level-5-pacifist · 6 years
>Work in a brothel >Sell your body and charms as a dancer to earn money >Earn money for the person who owns you and possibly violates you for pleasure >Expect a situation like that not to be full of abuse and violence towards women
Wow it's like you can't read the situation whatsoever. Having Primrose in an environment like that and deal with it was a testament to her will power and resolve, and Yusufa's death was meant to show that beneath that hardened exterior that Primrose showed towards everyone else, she still valued those that did treat her kindly. 
It's like people nowadays don't understand that characters blossom when defined by tragedy. I'm not defending the abuse factor of course, but for the situation and who she was owned by, who was a literal fucking scumbag, you'd expect him to, I dunno, be the scumbag he is and abusive? There were hints as well that the life of a dancer in that town was not a good life either. If you took out all the abuse and tragedy for Primrose who is a character who is DEFINED by it at the start, then the impact is nowhere near as good. Perhaps SoL stuff is more your speed. 
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I’m enjoying Octopath for the most part but Yusufa’s death was Stupid and Unnecessary to the plot, esp amongst all the other violence-towards-women bullshit in Primrose’s backstory. Like it was frankly Too Much imo. also if helgenish can say whore let prim say fuck and bastard
so rewrite where Primrose can use one of the like dozen healing grapes/olive of lifes she has on her at this point to stabilize Yusufa and take her back to Sunshade.
Whereupon Yusufa is too injured to go with Prim on her revenge quest, but gets ownership of the tavern, learns to run it Properly and get all the asshole men in town in line, and Primrose has someone to come home to at the end of her story :)
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level-5-pacifist · 6 years
Why Celestia Lundenberg isn’t a well written character.
I’ve seen posts on here regarding the character of Celestia from Danganronpa, defending her and saying she’s a ‘deep and complex’ character. Personally, me, I think from an  aesthetic and design point, she’s very appealing, but that doesn’t mean character-wise she’s well made. A friend of mine came up with very compelling comments on why Celestia is poorly written in general and liked only for her  design and tropes. You can like Celestia as a character though, this isn’t me saying anyone who likes her is bad, since liking for aesthetics is just personal preference, just that she’s not the most ‘complex’ as people make her out to be:  1: She's really only liked, because she's cool. This is a reason, because it ends up hyping a fanbase, and justifying her shortcomings, with nothing but "my waifu has cool aesthetics!"  2: For a character who's supposed to be smart, her motiving was insanely stupid. Given, Celeste actually was pretty smart with trying to frame Hifumi, but with how she was playing everyone at the beginning, telling everyone they had to work together, she didn't question or look any further into  'Why does Monokuma want to let us go? And what's the catch?'
3: Celeste has no real character aside from being mysterious. Through out Makoto Naegi's inner dialogue/thoughts, he's unable to tell what's real about Celeste, and what's not, because her entire gimmick is to lie, and he can't tell what's a lie, and what's not. That doesn't make her complex, but actually makes her insanely shallow. 4: She's a one-trick pony, like most Danganronpa characters. She has no more than the ability to lie and gamble. After it's all said in done, she doesn't even go down as a memorable murder.
5: Her talent seems throw away. She doesn't really use it. It's not really brushed upon. It's just kind of like "Oh yeah, she's a gambler." 6: It's way too coincidental that her name is Yasuhiro. I actually hated this about the first trial, because I felt like it was stupid. She goes throughout the entire game being called Celeste, and as in a RANDOM PLOT TWIST, they change her name.It was forced as fuck. 7: Celeste isn't nearly as smart or manipulative as she thinks she is. Out of all of her plots, she chose Hifumi and Yasuhiro as her victims? Do you realize that she chose literally the two stupidest people in the entire cast? That heavily implies she could really only manipulate stupid people. And it worked against her, because everyone knew Hiro was too stupid for such a grandiose, well-thought out plan.
8: Celeste wasn't even a good liar. She CONSTANTLY had moments of her switching out of character. I know it was intentional in the trials, but it shouldn't have been throughout various breakfast events. It basically set her up to be a killer later, and it made her predictable.For someone with the title of "Queen of Liars" you'd think she'd, I dunno... be able to lie well??
9: Celeste had no real bonds with anyone in the cast, aside for Hifumi. Queen of Liars can't even make bonds... I didn't like canon Angie, but canon angie was able to build an entire army. Now THAT was impressive. Celeste, being the queen of liars, and being able to manipulate so well, should have been able to do that. But nope. She got wasted. 10: Out of all the things she was willing to die for, it was fucking money. Really? That's what drove her to the edge? MONEY? MONEY? Money is what killed her?! What really makes it dumb is, when you think about the circumstance of DR1, money means more than her actual life. Cuz the entire killing game implies SHE could be killed at any moment, and the thing that REALLY drives her is money? Like, you're telling me that CELESTE, THE QUEEN OF LIARSDOESN'T HAVE A SECRET SHE WANTS TO KEEP? You're telling me that CELESTE, THE QUEEN OF LIARS, OF SUCH A MYSTERIOUS BACKGROUND, DOESN'T HAVE SOMEONE SHE CARES ABOUT ON THE OUTSIDE WORLD??? These are my friends and I’s opinion’s on why Celestia is a poorly written character. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to like her, since it’s just our opinion on the subject. 
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level-5-pacifist · 7 years
Imagine being this retarded. 
On ‘Genderbending’
Lately I’ve been seeing people discuss why ‘genderbending’ isn’t transphobic, or why it’s something that’s fine and should be accepted. Most of the people who have been discussing this are cis, which is an issue right off the bat, so I’m going to preface this post by saying that if you are not trans, you do not have the right to determine what is or is not transphobic. Full. Stop. So if you’re cis, and your first instinct is to argue with me on this, I would like for you to consider why you believe that you can recognize transphobia better than someone who is routinely subject to it. That being said, let’s get into this. 
To start off, what is ‘genderbending?’ Most fansites will define it as the act of ‘switching’ a character’s gender, but there’s already an issue with this. ‘Genderbending’, or ‘rule 63’ as is called in some circles, it not just about switching a character’s gender, it is about changing that character’s body as well. I have yet to see a ‘genderbent’ version of a male character who lacked breasts and a dfab body. This the first and most obvious reason why ‘genderbending’ is inherently transphobic - it assumes that physical traits and gender are the same thing, and that you cannot be female without also being dfab. This is cissexism, and this is transphobic. The message that ‘genderbending’ says is that you must have breasts and a vagina to be female, and you must have a penis and a flat chest to be male. I should not have to explain why that message is transphobic.
However, the way ‘genderbends’ are carried out also has distinctly transphobic implications in how it switches out the physical traits of characters to make them ‘the opposite gender’ ( the notion of there being ‘opposite genders’ is some fresh bullshit that I’ll cover later in this post ). For example, by giving a male character breasts and curves when ‘genderbending’ him, the message is clear that this character was cis to begin with. ‘Genderbending’ inherently implies that all characters are cisgender by default, and erases any possibility of these characters being trans. This is not as overtly transphobic as the first point, but it is harmful to trans people within fandom spaces, as the assumption that all characters are cis until explicitly stated otherwise pushes us out of media and removes whatever representation we might try to make for ourselves. 
The third issue with ‘genderbending’ is that it is always cis male <—> cis female, and nothing else. I have never seen people ‘genderbend’ characters by making them nonbinary or intersex. I have never seen a genderbend of a female character which made her a trans male instead. ‘Genderbending’ implies that there are only two options when it comes to gender: cis male and cis female. There is no such thing as nonbinary people within this ideology. Intersex people are laughable at best. Agender people are little better than a distant myth. ‘Genderbending’ ignores that it is impossible to make a character ‘the opposite gender’, because there is no such thing as an ‘opposite gender’. Gender is a spectrum, not a binary, but you wouldn’t know that from the way fandom spaces treat it. 
Of course, there are some reasons for ‘genderbending’ cis male characters into cis females that will always get brought up in discussions on the politics of ‘genderbending.’ The most frequent is that cis girls, who only see themselves as one-dimensional characters in media, want to have characters like them who are just as multifaceted and developed as the male characters that we are given, so they make their male faves female to give themselves the representation they desire. This is a decent reason for ‘genderbending’, but it does not excuse the fact that the way in which ‘genderbending’ is done is inherently transphobic, and it gives fans yet another excuse to ignore female characters in favor of focusing on their male faves. 
Another reason for ‘genderbending’ that I’ve heard is ‘it’s for the sake of character exploration - like, what if this character had been born as male/female instead?’ This excuse is cissexist and transphobic from first blush. The idea behind it is that someone ‘born as female’, aka with breasts/vagina will automatically be a cis female, allowing fans to explore what that character’s life would have been like if they were female. Why not explore the possibility of a character being designated female at birth, but still identifying as male? Why do you need a character to be cis for you to find their personality and life interesting to explore? Why do you automatically reject the notion of your fave being trans? If you want to explore what it would have been like for your male fave to have struggled with sexism, consider them being a trans woman, or a closeted dfab trans person.
As a closing statement, I want to make one thing very clear. ‘Genderbending’ does harm trans people. It perpetuates dangerous cissexist notions and the idea of a gender binary being a valid construct, erases nonbinary and intersex people, and others trans people. These are what we call microaggressions - they are not as dangerous as outright harassment and assault, but they enforce and support a system and ideology in which we are other, and we are worthy of hate and violence because we do not fit in. 
‘Genderbending’ is a transphobic practice, and if you engage in it, you need to be aware of and acknowledge this.
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level-5-pacifist · 7 years
God, this is amazing 
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so my friend took a picture of our school and then I pasted a drawing I did of Kakine Teitoku on it  put on some filters and voilá !
I encourage people to try this at home. Please do it. 
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level-5-pacifist · 7 years
24 Rantarou Amami Icons
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please reblog if using!
all of these are made from official sprites, so theres a possibility of them containing spoilers so be warned!!
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level-5-pacifist · 7 years
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well, looks like it’s time to kick Seifer’s ass.
Happy 10th Birthday Kingdom Hearts 2!!! 12/22/2005 - 12/22/2015
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
FIRST ATTEMPT? Damn man, they’re fucking GORGEOUS. 
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first attempts at painting… OTL
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
Tumblr posts keep repeating?
I seriously hope I’m not the only one experiencing this. I’ve tried Chrome and firefox, and it still does this. Private/incognito/logged out too. The only way I can browse Tumblr tags is if I set it to Most Popular and ‘all types’.  No matter what tag I search, if I’m they aren’t on Most Popular and All Types, they just keep repeating eachtime I scroll down to see a new set of pictures. It’s damn annoying. Anyone know a fix for this? Or is Tumblr just shitting itself again? 
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
Further Postage Required
What happened? It’s fine. It looks good.
Work continues on animating and piecing scenes together. Max and Pik are doing a real bang up job on pushing these efforts forward! The team’s even been keeping in touch during connection blackouts so feedback and work can happen simultaneously no matter what.
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
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some guy: instinct just memes around uselessly, i hardly see any of their gyms
me: holds ur face gently listen to me you little shit
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
me: i wish my exam was cancelled man i'd blow up the gym if i could
komaeda: don't worry pal i gotchu
me: what
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
Izuocha 01: Symphony
Genre: Drabble/Fluff/Romance
Pairing: Midoriya x Uraraka
Rating: G
Drabble Prompt: “Come home with me.”
Word Count: 1164 words
Author’s Notes: This is for you anon! Also, feel free to send any more drabble prompts, guys! :)
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
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Scooby Nagare
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
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Absolutly random comic I accidentally did while working on a kamijirou comic idea I’ve had for weeks now ahahaha.
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level-5-pacifist · 8 years
I have no interest in being a villain, and I don’t think that I can become a good person. I’m at a halfway point where I’m not even sure which path I should walk down… but I guess even there, I can still interfere in someone’s life and help bring things to a positive conclusion…
Accelerator, To Aru Majutsu No Index (via somethinguniqueandcool)
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