lgcxjieun · 3 years
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after long radio silence from my part I come baring sad news. I have decided to drop both my girls jieun and @lgcxjinah. I’m keeping my boy ( @lgcxjunghoon ) but my girls decided it was time to take a bow and have wrapped up their arc in legacy. 
Jinah is going to return to being a full time international streamer, being her bubbly self and thriving in her chaotic stupid energy. Jieun has decided to fall back to her parents influence and return to their management. She’ll feature in her father’s releases and set her foot into the musical acting industry via her mum’s reputation.
Thank you for all the connections, joyous threads and adventures my ladies got to have with your bubs down the line. ♥ I’m very open to keep them available for further plots or used in solos, etc. You can find me on twitter and on junghoon’s account still! 
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
waiting for spring.
#lgctrainees #lgcent #sonjieun
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ HI- TOUCH ~*✧
⇢ LGC Girls Japan 002 ▬ Hi-Touch Solo [ +6 performing | +2 notoriety ]
No matter how many times Jieun had these kind of events, she’d never be any less nervous. Being so close to strangers was uncomfortable to the introvert, no matter how often she did this and how grateful she was for her fans. The video calls had been nice and a lot easier to handle for her. The distance was set and un-breachable, not like right now where any of these people could not hi-touch but grab her hands and pull her closer. 
Even if the staff and security were there to protect them, it still didn’t make the possibility of such a scare any less frightening. 
But if there was one thing she was pleasantly surprised about it, it was the manners Japanese fans seemed to have in contrary to Korean fans. Quiet and organized during their performances, respectful and kind during the hi-touch process. It made a smile blossom across her features as she gradually relaxed more and more, feeling more and more at ease during this kind of activity.
She could actively engage in conversations, her speaking skill thankfully good enough to understand and even question in return when she had a moment to talk to someone. The tiny voice of worry was still there but it was so quiet that for once she could actually let herself enjoy the fact she was a person of interest and value and people came here to just talk to her for a few seconds and get to hi five her.
It was a nice experience and equally as rewarding as it was refreshing. Rather than feeling drained at the end of the day, Jieun could only beam a smile at the rest of them, for once actually confident to take on the role of a co-leader and announce they’d done a good job for the day.
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Lily’s Bakery S2 Ep3  ~*✧
She watches Jieun in awe transforming to Lily in front of the camera, when in the matter of fact she would always be Jieun to the trainees and idols amongst them. Jinsoul wonders if one day she would master such a skill too, everyone new that idols or entertainers have different personas in and out of the public, but it sure is damn strange to see the transition live. It’s pretty inspiring actually. 
“Hello, everyone! It’s yours truly, Kim Jin-Soul!” Waving brightly at the camera, oddly enough her previous thought suddenly flashes through her mind rending Jinsoul blushing red. “Ah- I- Thank you so much for having me in your show, Lily-unnie. I’ve been following up on the previous sessions and I hope you enjoy my recipe too! Here it is- Rainbow Red Velvet Cake!” Gathering herself in the last moment, hoping that they would either edit it out or find it ‘cute’ or something of that sort. 
Being called “eonni” still felt odd to Jieun even if both Jinsoul and Nabi had been around for a while and had both trained together with the vocalist. However with the new found confidence she had gradually been gaining ever since taking the leap to sign up for future dreams last year, the university freshman felt more at ease falling into the role of taking care of others.
So when realizing that Jinsoul was beyond nervous she only gave the younger a reassuring toothy grin and accepted the recipe from her to read it through with her eyes shining in interest. “I’ve never made a red velvet cake,” the host murmurs while studying the recipe before holding the document towards the camera so they could give the audience a quick run down on everything, neatly edited in once the episode goes live. “have you baked one before, jinsoul-ah,” jieun inquires right after, placing the recipe down on the counter before looking for the right ingredients.
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
✿ ┋ oh! my mistake.
[ ... ]
her eyes are basically screaming ‘i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to mess it up this early on’, – something so unlike her –, though she becomes a little more calm upon realizing the youngest had things mostly under control. well, at least jieun knows the proper amount to use for each ingredient. soojin, on the other hand, is stuck repeating everything aloud with furrowed eyebrows. ‘‘that’s… a lot of numbers,’’ she lets out with a nervous chuckle. gaze changing from jieun back to her messy station and ugly custard, soojin wonders if asking for a simpler task would be the right thing to do but she doesn’t want to give up this early on. 
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‘‘hm… we still have – ’’ a quick look at the watch and then back to jieun. there is a smile taking over her previous confused, nervous expression. ‘‘quite some time. i’m pretty sure i’ve only messed up the eggs… i can give it a second try, if that’s ok with you,’’ soojin doesn’t want to hold them back and have basically no custard at the end so whatever jieun says, the girl shall follow. ( this doesn’t mean she isn’t freaking out a little over her early mistake still ). 
jieun wouldn’t be jieun if she was able to hide the tiny judgmental side eye she gave soojin. for as timid as she was, she did have her pride in certain areas where she’d like to be a bit of an egocentric one. Singing and baking were two of those categories. she does forgive soojin, of course she forgives her. the poor girl obviously isn’t the best baker and there are many things jieun pushed herself to or has been pushed to which weren’t of her expertise either. 
so she understands.
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“we can measure things out together and you can mix the ingredients and all by yourself? how does that sound,” she offers instead, half paying attention to her partner and half on finishing her own task in mixing the dough for the biscuits together. “so I’ll just keep an eye on the measurements and let you get to the custard cream after that is done?” 
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
starring @lgcxjieun​
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there was something about elevators that sehoon wasn’t too fond of, though deep down he knew the real reason why - because he disliked being forced into small spaces with people he’s not comfortable with and doesn’t know. he’s not one who enjoys that, and he definitely is the type to take the stairs more often, plus it was an extra workout and he was very much into his fitness. except, on this particular day, sehoon had found himself running behind schedule and ended up speeding his way to the company (in all honesty, he wasn’t really but he was the type of person who didn’t like to behind the schedule he gives himself, so it was safe to say that he was feeling a bit stressed).
still living in the dorms made it easier to get to the company, and quicker, and sehoon barely had enough time to stop by his favourite coffee shop to get himself his usual morning drink. rushing towards the company in a casual way was a lot harder than he had realised, especially trying to keep his coffee from spilling out of the cup and all over his hand, he’d rather not deal with a burnt hand. his bag is tugging on his shoulder as he takes large steps, no doubt rubbing against his skin and probably likely to leave his shoulder feeling a bit sore later. usually, he would take the stairs if he needed to go on any of the higher floors, but with him running behind schedule, he takes a dive for the elevator and he wonders why today out of all day he just has to share with someone else. upon entering, he spots a female standing in the corner and avoids eye contact with her, instead sticking to the opposite corner and clicks the third floor button. it’s quiet from the moment he enters, and the awkward tension between them both could probably be cut with a knife. “.. which floor are you going to?” sehoon asks, still avoiding looking at her and instead straight ahead of him. 
it was just another day of jieun heading to practice straight after classes. today had been easy on her thankfully. the female had used it to catch up on a lot of material she was missing out on due to her busy schedule but thankfully jieun was used to catching up on things and filling in gaps by herself. she could of course make friends in her classes but with how shy she was, the female preferred staying to herself. too often did she get intimidated by people still and would rather avoid social interaction unless her job required it to interact with them. 
so when sehoon came rushing into the elevator she was taking up, the female froze and made herself impossibly smaller as she backed into the far corner of the elevator.
now she had no idea if sehoon was a bad person or the nicest guy she’d ever met but he looked ready to stomp her with his left toe if she only looked at him funny and despite her tendency to lack a filter, she really did not want to be anywhere near the guy, yet have to interact with him. hugging onto her training bag she just hoped the elevator ride would pass by swiftly and she could go about her day like this uncomfortable situation hadn’t happened. however sehoon seemed to have other plans. doing her best not to panic as externally as she was panicking internally, jieun cleared her throat and attempted to squeak out a quiet reply. “5th floor,” she murmured, having the joy (or curse) to be practicing in one of the nicer rooms further up with the rest of the current legacy girls line up.
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Accidental Sight Seeing ~*✧
[ ... ]
     “she’s pretty,” he thinks to himself before his eyes widen at the realization of such an observation. unsurprisingly, his cheeks start to heat up again and any progress he had been making in trying to calm down is quickly thrown out the window - but at least with jieun facing away from him, haru can only hope she doesn’t notice.
     “it’s good!” he squeaks out and in an effort to ignore the thought and focus on the task at hand so maybe his face will cool down in the process, he speaks up again. “i’m going to take it now,” he adds on before counting down from three and taking the photo a moment after saying the last number. he snaps a few more photos just to make sure at least one will be good enough and not blurry then waits for her to face him again before handing back her phone. “are these okay? i can take other shots for you too,” he offers with a smile.
the way he squeaks out his reply has jieun’s focus shift so she can look at his reflection in the window rather than the scenery beneath. for a moment she thinks she catches him staring at her. the moment is gone as quickly as she spotted it though and she is left to wonder if it had been just her mind playing tricks on her. realizing there was nothing good coming out of overthinking anything, jieun decides to disregard the matter before she makes things even more awkward.
instead shifting her focus back onto posing properly for the pictures, she doesn’t move until he asks for her opinion. only then does she turn, tugging short black strands behind her ear as she accepts her phone back and toggles through the pictures while chewing on the inside of her cheek critically. “mhm they’re nice! I like the angle, thank you,” she confirms with a smile.
“I think those will do nicely but what about you? do you want any pictures?” it was only fair for her to extend the same offer she requested from him. 
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
♡ ┋ oopsie.
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‘‘noo… jieun, don’t laugh! you can’t laugh!’’ the vocalist lets out with a much bigger pout, though she’s soon joining her friend in the sudden laughing fit. honestly, yeseo won’t deny that the situation is quite funny – also extremely embarassing, her cheeks are probably turning into a pink shade, they feel hot too – but it is worth every giggle and cheek hurting smiles. this situation is suddenly making her think, though: it is amazing to see the improvement, the sudden turn that their friendship went through. there would be no way yeseo would reach to grab onto jieun, a few months ago. 
yeseo gives the cameraman a fake angry glare before turning back to the other, expression soft but filled with some sort of regret as well. ‘‘i was just trying to – you know,’’ she does the arm movement again, arms thrown in defeat right after. yeseo won’t be thinking about this for the next few weeks… of course not! ‘‘they’re just so cool – i… ah… that clip will definitely make numbers online, won’t it? did i look cute, at least?’’
being told not to laugh only made the younger female giggle harder. would the roles be reversed she’d be just as embarrassed but jieun was way too gleeful to suppress her laughter. to be so carefree in yeseo’s presence just a few month ago would have been an impossible feed with how on guard the two were and how ready they were to boot each other down for that fancy main vocal spot. 
even if it came at the expense of both of them having to show their weak side, it was ultimately what helped them grow closer and see past their rivalry. she would still fight the elder female for any line but now there were no hard feelings and no spite attached to it. 
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so when yeseo turned to her, fumbling to explain and asking jieun if she looked cute, the vocalist just had a fond smile along with a reassuring nod for her eonni. “the cutest. the clip will definitely go viral, eonni.”
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
“thanks…” yunho grumbles again, trying to get a handle on his growing aggravation as he climbs back up onto his feet. tucking his mask back under his arm, he gives his unsightly ‘mask hair’ a quick run through before glaring over at the camera. “this is so stupid,” and yet, he couldn’t seem to tear himself away from the game.
yunho uncrumples the clue in his hands with a huff, “i don’t even know… maybe…” he takes a step back, hoping to be far enough out of earshot to avoid another gush of air. “so far, i’ve got who, you… and that’s it. the rest i’ve just been guessing for the past fifteen minutes…”
“what clue did you get?” his eyes wander to the small piece of paper in the other’s hand. “maybe we have to work together? i don’t think the whole ‘lone wolf’ thing is helping me much.”
tugging at her strands to be sure her own hair was in pristine condition, jieun waits for him to catch himself again with an amused grin on her lips. he was quite the funny guy after all. in the back of her mind she thought that he’d be a great entertainer, if he ever decided to go into that direction.
for now she took out her own set of gathered clues and was left to wonder how many crumbled pieces of paper would loiter the floor once the party was over. “I have the same and then I also found ‘as’. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it so I had been stalling, seeing if someone else found more clues than me.”
turns out they both weren’t the best at these type of games. 
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
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(190607) yeoreum - ‘boogie up’ @ music core
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Daydreaming ~*✧
     yura was just teasing, having a little fun while they watched the other stages because although she was having an enjoyable time, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t zone out a few times here and there. jieun’s reaction to her ‘innocent’ question fills yura with giddiness, somehow not expecting such a response from the younger. it was adorable but it would also be unlike her to not poke fun at jieun because of it.
     “oho?” yura questions with a raise of her brow, a mischievous look in her eyes. despite the other’s defense, yura knows better; she likes to think she’s quite observant when she wants to be or else she wouldn’t know how to react and say things at just the right times. however, jieun asks something before she can find a moment to keep teasing her and it stops her in her tracks.
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     a thoughtful hum escapes her lips as she considers her group member’s question before nodding. “they are but i think we’re cooler, don’t you?” she smiles, part of it playfully but most of it confidently. boy group songs were normally ‘cool’ to begin with whereas girl groups could go either way but legacy girls, however, had so far shown a strong and powerful image so yura fully believed in herself and the others that they conveyed it well. “we wouldn’t have won if weren’t captivating, after all!”
part of her hopes the question successfully diverted the elder female from her recent observation. jieun wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk about the fact she found a member of their brother group pretty cute. not to mention that she had no intention of pressing to find an answer to her infatuation. their careers were more important and after her failed attempt at a relationship just half a year ago, the vocalist just wanted to focus on her path as an artist for now.
yura’s confident words made her smile as she once again looked at the legacy boys perform. “that’s true,” the younger one murmurs. with how amazing all her elders were, jieun had to admit they were pretty good. perhaps it was just a bit lacking self-confidence in her own stage presence which left her doubtful. however jieun realized she shouldn’t associate that to the other girls. 
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“I still can’t believe we won...”
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Lily’s Bakery S2 Ep2  ~*✧
[ ... ]
❛ Hello everyone! I’m Mia Kim and I’m super excited to be here. Thank you for having me, Jieun. I can’t wait to see how well we can do. Maybe I’ll be able to beat my brother’s skills, ❜ she joked with a laugh. ❛ I haven’t been on one of these shows before so I hope you don’t mind that. So I guess I should introduce what we’ll be cooking today? ❜ She smiled as she clapped her hands together in excitement. ❛ I bring to you… cheesecake! Mars cheesecake to be exact. ❜
Jieun can only giggle at Mia’s intro. She didn’t know who her brother was but she was guessing the audience would when they clicked onto this episode. “That would be great, yes,” she nods, agreeing to her guest’s proposal. The sooner Jieun knew what they’d be baking, the sooner they could get things going after all.
When introduced to the recipe, Jieun couldn’t help but part her lips in wonder and excitement. “Mars? As in... the chocolate - caramel bar mars?” Taking a look at the recipe given to her she reads through the instructions with a brow raised in interest. “This looks... doable. Has anyone baked this for you before? Is this your favourite recipe? Or why did you choose this one;” the host attempts to lead forward while she gathers the basic ingredients they’d need together.
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
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yeoreum ❀ boogie up
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Lonely Christmas ~*✧
feeling a bit… okay, a lot like an asshole. hajoon sighs to himself, and stubborn as he is, he remains in the same spot. his gaze immediately go to her cheeks, her red eyes and nose. she looks funny, and as he tries to suppress another tasteless joke, he takes off his jacket to put it on her shoulders, a sigh slipping past his lips. “Alright, alright.” He concedes, trying to peek at her from under, he sits on the ground, cupping his cheeks trying to appear as harmless as possible. “what’s going on? It’s not like you to be like this.” He says, though he’s aware their knowledge of each other is not that deep, and not nearly as special as for him to be doing this…. seem like he’s someone closer to her than he really is. But he’s hoping he can change that, one step (mess up) at a time. “Don’t want to rain more in your parade, so I’ll… behave, I promise.” He says, meaning to stick to that till the very end of this conversation. Being someone nice doesn’t take that much for him if it’s for someone he has a strange curiosity for…. an indescriptible longing even that he can’t begin to explain or fathom. “Just can’t promise I won’t be honest with you, though. “
jacket over her shoulders and him sitting on the ground, looking up at her like this almost makes jieun forget about her resolve. she hates how he continues to send her mixed signals in a way that he gets under her skin. she narrows her eyes at the boy who tries so hard to look harmless and innocent, wanting him to know that his antics were definitely not appreciated. “you being honest with me would be a first,” she murmurs cryptically. with how back and forth his whole demeanor went all the time, jieun was always left to wonder which of his moods was the truth and which not.
regardless the urge to just share her pain with him is high. maybe it’s because she’s tired or maybe it’s because he is trying to be nice to her for once. maybe it’s also because he promised to behave himself this time. regardless what it was, she decides to open her mouth and tell him the truth.
“I... had a boyfriend earlier this year. right before I went on tour with the project origin members we broke up and I just... I miss him. it’s christmas and we had made so many nice plans for christmas and now I’m... sitting here with a plastic cup of hot chocolate by myself...,” the female murmurs sadly, making herself appear even tinier as she tries to hide in his jacket across her shoulders.
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
“alright,” ara says, not really wanting to disagree over something so small. that happened enough behind the scenes, and for a new-ish (second reiteration rotation group), she’d much rather not be the antagonist in front of the camera. if anything, she could put her competitive nature against jieun into the guessing game, because there could only be one winner. ara’s eyes exchange a look with the other girl, flickering from the box back to her eyes. what was on her mind? the tension was something that hopefully would not be picked up by the camera, because then they’d certainly get a talking to, no doubt about it.
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do you like me just as much as i like you? ara wonders where their lines got crossed so poorly, but sometimes people just don’t get along. not everyone was always to be two peas in a pd. her thought process halts at the host indicating that the object had been placed into the box. “okay, countdown? three, two, one!” and ara sticks her hand in simultaneously with jieun. “oh my god, is it slimy?!” 
for once she’s more focused on the task at hand than whatever fraud was between her and ara. in hindsight she should potentially be more mature and give ara another shot so they could sit down and talk out their differences. however with their current schedule, finding a calm moment to sit down was hard and so it was easier to just stay away and play it up for the cameras when needed. 
thankfully jieun was quiet no matter what so it wasn’t too hard to hide.
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extending her hand as ara counted down, jieun scrunched her nose in reluctance which resulted in ara being just a sliver of a second earlier than her. drawing her hand back as soon as the older female exclaimed the object to be slimy, she stared at her as if she’d grown a second head. “it is?” slowly extending her hand as well, she felt around carefully and scrunched her nose once more the moment she felt the rather weird and indeed slimy texture.
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