lgcyichen · 5 days
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【 TRAINEE MISSION 017 / REVIEW HEADCANON 】             ✎... 303 words
๋࣭ ⭑ his favorite week was week 2, where he performed dbsd's song 'shine.'
๋࣭ ⭑ the concept of 'shine' suited him well, especially as he prepared to debut with newkids. it wasn't overly bright and energetic but had just the right amount of flair for him to feel comfortable. although he didn't like certain dance moves, he was relieved not to perform alone. yichen wouldn't admit it, but he found the song and concept enjoyable (even better if it didn't include the shoot dance).
๋࣭ ⭑ the dance routine was his main challenge for the week. he struggled to execute the moves fluidly, with awkwardness playing a significant role. there were many instances where he froze mid-routine because he found it 'embarrassing.'
๋࣭ ⭑ as an extrovert-leaning introvert, it took him several attempts and daily exposure to a group of loud extroverts to dance with less awkwardness. he realized that to be an idol, no matter how ridiculous the song or dance assigned, he had to give his all to avoid dragging down his team.
๋࣭ ⭑ singing and playing the piano were once yichen's strengths when he first joined the company. however, as he progressed, his goals shifted and he developed new skills. dancing, which was once his weakest skill, became decent with enough practice.
๋࣭ ⭑ if he had to choose a skill to improve, it would be acting. he found it challenging to play roles outside his comfort zone. while practicing for boyfriend's 'boyfriend,' yichen struggled to act innocent and cute. although his image helped, keen observers might notice his lack of acting skills.
๋࣭ ⭑ another skill yichen wanted to enhance was performance. with his singing and dancing already at a good level, improving his performance skills would help him deliver a more eye-catching show for the public.
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lgcyichen · 11 days
being cute sounded easy to yichen. many had complimented him on his 'cute and innocent' appearance, so he figured he had that part down already. the real challenge was acting the part — becoming someone he personally found hard to tolerate.
"fake it till we make it," yichen repeated to himself. maybe they could. "to be honest, i think we have the looks. what we're missing is the personality." he turned to face the mirror beside him. rule number one in acting cute: eye smile. he gave his usual smile, lips curved upwards, his eyes forming perfect crescents. "how's this? does it look like i'm faking it?" he asked yoojoon, trying his best not to break character.
Yoojoon wished he could have offered more reassuring words for fellow trainee Yichen; yet, like his friend, he found himself grappling with the song and attempting to assimilate into a genre that felt vastly unfamiliar. And despite Yoojoon's typically composed demeanor, even he couldn't suppress his frustration, his expression crumbling into one of equal exasperation.
"I'm not pulling it off any better than you," he admitted, a hint of laughter tinged with a touch of despair. "I suppose ... we'll just have to fake it till we make it?" It was more of a hopeful suggestion than a confident declaration, uncertain whether they could even fake it at this point.
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lgcyichen · 19 days
the purpose of the short film was to introduce yichen to the audience and potential fans. he meticulously planned every detail, from the location and props to his attire and the questions he'd answer. drawing from his experience as a former school uniform model, he knew precisely where and how to capture the best shots of himself.
what better location could complement his image than a park? lately, yichen had been drawn to taking photos with mother nature and the results had been quite satisfying. thus, he and wenjun went to seokchon lake park, where towering trees and lush bushes adorned the area. a field of blooming flowers lined the pathway leading to a charming pavilion. the weather couldn't have been more ideal that day — not overly sunny, yet providing ample natural lighting for filming the short film.
the plan was to capture yichen walking toward the pavilion, so he envisioned a path with plenty of opportunities for interaction. nodding in agreement with wenjun's suggestion, yichen positioned himself at the designated spot. "this is perfect!" he exclaimed, ready to strike a few poses before filming began. yichen felt fortunate to be paired with wenjun, not only because they shared the same language but also because wenjun was one of the more composed members of the group. "absolutely. i've planned every detail meticulously. the fans are going to love it."
shorts! starter for @lgcyichen
growing up, wenjun had never been much of a cameraman. in high school his selfies were.. subpar, and the photos he took were nothing to write home about. still, perhaps it comes with the job – wenjun thinks his skills have gotten better. he isn’t totally clueless about how to take a good shot at something, and he knows his angles a little better than most.
it’s really brought to the test now though – standing in front of yichen with phone in hand. he’s tasked to film a short, not just any though. but one that introduces yichen to the world. to their future fans. fans. even the sound of that is thrilling to him. he feels excited yet all at the same time nervous. who is wenjun to have fans? what sort of live has he lived to lead him up to this point? but he doesn’t let thoughts like that plague his mind, instead he focuses on trying to get a good angle of yichen.
“i think this is a good spot,” he says, pointing to one that has fairly good lighting. “you look handsome!” wenjun beams, comfortable in his mother tongue. he gives yichen a thumbs up, glad that he’s being paired up with the older boy. there’s something comforting about the fact that he’s able to so freely express himself without worrying too much about his words. “i hope you’re ready, to charm all the fans!”
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lgcyichen · 25 days
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
i've been buying too much skincare products nowadays but they are good investment!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #xueyichen
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lgcyichen · 25 days
【 I'M CRINGING.. EH, EH, EH 】              ✎... starter for @lgcyoojoon
in his twenty-three years on earth, he had never encountered a song quite as cringeworthy as this one. no offense to boyfriend sunbae-nims, but yichen couldn't help but wonder what went through the members' heads as they filmed, recorded and performed this song in front of the public. the trainee found himself cringing at the lyrics, particularly the chorus.
frustration boiled within yichen as he found it impossible for him to execute the overly cute dance moves that caused every hair on his arm to stand on end. "i can't handle this. it's giving me goosebumps!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with exasperation. holding his arm up to yoojoon's eye level, he gestured for emphasis. "just look at this!"
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lgcyichen · 1 month
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【 TRAINEE MISSION 017 / BABY, LOVE ME RIGHT 】             ✎... 268 words
if someone were to ask him which of the seven performances was his favorite, yichen would undoubtedly choose this week's. while the songs in previous weeks were bright and cheerful, a vibe he had no complaints about (except for the overly cute concept in week one), he felt they were more aligned with his image. however, he believed that after debuting in newkids, they would likely be promoting songs with similar concepts for a while. exo's 'love me right' brought a different vibe to the table. despite being upbeat, its concept wasn't as outgoing and bubbly, which really stood out to him.
surveying himself in the mirror, yichen donned a korean school uniform for the first time. unlike the simpler attire in chinese schools— sweatpants, collared shirts, sometimes an oversized jacket for colder months, korean schools seemed to possess a better sense of fashion. yichen began practicing the choreography in front of the mirror, just as he had for previous performances. jumping and extending his legs, then bringing them back; leaning back with one arm extended, straightening his back, and repeating the sequence. he could see a gradual improvement in his dancing, which alone gave him the motivation to persevere whenever he encountered difficulty perfecting certain dance steps.
as a staff member approached to check on the trainees, yichen couldn't help but glance around in wonder. while he had been to a studio before, this one seemed to have more equipment on site. "take your positions, we'll begin shortly," announced the director, prompting everyone to scramble into place. within moments, the music started, marking the beginning of filming.
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lgcyichen · 1 month
【 DISASTROUS SHORTS 】              ✎... starter for @lgcbk
dealing with bk often left yichen feeling drained, sapping at least eighty percent of his energy every day. it wasn't that yichen didn't enjoy hanging out with the taller male—he did. but bk seemed to have an uncanny knack for pressing his buttons at every opportunity, whether intentionally or not. yichen often found himself sighing more frequently than usual, a habit he knew wasn't good for him (his senior once warned him that excessive sighing will shorten one's lifespan).
peeking out from behind the wall, yichen waited for his cue to make his entrance. the plan was to 'accidentally' stumble upon bk while he was working out in the gym and the interview would start from there. yichen couldn't help but find the whole setup a tad cringy but it was his group mate's video so he was willing to go along with whatever was suggested. "are you ready? shall we get started?" yichen asked loudly, tilting his head back to stretch the neck muscles that had stiffened while waiting for bk to prepare.
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lgcyichen · 2 months
although they were born just a few months apart, yichen often felt like he had the energy of an old man — preferring early nights and early mornings. while some trainees burned the midnight oil with rigorous training, he found himself curled up in the comfort of his bed. to compensate for this, he would rise early for practice before joining his friends for breakfast. "it sounds exhausting just hearing you talk about it," he confessed, his thoughts vocalized. "i mean, you're not wrong. it's not like they've got us chopping wood or anything. but don't you feel mentally drained, at least?"
"yeah, thankfully i managed to win at least once," he replied with a soft chuckle. being naturally competitive, his ego would've taken a hit if he hadn't secured a single victory after giving his all. "call me childish, but i'd have been grumpy all day if i hadn't won." he nodded. "games like that are always a thrill. they really get your heart racing and pump up your adrenaline." he noticed the other guy was still standing and gestured toward the nearby seats. "do you... want to take a seat or do you prefer standing?"
in regard to misakis seemingly never-ending abundance of energy, yichen couldn't be more right— the younger truly never seemed to run on empty, his mind and body often going double time compared to the majority of people he found himself in the company of. surprisingly early to rise, normally one of the last to shut his eyes for the night, even after having spent the last few days being worked tirelessly, misaki still feels as though he could run a lap or two ( he won't, not of his own free will, but he could if the act of doing so was made worth his while ). "i'm kind of always moving and doing things, all the stuff we did today didn't feel bad at all— it was pretty cool."
scrunching his nose, misaki backtracks slightly. "well, it was pretty cool when i finally didn't lose a game." yeah, maybe he was still thinking about his earlier blunders, both from today and the day before. at least he'd finished off his weekend with a win at the last second. the younger boy doesn't move to sit just yet, not when the subconscious jitter of his right leg still needs to be gotten rid of, but misaki does find himself shuffling a bit closer to where yichens sat as they speak. "do you like stuff like this? games, i mean."
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lgcyichen · 2 months
"french braids?" he repeated, his brain whirring in thought over the strange phrase. "so, are these braids invented by the french?" it was an obviously silly question, a moment of curiosity that slipped out loud. he raised a brow upon the mention of becoming his hairstylist. "you do know you'll need at least a certificate for that. besides, nobody knows when i'll be debuting. maybe never?"
he was too late. milan had already snapped a picture he didn't want the world to see. as she leaned away from him, he knew there wasn't a chance for him to delete it. at least not now. sending a scowl her way, he shifted his body, the posture of a grumpy child ignoring his friend. of course, he wasn't a child so it took him a few seconds before turning his head. "how did i look in that? good looking? pretty?"
imagining a bunch of screaming fans followed by blinding flashes from huge dslr cameras at a piano concert, yichen didn't want to entertain the thought. it would have been embarrassing especially if they claimed to be fans of his. he wouldn't kick them out, probably address the issue during a live session if given the chance. "no, just no," he groaned, holding his head. "that's second-hand embarrassment right there."
"i think so? it all happened so fast. like i was dancing, and the next moment, i had to follow everyone off the stage." yichen shrugged and fiddled with his fingers. "i guess i enjoyed it since i wanted more."
“french braids” milan replies. “it actually looked cute. you really have a nice face shape that suits different type of hairstyles. if i wasn’t already debuting, i would’ve applied to be your hairstylist for once you do” though the last part is said, in jest, she truly means her compliments. or rather, her observations. because if milan takes something seriously, it has to be hair styling.
he takes the bait and milan doesn’t let her one chance slip, raising her phone to take a picture of yichen’s (slightly confused) face. “ha!” she exclaims happily at the feat she has just managed. and just in time, because her involuntary client has caught on to what she’s doing. “too late!” she exclaims with glee, proud of the picture she has captured. she leans her body away from the older boy, fingers quickly closing the application and locking her phone before yichen can get his hands on it and delete the image.
he’s an adorable grump, and she can’t help herself but provoking him from time to time. that’s what friends do after all!
the girl cannot help but snort at the way yichen speaks of potential sceaming fans at a piano recital. picturing the actual scene makes her tilt her head back in full laughter. “the way everybody in the room would be shook at that.” she says. “oh! or! you know the fans with their huge cameras with mega flashing shutter. picture performing and sudden” she makes an exploding motion with her fingers. “mega flash and shutter noise.” she can almost picture yichen kicking the fan out himself.
his next statement make her sober up a little and she tilts her head slightly. “makes sense” she says softly. “did you get to enjoy the moment?”
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lgcyichen · 2 months
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happy 23rd birthday, xue yichen!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #xueyichen #lgcbirthday
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lgcyichen · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
this year's cake. just kidding. thank you for all the well wishes!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #xueyichen
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lgcyichen · 2 months
observing byeongkwan's clumsiness, yichen sighed and shook his head. if enduring such antics was to be part of his career, then so be it. soon, they would be in the same group and harboring resentment wasn't a sustainable option. "i wonder what the staff were thinking when they entrusted you with that," he remarked, eyeing the seemingly expensive camera. "it looks like a fortune, and we haven't even received a proper paycheck yet."
yichen's disbelief grew as byeongkwan continued to talk about his instagram posts. he'd encountered many shameless individuals in the company, and his future groupmate was evidently one of them. "forget about looking for yours, i hardly have time to sift through posts by other trainees," he countered, subtly shifting away to avoid further nudges. "it's been overwhelming, to be honest. everything's happened so fast. but i'm eager to see where it leads." with a nod, he crossed his arms and turned his attention back to the set.
Byeongkwan fumbles the camera at Yichen's ( relatively mild, considering ) outburst, and promptly tucks it under his arm to raise both hands defensively. "It was an accident! My hand slipped, I swear!" In his defense - Well, Byeongkwan has no defense as this had to have been the fourth time he'd done this since the staff finally agreed to let him play around with the camera in the first place and he wouldn't have stopped talking about it until they did.
"Professionals...? Ah, you know what, you're right," he nods in agreement, turning the device off completely. "I mean, have you seen my instagram posts? I'm practically a professional already. At least if the whole idol thing doesn't work out, I've got something to fall back on, yeah?" he snorts, leaning over to playfully nudge Yichen with his elbow. "How are you feeling about..." he trails off, gesturing vaguely to the set with a wave of his hands. "All this, anyway?"
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lgcyichen · 2 months
if it weren't for misaki's company, yichen was certain he would have dozed off under the stars until someone nudged him awake. the evening air was brisk but soothing, far quieter than the bustling confines of their shared room, at least in his opinion. the crackling of the fire served as a comforting backdrop, akin to a familiar white noise. "honestly, i'm feeling a bit drained from today," he confessed, his fingers idly hovering near his eyes, checking for any signs of exhaustion misaki had mentioned. he mentally noted to double-check in the mirror before retiring for the night. who knows whether his eyebags may surface tomorrow morning.
"though i'm surprised you're not feeling a bit worn out after all the activities today," he remarked, adjusting his posture to a more upright position. observing misaki, he couldn't help but wonder if their group was gaining another lively member. while yichen typically preferred quieter settings, it is good to have a few extroverts around. "i mean we've been doing a lot of manual labor," he explains, unable to comprehend where all that extra energy came from. "and yet you look like you just took a nap and looking refreshed."
as the day faded into night, the sun dipping down low and giving way to the command of the moon, misaki found himself mellowing out in a rather rare display of calm. it's odd, the all-encompassing adrenaline that'd been coursing through his veins not even half an hour ago at the reality of his first ( and only ) win of this weekend excursion having tempered out throughout dinner. now, he's rather content, happy to give himself a break from chaotic noises and even more chaotic antics— hey, even someone as energetic as misakis got to take a breather every now and then.
for a short while, he finds himself wandering, bouncing here and there with all the tact of a rather dopey raccoon, fleeting conversations and silly remarks exchanged with other trainees in passing as he tries to figure out where he wants to be. yichen isn't his goal, but the younger can't help his muted interest. he hasn't gotten the chance to know yichen very well, but should everything go according to plan, they'll debut together. misaki is curious. "i don't get sleepy easily, so i was kinda just hanging around," he replies, an easy grin pulling at the corners of his lips. lifting a hand, he points at yichen, an amused laugh leaving him. "but you seem like you're tired, your eyes are already a little puffy."
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lgcyichen · 2 months
as byeongkwan prattles on about his readiness to assist the staff in capturing footage for the show, yichen closed his eyes, seeking solace in a few calming breaths. among a group of extroverts, maintaining his composure through meditation becomes necessary for yichen's sanity, especially considering his increasing screen time with them. losing his temper in public wasn't an option; it would tarnish his reputation and likely land him in the crosshairs of online gossip sites like pannchoa.
yichen obediently summons a smile but his attempt is abruptly thwarted by the blinding glare of the camera's flash. "argh!" he instinctively recoiled, shielding his eyes from the blinding glare. for a fleeting moment, his surroundings blur into obscurity as he blinks rapidly, struggling to readjust his vision. "yah!" he nearly snaps, but reins in his frustration upon recognizing byeongkwan holding the camera. "let's leave the filming to the professionals before we render them jobless."
Byeongkwan has always believed in taking a chance. Taking the metaphorical bull by the horns. Taking the first open seat on the subway ( ...unless you know, there's an elderly person or something, he's not a complete jerk ). But the one thing Byeongkwan just doesn't seem too keen on taking is a hint. And despite his former-roomie-turned-permanent-roomie's efforts to get him to leave at least one nerve unbothered, the rapper had no intention of taking the hint today either.
"What...?" he frowns, lowering the camera slightly. "I'm prepared! I'm more than prepared! And now I'm just helping the staff capture some footage for the show. We can't just let all these exclusive backstage moments go to waste, y'know? And don't you want to have something to remember our first recording together by? C'mon, bro... Smile! Say something to our future fans - !" He lifts the camera once more, accidentally ( key word here ) triggering the flash mode with his thumb and aiming it directly into Yichen's eyes. "Oh, shit - Sorry."
To be fair, Byeongkwan did tell him to never leave the dorms without a pair of shades. Just in case.
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lgcyichen · 3 months
【 CONVERSATION UNDER THE STARS 】              ✎... starter for @lgcsaem winning both games provided yichen with a sense of satisfaction after the disappointment of the previous night's loss. however, he couldn't discern much difference between winning and losing, considering he still had to cook regardless. following dinner, he sought out a cozy spot near the bonfire, settling into a chair as the crackling of the flames mingled with the soft murmurs of his fellow trainees. no one wanted to disturb the tranquil ambiance.
leaning back in his chair, yichen gazed up at the shimmering stars overhead, feeling the weight of the day's exertions settling upon him. his eyelids grew heavy with fatigue, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows around him. a rustling sound beside him roused him from the brink of sleep, causing him to blink open his eyes. "oh, hey," he greeted the figure beside him, recognizing saem, a potential group mate he hadn't yet had the opportunity to engage with. perhaps now was a chance for some casual conversation. "feeling wide awake, huh?" he asked with a friendly smile.
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lgcyichen · 3 months
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【 NEWKIDS NEWDREAMS 001 / PERFORMANCE 】             ✎... 303 words
yichen's greatest talent had always been singing, a skill he had mastered (kudos to his parents) since childhood and continued to enjoy to this day. rarely did a day pass without him using his vocal cords. be it humming a tune while doing homework or strolling home from school, music was an integral part of his daily life. and his favorite spot for impromptu concerts? the shower. it was his sanctuary where he could belt out high notes without a care for what the neighbors might think.
when deciding which song to cover, yichen deliberated for some time. naturally, he leaned toward a korean song, having grown accustomed to the language to the point where speaking his mother tongue felt foreign. however, others' feedback suggested that he sounded better when singing in chinese. thus, he opted to cover a chinese song instead: "serious snow" by an artist who shared his surname. this song, he believed, could showcase his unique vocal tone while challenging him with its higher notes.
for his dream performance, yichen knew that cute, refreshing and bright concepts suited him best. he decided against straying too far from his image by choosing something like "thunderous," which carried heavy rap elements, posing a risk to his performance. this preference made "humph" an obvious choice. however, "really really" emerged as a strong contender due to its past popularity and being as one of his personal favorites since his early days in korea. while not as light-hearted, its fast-paced and upbeat tempo appealed to him.
ultimately, yichen settled on "really really." his decision was not solely based on its popularity but also because of its catchy tunes and distinctive concept. he had always aimed to be perceived as mature rather than cute, and this performance presented an opportunity to showcase that aspect of himself.
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lgcyichen · 3 months
upon hearing the comment about the thickness of the carrot pieces, yichen picked one up and compared it to the ones approved by haneul. placing them side by side before stacking to gauge their thickness, he made a tiny cut on the thicker slice to guide his chopping. with meticulous precision, the trainee ensured each slice was precisely cut to the desired size. he compared the two slices again. although one was slightly thicker, it would be unnoticeable once cooked.
"i think i've got it covered here. just honing my chopping skills, you know? in case i end up on some survival show and have to rely on my cooking to make it through," he replied, his focus still on the remaining chunky carrot slices. though it sounded like a jest, considering his frequent kitchen assignments, yichen couldn't shake the thought that the company might indeed send him on a cooking or survival variety show. "although, i've heard peeling potatoes is even trickier, with all those tiny holes," he added thoughtfully.
Haneul's always been competitive, and games are no exception. There's no instance that Haneul doesn't go all in. He genuinely thinks they could have had a chance to win, had they all been on the same page. Alas, one ill-timed pose lead to their demise, and now they're stuck on kitchen duty. Haneul supposes there are worse consequences. At least it's a task he can actually manage to do without looking like an idiot.
Peering over Yichen's shoulder Haneul shakes his head. "Those first few are too thick," he says before moving on to the last few ones Yichen did. "These however are just right." Haneul then picks up the peeler to peel some more potatoes. Living alone, far away from family has taught Haneul to be more independent. Although, he also has to thank his parents for making him learn how to cook early on in life. "Want to switch?" He holds up the potato in his hand.
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