lilmou5ie · 4 months
The infamous leg hook
Ahh, why does Larian have to hide the angle from us...
15K notes · View notes
lilmou5ie · 5 months
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226K notes · View notes
lilmou5ie · 5 months
Astarion brain rot
684 notes · View notes
lilmou5ie · 5 months
(from Neil's stream)
358 notes · View notes
lilmou5ie · 6 months
things i wish i had known when i escaped my family household and couldn't ask my parents for help
invest in a good mattress early on. there are many other ends you can save on - sleep is not one of them. this is key to how much energy you'll have throughout the day
you don't need a bedframe but you do need a slatted bed base (even if it's just pallets)
opening a bank account is easy
there's youtube tutorials for everything. how to install your washing machine, how to use tools, fixing stuff around the place. channels like dad, how do i? are a godsend
change energy provider as soon as your old deal runs out. you'll get better offers elsewhere and avoid price gouging
assemble a basic first aid kid at home: painkillers, probiotics, alcohol wipes, bandages, tweezers, antihistamine tablets - anything you might need in a pinch
and an emergency toolkit: flashlight, extra batteries, a utility knife, an adjustable wrench, multi-tool, duct tape
set your fridge to the lowest temperature it can go. the energy consumption is minimal in difference and it'll give you +4/7 days on most foods
off-brand products are almost always the same in quality and taste, if not better, for half the price
coupons will save you a lot of money in the long run
there's no reason to be shy around employees at the bank/laundromat/store; most people will be happy to help
vegetarian diets are generally cheap if you make food from scratch
breakfast is as important as they say
keep track of your budget in a notebook or excel file - e.g. rent, phone and internet bills, food, leisure so you'll have an overlook on your spending over the months
don't gamble
piracy is okay
stealing from big stores and chains is also ethically okay
keep medical bills and pharmacy receipts for tax returns
also, file your tax returns early
take up a hobby that isn't in front of a screen. pottery, music, going for a run every now and then, stuff that'll keep you busy and sane
and most importantly... you're allowed to get the stuff you want. treat yourself to the occasional mundane thing. a good scented candle. a bath bomb. that body lotion that makes you feel like royalty. the good coffee beans.
you're free and you deserve to be happy.
34K notes · View notes
lilmou5ie · 8 months
The Arrangement (1)
Summary: You managed to convince Astarion not to go through with the rite of profane ascension. He remains a vampire spawn, and you now offer your blood from time to time to help with his sanguine hunger until a solution is found. Even though you had both decided to stay as friends back in Moonrise Towers, lines begin to blur once more as other cravings come to the surface… and things with Astarion are seldom uncomplicated.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Word count: 6k
Warnings: 18+. Endgame spoilers. Blood drinking. Mutual pining. Biting. S*xual tension. Mentions of past trauma.
Series masterlist . AO3
"He's upstairs."
You nodded curtly, but before you could turn in your heels and head to the wooden staircase, you felt a hand grip at your arm.
"He hasn't been paying his due," Bork, the Blushing Mermaid tavern's publican, said with a rise of his brows.
"Noble room again?"
As expected. Astarion would sooner be caught dead again than having to stay at a merchant or peasant room.
He adored all things lavish and that extended to his accommodations, naturally.
"I'll cover for it," you said, snatching your arm away. "How much?"
He bared his yellow teeth. "Thirty gold pieces."
You felt Shadowheart's burning gaze on you. She didn't approve of you cleaning after him. Especially since her protective instinct dragged her along with you every single time.
"Very well," you said through gritted teeth, rummaging through your pouch, and handing him the expected amount. 
"Good," the older man said with a twirl of his kitchen knife. "If your pale friend does it again, he's done for."
Threats like this would usually warrant you to bare your dagger or cast a less friendly spell, but you couldn't afford to cause a scene.
Not in front of so many onlookers. 
You felt Shadowheart briefly tense up by your side. "Do hurry up. I shall wait for you."
Nodding, you gave her an assuring nod before heading up the staircase. 
The first floor was reserved for the highest paying customers, and it was heavily decorated and with candles spreading along the narrow corridor.
You paced quickly along the wooden floor, already knowing where to find him.
Room 7.
At this point, you were already over common pleasantries, so you skipped knocking at the door and just barged inside.
You heard a sleepy groan from the crimson bed placed at the centre of the luxurious room.
Astarion wasn't alone.
He was laying on top of the silk sheets, flipping through a book, seemingly undisturbed by your sudden appearance. Curiously enough, he was fully clothed, wearing a frill shirt and his regular trousers. 
However, the woman next to him was very much fully naked, with only a blanket draping over her bare torso.
The sight made your stomach twist and turn.
"Hello, darling," he said casually as if you had just walked in on him picking flowers. 
She peeked over her shoulder with a horrified look spreading across her pleasant face.
Of course she was extremely attractive.
She let out a shriek. "Do you mind?"
"No," you said dryly.
She immediately rolled out of bed, shooting a murderous glance your way, while scrambling to collect her belongings from the carpeted floor.
The door snapped shut behind her, and you were already pacing toward his bedside table once you spotted his coinpurse.
"Happy, are you? You scared her off, poor thing," he shook his head, feigning disapproval.
"You owe me."
You reached out to grab the thick pouch, but caught sight of the glint of a blade and the cool touch of metal being pressed gently against the back of your hand. 
"Ah-ah-ah..." he tutted with a click of his tongue. "Where are your manners?"
He seemed very serious all of a sudden, but you knew better. "I'll hex you."
"Faster than me piercing through your skin?" he asked, tapping the flat side of the blade playfully on your skin.
You really did consider hexing him for a split second just out of spite. "You overestimate your abilities."
"And you could have cursed me already, but are too lost in my dashing good looks."
Your jaw dropped in utter disbelief.
"That lovely mouth of yours could never compete with my agile fingers."
The insinuation wasn't even subtle, and it was enough to make your blood boil.
You scowled deeply at him, shoving his dagger out of the way. "Thirty gold pieces."
He slipped the blade under his pillow again with a devious grin.
"Bork was rather eager to have at you, so I just paid him. Maybe next time I won't intervene."
"And what would he do? Kill me again?"
Point taken.
A dangerous smile danced across his lips. "And here I thought you intended to start charging me for our arrangement."
You glared at him intensely, feeling momentarily outraged. "You're the one profiting off of it. Entirely."
"Hmm, debatable."
You narrowed your eyes. "If anything, you should be paying me, no?"
He snatched the coinpurse from your grasp, tugging it open before handing you a few gold pieces. 
"Here you go, darling. Sixty gold pieces," he said, voice dripping with amusement. "Buy yourself a new attire, while you're at it."
You glanced down the length of your body, arching a brow and straightening your shirt and trousers. "What's wrong with my clothes?"
Astarion scoffed. "I don't even know where to begin, but do not fret. You could be wearing nothing but a rotting sack of potatoes, and I would still not be deterred from your neck."
You pressed your lips tightly together, and glanced at the gold pieces in your hand. "Your sweet-talking skills have been slightly below par as of late."
He chuckled, crossing his hands behind his head and against the meticulously wooden-carved headboard. "Yet here you are."
Not that you had much of a choice, really.
Halving the sum of money he had given you, you shoved the rest in your pocket while placing the other half on the table.
"Keep it."
"Don't be ridiculous," you groaned.
"Working on your flattery, I see?"
He was enjoying this far too much, and the more you talked back, the more you instigated him to continue.
"Why don't you just pay him when he asks for it?"
"Oh, darling…"
Here we go…
He was casually checking his hands, putting on his condescending demeanour. "Patience is a virtue he clearly lacks. If I'm to live eternally, I might as well teach these commoners some manners."
"Or you just adore getting on people's nerves," you said with a sly smile.
He grinned so wide, you caught a glimpse of his razor-sharp fangs peeking through. "You know me too well."
You used to think so.
Now, you weren't so sure.
Clearing your throat, you looked around the dimly lit room until your eyes settled on the large majestic bed. "She was really pretty."
"You sound surprised."
"Not at all. She does fit your type."
He laughed dramatically, further grinding your nerves. "I have a type?"
You gave him a look.
"You mean outrageously beautiful and undeniably entertaining?" he asked innocently. "Like you?"
Your heart jolted.
His method of seduction was deemed nigh pristine, and a few weeks ago, you would have maybe fallen hard for this level of charm.
But not anymore.
Well, for the most part…
"She was not outrageously beautiful."
He placed on hand at his chest, feigning hurt. "First you rob me, and now you question my taste in beauty. I'm not entirely sure my dead heart can take much more of this."
You huffed, crossing your arms before glancing out the window. The full moon lit up the street below, as the night began to draw out those who preferred to keep to the shadows.
And those who had no choice but to do so.
Like Astarion.
"I didn't do it."
His voice startled you and you stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"
He paused briefly. "I didn't do anything with her, if that's what you're thinking. There is an odd comfort in being surrounded by beauty, even if only to glare at, and nothing else."
Your heart clenched at how vulnerable he sounded all of a sudden. His pleasing face held an expression that you'd seen many times before…
The ripple effects of centuries of torture and abuse still slipped through the cracks of his usual pompous demeanour.
"Your personal matters are your own, Astarion. No need to justify yourself."
He stared at you in silence for a moment, and the urge to reach out to embrace him nearly took over.
Until his features began to twist into a light frown. "Don't look at me like that. I can't stand it."
"Like what?"
"That look. Pity. Spare me," he groaned with a roll of his eyes.
You weren't surprised in the slightest that he went into his defensive mode so rapidly.
He would fluctuate so often around you these days, that it gave you whiplash. Some days, he would let his guard down and allow you in, while others were plagued with him having a brick wall up around him if you happened to breathe in the wrong direction.
You had learned how to navigate through his tough exterior when the two of you traveled together, and as he opened more and more to you.
It all culminated when you offered your help against Cazador, and having him make the decision not to go through with the ritual that would doom so many souls – including his own — in the process.
He had thanked you for saving him from himself.
But nowadays, talking to him was like walking on eggshells while simultaneously dancing around his weathervane mood.
It was as if your relationship had somewhat soured over the past few weeks, and all the remnants of a solid friendship were now beginning to crack.
"You know, you don't have to be here," you said softly, trying to disperse the tension. "You are more than welcome to stay with us."
Astarion snickered darkly. "And having to endure that dullard? Please. I'd rather stake myself, darling."
You rolled your eyes and heaved a sigh at the targeted provocation.
"Gale is not a dullard. He is quite inter-"
But he began to part his mouth into a forced yawn. "Boring already! See, this is what happens when you choose to surround yourself with such unstimulating company – it spreads, and you used to be so much fun," he finished with a dramatic pout.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you sent him a death glare. "He's not the only one there."
There was a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes. "Oh, yes! How could I forget Shadowheart and her magnificent ability to bore me." He swung his feet off the bed, standing gracefully. "Or perhaps you mean Lae'zel? She's clearly in debt to whichever god bestows a sense of humour."
An added layer of defense: sarcasm.
No one wielded it quite like Astarion, which also proved to be a major inconvenience when trying to win an argument. 
I'm also there, you wanted to say, but chose to remain silent.
Deep down, you detested how you still longed for his company. Even after so many weeks had gone by. Even when he seemed so averse to it outside of this… arrangement.
Your relationship had been reduced to nothing more than a transaction.
Once again.
Your blood for his hunger to be quenched even if only momentarily.
"Or are you referring to yourself?" he mused, pacing towards you while adjusting his shirt.
It was extremely infuriating that he could see through you so easily.
"Let's get this over with, then," you said, words stinging in your throat.
He offered a faint smile, as he came to stand before you. "I must say, our weekly encounters are nothing short of exciting," he brought his fingers to your jaw, tilting your head gently as his eyes roamed across your neck. "And I am positively famished."
You felt a gentle tug at the collar or your shirt, and glanced down to see him undoing the buttons with just one hand. 
All those years of honing his dexterity were bound to come in handy at the most convenient of times,  and Astarion would never shy away from displaying his expertise.
Your senses were suddenly hit with the faint scent of bergamot, rosemary, and aged brandy.
His scent.
The same that once brought you comfort through the toughest of times.
But now…
"Which side will it be this time?"
You swallowed hard, shuddering. "You decide."
He caressed your neck tenderly, tipping your head to the opposite side, half-hooded eyes roaming across your exposed skin.
"Ever so generous."
You huffed in annoyance. "Astarion."
He didn't need to be warned twice, and you soon felt his soft lips brush across your skin, as he searched for your steady pulse. The contact made you jolt slightly and he took your hands in his, placing them at his waist.
"Hold on, darling," he whispered, as his breath fanned your flushed skin, before darting out his agile tongue and enclosing his lips around the selected area.
You had let him feed on you many times before, but the flutter was ever present. It wasn't out of fear or concern that he might take it too far. He never did. But the knowledge that you were, once again, involved in something so intimate truly gnawed at your nerves.
As soon as you felt the initial sting, you balled your fists, gripping the fabric of his shirt tight, as you hissed in pain. 
He held your jaw in between his fingers whilst his other hand was firmly pressed to the back of your head, making sure you were anchored in place.
Astarion moaned first – a muffled and deep sound that reverberated across his lips with each mouthful of blood he downed.
Your eyes dropped close all of a sudden and he  pressed his body against yours, acting purely on the instinct driven by his bloodlust. 
And just like all those times before, you began to feel it.
With each passing second, the all too familiar and ever-growing pressure in your lower abdomen became harder and harder to ignore.
He had once revealed how your blood worked like an aphrodisiac whenever he drank from you; how he couldn't keep his body from reacting to it, and, ultimately, to you. After all, you had been the first thinking creature he had ever fed on. 
As such, you had grown accustomed to his erection being pressed firmly against you – a constant reminder of how easy it was for him to make you yearn for more.
Whatever pain you had left from the initial bite, had morphed into a very subtle wave of pleasure that spread from between your legs.
You cursed inwardly, tugging harder at his shirt.
You didn't wish for your body to be so… primal. 
Even with blood being drained from you, and the act itself being considered so profane, it was still a much welcome moment of intimacy that you had come to embrace. 
A soft roll of his hips lulled you into him like a moth to a flame. Your body struggled with fading from the blood loss as well with the increasing throb between your thighs.
At this point, you couldn't help but moan softly as he eased his grip on you until he had fully withdrawn his teeth from you. 
Your eyes fluttered open and you had to blink twice to disperse the haziness blurring your vision.
Crimson red tainted his lips, and droplets of the warm liquid threatened to spill over. The sight of him revelling in your blood used to make your stomach turn, but now it had morphed into a habit.
But what truly caught your attention was how he looked faintly… displeased?
He lowered his head, crimson eyes locking in with yours. 
"That was quick," you whispered, struggling to ease your throbbing clit, as his erection was still very much pressed against you.
But now he was frowning. 
Suddenly, you felt experienced fingertips trailed across your lower abdomen, casually teasing the hem of your waistband.
You sucked in a breath, chills sprawling all over your body, as he began to trace down your thigh, just where your dagger was resting.
"What are you–"
He pressed a long finger to his blood-stained lips and you swallowed, his eyes darkening. "We have company."
Before you could process his words, you felt your dagger being yanked swiftly from its sheath. With a languid shift of his feet, you watched as he threw the sharp blade across the room.
Just as it cut through the air, the large wooden door began to swing open and Shadowheart came into view.
The dagger landed dangerously close to her head, the tip carving into the wood and wobbling faintly.
She frowned slightly. "You missed."
He darted out his tongue to collect droplets of blood. "Did I?"
She looked positively unimpressed by such a display of skill, even one that could have easily maimed her.
But he had deliberately missed.
Of course he had.
You caught a glimpse of Astarion's reddened ears – the ultimate proof that he had recently fed, and one that, somehow, sent a shiver down your spine.
The bloodless effect was also beginning to take a hold of your body, as dizziness spread more and more.
Snapping out of your transfixed gaze, you hurriedly brought the handkerchief in your pocket to apply some pressure to your bleeding wound.
"Stealth was never your forte, darling," Astarion mused, visibly annoyed. "You're about as subtle as a pack of gnolls."
A teasing smile parted her lips. "You have such a way with words."
He grinned deviously. "It's called being eloquent, dear Shadowheart. Not that you'd know anything about that."
"I was taught to converse with others without constantly resorting to sarcasm," she mused, hurling your dagger back at him. "Not that you'd know anything about that."
As expected, he caught it in between his fingers with little to no effort, twirling it easily with the expertise that only centuries of practice could provide.
He clicked his tongue. "No wonder you're so tedious. But… eavesdropping? My, my… how unbecoming of you, darling."
A flash of surprise crossed her face. "I - I was doing no such thing! I merely decided to make sure everything was all right." Her face softened as she turned to you, her usual caring nature surfacing. "Do you need any healing?"
You smiled warmly at her, patting the pouch at your hip. "No need, thank you. Brought the scroll of Lesser Restoration you gave me."
Astarion scoffed.
Shadowheart ignored him. "I ought to go. Gale needs my assistance with some letters he's received from Waterdeep," she said, straightening up to her default stoic pose. "I trust you're quite done here."
You nodded, clearing your throat.
"What, you're not joining us for a nibble?" Astarion pouted dramatically.
"Over my dead body."
He looked as amused as ever. "That can certainly  be arranged. Though I prefer fresh blood… right from the source."
Her features hardened once more and you decided to intervene. "Will you stop it? You're like a cat with its claws out."
Astarion snapped his head at you. "Excuse me? Claws?"
"Would it kill you - well, again - not to be so damn abrasive all the time?" 
He groaned sheepishly. "She interrupted my feeding. It can be quite hard to resist the urge to behead her."
Shadowheart's gaze dropped to his lower half with the slightest uptick of one corner of her mouth. "By the looks of it, Astarion, you have other hardships to concern yourself with."
A rush of heat spread across your face as you followed her line of sight and were met by the very prominent outline of his erection strained against his trousers.
He turned around, mumbling curses under his breath to adjust himself, and Shadowheart looked at you with a triumphant smile.
It wasn't an easy feat to silence Astarion, yet she had achieved it so gracefully.
"I'll see you later, I suppose," she mused and you nodded. "It was rather entertaining seeing you again, Astarion."
He threw her an infuriating glance over his shoulder.
By the time she had closed the door behind her, you were already taking the scroll into your hands and whispering the incantation, as the paper scroll began to disintegrate itself.
A wave of warmth spread through your hands, before engulfing your body in it. Strength and heightened senses gradually returned to you as the lasting effects of him feeding on you dispersed. 
From the corner of your eye, you spotted him glaring at you with a visible sulk. 
"I'll come back next week."
"Leaving already?" He asked, fake heartbreak twisting his features and voice. "Was wondering if you could, perhaps, give me a hand."
He handed you your dagger, which you promptly slid back inside its sheath.
Your eyes then widened at his not so subtle suggestion.
Uncertainty boiled deep within you, and you had to muster your will to keep yourself from immediately leaving.
Astarion's healing path had been one he had decided to tread alone. The relationship he had with sex had been the reason you two had decided to be as friends and nothing more. You had fallen hard for him – or his deceit – but you figured what he truly needed was a friend and not a lover.
And so you left your infatuation for him behind.
It was better off this way.
But now… watching him fall back to his usual charming advances made you somewhat wary. Was he back to forcing himself to seek intimacy with his body, because he still couldn't do it effectively in any other way? Was he simply feeling more at ease?
You met his sultry gaze and cleared your throat. "Well, I'm sure you can ask that outrageously beautiful woman to help you out, if that is what you truly seek."
That seemed to have caught him by surprise, and he cocked his head. "What?"
"She seemed positively distraught for having to leave your company so early," you said, dragging the handkerchief down your neck to wipe off the trail of blood.
A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy, darling?"
"Delusion does not suit you, darling."
He took a few steps towards you until you could see the crimson of his eyes flicker as they studied your face.
Your stomach turned.
The proximity made you feel vulnerable and you immediately felt naked under his burning gaze. 
Astarion had over two centuries of practice when it came to reading others. It wasn't an easy feat to deceive him, and you were no exception.
"We traveled together for so long and I can safely say I never took you for a liar – perhaps too soft-hearted for my liking, but not a liar."
"I did not lie," you shot back, lifting your chin in defiance. "I can offer you my friendship and even my blood, but I'm not so sure about anything else."
He heaved a deep sigh.
"I just fed on you and the bloodlust can be quite… overwhelming," he confessed. "I usually take care of it myself, but you did taste absolutely exquisite tonight, what can I say?"
That caught you off guard.
"What do you mean? Take care of…" your voice trailed off as realization hit you.
Astarion clicked his tongue. "Don't act so surprised. You can feel it whenever I'm feeding, can't you?" He took another step back and only came to a halt once your back was pressed against the carved-wood wall. "There is only so much I can withstand with your delicious blood coursing through my body, darling."
You swallowed hard. 
He was being particularly firm on his advances tonight. You were used to his occasional flirtatious remarks whenever he fed on you ever since the arrangement took place. However, this was bringing things to a whole new level.
One that you hadn't expected you'd reach ever again with him.
Somehow, you managed to find your voice. "Maybe you should stop feeding on me, then?"
A weightless taunt, obviously.
Crimson eyes darted all over your face as if studying you. He remained silent for what seemed like an eternity, before the corner of his mouth curled into an intriguing smile.
He had seen immediately right through it.
"If that is what you wish, then so be it," he said in a rather dismissive tone, but still towering over you.
You arched a brow. "That's it?"
"Darling, as immortal as I am, I do not beg," he continued, now tracing around the fresh bite marks on your skin with uncharacteristic tenderness. "I will surely find other exquisite necks to sink my teeth into."
His words carried a hint of a threat, which unsettled you. 
"That was not the arrangement, Astarion," you said with a scowl. "It's either wild animals or my blood."
His fingertips paused at your pulse point, and you were certain he could feel the throbbing increasing rapidly. "How possessive of you, my dear," he mused playfully. "Although, I am quite sure you are aware that many do carry fantasies with vampires."
You pressed your lips together in a silent reply.
A man as attractive as Astarion was bound to allure all sorts of attention. When passing through Moonrise Towers, the drow Araj had tried to have him bite her in exchange for a rather powerful potion, but you had assured him that you did not demand anything against his will.
The memory still left a sour taste in your mouth.
But he did have a point.
Vampires could be regarded as a taste of the forbidden, and he could certainly deliver it.
"That was not the arrangement," you repeated through gritted teeth, deciding to ignore his previous remark.
His eyes narrowed dangerously in an instant.
"'The arrangement'," he mocked, inching near and pinning you frozen against the wall with the weight of his burning stare. "Does dear Wyll know that I haven't been exclusively feeding on wild animals? Because that was the arrangement, darling," his face drew closer and his cool breath fanned your skin.
Upon becoming Duke of Baldur's Gate, Wyll had agreed to allow Astarion to reside within its walls, but not without assuring he posed no danger to others.
But then you decided to volunteer in aiding him until a solution to his vampiric condition could be found. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long to find something useful. 
Your research had led to a couple of enchanted items, but those were rare to come by. A wish spell seemed to be the easiest way, but even as a sorcerer and with Gale's help, it would be extremely challenging.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. "He does. He knows blood from thinking creatures sates you more effectively, so he allows it for the time being."
He scoffed, dropping his hand from your neck. "How very thoughtful of him, indeed."
"This is what friends do."
He sneered at you. "Friends do not hand out ultimatums. Care to revive my memory?" His lips almost brushed against yours and you didn't dare take a breath. "I am to wag my tail like an obedient pup as I wait for a solution to this minor inconvenience, all the while enclosed in a golden cage."
Impatience gripped your nerves ferociously. "These things take time, Astarion."
"Oh, my darling… I have all the time in the world, but you only have a limited supply of blood," he whispered softly and you could almost taste his taunting words.
He drew back slightly, his glare so intense you felt yours waver and drop, catching a glimpse of his sharp canines. "We are actively looking for a solution. Gale is also making some progress-"
He pressed a finger to your lips, effectively silencing you.
"Do not make the mistake of thinking I am faulting you," he said, his face suddenly softening, as he caressed your lower lip. "If anything, you are the only reason I was ever able to kill Cazador."
He was being sincere, and that was what made your heart drop to your stomach. 
"You have my eternal gratitude."
You shuddered under his touch, feeling your breath quicke, as his other hand trailed down your neck until it was resting just above your left breasts and beating heart.
He was too good at this…
Unfairly so.
"Wyll ought to allocate more of his resources into aiding me, don't you think? After all, you are the one at risk here," he continued. "I know he cares not for me, but I could have ascended and bent Baldur's Gate to my will… if not for your intervention."
"I'm not at risk," you said with a roll of your eyes. "And if you drink more than what you need, then you know the consequences."
His eyes dropped to your cleavage as he began to caress the flushed skin. With each deep breath you took, you pushed more of your breasts into him, further igniting the heat between your legs.
"Promises, promises… unfortunately for you, darling, your words don't match your body."
Fuck you. "You're impossible."
He slowly dipped his head until his lips grazed yours. "You would stake me?"
"I would."
He chuckled. "You would stake me as I sink my teeth into your darling neck and feast on your divine blood?" 
No. "Yes."
But his smile only widened as amusement settled on his face. "I can't think of a better way to part this world for good."
Your mouth parted slightly in surprise, and he rolled his hips into you, earning a soft gasp.
You half-expected him to finally take your lips, but he tilted his head instead to press a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
And your body nearly imploded as old sensations resurfaced.
"You're so sweet…" he whispered with a sigh, as he began to graze along your jaw, taking your hands in his and planting them on his waist. "So warm… the gods above could never do you justice." He continued in between light kisses with his hips matching the pace.
As your eyes fluttered shut, you lost track of how eagerly your hands tugged at the hem of his shirt, fingers brushing impatiently against the waistband of his trousers.
Astarion groaned softly, helping you with the inconvenient lacing at the front. "And here I thought I was the starving one."
He always talked way too much and had a natural talent for doing so at the least opportune time. 
"Can you shut up for once?"
"Gladly," he said as he quickly took your lips in his, muffling your groan of protest.
Reason told you to halt everything once. That you were taking things too fast, and that there was no need to indulge in such depravities.
But you had missed this.
You missed having him so close that he completely overtook your senses. 
The kiss turned rougher and his tongue soon found yours. Instinct guided you as you succumbed to the vicious grip of desire, and you pressed yourself further into him.
It was almost embarrassing how wet you already were and how intensely your swollen clit was pulsing. Your body was already readying itself for him to be buried inside you, and you shuddered at the prospect of it.
Your tongue darted into his mouth and your eagerness had it glide across one of his sharp fangs, and you felt a sting of pain as you accidentally drew blood.
"Fuck," you grumbled, breaking the kiss at once.
The familiar taste of metal began to pool in your mouth, and you felt gentle fingers grip your jaw tight, as he titled your head back.
"I would apologise, but it was your own doing," he said with a smile, hunger in his eyes. "So let's not allow it to go to waste, hm?"
And then he pressed his lips against yours, immediately parting them with his experienced tongue, in search of the warm liquid he so badly craved.
The cut wasn't deep or wide enough to cause much to spill, but it was certainly enough for him to let out a beautiful moan of delight, as he lapped at your blood.
Your hands gripped the front of his trousers, the lacing now undone and offering you the opportunity to feel him, and he was kissing you so ardently, that your mind was completely clouded by all of him.
Testing the waters, you caressed his cock through the fabric.
He immediately parted from you to let out a delicious hiss, as he rolled his hips into the palm of your hand.
Astarion was incredibly hard, but just as you were about to slide it inside to grip him, he caught your wrist and held it firmly in place.
And everything halted all at once.
Your eyes found his, and he seemed… distant.
Concern washed over you. "Astarion?"
He was frozen, eyes fixed on the floor.
As he eased his grip on you, it became apparent that he wasn't listening to you.
You brought one hand to grip his shoulder. "Astarion…"
He shook his head lightly. "Give me a moment, darling."
The way the last word drawled out of his lips, made your heart clench violently. It was so instinctive for him, that you doubted he even realised he had uttered it.
You stood still, unsure of what to do to help.
The two of you remained silent for a few moments. You kept your hold on his shoulder, gently caressing it in an attempt to bring him some comfort.
Then you felt rage swirl in you.
Cazador had warped him in such a way and for so long, that the ramifications of his abuse on Astarion seeped so deep and gripped him so tight, causing you to feel nothing but anger.
You took a deep breath, and carefully placed your hands on either side of his face, slowly guiding him to meet your eyes.
He looked broken.
"I apologise."
You caressed his cool skin with your thumbs, shaking your head. "There is nothing to apologise for. Ever. Do you hear me?"
He tilted his head until his forehead touched yours. "I really wanted this."
Even though the two of you had grown apart over the past few weeks as he had distanced himself, you couldn't think of anyone else who had such a hold on you.
With one hand drifting along his soft curls, you pulled him further into a hug, which he promptly embraced, lacing his hands behind your back.
This was your Astarion.
The one who made it so easy to love and care for him.
"Sometimes what we want is not what we need."
His cheek was pressed to the side of your head and you heard a faint chuckle. "So poetic. I reckon Volo has competition."
"Your mind goes to Volo when holding me? Is there something you wish to tell me, Astarion?" you teased lightly.
He patted your back twice before letting go.
"Guilty as charged," he mused, slipping back into his usual antics.
He crossed the room, tying the laces of his trousers before plopping himself on the bed with a stretch of his arms.
"I'm sure you're exhausted. Maybe you should go back to that dullard friend of yours," he said with a sly grin.
His words hit you hard and your face dropped. "I can stay a little longer…"
He picked up the book next to him, examining the cover. "Whatever for? I'm perfectly fine, darling."
Now, this was not your Astarion.
Cold. Distant. Impenetrable.
The one who pushed you away whenever you attempted to bridge the gap that had come in between you two. 
He focused his attention on the book in his hands and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
"Very well."
You composed yourself, and headed to the door, not even bothering to exchange another look.
"Thank you for the meal, and for… well, you know."
You nodded, feeling the overwhelming urge to just leave. "See you next week, then."
He didn't reply.
You rushed out of the room, feeling the familiar prickle of tears in your eyes, and you tried to convince yourself it was better off this way.
That he needed time and space.
That he didn't need you.
By the time you crossed the crowded lounge of the tavern, you crossed paths with that woman again.
She locked eyes with you, a faint smile curving her lips, as she rose to her feet from her chair, probably heading back to him.
She truly was a sight to behold, no doubt.
But what tore your heart was realising that, even after everything you'd been through with Astarion, he still favoured her company over yours. 
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Next chapter: In Between (TBA)
Masterlist . Series masterlist. AO3
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lilmou5ie · 8 months
Lamentable is the Autumn Picker Content with Plums
As requested, it is now available as a print and unwatermarked download =D
Thank you so much for showing this poem so much love!
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I completed Astarion's shirt poem 👉👈 It's no Volo, but please be gentle 🙈 I've not written poetry in a long time.
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lilmou5ie · 1 year
Stop, this is so funny 😂😂
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It was fun just tracing over Poulter for this meme.
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lilmou5ie · 2 years
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do not separate them…..
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lilmou5ie · 2 years
defend my thesis? like with a sword?
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lilmou5ie · 2 years
allow me to introduce my favorite genre: supernaturals falling in love with humans
Kamisama Kiss
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Fruits Basket
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Bed and Breakfast for Spirits
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Spice and Wolf
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Inari konkon
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lilmou5ie · 2 years
Read more here:
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lilmou5ie · 3 years
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lilmou5ie · 4 years
Look at me I’m Sandra Dee I have crippling anxiety
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lilmou5ie · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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lilmou5ie · 4 years
Gary: You’re standing on thin ice!
Jimmy: I’m standing on the floor.
Gary: It’s a metaphor.
Jimmy: It’s a carpet.
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lilmou5ie · 4 years
Gary: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Pete: Can’t relate.
Jimmy: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
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