linaastacio · 6 years
Míla had a few different things on the stove when Lina came into her kitchen, pleading for sustenance. “What would you like? This is beef stroganoff, this is clam chowder, and this—with any luck—is going to become a very tender rack of lamb. I have sides, too, if none of those strike your fancy.”
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She looked towards the stove. “I’ll have a bowl of the chowder please, and perhaps some of the lamb when it’s finished. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good piece of lamb.” Catalina said, offering a smile.
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linaastacio · 6 years
Ciarán shrugged off her apology, not minding the offense too much. “S’alright. No harm done.” His hands found his pockets as he stood across from her, listening. “Which king, if you don’t mind?”
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“The Spanish King.” Catalina answered, “The one before the tyrant that hold the throne now, of course.” She felt the need to point that out. As it were, she still operated under the orders of the previous King and the his son had yet to recall her to bless her with new orders, so. She’d proceed to protecting her princess, even if it meant protecting her against her own brother.
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linaastacio · 6 years
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Catalina wasn’t always the best at enjoying company. In fact, she’d gotten so used to being alone that at times she’d even made a habit of pushing away her girlfriend, which sucked on so many levels. Good thing she was good at putting up with her. Most of the royals however, she didn’t have the luxury with. No matter how sweet they were. With them, she deigned to make quiet conversation, and hope that eventually they’d get tired and leave. 
“I hear that there’s something in the works among the staff.” Catalina said, to the Prince. Not a lie. But when were the Citadel staff not plotting against them?
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linaastacio · 6 years
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“I do my best not to attract attention. So either I’ve done something terribly wrong, or someone else has.” Catalina found herself on the defensive most times when the Citadel staff approached her. She supposed there was always this fear that lingered that she’d do something that meant she fucked up. “I didn’t do anything did I?”
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linaastacio · 6 years
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“You should come on in, the water is fine!” Catalina had made time for herself to take a few hours to spend in the pool. Not the first time she’d done it. Not by far but it’d been quite a bit since her Princess had arrived. And she’d been pretty busy. But Her Highness was at the spa, and Catalina took the time to make use of the pool. 
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linaastacio · 6 years
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“Oh mi dios, sometimes I hate being the assistant to a royal. They can be so demanding.” Catalina flopped herself downward into a chair, her eyes casting upward towards Mila. “Please feed me all of the delicious things, dearheart.”
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linaastacio · 6 years
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Catalina offered the slightest of curtsies towards the English Princess. The action not at all as formal as it should’ve probably been. Then again, she was a tad bit desensitized to the formality of greeting royals. Given her presence among them for so long. “You look like your having fun?” She asked.
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linaastacio · 6 years
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Catalina was often careful of when she came to the training area for the guard staff. She wanted to make sure that it was empty when she came to practice. As it were, she was here under the title of assistant, but not without it’s perks. If she broadcast to the world that she was also doubling as the Princesa’s guard? It would make all of her training a moot point would it not. 
Which was why she waited for such a late time to come out here. Hoping it’d be empty. However she was wrong. Fuck.  “Si no es el pequeño de Austria cachorro, ¿cómo estás?” She found herself laughing.
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linaastacio · 6 years
Ciarán laughed off her comment, watching the blade and payment change hands. She held it like she knew it intimately. “I’m just sayin’ I’m impressed, that’s all. Don’t you know it’s rude to call people stupid?”
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“Sorry.” Catalina said after a moment of silence, spent hiding the blade in a holster under her dress. “I’m a little moody.” She sighed. Not that that was at all a good excuse. Far from it. “To answer your question. Yes. I do. I spent a lot of time back home managing weapons for the king as part of my training.” She left out the part where she was skilled in their use. 
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linaastacio · 6 years
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“Hey, no judgment here,” Scott said, holding up his in fake surrender. “You should always be prepared, especially in a place like this.” He picked up a small boot dagger made of damascus steel, pulling it out of its black leather sheath before looking at the one the girl had in her hands. “Oh, you would go for the pretty, twisted handle. Typical.”
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“Typical?” She asked, there was a spike of something in her tone. Which she did her best to keep a hold on. “There is nothing wrong with liking to have pretty things.” Especially when she could use such a pretty thing to-- Manners, Catalina. You are not a guard unless you have to be.
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linaastacio · 6 years
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“That was not the look I was giving.” He said with a shake of his head and a huff of laughter in his voice. He was probably one of the least judgemental people you could meet; he wasn’t of noble birth and in fact had come from very humble beginnings being the son of a fisherman in England. He’d come a long way since then. “I was admiring your choice of daggers.” He too had been looking at the intricate details of the craftsmanship. He reached out and picked up another of the collection feeling the way the hilt sat nicely even in his own hand.
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“They are quite exceptional, right?” Catalina said. She looked over the jeweled piece of work in her hand. After a moment she sat it back down on the display and turned her attention to the English Guard. “Daggers are nice, but I prefer to consider myself a polearm kind of woman.”
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linaastacio · 6 years
Ciarán cleared his throat when the girl noticed him staring, watching her survey the weapons with what looked like impressive expertise. With no formal training—only his street smarts and fake credentials—to his name (his real one, not his fake one), he was always looking to pick up a new skill. “I wasn’t tryin’ to judge you. I just thought you had the look of someone who knew what they were lookin’ at, there. Would I be right?”
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There was a moments pause from Catalina as she turned to look him over properly. “And you don’t? Aren’t you supposed to be a guard yourself? I’d figure you know more about them than an assistant.” She said, handing money over to the merchant for the blade she was handling. It was nice to find those willing to make and sell weapons for the guards of the Citadel. 
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linaastacio · 6 years
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linaastacio · 6 years
Like this post for a closed starter when I get home from work.
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linaastacio · 6 years
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my top 20 tv ships of all time #9. amberle and eretria - t h e  s h a n n a r a  c h r o n i c l e s “when i found you, all you kept saying was amberle.”
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linaastacio · 6 years
location: the markets time: afternoon
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“What’s with the face? You’re giving me this look like I’ve murdered someone.” Catalina said, her head tilting to the side, “Is it because I’m looking at this collection of knives and you’re being judgemental, or did I grow a second head? Please tell me it’s not the second one, I’d really hate to have to share my body with another me.”
That said, she picked up one of the daggers and weighted it in her hands. It had a good grip, and it was very pretty. 
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linaastacio · 6 years
⋆ ° ⟡ ( IVANA BAQUERO, twenty-one, female, she/her ) i always see CATALINA ASTACIO wandering around the citadel. i wonder if they find themselves longing for SPAIN, after all, they’ve been here for 2 YEARS. i consider the PERSONAL ASSISTANT to be CARING, however everyone knows they can also be CLOSED OFF. you can always find them at THE KITCHEN, and i heard they’re planning to FIND LOVE IN A HOPELESS PLACE.
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---Catalina have two siblings who are both employed within the Citadel. Her older sister, Cadenza is an entertainer and her older brother Juan Pablo is a chef in the kitchens. 
---Catalina was trained from a young age by the royal family due to her connections within the Citadel, and her proximity in age to the Princesa. 
---She was trained as a Personal Assistant. But also in the art of various means of battle. The reasoning behind this, is she’s meant to be a guard for the Principe and Princesa as well as an assistant. 
---The former Spanish King told her that she’d be assuming the title of Assistant, instead of guard, because “No one would suspect an assistant to be capable of defense on a guards level, and I much like to know who my enemies are.” 
---Despite being of no relation, due to how much time she spent with the royal family and the age from which she was taken into their care Catalina considers them family. She was hit hard by the news of Late King’s departure from their world. 
---She’s hates being alone, in her youth she was often alone outside of her lessons, and that loneliness haunts her. But because she hasn’t had anyone, she’s hardened herself to the feeling and can come off as a bit closed off.
---She was permitted to spend a week with her parents before her departure to the Citadel, before she left, she was given a locket with a family photograph, and the words “We’re always with you.” inscribed inside.  ---Catalina is a strong, fiercely independent woman. And she will break walls and worlds for the people she cares for. If you can find yourself in such a position. You should consider yourself lucky.
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