The Resurgence of Male Breast Liposuction
Male Breast Liposuction on the Rise
With each year the percentage of male based liposuction procedures have been increasing. This past year the percentage of males receiving liposuction was over 16% in the United States of America. In certain geographic locations such as India the percentage of male based liposuction procedures was as high as 39%. Male breast liposuction has been one of the treatments that has been on the rise in recent years across the globe.
On average, world wide, there is an increasing occurrence of men partaking in cosmetic based procedures to improve their outward appearance. The impetus for this movement can be traced to a variety of factors. The collective importance and preoccupation of ones physical appearance has been increasingly thrust into the spot light. The flawless stars of Hollywood or Bollywood tend to give us an unrealistic model of what the “ideal” male/female body should look like. Coupled with the societal pressures to conform to the artificial standards of beauty,  the procedure of liposuction itself has become that much more perfected and relatively available to the general public.
Why get Male Breast Liposuction?
Breast reduction liposuction surgery is not a new procedure, per se. However, the clientele who has been tapping into this unique procedure certainly is. There has been a significant increase in the number of males who have been getting male breast liposuction. The reasoning for this can be two fold, one to correct cosmetic/superficial flaws, and two, to treat a medical condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the excessive development of breasts in men, usually having it’s root in a hormonal imbalance. There is; however, a condition known as false gynecomastia, resulting in excessive breast tissue related to weight gain or medication complications. While the result is similar in both extrapolations of the disease the treatment options as they related to liposuction can be rather different.
Gynocomastia Treated with Liposuction
Gynecomastia male breast reduction can be accomplished through liposuction with surprisingly good results. It should be noted, that depending on the type of gynecomastia you are suffering from there could be some complications in your ultimate success through liposuction alone. To understand this completely we need to familiarize ourselves with the types of tissue that can build up in the breast. Adipose tissue is tissue that the body uses to store fat. While unsightly to some, it does serve a function in providing the body with a source of energy, protection and warmth. This type of tissue is most easily removed through liposuction. Results in this scenario provide the best overall outcome. Glandular tissue on the other hand has a more fibrous texture and is not as easily removed through male breast liposuction alone. In extreme cases you may need to still undergo gynecomastia surgery to remove more obstinate glandular tissue.
How Does Male Breast Liposuction Work?
How Does Male Breast Liposuction Work?
The procedure surrounding male breast liposuction is much the same as any traditional liposuction procedure. Small incisions will be made surrounding the treatment area. These incisions will be used as a gateway to access the fat stores subcutaneously. A small cannula (hollow tube), fitted to a suction device will then be inserted below the skin and moved back-and-forth across the treatment area, subsequently removing the fat in the process.
There are a variety of liposuction treatments available, Tumescent Liposuction (using fluid), Laser Assisted Liposuction, traditional liposuction (no fluid or dry), and Ultrasound or Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction. Each have their benefit and detractors and ultimately should be further discussed with your physician to determine the most effective way to treat your gynecomastia. It should; however, be noted that Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction has not been formally approved by the FDA due to it’s unproven safety record and efficacy.
Finding the Right Physician
Triaging your ultimate physician and surgery location can be one of the most important aspects of the surgery. Be sure to shop around when choosing a physician. Choose a doctor who has a proven track record of performing your type of procedure. You will want a physician who performs you operation on a regular basis and will be well equip in the event of an emergency. Check to see if your physician is board certified and if the surgery center/hospital your are having the procedure done at is accredited. These will ensure that you physician and staff are held to a higher caliber of risk management standards and will likely ensure a better result. The complications with liposuction are very real including, nerve damage, seromas, tissue damage, tissue death, infection, even death. Do your self a favor and spend time in choosing a physician, it could be the most important thing you do.
The Resurgence of Male Breast Liposuction
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Test Post from Liposuction before and after
Test Post from Liposuction before and after http://www.liposuctionbeforeafter.net
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Nose Job before after 2021
Rhinoplastydiary:Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct nasal deformity. It is the most commonly performed operation in aesthetic surgery. This procedure, which is performed under the name of rhinoplasty, also corrects the bone and cartilage curvatures (Deviation surgery) that prevent the patient from breathing. Small and hollow noses that reveal the nostrils are not in demand as they used to be.
Nose Job before after
nose job 2021
nose job 2021
nose job 2021
nose job 2021
nose job 2021
nose job 2021
Nose Job 2021 ,curvednose,aestheticnose,rhinoplastyspecialist,rhinoplastydiary,nose job 2020,ринопластика,nosejob 2021,
The nose is the organ that provides air passage as a function in the middle part of the face. It is necessary to pay attention to this issue when performing aesthetic nose surgery. Also, defective functions should be corrected during the same operation.
The success rate of the surgery determines the patient's skin characteristics (Thick, Thin), the thinness and shape of the cartilages, the old trauma and deformities that develop in the cartilage and bone, and the healing potential of the tissues.
Aesthetic Nose Surgery is the process of separating the bone and cartilage tissues from the skin and mucosa and reshaping the bone and cartilage structures. It is performed with incisions made through the nostrils of the patient. There is no incision on the patient's skin.
Patients who are over the age of 18 and have completed their growing age are considered suitable candidates for aesthetic nose surgery.
Patient selection before aesthetic rhinoplasty is an issue that should be taken into consideration. It is necessary to ask the patient why he wants to undergo surgery. The expectations of the patients who have dreamy expectations, who come with photographs in their hands to look like artists should be discussed with the patient in detail and brought to a realistic level. should refer to the psychiatrist.
The patient is given realistic and accurate information about the surgery. If the aesthetic surgeon can meet the patient's expectations at a common point, the surgery decision is made. The photos of the patient are taken and an agreement is reached on the computer mutually. The patient's preparations are made before the operation. The surgery is performed by making detailed planning specific to each patient. .
Aesthetic nose surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. It is an operation that lasts for an average of 2 hours. After the operation, a tampon is placed in the nostrils and a splint is placed on the nose. There is a small amount of swelling and bruising around the eyes. The buffers are removed after 1-2 days, allowing the patient to breathe, The splint is removed one week later, and the patient returns to normal life.
Visible swelling regresses within 1-2 months after aesthetic nose surgery. 6 months to 1 year should pass for the nose to take its final shape. The patient is called for control at regular intervals and the changes are monitored with the patient.
When rhinoplasty is performed by experienced, knowledgeable, aesthetic surgeons who have aesthetic vision and know high-level techniques, it has a satisfactory result for the patient.
Although the face is the most noticeable part of the human being at first glance, correcting the deformities in this area is very important in terms of aesthetics and psychology. Thanks to the development of techniques applied in the field of medicine and the application of innovative methods, nasal surgery for nasal aesthetics can be performed as much simpler operations in today's conditions compared to the past. Rhinoplasty applications, called rhinoplasty, can be an important requirement for both aesthetic expectations and health. As a result of the elimination of the disorder in the region with aesthetic operation, the person can both breathe in a healthier way and have the desired nose.
What is nose aesthetics? What is nasal tip aesthetics? Why is nasal aesthetics done? How is nasal aesthetics done? Non-surgical nose aesthetics Things to do after nose aesthetics How long is rhinoplasty recovery period? What is nose aesthetics?
Nasal aesthetics, also known as nasoplasty and rhinoplasty, is one of the most common aesthetic operations. It is performed in order to eliminate deformities that are congenital in the nose, formed later or due to trauma. Deformity can be corrected in some cases only because it causes visual discomfort, but it should also be corrected because it causes problems such as respiratory disorder in most people. Regardless of the reason for the aesthetic operation, the primary goal in rhinoplasty is to make the respiratory tract in the nose work best at the end of the operation. During the operation, one or more of the operations of reshaping the nose, removing deformities or changing the shape of a part are applied.
The suitability of the nasal tissues for aesthetic operation should be checked during the examination by the surgeon in people considering rhinoplasty.
What is nose aesthetics?
Nasal aesthetics, also known as nasoplasty and rhinoplasty, is one of the most common aesthetic operations. It is performed in order to eliminate deformities that are congenital in the nose, formed later or due to trauma. Deformity can be corrected in some cases only because it causes visual discomfort, but it should also be corrected because it causes problems such as respiratory disorder in most people. Regardless of the reason for the aesthetic operation, the primary goal in rhinoplasty is to make the respiratory tract in the nose work best at the end of the operation. During the operation, one or more of the operations of reshaping the nose, removing deformities or changing the shape of a part are applied.
The suitability of the nasal tissues for aesthetic operation should be checked during the examination by the surgeon in people considering rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty surgeries must be performed by a specialist surgeon, since the slightest intervention has very significant results. Rhinoplasty, which can be applied to both men and women, is a complicated operation. Achieving the expected result fully requires a period of 6 to 12 months. This process varies according to the size of the operation in the nose, the structure of the tissues in the nose or the severity of the problem. After the surgery, some minor correction applications may be required to obtain the desired shape in some patients.
What is nasal tip aesthetics?
One of the parts that most affect the appearance of the nose is the shape of the tip of the nose. Deformities commonly seen at the tip of the nose can be listed as follows:
The tip of the nose is wider than it should be Nose tip that looks like compressed The nostrils are not symmetrical with each other Low nose tip Nose tip raised Pointed nose tip Nasal tip aesthetic operations, which are a sub-branch of nasal aesthetics, are used in patients with the above-mentioned problems. In these operations, the bone part of the nose is not touched, only the soft tissue and cartilage part located at the tip of the nose are treated. For this reason, they are easier operations than rhinoplasty. The applications performed before and after the operation are almost the same as other nasal aesthetic surgeries. The operation time is shorter and all procedures are completed within a period of 30-60 minutes. Patients are usually discharged on the same day. The recovery time is also shorter than rhinoplasty surgeries.
Why is nasal aesthetics done?
The first of the reasons for nasal aesthetics is the occurrence of breathing problems due to a congenital or delayed deformity in the nose. The deformity that causes respiratory problems may be a visible disorder or a disorder that is not noticeable from the outside and located inside the nose. The second reason is that the person is uncomfortable with the appearance of his nose and wants to have a different looking nose. Conditions such as a curvature or dislocation in the bone part of the nose, deformities observed in the cartilage structure, excessive nose, and asymmetry in the nose structure are among the reasons that require rhinoplasty surgery. Purely personal preferences play a role in the operations performed for aesthetic purposes. Although some people have a very large or protruding nose, they are very satisfied with the appearance of their nose, while some people may prefer a different nose view despite having a normal nose structure. As a result, rhinoplasty operations are very common operations that can be performed due to health problems or personal preferences.
How is nasal aesthetics done?
Rhinoplasty surgery is a type of operation that is mostly performed under general anesthesia. In simple rhinoplasty operations that require only small touches, local anesthesia can also be applied according to the surgeon's preference. While the surgery takes 2 hours on average, a rhinoplasty operation usually takes 1 day, together with pre-operative preparations and post-operative applications and observation periods. There are 2 different nasal aesthetic techniques that are commonly preferred. In the first of these, open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made between the nostrils and the surgeon's angle of view is expanded with this incision. Generally, open rhinoplasty technique is preferred for people who have severe nasal deformity or who have had a different nose aesthetic operation before. The biggest advantage of the open technique is that the viewing angle is wider. However, the healing process is longer and problems such as edema and bruises after the operation are larger. In another technique, closed rhinoplasty, the incision is adjusted to remain within the nostrils. The surgeon's field of vision is less, but the recovery time is shorter and there is no suture scar on the nose after the operation. The closed rhinoplasty technique is generally preferred for correcting smaller deformities.
Non-surgical nose aesthetics
In cases where the deformity of the nose is not very serious, one of the preferred applications is non-surgical nose aesthetics. In this method, also called nasal filling, dermal filling is applied to the bridge of the nose. Non-surgical rhinoplasty applications, which are a very reliable option in the treatment of mild problems such as low nasal tip, nasal contour problem, wrinkled nose appearance and nasal obstruction, are quite simple operations, but the products preferred for filling are completely reliable. In the aesthetic applications made with this method, the desired appearance can be obtained in the nasal tips that are congenitally low or falling with age, as well as giving the nose a new appearance.
Things to do after nose aesthetics
Pain usually occurs after the surgery, and therefore, painkillers are applied to the patient without waiting for the effect of anesthesia to pass. Then, the medications recommended by your doctor should be used without interruption. Standing up for a period of 4-6 hours after the operation is generally not recommended. It is normal to experience problems such as dizziness and blackout when you first stand up, so seek help from someone close to you. It is normal for nasal blood to leak both during and after surgery. This bleeding can be swallowed unintentionally, causing nausea and vomiting. Therefore, bloody vomiting or black stool may be observed the next day due to blood. If there is no nausea, water can be drunk 6 hours after the operation, and watery foods such as soup and ayran can be consumed little by little. A liquid diet is generally recommended for the first few days. It is normal to have swelling and bruises under the eyes, around the nose and in certain parts of the face and will lighten and disappear day by day. In order to prevent bleeding, the pillow should be kept high and no water should be drawn into the nose for the first 15 days, and should not be blown. It is normal for the nose to remain blocked during this period. It is not recommended to wear glasses for a few months (6 months in some cases) in order to achieve the targeted shape.
How long is rhinoplasty recovery period?
Although the recovery period varies according to the size of the operation in patients who have undergone rhinoplasty, patients can usually start to get up and wander within 4-6 hours, and if there is no nausea and vomiting after 6 hours, they can start eating. In some cases, patients are discharged on the same day, and sometimes they are discharged the next day after being kept under observation for 1 night. At the end of the surgery, tampons are usually placed in the nose. These tampons are removed 1-2 days later, and the mold placed on the back of the nose is removed approximately 1 week after the operation. After the surgery, patients can return to their work life within a period of 1 week to 10 days, if no complications occur. It is normal for swelling and bruises to occur after the operation and it decreases to a level that can be covered with make-up within 1 week-10 days. 75-80% of the edema that occurs 1 month after the operation disappears. The targeted shape and full recovery is achieved one year after the operation. During this process, it is normal to see edema problem in the nose area that occurs in the morning and disappears in the following hours.
If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of your nose or if you think there is a structural disorder in your nose, you can get detailed information about the process by applying to specialist physicians.
Nose Job before after 2021
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Browlift & Facelift (Rhytidectomy/ Rhytidoplasty)
Facelift Surgery - Rhytidectomy are names for a group of operations to restore the effects of aging. Time and gravity take their tolls on our facial beauty. Tissues lose their youthful tone and sag. Sun and the environment etch the lines of time into the surface of the face with wrinkles and lines. For some cultures these effects represent the earned years of wisdom and respect. For other cultures the aging process is a loss of youth and possible competitive edge. More and more people both men and women want to look as young as they feel.
This patient had a coronal brow lift, an extended SMAS operation, and neck lift. Her major concerns were her folds about the mouth, early jowls and loss of neck angle definition. Notice the improvement three months after surgery. The eyebrows have been restored to their natural position removing the redundant upper eyelid tissue. The cheek (malar) fat is restored to its position over the prominence of the cheek. The nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to beyond the corners of the mouth) have been softened. The midface looks much more youthful.
This side view demonstrates the cervicomental angle (the angle between the chin and neck). See how the resuspension of the neck restores a younger look. The descent of cheek tissues and early jowls have been reversed. The elevated brow has taken years off the appearance of the upper eyelids. Scars are well hidden in hair, around the ears, and behind the ears. View more details about her eyelid sculpture.
Browlift & Facelift (Rhytidectomy/ Rhytidoplasty)
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2019 Rhinoplastly-Nosejob-Nose surgery-Nose Lift
Aesthetic nose aesthetic operations; it can change the shape of the nasal arch or nose tip, shrink or enlarge your nose, reduce your nostrils, change the angle between the root of the nose and the forehead, or between the nose tip and the lip. It also resolves problems such as polyps, sinusitis, nasal flesh and deviated septum, which cause problems in our breathing.
This is the official site of the Rhinoplasty Lift Institute, the premier institute in the Chicago area for Minimally Invasive cosmetics and plastic surgery. We are experts in nose aesthetics and nose surgeries. Lift, Laser and Body doctors are nationally recognized experts for their reputation and surgical expertise. This is particularly important in the field of rhinoplasty and nasal surgery.
Because we emphasize patient satisfaction, customer service and superior cosmetic results, patients come and receive treatment from all over the country.
We invite you to consult for free and visit us. One of our doctors who specialize in nose aesthetics or our president. You're meeting Joffrey. During the consultation, you will learn how nose surgery can benefit you.
rhinoplasty Nose surgery is the perfect and definite way to improve its appearance in a single surgical procedure that will give you precise results. Rhinoplasty surgery is also known as "nose job"; is a procedure aimed at changing the appearance and internal structure of the nose. It can also be done for functional reasons such as breathing difficulty or snoring, or it can be completely cosmetic in nature.
rhinoplastly-before-after-nose surgery, nose job, nose lift 2019
The shape of the nose largely rejects a person's appearance, but in some cases does not match well with the rest of the face. A protruding nasal bridge, deviated septum or large nostrils can be corrected by rhinoplasty.
In general, the purpose of this procedure is to create a more aesthetic and attractive nose shape that is compatible with the rest of the face. The results are not only a better nose shape, but also a confident and satisfied person.
Our surgeons Our team of doctors is known for their incredible results as well as their friendliness and patient care. Our aim is to give the rhinoplasty patient the best possible results and care. During the consultation, we will evaluate the patient's candidacy for rhinoplasty surgery and discuss what to expect from the procedure. We will also discuss the method to be used, cost, payment options and post-operative surgery.
When you come to our Medical Institute, you will feel that you are in good hands. Our patient's testimonials are proof of the outstanding work and effort that all our staff make each of our patients feel at home. For us, each patient is unique and should therefore be treated as a unique case. We do not follow erez cookie cutter ”approaches and offer a variety of procedures and technologies that enable us to select specific treatments that will benefit the patient the most.
Visit our Rhinoplasty and Nose Surgery Center Lifting, Laser and Body is the industry leader and the best choice for patients because of our expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment.
2019 Rhinoplastly-Nosejob-Nose surgery-Nose Lift
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Liposuction Surgery 2019
It is the result of technology that we are seeing a huge revolution in the various methodologies of non surgical liposuction methods and a variety of liposuction surgery has come into practice. Better the technology used it is seen that the liposuction recovery is smoother and hassle free. The use of ultrasound for the process of liposuction surgery was a newer method that was introduced few years back but the improvisation has resulted in such non surgical liposuction methods that smart, vaser variants are being done nowadays with minimal periods required for liposuction recovery after the procedure such that the patient is mobile very soon. Such types of liposuction surgery are surprisingly done as outdoor processes. 
The non surgical liposuction is much in demand as more and more awareness among people is seen to have as much less side effects as possible which was of a little disadvantage with the older methods of liposuction surgery. If on one hand the liposuction recovery time is important for people then on the other hand the non surgical liposuction is preferred due to its minimal invasive liposuction surgery as it does not leave much of scars and other cosmetic deformities. And for this reason doctors throughout the world prefer to use non surgical liposuction methods on their patients which are although costly, but is what most want.
Gone are those days when the use of knifes and blades were in vogue and liposuction surgery is nowadays done only with the help of small holes though which instruments can enter the abdomen. As not many incisions are given, the liposuction recovery time is getting lesser. The use of minimal invasive liposuction surgery is being offered in the advertisements by many cosmetic surgery companies to lure people. It becomes the responsibility of the people who wish to undergo a quick liposuction recovery to enquire properly about the methods of non surgical liposuction that the surgeons have on offer before finalizing a destination of this cosmetic procedure. It is not only the money which is at stake but the scars can give a bad appearance and feeling to the patients who want to have liposuction surgery.
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Liposuction Surgery 2019
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Nose Job
Nose Job
A nose job is performed to reshape, resize, or repair the nose by resculpting the bone and cartilage. These cosmetic procedures have become one of the most common of all plastic surgeries. There are two common nose job techniques performed by surgeons today, closed and open rhinoplasty. During an open rhinpoplasty procedure an incision is made in the skin between the two nostrils, while a closed rhinoplasty does not require an external incision. The surgeon you choose may suggest combining a nose job with other cosmetic procedures such as a chin or cheek augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results and get the best possible results.
Find a Nose Job Surgeon
Finding a great doctor or nose job specialist can mean the difference between success and failure, satsifaction and disappointment, and even the loss of thousands of dollars. View listings of nose job surgeons near you, contact each for price quotes on the procedure of your choice, and request additional information. It is important to ask alot of questions, compare nose job surgery prices for all surgeons and doctors in your area, and view before & after photos. Get started by choosing a US state below.
Nose Job Risks
A recent medical study reported that there are more than 100,000 deaths each year caused by medical mistakes. If you are considering having a procedure you need to consider the risks associated with nose job surgeries and all cosmetic surgery procedures. There is a risk that you will not be satisfied with your nose job procedure, even if you have the best cosmetic surgeon and even if the surgery goes smoothly. Click here to learn more about other nose job risksand general cosmetic surgery risks.
Nose Job Surgery OverviewAnesthesia:General or sedation.Length of surgery:1-3 hoursLocation of operation:Office or hospital.Back to work:1-2 weeksAverage Price:$3,500-$6,000
rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty surgery, rhinoplasty procedure, nose surgery, cosmetic nose surgery, nose reshaping, nose job, facial harmony, nose proportion, deviated septum, nasal airway obstruction, nasal asymmetry, impaired breathing, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery
Nose Job
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Liposuction Information
  Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: Liposuction information? I'm considering doing liposuction. I know, it's kind of "cheating" to losing weight, but I'm at a point, I'm so self-concious, that I don't even want to leave the house to work out. I grew up living out in the country, and now I live in a crouded neighborhood, I'm not comfortable to even walk, let alone jog around.
Anyways, back to the subject, what all do I need to know? What kind of price would I belooking at? I definately wouldn't be doing anythng local, I live in Georgia, so I would go to either Atlanta or somewhere in Florida probably.
I'm about 6'0, male, 19 years old, no real health problems except the obesity thing, I weigh about 260 lbs.
ANSWER: Liposuction surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Tour2india4health Consultants .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.
Tour2india4health Consultants is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.
  Hope this helps.
QUESTION: Can you give me some information on lip liposuction? How much would it cost to have some of my lower lip removed? Is there no other way to fix my big lip?
ANSWER: Get liposuction surgery in India.Cosmetic Surgery is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for american and canadian patients as cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance.
They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your cosmetic surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.If you still havent got your surgery done,you are better off getting it done in India.
my cousin got a couple of plastic surgery including tummy tuck procedures through the forerunners healthcare in India and is all praise for this company.She is more than very happy with the results.she just paid 30% of the amount she was quoted in USA.hope this helps.
  QUESTION: can someone give me some information about having liposuction on the buttocks area? has anyone out there had it done? are you happy with the results? how long did you take to heal + get back to normal?
ANSWER: I've got some information about it. Firstly you should be altleast 18 to have it done. If you're younger you should wait until you get 18 but if it have some effects on you socially or its hard for to do some activies otr study , you can have it.
When you get to have it, your body will be fully anesthesied, you shouldn't worry but ofcourse you will nervous. to heal... the first week you will be on bed then you should start walking and from there you can go on normal.
Well most of the patients are happy with it and couldn't pass a mirror without looking at thier perfect body. But we also advise them to follow a healthy diet which will help thier body to be inshape.
QUESTION: Can somebody please give me links on information on liposuction? I need this information for a school project...
ANSWER: Try looking under Mayo Clinic or Plastic Surgery or Reconstructive surgery. Another alternative would be to see if you get a few minutes to talk to a doctor and let him know why you need the information. They normally have big egos and would love to talk to you.
You can also call the office of one and ask the receptionist if they have any brochures on the topic you are interested in. They normally have a lot of printed material.
Good luck. would like to have it for myself. Let me know what you find out! lol 
QUESTION: Facial liposuction : information? Hello,
Thanks for reading my question ! I did some online research about facial liposuction. If you have done it before or know somebody who has done it before, could you please let me know whether there was any bad side-effects problems that you/she/he faced ? And how much was the cost for it ( in indian rupees ? ) And where did you do it in India ?
ANSWER: hello there, i am practicing dermatology, i am from india. facial liposuction is getting famous and affordable by general population, but i havent done any of it yet, we do practice autologous fat transplant, for which we use body's fat (generally the thigh region and after centrifuge and cleaning it is transplanted to face in nasolabial , malar , chin to make face look younger.
Liposuction Information
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Vaser Liposuction
A Kinder, Gentler Procedure: Vaser Liposuction
If you are frustrated because dieting and exercising alone are simply not taking care of your problem areas, you may be considering undergoing a liposuction procedure. Not all lipos are created equal, however, so it's important to do plenty of research first and consult with several plastic surgeons before making any decisions. Vaser lipo is one form of liposuction that has become popular in recent years, most especially because it's considered to be an effective yet kinder and gentler procedure for your body.
The Main Differences Between Vaser and Traditional
Unlike traditional liposuction procedures, Vaser lipo uses ultrasound technologies for a more targeted, gentler approach to fat removal. With the highly invasive techniques used in traditional liposuction, nerves, blood vessels, and important connective tissues are more likely to be damaged or disturbed. Unlike traditional liposuction, patients undergoing Vaser lipo have more options during surgery: it can be performed under local anesthesia with the patient remaining awake, under partial sedation, or under general anesthesia. Vaser lip is always performed in a sterile environment for optimum safety.
How Vaser Lipo Works
A saline solution is first injected into targeted areas and this initial procedure serves three functions:
1. To create a wet environment more conducive to the breaking up of fatty tissues 2. To numb the site 3. To minimize the likelihood of bleeding and keep bruising to a minimum.
A small probe is then inserted into the targeted areas where it emits low-frequency sound waves; these waves targets fat cells with great precision, leaving other areas unscathed. The fat cells are broken up and liquidated by the combination of sound waves and saline solution, and are easily able to be gently suctioned out.
What Areas of the Body Are Eligible for Vaser Lipo?
Vaser lipo is effective anywhere you have loose hanging fat such as: stomach, love handles, hips, breasts, thighs, back, arms, and chin. A certain amount of fat on the body is both desirable and necessary, but with Vaser you can have the excess removed leaving you with a more graceful and lithe silhouette.
How Much Does Vaser Lipo Cost?
As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of Vaser lip will vary greatly depending on factors such as geographical region and availability of Vaser. A good average figure is about 2,500 dollars per target area.
How Long Does It Last?
The long-term results of Vaser lipo are highly individual and will depend on your own lifestyle routine. If you do gain a little weight back as the result of natural aging or other factors, you will still maintain natural proportions. Proper diet and exercise will help you to keep that svelte look much longer.
Thanks to innovative technologies such as Vaser lipo, getting the cosmetic procedures you want are easier on your body and less invasive than ever: it's about time.
About the Author: Sound Surgical Technologies, LLC (http://www.vaser.com/) creator of the Vaser Lipo System, focuses on ultrasonic technologies and related techniques for aesthetic surgery. Art Gib is a freelance writer.
Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/A-Kinder--Gentler-Procedure--Vaser-Liposuction/863701
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: Ranging cost of Vaser liposuction on calve/ankle? I'm trying to find what the cost would be to have a vaser liposuction treatment preformed to reduce the size of "cankles". I know the prices largely vary, but I've been able to find a few differences in costs of other procedures which have differences of ,000 to ,000 dollars. I was hoping to find the approximate range of Vaser lipo preformed on the calve area.
(Sorry for the drawn out question, I wanted to be as specific as possible) Thanks in advance.
ANSWER: IDK where you live, I went to www.bajacosmeticprocedures.com Dr.Campos-Leon he is in Tujuana Mex. I had 1.Belt lipectomy-radical tummy tuk 2.brest lift w/implants 3.Braquio plasty-to get rid of the flappy grandma arms 4.T-inscision thigh plasty-get rid of the inner flabby thighs. 5.liposuction-outer thighs 6.Brazillian-butt lift About K for all including air fair,parking,and after care. All with no ill effects. He is a nice Dr.clean etc. he does Botox and other skin procedures too. If you have more questions feel free to e-mail me. I had all this done since Aug 5th
ANSWER: OMG! Your arms look fine! You are just over critical of yourself, who isnt? But, if you must do it, it sounds good. You have living proof who showed you the results and the doctor sounds good. Google his name and if there is anything bad out there you will see it.
QUESTION: can anyone recommend a plastic surgeon who makes laser liposuction or vaser ultrasonic liposuction in kuwait?
ANSWER: yes if you go to this site you will have a good one
QUESTION: Have you done vaser liposuction? Tell me your story!? I'm interested in it myself and went for my consultation today. Looks safe!
ANSWER: Hey! It's Vaser liposelection! Not Liposuction! Liposelection is a whole lot safer and better because it uses ultrasound, so while it melts a ton of fat, it also avoids hurting the other parts of your body. However, liposuction only melts little fat and at the same time has a higher risk of hurting your body.
If you're really interested, I suggest you do vaser Hi Def for optimum results. I bet you it really works! Hope this helps! If you want more indept info, here it is:
Take a look! It's really doo and actually shows how vaser melts the fats safely! just make sure you get a qualified surgeon! All the best!
QUESTION: What is vaser? Is it laser based liposuction? Vaser appears to be all the rage, but isn't liposuction all fundamentally about the "suction" part anyway? So how can it be any different?
ANSWER: VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, It has nothing to do with Lasers which is a common misconception. Vaser Liposuction: "Vaser" is the important bit, the liposuction is simply the process of removing the fat once it has been liquefied. The liquefaction is achieved using heat/chemicals usually. Vaser is a brand name for a process of ultrasonic fat breakdown. As a result it is not as invasive as standard liposuction and can be classed as “no surgical” although it is to be administered by a medical professional only. Vaser or any kind of liposuction are not cures for obesity and can’t be performed if a patient is on Warfarin ( as this thins the blood
QUESTION: I've decided to do Vaser Liposuction, but I need your help? Picture Included? I'm a 22 year old female, in athletic healthy shape. There is something so strange about my body that I've struggled with for years, that I can't seem to fix. I have saggy, fatty upper arms. The rest of my body is toned and great, diet is good. I've even done so many bicep/tricep exercizes, but my arms sag. My mom has extremely saggy arms, but is in great phsyical shape, so it must be genetics.
I've decided to go with Vaser Liposuction (the one done while you are awake with local anesthesia), but I'm afraid of dying while under. I had a consultation last week and was taken pictures of, etc. and the doctor said I would be a great candidate because I'm healthy, young, etc.
The receptionist told me she had Vaser Lipo performed on her last week, and showed me her before and after pic, and showed me the garment she was wearing. I asked for other before and after pictures of patients my age, and she told me the doctor just transferred out of a hospital on the east coast and just started his business here. I'm kind of uncomfortable with that, even though she is proof that it went well. They also gave me a great price.
How would you go about this? It seemed like a real professional environment, I've seen his degrees on the wall, and he was professional when discussing it all with me. Is this safe?
Also, will my skin bounce back into place once the fat is removed out of my arm or will I have saggy skin?
Vaser Liposuction
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Liposuction For Face
Facial Plastic Surgery Or A Face Lift?
Plastic surgery for the face or more commonly, a face lift is becoming increasingly popular as a way for people to improve their physical appearance. People can get liposuction on their face or smartlipo or full blown plastic surgery to mold and shape the face for a more pleasing appearance. More and more celebrities and common people are turning toward plastic surgery to achieve what they have been unable or unwilling to achieve through exercise, diet, or nature. Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body, which makes it handy for treating stubborn pockets of fat, no matter where they may be - even on the face. As technology becomes more and more precise, the most delicate areas are becoming popular targets for plastic surgery. Liposuction of the face and neck is becoming more and more common among regular folks.
In times past, people looking to rejuvenate their faces have elected to undergo face lifts, also known as rhytidectomies. In a face lift, a surgeon detaches facial skin from the tissue underneath. Then, after removing excess skin and fat, the plastic surgeon tightens the facial muscles and repositions and reattaches the skin with staples or stitches. Plastic surgery of face sometimes leaves some scarring at the incision sites, but doctors try to hide scars or under the hairline. Depending on how much plastic surgery is needed, face lifts sometimes require general anesthetic. These are somewhat invasive procedures and typically have a longer recovery time than other liposuction procedures. It usually takes a minimum of ten days before you can return to work, exercise or sexual activity.
Facial liposuction is much less invasive than a plastic surgery type of face lift. During surgery, doctors remove fat through special hollow tubes called "cannulas." These cannulas are relatively small and make small incisions. So, there is normally much less scarring and a faster and easier recovery time. Normally you can return to normal activities within a week. Liposuction also does not require general anesthetic, which eliminates some potential complications. Besides being safer and easier, liposuction tends to be cheaper than plastic surgery face lifts.
Sometimes people have small amounts of facial fat but find that their faces appear flabby and loose because of excess or droopy skin. Liposuction will not be able to help these people because it only removes fat, not skin. In fact, in these cases it is possible that the removal of fat could lead to an even greater excess of skin and a less pleasing appearance. Such people may be happier with the results of a true plastic surgery face lift. Also, liposuction cannot remove wrinkles. But, other cosmetic procedures such as dermabrasion can. Sometimes cosmetic surgery clinics offer combination packages, where they do both liposuction and another procedure to help with wrinkles or blemishes.
Plastic surgery for the face or liposuction can target problems areas and help with areas that otherwise can't be helped by exercise or less evasive procedures. Always talk to a qualified medical professional before considering plastic surgery. Discuss the pros, cons, risks, costs, and recovery times. If you are uncomfortable with anything you hear, then move along and talk to another plastic surgeon. Face lifts are not for everyone, but they are an excellent way of maintaining your youthful appearance.
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: my friend is about to go to Cali, Colombia for liposuction,face and neck lift and breast implants? what do you think? she is staying with a friend of a friend (both Colombian) .this friend of a friend has been talking with the surgeon and will be helping with the after care!I am very concerned about my friend doing this in a foreign country.
ANSWER: It's cheaper for sure, but I would worry and you are right to be a little worried. Sometimes the plastic surgeons in other countries don't have access to all of the same technology we have here. Additionally, it's easier to get into medical school in these south of the boarder countries, so... I would be cautious. Plus you wouldn't have the same legal recourse if something was not right. Overall, I think I would stay in the states IMO
QUESTION: i got my plastic surgery over 2 months back. i had face liposuction. my doctor told me that i will get thin face in 6 weeks, but there is still swelling and I feel fatter than ever. what do I do now?
ANSWER: Six weeks is certainly a long time for recovery. I would go in to your plastic surgeon and check with him/her. If you don't like what they are saying, then it's time for a second opinion. Some people heal slower than others and you may need more antibiotics.
I'm wanting to get plastic surgery to get rid of fat on on side of my face. I look like a chipmunk. For about 9 years, one side of my face, mostly in the cheek area appears to look swollen than the other side and it's lopsided. There is no pain but I hate the way it looks. How much you think plastic surgery like this will cost? Because it's more than just liposuction.
ANSWER: Liposuction and plastic  surgery are very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India.The Price for plastic surgery  in India was way less than in the states. The surgery turned out great and she got a vacation (although it was mostly in the hotel)QUESTION:
What do you think the limit of beauty should be? When is is it too much? Where do you draw the line what you're willing to do to your body? Do you think society's perception of  a person's beauty is wrong?Here are some things that seem to be overboard:Makeup - I have heard this is generally bad for skin Hair extensions, nail extensions Color contacts Heels - bad for your ankle Nose job Breast enhancement Liposuction Face Lift Starving yourself
ANSWER: I think people should keep up with their looks to the best of their ability and resources. Yes, nothing wrong with age. But if I can get rid of a few wrinkles, keep my breast perky with a little breast augmentation surgery, then why the heck not.Yes , it can go overboard. But I'll be darned if I'll ever give up make up! Give me a break.
Liposuction For Face
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Chin Liposuction Plastic Surgery
Chin Liposuction Plastic Surgery
Chin liposuction plastic surgery can be used to correct a double chin, jowls, or excess fat in the chin area, and can be achieved in a nearly non invasive and safe way through SmartLipo. You really just can't hide fat that builds up on the face. But with SmartLipo you can get rid of fatty areas. And this plastic surgery is outpatient and not as costly as you might imagine.
Chin Liposuction Plastic Surgery - Appear Younger and Lose the Chubby Cheek Syndrome
SmartLipo chin plastic surgery can transform your appearance, making you look less chubby and younger. It eliminates problem fat areas on the face and neck and leaves you with tight beautiful skin. It can improve the look of not just your chin, but also your neck. This type of plastic surgery (smart lipo) is much easier, less expensive, and causes less trauma to the skin tissues than traditional liposuction.
The plastic surgery is carried out as an outpatient procedure and may only take an hour. You go home afterward, but still need some recovery time. Some bruising and soreness is normal. Always talk to your plastic surgeon before deciding on any procedure and discuss the recovery times and what to expect.
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION:How much would it cost for this type of plastic surgery? I am only 25 but I have quite a bit of fat under my neck and I don't like my appearance with it. It runs in my family genes and I know it is only going to get worse.
ANSWER:It's not a typical surgery that people normally get done, so it's hard to guess the market price unless you are a plastic surgeon or have had it done yourself or know someone who has. A good breast augmentation can be between $6000-$9000. I can't imagine that a neck "job" would be more. Although, the skin tissue there is probably different so it might make the procedure more complicated and therefore more expensive. My advice to you if you are serious about doing this, is to go to a plastic surgeon and get an estimate of what they charge, what they would do.
QUESTION:Have you ever received facial liposuction/neck liposuction to contour your face? Not just too loose fat deposits. Some plastic surgeons offer facial contouring for the jaw, cheeks and chin to make your face more symmetrical or youthful. Has anyone gotten this done? How did it come out?
ANSWER:I haven't tried any of those but it sounds painful. Imagine taking some areas off and adding to others. ouch.
QUESTION:Anyone Have experience with Neck Liposuction? Good/Bad experiences??I need to get rid of my double chin, and eating right and exercise is NOT working. I am already thin, but I have a double chin!
ANSWER:That's what the op wrote about. My experience is with tummy smart lipo and breast implants. But why would this be any different. I would not hesitate if I had a double chin.
QUESTION:Is risky to have liposuction performed in the neck area? I am developing a small double-chin and want it gone immediately. Liposuction has to be the fastest way to get rid of it, but I am wondering if there are risks come with this operation.
ANSWER:There are risks with any operation. One of the biggest risks is with general anesthesia, but this is typically not needed in smartlipo plastic surgery procedures. They are generally considered safer.
  Chin Liposuction Plastic Surgery
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Love Handle Liposuction
Why Do People Get Liposuction?
Liposuction (also called lipoplasty and suction lipectomy) is a large and growing business. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans undergo this procedure. For twelve out of the last thirteen years, lipoplasty has topped the charts as the most popular cosmetic surgery in America. Even last year, when the procedure had a recession caused dip in popularity, nearly 350,000 people underwent the cosmetic procedure.
The surgery uses suction to surgically remove excess and unwanted fat from specific target areas on a person's body. During the surgery, the doctor numbs the target area and makes one or a few small incisions. The doctor performs the surgery through these incisions using a small tool called a cannula. A cannula is essentially a thin, hollow needle which can be hooked up to a vacuum device. By moving the needle back and forth in the patient's body, the doctor can break up and suction out the unwanted fat.
People tend to have very individual reasons for why they get the surgery. Some women get it because they're tired of carrying the excess weight that they have been carrying since their last baby. Some men get it because they're tired of having beer bellies and love handles. Some women get it because they have excessively large, heavy breasts that either cause them physical pain or that monopolize people's attention. Some men and women get the surgery in order to smooth out their faces and jawlines.
Some women get the surgery to try to reduce the size of their arms, making it easier for them to wear short sleeved or sleeveless shirts. Some men get a variant of the surgery called abdominal etching in an attempt to get six pack abs. Some women get the surgery to decrease the size of their thighs or buttocks.
Beyond these physical reasons, people have a variety of emotional reasons they undergo the procedure. Some work in professions that demand a high level of physical perfection, and they feel that the procedure will increase their career possibilities. Some feel that the procedure will help them to attract a boy or girlfriend. Some simply want it for themselves.
People should be careful in what they expect out of their surgery, especially in their emotional desires. Although liposuction definitely has its place, it cannot instantly or perfectly fix self-image issues or make your life perfect. Similarly, people should have realistic physical goals for their procedure.
One good rule of thumb to remember is that the procedure can typically improve one's physical appearance, but that it cannot typically provide perfection.
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: has anyone had any experience with liposuction particularly of the love handle area? were you happy with your results? what are the positives or negatives?
ANSWER: Liposuction is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Tour2india4health Consultants .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.
Tour2india4health Consultants is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.
QUESTION: How much would liposuction on the love handles and lower stomach be if I do not have much fat in either area? I am not over weight, I just have an odd shaped stomach. I want liposuction on my love handles and lower stomach and was curious as to how much it would cost. Would it be less expensive because I am smaller then the average liposuction candidate? How many of you who have had lipo are satisfied with your results? How long was it to heal? Can I still exersize regularly? Thank you!
ANSWER: It's perfectly fine that you don't have a lot of excess fat. In fact, liposuction is intended for people who are at their desired weight and are just struggling to get rid of those stubborn areas. On average, liposuction costs about 00, but that's for standard tumescent liposuction. If you don't have a large area to treat, the cost will go down. You can also look into alternative methods like LipoSelection and SmartLipo, which are both advanced treatments that require less recovery time. You can get back to exercising much quicker with these. Plus, they don't cost as much. I found some great information on traditional liposuction and other treatment options, so feel free to check it out. If you don't find the information you're looking for there, I suggest contacting a trained plastic surgeon and discussing it with them. They can give you a proper cost estimate and give you all the details about the results and the recovery period.
QUESTION: love handles>>>should i go for a liposuction? iam 25 yo girl, 132 lbs 5.6feet, i am curvy everywhere in my body, but am comfortable with this, am on a diet now intending to lose 20lbs, the problem is: whatever i do, and i lose weight i ended up fitting and tunning everywhere, but still stuck with my small love handles, so should i go for a liposuction, or small love handles is not as disgusting as i think? pleaaaaaaaaase help ADS WILL BE REPORTED
QUESTION: Liposuction for love handles? I am 5"4, 26 female and weigh 156 lbs. I have struggled with my weight and fluctuate 30 lbs. All of my weight is in my middle, specifically my love handles. Even when I was at my lowest weight, 2 years ago (125 lbs), I still had them. I am extermely self-cauntious of them and want them gone! My self confidence suffers because of it. I know it is shallow but I can't help it.
Has anyone had any experience with liposuction for this problem? I would love to know your story, if it worked, the scars, etc.
Thanks !
ANSWER: Go ahead and have the expensive surgery. You're not going to make them go away forever though; your lifestyle is the reason why you are fat around your middle, and without a lifestyle change, you will just put the weight right back on.
Stop "going on diets." Focus on changing your entire lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercise is not something you do to temporarily drop a few pounds; it's a way of life.
QUESTION: Liposuction of the love handles?? please help!? about how much is the average cost of liposuction of lovehandles if the love handles aren't too big and would be a simple procedure?.. i live in newyork so idk if that affects price? and has anyone every gotten this procedure and what was the experience like? thank you sooo much
ANSWER: I don't know the cost, but I do know the possible effects. My mom & friend had this done:
You have major pain, swelling, and bruising for a couple weeks, and you have to wear a girdle, too.
If you don't maintain your weight, the fat cells you do have left still get fat. However, this time there is a weird pattern of where the fat cells have been taken away, so you get a lot of weird bulges and ripples in your skin.
Your best bet is to do diet and exercise to lose allover body fat and become a healthy role model for your (future?) children and grandchildren.
Love Handle Liposuction
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Laser Liposuction
Laser liposuction
  Laser liposuction is unique and can have remarkable results. Generally, you don't need general anesthesia and rarely is the patient left with substantial scarring. Recovery time is fast and there is no saggy skin to remove after the laser liposuction procedure is finished.
Often, traditional liposuction leaves the skin saggy and with dimples. Your are either stuck with loose unattractive skin or you get more plastic surgery to remove it. When you add the expense of an additional surgery to have the excess skin removed, then traditional liposuction becomes an pretty expensive form of plastic surgery. But, with laser liposuction, the costs are reduced and the results are better.
Laser liposuction tightens skin as the procedure is performed. Additionally, the skin actually continues to tighten over the next few months. You may not need any loose or sagging skin removed, thus avoiding other expensive surgical procedures. So, not only do you need only one procedure with laser liposuction, but it cost less. This is fantastic news to those that want liposuction but are worried about the cost.
The cost of laser liposuction is only one consideration. The other thing to consider is the quality and results of the procedure. There are many benefits of laser liposuction. It makes you look incredible and it's safer and easier than traditional liposuction.
So, imagine being able to wear your favorite shorts or skirt again. Being able to go to the swimming pool or beach with pride. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing the body that you used to have - or possibly the body you never had but always wanted. Laser liposuction can get you where you want to be and keep your skin looking good in the process.
Here is an article form WebMD that discusses some of the pros and cons of laser liposuction. Always do your homework and research what new techniques are available and what are the risks and potential rewards of any surgery; especially plastic surgery. Laser liposuction is safe and effective, but you want to go into it with your eyes wide open and knowing all the facts.
So, after you've done your research, talked it over with your health care professional, seen a plastic surgeon, and made a decision to finally get the body you have always wanted. Consider laser liposuction instead of traditional liposuction. It's cheaper, more effective, safer, and easier. You'll be very happy with your laser liposuction like so many others who have made the decision.
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser liposuction-before-after
Laser Liposuction
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What To Do About Fat Thighs
Liposuction vs Exercise To Lose Thigh Fat
The best way to lose thigh fat is to exercise regularly. However, most people don't like to work out and are inconsistent. This constant starting and stopping of an exercise routine can cause more problems because it confuses the body's metabolism and causes people to gain even more weight.
But some people exercise and actually do loose weight, but still hang on to a few problem areas. One problem area is fat thighs. We've all seen the person who is mostly skinny all over but retains fat thighs no matter what they do. So, what do you do when exercise won't get rid of thigh fat? For many with fat thighs, liposuction on the thighs is a great option.
Getting rid of fat thighs with liposuction is a common and safe procedure that you should ask a qualified liposuction doctor about. It's nothing to be scared or ashamed of, and in many cases - it's the only way to get rid of stubborn thigh fat.
Remember that exercise should be a routine part of everyone's day regardless.
  Here are some exercises For Losing Thigh Fat to try before using liposuction:
Exercise #1) walk, jog, or run 30-60 minutes day Jogging burns fat and helps build muscle in thighs and legs. Most regular joggers have a lean body.
Exercise #2) Biking for a few miles per day. This is less stressful to the body than jogging, but still using leg muscles and burns fat.
Exercise #3) Swimming is great for those who have trouble exercising. Not only does the water make it easier to work out, but the whole swimming thing adds an element of fun to the exercise routine.
If you like this article (or this site in general), please bookmark us and use the social sharing icons to "like" us on Facebook, Tweet about us, etc. And by all means, please come back often and join in on the conversation. --- James
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION:How can I loose the fat in my inner thighs? Ive been doing about 30 mins cardio everyday for 3 weeks and still have fat thighs....What can I do to get rid of this?
ANSWER:do some execercises specificle for that area and 200 yards of breastroke kick
QUESTION:What should i do for fat thighs? Okay, so i weigh about 150ish and i want to know some exccersises that will help my fat thighs. I wear a size 8 pants, and i would like to be a least one less pant size by Jan 9. Does anyone have any suggestions for an excersize?
ANSWER:Jogging is the best excercise but it is a bit boring, why not try one of those workout trampolines they look great.
QUESTION:What type of short skirts do I wear to hide my fat thighs? Please try to show me some pictures. If you are showing some pictures,try to suggest me a top 2.My skin complexion is chocolate brown,what colour for the skirt and top do you advise is the best.I have have no idea about footwear too,so if you can help Not too short,just above knees not above thighs.
ANSWER:i wouldn't recommend you wearing a short skirt. Think about it, if you have fat thighs, you wouldn't be able to cross your legs : and that's doing guys a disservice.
QUESTION:How to get rid of fat thighs and arms? ok im 16 and im 5'6 and 135 pounds..im not fat but my upper arms and inner thighs are horrible.Iv been walking for about 30 mins each day...but im not very strong and don't have the best lungs.I try to exercise but get no results...what can i do
ANSWER:DONT do strength training - (lunges, weights, etc) DO cardio - (running, jogging, elliptical/treadmill, skipping rope, hula hoop, etc)
If you're weak, build it up gradually - your body will get used to it and youll find yourself in better shape. since youre already walking, try jogging 30 mins a day, etc.or do something more fun so youll get into it. good luck 
QUESTION:I have a skinny waste, but fat thighs... What should I do? What is the best leg workout for your upper thighs?? I have big hips and butt, but probably can't to anything about that. But my thighs Are so big! I want to look good in skinny jeans and a bathing suit. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed wearing a bathing suit. In fact, I usually wear shorts over top. Please help. I want to feel confident about my body. Especially since summer is just around the corner. Thanks.
ANSWER:jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have to work double on them. The best approach is this: 1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal weight, lower for overweight). 2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage. 3. Target your problem areas with exercises. Side Lunge Slide Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate. Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot to the side, torso upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position, repeating 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.
Lunge Slide Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate. Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.
Front One-Legged Squat Stand on a step or small platform. Lift left leg out in front of step and bend the right leg, bringing the toe of the left foot to the floor. Touch the floor lightly and keep the knee of the bent leg in line with toes. Straighten the right leg and repeat 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.
Chair Squat Stand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torso straight. Slowly bend your knees and lower and until you're almost touching your butt to the chair. Hold for 2-3 seconds, knees behind the toes, and straighten. Repeat for 12-16 reps, 2-3 sets.
Heel Drops with Leg Extension Stand on step or platform with left leg on the step, right leg hanging off the side. Bend the left leg and lower the right foot towards the floor (a few inches). Straighten the left leg and bring the right leg out to the side, foot flexed, in a leg extension. Repeat 8-12 times, switch legs for 2-3 sets.
Hip Extension On a flat or inclined step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the edge of the step, legs straight out behind you with toes resting lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
What To Do About Fat Thighs
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Inner Thigh Liposuction for Fat Thighs
Thigh Liposuction Will Give You Shapelier Legs!
For those of you that have stubborn fat deposits on your inner thighs, and you have tried exercise and diet to no avail,  you may want to consider inner thigh liposuction. This isn't a decision you should make quickly and without some diligent research. You should also talk to a qualified surgeon to get to know the ins and outs of the procedure and help you to make an informed decision regarding thigh liposuction.
Liposuction literally breaks up and sucks out the cellulite, a type of fat that is difficult to eliminate using exercise and diet. Cellulite is fat in the connective tissues and tend make the skin appear rippled. Sometimes cellulite looks like dimples or even like wrinkles. It is nearly impossible to get rid of using exercise and diet.
Women are generally more susceptible to cellulite deposits in the thighs. After a long term routine of diet and exercise, it's not uncommon for the thighs to remain fat. Even in thin women, cellulite deposits may become visible requiring plastic surgery when the skin is pinched.
Fat inner thighs can be unsightly and uncomfortable. The thighs often rub together causing irritation and embarrassment. Fat thighs also effect the body's outline and limit the ability to wear tight shorts comfortably. People with fat thighs are also more likely to develop fatness in the entire leg even to the inner knees. The best solution for people with fat thighs is inner thigh liposuction.
Inner thigh liposuction involves a small incision along the thigh where a cannula is inserted. The cannula is pushed in and pulled out to break up and suck out the fat deposits in the inner thigh. It's important to have a qualified surgeon because it's possible to have contour irregularities result from the kind and quality of the cannula used. Most surgeons use smaller diameter cannulas to reduce irregularities. Even so, there is a possibility that irregularities will still occur if the doctor is careless in performing the procedure.
Local anesthesia is normally used for during inner thigh liposuction procedures. You surgeon may use general anesthesia if he/she believes it necessary. In any event, the procedure is normally out-patient day surgery.  The recovery period is typically short.
Inner thigh liposuction is not for everybody. Your decision should be based on careful research, consultation with your doctor, weather or not your fat thighs are bothering you. Older people or people aren't bothered by their thighs rubbing together should probably not go to the expense and trouble of getting inner thigh liposuction. Others should continue to use diet and exercise to build muscle in the thigh area.
It normally takes about 6 months to see the full results of inner thigh liposuction. The procedure is considered safe and recovery is generally fast. One can expect to have swelling and pain for a couple of days or longer.  There may be fluid drainage from the area of the surgery. Antibiotics are normally given to prevent post operative infections. Always follow your health care provider's instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION:How much money is Lipo on thighs and belly???? I have some fat & cellulite on my legs and belly, I don't need alot done, I'm 5'5, 131lbs....how much do you think it will be? Is it safe & heal easily? Need some advice!?!
ANSWER:I am in the same situation as you, I am currently trying Lippodisolve. It is cheaper and less invasive because you only get injections in the areas of the fatty tissue. I am 5'4 and 140 with a lot of muscle tone, but there are some areas such as my inner and outer thighs that I cannot lose. Do some research on Lippodisolve, it is 1/4 the cost of Liposuction. You have to have 3-5+ treatments and it can cost anywhere from 5-400 per treatment depending on the Dr.
QUESTION:Looking to have lipo on inner thighs and stomach how much will it approx. cost me?Im In NY and also i been to him before for a breast reduction so im thinking discount lol
ANSWER:it all depends on where you get it done!
QUESTION:how do i get rid of flab on my stomach,butt,and thighs? no lipo!!!?
ANSWER:Run, do ab workouts, and squats everyday.
QUESTION:I had liposuction on my outer thighs and it still looks like my thighs are fat. It is 8 days post op.? Has anyone had lipo of the thighs and how long were you swollen?
ANSWER:Its just swelling the skin will have to make bodily fluids to fill the empty space
QUESTION:Does anyone have tips on most effective ways to slim thighs? More specifically, I'd like to slim inner thighs but not my bottom. My concern it that surgery is my only option. I am 30 year old female and I wonder if the skin has lost elasticity in the area for good. My surgeon says thigh lift and a little lipo will do it. Has anyone lost more than 50 lbs and had a similar problem. I would love FAST results but most importantly I would like LASTING results and get to a point where I can build muscle tone.Thank You!
ANSWER:You need to do lunges. This will give you the results you want. Don't get surgery. Just except the fact that you are getting older and believe that you ARE beautiful even if you don't look perfect. I am 31 and I know how you feel about the not so perfect skin. God Bless!
  thigh lift before and after scars Best of Thighs Liposuction Review
Inner Thigh Liposuction for Fat Thighs
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Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
  Plastic surgery is a medical procedure that either corrects or restores something on a persons body. Cosmetic surgery is one type of plastic surgery and may include reconstructive surgery or enhancement type of surgeries. Often people turn to plastic surgery to correct a broken nose or a the shape of the ear. These are typically called cosmetic surgery. Another type of plastic surgery that is cosmetic too and concerns itself with maintaining a "normal" appearance, or enhancing appearance to be greater than average.
More and more people turn to plastic surgery now, with more than 9 million procedures in the United States in 2010. The most common plastic surgery is breast augmentation. This is surgery for women who believe their breasts would look better if they were larger or more firm in shape. Often breast augmentation includes breast implants. This surgery used to be considered vain or only for movie stars, but now is very common and serves to help women feel better about themselves and their appearance.
Other popular plastic surgery procedures include liposuction, nose surgery or rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and stomach surgery (abdominoplasty). There are also non-surgical procedures such as laser hair removal and Botox injections.
  Cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery is most common in the United States, but now is a regular procedure in United Kingdom, France, Germany,and throughout Asia. In fact, China and India have become the largest cosmetic surgery markets in Asia. Even children undergo cosmetic eye surgery in places like Japan and South Korea.
Medical tourism has become a big business throughout Asia, normally targeting United States citizens that want to save money on plastic surgery and get a mini vacation in the process.Plastic surgery has evolved over the years and is now a very commonplace procedure. If you are considering plastic surgery, you should know all of the facts. Learn the benefits, risks, and costs involved. Learn how to find the best doctors, what to ask and how to prepare.You can find articles on nearly every procedure you can think of. And if you can't find some information you are looking for, simply contact us and we will try to address your particular need. In all cases, you must consult with a qualified medical professional before deciding if plastic surgery is right for you.
Plastic Surgery
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