ligaya92-blog · 6 years
Journal Entry No. 1 Literature of an Age
Learning means something that is written for refreshing and inspiring the mind. It records the thoughts and feelings of great mind. It attracts in two ways through its matter and through its manner. The matter must be such that those who read it are interested in some way. The manner must be such as will be pleasing to the reader and adds to his fund of knowledge. Naturally, if we have the power of language to express the feelings, we are well on the way to creating literature. In other words, the subject matter of literature is society in some form or other. The poet express his feeling and we who read his poetry are interested and feel at one with him and ourselves, after all, society is this bond of fellowship between man and man through communication that the poet or writer seeks. If literature express social sympathies, naturally it is bound to exercise some positive influence on our mind and attitude. Society reacts to literature in a living way. An inspiring poem creates general influence on society. It rouses our feelings and enthusiasm for welfare.
The literature of an age, and its social set up keeping and reacting one over the other. Literature influences the society, society is reflected in literature and in this way, in all languages and at all times there has been a close interaction between the two. Literature of any age cannot escapes the influence of the social scene and therefore is found reflecting the society in the age when it is created. The poet, the dramatist, the novelist, the essayist are all product of their age and their –age openly clearly gets imaged in their compositions.
My learnings in the first meeting until midterm, the first thing I’ve learned is what really is literature and its 5 genres and also its elements creating Short story, Novel, Drama, Essay and Poetry. By creating literary Genres, writer’s expresses their feelings into what they wrote. I like listening stories I feel like I’m on my childhood days and also the way our Teacher explained the story, it really sounds interesting. One of the stories I liked are Magat River, The Legend of Mindoro and The Ignorant Man and The Priest.
“Magat River” it is the story of a young man who fall in love in a beautiful maiden. They got married and Magat promised to the maiden that he won’t see his wife every noon. But suddenly Magat was so curious on why he can’t see his wife at noon. One noon he broke his promised and accidentally killed his wife. The lesson I’ve learned to the story. When you loved someone and when you promised to someone be responsible enough to stand for it. Because when you are responsible or true to your words into that promised you have a self-discipline because you keep your words to achieved of what you being promised. In the reality in our society, when you are being trusted to someone and if you’re going to break that trust it’s really hard to regain it again.
The Second Story I like is “The Legend of Mindoro”. The story of Mina and Oro who eloped because father of Mina arranged a marriage for her to marry a Sultan. Father of Mina don’t like Oro for her it’s because Oro is just a simple man. So they eloped and they lived in the greenish island and their being helpful to the people living in that island. People in the island called them as a rulers. When they died the people their called the island Mina Oro and soon it called Mindoro. The lesson I’ve learned to the story is choosing what you really love is also your happiness. Because what we do right now has a big impact to our future. I relate this in life, when you’re aiming to be successful then work hard for it. Because when you worked hard there’s always a reward. Because that’s life and it is the reality. In our society now, there is a lot of married couple that have been married to the man that they don’t want to be with in their entire life. It’s because of their parents wants, so they go through to it but others choose to escape or eloped to not get married. And when you just go through that arranged marriage  or just followed your parents wants it sometimes happen that you’re going to cheat it’s because you don’t really love the man that you been married of. Sometimes love is really hard to dictate. But not all arranged marriage have been end up to a broken Family. And it still a nice feeling when you follow your parent’s wants for you but our hearts sometimes is so blind when it comes to love. And it’s really happening now in our society.
The Third one is “The Ignorant man and The Priest”. Story of an Ignorant Man who truly prayed to the Lord to give him a 100 pesos. And suddenly the Priest heard him praying, so the Priest put a 90 pesos to side where the Ignorant Man always nailed down. When the Ignorant man saw the Money he was happy but still he Prayed and owe to the Lord a 10 pesos because he asked a 100 pesos. And when the priest heard it the priest burst into laughter. The lesson I’ve learned to the story, it is like the word of the Lord that He is willing to help us but we need to work for what we asked. The Lord is always guiding us in our everyday life and our role of life is to always follow to his words. In the real world, in our society when we are too lazy to begin the things that we want in our life or in the future. There’s nothing will happen to us. So, working hard is the best way to achieve everything you want to become in the future. Always waiting of blessings in disguise is nothing to do with your future.
Literature thus has been holding the mirror up to Nature on one hand; reflecting all traditions, trends and tendencies while rising up the finger of caution too to guard against all that goes against the basic value of life. The quality of nature of the reflection depends upon the writer’s attitude of mind, whether he is progressive in his outlook or reactionary. Naturally, conservative minded writer will stress those aspects of social life, which put the traditional ways of life in the best possible way. Literature and society have remained and shall remain ever intertwined and the more they so remain, the more solid would the foundations be laid for sustained growth; a well-coordinated growth and a corrected social order.  
Studying Literature, our horizons are broadened, because we can learn about and come to understand people who are different from us. We can discover characters or poems that we really identify with, it can be really exciting and validating to discover that your exact thoughts and feelings have also been experienced by someone else. Because of these effects, Literature encourages us to be sensitive to the whole human experience and to consider this when making decisions in our day to day lives. Academically, studying literature also helps us to refine our writing skills and expand our vocabularies.
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