lincolnxgray · 8 years
He’s not surprised when he hears a set of approaching footsteps. He would be an idiot to expect that everyone else was asleep while he wandered out. Jonas is not the only one to have to handle sleepless nights and black thoughts. A lot of kids in there aren’t soldiers. They’re branded with the title now because… well, for a lot of reasons. Some people want to whole heartedly fight for their race, some want revenge, and some, Jonas namely, wish to pay it forward for all the lives that were lost for him. They aren’t hardened fighters fit for a war that they still don’t know they’ll ever win, but just a bunch of wishful kids with weapons and clean hands being trained for inevitable bloodshed. It’s a surprise anyone can sleep.
Jonas jumps when Lincoln enters in such close proximity and he’s addressed like he’s the only other person to talk to. Jonas takes a quick glance to each side and the moonlight doesn’t give away any other loitering forms. Okay, so maybe he is the only one around to talk to. Meekly, Jonas shrugs and that’s about all he can do. He seems to be all business and Jonas isn’t sure if he should answer Link while he’s wearing a sour looking expression. Soldiers aren’t supposed to openly talk about the loneliness and heartache that keep them up at night.
Lincoln is a stranger still, but just from a couple of seconds Jonas figures it’s best to keep his mouth shut until he sees Tobias again. “U-uh… yeah, sure. Sounds good.” But it doesn’t, really. While Jonas has been wasting time watching the sky and thinking about his entirely very dead family [and I mean, VERY dead] he didn’t plan on being productive. Again, it’s not time to mope in front of another, he has to strap a forced sense of strong work ethic and put on a go-getter facade. Jonas shrugs again meeting Lincoln’s eyes. “For a little bit at least, until I feel tired.”
Link isn’t always so soldier orientated, but he has an example to set. Plus, he doesn’t have a damn choice. If he wants his revenge for his parents death and if he wants his brother and sister back he has to fight. He has to fight, for them. It’s the only way he will ever find them, and have them in his safety again... Though if they were really safe with him would he have lost them in the first place? He’d had no choice though, he had to be with his youngest brother... He was needed. He had to fight this fight he’d been forced into, and he chose to embrace his role rather than push it away. After all, weren’t the soldiers the best hope for Earth’s future? 
It hurt him though, when he thought of the fact that one day, his little brother, his baby brother, would be getting blood on his hands. Maybe even innocent blood, because everyone makes mistake. Hell, Link has made a lot all on his own in his short life. He was determined to be the best he could be and if he had to be brutal and unforgiving for that to happen then that’s what he’d be. 
“You’d be surprised how much it helps, with a lot of things. You been training much? Been out on any missions?” Lincoln asked, looking over the other before he started to walk towards the shooting range, just assuming Jonas would follow him. “I’m Lincoln, call me that or Link. You got family here, or out there, kid? Because if so you’re going to need what they teach you to help them survive, so you can survive for them. You any good with a gun?”
No Sleep || OPEN
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
&&. — “yeah…but don’t tell anyone, okay?” he asks. “so, you’re suggesting i trust you?”
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“would you like me to pinky promise?” he teases, “yes, i am.” link replies bluntly, “the world is fighting for existence and you’ll most likely be dead by the end of it. if you trust me you’ll live a little longer.”
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
“oh, wow.” he couldn’t help but laugh, “i’m lincoln, people call me link. i’m not an other, otherwise i would have shot you already. i’m a soldier.. working to find survivors and rid the world of the others. that’s why i’m here. wise though, not to trust people. wise, but stupid when it’s me.” 
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&&. — yes, beast. not from the disney movie, from my snoring. and the reason i can’t tell you is you’re an other, for all i know.
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
His hearing had been in tune with the smallest of sounds; a trait acquired from his many weeks spent fending for himself out in the forest after the initial take out of Millinocket. The sound of a twig breaking off in the distance behind him had caused his blue eyes to flicker from the makeshift bow and arrow he’d been crafting over the span of a few days, up to the horizon ahead of him. Though it was a sound indicating he wasn’t alone, a sense of calm had resided in his figure; he’d learned to trust his gut and trust it quickly– the noise was of no harm. Without hitch, Fox lifted the bow up and pulled back on the string, taking back a stick he’d sharpened the edge of. His breathing was even, one eye closed for aim, “Target practice.” The end of his answer had gone in time with the stick that flew through the air and hit a tree in the distance. He solemnly dropped the bow to his side, turning around to face a male a few yards behind him. “’s not much and the sticks usually break but it’ll do.”
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Link wasn’t going to lie and say he wasn’t surprised at the others calmness, and how he wasn’t scared that he could be an other. He wasn’t sure whether this made him trust or distrust the male... Though he was sure if he was an other the makeshift arrow would have been in his heart, not a distance tree. “Not a bad weapon. I take it you made it yourself? You could have a real one, if you wanted. I’m a soldier, at camp haven. I can get you there safely, if that’s what you want. Or there’s a refugee camp I believe, somewhere on the road.” Lincoln was impressed that the male had managed to craft a functioning bow and arrow, a skill he found himself quite envious of. However, he wasn’t about to let his guard down-- he raised his gun, “how do I know you’re not one of them?”
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
This shouldn’t have happened. The question rang to his ears, the threat barely hidden beneath the words. This wasn’t the time to be sarcastic, or to give in to the easily accessible compulsive habit of his. Nathan slowly turned around to face the other, pursing his lips, allowing his gaze to fall on the ground that was slightly covered with a mix of ice and snow. “I was…” Something in his mind clicked, and another reply than the one he first thought of made it past his lips. “If nobody should be here, why are you? I’m trying to survive, that’s all.”
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“we’re all trying to survive, kid. don’t deflect my question with a question of you’re own. i’m out here because it’s my job to be out here, see if i can find survivors and bring them to camp.. to safety.” lincoln explained, though his eyes were hard and cold as he looked at the other. he trusted nobody except his family. “why are you out here? i won’t ask again. are you one of them?” 
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
.location: Camp Haven .time: close to midnight
On a night as dark and still as this one, Jonas remembers the world ending.
Or, no, that’s not accurate. Jonas remembers being five years old, huddled beneath nylon fabric with a flashlight and his siblings, his oldest brother telling a ghost story that was mostly plagiarized from the Amityville movies, which were just about the scariest thing he knew at the time. He remembers his sister rolling her eyes, ever-skeptical about anything make-believe, but Jonas sat there in gape-mouthed awe and fear, thin arms wrapped around his knees. Scary stories are nothing now.
As he sits outside with the moonlight feathering the ground through the dark clouds, Jonas remembers the fictional horror tales his brother weaved together just to scare them all. He thinks about how he was only able to sleep that night because they were all piled together in the living room on a weekend night, huddled under the blankets like puppies. All of that is gone now, and it’s difficult not to reflect on what has been lost in the last year. In all the time he’s felt isolated, Jonas feels lonelier than ever. He thinks that maybe he’d take back all of those years of being pushed aside and out-shined by everyone else in his family. What he thought was hurt then compares nothing to now, and it keeps his tired mind from finding rest.
Jonas sighs, shoulders heaving up and then falling into a slump when he blinks and filters his blue eyes away from the black inked sky. Sleep will not come easy tonight, not when he’s in such a melancholic mood.
Lincoln still had work to do, even this late at night; missions to prepare for and he wanted to train before he went out on his next one. Usually his aim was perfect but today... today he had missed a shot, and it almost cost him his life. However, before he did any of that he had to check on his brother. It’s how his days would go, wake up, check on his brother, do his missions, check on his brother, train, check on his brother, sleep and repeat. He had already lost his brother and sister somewhere out there, he wasn’t about to lose the only remaining sibling he had with him because he was too lazy to check on him. 
After he had, he was walking back out into the night he see’s Jonas. He doesn’t know much about the boy, if anything. All they are are simple acquaintances, but he looks troubled and Link has some time yet. He knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight anyway, not when he was so unusually off his game today. “why are you out of bed, soldier?” Lincoln asked quietly, standing over him with his resting bitch face. He always looked like he was in a mood at something. “you need your rest if you’re going to be of use. if you’re not going to bed, you can come with me to the shooting range to practice if you like. might as well make use of the time.” 
No Sleep || OPEN
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
I need you to leave me But please don't ask why I beg you to trust that Everything will be fine
Little Hurricane, Sheep in Wolves Clothes  (via reallivehobbit)
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
beast? i doubt it. doesn’t it? okay, you run off and get yourself killed then. unless of course, you’re going to give me a reason to do it myself. please, go ahead.
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&&. — it’s lorenzo, but people call me beast. it really doesn’t matter where i’m headed, does it?
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
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“you could, but i’m pretty sure i asked first and i’m the one with the gun.” he replied, raising his gun slightly. “who are you, and why are you here?” lincoln repeated, though looking over her he could see the fear. was that because she was a scared human, or an other pretending to get the best of him? 
at the voice, hazelle turned slowly. she offered the tall boy a gentle smile harbouring all the fear and nervousness currently residing within her. “and what about you? i could say the very same.”
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
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“you think i have time to look for a bracelet that you carelessly lost? if it was that important you wouldn’t have misplaced it in the first place.” lincoln replied bitterly, annoyance shining clearly through in his tone.
“– I’m sorry, I – I don’t mean to be a bother but you haven’t seen a bracelet around? It has a snowflake charm on it if that’s any help. I just… I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important, I swear.”
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
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lincoln was running back through the forest, back to his brother at camp haven since his mission was done. he always completed his missions in good time, and headed back to check on his brother before recieving his next orders. however when he heard the almighty crack of what was clearly a person lurking within the trees he stopped and spun, his gun already aimed in the direction the sound came from with his finger on the trigger.
“i should be asking the same question.” he called back, heading in the voices direction until he finally saw the girls face. link recognised her as a soldier from camp, and instantly stood down. “i’m lincoln gray, a soldier in camp haven. i believe we’ve probably met, in passing so if you didn’t shoot i’d appreciate it. why are you on your own?” link knew that was a little hypocritical but he worked better on his own, he only had himself to worry about and that way he wasn’t distracted if they sent his little brother with him. “what’s your name? do you need help?” lincoln offered help to soldiers and family only. survivors he came across he did not trust until they proved himself, and anyone else including them his brutality shone through, but he can’t fight his own. they’re in this together, and he knows that’s the best way forward.
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missions. vienna had been sent on them frequently lately, not knowing why ( it was because she didn’t hesitate in what she k i l l e d, though of course she wouldn’t be told that. ) her squad had gone ahead of her, per her own orders. the forest was dangerous this time of day – she sun was setting, a light drizzle of rain blurring the vision of anyone who might’ve still been h u m a n. it was too treacherous – especially for those she held so dearly to whatever she had left of her heart.
which is why she didn’t think twist about ducking behind a tree and pressing her back flat against it when vienna saw a blur of what seemed like a body through the haze of rain and trees. what she didn’t count on was her damn near unsteady foot to step on a fallen branch. CRACK ! just like that, echoing throughout the otherwise dead quiet forest. her cover was already blown, and she knew it by the sudden stillness, as if someone had stopped. might as well do something. so, gun held up, eyes narrowed, she side-stepped out from the tree cover.
‘ WHO’S THERE? ’ simple, but hopefully effective.
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
i don’t believe so. what’s your name, kid? and where are you heading?
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&&. — do i know you? you seem familiar.
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
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“what are you doing out here? as far as i know, nobody should be here.” link spoke as he slowly walked towards the person who had their back too him, his hand instinctively already on his pistol. being a soldier, he knew not to go in all guns blazing or innocent people ended up dead, but he wasn’t stupid. he was ready to shoot, and shoot fast, if needs be. 
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lincolnxgray · 8 years
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“he had this look in his eyes that made you wonder just how many people he’s killed. and this grin that made you realize he’s probably lost count.”      
NAME: Lincoln Charles Gray
AGE: 24
ORIGIN: San Diego, California
+ level-headed, confident, logical
- brutal, cunning, stubborn
Lincoln was the first of the Gray children. With this came a duty to protect the siblings that came after him. They all varied in personalities and he had to take a different approach with each one.
He’s always had all three of his siblings looking up to him and it’s a lot of pressure for him, but he refuses to crack. He tries his best to set a good example for each of them to follow in their own ways.
Their parents didn’t last long and passed during the very first wave in a plane crash. He and Caspar were separated from the twins after the third wave.
While looking for the twins at a refugee camp, they were recruited. Lincoln wished that Caspar was with the twins and not with him, due to the fact that he knew that there was no turning back. There was going to be blood on his hands, but he didn’t want any on Caspar’s. But he also knew that it was better to stick together than to be apart.
Delilah Gray - his younger sister. the maternal one out of them and also the second oldest. she had always been his right hand (wo)man. he adored her and was proud of the women she had been becoming.
Caspar Gray - his youngest brother, the one he has to look after the most. caspar was the most kind-hearted people he knew and with all that happened it still remained constant. he is his rock and he doesn’t wanna lose him.
Miles Gray - his younger brother and a trouble maker at times. he had always been the harder brother to handle. but he saw all of his redeeming qualities as well. he was always the one who had to talk miles down and save him from himself.
combat, weaponry, communication
medicine, culinary, botany
GROUP: Soldier
FACE-CLAIM: Colton Haynes
ORIENTATION: Homosexual (in the closet).
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