An Introduction
TW: Abuse
Hello! It is altogether strange to me that you found this blog. I haven't even had any porn bots follow me yet. Essentially, the story is this: I was in an abusive relationship between January 2019 and February 2020. My ex was incredibly controlling and left me with significant trauma, but also at some point she told me I would never survive in a mosh pit. Weirdly, this stuck with me in a way that the worse things didn't, and I have made it my mission to get in a mosh pit. This blog will explore the ups and downs of life after abuse through the lens of my journey to that mosh pit. I also hope it will shed some light on the often under-discussed topic of abuse in queer relationships.
About me:
Name: Lettie Hatter (obviously not really)
Pronouns: She/they (I'm nonbinary!)
Age: 19
Autism: Yes
I am also white, just so you know the place of racial privilege I'm coming from
Likes: Gnomes, thrift shops, pasta, corduroy
Dislikes: Artichokes, stretch fabrics, jazz music, bananas that aren't green
Favorite bands/artists: The Mountain Goats, The Amazing Devil, Taylor Swift
Yes I realise none of those have mosh pits
Wish me luck
Until next time,
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CW: Mention of abuse and trauma
Had my first counselling session today!
It was really good! I did a classic "Previously on Lettie's trauma" and it was helpful to lay out everything that's bothering me right now. We didn't really get into the abuse, we agreed we'd get into that next time since we only had fifty minutes.
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