Terimakasih untuk semua rindu yang kau buat.
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comeback to me, please.
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Will Daddy love me again? Will Daddy spoils me again? Will Daddy stay? Will you, Daddy?
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he doesn't love me anymore
he doesn't love me
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no, he will not coming back
no, he will not
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There's nothing sadder than me who can't make you stay.
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“I am tired, I have colossal need of you.”
— Albert Camus, from a letter to María Casares written c. June 1944
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Matahari yang agung, tolong cerahkan harinya ketika ia ingin melakukan apapun atau mejejakkan langkah-langkah pasti keluar dari rumah.
Bulan, tolong kasih sinarmu paling terang padanya. Pada mata yang tak ingin ku jatuhkan airmata nantinya.
Hujan, diantara deras yang kau jatuhkan pada kaki-kaki bumi, kumohon hadirkan reda ketika ia dilanda gelisah lalu mematung. Sebab kadang ia lupa membawa payung.
Pagiku, tolong berikan ia kesempatan untuk memulai hal barunya. Agar uluran doaku sampai pada hal apapun hal yang membuatnya bahagia.
Siangku, tolong jangan beri ia terik selama mungkin. Sebab aku tak ingin ada lelah yang menerpa di aktivitasnya bahkan hembusan nafasnya yang ingin segera menunda pekerjaannya.
Soreku, tolong beri ia waktu untuk menikmati senjamu sebentar saja. Karena di sana aku tengah menitipkan megahnya jingga pada selasar langit yang merah saga.
Malamku, tolong upayakan segala yang ada padaku untuk tetap membuatnya tertawa. Karena aku yakin, sedihnya tak harus diperlihatkan, lelahnya tak lagi ia rasakan.
Hingga saat ia terlelap, aku tahu alas kita berbeda. Namun ucapan selamat tidur yang lirih dariku akan selalu tahu celah hatimu di sana.
Semoga tak pernah bosan menghadapi seseorang seperti Pengganggu yang ingin berada dalam candu diantara namamu.
Indra. R via Phosphenous.
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I love how you're just so amazing.
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N-no. . . The truth is I miss you, a lot, banget, buaaaaaanget.
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I miss your 3am "I love you, Yupi".
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There's only 4 days left before you go back leaving me. . . Ain't never ready for this.
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I Love losing myself inside of you. I am too smitten by your landscape to retrace my steps or ask for directions. I want to stay here for a while before reality sets in.
I love you, J.
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God. I love him so much. If only he could stay forever. :(
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You're my sunshine. My only sunshine. Please don't take my sunshine away. J.
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She is the kind of girl who loved to stretch out under the sheets, drinking champagne, and snuggles to her lover on rainy afternoons.
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[i want to be with you] i want to be with you when your head is full of eerie thoughts when your day is filled by tiresome meeting when your night is diluted by imaginative what ifs i want to be with you when your head is clouded by their judgements when your hardest work can't serve any achievements when your heart is trammeled by euphoria when your heart can't deal with hysteria i want to be with you in oberon triton andromeda titania proxima centauri and every aliens' goddamned galaxy i want you to be my sun my warmth my rain my hurricane i want to be with you because i'll love you at your bloom i'll stay at your gloom i'll soothe your anger i'll feed your hunger oh, how lucky i must be to have been chosen to see the naked thoughts the rippling dreams the biggest fears of someone as captivating and as heavenly as you.
—arsenatasya (phosphenous)
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