limping-twerp · 5 years
people today with access to more raw information than any other period: the earth is flat
german artilleryman in 1916, who barely washes his own ass: I need to account for the curvature and rotation of the earth when plotting my firing plans
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limping-twerp · 6 years
Oh my god, food extract is not the same as an essential oil.
Food extract is the flavoring of something cooked down into a carrier oil or alcohol that is safe for human ingestion.
Essential oil is the pure extract of the plant refined down and distilled for concentrated medicinal purposes to a significantly higher strength than simply adding ground up mint leaves to your water. The two are not comparable in any way.
Cinnamon extract and cinnamon essential oil are not the same thing.
One is about 100 times the strength of the other and can also cause acute organ failure. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the food extract.
Sweet gods I’m not trying to be mean, I want you to be aware and safe and stop putting yourselves and others at risk. Please.
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limping-twerp · 6 years
It aas good but elevated to great during that last scene...with the Muslim guy praying at the mosque and the Christian guy praying in the church...
One of the most beautiful commercials I have ever seen. Good on you, Amazon Prime. 
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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Today in Racist Fuckery (5.11.18): Sarah Braasch, the racist who reported Yale graduate student Lolade Siyonbola for sleeping in a dorm common room has a LONG history of bullshit. Not only has she called the police on Black students before, simply for existing, she takes pride in winning pro-slavery debates, shaming Muslim women, and being vehemently pro-hate speech. The fact that Yale has yet to take action on a student that habitually threatens the safety of Black students shows their lack of commitment in creating a safe and equitable learning environment. Moreso, Braasch’s self-proclaimed feminism and pro-human rights bona fides make a farce of all too many “white allies” who offer only their conditional and situational solidarity. I can’t even say anything about demanding justice at this point. All I can say is be wary and weary of oppressors claiming to be “allies” for your liberation. #trustissues
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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limping-twerp · 6 years
Have any of your friendships ever ended because you were always the first one to talk to someone and one day you stopped to see if they would talk to you first and they never did so you just stopped talking to each other?
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limping-twerp · 6 years
Your boss is not your friend. Your boss is not someone you can trust. Your relationship with your boss needs to be entirely professional.
Do not do your boss favours. No working for free. No doing unreasonable duties. No working outside the hours you state as available.
Do not say anything to your boss. About anything. Keep it work related. They will only use personal information against you.
Know your rights. Know the laws. Your boss will come at you trying to get you to quit like its a favour to you. Its usually because they can’t legally fire you.
Be wary around your coworkers. Some will have no problem passing things along to your boss. Such as your mental health or financial standing
Never offer to pay for anything lost, stolen or broken. Especially if money is missing from the till.
Demand safe working conditions.
Your boss is only there to exploit your labour for profit. Unfortunately you need that labour to sustain yourself. Just be careful.
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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limping-twerp · 6 years
IMPORTANT! Gravy Train Dog Food was had a recall.
The food was tainted with and contains euthanasia. 
Source: (x)
A bunch of dogs, including my own, eat Gravy Train. It’s a very affordable wet canned dog food, so many people buy it. and my dog has to eat it because she’s lost most of her teeth and can’t chew.
Even if you don’t have a dog, your followers probably do, and plenty of them are at risk. You could save a life.
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limping-twerp · 6 years
On Dentists
So I can’t brush my teeth. Like, it’s the worst kind of hell. I went to the dentist for a cleaning today and I told the hygienist this, and she was wonderfully helpful.
There are some incredibly soft toothbrushes available- namely, post-surgical brushes. Running them under hot water makes them even softer.
She told me that you don’t really need to use toothpaste- it’s mostly marketing. The foam gets to me, so that is really reassuring.
She gave me two particularly soft brushes and some xylitol gum. Trident is a market brand of xylitol gum, which helps with your teeth and can make your breath smell better.
The whole purpose of brushing is to disrupt plaque buildup. You don’t need to brush twice a day, every day with toothpaste if you brush correctly- little circles, focusing on near the gums (where most plaque builds up). So if you’re having a bad sensory day and can’t brush at all, it’s not the end of the world.
Hell, you don’t even need a toothbrush if even the post-surgical ones are too harsh. Going over your teeth with the same motions using a washcloth is enough.
She wants to find a fluoride rinse that has a taste I can stand (peppermint is the only mint I can stand) but she’s not particularly worried about it.
I go to Dr. Barr in Chicago. If you can get to the State St. Macy’s, his office is nearby. He’s very kind and patient and really understanding of my needs as an autistic person. The hygienist, I don’t know her name, announced everything she was going to do before she did it, and stopped frequently to see how I was doing.
This is really the only positive dentist I’ve ever had- past dentists have been too rough and not bothered to help find ways I can actually brush.
Basically this is a glowing recommendation for Dr. Barr’s office if you’re autistic, afraid of dentists, or have sensory needs. This is a recommendation even if you don’t have any of those things.
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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limping-twerp · 6 years
how do u actually save bees?
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limping-twerp · 6 years
Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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This makes my blood boil..They really do not gaf about poor people..
Rest in peace Yeweinisht Mesfin. You won’t be forgotten.
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limping-twerp · 6 years
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