littlecringeman · 3 years
Honestly, I never really used this website before now.
I only ever used Pinterest, Amino, Wattpad, and YouTube which taught me about Tumblr culture through meme reposts and compilation videos. I genuinely don't know why I didn't use this website.
Please do not bully me off this website, I'm just an incredibly stupid and anxious gay who wants to post about Undertale AUs he made when he was procrastinating in high school so he can procrastinate in college except my art is actually decent now.
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littlecringeman · 3 years
So basically this is the premise of MythicTale
Many years ago the humans and a humanoid species called mythics lived in harmony together. Mythics, unlike humans, could naturally use magic, but had weaker souls which were easily influenced by hope and despair. If a mythic fell to despair, their soul would become fully corrupt and they would become a beast-like shell of who they were, consumed completely by the desire to destroy. Due to this humans grew to fear them. The mythics, however, were vital to human society due to the fact that their magic could be shared with humans.
The details as to what exactly caused the snap in tension was lost to time, but a war broke out between the humans and mythics. The humans, absorbing their souls (and magic) won. "For the safety of everyone" they banished the now more monstrous mythics to a cave hidden in the heart of a forest and with this.
Magic died in the human world with those who had absorbed the souls of mythics. The existence of the mythics themselves became nothing more than a fairytale. The only thing deemed as proof of the existence of this was how nobody who ever went into the aforementioned cave never was seen again.
There is a legend that someone from the surface with a pure heart, full of hope, will undo their ancestors' curse.
That, along with the home the mythics have made for themselves in this cave, has prevented them from falling into despair.
The mythics are primarily humanoid in form as they're related to humans, but have many non-human traits that divide them into subspecies. This is said to be because of their souls being made of magic itself. The less hope they feel, the more distorted they become until they are unrecognizable beasts who are so consumed by despair they loose themselves as well. They will rarely even respond to their name name once they've been completely corrupted and must be treated through a special type of healing magic to be able to reverse this. A human being in the presence of a corrupted mythic, also known as a plague, for too long can drive them mad, however other mythics are not effected in this way.
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littlecringeman · 3 years
If you're reading this, congratulations, you found me ig. I made around 3 Undertale AUs over the span of 5 years, and decided to finally share them. You know, when literally nobody gives a damn. I wanted to do this when I was younger, but I simply didn't for some reason.
Anyway, my AUs are as following
- MythicTale (horror fairytale au I made in 8th grade that may or may not have a taken inspiration from Madoka Magica)
- GlassesTale (joke AU where Frisk is actually just a short, legally blind college kid who literally just didn't have their glasses the first run. They reset, but this time they can see what's going on and decide to have an attitude. I came up with this 9th grade.)
- ZodiacTale (I just like astronomy and wanted to incorporate it into something. I came up with this in 11th grade. Least developed, but it still has a place in my heart.)
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