecosystem for the long term.
Token Distribution
Public Presale (ICO): 75.5 million tokens will be allocated for the public presale. Early investors have the opportunity to acquire tokens at preferential rates, bolstering the platform's initial development phase.
Listing Reservation: 10 million tokens have been reserved for listing on renowned cryptocurrency exchanges. This ensures liquidity and accessibility for potential token holders and promotes widespread adoption.
Team Allocation: 8 million tokens are dedicated to the team, recognizing their pivotal role in conceptualizing and nurturing the platform. These tokens undergo a 1-year lock, post which 10% will be released monthly, ensuring team alignment with the platform's trajectory.
Bounty Pool: 3 million tokens will be strategically distributed as bounty during the ICO, enhancing community engagement and diversifying token ownership.
Contest Rewards: An allocation of 1.5 million tokens will reward participants in contests during the ICO presale, stimulating community engagement and heightening platform awareness.
Contribution and Task Rewards: With the platform's launch, 400 million tokens are designated for rewards tied to contributions and tasks. This fosters active participation and organic content generation.
Staking Rewards: A robust pool of 500 million tokens is allocated for staking incentives. Users staking tokens for durations of 1, 6, or 12 months are entitled to fixed revenue. After this allocation is exhausted, Layer 2 staking commences, where stakers benefit from token trading fees, reflecting a sustainable reward model.
Strategic Partnerships: A reserved pool (quantity to be decided) can be set aside for strategic partnerships and collaborations. These partnerships can amplify the platform's reach, foster integrations, and cement its position in both the educational and crypto sectors.
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Token Allocation
Public Presale (ICO): 75.5 million
Listing Reservation: 10 million
Team Allocation: 8 million (with a 1-year lockup and subsequent 10% monthly release)
Bounty during ICO: 3 million
Contest Rewards during ICO: 1.5 million
Contribution and Task Rewards (post-platform launch): 400 million
Staking Rewards: 500 million (initial fixed revenue followed by Layer 2 staking with trading fee rewards)
The token allocation is designed with the platform's growth and sustainability in mind. Each allocation serves a specific purpose, ensuring that different facets of the platform are adequately funded and incentivized.
The journey of NGO Adobe House is meticulously charted, with clear milestones set for the coming years. Our primary focus lies in the development and enhancement of the platform to ensure it meets the diverse needs of learners, educators, and institutions.
2023: Foundations and Initial Launch
Market Analysis
Website Launch
Token and Presale Smart Contracts
Whitepaper Release
Educational Platform Database Development
Subsequent Presale Phases and Further Platform Development
Token Distribution and Exchange Listings
2024: Refinement and Expansion
Continuous Platform Development
Beta Version Release
Testing and Implementation Period
Contribution Rewarding System Launch
Final Platform Release
Community Engagement
Building a strong and engaged community is at the heart of our mission. We prioritize feedback, interaction, and collaboration with our users.
Social Media Account Launches
Initial Marketing Campaigns
Community Airdrops during ICO
Community-driven Contests during ICO ​ 2024:
Beta Testing Feedback Sessions
Community Webinars and Interactive Sessions
Strategic alliances and collaborations play a crucial role in amplifying our platform's reach and offerings.
Partnership Outreach
Collaborations with Educational Institutions and Tech Companies
Global Expansion Initiatives
Technical Road Map
2023: Establishing the Core Infrastructure
Development and deployment of the Token Smart Contract
Establishment of the Presale Smart Contract
Website launch with integrated user dashboard
Security audits for the developed smart contracts
Development of the Educational Platform's database
Backend infrastructure setup for scalable growth
Integration of the initial staking system
Testing and debugging of the platform's core features
2024: Refinement and Initial Layer 2 Work
Beta version release of the platform
Feedback collection and initial improvements based on beta testing
Initial steps towards Layer 2 staking integration
Further security enhancements and audits
Rollout of the contribution rewarding system
Backend optimizations for faster content delivery
Continuation of Layer 2 integration work
Integration of advanced analytics tools for user behavior tracking
2025: Advanced Features, Scaling, and Full Layer 2 Integration
Completion and full integration of Layer 2 staking
Exploration of AR/VR integrations for immersive learning
Development of AI-driven personalized learning paths
Full integration of AR/VR features
Scalability enhancements to support a growing user base
Further optimizations based on user feedback and technological advancements
Continuation of scalability enhancements
Exploration and integration of new educational technologies as they emerge
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Incentives and Rewards
Our token system is built on the principle of rewarding engagement, loyalty, and contribution:
Children: Young learners receive tokens as rewards, which can be used to access advanced learning materials.
Teachers and Content Creators: Both educators and individuals can earn through content creation. Quality content, once approved, can be monetized, creating a win-win for creators and the platform.
Stakers: Users staking tokens benefit from a fixed revenue model initially. As the platform evolves, stakers will transition to Layer 2 rewards, earning a portion of the trading fees. This dual-phase approach ensures long-term engagement and loyalty.
Community Engagement: Through airdrops and contests during the ICO phase, we aim to foster a strong and vibrant community. These rewards not only promote platform awareness but also encourage active participation from the onset.
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For More Information about NGO Adobe House
Official Website: https://adobehouse.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/NGOAdobeHouse Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GCzBdPtyN4 GitHub: https://github.com/NGOAdobeHouse/token YouTube: https://youtube.com/@AdobeHouseNGO Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ngoadobehouse/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ngo-adobe-house
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 10 months
ASENIX: Revolutionizing the financial landscape and creating a thriving ecosystem
ASENIX Presentation
The ASENIX Initiative, a blockchain-based platform that rewards holders and community members for supporting efforts to reduce ocean pollution and funds innovative ocean pollution solutions through ENIX Labs, is a leading example of how Web3 technology can be utilized to tackle ocean pollution. Ever since the advent of blockchain technology, digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs have been utilized to solve a variety of issues in a variety of sectors. For example, players in the finance industry have created cryptocurrency platforms that provide swift, affordable, and safe payment solutions. Despite the fact that blockchain technology has been widely adopted in a variety of industries, certain areas have yet to reap the benefits of these technologies. One such area is environmental conservation. The ASENIX initiative intends to harness the potential of blockchain technology to protect our seas and their ecosystems.
ASENIX mission
The ASENIX Initiative is committed to achieving long-term, robust protection for the most crucial areas of the oceans for both current and future generations. ASENIX supports the implementation of Goal 12 & 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. ASENIX are committed to safeguarding our oceans and its ecosystem through funding, encouraging and supporting scientific research (through our ecosystem), as well as educating and increasing public awareness on the impact of non-sustainable lifestyles on the oceans and ecosystems.
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ASENIX listed on MEXC
This listing on MEXC marks a significant achievement for ASENIX, as it provides increased accessibility and liquidity for ASENIX token. MEXC, a leading and globally recognized cryptocurrency exchange, offers a robust platform for trading and investment. This strategic partnership with MEXC not only enhances the value proposition of ENIX but also strengthens our commitment to fostering a cleaner and healthier ocean ecosystem.
Why This Listing Matters:
1. Wider Reach: MEXC’s expansive user base and global reach will expose ENIX to a broader audience, raising awareness about ASENIX mission to combat ocean pollution and promote sustainable practices.
2. Enhanced Liquidity: Listing on MEXC ensures a more liquid market for ENIX, providing ASENIX community and potential investors with smoother trading experiences.
3. Credibility and Trust: MEXC’s reputation in the crypto space adds an additional layer of credibility and trust to the ENIX token.
4. Investment Opportunities: The listing on MEXC opens up new investment opportunities for traders and investors interested in participating in ASENIX journey to safeguard the oceans.
5. Community Growth: The increased exposure from the listing can lead to the expansion of ASENIX community, uniting more individuals and organizations under the ASENIX banner.
Mark your calendars and join us in celebrating this significant milestone. As ASENIX continues its commitment to a sustainable future, this listing on MEXC represents a pivotal step towards realizing ASENIX goals of ocean preservation and pollution reduction. Stay tuned for more updates as ASENIX work diligently to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for generations to come.
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ASENIX Token (ENIX) is the native token of the ASENIX ecosystem. ENIX is an BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain, with a maximum supply of 500,000,000 tokens. Holders of the token will automatically earn rewards just for holding. The token will also be available for trading on exchanges. 4% of all transactions are automatically transferred to our Research/development wallet. These funds will be collected on a regular basis and put towards scientific research (ENIX Labs) and further development of the initiative. ASENIX estimate that a 4% commitment pulled from each transaction could potentially generate $300,000 each day. This level of financing put towards ocean preservation solutions would undoubtedly make a significant impact.
CONTRACT ADDRESS : 0x408cefb5f92f0e47fc12e9840cc50529fc986226
ENIX tokens Use cases
GOVERNANCE VOTING: ENIX tokens will be use as utility tokens when voting on ENIX labs and during ASENIX Improvement Proposals.
LIQUIDITY POOL: ENIX is the utility token of ASENFI cross-chain DEX and will be used for liquidity pools on ASENIFI (Dapp)
STAKING: Stake your ENIX to earn rewards and access exclusive benefits.
EXCHANGE: Issue & Trade ENIX on various exchanges
AUTO REWARDS: Automatically earn for just holding ENIX. Get access to events, exclusive offers and Airdrops.
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ASENIX Roadmap
FIRST PHASE (Q4 2022) Website development, Whitepaper release, Smart contract development, Token deployment Token Burn, Token Audit, water refill map V1.0. ​
SECOND PHASE (Q1 /Q2 2023) Initial burn of ENIX tokens, Contract verification & Audit, ASENIX water refill map V1.0 (Beta). Online community, Marketing, ASENIX token airdrop, Partnerships, Influencer marketing, CMC Application, CG Application. ​
THIRD PHASE (Q3 /Q4 2023) Presale, IDO/ IEO, Launch, Staking Dapp, Awareness campaign, AMC NFT deployment, Oceanblue campaign, CEX listings, Media articles, ENIX Labs development, AIP. ​
FOURTH PHASE (Q1 /Q2 2024) ASENIFI DEX contract development, ENIX Labs launch, ASENIFI (DEX) testnet, ASENIFI Mainnet, Expansion.
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Ronald Omezi CEO, FOUNDER CEO & Founder of the ASENIX Initiative
Waymond Perry PROJECT LEAD Ocean Preservation & Conservation Enthusiast
Richard Omezi BLOCKCHAIN ADVISOR Blockchain Consultant at Tomez Int. LTD
Charles Liu LEAD DEVELOPER ASENIX Initiative Dev Team Member
Lamiae Mouddene WEB3 DEVELOPER ASENIX Initiative Web3 Dev Team Member
Sarah Dunn HR ASSOCIATE ASENIX Initiative T&A Team Member
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ASENIX stands as an unparalleled pioneer among web3 platforms, setting a remarkable precedent by connecting its core mission to ocean pollution mitigation efforts globally. Through supporting and investing in teams dedicated to finding swift, innovative, and sustainable solutions to address ocean pollution. driving impactful projects will continue to transform ocean conservation, leaving a legacy of innovation, resilience, and hope for generations yet unborn. In a world rife with environmental degradation, ASENIX stands as an oasis of hope, an agent for positive transformation, and evidence of human creativity channeled toward improving our oceans and the wider ecosystem.
Website: https://asenix.org/ Whitepaper: https://docs.asenix.org/ Telegram group: https://t.me/ASENIXinitiative Telegram channel: https://t.me/ASENIXtokenchannel Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASENIXtoken Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/asenix/ Medium: https://medium.com/@info_49869 Github: https://github.com/ASENIXInitiative
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 10 months
Merkle Tree: focused on building, operating, and maintaining crypto mining facilities across South America.
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Merkle Tree is a non-fungible digital asset providing bespoke access and utility to holders. Crypto-assets (e.g. crypto coins, tokens, NFTs) are either currently not regulated globally or the regulations may vary, sometimes significantly, between jurisdictions. Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other blockchain and Web3 technologies are in constant flux. This Merkle Tree NFT is not intended to be the comprehensive or final design of Merkle Tree or its services, products or offerings. It is not intended to create either explicitly or implicitly any contractual relationship or elements. Merkle Tree’s primary purpose is to provide potential token holders, partners or associates with sufficient pertinent information to enable an informed analysis and decision while taking into account the individual’s or entity’s current and future circumstances.
It is strongly advised to fully study Merkle Tree and its attendant documents, and seek, where necessary, professional advice in order to come to an informed and appropriate decision. Given rapidly changing technological advancements and global factors, the volatility of which are unlikely to change in the short to middle term, certain statements, estimates and financial disclosures in this MerkleTree document are forward looking statements, subject to change, and, although they are based on a rigorous consideration of known and unknown facts, risks and contingencies, the eventual actuality may differ factually or substantially from the forward-looking statements expressed herein.
Merkle Tree has three distinct value propositions:
1. Faster ROI Merkle Tree NFT holders gain access to the onchain annuity, including daily $BTC dividend payments. Through this onchain annuity, NFT holders earn an immediate return on their investment. Once the additional Merkle Tree facility is operational, both facilities will generate BTC dividends for NFT holders and follow a daily recoupment schedule in perpetuity.
2. Greater Financial Returns Returns on this offering are positively correlated to Bitcoin’s price increase while input costs remain unchanged. As the price of BTC rises, margins will increase significantly, generating a faster ROI and a faster delivery of investors' capital.
3. Efficient Infrastructure a. Low-Rate Power Merkle Tree has an exclusive agreement with the Venezuelan government which includes locked-in, pre-negotiated electricity rates that provide the most affordable electricity across all of South America at just 0.01/KW.
b. Low Cost Hardware Merkle Tree has negotiated with their mining vendors, resulting in an exclusive agreement to provide WhatsMiner M30 rigs at the lowest price available today. These efficient mining devices feature a hash capacity of 100TH+ per rig.
c. Greatest Operational Efficiency The market, the remaining mining farms can earn larger BTC rewards. Merkle Tree has brokered industry-best hardware and electricity pricing to help generate some of the most profitable BTC output in South America. As long as the price of Bitcoin stays above Merkle Tree’s breakeven point, the facility will remain profitable.
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Merkle Tree is the first onchain annuity to be delivered via NFT.
Merkle Tree is selling 12,000 dividend-generating NFTs in exchange for $12,000,000 US. Each NFT represents a 1:1 contract between Merkle Tree and the NFT holder.
These onchain annuities delivered via NFTs with daily BTC dividends provide exposure into the lowest cost Bitcoin producing mine in South America.
Onchain Annuity NFTs can be traded or sold on the open market.
Provides early-stage access to upcoming Merkle Tree venture investment opportunities.
Daily Bitcoin dividend rewards in perpetuity; the most cost effective daily-cost-average investment plan for building a Bitcoin portfolio.
Merkle Tree Team
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Merkle Tree Partnership
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Spend some time reading up on the potential drawbacks of using Merkle Tree, and make sure you fully grasp them. It is crucial, particularly if you have a restricted amount of financial resources. Keep in mind that the value of your investment might change at any time, and as a result, you could stand to lose part or all of your money. This is an inherent risk associated with any type of investment. Merkle Tree is committed to becoming your trusted advisor in the exciting world of digital assets, and we will do all in our power to fulfill this role. Your trip is our top priority, and we hope to make it go off without a hitch. Therefore, take the plunge, investigate the options, and use Merkle Tree to serve as your entry point into a new era of technological and regulatory advancements in the financial sector.
Merkle Tree Social media link:
Website: https://linktr.ee/merkletree.io Telegram group: https://t.me/merkletreetheeofficial Discord group: https://discord.gg/RzWFZyRZdr Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Merkle__Tree Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/merkle_tree/ Medium: https://medium.com/@info_64307
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 1 year
Ouinex: Lets you make the most out of your trading
Ouinex Introduction
Ouinex is an online exchange platform offers services for trade, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. For active traders, we are creating the next-generation crypto ecosystem. The greatest bid-ask aggregation, lightning-fast trading execution, automated trading, and secure and simple access to deep liquidity are all features of our unique trading platform that are integrated with the most recent technologies.
Ouinex is committed to operating in a transparent environment where people can trust them. To achieve this, the exchange is placing a heavy emphasis on regulation. By choosing to apply for a license out of France, which has one of the strictest regulatory environments, Ouinex is making it clear that they are a trustworthy exchange. The exchange’s commitment to regulation is particularly crucial in a market where trust is essential.
Bridging the Gap in the Crypto Market with Ouinex
The cryptocurrency space has undergone significant growth since Bitcoin’s inception in 2009, with a market value of over $2 trillion and thousands of cryptocurrencies available. However, for many traders, there is still a gap that needs to be filled regarding regulation and trading tools.
To address these concerns, Ouinex seeking regulation in France to enhance credibility and provide an extra layer of protection for users. By establishing a regulated environment, Ouinex aims to build trust with traders and ensure that their funds are secure.
In addition, Ouinex is working to provide the right trading tools to bridge the gap between the traditional financial market and the crypto space. By bringing tradefi trading architecture to web3, Ouinex allows traders to trade the way they are accustomed to in the traditional financial market, with features such as multiple windows, complex orders, and slippage control.
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Information about Ouinex and its current stage of development
uinex is currently in the development stage of its trading platform and is seeking feedback from the crypto and tradeFi communities through channels such as Telegram and Discord. The team is focused on human interaction and engaging with the community to gather feedback and make improvements to the platform. The next step for Ouinex is an upcoming ICO, which the team believes will be an exciting event. Additionally, the team is in the process of applying for regulatory licenses in different jurisdictions .The team has already invested a significant amount of money in developing the trading platform, and although it is not yet complete, the team is focused on making improvements to ensure its success. The community can expect to earn $OUIX through the upcoming ICO, and the team is committed to making themselves available to the community as much as possible.
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The $OUIX Utility Token is designed to foster the growth of the Ouinex trading community by appealing to both active crypto and traditional traders who are exploring crypto as a viable investment alternative
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Built on a foundation of trust, transparency, and utility, Ouinex has created an exchange that is tailored to high-volume, active traders from both the crypto space and world of traditional investing. By attracting and converting active crypto traders and active traditional traders who are making their first foray into crypto investing, Ouinex can establish a strong community of crypto traders who are incentivized to engage, trade, stake, and hold their $OUIX for the long term.
Website: https://ouinex.com/ Whitepaper: https://ouinex.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Litepaper-En.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ouinex Telegram: https://t.me/Ouinex_Global/ Dicord: https://discord.gg/p9cTSaxuH8 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ouinex-crypto-exchange-879419239/
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 1 year
Lucidia: An innovative AI-powered metaverse
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About Lucidia
Lucidia is a decentralized digital society Metaverse inhabited by intelligent meta characters who socially engage with each other through interactive zones for entertainment, events, NFTs and education. The Lucidia project aims to revolutionize the metaverse idea by introducing AI technology to create a more dynamic, intelligent, and immersive virtual world. The Lucidia AI-powered metaverse leverages the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to generate unique digital assets, enable dynamic behaviors, and facilitate interoperability between platforms, all while being secured and transparent through blockchain technology and the Lucid Token ($LUCID). At Lucidia, we believe that the true metaverse, understood as a virtual meeting, shopping, learning, and gaming place, is just around the corner.
Four Main Features Of Lucidia Metaverse
At Lucidia, we are passionate about revolutionizing the gaming industry and bringing together the best and brightest minds in the field. That’s why we have partnered with Cathoen Games, G2Esports, Playhera, AAA Gaming Studios, and many more to be revealed to bring our vision of Play2Earn to life. Play2Earn is a platform that utilizes cutting-edge technology and AI algorithms to create dynamic and intelligent gaming experiences. Lucidia games generate unique challenges and adaptive difficulty levels based on the player’s skills and progress, providing a truly immersive and personalized experience. We believe in rewarding our players for their hard work and dedication. This belief lies in the core of our Play2Earn system, where players can earn $LUCID Tokens by participating in games and achieving high scores. Our partnerships with leading gaming studios and experts in the field ensure that we are at the forefront of innovation and technology. We are constantly exploring new ways to enhance and improve our platform, making Play2Earn the go-to destination for gamers who want to push their limits while earning rewards.
With our cutting-edge technology and partnerships with top universities and gaming experts, Lucidia Metaverse is revolutionizing the learning experience. Our AI algorithms create personalized curriculums that adapt to the user’s learning pace and style, making education more enjoyable and effective. Users pay for the courses with $LUCID tokens. When they complete the course, they earn more than they invested. At Lucidia, we believe in the gamification of the learning experience both for individuals and large organizations. We hope our innovative approach to learning will convince big corporate players to move their training programs to our platform to benefit the employees, companies, and Lucidia.
This mechanism rewards users for contributing to the development of AI within the metaverse. By utilizing the data and models made available by the metaverse, users can train AI algorithms and receive tokens as a reward for their efforts. The tokens earned through this mechanism incentivize users to invest their time into the development of AI, helping to create a strong community of AI experts within the metaverse.
At Lucidia, we believe that wellness and fitness should be fun, engaging, and rewarding. That’s why we’ve teamed up with 1rebel gym and top personal trainers to bring virtual fitness classes to life in our metaverse. With haptic devices like Apple Watch, users can track their calories burned and compete on a leaderboard for rewards in the form of $LUCID Tokens. Not only will users be able to earn tokens through their fitness achievements, but they’ll also see the physical transformation of their avatar as a reflection of their hard work. And with the integration of AI, users can personalize their workout plans and receive tailored recommendations based on their progress. Fit2Earn combines the best of both worlds, combining immersive fitness experiences with the potential to earn rewards.
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LUCIDIA METAVERSE to Play, Earn, and Socialize
Create your digital twin or pick already existing avatar to enter the world of possibilities. Grow your embryo to discover hidden features. Explore different maps in search for adventure. Or participate in a racing game to win unique NFTs. The Lucidia project aims to revolutionize the metaverse idea by introducing AI technology to create a more dynamic, intelligent, and immersive virtual world. The Lucidia AI-powered metaverse leverages the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to generate unique digital assets, enable dynamic behaviors, and facilitate interoperability between platforms, all while being secured and transparent through blockchain technology and the Lucid Token ($LUCID).
LUCIDIA Tokenomics
Tokenomics of the $LUCID token is still in the process of fine-tuning. As a team, we value cutting-edge technology and entertainment as much as we care about the system’s stability. We understand the critical role of tokenomics in the overall Lucidia metaverse performance. For this reason, we will not proclaim it finished until we are 100% sure it is ideally suited for the needs of our users. There will be a total of 400,000,000 (four hundred million) $LUCID tokens. Upon the TGE, the tokens will be distributed between presale, public IDOs, and liquidity, allowing $LUCID to be traded on DEX and CEXs.
The final $LUCID token distribution is illustrated on the chart:
Lucidia’s revised tokenomics structure has been designed with an emphasis on user-centric control and influence. A combined allocation of 63% of the total $LUCID supply, including a 30% Presale, 22% Public IDOs, and an 11% Liquidity DEX/CEX allocation, has been set to empower our user base. Additionally, to ensure the project’s stability and longevity, all tokens allocated to the team will undergo a three-month lock-up period following the Token Generation Event (TGE), eliminating the possibility of team token selling during this period. Furthermore, Lucidia continues its commitment to incentivize user participation and contribution through the allocation of 12% of $LUCID tokens for our Rewards & Staking System. The system has been designed to enhance user engagement with the platform, reinforcing the mutually beneficial relationship between Lucidia and its valued users.
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$LUCID token use cases.
The $LUCID token is used as a means of payment within the Lucidia ecosystem for in-game purchases such as game items, virtual assets, NFT trading, virtual real estate, and other in-game transactions. Such a solution allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game and enjoy a seamless gaming experience without switching between currencies or payment methods. Apart from purchasing items, users can use $LUCID to buy full lifetime unlimited access to the game or spice up their avatar or profile (glowing nickname, animations, etc.). Embryo game enthusiasts will need $LUCID to feed or mutate their embryo to ensure their creature is unique and powerful. $LUCID will also be needed to access tournaments with bigger prize pools. Of course, there will be ones open to everyone, but access to the big game events will be restricted to the$LUCID holders.
Lucidia’s staking program allows users to earn rewards for holding $LUCID tokens in a locked wallet for a specific period of time. The prizes are distributed in the form of $LUCID tokens, allowing users to increase their token holdings and benefit from the ecosystem’s growth. The staking program helps secure the network and allows users to earn passive income while supporting the platform. Lucidia will use different incentives to encourage staking. While amounts will be clarified later, here are some of the propositions: access to exclusive chat with dev team members (discord wallet connect), right to enter specific VIP areas on the map, whitelisting for Lucidia NFT presale, a specific monthly NFT used as a voting right in Lucidia DAO system.
The marketplace is closely connected with the concept of the metaverse. That’s why Lucidia will offer a marketplace seamlessly integrated with the product. To foster this integration and provide the feeling of unification, all the trade on the Lucidia marketplace will be done using the $LUCID token. Also, the minting process will include a gas fee plus the small fee charged in the $LUCID token.
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6+years Samsung Mena Partner, driving profitability and managing
the company organizational structure and strategy.
2+years as electric fleet partner with Uber and driver.
10+years experience in crypto and blockchain technology.
Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of multiple successful global businesses.
15+years experience as a Gamer.
5+years experience Business Transformation and Strategy in Ernst & Young.
6+years experience in requirement analysis & implementation / project
management methodologies, leadership experience.
Co-Founder of multiple successful businesses.
4+years in crypto investments.
14+years experience in AI & Data.
5+years experience in crypto and technology.
VP of Artificial intelligence and Data of one of the top Management platform start-up.
18+years experience as a software engineer in multinational companies (Google, Microsoft, SAP & TATA).
6 years of experience in Unreal Engine
3 years of experience as a mobile app dev
4 years of experience in PC game development
2 years of experience in VR game development
10+ years of experience as a gamer
3+years Web3 industry experience
2+years specialized in presales & IDO marketing strategies
4+ years Blockchain experience.
2+ years Rust expertise.
4+ years Solidity proficiency.
6+ years Frontend development.
20+ years of extensive experience in Corporate, Commercial & Technology/IP
Law in private practice & in-house roles.
Appointed as a board director of profit & not-for-profit international
foundations. Senior management adviser of several legal implications of
issues in business plans and strategies. Member of Law Society, Australia.
Member of Australian Legal Technology Association (ALTA) & others.
3+years Web3 marketing.
5+years Social media management.
4+years Digital marketing.
7+years experience in Product Management, Operations, and Technical Support.
Led development & scaling of product operations in various companies.
6+years of gained experience in blockchain industry.
15+years experience as a gamer, he brings a unique perspective to the table.
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Q1 - Q2 | 2023
Website, Whitepaper and Pitch Deck
Zombie Outbreak (Beta)
Lucidcraft (Beta)
NFT Racing (Beta)
Lucidia FPS (Beta)
Tekcidia (Beta)
Eco City (Beta)
Sci-fi City (Beta)
NFT Gallery Tower (Beta)
AI infrastructure
Marketing plan
Whitelist for alpha access
Blockchain integration
Major tier 1 CEX listing
Q3 - Q4 | 2023
NFT Gallery Tower release (Beta)
Listing on CG & CMC
First alpha PC with Blockchain integration release
Token TGE
Embryo DLC release
Token launch on CEX & DEX
Own building system
Reach $1 million market capitalisation
Q1 - Q2 | 2024
Mobile closed beta
New Events Update
NFT series II release
Life shop for NFT upgrades
Open beta mobile
Cross chain
AI infrastructure
Alpha Train2Earn release
First LAN eSport Tournament
Reach $4 million market capitalisation
Q3 - Q4 | 2024
VR integration
Land system implementation
CEX listing
Burn event
NFT series 3 release
Second eSport tournament >> Learn2Earn
Own NFT marketplace
Hybrid DAO democracy
Reach $10 million market capitalisation
Q1 - Q2 | 2025
CEX next listing
Train2Earn beta release
VOIP system implementation
Fourth esports tournament
Virtual reality therapy
Brain Ai NFT release update
Virtual reality web3 job market
Reach $15 million market capitalisation
Q3 - Q4 | 2025
Lucidia Metaverse 2.0:
enhanced graphics, ecosystems, AI
Decentralized identity protocols
Lucidia University online education platform
Lucidia Wallet mobile app for $LUCID management
Expanded eSports new tournaments, prizes
Lucidia Labs space for developers
Major brand partnerships NFTs, merchandise
Full DAO implementation community-driven decisions
Lucid Experience immersive event series
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Lucidia is not just a game or a cryptocurrency platform. It is a next-generation metaverse that empowers users, creates a sustainable and profitable ecosystem, and makes a positive impact on the world. With Lucidia, the sky’s the limit, and users can unlock their full potential in the ultimate metaverse experience.LUCIDIA This is a wonderful project with an amazing project team .they are very hard working and making this project outstanding. Project is very amazing and promising. We hope for the success community supporting this project, and we hope that it will last a long time.
For More Information about Lucidia
Website: https://lucidia.io/ Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DStBUCPjoMn2edcPbrcyS31e28WvW9TZ/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucidia_io Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lucidia.io Discord: https://discord.gg/Gx7TfXPWvu Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lucidia.io Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidiaMetaverse/
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 1 year
Moxy: The middleware layer that will power the next generation of Play & Earn video games
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
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littlemouse514 · 1 year
StoryFire: A content creation and sharing platform built to connect creators with audiences
About StoryFire
StoryFire is a video-sharing platform created by content creators Jesse Ridgway and Brian Spitz in 2017. It was built to provide content creators with a more independent and supportive environment with a focus on long-form content and alternative monetization options. StoryFire's innovative technology provides a range of benefits to content creators. The platform's algorithm for recommending content to viewers is more transparent and creator-friendly than many other video-sharing platforms.
StoryFire is all about stories. Users can create and share multimedia content, including written stories, videos, and images, in a format that’s designed to be easy to consume and engaging for viewers. Stories can be shared publicly or privately, and users can interact with each other through comments and private messages.
Here’s how StoryFire works:
Creating an account: To use StoryFire, you need to create an account. You can sign up using your email address or connect your account to your Facebook or Google account.
Creating and sharing content: Once you have an account, you can start creating and sharing your content. You can create written stories, videos, and images, and share them with the StoryFire community. Your content can be shared publicly or privately, depending on your preferences.
Building a following: As you share your content on StoryFire, you can start building a following. Other users can like, comment on, and share your content, which can help you gain more visibility and reach a wider audience.
Monetizing your content: One of the key features of StoryFire is its Creator Fund, which allows users to earn money from their content based on views, engagement, and other metrics. In addition to the Creator Fund, StoryFire also offers other monetization options, including fan support and sponsorships.
Connecting with other creators: StoryFire is designed to be a community for creators. You can connect with other users, collaborate on projects, and get feedback on your work.
Staying safe: StoryFire takes the safety and security of its users seriously. The platform has a dedicated support team that’s available to help users with any issues they may encounter, and it has community guidelines in place to ensure that users can share their content in a safe and respectful environment.
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Some of the key features of the StoryFire platform include:
Storytelling: StoryFire focuses on storytelling as its core feature. Users can create and share their own stories in various formats, such as videos, blogs, and more.
Collaborative storytelling: StoryFire also offers a unique feature called "collaborative storytelling," where multiple users can work together to create a story. This feature allows users to build on each other's ideas and create more complex and engaging stories.
Monetization: StoryFire offers monetization options for creators, such as paid subscriptions, tipping, and ad revenue sharing. This allows creators to earn money from their content and build a sustainable career on the platform.
Community: StoryFire has a strong sense of community, with features such as forums, chat rooms, and the ability to follow and interact with other users. This fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among creators and fans.
Privacy: StoryFire values user privacy and allows users to control who can view their content and how it is shared.
Exclusive content: StoryFire also offers exclusive content from popular creators, which can only be accessed by paying subscribers. This gives subscribers access to unique and high-quality content that they can't find anywhere else.
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The circulating supply for Blaze will be 20,000,000,000 where 2,500,000,000 tokens will be allocated towards 2 private sales and 400,000,000 tokens towards launchpad offerings.
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StoryFire is an innovative video-sharing platform that offers content creators a range of features and benefits not found on other platforms. Its focus on long-form content, alternative monetization options, creator-friendly algorithm, and engaged community create a unique and supportive environment for content creators.
StoryFire Social media link:
Website: https://storyfire.com/ Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Orc--Vre2bSXgdf9fmds9-ROHDIRYyvl/view Telegram: https://t.me/StoryFireOfficial Storyfire: https://storyfire.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/storyfireapp
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
0 notes
littlemouse514 · 1 year
FrontFanz: A revolutionary censorship-resistant Web3 content-sharing platform
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About FrontFanz
FrontFanz is a content-sharing platform that allows people to create, share and profit from their work. Coming out of stealth mode, FrontFanz has quickly established itself as a fair, transparent, and fan-focused Web3 platform without any kind of censorship, chargebacks or de-platforming. In other words, bringing a new meaning to the words "the sky's the limit." Some of the most noteworthy features of this platform include live streaming, subscription-based content, digital collectables, private messaging as well as NFTs. FrontFanz aims to create a safe environment for all creators to come together and share their work without scrutiny and with complete inclusiveness. And that's not all – this platform realizes just how important a fanbase is in supporting creators, which is why the very concept of FrontFanz evolved around both the content creator and their fans.
Exploring the FANZ Marketplace
The FrontFanz Marketplace is a virtual shop where users can purchase various digital and physical goods with the native token $FANZ. Physical goods include individual and unique creator merchandise, while digital items include NFTs and collectables. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what happens with the $FANZ token you use to buy items on the FrontFanz Marketplace:
70% goes to the seller
25% goes to the company
2.5% burned
2.5% goes to rewards
Getting (and minting) NFTs
Currently, FrontFanz offers two kinds of NFTs that $FANZ holders can access — creator NFTs and platform NFTs. Creator NFTs give the holder premium access to:
creator content discounts;
private messaging;
access to tagged content. Creators will be able to tag their content with a topic that corresponds to the tag on a creator NFT. This means that only users who hold an NFT with the corresponding tag can access this content. For example, our lifestyle creators can use the hashtag ‘Christmas’ when sharing Christmas content. This content would only be available to the NFT holders with an NFT that includes the Christmas tag.
Platform NFTs unlock extra features on the FrontFanz platform including:
creator and platform content discounts (including NFT, merchandise, subscriptions, and live events);
profile skins (adds background / different fonts/colours to your page);
chat skins (styles your chat messages in different fonts and icons);
other options will be introduced in the future as the platform evolves. FrontFanz also offers in-house NFT minting opportunities! Here are the main requirements to be aware of before going on your NFT minting journey:
To mint NFTs, the user must hold 10,000 $FANZ (as an application fee) and apply for NFT minting. The 10,000 $FANZ application fee is used to cover NFT minting, photoshoots, marketing & promotion and other related expenses.
If the application is rejected, 9,000$FANZ are returned back to the creator.
If the application is accepted, the creator is invited to the whitelist to participate in the mint.
$FANZ Staking
Now, holders can stake $FANZ token to accumulate platform points. These points provide users with premium access to the platform including VIP content, as well as discounts on videos, NFTs, and creator coins purchases. One point is earned for staking one $FANZ token per day. Points are lost once the user unstakes their $FANZ tokens unless the user locks their points and pays a 5% fee which is broken down below:
2.5% goes to the company wallet
1.25% is burned
1.25% is allocated to rewards Holders are allowed to add more tokens to stake in order to earn more points at any time.
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Key advantages of FrontFanz
No more third parties: Web2 platforms like Onlyfans have inherent issues: high bank charges, continuous changes to policies that impact the creator’s earnings, high Credit Card chargebacks, and inconsistent payment cycles. That is — until FrontFanz came out of the shadows.
Zero censorship: No more third-party involvement means no more censorship. Content creators can now truly explore their creativity on a whole new level.
Deeper connection with fans: This platform also offers subscription-based content. With this, fans can interact more with their favorite creators via live streams, NFTs, and digital collectibles.
Blockchain benefits, FANZ token, discounts, and passive income: FrontFanz has a deflationary token, FANZ, which is listed on the Polygon blockchain. The FANZ token has many utilities, such as:
Voting Power
In-Platform Purchases
Platform-Wide Discounts
Access to FrontFanz MarketPlace
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The circulating supply for FANZ will be 500,000,000. 25,000,000 tokens will be allocated to a strategic round, another 25,000,000 FANZ will be allocated to a private token sale and another 50,000,000 tokens will be used for the public IEO round.
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FrontFanz team
MRCARLOSS - Head of operations CallumFrontFanz - Head of talent management Danielboy - head of marketing Staceycarlaa - Founder RoseyFrontFanz - CEO Alenee_aisha - ambassador Ana_espinola - ambassador Aurorajade - ambassador
FrontFanz is a platform that prioritizes usability, security, intellectual freedom, equality, and functionality. By utilizing all of the benefits of Web3 and leaving behind the known limitations of Web2, FrontFanz is happy to say that we now have over 500 creators in our midst, with a total of +40M followers combined. This gives us both hope and pride as this proves that our vision and values are shared by a growing number of people all over the world.
FrontFanz Social media link:
Website: https://frontfanz.com/ Whitepaper: https://cdn.frontfanz.com/whitepaper.pdf Telegram: https://t.me/frontfanzofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/frontfanzcom Instagram: https://instagram.com/frontfanzcom
Author details :
Bitcointalk username : MiniMouse Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773386 BSC Wallet Address: 0x2c74a6906ffd1975523b6a1e90d2a010d38cae1e
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