let-me-see-u · 3 years
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let-me-see-u · 3 years
me gustaria saber todo lo que te he hecho sentir, meterme en tu cabeza, porque se que te cuesta trabajo expresarlo. No encuentro las herramientas para sanarte, las palabras en las miles de conversaciones parecen no andar en tu corazón. Intento e intento entenderte y a estas alturas ya no se si estoy crónicamente equivocada o si neta no puedo dar más. lo único que me llena es amarte, a mi no me interesa nada más en la vida, es lo único que intento expresarte todos los días. has sanado mi corazón, mi mente, mis actos y mi forma de ser, de reaccionar.
A mi lo unico que me interesa es hacer lo mismo en ti, ayudarte a ser la mejor version de la que ya eres. para mi eso es el amor, alimentar nuestros espíritus mutuamente. y ahi es donde se que no he estado equivocada, yo te he amado con certeza, con todo lo que puedo dar desde que te conocí , estoy segura y tranquila de eso. todas mis palabras han sido verdad, todos mis actos de amor han sido por instinto desde que estoy contigo.
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let-me-see-u · 3 years
algo que no puedo nombrar, que no cede y se aferra a mi para siempre. ¿que es esto? ¿será una obsesión crónica? o será un instinto animal? brutal, incendiario. o es nuestro espiritu, lo intangible, lo que no entendemos y nunca olvidaremos aunque lo intentemos con todas nuestras fuerzas.
hay dias que te siento mas que otros, es imposible distraerse cuando hablas conmigo en tu mente. Todo lo que hago es pensando en ti, y tu alla planenando la boda del siglo. ¿que sientes? deseo con toda mi valentia enfrentarme a saber lo que sientes, lo que no le dices a nadie y lo que menos me dirías a mi. Lo que te escondes de la que nadie conoce. pienso en tu alma, y pienso en tu cuerpo. pienso en tus labios y pienso en tu pelo que me revuelve todo desde siempre. pienso en tu risa y tu olor intento recordarlo todos los dias, es algo patetico dada la situacion, pero odiaria olvidarte. es algo que nunca me voy a permitir. nunca olvidarte, siempre amarte. es una promesa que me hice desde que te conocí: te vi y es como si toda mi existencia hubiera cobrado sentido en ese preciso momento.
nada encajó cuando te conoci, pero tus atomos viven en mi, y mi todo solo cabe en el tuyo.
que me ames es lo de menos, este cuerpo organico se va a ir algun dia. pero nuestro espiritu es para siempre, por eso no te necesito, es ir en contra. estoy tan segura que eres mia que te esperaria en cualquier vida, el universo nunca se equivoca. cuando seamos perfectas y el tiempo lo sea, te veré, te sentiré y si se puede, te besaré. y todo tendra sentido, todo estara bien.
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let-me-see-u · 3 years
though some time have passed, a candle is still a candle. even when its fire burns out, the dripplets by its flame, gave me time to pray. i suppose you are finally, calming; those depths which dont expire. i suppose... youre finally happy with how you wanted to stay: your songs play on the highway, shit, i forgot, i was crying.
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
why would you need to prove it? im afraid theres one way to lose it tomorrow again wont matter today i got a memory that went through me how could i look away? i had to tell to a friend i dont know how to love i could dream years ago but now i die when i sleep everybodys at home, why dont you like me anymore? ill always hear 'thanks for sharing this with me' you hate what i do and told your friends about me too i wonder if youll come back again im too scared of you you saw me sitting in a crowed street i saw you caught me by surprise you couldve told me that im fucked up like you are you got your heart broken for hundreds of times and now you do it to me for a second time i said things i shouldnt have said and now you pretend like you didnt even care
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
disco maria
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
Tumblr media
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
I wish I could explain myself better in English, thanks for being such a patient human. I’m trying my best bc I words are so important to me
I’m trying to understand your complexity and that’s so inconvenient for me because you are nothing but complex. And complex is good, complex is special and as special as it is I just need to let it be.
Your existence is assertive when presented in front of me and missing you feels like bright white lights immediately after the concert ends.
When you send me a random pic it feels like when i come home from a long vacation and I’m finally back in my room with the perfect lighting I’m used to.
Ahhh you feel like taking a cold shower in the morning. You feel like electrifying mint and like waking up.
I’ve been living in my dreams for too long and you’re waking me up from the longest nap I took in a while.
Ahh i know, you feel like an empty subterranean parking lot. With a flickering light. It may feel SCARY at first, but it also makes you think of a music video. Or a movie kiss. And the flickering light feels like it is stuttering possibilities in silence.
And that’s the thing, I get your existence and I like you how I like forest trees,
How I like watching water flow in fountains and how I like the perfume of a stranger that’s gone.
I don’t know if I make sense, but I like you with the tenderness of an artist that lets it’s chisel decide what it wants to esculpt on the marble.
I don’t know if I make sense,
Art owns the artist, if not, it would be selfish. And oh god, I need the world to see you everywhere.
Im letting your blondes tease me and I’ll let it happen cuz I like having you around.
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
I’m kinda shocked that someone like Mer exists?!!! She’s so COOL and SMART and BEAUTIFUL and FUNNY and CARING ahhhhh I feel like a teenage girl. I’ll let it happen, I like having you around
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
Every part of your body is sacred to me
All your thoughts sound like a melody
Even tho my hearts been offbeat
I’ll meet you anywhere in the world
Cause we been talking for more that a month
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let-me-see-u · 4 years
Esq no puedo olvidarte
Y t veo en todas partes
Y m dices q me amas y luego m das la espalda
Mis segundos son benditos yo te rezo y lo repito
Soy muy terca a veces tonta tu saliva agua bendita tus pestañas me provocan y tu ropa me limita
El secreto de tu boca el silencio de tu ruido no te vayas yo me hinco que me encanta el masoquismo
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
Te quiero decir de muchas formas
Y te quiero es decir muchas cosas
Que no se si quiero decirte
Y no se si quieras acercarte
Más que la última vez
Abrazarnos sin tocarnos
Conocernos sin probarnos
Tocarnos y conocernos
Probarnos y abrazarnos
Probablemente casarnos
Porque siento que nos amamos
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
I miss you too much.
I know you truly dislike me now and I can’t bare the thought of you being indifferent to my existence... as if we didn’t collide souls every time we felt each others uncovered skin. As if you didn’t say I love you first.
I know you don’t miss anything about me and I also know that you don’t care about my pain, you’ve told me these things yourself. I know you’re thinkink about him, I can feel it on my skin. It’s hard for me to come to the realisation that i was that easy to forget... and you know it’s not about me being a bitch about your dating life. It’s about how fast your heart was to erase everything I build up in there. We constructed so much in a year. I am responsable for the wrongs I did. I am responsable for you disliking me. But isa... you are responsable too, you make me feel like i was a waste of your time– for a year–, you moved on so fast and so recklessly... maybe that’s how you’ve always been. You see, we know each other on a relationship, we don’t know each other off of one. I’m sorry for the parts you saw of me these past weeks and i would give my actual life to have never seen this part of you.
I don’t really hope you reply, I’m working on finding a healthy outlet for my feelings.
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
shes way better off without you shes way better off with out you shes way better off without you shes way better off without you i know i sold my soul i know i said those words i know youre over it now you dont care about me i know i had control i know you tamed my soul i lost it all when you started dating that boy i wish it was about him hes blurry youre the problem cause he could be anyone after a year with me dating so fast wasnt a problem. but its you i hate you too dont ever believe me you know i love you too im used to pick up my pieces forever for you its prtty short.
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
my brain is sick as hell i never got any help thats why i love you cant hate you i am a stupid bitch no ones really gonna care about your drama no ones gonna really care about your soul but if you hate yourself too theres only one way to rest your soul is it really true when they tell you "i love you"? disposable feelings are cheap and everybpodys poor cause it costs a life time to get over love. they dont really care how you woke up its often safe to stay alone its often girls like her the ones who throw our soul its often girls like her the ones who throw our soul
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
ive been crying for a week and you dont really care i dont know how to react i dont know how i will last i know i did much worse but you also broke my heart you couldnt shout them my name and make them realize im nost as bad as they think you know me better thant that she always had one more drink oh no she pushes me she looks at me and wants to leave but shes not brave enough to shout my name and make them realize im not as bad as they think you knew me better than that just couple weeks took you to realize you wanted a boy oh she needs him im just a sad bitch oh i know hes touching her skin it only took her couple weeks i know a did much worse but you broke my heart you couldnt shout them my name you couldnt shut their mouths oh no i thought she kept me safe i thought she kept me safe
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let-me-see-u · 5 years
Isa, two months after.
Now I see she was like a dream. I’m so self consumed, everything outside myself is always so blurry so I’m not really aware of everything, but at the same time, I am, so I don’t know how that could be.
Now that you’re gone I appreciate your music, the good one. This morning I was listening to the playlists you made me and I couldn’t help it but burst into tears. I am actually crying again as I write this. I’m so sorry for the way I offended you when I found out about the rumours about you and those boys.
You were good to me that year we were together, I think I was good too.
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