littlebunnybee · 6 years
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Gummy Bears
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littlebunnybee · 6 years
Dragon Play
Dragon play is an emerging sexual identity within the pet play community. 
Dragon play puts a uniquely significant focus on self-improvement. While self-betterment is common in pet play as a part of the d/s dynamic, in dragon play, it is arguably the most important aspect. 
A dragon is trained and encouraged by their master to rise like a phoenix and grow into the best version of themselves that they can be. This version of themselves should seem imposing, intimidating, and grand compared to their old self; to train as a dragon is not to learn how to eat better, be more productive, and get better sleep, but to become the most grand, successful version of themselves possible, and to work to reach goals that scare them to even think about. 
A dragon seeks to one day grow more fantastic than their master. Their master must either rise to the challenge… or accept their sub as the increasingly powerful dragon that they are becoming.
An owned dragon wants its master to teach it where its limits are and flirt beyond them. Their master may train them in fire play or take it into other RACK territories. 
An owned dragon loves being owned, but it dares its master to keep up with its power. It wants to be tamed, but it needs someone strong enough to tame it.
A dragon should seek to make their master in awe of them.
Their master should seek to be able to rip away all the power and skill that they’ve developed and remind them how helpless they still are. Though in theory this may sound harsh or cruel, it’s very therapeutic after working as hard as dragons do. 
Final Note
You do not need to be a dragon to live a dragon’s lifestyle–I personally identify as a kitten for the aesthetic, but have been living through the dragon play lifestyle for two years. (Does that make me a Chimera?)
You also don’t need to be owned to live this lifestyle, as a dragon is not naturally a pet at all. 
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
Faerie Garden
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Plants to grow in your faerie Garden:
Bluebells: Faeries get called to their midnight dances by the ringing of bluebells. Bluebells represent kindness. They symbolize consecrated faery magick grounds. A potent plant for faerie magick.
Buttercup: These flowers help faeries to bring compassion to humans. Buttercups bring healing energy and understanding. 
Carnation: Faeries have a strong love of these. They can strengthen the aura and ones love life.
Clover: Attract Fae.
Cowslips: These are loved and protected by faeries. The flowers are adorred by faeries. 
Daisy: Symbolizes happiness. Useful for attracting faeries. 
Foxglove: A flower associated with faeries and mentioned in faerie folklore. Flowers attract faerie energy.(Very poisonous!)
Fern: Provides the Fae with shelter.
Holly: Holly berries are a favorite food for fairies. 
Lavender: Is used in Elf magick.
Lilac: Its scent attracts the fae.
Morning Glories: Keeps malevolent faeries at bay. 
Mushrooms and Toadstools: Loved by Fae. Circles of mushrooms are considered dangerous.
Pansy: Said to attract faeries.
Rose: Rose bushes are a wonderful way to attract fairies to your garden.  The petals  can be used fairy magic and are especially useful for love spells.
Rosemary: Useful for keeping malicious fairies away, but when burned as incense, it will attract the fae.
Tulips: Adored by faeries.
Violets: Used to attract faeries and in faerie magick.
Make sure to add wildflowers and flowers native to your area!
Things to add:
Bird houses, hummingbird feeders, bird feeders, and bird baths.
Bee homes, bee waterers, bee baths.
Fountain or fish pond
Wind chimes and bells
A place for offerings
Shiny stones
Faerie homes (Make sure they are made of natural materials only!)
Glass/mirrored globes
Stained glass
Leave out offerings 
Shiny beads
For the Anon who requested this :)
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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Fairy, Bunny, Deer, Moth by LanaJayArt
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
whaaaattt! :D
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Dude these are real hummingbird nests. Dude.
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
oh my goodness
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These people spent 1,984 hours making a highly detailed village for hamsters by hand, as part of an advertising campaign. I had an extremely difficult time choosing from all the pictures. Please click here for the rest. Please. Apparently there are 9 “episodes” of Hungry Hungry Hamsters, and the first episode is here.
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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There is a mattress store somewhere that gives you a tiny mattress for your dog when you buy a regular sized mattress and when I saw this I took a good 2 hours to recover. Source
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
sweet little bitty halloween stuff :3
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I had a birthday recently and my boyfriend, THIS MOTHERFUCKER GOT ME A 3 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION TO SQUINTBOX <3
Click here if you don’t know what that is (free advertising)
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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Can You Read This? Thank Your Music Teacher
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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Witchy Kitty
not sure who credit belongs to. Found on Facebook at link in content source. 
Keep reading
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
Light up shoes would be nice to have :3
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Our Blue & White stars Fluo Shoes are #GOALS
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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animal rates?
credit: @nick_rayy
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
a real snugglebook!
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more animal posts?
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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Non-Alcoholic  Mulled Wine for Yule
Y u l e is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Enjoy this hot heavenly drink with traditional Yule spices & help yourself to the delicious fruity remnants!
For the base I used hibiscus tea. If you want to substitute it, you can use various types of juice (apple, cherry, grape, pomegranate,  chokeberry, blackcurrant, etc) but make sure the juice is not too sweet. 
Ingredients: - Hibiscus Tea: 500 ml - Water: 500 ml - 1 Orange - 5 teaspoons of honey
Spices: - 1  cinnamon stick - 6-8 whole cloves  - Anise Star -2 stars Optional: nutmeg, ginger, or/and vanilla pods for extra sweetness in next year. 
If possible, try using cinnamon sticks, anise stars etc, rather then milled spices, if you don’t wan the ‘wine’ to look muddy.
Boil water in the kettle (I boiled 1 litre at once). Separate into two pots. I had hibiscus tea in tesbags, and i used four of them. Let the tea brew. Meanwhile, put another pot on the stove and add spices; let them have a nice one minute bath in the boiling water.
 Cut the orange, add it to the water with spices; pour in the tea. Add honey and stir until it is dissolved. 
Best served hot, with gingerbread.
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littlebunnybee · 7 years
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Hope everyone has a great one! And an amazing new year!
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